• Animals Used to Help Humans *Service Animals/Animal Therapy* • Animals that Serve & Protect • Animal Shelters, Rescues, & Companion Animals • Organizations/Celebrities that Protect Animals You will choose ONE for a research skills project & complete an approval form in February! ANIMAL ISSUES: TOPIC 5 ANIMALS THAT HELP HUMANS *Service Animals/ Animal-Assisted Therapy* “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” -- Anatole France STARTER – Answer these Qs in your notebook. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is the difference between a service animal and a therapy animal? How many kinds of service and therapy animals can you list? What types of people do you think they help? What tasks do you believe they are trained to perform? Estimate how much you think it costs for a person who needs such an animal. Background Information The Difference between: Service, Therapy, Companion and "Social/therapy" Animals Service Animals are legally defined (Americans With Disabilities Act, 1990) and are trained to meet the disability-related needs of their handlers who have disabilities. Federal laws protect the rights of individuals with disabilities to be accompanied by their service animals in public places. Service animals are not considered 'pets'. Therapy Animals are not legally defined by federal law, but some states have laws defining therapy animals. They provide people with contact to animals, but are not limited to working with people who have disabilities. They are usually the personal pets of their handlers, and work with their handlers to provide services to others. Federal laws have no provisions for people to be accompanied by therapy animals in places of public accommodation that have "no pets" policies. Therapy animals usually are not service animals. A Companion Animal is not legally defined, but is accepted as another term for pet. 'Social/therapy' Animals have no legal definition. They often are animals that did not complete service animal or service dog training due to health, disposition, trainability, or other factors, and are made available as pets for people who have disabilities. These animals might or might not meet the definition of service animals. SOURCE: http://www.petpartners.org/page.aspx?pid=303 Types of Service/Therapy Animals Dogs *Most popular Horses & Miniature Horses Capuchin Monkeys Goats Cats Ferrets Birds & Ducks Iguanas Dolphins Reasons Why People Require Service & Therapy Animals Physical Handicaps, Wheelchair-Bound Individuals, & those with Degenerative Diseases, such as Muscular Dystrophy, Spina Bifida, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS or Parkinson’s Disease Psychological Disorders, such as PTSD or Bipolar Disorder Visual or Hearing Impairments Other diseases, such as diabetes, epilepsy & seizure disorders Autism Spinal Cord & Brain Injuries Other Uses: prisons, religious ministries, grief & loss, schools, and more! Tasks Performed by Service Animals Service Animals & Animal Therapy Information NPR segments – Read script & listen to radio news segments for facts, stats, and interview! http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2012/03/09/146583986/pet-therapy-howanimals-and-humans-heal-each-other http://www.npr.org/2012/03/06/148053980/pets-and-owners-form-a-mutuallybeneficial-bond http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=19148435 http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=126162874 Animal Planet – FAQs about Animal Assisted-Therapy http://www.animalplanet.com/helping-pets/roar/pettherapy.htm The Truth About Animal-Assisted Therapy http://psychcentral.com/lib/the-truth-about-animal-assisted-therapy/00010295 Therapy Animals – Animal Humane Society Website http://www.animalhumanesociety.org/training/therapy-animals Why Use Horses for Therapy? http://www.equine-psychotherapy.com/why-horses.html Photos of Animals Assisting in Therapy Service Animals & Animal Therapy Videos Definition of a Service Animal http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhczql_what-a-service-animal-is_animals Info about Service Dogs http://www.servicedogcentral.org/content/node/127 How Service Animals Aid the Disabled http://videos.disabled-world.com/category/service-animals Noble Paws – Service Animals video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1030005/noble_paws_the_importance_of_service_animals/ How Service Dogs Assist Vets with PTSD - CNN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyKld0UXjcY Canine Companions Assist Vets http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OP7duJV9gs Humans, Horses, & Autism – 1st video - report by CBS; 2nd about Colton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN4jrA3pYdk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHzEfMdRE30 More Service & Therapy Animal Videos Service Goat Saves Woman from Seizures http://abcnews.go.com/Health/video/service-goat-saves-woman-seizures-19251977 Short online post about unconventional service animals, including a GOAT, Isaac http://blog.seattlepi.com/deltasociety/2009/03/24/a-service-goat-service-bird/ Tonka’s Job - Service Animal Mini Horse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR9tmRNUBDo Service Dog Assists Vet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6WfDX8KPFU Miniature Horse trained to help boy with rare disease https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kke3zwD4yWw Dogs trained to Detect Illnesses/Diseases CANCER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6E3EBAVL1g Training https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZA9R0uSGWc Can Animals Predict Death? