Westinghouse AP1000 Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator Outlet Plenum Flow Modeling by Andrea J. Dalton A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Major Subject: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: _________________________________________ Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, Thesis Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, Connecticut August 2013 © Copyright 2013 by Andrea J. Dalton All Rights Reserved ii CONTENTS CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. v LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... vi LIST OF ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................... x LIST OF SYMBOLS ........................................................................................................ xi LIST OF KEYWORDS .................................................................................................. xiii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................ xiv ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... xv 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1 2. Literature Study ........................................................................................................... 6 3. Methodology ................................................................................................................ 9 3.1 Flow through SG Tubes ...................................................................................... 9 3.2 Flow through SG Outlet Plenum....................................................................... 10 3.2.1 Theory ........................................................................................................ 10 3.2.2 Modeling .................................................................................................... 16 3.2.3 Flow Phenomena Characterization ............................................................ 18 4. Inputs ......................................................................................................................... 20 4.1 RCS Conditions During Startup ........................................................................ 20 4.2 Fluid Properties ................................................................................................. 21 4.3 Froude Number for Flow through SG Tubes .................................................... 22 5. CFD Models............................................................................................................... 26 5.1 Two Dimensional Modeling ............................................................................. 26 5.1.1 45-Tube Model .......................................................................................... 26 5.1.2 100-Tube Model ........................................................................................ 35 5.2 Three Dimensional Modeling ........................................................................... 62 iii 5.2.1 552-Tube Model ........................................................................................ 62 6. Summary of Results ................................................................................................... 85 6.1 Froude Number Calculation Results for SG Tubes .......................................... 85 6.2 CFD Results ...................................................................................................... 85 6.2.1 Summary of Results ................................................................................... 85 6.2.2 Model Limitations due to Hardware .......................................................... 89 6.3 Results of Problem ............................................................................................ 92 7. Conclusions................................................................................................................ 93 8. References.................................................................................................................. 95 iv LIST OF TABLES Table 4-1: RCS Conditions for Startup with Four RCPs [3] ........................................... 20 Table 4-2: Selected RCS Temperature Conditions and RCP Speeds .............................. 20 Table 4-3: Fluid Properties .............................................................................................. 21 Table 4-4: AP1000 SG Tube Diameter Dimensions ....................................................... 22 Table 4-5: SG Tube Froude Number ............................................................................... 24 Table 5-1: Fluid Velocity at Top of 45 Tubes ................................................................. 28 Table 5-2: 45-Tube Model Boundary Conditions ........................................................... 31 Table 5-3: Under-Relaxation Factors .............................................................................. 31 Table 5-4: Fluid Velocity at Top of 100 Tubes ............................................................... 37 Table 5-5: 100-Tube Model Boundary Conditions ......................................................... 41 Table 5-6: Under-Relaxation Factors .............................................................................. 41 Table 5-7: Fluid Velocity at Top of Each SG Tube......................................................... 67 Table 5-8: 552-Tube Model Boundary Conditions ......................................................... 70 Table 5-9: Under-Relaxation Factors .............................................................................. 