IB Informed Fall 2015 - Corona-Norco Unified School District

IB Informed
Message from the Coordinator:
Welcome back for the 2015-2016 year. Once
again we are busy with all the challenges of
beginning a new year. Our students started
August 11th and are well on their way to
completing their first semester.
Each year we see changes in some of the
courses that are offered, teachers in both
programs, and, of course, the students either
entering or continuing in MYP or DP. This year
is no exception.
This year we have several new teachers in our
MYP program. New in language arts 9th grade
is Mrs. Candice Sandoval and in 10th grade Mrs.
Stephanie Owens. In 10th grade Individuals &
Societies we welcome Mrs. Nancy Robinson.
Ms. Jasmine Nault is not new to MYP, but she is
teaching a new 10th grade course AP European
History which gives our 10th graders a choice
between that and AP World History. Our 10th
grade science welcomes two chemistry
teachers, Mr. David Rivera and Mrs. Lindsay
Stotts. In Math we are fortunate to have Mrs.
Souphasith Bouasaysy teaching Integrated Math
1 Enhanced. Mr. Kory Jones has moved into
Integrated Math 2 Enhanced.
Our Diploma Program also has a change for this
year. Mrs. Sarah Noe has moved into teaching
Language and Literature HL2. She will have the
seniors this year and finish preparing them for
their exams.
Right now all of the seniors are meeting with
me during their lunches. They can also come in
before or after school. This meeting gives me
the opportunity to make sure all our seniors are
going to register for the correct exams and are
on the right track. Soon after the seniors have
all met with me, I will start meeting with the
juniors to determine what test(s) they need to
take this year and make sure they are on the
right path to succeed in the diploma program.
They will be followed by the 10th and then the
9th graders as they get ready to select their
courses for next year. Parents are always
welcome to come in as well.
This Year’s Exams
Please review the following information and
plan accordingly for registration from October
19—November 11
Registration Fee: $164.00 (no fee waiver
available for this cost now) Any junior taking a
test must pay this as well as any senior who will
be taking all six exams this year.
Exam Fees: $113.00 per exam (state fee
waivers for qualified students are available for
these exams).
Our Booster Club does plan to provide some
relief for exam costs. This will be announced
when the registration begins.
As always, our goal is to help defray the testing
expenses as much as possible. To that end,
please participate in the fundraisers when you
are able to do so.
We have a great many activities and tasks to
accomplish over the coming year. Please check
our Booster website and our IB page on the
school website on a regular basis in order to
stay informed. The articles to follow contain
some important information. If you have
specific questions or are experiencing some
problems, please do not hesitate to contact me
here at Centennial. There are an incredible
number of students to try and keep track of and
I can’t help if I don’t know there are problems.
Fall, 2015
Call, email, or come by my office in 115. I will
be happy to speak with you anytime.
Allegiance led by Assistant Principal, Reuben
Jones. Students were addressed by 2015 IB
Diploma recipient, Rudy Diaz who will be
attending UCLA this year. Rudy urged the
students to think creatively, and stay the
course. He shared with them how he feels
more than adequately ready to begin college.
He compared quitting IB to throwing away a
new bicycle because you go outside and
discover that the world is not all downhill.
Mary Anne Rasmussen—
Fall IB Learner Profile Characteristic:
Focus on “Principled”: The IB Learner Profile
characteristic for fall is “Principled.” We act
with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense
of fairness and justice, and with respect for the
dignity and rights of people everywhere. We
take responsibility for our actions and their
Dr. Ben Roberts, Centennial Principal, also
shared some remarks with our juniors, drawing
on his vast experience in education to urge the
students to finish with strength and integrity.
In drawing to a close he shared the words of
N.C. State’s winning Basketball Coach, Jim
Valvano, “Don’t give up. . . Don’t ever give up.”
Our juniors and seniors are literally months
away from the conclusion of their high school
years and a determined effort, some sacrifice,
and repeated encouragement from family,
friends, and teachers will see them through to a
successful conclusion of the IB Diploma
IB Junior Pinning Ceremony
With fall comes the pinning ceremony for our IB
juniors as they enter the full diploma program.
