Fourth Grade Parent Orientation 2009-2010

First Grade Parent
Orientation 20132014
Welcome to a new school year
at Tibbals!
Basic Information
starts at 7:30
time is
7:45 – 8:35 by appointment
1st grade
Shawnta White
Susan Nalley
Stephanie Owens
Teri Kelly
Amanda Cooper
Cody Gibson
1st Grade Expectations: Math
By the end of 1st grade, your child will be able to:
compare and order whole numbers up to 99
create sets of tens and ones using concrete objects
describe values of coins and their relationships
read and write numbers to 99
separate a whole into parts and describe the parts of a set
describe the parts of a set of objects
model and write addition and subtraction sentences
learn and apply addition facts
find patterns such as odd and even
use place value to compare and order whole numbers
identify fact families for addition and subtraction
identify, describe, and extend patterns to solve problems
skip count by twos, fives, and tens
sort objects by attributes using informal language
identify shapes and solids
combine shapes to make a new shape
estimate and measure using nonstandard units
relate the unit to size of object
recognize reasonable temperatures
describe time on a clock (hours, half hours)
order events by length of time
collect and sort data
construct graphs (real, picture, and bar)
draw conclusions from graphs
identify events as certain or impossible
identify mathematics in everyday situations
use a problem-solving model, with guidance as needed
Performance Indicator Example:
Present a real-life or classroom situation such as:
•Mrs. May has 21 students in her class, and Mrs. Garza
has 17.
Use concrete models to represent each quantity.
Create a sketch of the model, and record the number
of each set in standard form and words. Write one
comparative statement using appropriate comparative
1st Grade Expectations: ELAR
By the end of 1st grade, your child will be
able to:
listen to gather information, solve problems, and enjoy and appreciate literature
present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, and plays
participate in group discussions
make announcements, give directions, and make introductions appropriately
READING. Students will:
recognize the conventions of print (e.g., understand that print moves left to right,
involves upper and lower case letters, and represents spoken language)
manipulate sounds in spoken works (phonemic awareness) and understand that letters
represent sounds (phonics)
read and comprehend first-grade-level txt fluently
use graphs, charts, signs, and captions to acquire information
find and connect ideas and themes in different books and other printed resources
draw conclusions from information gathered
self-select books and stories by drawing on personal interest, relying on knowledge of
authors or types of texts
WRITING. Students will:
write their own name and each letter of the alphabet
gain increasing control of penmanship and punctuation
compose questions, ideas, and stories
write for different purposes, such as composing lists, letters, stories, and poems
engage in the writing process by generating ideas before writing and developing and
polishing drafts
record or dictate questions for investigations
Performance Indicator Example
Record multiple notebook entries through writing,
drawing, or dictation that demonstrate connections
and thoughts about texts.
Student writes multiple entries through writing, drawing or
dictation that demonstrates connections and thoughts about
texts read during Independent Reading. No teacher
intervention is required.
Student writes multiple entries through writing, drawing or
dictation that demonstrates connections and thoughts about
texts read during Independent Reading; however, minor teacher
intervention may be required.
Student writes multiple entries through writing, drawing or
dictation; however, considerable teacher intervention may be
required. The entries may not demonstrate connections and
thoughts about texts read during Independent Reading.
Even with significant teacher assistance, the student cannot
write multiple entries through writing, drawing or dictation
that demonstrates connections and thoughts about texts read
during Independent Reading.
Student does not attempt the task.
Students should be reading
fluently at
35-40 words per minute at the
middle of the year
60 words per minute at the end
of the year
1st Grade Expectations: Science
By the end of 1st grade, your child will be able to:
demonstrate safe practices during classroom and field investigations
learn how to use and converse resources
ask questions about organisms, objects, and events
construct reasonable explanations using information
explain a problem in their own words and propose a solution
use tools, including hand lenses, clocks, computers, thermometers, and balances
identify, predict, and create patterns, including those in charts, graphs and numbers
know that systems have parts and are composed of organisms and objects
observe and describe the parts of plants and animals
manipulate objects so that the parts are separated from the whole, which may result
in the part or the whole not
measure change in size, mass, color, position, quantity, sound, and movement
observe and record weather changes from day to day and over seasons
observe stages in the life cycle of organisms in their natural environment
group and compare living organisms and non-living objects
identify characteristics of organisms that allow their basic needs to be met
compare the ways living organisms depend on each other
describe natural sources of water, including streams, lakes, and oceans
observe and describe differences in rocks and soil samples
identify how rocks, soil, and water are used and how they can be recycled
Create a graphic organizer, such as a T-Chart, Venn diagram, or comparison matrix, to
compare ways that young animals resemble their parents. Include information, such as
coloration patterns, limb structure, and behavioral traits.