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahl7YdJjFZ4 Dog Smells Blood Pressure Drop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmum7a2ln-E Service Animals & Animal Therapy – Websites What is a service dog? http://www.petside.com/article/what-service-dog Paws With a Cause – Trains Service Animals http://www.pawswithacause.org/ Service & Therapy Dogs for Vets/Orgs Paws and Stripes http://www.pawsandstripes.org/ Alpha K9 http://alphak9.org/ Canine Angels http://www.canine-angels.net/ Patriot Paws http://patriotpaws.org/ Vets Adopt Pets http://vetsadoptpets.org/vetservicedogs.html ORGANIZATIONS Service Animals Pet Partners http://www.petpartners.org/page.aspx?pid=486 4 Paws for Ability http://4pawsforability.org/ Canine Assistants http://www.canineassistants.org/ Service Animals National Resource Directory https://www.nrd.gov/other_services_and_resources/service_animals Service Dog Training (by state) http://dogcapes.com/trainers.html BOTH Puppies Behind Bars (inmates training dogs for various purposes) http://www.puppiesbehindbars.com/home Therapy Animals Therapy Dogs International http://www.tdi-dog.org/Default.aspx Therapy Dogs Inc. http://www.therapydogs.com/ National Therapy Dog Organizations (list) http://www.therapydogsinfo.com/national-therapy-dog-organizations.html List of AKC approved Therapy Dog Orgs https://www.akc.org/akctherapydog/organizations.cfm Certified Therapy Horse Association http://www.equine-psychotherapy.com/why-horses.html Articles – Various Related Topics Animal Human Bond and Good Health http://www.petpartners.org/document.doc?id=433 Mental Conditions Therapy Animals http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB1000142405270230366140457 9178062331185506 Dogs Trained to Detect Diseases & Illnesses http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26408446/from/ET/ Amazing Dogs Smell Human Seizures & Impending Deaths https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coGFyCUlV_o Other Service Animal Info. Various Articles from the LA Times http://articles.latimes.com/keyword/service-animals Various Article from the Chicago Times http://articles.chicagotribune.com/keyword/service-dog Service Animals Help More than the Blind http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2012/jul/29/an-unusual-partnership/ Therapy Dogs International http://www.tdi-dog.org/Default.aspx Assistance Dogs International http://www.assistancedogsinternational.org/about-us/types-of-assistancedogs/service-dog/ Service Dogs National Resource Directory https://www.nrd.gov/other_services_and_resources/service_animals Fake Service Dogs a Growing Problem in US http://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/fake-servicedogs-growing-problem-f8C11366537 Service Animals & Animal Therapy Articles Military Service Dogs Also Suffer with PTSD http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/02/us/more-military-dogs-show-signs-of-combatstress.html?ref=todayspaper&pagewanted=all&_r=0 NY Times article: “Creature Comforts” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/04/magazine/04Creatures-t.html?pagewanted=all Article about Service Animals from LA Times http://articles.latimes.com/2008/may/05/nation/na-subway5 Service Dogs for Bipolar Disorder http://bipolar.about.com/od/disability/a/servicedogs.htm College Students Train Service Dogs in Lab http://www.sacbee.com/2013/01/07/5096401/students-make-university-of-kentucky.html Info. on Dogs that Assist People with Seizure Disorders http://www.petpartners.org/document.doc?id=227 Various Articles about Service Animals http://www.disabled-world.com/disability/serviceanimals/ Animal-Assisted Therapy Info. http://www.petfinder.com/animal-shelters-and-rescues/volunteering-with-dogs/animal-assistedtherapy-dogs Service Animals & Animal Therapy – More Articles Service Dogs for Children with Disabilities http://www.petpartners.org/document.doc?id=226 Service Dogs for Autistic Children http://www.childmind.org/en/posts/articles/service-dogs-love-protect-and-connect-autistic-kid Horses Soothe Children with Autism http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=horses-soothe-kids-with-autism Healing Autism with Horses – from NY Times http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/04/14/healing-autism-with-horses/ Prisoners working with foster dogs http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Inmates-rehabilitate-problem-pooches-3751769.php More inmates working with dogs – includes a video http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Inmates-dogs-learning-together-1335711.php#media5028 Can Canines Sniff out Seizures? Article from US News & World Report http://www.usnews.com/science/articles/2009/11/27/canine-noses-may-sniff-out-seizures Animal Therapy comes in all Forms http://health.usnews.com/health-news/managing-yourhealthcare/treatment/articles/2011/12/27/the-new-face-of-pet-therapy Additional Articles in HS subscribed databases LIST OF ARTICLES ON ANIMAL THERAPY FOUND IN OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS: DOGS LEND COMFORT AT SCENE OF DEVASTATION INMATES ARE GOING TO THE DOGS - AND LOVING IT ANIMALS CAN ASSIST IN PSYCHOTHERAPY