70 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1: AP1000 RCS [9] ............................................................................................. 1 Figure 1-2: AP1000 SG Internals [4]................................................................................. 2 Figure 1-3: Location of Air at Top of SG Tubes ............................................................... 3 Figure 2-1: SG Inlet Plenum Velocity Profile Results from [13], Figure 10 .................... 7 Figure 5-1: 45-Tube Model ............................................................................................. 27 Figure 5-2: 2D 45-Tube Model – Outlet Plenum Region ................................................ 27 Figure 5-3: 2D 45-Tube Model – Inlet Velocity Boundary Condition ............................ 29 Figure 5-4: Mesh for Plenum Region of 45-Tube Model ................................................ 30 Figure 5-5: 45-Tube Laminar Model Velocity Vector Results at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed................................................................................................................ 33 Figure 5-6: Scaled Residuals for Laminar 45-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed ....................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 5-7: 100-Tube Model ........................................................................................... 35 Figure 5-8: 2D 100-Tube Model – Outlet Plenum Region .............................................. 36 Figure 5-9: 2D 100-Tube Model – Inlet Velocity Boundary Condition .......................... 38 Figure 5-10: Mesh for 100-Tube Model .......................................................................... 39 Figure 5-11: Mesh Edge Sizing for 100-Tube Model ..................................................... 40 Figure 5-12: 100-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed ....................................................................................................................... 42 Figure 5-13: Detailed Results Near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed ......................................................................................... 43 Figure 5-14: Central Region Results Detail for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed......................................................................................................... 44 Figure 5-15: Exterior Region Results Detail for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed......................................................................................................... 45 Figure 5-16: Detailed Results Near Exterior Region for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed ......................................................................................... 46 Figure 5-17: Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed......................................................................................................... 47 vi Figure 5-18: Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed......................................................................... 48 Figure 5-19: Velocity Vectors Colored by Turbulent Dissipation Rate (ε) for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed ......................................................... 49 Figure 5-20: Turbulent Dissipation Rate (ε) near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed......................................................................... 50 Figure 5-21: Scaled Residuals for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed................................................................................................................................ 50 Figure 5-22: 100-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed................................................................................................................ 51 Figure 5-23: Detailed Results Near Exterior Region for 100-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed ...................................................................................... 52 Figure 5-24: Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) for 100-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed...................................................................................................... 53 Figure 5-25: Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed ................................................................ 54 Figure 5-26: Turbulent Dissipation Rate (ε) for 100-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed ............................................................................................... 55 Figure 5-27: Turbulent Dissipation Rate (ε) near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed ................................................................ 56 Figure 5-28: Scaled Residuals for 100-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed ....................................................................................................................... 56 Figure 5-29: 100-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed................................................................................................................ 57 Figure 5-30: Velocity Vectors Colored by Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) for 100-Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed ................................................. 58 Figure 5-31: Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed ................................................................ 