Principal’s Natter I so clearly recall the beginning of last year. Arriving in a school coming off the tail end of a couple of years of many changes in staff and school leaders and the broad range of procedures, routines and operations we were not familiar with or understood while trying hard to amend (often on the run). It was a part of life we had to accept, live with and work through. 2015, for me, was about the critical partnership with a new P&C, the staff, students and broader community, listening about school history, current practices and future visions. Having our Quadrennial School Review was a wonderful bonus, forging the way for critical reviews to establish promising futures. Well here we are in 2016 and I could not be happier with the start of the year. The staff are excited about our future, teachers are primed, confident and happy and the school is back to being a well organised centre for learning as it was years ago. This doesn’t happen by accident. There have been many of our school staff that have given a lot of their time over the holidays to get the school into this position and I thank them for that. In particular, my deepest gratitude to Trina Moore for all the hours spent in the school over the holidays positioning signage and to Jodie Dickens for the enormous preparatory hours prior to opening managing hundreds of stationary packs. EMPOWERING LIFELONG LEARNERS I’m sure you are now seeing this everywhere. Our old vision was not much different – it stated ‘Learning for Life’. The only difference is the word EMPOWERING. I will be spending time with students and teachers unpacking what this change really means – but in a nutshell it drives an organisational commitment to culturing an assertiveness, purpose and accountability around learning for life in our students by the time they leave Benowa State School. I am going to be excited this year talking with students and staff this critical aspect of our vision. Our mission that you see on all our signs is the filter. We grow self-directed, disciplined and passionate learners with: * curiosity and creativity * integrity and authenticity through * collaborative partnerships * consistent commitment to well being In other words, our mission is the filter that all our educational decisions, strategic direction and policies are put through. We have about four years to achieve this really well and have it engrained in our school culture. Visions and Missions is about a way of thinking, talking and acting. While our programs and policies might seem to reflect this direction, it will have a limited impact and fail to reach the intended destination if we don’t live and breathe each day what we say. Thanks for your support last year, your kind and generous words of encouragement for the start of this year and I look forward to working closely with you all in 2016. Congratulations everybody on such a strong start. 2016 Staffing Returning from leave for 2016 include: Kym Sidic, Emma Crone Permanent Staff on leave include: Renae Jenkins, Krystelle Schneider, Stacey Higgins New Classified Permanent Appointments Narelle Best (Head of Curriculum) Fraction Changes: Pharan Akhtarkhavari – working 2 days per week while studying Emily Williams – working 4 days per week Working in acting positions at other sites: Glenda Reckin – Business Services Manager Ormeau SS Nicky Stone – Guidance Officer Shailer Park Permanent Transfers in: Emma Showell – Teaching Grade 3 Amanda Stocki – Teaching Grade 4 Maika Bailey – Teaching Grade 5 Tim Smith – PE Teacher Shannon Stevens – Inclusion Teacher Contract Teachers: Melanie Smith – Prep Karen Willis – Grade 1 Barbs Thomson – various roles Melissa Heginbotham – Grade 2 Sarah Schofield – Grade 2 Rebecca Luchmund – Grade 3 Fiona Haddow – Grade 3 Tiffany Kassulke – Grade 5 Alan Melville – Grade 6 Jolene Battye – Grade 6 Adrian Anderson – Inclusion Teacher Classified Acting Positions: Kristi Williams – Business Services Officer Class Design and Enrolments 2016 The predicted numbers for 2016 at this stage seem to be 885 giving us 36 classes. The breakdown of classes include: 6 x Prep classes 5 x Grade 1 classes 5 x Grade 2 classes 6 x Grade 3 classes 4 x Grade 4 classes 5 x Grade 5 classes 5 x Grade 6 classes School Resource Scheme 2016 There are two components to resource provisioning for your child’s learning this year. One of those is in the form of a stationary pack and the other is in the form of a School Resource Scheme. I have decided this year to itemise it clearly so that you can see exactly what it provides for your child. Please ensure this is paid as soon as possible. Communication It is important that home and school work together to let each other know about details that are affecting your child. This results in the building of a secure and happy learning environment for children. It is both the school’s and parents’ responsibilities to communicate effectively. Forms of communication usually include parent workshops, parent-teacher interviews, children’s written reports and regular newsletters. If you have any concerns about your child please make an appointment with your child’s teacher to discuss. Two-way communication is essential to providing the best possible education for our students. SCHOOL NEWSLETTER The Benowa State School newsletter is ‘Benowa News’. It is produced every second Friday and issued to each family electronically. Benowa News contains important information with regards to school matters and is the major means of communication between the school and home. Each edition is consecutively numbered. Please make sure the school has your current email address. SCHOOL WEBSITE General information and the school newsletters can be accessed on the