Biochemistry 2/e - Garrett & Grisham

Chapter 34

The Reception and Transmission of Extracellular Information to accompany

Biochemistry, 2/e by

Reginald Garrett and Charles Grisham

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Biochemistry 2/e - Garrett & Grisham


• 34.1 Hormones and Signal Transduction


• 34.2 Signal-Transducing Receptors

Transmit the Hormonal Message

• 34.3 Intracellular Second Messengers

• 34.4 GTP-Binding Proteins” The

Hormonal Missing Link

• 34.5 The 7-TMS receptor

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Biochemistry 2/e - Garrett & Grisham


• 34.6 Specific Phospholipases

• 34.7 Calcium as a Second Messenger

• 34.8 Protein Kinase C

• 34.9 The Single TMS-receptor

• 34.10 Protein Modules

• 34.11 Steroid Hormones

• SPECIAL FOCUS: Neurotransmission and Sensory Systems

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Classes of Hormones

(There may be others, but we doubt it...)

• Steroid Hormones - derived from cholesterolregulate metabolism, salt/water balances, inflammation, sexual function

• Amino Acid Derived Hormones - epinephrine, etc.- regulate smooth muscle , blood pressure, cardiac rate, lipolysis, glycogenolysis

• Peptide Hormones - regulate many processes in all tissues - including release of other hormones

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Signal-Transducing Receptors

Transmit Hormone Message

• Non-steroid hormones bind to plasma membrane and activate a signaltransduction pathway inside the cell

• Steroid hormones may either

– bind to the plasma membrane

– or

– enter the cell and travel to the nucleus

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Types of Receptors

Three that we know of...

• 7-transmembrane segment receptors

– extracellular site for hormone (ligand)

– intracellular site for GTP-binding protein

• Single-transmembrane segment receptors

– extracellular site for hormone (ligand)

– intracellular catalytic domain - either a tyrosine kinase or guanylyl cyclase

• Oligomeric ion channels

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Second Messengers

Many and there may be more!

• The hormone is the "first messenger"

• The second messenger - Ca 2+ , cAMP or other

- is released when the hormone binds to its

(extracellular) receptor

• The second messenger then activates (or inhibits) processes in the cytoplasm or nucleus

• Degradation and/or clearance of the second messenger is also (obviously) important

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cAMP and Glycogen


Earl Sutherland discovers the first second messenger

• In the early 1960s, Earl Sutherland showed that the stimulation of glycogen phosphorylase by epinephrine involved cyclic adenosine-3',5'monophosphate

• He called cAMP a "second messenger"

• cAMP is synthesized by adenylyl cyclase and degraded by phosphodiesterase

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How are the hormone receptor and AC coupled?

• Purified AC and purified receptor, when recombined, are not coupled.

• Rodbell showed that GTP is required for hormonal activation of AC

• In 1977, Elliott Ross and Alfred Gilman at Univ. of Virginia discovered a GTP-binding protein which restored hormone stimulation to AC

• Hormone stimulates receptor, which activates

GTP-binding protein, which activates AC

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G Proteins

Many new developments in this area

• Two kinds: "heterotrimeric G proteins" and "small G proteins"

• X-ray diffraction structures for several of these are only recently available

• Structures shed new light on possible functions

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Heterotrimeric G Proteins

A model for their activity

• Binding of hormone, etc., to receptor protein in the membrane triggers dissociation of GDP and binding of GTP to

-subunit of G protein

• G

-GTP complex dissociates from G

 migrates to effector sites, activating or and inhibiting

• But it is now clear that G

 signalling device also functions as a

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Signalling Roles for G(



A partial list

• Potassium channel proteins

• Phospholipase A


• Yeast mating protein kinase Ste20

• Adenylyl cyclase

• Phospholipase C

• Calcium channels

• Receptor kinases

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Stimulatory and Inhibitory G

G proteins may either stimulate or inhibit an effector.