This year our program was moved indoors to
our Performing Arts Center to avoid the
excessive heat. This lovely facility only added to
the power of the ceremony. Thursday,
September 10, 2015 at 7:00, 62 juniors were
pinned into the program by 27 of our seniors.
The juniors were all pinned into the program by
current seniors. The symbolism of this
ceremony is that the juniors are committing to
making the effort to “go the distance” and
finish the diploma program with dedication and
enthusiasm putting forth their best effort.
Juniors receiving pins
Following the ceremony, the IB Boosters
provided a dessert for the students and their
JROTC from Santiago High School
The Santiago JROTC opened the ceremony with
a stirring presenting of the colors, the
Centennial Senior Madrigal Ensemble singing
the national anthem, and the Pledge of
Fall, 2015
Booster President’s Message
Noel Wamboldt
The IB Booster Club hopes that your school
year is off to a great start!
Upcoming Dates:
Teacher Appreciation Lunch: October 9
Thank you to all of the students that
participated in the Pinning Ceremony on
September 10th. The ceremony was very
motivating and we really enjoyed the reprieve
from the heat by holding it in the PAC this year.
Thank you Dr. Roberts and Mr. Jones for your
participation, help, and words of wisdom for
the students.
Stadium Clean Up: Friday, Oct. 2, 23, 29
Stadium Clean Up: Friday, Nov. 5
Booster club meeting: Tuesday Oct. 20, 6:30 in
the media center.
Centennial Fall Festival: Tuesday, October 27
5-8 p.m. Boosters and IBSA will have a booth
We have a fall festival coming up that we will be
participating in with IBSA. WE are looking for
donations of frozen mac ‘n’ cheese (like
Stouffers). Please bring it in by October 23. We
are also still collecting supplies for teachers.
Bring all donated items to Mrs. Rasmussen in
room 115.
MYP Information Night: Wednesday, October
21, 2015 in the PAC at 7:00 pm CFIS and Raney
District Overview IB Information Night:
Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 6:30 in the
Centennial PAC
All District MYP Information Night:
Wednesday, November 18, 7:00 p.m. in the
It’s not too late to get your IB membership
paperwork in! Please have your students drop it
off to room 115 or they can turn it into their
Language Arts teacher. Purchasing one of the
membership packages can provide discounts for
Bingo and/or the Junior/Senior Dinner at the
end of the year. Contact us at
centennialib@gmail.com if you have any
Community Service Campus Clean up:
Saturday, November 14, 8-12. 4 hours of
service available.
IB Reunion: December 17, 12:00 in the media
Center. Alumni and current IB students share
in cookies and cocoa.
We strive to provide our IB students and
families with the tools they need to make the IB
as successful as possible. Please feel free to
contact us with any concerns and/or
suggestions you may have to make the IB
program even better.
IBSA, or International Baccalaureate Student
Association is primarily a community
service oriented club that puts on some social
events for the IB community. We meet the first
Wednesday of the month in Room 115. Some of
our past event highlights include the Relay for
Life, packing Manna bags, and school
community clean ups. This year we're looking
forward to volunteering for the school cleanup,
Relay for Life, packing manna bags and other
Join us at our next meeting on October 20 in
the Library/Media Center at 6:30 p.m. We will
have a guest speaker discussing college
applications and admissions.
Noel Wamboldt
Fall, 2015
exciting events that increase student
understanding of the outside world and help
our community.
This year our first activity was to participate in
Club Rush. Club officers gathered at our tent
and banner and encouraged students to sign up
for the club. Although it was hot and humid
there were lots of students checking out the
clubs and signing up.
IB Student Association Officers 2015-2016
President: Everett Kim
Vice-president: Vaibhavi Shah
Secretary: Jody Cheng
Treasurer: Christine Pagotan
12th Grade Rep: Kirubel Girma
11th Grade Rep: Nicole Kim
10th Grade Rep: Evana Salem
9th Grade Rep: Chloe Kim
Mentoring Committee: Everett Kim, Kirubel
Girma, Christine Pagotan, Chloe Kim
Club Rush
8 Things I Wish I Knew as a High School Freshman
Katelyn Darrow
Katelyn graduated from high school last June and offers some reflections on her high school experience.