website. QSchools APP Benowa State School QSchool app is now ready to use. You will be able to access school information, newsletters and automatically receive important updates and push notifications. From 2016 this will be our form of communication instead of the SMS system currently used. This can be downloaded on to any ANDROID, APPLE & WINDOWS 8 DEVICES. It is free to use. This can be downloaded directly from our school website To download follow the attached instructions or scan QR code below FACEBOOK & TWITTER Benowa has a Facebook account which can be accessed Twitter account is Twitter@BenowaSS. STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME 2016 Benowa State School has a Student Resource Scheme for students. The purpose of the scheme is to provide parents/caregivers with a cost effective means to purchase key products necessary for student learning. Below is a table itemising exactly what we require students to have and the associated costs. Participating in this scheme is a convenient way to ensure all resources are available for your child at the commencement of the school year. Payment process: Currently payments can only be made online using the details provided below. From 27th January 2016 – payments can also be made by EFTPOS, Cash or Credit Card on payment mornings from 8am-9.30am. Total Student Resource Scheme payable to the school varies across each year level. Bank A/C Name: Commonwealth Bank of Australia Ashmore Branch BSB: 064 450 Account Number: 00900039 Account Name: Benowa State School General Account Reference: 2016SRS – Year level & student/family name, eg 2016SRS3JohnSmith Student Resource Scheme Includes: Item Pat M and Pat R Diagnostics Mathletics and Reading Eggs Art and craft supplies LOTE - Language Perfect Problem Solving Think Board Total for each year level Prep $0.00 $20.00 $16.00 $0.00 $0.00 $36.00 Year 1 $0.00 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5.00 $25.00 Year 2 $0.00 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5.00 $25.00 Year 3 $5.00 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5.00 $30.00 Year 4 $5.00 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5.00 $30.00 Year 5 $5.00 $20.00 $0.00 $15.00 $5.00 $45.00 Year 6 $5.00 $20.00 $0.00 $15.00 $5.00 $45.00 To assist us in providing the best possible resources for your child, we encourage you to participate in the Student Resource Scheme for 2016. Please contact the office for the paperwork you need to complete to have a payment instalment plan. Life Education In Week’s 5 and 6 of this term, all of the students at Benowa State School will be participating in the Life Education program. This program is in conjunction with the Health and Physical Education component of the Australian Curriculum. Students will be looking at topics such as health, eating and exercise, how to keep safe in various situations and recognising unsafe situations. The Year 5 and 6 students participate in a “Talk About It” program which focuses on the physical and emotional changes of puberty and being a teen. The Year 5 program focus on valuing diversity and puberty by examining the social, emotional and physical changes associated with puberty. In Year 6 students will also examining puberty and will talk about issues such as changes in body, intercourse, changes in emotions. They will also look at healthy relationships and discuss factors that influence how people interact. Information letters and invoices have already gone home to families. The cost of the program is $9 for Prep to Year 4 and $10 for Years 5 and 6. Due to the nature of the topics covered in Years 5 and 6 program, a signed permission note is also required. This will be forwarded home separately to the information letter and invoice. Senior School News-Lucinda Lambert Welcome back to another wonderful year of learning, innovation, creativity and empowering learners. Our teachers have been working extremely hard to plan and deliver a contemporary curriculum. Student Wellbeing This year we have introduced a Wellbeing Program called The Learning Curve. It is extremely important your child has a school diary as this supplements the program. If you ordered the book pack your child will have one of the diaries otherwise they can be purchased from the Uniform Shop for $9.35. The advantages of this program are that it promotes resilience and wellbeing by addressing the elements listed here. Strengths and emotions – being in charge of your emotions through your strengths Positive Engagement – Focusing your energies on the bright side of life Sills and Achievement – Building you capabilities to strive, thrive and flourish Relationship and Optimism – focusing positivity and believing you and others matter Exercise and Healthy – Having a healthy body and healthy mind Meaning and Purpose – having passion and a reason for doing what you do School Leadership Development Student Council Representatives Year 3 – 6 students will have an opportunity in both Semester 1 and Semester 2 to win the position as a Student Council Class Representative. Voting will occur in Week 4 of Term 1 and 3. Any student successful in receiving the Student Council Class Representative position in Semester 1 will be ineligible for re-election in Semester 2. 1. Teacher discusses attributes, roles and responsibilities for Student Council Class Representative with class in week 3. 2. Students discuss intention of nomination with teacher. Teacher must support the nomination and sign the nomination form on the basis the student has displayed: 3. Leadership within the school, A high standard of behaviour and adherence to school rules and values Wearing the full school uniform with pride Pride and loyalty to our school A friendly and helpful manner towards all members of our community, A mature ability to interact with others, Displaying an ongoing commitment to the Benowa Way. Student completes the nomination form and a parent must sign the form. Student submits the form to the class teacher on Monday of Week 4, 15 February. 