EASING THE WAY IN THERAPY WITH THE AID OF AN ANIMAL LIST OF ARTICLES ON ANIMAL THERAPY FOUND IN STUDENT RESOURCE CENTER: ANIMAL INFLUENCE: FROM TRAINED THERAPY DOGS TO COMMON HOUSE PETS, ANIMALS CAN HELP US IN MANY WAYS AMERICAN HUMANE ASSOCIATION CALLS ON VETERANS ADMINISTRATION TO SUPPORT SERVICE DOGS... THE NEW RESCUE DOGS IN HOSPITALS... Cost of a Service Animal According to Pet Partners.org, Trainer and acquisition fees may range from no cost to thousands of dollars. Each service animal trainer or training program sets their own fees. Some people choose to look for sponsorship for their service animal from local organizations such as businesses, churches, and civic groups. By helping sponsor a service animal, local organizations give back to their community, much like sponsoring a youth sports team. The Assistance Dog United Campaign (ADUC) raises funds in support of the assistance dog community How You Can Help Become educated about these animals and how they assist human beings to better understand their relationships. Do not “interrupt” a handler and service or therapy animal when the animal is “working”. Always ask permission before approaching these animals. Donate to the organizations the train and provide these animals to people who need them. Volunteer as a trainer that works with the animals or with any of the populations of people described within this topic. You can make a difference in their lives. Choose a career that is somehow related to this field so you can assist those who benefit from these animals or the animals that provide these services. ANIMAL ISSUES: TOPIC 6 ANIMALS THAT PROTECT & SERVE Police Dogs • Bomb Sniffing Dogs • Drug Sniffing Dogs • Search & Rescue Dogs • Homeland Security Dogs • Hunter <3 Officer Andrew Silcox & Hunter RIP Rocco Jan. 30, 2014 *Local Hero* Websites, Articles, & Videos Dogs with Jobs – General Information photos - http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/photos/dogs-with-jobs/ thinkquest - http://library.thinkquest.org/04oct/00634/ video - http://www.knowledge.ca/program/dogs-with-jobs AOL kids - http://kids.aol.com/2012/05/21/dogs-with-jobs/ movie - http://www.cineflixproductions.com/shows/19-Dogs-with-Jobs Understanding a Dog's Keen Sense of Smell http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/understanding-a-dogs-sense-of-smell.html Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99_RJk0p9Ag Article “Does the Nose Know?” 60 Minutes http://www.cbsnews.com/news/does-the-nose-know/ More Websites, Articles, & Videos Training for Working Dogs http://worldwidecanine.com/ Bomb Sniffing Dogs http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/report-casts-doubt-effectiveness-bomb-sniffing-dogs/story?id=18376823 http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2010/01/06/last-bag-msp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4IF-0M1PD4 * ARTICLE “The Education of a Bomb Dog” Footage of Rocco’s funeral http://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/the-education-of-a-bomb-dog-4945104/ http://www.post-gazette.com/local/city/2014/02/07/Funeral-for Explosive Detection Dog in Iraq Searches for IEDs slain-K-9-officer-Rocco-to-restrict-traffic-today/stories/201402070138 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urVwOO_bTf0 Meet Woody, the Bomb Sniffing Dog video http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/02/meet-woody-the-bomb-sniffingdog/ Articles about K9 Cops http://www.policeone.com/police-products/k9/articles/1855720-Drug-sniffing-K-9s-get-police-badges-praise/ http://www.policeone.com/police-products/k9/articles/1754554-Trained-bloodhounds-make-communities-safer/ http://m.timesdispatch.com/news/local/city-of-richmond/rpd-facebook-page-pets-gallery-takes-off/article_210708d8c8cb-5837-9574-73e1133f6562.html?mode=jqm Orlando K9 Unit footage – shows dangers of dogs’ job http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiTtiWJkAsM * More Websites, Articles, & Videos Drug Detection Dogs Info. http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Using+Drug+Detection+Dogs.-a075959752 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSjNKkVqz2s Article http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/27/us/justices-limit-use-of-drug-sniffingdogs.html?_r=0 Article #2 http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/04/130407/detectiondogs-learning-to-pass-the-sniff-test/ Military Police Dogs http://tvblogs.nationalgeographic.com/2013/02/07/the-alpha-dogs-inside-the-elitepolice-and-military-training-facility/ http://educationportal.com/articles/Military_Police_Dog_Handler_Job_Duties_and_Requirements.ht ml http://www.elitek9.com/ “The Dogs of War”* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh8XP7bTyb8 More Websites, Articles, & Videos Homeland Security Dogs http://www.dhs.gov/explosive-detection-dog-teams http://www.animalhero.com/ Training Info. http://www.in.gov/dhs/2651.htm Search and Rescue Dogs of 9/11 http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/09/the_dogs_of_911.