
Chapter 11
Chapter Contents
Recursive Definitions
Base and General Cases of Recursion
What is a Recursive Algorithm
Recursive Functions
Using Recursive Functions
Recursive Definitions
The process of solving a problem by reducing it
to smaller versions of itself is called recursion.
Consider the concept of factorials
0! = 1
1! = 1
2! = 1 * 2
3! = 1 * 2 * 3
n! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * … * (n – 1) * n
Recursive Algorithm
The factorial of a number could be defined
 1 if n  1
n!  
n *(n  1)! if n > 1
Base Case
General Case
Base and General Cases of Recursion
1. Every recursive definition must have one
(or more) base cases.
2. The general case must eventually reduce
to a base case.
3. The base case stops the recursion
Base Case
 1 if n  1
n!  
n *(n  1)! if n > 1
General Case
Recursive Functions
This would be the recursive function for the
recursive factorial algorithm
int fact (int num)
if (num == 0)
return 1;
return num * fact (num – 1);
Recursive Functions
Execution of
a call to the
factorial function
cout << fact(4);
Recursive Functions
Think of a recursive function as having infinitely
many copies of itself.
Every call to a recursive function has
its own code and
its own set of parameters and
its own local variables.
After completing a particular recursive call,
Control goes back to the calling environment
That is, the previous call.
Recursive Functions
The current (recursive) call must execute
completely before the control goes back to the
previous call.
The execution in the previous call begins from
the point immediately following the recursive
A recursive function in which the last statement
executed is the recursive call is called a tail
recursive function.
The function fact is an example of a tail recursive
Using Recursive Functions
Consider the task of finding the largest element
of an array
To find the largest element in
First find the largest element in
Then compare this largest element with list[a].
Note the source code
Using Recursive Functions
Execution of
the recursive
Using Recursive Functions
Example of Fibonacci number
a denotes the first Fibonacci number
b is the second Fibonacci number
n is the nth Fibonacci number:
if n = 1
fib(a, b, n)  b
if n = 2
 fib(a, b, n  1)  fib(a, b, n  2) if n > 2
Using Recursive Functions
Note diagram of
function call
Very inefficient
Recursion or Iteration?
Iterative control structures use a looping
structure to repeat a set of statements.
There are usually two ways to solve a
particular problem
iteration and
Which method
is better?
The obvious question …
or do...while,
Recursion or Iteration?
Another key factor in determining the best
solution method is efficiency.
Recall that whenever a function is called,
Memory space for its formal parameters and local
variables is allocated.
When the function terminates, that memory space is
then deallocated.
We also know that every (recursive) call has its
own set of parameters and (automatic) local
Recursion or Iteration?
Overhead involved with recursion
Today’s computers
Memory space
Time of execution
inexpensive memory
Therefore, the execution of a recursion function
is not noticeable.
Recursion or Iteration?
Rule of thumb:
If an iterative solution is
Fibonacci numbers
more obvious
easier to understand than a recursive solution
Use the iterative solution, which would be more
When the recursive solution is more obvious or
easier to construct … use recursion
Tower of Hanoi