4. Nominee addresses the class with a speech of how they would be the best person to represent the class and why on Wednesday of Week 4, 17 February (maximum 3 minutes/student). 5. Private and confidential voting is conducted immediately after the speeches. 6. Teacher counts votes and submits name of Student Council Class Representative to the Senior Deputy Principal. 7. Student Council Class Representatives are announced at Assembly in Week 5, 26 February. I’m looking forward to seeing you over the next few weeks at our Parent Information Sessions. Junior School News – Detta Lange What a terrific start to the 2016 educational journey! A special thank you must go to everyone involved in preparing for the beginning of the new school year - to parents for ensuring that their children were well prepared, with uniforms and materials, as well as a positive and happy attitude, and to our teachers, education assistants and support staff for the inviting classrooms and enjoyable learning experience being offered. It has been a pleasure to witness all the happy faces each day, both coming in and going out of the gate! Helping your child manage their return to school Be prepared for tired children in the first weeks. All children find the first few weeks tiring as they become used to the new routine, and with the hotter weather, and they will often come home ‘tired and cranky’. Consider how you will continue to manage this with your child. It may be that they will need an earlier bed time for a while, or a ‘nap’ on the weekends or in the afternoons, or just some quiet time to process the day. Children usually settle into a routine after the first few weeks. Learn to be Safe with Emmy program – Year 1 students We are very fortunate to be partnering with Act for Kids to help educate our Year 1 students in keeping themselves safe at all times. This program forms part of the health curriculum at Benowa State School, and is provided free of cost. Learn to be Safe with Emmy and Friends teaches children the knowledge and skills to help them identify and respond to risky situations using interactive games, colourful resources and child-friendly language. Permission forms have been sent home for both participation in the program, and in the research Griffith University is undertaking to ensure the success of the program. Parents may choose to provide permission for either or both of these. It is expected that all students will be given permission to participate in the learning activities involved in the program. Parent information sessions Parents are invited to attend these sessions, where class teachers and members of the school leadership team will be sharing their expectations for the year ahead. The days and times are as follows for Prep – Year 2: Prep Thursday 18 February, 3.15 – 4.15pm in your child’s classroom Year 1 Wednesday 17 February, 3.15 – 4.15pm in your child’s classroom Year 2 Thursday 11 February, 4.15 – 5.15pm beginning all together in the iCentre (library). Every day counts! Successful learners attend school very regularly As we come to the end of Week 2, parent are reminded of the importance of sending children to school every day. Being at school every day counts, with one day absent each week quickly adding up to 8 weeks (almost a term/quarter of the year) of missed lessons in a year. Unless your child is ill, it is expected that your child will be at school learning every day of the school year, as school absenteeism can impact significantly on students’ learning and wellbeing. Research shows that higher student attendance is associated, on average, with higher student achievement, and that attending school every day helps children to build necessary skills such as communication, teamwork and resilience. Our hours are 8.55am – 2.55pm, and children arriving after 9am in the morning will be required to go to Reception where they will have a late slip issued, and the late arrival recorded. Parents collecting their child early, before the end of the day, must go to Reception and be issued an Exit slip to present to the child’s class teacher before they will be released. Further information for parents is available on the Every Day counts website, Department of Education and Training: Book Packs and resources required for a successful year It has come to my attention that not all children have all the school resources required for the year. These were clearly outlined in the booklists distributed to all families, and it was expected that all children will come on the first day with all the items on the list. If you have not already done so, please ensure that you have provided all of the items by the beginning of next week. Koala Joeys Family Program, From Bump to Big School, has recommenced at Benowa State School! It is free of charge, with no bookings required, so come when you can! Our staff are looking forward to seeing you there for lots of fun with your young ones. It is a universal, free, interactive oral language program for families and their children under school age, using nursery rhymes, songs, dance, movement and stories to promote early literacy and numeracy skills, as well as brain development, and social and emotional development. Parents gain skills in a fun, interactive and supportive environment. When: 9am Every Wednesday for approximately 30 – 40 minutes during the school term Where: ‘The Cottage’ (L Block building – at the back of the