Urinalysis - 30S Biology @ V.C.I

By: Adelle & Heidi
(UOIT Clinical Biochemistry)
 Urinalysis
is the examination of a urine
(Papaya Tablets, 2013)
(The Free Dictionary, 2013)
 1.
Obtain simplified knowledge about routine urine
 2. Perform simple chemical analyses on the provided
urine sample.
 3. Interpret results and comment on the case.
(BCM 101 Biochemistry, 2013)
 Physical
 Chemical
 Microscopic
(PHPKB , 2005)
(BCM 101 Biochemistry, 2013)
 Physical
examination of urine includes
observation of the color, odor, turbidity, and
determination of pH and specific gravity.
(Bio Fort, 2012)
(BCM 101 Biochemistry, 2013)
 Different
chemical tests are performed to
detect glucose, ketone bodies, protein,
bilirubin and nitrite.
(Buzzle, 2000)
(BCM 101 Biochemistry, 2013)
 Red
Blood Cells
 White Blood cells
 Crystals
 Casts
(Tumblr, 2013)
(BCM 101 Biochemistry, 2013)
 Clean
 Midstream
 Clearly labeled
(Urine The Clear, 2012)
(BCM 101 Biochemistry, 2013)
(Series, 2008)
(BCM 101 Biochemistry, 2013)
 Using
the provided urine sample, perform the
following tests to detect glucose, proteins,
ketone bodies and bilirubin.
(BCM 101 Biochemistry, 2013)
The Free Dictionary. (2013). Retrieved May 1, 2013, from www.medicaldictionary.thefreedictionary.com: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/urinalysis
Series, L. R. (2008, September 15). Nursing Crib. Retrieved May 1, 2013, from Routine Urinalysis
Normal Laboratory Study Values: http://nursingcrib.com/nursing-notes-reviewer/routineurinalysis-normal-laboratory-study-values/
UOIT Clinical Biochemistry. (n.d.). Retrieved May 1, 2013, from Urinalysis:
Sea Sprays- It's a Wonderful Life. (2007, June 10). Retrieved May 1, 2013, from www.seasprayitsawonderfullife.blogspot.ca:
BCM 101 Biochemistry. (2013). Retrieved May 2, 2013, from www.pua.edu.eg:
Bio Fort. (2012). Retrieved May 6, 2013, from biofort.wordpress.com:
Buzzle. (2000). Retrieved May 6, 2013, from www.buzzle.com:
PHPKB . (2005). Retrieved May 6, 2013, from www.knowledgebase-script.com:
Tumblr. (2013). Retrieved May 6, 2013, from haematologytidbits.tumblr.com:
Urine The Clear. (2012). Retrieved May 6, 2013, from www.urinetheclear.com:
(Sea Sprays- It's a Wonderful Life, 2007)