59 Figure 5-32: Turbulent Dissipation Rate (ε) for 100-Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed ............................................................................................... 60 vii Figure 5-33: Turbulent Dissipation Rate (ε) near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed ................................................................ 61 Figure 5-34: Scaled Residuals for 100-Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed ....................................................................................................................... 61 Figure 5-35: Base Geometry for 3D Model ..................................................................... 62 Figure 5-36: Base Geometry for 3D Model Showing Tube Outlets ................................ 64 Figure 5-37: Base Geometry for 3D Model Showing Tube Outlet Detail ...................... 64 Figure 5-38: Base Geometry for 3D Model with 552 Tubes and Reduced SG Outlet Plenum Radius ................................................................................................................. 65 Figure 5-39: 3D Model with 2 Outlet Nozzles, 552 Tubes, and Reduced SG Outlet Plenum Radius ................................................................................................................. 66 Figure 5-40: SG Tube Named Selections for Inlet Velocity Boundary Conditions ........ 67 Figure 5-41: Mesh for 552-Tube Model .......................................................................... 69 Figure 5-42: Mesh Edge Sizing for 552-Tube Model ..................................................... 69 Figure 5-43: Isometric View of 552-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed ......................................................................................... 72 Figure 5-44: Side View of 552-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed .................................................................................................. 73 Figure 5-45: Front View of 552-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed .................................................................................................. 74 Figure 5-46: Interior Region Results Detail for 552-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed......................................................................................................... 75 Figure 5-47: Detailed Results Near Outlet Nozzle for 552-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed .................................................................................................. 76 Figure 5-48: Velocity Magnitude Particle Tracks for 552-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed .................................................................................................. 77 Figure 5-49: Scaled Residuals for 552-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed................................................................................................................................ 78 Figure 5-50: Isometric View of 552-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed ............................................................................ 79 viii Figure 5-51: Velocity Magnitude Particle Tracks for 552-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed ...................................................................................... 80 Figure 5-52: Scaled Residuals for 552-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed ....................................................................................................................... 81 Figure 5-53: Isometric View of 552-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed ............................................................................ 82 Figure 5-54: Velocity Magnitude Particle Tracks for 552-Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed ...................................................................................... 83 Figure 5-55: Scaled Residuals for 552-Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed ....................................................................................................................... 84 Figure 6-1: Slice Plane through Outlet Nozzles – YZ Plane ........................................... 88 Figure 6-2: Slice Plane through Outlet Nozzles – XY Plane........................................... 88 Figure 6-3: Western Digital My Passport External Hard Drives ..................................... 90 ix LIST OF ACRONYMS PWR Pressurized Water Reactor RCS Reactor Coolant System CE Combustion Engineering RV Reactor Vessel SG Steam Generator RCP Reactor Coolant Pump CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics NSSS Nuclear Steam Supply System NPSH Net Positive Suction Head 2D Two Dimensional 3D Three Dimensional U. S. United States NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission PWROG Pressurized Water Reactor Owner’s Group UDS Upwind Differencing Scheme SIMPLE Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations x LIST OF SYMBOLS Fr Froude Number (dimensionless) V Velocity (ft/s, m/s) L Characteristic Length (ft, m) g Acceleration due to Gravity (ft/s2, m/s2) M Mass (lbm, kg) t Time (s) Φ Extensive Property (dimensionless) Ωcm Volume of Control Mass (ft3, m3) ρ Density (lbm/ft3, kg/m3) Ο Intensive Property (dimensionless) Ωcv Volume of Control Volume (ft3, m3) scv Surface Enclosing Control Volume (ft, m) π£β Velocity Vector (ft/s, m/s) πββ Orthogonal Unit Vector (dimensionless) ∇ Nabla (Vector) Operator (dimensionless) ui Velocity Component (ft/s, m/s) xi Coordinate Direction Component (ft, m) mv Momentum (lbm-ft/s, kg-m/s) f Forces (lbf, N) πββ Body Forces per Mass Unit (lbf, N) τ Stress Tensor (lbf/ft2, N/m2) τij Viscous Component of the Stress Tensor (lbf/ft2, N/m2) p Pressure (psi, Pa) gi Gravitational Acceleration Vector Component (ft/s2, m/s2) µ Dynamic Viscosity (lbm/ft-s, kg/m-s) δij Kronecker Symbol (dimensionless) x Cartesian Coordinate Direction (ft, m) y Cartesian Coordinate Direction (ft, m) z Cartesian Coordinate Direction (ft, m) xi k Turbulence Kinetic Energy (lbf-ft2/lbm-s2, J/kg) ε Viscous (Kinematic) Dissipation Rate (ft2/s3, m2/s3) D Inertial Diffusive Transport (ft/s2, m/s2) Pk Production by Shear Stress (lbf, N) H Denotes Higher Order Terms (dimensionless) D Tube Inner Diameter (ft, m) xii LIST OF KEYWORDS Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Company LLC Steam Generator Major component in nuclear power plant; converts liquid water to steam through heat transfer AP1000® Four loop Westinghouse PWR Navier-Stokes Conservation of mass and conservation of momentum equations describing turbulent flow k-epsilon (k-ε) Turbulence kinetic energy-viscous (kinematic) dissipation rate turbulence model Vacuum Refill Primary method of venting air from AP1000 SG tubes Dynamic Venting Secondary method of venting air from AP1000 SG tubes Pump Bumping Process of cycling RCPs to generate sufficient flow to vent air from SG tubes Variable Drive AP1000 RCPs are driven by variable speed motors ANSYS WORKBENCH Program which can be used to control related CFD engines (geometry, mesh, calculation setup, and post-processing) ANSYS FLUENT CFD program used to solve Navier-Stokes equations in this study Reynolds Number Flow characteristic based on velocity, geometry, and fluid properties Froude Number Flow characteristic quantifying gravitational inertia xiii ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thank my professor and adviser, Dr. Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete for not only teaching me the theory and principles of CFD during an independent study course, but then pushing me to pursue a thesis involving CFD. The direction he provided motivated me to explore more of what was possible in CFD, and his comments and questions over the course of this experience greatly improved the end result. I would also like to thank my parents, William and Pamela Dalton, for their constant encouragement and support. xiv ABSTRACT This thesis reports on work carried out to model the details of flow phenomena in a Westinghouse AP1000 Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Steam Generator (SG) outlet plenum. Two and three dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models are created using ANSYS WORKBENCH 14.0.0 and ANSYS FLUENT 14.0. These models are used to analyze the flow paths through the SG outlet plenum by solving the Navier-Stokes equations together with a k-epsilon (k-ε) turbulence model. Three potential AP1000 startup conditions are analyzed. The results show that there is some mixing and recirculation present at the tube exits, but the flow eventually moves to the outlet in a relatively smooth flow path. xv 1. Introduction The Westinghouse Electric Company LLC (Westinghouse) AP1000® Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Reactor Coolant System (RCS) is similar in design to the Combustion Engineering (CE) RCS design, with a Reactor Vessel (RV) housing the core, two Steam Generators (SGs), four Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCPs), and a pressurizer. Primary coolant exits the core and flows through the two hot legs to the SGs. Heat is transferred to the secondary side fluid in the SGs, generating steam to power a turbine. The primary flow exits the SGs and returns to the RV through the cold legs to be reheated. The AP1000 RCS layout (primary side) is shown in Figure 1-1 [9]. Figure 1-1: AP1000 RCS [9] 1 The AP1000 SGs are designed with inverted u-shaped tubes, similar to the CE SGs. Figure 1-2 shows the AP1000 SG internals including the tubes [4]. OUTLET NOZZLE Figure 1-2: AP1000 SG Internals [4] While plants are shut down for refueling outages or other maintenance activities, RCPs are off and RCS inventory is stagnant. Refueling and other maintenance require that the RV head is lifted, exposing the fuel and compromising the system pressure boundary. 2 This creates the opportunity for air to be introduced into the RCS, which must be watersolid during normal operation to avoid damage to the RCPs from air entrainment. The air which enters the RCS during outages becomes trapped in the high point of the system, at the top of the SG tubes as shown simplistically in Figure 1-3. Figure 1-3: Location of Air at Top of SG Tubes In order to avoid damage to the RCPs, the air must be completely swept from the RCS during plant startup. This is currently accomplished at CE Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) design plants using two methods: dynamic venting and vacuum refill. The methods used at CE plants are of particular interest in this study since the AP1000 and CE RCS designs are so similar. Dynamic venting was the first method developed to clear the RCS of excess gases during startup. During dynamic venting, RCPs are cycled to ‘bump’ the air from the SGs. A single RCP is turned on, run for a brief amount of time, and is shut off. The duration of pump operation is dictated by the specific Net Positive Suction Head Requirements (NPSH) of the RCPs. The pump operation provides a motive force to drive the trapped air from the top of the SG tubes, through