school between the hall and iCentre) Further dates and activities: Harmony Day Monday 21 March P-2 Easter Bonnet Parade Wednesday 23 March School Cross Country Thursday 24 March More details will be available in the near future regarding these events. I Centre News A big hello to our wonderful Benowa families from the I Centre staff. LIBRARY BORROWING We are pleased to announce that the library is in full operation and that library borrowing has begun for most classes. It has been a pleasure witnessing the students arrive with enthusiasm, ready for their reading journey in 2016. Pleasingly, most students have had their library bags on hand for borrowing. Please ensure your child has this with them each week for their weekly library borrowing session. Students in Years P - 3 have the opportunity to borrow 4 home readers and 2 library books, whereas the student in Years 4 - 6 may choose to borrow up to 2 library books. OVERDUE BOOKS Some families may have received an overdue notice from the I Centre in the past week. We have upgraded our library borrowing system and trailing a system which we hope will keep families more informed of their child's current library borrowing status. It is anticipated that overdue notices will be printed out weekly and given to the students to take home, as a friendly reminder. If overdue books are not returned within a two week time frame, an invoice will be generated from the office seeking payment for the book/s. All payments MUST be made directly to the office. If you have any questions or concerns around overdue notices, please come and visit the friendly staff in the I Centre. With the arrival of the new library borrowing system, families will soon have online access to the current Benowa State School catalogue from their own personal devices. Keep your eye on this space. Scholastic Book Club Students have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the first catalogue of 2016 for book club. Issue 2 is due to arrive in Week 5, and once this arrives, distributed to the class teachers. I am pleased to see that Scholastic has now created a SINGLE catalogue, showcasing all the books available for purchase from our younger students to the most senior. As previously done, all purchasing is to be made ONLINE through the LOOP method ONLY. Details of how to register for this can be found on their website and on the catalogue itself. Last year our library received an enormous remuneration of FREE books, due to the rewards collected from every individual purchase. So not only are your children expanding their personal library, the school is also expanding it's library, providing all students with access to new, exciting and popular titles. Happy Reading Allison Rudd P&C News Position Available – P&C Operations Manager (Events Coordinator) If you are interested in applying for the position of P&C Operations Manager (Events Coordinator) you will be required to email the Principal an application pack on Applications close FRIDAY 19th February 2016 by 5pm. Thank you The P&C’s results depend on the efforts put in by our community. There has been a lot of interest in a number of our most recent initiatives. If you wish to influence these and contribute, the way to do that is by becoming an active P&C member. The signage initiative was a great one that I am sure everyone can appreciate. It is so much easier to navigate through the school now and makes it far more welcoming to newcomers. We owe a very big thank you to Trina Moore, Benowa Mum and Director of DIRECT FOCUS MARKETING & SKY HIGH BRANDING. Trina spent many hours with Mike Josey and P&C member Rachael Smith to get the designs just right. Trina also arranged to have the signs installed to keep our costs low. Trina, they look fantastic and we really appreciate you going above and beyond to get our school looking smart. It is generous businesses like yours that make a big difference to our school. P&C VOLUNTARY LEVY 2016 AIRCON FOR OUR HOT KIDS The P&C voluntary levy is requested of all parents/caregivers. The purpose of the levy is to fund important building and infrastructure items for our school. Your participation in this levy is the most effective way for us to fund big-ticket facility items that improve our school infrastructure. In 2016 we would like to focus on Air Conditioning specific spaces. We have a target of approximately $60 000.00 and depending on what level of funding we actually reach, the priority order of rooms include: Music Room Science Room iCentre LAB and Meeting Rooms Payment process: Payments can be made online using the details provided below. Bank A/C Name: Commonwealth Bank of Australia Ashmore Branch BSB: 064214 Account Number: 10225865 Account Name: Benowa P&C Building Levy Account Reference: 2016VL Year level of oldest child & student/family name. eg: 2016SRS3JohnSmith Item 1 student 2 or more students Air-con Levy $80 $100 To assist us in providing the best possible care for your child, we encourage you to participate in this P&C Voluntary Levy for 2016. Any donation of $2.00 or more is tax deductable. Therefore your contribution is a TAX DEDUCTABLE CONTRIBUTION Yours sincerely Brooke Patterson P&C President Date Claimers Friday 4 Feb 9am Jnr Assembly Mon 8 Feb- Frid 19 Feb Parent Information Thurs 18 Feb Sessions Strategy Team Meeting Fri 19 Feb Yr 5 Drumbeat Mon 22 Feb – Fri 4 March Yr 6 Leaders PCYC Thur 11 Feb Fri 12 Feb- 9am Mon 5 Feb – Thurs 8 Feb Yr 6 Leaders PCYC Wed 24 Feb Senior Assembly Wed 24 Feb International Chinese Thurs 25 Feb Student Visit P&C Meeting Yr 5 Drumbeat Yr 6 Leaders PCYC Wed 17 Feb Yr 5 Drumbeat Snr Assembly Wed 10 Feb Wed 10 Feb Wed 17 Feb Fri 26 Feb Student Meeting Council Jnr Assembly Prep – Year 4 Life Education