The first four are reprinted here and the last four will be in the next newsletter.
1.) Stay focused on learning and furthering your education, but remember that grades aren’t
everything. Don’t let your GPA or SAT scores determine your worth as a student. Try your best
in class, but let your mind wander outside the curriculum. Read books that your teacher didn’t
assign. Think outside the box.
2.) Don’t wait to pursue your passions and dreams. At this very moment, the world is turning and
people are living and you can’t “wait for life to happen” because it is already happening all
around you. You can start putting your ideas into action right now. I ran a nonprofit charity,
served on youth councils for international organizations, and worked on a radio show—all while
in high school. But I still remember being 14-years-old and feeling frustrated with the
immobility of my life. As a teenager, you’re constantly patronized and condescended by adults
who have little faith in you. Find mentors who encourage you and believe in you. Being young
and naive and full of wonder is such a beautiful thing: don’t allow others to tell you your
dreams aren’t valid.
3.) Do something that scares you. Go to football games, talk to new people, join the swim team,
and take advantage of all that high school has to offer. There are quite a few classmates who I
didn’t encounter until the very end of my senior year because we never had classes together.
Make an effort to talk to strangers and make conversation with someone outside of your usual
group of friends. Wonderful magical things can happen when you widen your horizons.
4.) Don’t belittle yourself by pretending to be dumb or ditsy. I promise you, stupidity isn’t cute.
Playing dumb won’t impress anyone. You’re better than that! This antiquated, anti-feminist
ideology that beauty and brains can’t co-exist is something that has been ingrained in our
culture Think of all the “dumb blondes” you see in movies and television; young women are
Fall, 2015
often times portrayed as shallow, vapid caricatures. Fight the stereotype and rise above it,
because you’re worth more than that. Being intelligent and articulate is way more attractive.
Remember that goals, aspiration, and ambition are true beauty.
The remaining four things to know about high school will be included in our next newsletter. This
article is reprinted from Huff Post: Moments not Milestones.
IB Graduates Head to College
The senior IB class of 2015 is headed to university. Each year our seniors are accepted at multiple
colleges and quite frequently struggle to decide which school they will attend. The 2015 class is no
exception. The list below shows where our seniors were accepted. The school highlighted in blue is
where they were planning to attend. Sometimes students change their minds or are accepted at a
school where they had been waitlisted.
2015 College Acceptances
IB Seniors
College of anticipated attendance listed in blue.
Ahmed, Raffay: UC Riverside
Aldavoud, Matin: Cal State University Fullerton
Waitlisted: UC Santa Cruz
Almeida, Erick: Cal State Fullerton, Cal State LA, Cal State Northridge, UC Riverside
Alvarado, Julianna: Fordham University, St. John’s University, New York University
Baljkas, Luka: UC Santa Cruz, Cal Poly Pomona, UC Riverside
Waitlisted: UC Irvine
Bhakta, Shrinav: UC Riverside, UC Davis, Cal State Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona, UC San Diego
Burke, Kristen: Millsaps College
Bwogi, Festo: San Diego State University, Cal State Fullerton
Waitlisted: UC Riverside, UCSC
Charry, Jonathan: UC Santa Barbara, UC Berkeley
Cheng, Jessica: UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Berkeley, University of Chicago
Das, Krishna: Irvine Valley College
Diaz, Rudy: UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, UCLA
Diestra, Michael: Cal State Fullerton, San Diego State University, Cal Poly Pomona
Waitlisted: UC Davis, UC San Diego
Dobaria, Vishal: UC Los Angeles
Waitlisted: University of Chicago
Espinoza, Adam: University of Gothenberg (Sweden), UC Irvine, University of Colorado: Colorado
Springs, Northern University, Norco Community College
Farooqui, Omair: UC Riverside, UC Irvine, UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, Cal State Long Beach
Waitlisted: UCLA, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Wesleyan University