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmdekGDY6Nc Dog Files Tribute Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D91GQRX3YdY * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmkJKPxXc58 Training SAR dogs http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/articles.html?s=training-a-sar-search-and-rescue-dog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuqcT9XO-lY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDrGYPRYaQg * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3SjNl9YPVA Arson Detection Dog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GL8xiXvO9oU * ORGANIZATIONS SEARCH & RESCUE DOGS Search Dog Foundation http://www.searchdogfoundation.org/ American Rescue Dog Association http://ardainc.org/ International Rescue Dog Assoc. of N. America http://www.sdona.org/about/iro/ FEMA Search & Rescue http://www.fema.gov/canines-role-urban-search-rescue Puppies Behind Bars (inmates training dogs for various purposes) http://www.puppiesbehindbars.com/home MILITARY & POLICE DOGS Military Police K9s http://www.save-a-vet.org/d7/rescue ARMY http://www.army.mil/article/114657/MP_dog_handlers_receive_unique_military_occupational_speciality/ Alpha Dogs http://tvblogs.nationalgeographic.com/2013/02/07/the-alpha-dogs-inside-the-elite-police-andmilitary-training-facility/ International Police Work Dog Association http://www.ipwda.org/ United States Police K9 Association http://www.uspcak9.com/ MORE ORGANIZATIONS ARSON, EXPLOSIVE & BOMB DETECTION DOGS Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, & Explosives https://www.atf.gov/explosives/programs/explosives-detectioncanines/index.html Arson Dog Training Program http://arsondog.org/ CADA http://cadafiredogs.com/ The Bark – Arson Dogs http://thebark.com/content/arson-dogs NARCOTICS/DRUG SNIFFING DOGS Worldwide Canine http://www.worldwidecanine.com/drugdogs_wwc.htm Training http://k9gta.com/drug-dog-training Dogs Finding Drugs http://dogsfindingdrugs.com/ History of Detection Dogs http://www.sniffk9s.com/detection-dogs-a-history-ofreliability-and-versatility/ What You Can Do Become educated & research how these amazing animals can serve & protect humans Thank police officers and service men & women as well as others that serve and protect this great nation Donate to organizations that train these dogs or buy products to assist their efforts (Rocco shirt! <3) Plan on entering a career that utilizes these animals to serve & protect humans, too! TOPIC #7: SHELTERS, RESCUES, & COMPANION ANIMALS Starter: Monday, February 17 1. 2. 3. 4. Name three “problems” this dog had. Where does this poem take place? What is the tone of the poem? The mood? (emotions) How can you CONNECT to this poem? 1. Who is the speaker in the poem? 2. What has he/she been through? 3. What is the tone/mood of the poem? 4. How can you connect personally? Staggering Shelter Statistics Interesting Shelter Statistics – United States http://www.statisticbrain.com/animal-shelter-statistics/ 1. American animal shelters euthanize 3-4 million dogs and cats per year – most of which are perfectly healthy. 2. Every day approximately 10,000 animals are euthanized in the US. 3. Factors that contributes as to why so many animals end up in shelters are: low adoption rates, owners’ failure to spay and neuter pets, irresponsible pet ownership, abuse and neglect, and the desire to have a pure bred dog. 4. Cost of taxpayer $ used to catch, house, feed, kill , and dispose of shelter animals per year: $2 billion 5. 25% of dogs in shelters are pure bred 6. 70 billion = number of US homes with at least 1 companinon animal Where do companion animals come from? 1. Breeders - Reputable and Backyard varieties 2. Puppy Mills – aka “Large Scale Breeding Operations” 3. Shelters/Pounds/Humane Societies – Strays, Owner Surrenders, Shelter-born, Seized animals 4. Animal Control– Strays, owner surrenders, center-born, seized animals 5. Strays or homeless animals Reputable vs. “Backyard” or “Basement” Breeders vs. Puppy Mills Sources Used to make the chart on the next page: www.paw-rescue.org/PAW/PETTIPS/DogTip_breedersandpetshops.php www.humanesociety.org/issues/puppy_mills/ www.aspca.org/fight-cruelty/puppy-mills/puppy-mill-faq Responsible Irresponsible & Puppy Mills Sell directly/ provide references Sell in bulk to pet stores indirectly Known as “large scale breeding operation” Screen adopters Don’t care – all about $$$ Lack of consideration for genetics/hereditary defects Only one breed Many breeds @ once Overcrowded unsanitary conditions w/ stacks of cages Humane living conditions Possible inhumane living conditions Puppies sold through brokers to pet shops, internet Breed @ acceptable pace w/ unrelated animals Breed & overbreed for profit Lineage records often falsified Dogs’ health – priority & provide proper vet care Often health probs, either hereditary or from inbreeding Illnesses common, incl epilepsy, heart & kidney disease, blood & respitory disorders, etc. Knowledge & certification – ex. Showing dogs Lack of knowledge/ doesn’t house parents as pets Often have parvo, heartworm, kennel cough, mange, fleas, etc. Pics Puppy Mill Map Animal Shelters/Pounds/Animal Control Facilities/Humane Socities There are several types of facilities that house homeless animals. Animal Shelters/Pounds/Humane Societies – May be kill or no-kill; Usually have more exposure for pets esp with Petfinder; temp test animals; get them vet care, if needed; Animal Control Facilities – often run by a dog warden or the police, animals get less exposure and usually aren’t temp tested. Also get less time than in a shelter, especially in urban areas Animal Rescues – 501c3 non-profit The role of an animal rescue is to: “Pull animals” from shelters before they are euthanized