the SG outlet plenum and 3 outlet nozzle, and to a downstream relief valve where it is vented from the system. This process, commonly referred to as ‘pump bumping,’ is repeated by cycling all of the RCPs until the air is completely cleared from both SGs. Due to grid power consumption concerns related to starting an RCP, only one pump can be started at a time. Vacuum refill was developed in the late 1980s as a more contemporary method to remove the excess air from the RCS during startup while reducing outage time. Vacuum refill enhances residual heat removal by using the SGs as reflux condensers and using a pump to establish a vacuum in the vapor space created in the RV and SGs [1]. The vacuum created in the RCS draws water into the RCS and creates a water-solid condition. While vacuum refill is intended to be the primary method for removing the air from the RCS during startup for AP1000 plants, dynamic venting may be a possible secondary strategy. Dynamic venting in AP1000 plants presents a new challenge because the RCPs installed at CE plants have a single drive speed, but the RCPs to be installed at AP1000 plants are designed with variable speed drives so that the pumps can be started at the lowest speed setting and gradually ramped up to full speed. The variable speed drives offer many benefits including a lower draw on grid power during startup. It is possible, however, that the lower pump speeds during startup would not generate sufficient flow rates to sweep the air completely from the SGs during dynamic venting. Dynamic venting has not been analyzed for the operational CE plants in which it is or was used because it is not a safety-related plant function; the pumps only have one speed, and can only be turned on one at a time due to power consumption and NPSH concerns, so the only option for venting is to cycle the pumps until all of the air is removed from the RCS. There has not previously been a need to determine the effectiveness of this process. Instead, utilities noted best practices learned through operational experience and developed plant-specific dynamic venting procedures. 4 Hydraulically, the RCS fluid velocity during dynamic venting must be high enough to overcome the gravitational inertia which naturally maintains the trapped at the top of the SG tubes. The gravitational inertia applies to the length of half of an SG tube (since the bubble is located at the top of the tubes) and to the SG outlet plenum and outlet nozzle regions since they are also generally located at elevations higher than the cold legs where the primary fluid exits the SGs. A Froude number calculation is used to determine if the flow velocity through the tubes is sufficient to overcome the effects of gravity. This type of calculation is not possible for the geometry of the SG outlet plenum because an appropriate hydraulic diameter correlation has not been defined for the outlet plenum region. Instead, two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models created using ANSYS WORKBENCH 14.0.0 and ANSYS FLUENT 14.0 are used to analyze the flow paths through the SG outlet plenum based on the expected RCP flow rates during startup. The models in this analysis solve the Navier-Stokes flow equations with the k-epsilon (k-ε) turbulence model. The energy equations are not applied because this study only considers flow characteristics independent of heat transfer. The models generated in this analysis are used to determine if dynamic venting is a viable option for AP1000 plants as an alternate strategy to vacuum refill. 5 2. Literature Study Liquid-only steam generator flows were modeled using ANSYS FLUENT in a CFD study by Bredberg [10], but the study in [10] only considered a horizontal SG. The SG inlet plenum was specifically modeled for a fast-breeder reactor in a CFD study by Patil, et. al [11]. This study considered turbulent flows through the inlet plenum, which has similar geometry to the outlet plenum, and concluded that the flows are highly nonuniform. Air entrainment was not considered. Void fraction and hydraulic jump in a PWR hot leg were studied by Deendarlianto, et. al using CFD modeling as well as a test loop [12], but the upward flow through the SG tubes after the flow enters the steam generator was not considered. The study described in [13] is a United States (U. S.) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) funded study, published in 2003, which developed a CFD model of an SG inlet plenum based on a Westinghouse 1/7th scale test facility which was designed based on the Indian Point Unit 2 PWR. The goal of the study contained in [13] was to model inlet plenum mixing as part of a steam generator action plan to address tube integrity issues during severe accident scenarios. The CFD model simplified the geometry by reducing the number of tubes and using tubes of a square cross section rather than a circular cross section for ease of meshing with hexagonal elements. Steady state solutions were generated using a transient solver with steady state boundary conditions. The results of the CFD model were compared to the 1/7th model test data to validate the model. The CFD model results were generally within 5% of the 1/7th scale model test data. Velocity vectors are provided in Figure 10 of [13], reproduced here as Figure 2-1. The flow paths shown in Figure 2-1 can be compared to the results of this SG outlet plenum study to determine the similarities and differences between the SG inlet and outlet plenum flows. 