Fall, 2015
Fong, Bryan: University of Southern CA, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, Claremont McKenna, Duke,
University of Chicago
Fulop, Savannah: Cal State San Bernardino, Cal State Channel Islands
Gaji, Camille: UC Riverside, San Diego State University, New York University
Waitlisted: UC San Diego
Gonzalez, Devina: UC Irvine, UC Riverside, Pepperdine, UC Southern California, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo,
Occidental, Smith College
Gosla, Nabeel: UC Riverside, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC San Diego
Guerra, Gage: UC Berkeley, Boston College, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, Dartmouth University
Waitlisted: Duke University, NYU Stern
Ibasan, Christopher: UCSB, UC Riverside, UC Irvine, UC San Diego
Waitlisted: UC Los Angeles, UC Berkeley
Inthisone, Jayvee: UC Riverside, UC Irvine, UC San Diego
Javier, Alyssa: UC Riverside, Cal State Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona, UC Santa Barbara
Jong, Jeremy: UC Riverside, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC San Diego, UCLA
Karmur, Akash: UC San Diego, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis, UC Riverside, USC,
UC Berkeley
Khalid, Muhammad: UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis, UC Davis, UC Riverside, San Diego State University, Cal
State Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona, UC Irvine
Waitlisted: UC San Diego
Khattak, Amanda: Seattle Pacific University, Azusa Pacific University
Kohli, Natasha: Cal Poly Pomona, UC Irvine, UC San Diego, UCLA
Waitlisted: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Ku, Colin: UC Riverside, USC, UC Irvine
Legg, David: UC San Diego, UC Irvine
Liou, Brandon:
Waitlisted: UC Riverside
Lorica, Ryan: UC Riverside, UC Irvine, UC San Diego, US Santa Barbara
Luy, Matthew: UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis, UC Riverside
Waitlisted: UC San DiegMasucci, Amber: UC Riverside, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Cal Poly
Mehta, Kripa: UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, UC San Diego, UCLA, Drexel University, Boston
University, Fordham University, Scripps College
Waitlisted: New York University, Barnard College
Mendoza, Jesse: UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, UC Riverside, Reed College, Fordham University,
Chapman University, La Sierra University, UC Irvine
Monfils, Samantha: The New School, Washington College, Whittier College, Hofstra University, Colorado
State University, Linfield College, University of La Verne, Manhattan College
Moreno, Christine: UC Riverside, UC Irvine, UC Davis, UC San Diego
Morrison, Kristin: Cal State Fullerton
Mumm, Ryanne: Northern Arizona University, Grand Canyon University, University of Mary Hardin
Baylor, Sterling College, Baylor University
Muresan, Sebastian: Boston College, Colgate University, UCLA
Nabor, Anthony: Loyola Marymount, UC San Diego, University of the Pacific, Azusa Pacific University,
Concordia University—Irvine, Biola University, UC Riverside, Pepperdine University
Naik, Vihar: UC Berekley, UC LA, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, UC Riverside, University of
Southern California
Fall, 2015
Nalvarte, Chealsie: UC Riverside, Southern California Institute of Architecture, Pratt Institute, Woodbury
University, Cal Poly Pomona
Navarro, Jacquelyne: La Sierra University
Nguyen, James: Cal Poly Pomona, UC Riverside
Nguyen, Jason: Cal Poly Pomona, UC Riverside
Ochoa, Mary: Concordia University, Cal State University Los Angeles, Cal State University Fullerton
Oh, Derrick: Cal Baptist University, UC Riverside
Waitlisted: UC Irvine
Orozco, Zara: San Diego State University, Cal State Fullerton, Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Dominguez
Patel, Avni: UC Riverside, Cal State Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona, U.C. Davis
Patel, Kosha: UC Irvine, UC San Diego, University of Southern California
Patel, Niral: UC Irvine, UC Riverside, UC San Diego
Waitlisted: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, University of Chicago
Patterson, Britny: Occidental College, University of Dallas, Seton Hall, Kenyon College Ohio
Pintea, Ray: Long Beach City College
Waitlisted: Cal Poly Pomona
Qiu, Austin: UC Berkely, UC San Diego, UCLA
Waitlisted: Dartmouth, U Penn, Vanderbilt, Northwestern