• In the case of adenylyl cyclase, the stimulatory

G protein is known as G s protein is known as G i and the inhibitory G

• G i may act either by the G i

 subunit binding to

AC or by the G i

 complex complexing all the G i

 and preventing it from binding to AC

• Read about the actions of cholera toxin and pertussis toxin

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The ras Gene and p21


An oncogene and its product

• a gene first found in ra t s arcoma virus

• Normal cellular ras protein activates cellular processes when GTP is bound and is inactive when GTP has been hydrolyzed to GDP

• Mutant ( oncogenic ) forms of ras have severely impaired GTPase activity, so remain active for long periods, stimulating

• excessive growth and metabolic activity causing tumors to form

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7-TMS Receptors

Receptors that interact with G proteins

• Seven putative alpha-helical transmembrane segments

• Extracellular domain interacts with hormone

• Intracellular domain interacts with

G proteins

• Adrenergic receptors are typical

• Note desensitization by phosphorylation, either by

ARK or by protein kinase A

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Phospholipases Release

Second Messengers

• Inositol phospholipids yield IP

3 and DAG

• PLC  is activated by 7-TMS receptors and G proteins

• PLC  is activated by receptor tyrosine kinases (via phosphorylation)

• Note PI metabolic pathways and the role of lithium

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Other Lipids as Messengers

Recent findings - lots more to come

• More recently than for PI, other phospholipids have been found to produce second messengers!

• PC can produce C

20 s, DAG and/or PA

• Sphingomyelin and glycosphingolipids also produce signals

• Ceramide (from SM) is a trigger of apoptosis - programmed cell death

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as a Second Messenger

Several sources of Ca 2+ in cells!

• [Ca 2+ ] in cells is normally very low: < 1


• Calcium can enter cell from outside or from ER and calciosomes


- Calcium-Induced Calcium Release - is very, very similar to what happens at the foot structure in muscle cells!

• IP


(made by action of phospholipase C) is the trigger

• See Figures 34.17-34.19

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Calcium Oscillations!

M. Berridge's model of Ca 2+ signals

• Ca 2+ was once thought to merely rise in cells to signal and drop when the signal was over

• Berridge's work demonstrates that Ca 2+ levels oscillate in cells!

• The purpose may be to protect cell components that are sensitive to high calcium, or perhaps to create waves of

Ca 2+ in the cell

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-Binding Proteins

Mediators of Ca 2+ effects in cells

• Many cellular proteins modulate Ca 2+ effects

• 3 main types: protein kinase Cs , Ca 2+ modulated proteins and annexins

• Kretsinger characterized the structure of parvalbumin , prototype of Ca 2+ -modulated proteins

• "EF hand" proteins bind BAA helices

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Transduction of two second messenger signals

PKC is activated by DAG and Ca 2+

• Most PKC isozymes have several domains, including ATP-binding domain, substrate-binding domain, Ca-binding domain and a phorbol esterbinding domain

• Phorbol esters are apparent analogues of DAG

• Cellular phosphatases dephosphorylate target proteins

• Read about okadaic acid

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Single TMS Receptors

Three main classes

• Extracellular domain to interact with hormone

• Single transmembrane segment

• Intracellular domain with enzyme activity

• Activity is usually tyrosine kinase or guanylyl cyclase

• Each of these has a "nonreceptor" counterpart

• src gene kinase pp60 v-src was first known

• Two posttranslational modifications

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Receptor Tyrosine Kinases

Membrane-associated allosteric enzymes

• How do single-TMS receptors transmit the signal from outside to inside??

• Oligomeric association is the key!

• Extracellular ligand binding

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The Polypeptide Hormones

Common features of synthesis

• All secreted polypeptide hormones are synthesized with a signal sequence (which directs them to secretory granules, then out)

• Usually synthesized as inactive preprohormones ("pre-pro" implies at least two precessing steps)

• Proteolytic processing produces the prohormone and the hormone

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Proteolytic Processing

A mostly common pathway

• Proteolytic cleavage of the hydrophobic Nterminal signal peptide sequence

• Proteolytic cleavage at a site defined by pairs of basic amino acid residues

• Proteolytic cleavage at sites designated by single Arg residues

• Post-translational modification: C-terminal amidation , N-terminal acetylation , phosphorylation, glycosylation

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Gastrin as an Example

Heptadecapeptide secreted by the antral mucosa of stomach

• Gastrin stimulates acid secretion in stomach

• Product of preprogastrin - 101-104 residues

• Signal peptide cleavage leaves progastrin -

80-83 residues

• Cleavage at Lys and Arg (basic) residues and Cterminal amidation leaves gastrin