6 Figure 2-1: SG Inlet Plenum Velocity Profile Results from [13], Figure 10 SG outlet plenums have not been specifically modeled and documented for the purpose of studying dynamic venting capability in a CE or AP1000 NSSS design PWR. This analysis will develop a model of an SG outlet plenum with the intent to show that AP1000 RCS flow rates during potential dynamic venting conditions should be sufficient to clear any air which might be trapped in the SG tubes before the pumps are 7 fully engaged and operating normally. The results of this study are compared to the results presented in previous studies to determine if there are any similarities or differences between the modeled flow paths. 8 3. Methodology 3.1 Flow through SG Tubes Since the air trapped in the SG tubes is located at the top of the tubes, it needs to be pushed over the top of the u-bends to the bottom of the tubes and out of the SG outlet nozzles in order for it to be swept completely to the reactor vessel where it can be vented. Gravitational inertia must be overcome in order for this process to be successful. For the tube and outlet nozzle portions of this system, Froude number calculations for flow through a pipe can be used to show whether there is sufficient fluid velocity to overcome gravitational inertia. The Froude number for flow through a pipe is [2]: πΉπ = π √πΏπ Equation 1 Where: Fr = Froude number V = fluid velocity L = characteristic length (for pipe, L = diameter) g = acceleration due to gravity A study at Purdue University funded by the Pressurized Water Reactor Owner’s Group (PWROG) showed that for 8 inch diameter pipe, a Froude number greater than 0.93 represents complete air entrainment down a vertical section within 50 seconds [5]. Fluid velocity is determined using volumetric flows for various pump speeds from Table 5-7 of [3]. AP1000 SG tube dimensions are taken from Table 5.4-4 of [4]. The Froude numbers calculated using Equation 1 determine if the flow is sufficient to push the air over the top of the u-bend and into the SG outlet plenum. 9 3.2 Flow through SG Outlet Plenum 3.2.1 Theory Flow is considered turbulent if it is rotational, intermittent, highly disordered, diffusive, and dissipative [15]. It is expected that the flow in the SG outlet plenum will be turbulent. Turbulence is described by the Navier-Stokes momentum transport equations based on conservation of mass and conservation of momentum principles [17]. Conservation of Mass The conservation of mass (continuity) equation for a volume element in a flowing fluid states that the mass within a closed system must be maintained within that system: ππ =0 ππ‘ Equation 2 Where: M = mass t = time π· = ∫ ππππΊ πΊππ Equation 3 Where: Φ = extensive property Ωcm = volume of control mass ρ = density Ο = intensive property (= 1 for conservation of mass; = v for conservation of momentum) The conservation of mass becomes: 10 π ∫ πππΊ + ∫ ππ£β β πββππ = 0 ππ‘ πΊππ£ π ππ£ Equation 4 Where: Ωcv = volume of control volume scv = surface enclosing control volume π£β = fluid velocity vector πββ = orthogonal unit vector The conservation of mass written in the form of Gauss’ Divergence Theorem is: ππ ππ π(ππ’π ) + ∇ β (ππ£β) = + =0 ππ‘ ππ‘ ππ₯π Equation 5 Where: π π π ∇ = nabla (vector) operator = (ππ₯ , ππ¦ , ππ§) ui = velocity component xi = coordinate direction component For a three dimensional rectangular Cartesian system of coordinates with directions x, y, and z, the conservation of mass is written in Einstein convention: π(ππ’π ) π(ππ’π₯ ) π(ππ’π¦ ) π(ππ’π§ ) = + + ππ₯π ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ§ Equation 6 11 Conservation of Momentum The conservation of momentum equation for a Newtonian fluid states that the momentum within a closed system must be maintained within that system: π(ππ£) = ∑π ππ‘ Equation 7 Where: mv = momentum f = forces The conservation of momentum has an intensive property (Ο) equal to the velocity (see Equation 3 variable definition). The conservation of momentum is: π ∫ π π£βππΊ + ∫ ππ£βπ£β β πββππ = ∑ π ππ‘ πΊππ£ π ππ£ Equation 8 π βββββββββ ∫ π π£βππΊ + ∫ ππ£βπ£β β πββππ = ∫ πβ β πββππ + ∫ ππππΊ ππ‘ πΊππ£ π ππ£ π ππ£ π ππ£ Equation 9 Where: πββ = body forces per unit mass τ = stress tensor The conservation of momentum can also be written as: π ππππ ππ ππ’π + π(v ββ β ∇)π’π = − + πππ ππ‘ ππ₯π ππ₯π Equation 10 12 Where: τij = viscous component of the stress tensor (defined in Equation 11) p = pressure gi = gravitational acceleration vector component The viscous component of the stress tensor is: ππ’π ππ’π 2 πππ = π ( + ) − ππΏππ ∇ β v ββ ππ₯π ππ₯π 3 Equation 11 Where: µ = dynamic viscosity δij = Kronecker symbol (= 1 if i = j; = 0 if i ≠ j) For a three dimensional rectangular Cartesian system of coordinates with directions x, y, and z: ππ’π¦ ππ’π₯ ππ’π₯ ππ’π§ πππ₯π₯ πππ₯π¦ πππ₯π§ ππ + ππ’π₯ + ππ’π¦ + ππ’π§ = + + − + πππ₯ ππ‘ ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ§ ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ§ ππ₯ π Equation 12 π ππ’π¦ ππ’π¦ ππ’π¦ ππ’π¦ πππ¦π₯ πππ¦π¦ πππ¦π§ ππ + ππ’π₯ + ππ’π¦ + ππ’π§ = + + − + πππ¦ ππ‘ ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ§ ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ§ ππ¦ Equation 13 π ππ’π§ ππ’π§ ππ’π§ ππ’π§ πππ§π₯ πππ§π¦ πππ§π§ ππ + ππ’π₯ + ππ’π¦ + ππ’π§ = + + − + πππ§ ππ‘ ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ§ ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ§ ππ§ Equation 14 For incompressible fluids, the components of the viscous component of the stress tensor are: ππ₯π₯ = 2π ππ’π₯ ππ₯ Equation 15 13 ππ¦π¦ = 2π ππ’π¦ ππ¦ Equation 16 ππ¦π¦ = 2π ππ’π¦ ππ¦ Equation 17 ππ’π₯ ππ’π¦ ππ₯π¦ = ππ¦π₯ = π ( + ) ππ¦ ππ₯ Equation 18 ππ’π¦ ππ’π§ ππ¦π§ = ππ§π¦ = π ( + ) ππ§ ππ¦ Equation 