Ramirez, Alex: San Diego State, UC Riverside, Cal Stat Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona, UC Irvine
Rojas, Ulises: UC Riverside, UC Santa Cruz
Sanchez, Brianna: Art Institute of the Inland Empire
Sandoval, Omar: UC Riverside, Cal State Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona, Biola University
Sarian, Brittney: University of Redlands, Loyola University—Chicago, Cal State East Bay, San Francisco
State, San Jose State, Arizona State University
Sony, Riya: UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego
Waitlisted: UC San Diego, UC Davis
Sumioka, Maggie: UC Riverside, Boston University
Waitlisted: UCLA
Syed, Narjis: Loyola University Chicago
Ta, Timothy: Cal Baptist University, Arizona State University, Cal Lutheran, Cal State Fullerton
Thaker, Aesha: UC Riverside, UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, UC Irvine, UC San Diego
Waitlisted: UCLA, Boston University
Toledo, Jordan: UC Santa Barbara, Cal Poly Pomona, UC Riverside
Waitlisted: UC San Diego
Torres, Ares: UC Riverside, University San Diego
Waitlisted: UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz
Torres, Ashlynn: Berkeley, UCLA, UC Irvine, Yale
Tovalin, Anthony: UC Santa Cruz, Cal State LA, UC Riverside
Valez, Theresa: UC Riverside, UC Santa Cruz, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, University of Portland
Van Ryder, Brittany: Fordham University, Whittier College, UC San Diego
Waitlisted: University of Chicago
Varma, Shreya: Cal State Fullerton, UC Riverside
Velado Soto, Rodrigo: Riverside City College
Villescas, Amanda: San Diego State University, Hofstra University, UC Riverside
Wilson, Katrina: UC Berkley, New York University
Woodward, Toby: University of Oregon, UC Irvine, Hofstra University, Fordham University, UC Santa
Fall, 2015
Waitlisted: University of Chicago
Yazdani, Pedram: Norco community college
Yeh, Sonia: UC Irvine, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, Smith
Waitlisted: University of Chicago, UCLA
Course students:
Aguas, Noah: Cal State Fullerton, UC Irvine, Cal Baptist University
Choi, Brian: Fullerton College Junior
Le, Thuy an: UC Irvine, UC San Diego, UC Merced, Cal State Fullerton, UC Berkeley
Patel, Kishan: Nova Southeastern University—Seven-year Med Program
Sohail, Omer: Cal State Fullerton, Cal State San Bernardino, St. John’s University, UC Riverside
Waitlisted: Willamette
Torres, Natalie: The Art Institute
Senior IB Students—Class of 2015
Did you know????
Fall, 2015
University and College Recognition: Reasons
to Consider IB
Ivy League Acceptance Rate
The acceptance rate of IB students into Ivy League institutions is between 3% and 13% higher
compared to the total population acceptance rate.
A 2009 study looked at the standards for seven IB Programme courses and compared them to a set of
standards for college-readiness. Researchers found:
A high degree of alignment with college readiness standards in all subject areas
Many IB standards were more advanced than those required for success in entry-level college
IB standards address key cognitive strategies (critical thinking, intellectual inquisitiveness and
interpretation skills) that have been identified by college instructors as necessary for college
College GPAs
A 2010 study that looked at performance on IB exams and college GPAs of more than 1,500 IB
students enrolled in the University of California system found:
IB students earned higher GPAs and graduated at higher rates than matched comparison
Performance in the IB Programme was the strongest predictor of college GPA
Fall, 2015
The average acceptance rate of B students into university/college is 22% higher than the
average acceptance rate of the total population
Student Performance
In 2011, a study of IB students in Florida who attended the University of Florida looked at student
performance in first college classes in seven subjects. They found that the higher the students' scores
on IB subject exams were, the better the grade earned in the first college course in that subject.
Did you know? At the universities in the State University System, IB diploma recipients receive a
minimum of 30 credit hours and up to 45 credit hours of advanced credit. The vast majority of the top
colleges and universities have a policy for granting advanced credit for IB certificates and diploma