• N-terminal residue of gastrin is pyroglutamate

• C-terminal amidation involves destruction of Gly

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Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatases

The enzymes that dephosphorylate Tyr

• Some PTPases are integral membrane proteins

• But there are also lots of soluble PTPases

• Cytoplasmic PTPases have N-term. catalytic domains and C-terminal regulatory domains

• Membrane PTPases all have cytoplasmic catalytic domain, single transmembrane segment and an extracellular recognition site

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Guanylyl Cyclases

Soluble or Membrane-Bound

• Membrane-bound GCs are the other group of single-transmembrane-segment receptors (besides RTKs)

• Peptide hormones activate the membraneforms

• Note speract and resact, from mammalian ova

• Activation may involve oligomerization of receptors , as for RTKs

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Soluble Guanylyl Cyclases

Receptors for Nitric Oxide

• NO is a reactive, free-radical that acts either as a neurotransmitter or as a second messenger

• NO relaxes vascular smooth muscle (and is thus involved in stimulation of penile erection)

• NO also stimulates macrophages to kill tumor cells and bacteria

• NO binds to heme of GC, stimulating GC activity


• Read about NO synthesis and also see box on

Alfred Nobel

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Protein Modules in Signal


• Signal transduction in cell occurs via protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions based on protein modules

• Most signaling proteins consist of two or more modules

• This permits assembly of functional signaling complexes

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Localization of Signaling


• Adaptor proteins provide docking sites for signaling modules at the membrane

• Typical case: IRS-1 (Insulin Receptor


– N-terminal PH domain

– PTB domain

– 18 potential tyrosine phosphorylation sites

– PH and PTB direct IRS-1 to receptor tyrosine kinase - signaling events follow!

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Signaling Pathways from

Membrane to the Nucleus

• The complete path from membrane to nucleus is understood for a few cases

• See Figure 34.38

• Signaling pathways are redundant

• Signaling pathways converge and diverge

• This is possible with several signaling modules on a signaling protein

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Module Interactions Rule!

• The interplay of multiple modules on many signaling proteins permits a dazzling array of signaling interactions

• See Figure 34.40

• We can barely conceive of the probable extent of this complexity

• For example, it is estimated that there are more than 1000 protein kinases in the typical animal cell - all signals!

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Steroid Hormones

Glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, vitamin D and the sex hormones

• May either act at nucleus or at plasma membrane

• Steroids are hydrophobic and cannot diffuse freely to nucleus

• Receptor proteins carry steroids to the nucleus

• Steroid receptor proteins are all apparently members of a gene superfamily and have evolved from a common ancestral precursor

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Steroid Receptor Proteins

• Hydrophobic domain near C-terminus that interacts with steroid itself

• Central, hydrophilic domain that binds to DNA

• Central DNA-binding domains are homologous to one another, with 9 conserved Cys residues

• Three pairs of Cys residues are in Cys-X-X-Cys sequences - as in Zinc-finger domains

• Steroid-receptor complex may bind to DNA or to transcription factors

• Thyroid hormone receptor proteins are similar

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Extracellular Effects

of steroid hormones

• Two lines of evidence: action of steroids on calcium channels and other membrane proteins and the speed of certain steroid hormone effects

• Example: testosterone rapidly stimulates transport of glucose, calcium and amino acids into rat kidney cells

• Several demonstrations now of tight binding of steroid probes to GABA receptor and other proteins

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Cells of Nervous Systems

Neurons and Neuroglia (Glial Cells)

• Neurons contain processes , including an axon and dendrites

• Axon is covered with myelin sheath and cellular sheath , except at nodes of Ranvier

• The axon ends in synaptic termini , aka synaptic knobs or synaptic bulbs

• Three kinds of neurons: sensory neurons , motor neurons and i nterneurons

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Ion Gradients

The source of electrical potentials in neurons

• Nerve impulses consist of electrical signals that are transient changes in the electrical potential differences (voltages) across neuron membrane

• Know resting concentrations

• Learn to use the equation for actual potential difference in the box on page S-43

• Difference between

Nernst potential and actual potential represents a thermodynamic push

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The Action Potential

A somewhat misleading name - it refers to the series of changes in potential that constitute a nerve impulse