and give them a chance at being adopted • Also assist abandoned, neglected, and abused animals and animals from hoarding situations • Usually does not have its own shelter • Relies solely on the help of its volunteers and fosters • Also must rely on donations and pledges made by people to pay for animals vet care, transport, and more. • Often, rescues can be breed or species-specific, but some rescue all breeds and types of animals. • The role of a rescue is important in saving animals that would otherwise be euthanized and animals that are entering the shelter since an open kennel may mean another day for an animal that wasn’t pulled. • Profile: Aimee’s Love Comes First Animal Rescue Mission Statement & Goals My Role: As a member of the Board of Directors, I assist Aimee in making decisions about How the pledges and donations are used as well as which animals to pull and more. Animal Advocates Pittsburgh My role as a foster is to take care of a dog until it is placed in its forever home. I am responsible for walking, feeding, grooming, bathing, and fulfilling the dog’s needs. Sometimes I have to take dogs to an adoption event or a meet’n’greet. I also have to provide the rescue director with weekly updates about the dog’s progress. When it’s time to say goodbye, I have to let the dog go knowing it is going to have a great home with a loving family. Levi, my first foster dog Pulled from a WV kill shelter In Mercer County Would have been euthanized Shepherd mix, approx. 1-2 yrs old 40 lbs Great with dogs & children Wasn’t sure about cats, but didn’t hurt them! Adopted in early October to a loving couple from Pittsburgh Documentaries One Nation Under Dog HBO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO-VymM6Uw4 Until There Are None - Rescue Documentary http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LZsn5sf0_oI&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv %3DLZsn5sf0_oI Redemption - by No Kill Advocacy Center by Nathan Winogard *coming out this summer http://www.nokilladvocacycenter.org/shelter-reform/no-kill-documentary/ Shelter Me – PBS (Episode 1 on Netflix) http://www.shelterme.com/ Shelter Dogs - a documentary by Cynthia Wade http://www.shelterdogs.org/ Videos of Rescue Success Stories DOGS Cadence abused pit bull http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jdyP1R0es8 Trash heap dog – Hope for Paws http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1Xg2G_oINqc CATS Cat rescue – Libby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4qqAv1_mF0 Cat Rescued from Cement Grave http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfnng5pl-F0 Tennesse Cat Rescue – HSUS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK05J7kSjXs HORSES Horse - http://therail.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/06/10/philotimo-a-horse-rescue-success-story/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 Horse rescue humane society graphic http://m.youtube.com/results?q=horseianimal%20rescue&sm= VARIOUS ANIMALS’ STORIES Animal “hell” in Mississippi http://m.youtube.com/results?q=animal%20rescue%20video&sm=3 Top 10 Amazing Animal Cop Rescues – Animal Planet http://www.animalplanet.com/tv-shows/animal-cops/videos/top-10-animal-rescues.htm Videos * Success Stories ADLF Success Stories http://aldf.org/search/?cx=007463668028204942388%3A bdo11bhm01k&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&q=videos Hope for Paws – various videos http://www.hopeforpaws.org/ 5 Inspiring Dog Rescue Videos http://www.onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/5inspiring-dog-rescue-videos/ Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter Videos http://www.scanimalshelter.org/videos 7 Adorable Animal Rescue Videos http://www.care2.com/causes/7-adorable-animal-rescuevideos.html Euthanization – “Kill Shelters” Most shelters have no set time limit but must factors that help decide include temperament & health of animal, space, resources available to house & properly care for the animal. Rescue and adopter interest also play a role. Strays have “hold dates” so their owners have a time period to claim them. A time may be set if an animal becomes sick, stressed, or exhibits challenging behavior – such as aggression– and a reputable shelter will work with vets/experts before deciding to euthanize. Methods Used Anti-Gas Chamber Video w/ painting dog! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czprMfYFZ_0 Method Details Humane/Inhumane IV Injection rapid action; loss of consciousness; no distress Regarded as “best practice” and the most humane Other Injections such as IP Injection with 20% Pengobarbitone Slow acting; only works well for smaller animals; may cause some distress Rated acceptable Oral (PO) administration of Pentobarbitone Only suitable in collapsed, unconscious animals or very young puppies/kittens May be painful to fully conscious or larger animals; lengthy process IV of Magnesium Sulfate “Heart Stick Death” Must occur only after general analgesia; requires training; large volume needed; rapid acting if done properly Considered “Conditionally acceptable”; sometimes done while animal is conscious b/c it is “cheaper” Gas Chambers – Volatile Inhalation Anaesthetics Slow acting, Requires high concentrations; only suitable for small animals; very distressful Considered “Conditionally acceptable”; many states have outlawed this cruel method, however. Shooting