19 ππ§π₯ = ππ₯π§ = π ( ππ’π§ ππ’π₯ + ) ππ₯ ππ§ Equation 20 The conservation of momentum equations in rectangular Cartesian coordinates (Equation 12, Equation 13, and Equation 14) become: π ππ’π¦ ππ’π₯ ππ’π₯ ππ’π§ π 2 π’π₯ π 2 π’π₯ π 2 π’π₯ ππ + ππ’π₯ + ππ’π¦ + ππ’π§ = π( 2 + + )− + πππ₯ 2 2 ππ‘ ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ§ ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ§ ππ₯ Equation 21 ππ’π¦ ππ’π¦ ππ’π¦ ππ’π¦ π 2 π’π¦ π 2 π’π¦ π 2 π’π¦ ππ π + ππ’π₯ + ππ’π¦ + ππ’π§ = π( 2 + + ) − + πππ¦ ππ‘ ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ§ ππ₯ ππ¦ 2 ππ§ 2 ππ¦ Equation 22 14 ππ’π§ ππ’π§ ππ’π§ ππ’π§ π 2 π’π§ π 2 π’π§ π 2 π’π§ ππ π + ππ’π₯ + ππ’π¦ + ππ’π§ = π( 2 + + ) − + πππ§ ππ‘ ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ§ ππ₯ ππ¦ 2 ππ§ 2 ππ§ Equation 23 The first term on the left hand side of Equation 21, Equation 22, and Equation 23 represents the time rate of change of momentum in the specific direction (x, y, or z). The three other terms on the left hand side of Equation 21, Equation 22, and Equation 23 describe the rate of change of momentum in the fluid due to the three vector components. These terms are referred to as the inertial terms. The first three terms on the right hand side of Equation 21, Equation 22, and Equation 23 are the time rate of change of momentum associated with the internal viscous forces. The final two terms on the right hand side of Equation 21, Equation 22, and Equation 23 are the rate of change of momentum due to spacial pressure variations in the fluid and the rate of change of momentum due to the action of gravity. Turbulence The Navier-Stokes equations describe the characteristics of the flow field; specifically of the SG outlet plenum evaluated in this study. However, impractically fine meshing would be required to accurately capture the details of the flow and in practice, turbulence models are commonly used. The standard k-epsilon (k-ε) model is used as the solver for the kinetic energy of turbulence in this study. The k-ε model is described in [15]: π ππ‘π ππ πΆβππππ + π΄ππ£πππ‘ππ£π πππππ ππππ‘ = πΌππππ‘πππ π·ππππ’π ππ£π πππππ ππππ‘ (π) − πππππ’ππ‘πππ ππ¦ πβπππ ππ‘πππ π (ππ ) − πππ πππ’π (πΎππππππ‘ππ)π·ππ π ππππ‘πππ π ππ‘π (π) Equation 24 15 ππ ππ π Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ π’π ′π’π ′ π′ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ ππ’Μ π + π’Μ π =− [π’π′ ( + ) − 2π£π’ π ′π ππ ] − π’π ′π’π ′ ππ‘ ππ₯π ππ₯π 2 π ππ₯π Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ Μ ππ’π ′ ππ’π ′ ππ’π ′ ππ’π ′ −π£( + ) ππ₯π ππ₯π ππ₯π ππ₯π Equation 25 Where: π ππ = 1 ππ’π ′ ππ’π ′ ( + ) 2 ππ₯π ππ₯π Equation 26 The k-ε model simplifies to: π·π ππ ππ ≡ + π’Μ π = ππ + ππ − π π·π‘ ππ‘ ππ₯π Equation 27 The turbulent k-ε model are involved in the FLUENT calculation for the cases in this study. 3.2.2 Modeling A Froude number calculation is not appropriate for the SG outlet plenum region because of the complex geometry of the region. In order to study the flow phenomena occurring in the SG outlet plenum, 2D and 3D CFD hydraulic models of an SG outlet plenum are created in ANSYS FLUENT 14.0 using ANSYS WORKBENCH 14.0.0. Only the primary side is modeled because that is the area of interest of this study. The SG outlet plenum models include SG tube exits, the outlet plenum, and outlet nozzle. There are normally thousands of SG tubes per SG, but fewer tubes are modeled to simplify the model in order to avoid convergence and run-time issues. The number of tubes modeled, mesh quality, and number of iterations are dictated by the computing power. The models are only run as steady state scenarios due to computer processor limitations. 16 Upwinding The Upwind Differencing Scheme (UDS) is a way to approximate the value of Ο e using the value of the upstream node. The value of Οe is approximated as: π ππ (π£β β πββ)π > 0 ππ = { π ππΈ ππ (π£β β πββ)π < 0 Equation 28 A Taylor series expansion about P for Cartesian coordinates with (π£β β πββ)π > 0 and where H denotes higher order terms is: ππ = ππ + (π₯π − π₯π ) ( (π₯π − π₯π )2 π 2 π ππ ) + ( 2) + π» ππ₯ π 2 ππ₯ π Equation 29 Upwinding prevents the development of oscillations at the expense of some degree of accuracy of the solution. It accounts for the flow direction within the solver such that the direction of the flow will influence the form of the finite difference. This study uses the second order upwinding option embedded within the ANSYS software to reduce oscillations and converge to a solution for each case. SIMPLE Algorithm The Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations (SIMPLE) algorithm is a procedure for developing the flow field in a system. The sequence of operations described in [16], Chapter 5 is: 1. Guess the pressure field p*. 2. Solve the momentum equations to obtain u*, v*, and w*. 3. Solve the p' equation. 4. Calculate p using: π = π∗ + π′ Equation 30 5. Calculate u, v, and w from their starred values using: 17 π’π = π’π∗ + ππ (ππ ′ − ππΈ ′) Equation 31 π£π = π£π∗ + ππ (ππ ′ − ππ ′) Equation 32 π€π‘ = π€π‘∗ + ππ‘ (ππ ′ − ππ ′) Equation 33 6. Solve the discretization equation for other Ο’s (such as temperature, concentration and turbulence quantities) if they influence the flow field through fluid properties, source terms, etc. 7. Treat the corrected pressure p as a new guessed pressure p*, return to step 2, and repeat the whole procedure until a converged solution is obtained. The SIMPLE algorithm is embedded within the ANSYS software which is used in this study. 