Record and organize data using pictures, numbers, and words.
4 -Pictures and words are clear and to the point. One can tell from them what the
student is trying to convey without additional questioning.
3 -Pictures and words are generally clear and to the point; however, they may require
some oral explanation by the student to explain what movement is happening in the
picture and how it is happening.
2- Pictures and words are only minimally descriptive. Many questions come to mind.
There may be errors in what is depicted.
1 -There is little to no evidence that the student can record data in pictures and words.
One cannot interpret what is recorded, or what is recorded is off topic or incorrect.
0 -Student does not attempt the task.
1.10C Compare ways that young animals resemble their parents.
4 -Comparison is accurate and detailed for the occasion. All required components are
3 -Comparison is generally accurate; however, there may be minor errors or
information is more general than the higher score.
2 -Comparison is minimally accurate. There are likely several errors or at least one
major omission, such as one of the required elements of comparison.
1 -Comparison is too vague, skeletal, inaccurate, or confusing to be considered
minimally sufficient.
0 -Student does not attempt the task.
1st grade Expectations: Social Studies
By the end of 1st grade, your child will be able to:
identify contributions of people, such as Sam Houston and Thomas Edison
describe the origins of holidays, such as Veterans Day
identify anthems and mottoes of the state and nation.
distinguish among past, and present, and future
locate places using cardinal directions
create and use simple maps
locate community, state, and nation on maps and globes
describe physical and human characteristics of places
identify natural resources and how they are used
•identify examples of goods and services, ways people exchange them, and the role of markets in the
identify reasons for making economic choices
describe how specialized jobs contribute to production of goods and services
explain the need for and give examples of rules and laws
identify and describe the roles of leaders in the community, state, and nation
identify characteristics of good citizenship and identify historic figures and ordinary people who
exemplify good citizenship
explain patriotic symbols, such as the Liberty Bell
recite and explain the Pledge Allegiance and Pledge to the Texas Flag
describe ways that families meet basic human needs
retell stories from folktales and legends
describe how technology has changed how families live and how people work
sequence and categorize information
identify main ideas
express ideas orally and visually
use problem-solving and decision making process
Arrange photographs given by the teacher in chronological order to
create a timeline. Continue the sequence by adding a picture of an event
that might happen in the future. Label the events as occurring in the
past, present, or future.
4- Timeline is accurate in sequence and has accurate labels for past, present, and
future. No teacher prompting is required.
3-Timeline is accurate in sequence and has accurate labels; however, there may be
confusion as to where the labels (past, present and future) are placed or minor
teacher prompting is required.
2- Timeline may be incomplete lacking the future conclusion or may be generally
more confusing; however, overall, there is enough evidence that is accurate that you
can assess that the student knows past, present, future. Significant prompting is
1- Timeline has too many errors, mislabels and missing components to be minimally
0- Student does not attempt the task.
*Performance indicators will be
given at the end of each unit.
*AIMSweb will be conducted in
math and reading at beginning
of year, middle of year, and end
of year. Progress will be
monitored and documented.
*DRA and Fluency will be
assessed routinely to monitor
student progress.
Nut-Free Classrooms!
Almost all of our classrooms are nut-free in
1st grade due to many severe nut allergies!
This is why we will not allow cupcakes, etc
for birthdays.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Online! Online! Online!
All report cards will be online
this year! Each student will have
a report card done at 9 weeks.
Please check Skyward to view
your child’s grades!
Final Thoughts
• Questions?
Thanks for coming
tonight! We’re looking
forward to a great year.