a free bullet to the head Rapid acting; only used in emergency situations; requires training Considered “Conditionally acceptable” by someone licensed to use firearm Gas Chamber Survivor! Daniel <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2be30ebd6o http://www.mnn.com/sites/default/files/editorial/da niel.jpg http://www.insideedition.com/videos/2109-miracledog-survives-gas-chamber Videos & Articles about PA 2012 Video – PA still uses gas chambers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgjsZUrKiBQ Rep John Maher’s proposed bill to ban gas chambers passed in House & goes to Gov http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jLAumMnFaU Gov Corbett signs bill to outlaw gas chambers http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/pets/Corbett-to-sign-gaschamber-ban-bill-shelters-cite-funding-concerns.html th Bill signed making PA 20 state to ban chambers http://www.globalanimal.org/2012/10/26/pennsylvaniasays-no-to-gas-chambers/ What you can do… Volunteer for a local shelter or rescue Offer to help with a leg of transport Cross post animals seen on social media & websites Adopt, don’t shop! Foster an animal while he/she waits for a forever family Sponsor or pledge towards animals’ adoption fees or rescue pulls Attend events to benefit shelters, including BINGO & charity balls, etc. Donate money & items to local shelters Donate old electronics to fund shelters Sign petitions including those to end cruel methods of euthansia and to start an Animal Abuse Registry in US Sign petitions to stop animals from being GIVEN AWAY on Craiglist and other social media sites as they are used as bait animals and often tortured or worse What you can do… (cont.) Purchase Items from the Animal Rescue Site and remember to “Click” every day! (it’s free!) http://theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/clickToGive/ ars/home Make a purchase from any of these organizations make a difference! Hendrick Boards http://hendrickboards.com/ Bill Foundation http://www.billfoundation.org/ Jason Debus Heigl Foundation http://jasonheiglfoundation.org/ Puppy Doe’s Story ARTICLES http://www.hlntv.com/article/2013/10/31/puppydoe-arrest-bail http://bostonherald.com/topic/puppy_doe+ http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/12/20/def endant-puppy-doe-abuse-case-may-have-stolen-fromquincy-woman-prosecutorssay/rk6KjjOO21wl7yi1OKyk5O/story.html Petition https://www.change.org/petitions/justice-for-puppydoe-tell-craigslist-to-help-stop-violence-against-pets VOLUNTEER: Local Facilities – Most are No Kill Eighty Four Washington Area Humane Society Meadowlands Angel Ridge Animal Rescue Pittsburgh Western PA Humane Society Animal Rescue League Shelter & Wildlife Center Animal Friends Mt. Lebanon Animal Control Animal Care & Control White Oak Animal Haven Uniontown Fayette Friends of Animals Adopt, don’t shop! Fostering Info & Links If you are interesting in fostering, please contact a local shelter or rescue for more information! • Before you Foster http://www.petfinder.com/animal-shelters-and-rescues/fostering-dogs/before-you-foster/ • Lost Dog & Cat Rescue Foundation http://lostdogrescue.org/participate/foster-an-animal • Fostering Dogs http://www.fosterdogs.com/ • Beginner’s Guide To Fostering Animals http://matadornetwork.com/change/beginnersguide-to-fosteirng-animals/ • The Pet Foster Network http://www.petfoster.org/ Other Shelter Animal-related stuff A Letter from a Shelter Worker http://animalactionist.wordpress.com/2011/06/29/cross -post-a-letter-from-a-shelter-manager/ Facts About Shelter Euthanasia http://www.americanhumane.org/animals/stop-animalabuse/fact-sheets/animal-shelter-euthanasia.html Article About Shelter Employees Euthanizing Improperly with Heart Stick method http://www.thestate.com/2008/12/18/625352/shelterworkers-improperly-euthanized.html Transport Info. All Paws Transport http://allpawstransport.com/ Animal Rescue Flights http://www.animalrescueflights.org/ Freedom Train http://www.freedomtraintransports.com/ • Rescue Riders http://rescueriderstransport.net/ Operation Roger • Rescue Transport Groups http://www.farec.org/transport.htm • Roads of Hope http://www.roadsofhope.org/ http://operationroger.rescuegroups.org/ Pilots for Paws http://pilotsnpaws.org/ Pittsburgh Animal Aviation Rescue Team http://pittrescue.org/ Peterson Express Transport Services – PETS http://www.petsllc.net/ • Double Dog Rescue Transport http://doubledogrescue.org/ • Alpha Dogs Transport https://alphadogtransport.com/ • My Buddy’s Coming Home Transport http://www.mybuddystransport.com/ ANIMAL ISSUES: TOPIC 8 ORGANIZATIONS & CELEBS THAT HELP ANIMALS Organizations that Help Animals Websites GENERAL PURPOSES – ALL AREAS The Humane Society of the United States http://www.humanesociety.org/ People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA) http://www.peta.org/ (Paul McCartney & many others) American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) http://www.aspca.org/ Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PSPCA) http://pspca.org/ American Humane Association http://www.americanhumane.org/ Organizations that Help Animals Websites GENERAL PURPOSES – ALL AREAS Best Friends Animal Society (Denise Richards) http://www.bestfriends.org/home.aspx World Society for the Protection of Animals http://www.wspa-international.org/ International Fund for Animal Welfare