• Small depolarization (from -60 to -40 mV) opens voltage-gated ion channels - Na flows in

• Potential rises to +30 mV, Na channels close, K channels open. K streams out, lowering potential

• Action potentials flow along the axon to the synapse

• Number and frequency important, not intensity

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Voltage-Gated Na, K


Clustered in Nodes of Ranvier

• See Figure 34.52 for Na, K channel effectors

• Arrangement of Na channel in membrane is like

DHP receptor in muscle

• See Figure 34.55 for diagram of how the channel is formed in membrane

• These channels are voltage-sensitive - voltage changes cause conformational changes and gating

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Communication at the


A crucial feature of neurotransmission

• Ratio of synapses to neurons in human forebrain is 40,000 to 1 !

• Chemical synapses are different from electrical

• Neurotransmitters facilitate cell-cell communication at the synapse

• Note families of neurotransmitters in Table


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The Cholinergic Synapse

A model for many others

• Synaptic vesicles in synaptic knobs contain acetylcholine (10,000 molecules per vesicle)

• Arriving action potential depolarizes membrane, opening Ca channels and causing vesicles to fuse with plasma membrane

• Acetylcholine spills into cleft, migrates to adjacent cells and binds to receptors

• Toxin effects: botulism toxin inhibits Ac-choline release, black widow's latrotoxin protein overstimulates

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Two Classes of Ac-Ch Receptor

Nicotinic and muscarinic

• As always, toxic agents have helped to identify and purify hard-to-find biomolecules

• Nicotinic Ac-Ch receptors are voltage-gated ion channels

• Muscarinic Ac-Ch receptors are transmembrane proteins that interact with G proteins

• Acetylcholinesterase degrades Ac-Ch in cleft

• Transport proteins and V-type H + -ATPases return Ac-Ch to vesicles - called reuptake

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Other Neurotransmitters

Excitatory and inhibitory

• Glutamate is good example: nerve impulse triggers Ca-dependent exocytosis of glutamate

• Glutamate is either returned to neuron, or carried into glial cells, converted to Gln and taken back to the neuron from which it was released

• See 4 types of glutamate receptors in Fig. 34.68

• NMDA receptor is best understood for now

• Note phencyclidine (angel dust) story

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GABA and Glycine

Inhibitory Neurotransmitters

• Inhibitory neurotransmitters diminish the actions of activating neurotransmitters

• See Figure 34.70 for glutamate degradation

• Excitatory glutamate is broken down to inhibitory

GABA, which is broken down to non-signals

• GABA & glycine receptors are chloride channels

• Glycine receptor is site of action of strychnine

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• Epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine and

L-dopa are all neurotransmitters

• Synthesized from tyrosine - see Fig. 34.72

• Excessive production of dopamine (DA) or hypersensitivity of DA receptors produces psychotic symptoms and schizophrenia

• Lowered production and/or loss of DA neurons are factors in Parkinsonism

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Neurological Disorders

Depression, Parkinsonism, etc.

• Defects in catecholamine processing are responsible for many neurological disorders

• Norepinephrine and dopamine systems are keys

• Breakdown of NE and DA by catechol-O-methyl transferase and monoamine oxidase

• Reuptake by specific transport proteins

• MAO inhibitors are antidepressants

• Tricyclics - antidepressants that block reuptake

• Cocaine blocks reuptake, prolongs effects of DA

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Peptide Neurotransmitters

Lots more to learn here!

• Likely to be many peptide NTs

• Concentrations are low; purification is hard

• Roles are complex

• Endorphins and enkephalins are natural opioids

• Endothelins affect smooth muscle contraction, vasoconstriction, mitogenesis, tissue changes

• Vasoactive intestinal peptide stimulates AC (to make cAMP) via G proteins, and its effects are synergistic with those of other neurotransmitters

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Sensory Transduction

• Similarities between sight, taste, smell

• Specialized sensory cells translate stimulus into electrical signals in adjacent neurons

• Vision is the paradigm system

• Absorption of light quanta by rhodopsin isomerizes retinal (11-cis to all-trans)

• Light is absorbed by rhodopsin in the outer segments of rod and cone cells

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