http://www.ifaw.org/united-states Animal Legal Defense Fund http://aldf.org/http://aldf.org/section.php?id=4 PAWS – People Helping Animals http://www.paws.org/ Animal Protection and Rescue League http://www.aprl.org/ Organizations that Help Animals Websites GENERAL PURPOSES – ALL AREAS World Society for the Protection of Animals http://www.wspa-international.org/ Animal Defenders International (Paul McCartney & others) http://www.ad-international.org/adi_home/ Animal Welfare Institiute https://awionline.org/ Born Free USA http://www.bornfreeusa.org/ Friends of Animals http://friendsofanimals.org/ Morris Animal Foundation – (Betty White) http://www.morrisanimalfoundation.org/ SPECIFIC ORGANIZATIONS FARM ANIMALS – Animals Used for Food (Factory Farming) Mercy for Animals http://www.mercyforanimals.org/ (Emily Deschanel) Compassion Over Killing http://www.cok.net/ Farm Animal Rights Movement http://www.farmusa.org/ Farm Sanctuary http://www.farmsanctuary.org/ The Gentle Barn http://www.gentlebarn.org/ Vegan Action http://vegan.org/ Woodstock Animal Sanctuary http://woodstocksanctuary.org/ (Alicia Silverstone) WILDLIFE & MARINE LIFE World Wildlife Fund http://www.wwf.org/ Sea Shepherd http://www.seashepherd.org/ Greenpeace http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/en/ Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society http://us.whales.org/ Rick O’Barry Dolphin Project http://dolphinproject.org/ Animal Tracks, Inc. http://www.animaltracksinc.org/ ORGANIZATIONS COMPANION ANIMALS – Shelters, Rescues, etc. The Humane Society of the United States http://www.humanesociety.org/ American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) http://www.aspca.org/ Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PSPCA) http://pspca.org/ Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PSPCA) http://pspca.org/ Locket’s Meadow Farm http://locketsmeadow.com/ For topic-specific organizations, see original PowerPoint slides for these particular topics: ANIMAL TESTING ANIMALS USED FOR ENTERTAINMENT SERVICE & THERAPY ANIMALS ANIMALS THAT PROTECT & SERVE Celebrities’ Foundations/Orgs/Charities Hendrick Boards (2 surfer bros) http://hendrickboards.com/ Sam Simon Foundation (Simpsons co- creator) http://www.samsimonfoundation.com/ Article about Simon http://www.care2.com/causes/8-ways-simpsons-co-creator-sam-simon-is-helping-animals-beforehe-dies.html Jason Debus Heigl Foundation (actress Kathrine Heigl) http://jasonheiglfoundation.org/ Ian Somerhalder Foundation (actor – Vampire Diaries) http://www.isfoundation.com/welcome Emmylou Harris (Folk singer) Bonaparte’s Retreat (Rescue) http://www.bonapartesretreat.org/ Rachael Ray (talk show host/chef) http://www.rachaelray.com/pets/rescue.php Dean Koontz (author) Canine Companions for Independence http://www.cci.org/site/c.cdKGIRNqEmG/b.3978475/k.3F1C/Canine_Companions_for_Indepe ndence.htm Jimmy Buffet (singer) Save the Manatee Club http://www.savethemanatee.org/ Ted Danson (actor) American Oceans Campaign http://oceana.org/en/about-us/peoplepartners/celebrity-supporters/ted-danson Doris Day (actress) Doris Day Pet Foundation http://www.dorisdayanimalfoundation.org/ Willie Nelson, John Mellancamp, & Neil Young (musical artists) Farm Aid http://www.farmaid.org/site/c.qlI5IhNVJsE/b.2723595/k.EE67/Family_Farmers_Good_Food_ A_Better_America.htm Organizations that Help Animals – Videos on Various Topics ASPCA http://www.aspca.org/Get-Involved/aspca-video Humane Society of the United States http://video.humanesociety.org/ PeTA http://www.peta.org/tv/default.aspx Greenpeace http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/multimedia/vid eos/?accept=2a9d16f4be843df8af1423ad17e15f7b World Wildlife Fund http://worldwildlife.org/media?filter=videos Organizations that Help Animals – Articles THE NY TIMES PeTA http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/reference/timestopics/organizations/p/people_for_the_ethical _treatment_of_animals/index.html ASPCA http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/#/ASPCA/ HSUS http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/#/humane+society+of+the+united+states/ Greenpeace http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/#/greenpeace/ HUFFINGTON POST PeTA http://search.huffingtonpost.com/search?o_q=hsus&s_it=topsearchbox.search&q=peta ASPCA http://search.huffingtonpost.com/search?o_q=peta&s_it=topsearchbox.search&q=aspca HSUS http://search.huffingtonpost.com/search?q=hsus&s_it=header_form_v1 Greenpeace http://search.huffingtonpost.com/search?o_q=aspca&s_it=topsearchbox.search&q=greenpeace Documentary for All Animal Causes EARTHLINGS is an award-winning documentary film about the suffering of animals for food, fashion, pets, entertainment and medical research. Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix. http://earthlings.com/?page_id=10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce4DJh-L7Ys FYI: The Research Slides/Sources Stop Here… INTERESTING SITES & ARTICLES THAT DENOUNCE ORGANIZATIONS: http://911animalabuse.org/About-Us.php http://www.petakillsanimals.com/ http://www.humanewatch.org/ http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnist s/the_lawsuit_circus_2qt5F2tVROO52lhmFLpp8I http://washingtonexaminer.com/sunday-reflectionwhen-animal-rights-groupsattack/article/2517588#.UOrZMoGd60M http://www.nathanwinograd.com/?cat=8 Special Topic: Whistle Blowers! What ARE Whistle Blowers? http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Are-Whistleblowers?&id=1802786 http://animalwhistleblowers.org/ http://www.humanesociety.org/news/press_releases/2013/01/wy-ag-gag-hb0126-opposition-011513.html ANIMAL TESTING WHISTLE BLOWERS Examples of Lab Cruelty reported to PeTA http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-experimentation/Be-a-Hero-to-Animals-in-Labs.aspx http://www.all-creatures.org/articles/ar-peta-snbl.html http://www.all-creatures.org/saen/usda-20071015.html http://www.enn.com/top_stories/article/24284 Whistle Blower in Chimp Cruelty in Lab Investigation http://nihchimpcruelty.net/nih_press1.html Article w lots of Examples http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1996-05-05/news/9605031569_1_peta-treatment-of-animals-monkeys Chimp abuse http://nihchimpcruelty.net/nih_overview.html \ Lab Responds to Whistleblower Monkey abuse http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2011/12/05/9227484-lab-responds-to-petas-monkey-abuse-allegations?lite More Whistle Blowers! Whistle Blower exposes testing at Mars Candy Co. – Animal Cruelty http://www.enn.com/top_stories/article/26814 Check this source out for all articles about Whistle Blowers of Animal Cruelty! http://enn.com/ FARM FACTORY WHISTLE BLOWERS cruelty to pigs http://www.enn.com/top_stories/article/27313 SLAUGHTERHOUSE TWO: PETA undercover investigator Philip Schein and his wife, Hannah, exposed inhumane practices at a kosher meat plant in Uruguay animal antibiotic data withheld http://www.whistleblower.org/press/press-release-archive/2012/2399-gap-sues-fda-for-wrongful-withholding-of-animal-drug-data Ag-Gag Laws will threaten whistle blowers http://gmo-journal.newsvine.com/_news/2011/06/23/6927718-another-state-ag-gag-bill-threatens-animal-rights-whistleblowers http://www.whistleblowersblog.org/2011/04/articles/legislation/iowa-house-votes-to-put-animal-rights-whistleblowers-in-jail/ http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2077514,00.html http://www.npr.org/2012/03/10/148363509/ag-gag-law-blows-animal-activists-cover http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/03/the-ag-gag-laws-hiding-factory-farm-abuses-from-public-scrutiny/254674/ http://www.acslaw.org/acsblog/%E2%80%98ag-gag%E2%80%99-laws-chill-speech-threaten-food-supply Example of an Anti-Ag-Gag Petition http://www.change.org/petitions/dont-put-animal-cruelty-whistleblowers-in-jail More Whistle Blowers! WHISTLE BLOWERS IN THE ANIMALS FOR ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY Various Articles http://www.all-creatures.org/articles/ar-whistleblower.html Accounts of circus abuse & employees share stories http://www.animalliberationfront.com/Practical/Entertainment/RinglingWhistleblowers.htm http://www.animalliberationfront.com/ALFront/Actions-USA/USDAvsRingling.htm SAM HADDOCK http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2009/12/15/ST2009121505174.html?sid=ST2009121505174 Sam's sworn statements http://www.allanimals.org/files/haddockDeclarationRedacted.pdf PeTA Urges Regular Citizens to Become Whistle Blowers! FILM & TELEVISION http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-in-entertainment/Be-a-Whistleblower.aspx PeTA Urges Regular Citizens to Become Whistle Blowers! ZOOs http://suite101.com/article/peta-seeks-zoo-animal-mistreatment-reports-a61938 Q &A w undercover agent http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1883742,00.html Whistle Blower Videos! PeTA – Imprisoned and Poisoned http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFCCsm_qT1Y Ag-Gag Anti-Whistleblower Bills: Keeping Americans in the Dark http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoHqY_3RhAk Ag-gag Bill news coverage – Jane Valez-Mitchell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMIIKx_zc0U Protecting America’s Shame = Ag-Gag law news coverage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN97uvvEkK4 OTHER ORGAINZATIONS/LINKS: PET ABUSE.COM http://www.petabuse.com/pages/animal_cruelty/reporting_abuse. php http://www.pet-abuse.com/pages/cruelty_laws.php HUMANEITARIAN.ORG http://www.humaneitarian.org/ ANIMAL WELFARE APPROVED.ORG http://www.animalwelfareapproved.org/ Happy Stories… Animal Heroes & Animal Miracles! Top 10 Heroic Dogs of 2011 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhczql_what -a-service-animal-is_animals ANIMAL MIRACLES – ANIMAL PLANET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFGvgbQsI7 I READER’s DIGEST – Animal Heroes http://www.rd.com/slideshows/americas-heropets/ http://www.rd.com/advice/pets/true-stories-ofhero-pets/ TIME magazine Top 10 Animal Heroes http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/c ompletelist/0,29569,2059858,00.html WAYS FOR US TO PROTEST/ BECOME INVOLVED!!!! The White House https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/ Care 2 Care http://www.care2.com/take-action/ Do Something http://www.dosomething.org/ Change.org http://www.change.org/ Animal League Defense Fund http://aldf.org/article.php?id=1946&gclid=CPjQ1q7O5r QCFQSg4AoddT8ADg OTHER INFORMATIONAL SITES Animal Liberation Front – BLOCKED @ CMHS (only viewable from home) http://www.animalliberationfront.com/index.html http://www.animalliberationfront.com/Saints/StsAlive .htm Wikispace for ideas of sub-topics to further research (NOT FOR THIS PROJECT!) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_farming