3.2.3 Flow Phenomena Characterization The results obtained using the CFD models can be used to determine the flow phenomena that exist in the SG outlet plenum region and the effects these phenomena have on forward flow exiting the SG. Since the outlet plenum collects the exit flow from thousands of tubes, it is expected that there is some degree of mixing and recirculation in this region. It is also possible that hydraulic jump occurs in the outlet plenum. Hydraulic jump occurs when shock waves within fluid channels create discontinuities in the fluid height and fluid velocity [8]. Continuity and momentum for hydraulic jump regions can be characterized using equations from [8]. Relationships between fluid levels and velocities on either side of the hydraulic jump region are developed in [7]. Correlations between fluxes of kinetic energy before and after a hydraulic jump are described in [6]. 18 It is appropriate to model the flow of water to determine if air can be successfully pushed from the SG tubes and through the SG outlet plenum because it is the flow paths which are of interest. It is expected that air which is trapped in the SG tubes would follow a similar flow path as the water modeled in this study. The force generated by the flow of the water (shown as velocity vector results in Section 5 of this report) would force the air to follow a path of similar direction as the water. 19 4. Inputs 4.1 RCS Conditions During Startup AP1000 RCS temperature conditions vary from 70°F to 557°F during RCP startup [3]. The estimated pump speeds, head, and flow rates achieved using the variable frequency RCP drives during startup with four RCPs operating are taken from [3], Table 5-7 and are shown in Table 4-1 with the associated time and temperature condition. Table 4-1: RCS Conditions for Startup with Four RCPs [3] Time (min) 0 3 360 361 840 841 1,080 RCS Temperature (°F) 70 70 231 231 450 450 557 Speed (rpm) Head (ft) Flow/Pump (gpm) Total Flow (gpm) 200 1,600 1,600 1,680 1,680 1,750 1,750 5 322 322 335 335 365 365 9,000 74,000 74,000 75,500 75,500 78,750 78,750 36,000 288,000 288,000 302,000 302,000 315,000 315,000 Three flow and temperature conditions during startup are selected from Table 4-1 to be modeled in this analysis. The three selected conditions capture the range of pre-Hot Zero Power (HZP) conditions and are shown in Table 4-2. The SG flow column in Table 4-2 is the total incoming flow from two RCPs operating in the same loop; double the flow per pump listed in Table 4-1. This analysis will only consider startup combinations for two RCPs operating in the same loop since reverse flow data for part-loop operation is not available. Table 4-2: Selected RCS Temperature Conditions and RCP Speeds RCS Temperature (°F) RCP Speed (rpm) SG Flow (gpm) 70 231 450 200 1,600 1,750 18,000 148,000 157,500 20 4.2 Fluid Properties Properties of water for the temperature conditions listed in Table 4-2 are needed to calculate the associated Reynolds number for flow through SG tubes. Density is also needed as an input for the FLUENT model. Pressures associated with the startup conditions are not specified in [3]. The normal operating RCS pressure is listed as 2,250 psia in [9], Table 5.1-3. This pressure is assumed to be similar enough to the pressure at 231°F and 450°F for the purposes of this analysis. A bounding low RCS pressure of 200 psia is assumed for the cold temperature condition of 70°F. The fluid properties based on these conditions are taken from [14] and are shown in Table 4-3. Density and viscosity are provided in both English and metric units in Table 4-3. Table 4-3: Fluid Properties RCS Temperature (°F) RCS Pressure (psia) Density (lbm/ft3) 70 231 450 200 2,250 2,250 62.3377 59.7938 52.1819 21 Density (kg/m3) Viscosity (lbm/ft-s) Viscosity (kg/m-s) 998.554174 6.5481E-04 4.7362E-03 957.804804 1.7297E-04 1.2511E-03 835.873862 7.9307E-05 5.7363E-04 4.3 Froude Number for Flow through SG Tubes The tops of steam generator tubes fill with air during refueling outages (Figure 1-3). A Froude number calculation is performed to determine if the fluid velocity is sufficient to clear the air from the SG tubes into the SG outlet plenum. The PWROG-funded study at Purdue University [5] showed that for 8 inch diameter pipe, a Froude number greater than 0.93 represents complete air entrainment down a vertical section within 50 seconds ([5], Section 7.2.5). The AP1000 SG tube diameter is calculated as shown in Table 4-4: Table 4-4: AP1000 SG Tube Diameter Dimensions Dimension Value (in) Value (ft) Reference Tube Outer Diameter 0.688 in 0.057 ft [4], Table 5.4-4 Tube Wall Thickness 0.040 in 0.003 ft [4], Table 5.4-4 Tube Inner Diameter (D) 0.608 in 0.051 ft Calculated (0.688 in – (2 x 0.040 in)) Since the diameter of the flow area for the AP1000 SG tube flow area is much smaller than the pipe diameter used in the Purdue study, a Froude number of 0.93 can be used as a critical value for the SG flow paths. The SG tube flow area is calculated for cylindrical pipe using the SG tube inner diameter determined above. The SG tube flow area for each tube is: π·2 (0.608 ππ)2 π =π = 0.290 ππ2 = 2.014π₯10−3 ππ‘ 2 4 4 There are 10,025 tubes in each AP1000 SG ([4], Table 5.4-4). The RCS configurations considered in this analysis are shown in Table 4-2. The flow rate per tube is calculated for each configuration by dividing the total SG flow rate from Table 4-2 by 10025 tubes per SG. The flow rate per tube is converted to velocity per tube using the conversion 22 factor of 7.4805 gal/ft3 and the SG tube flow area of 2.014x10-3 ft2, calculated above. The inner diameter of each SG tube, 0.051 ft, is used with Equation 1 to calculate the Froude number for the SG tubes in each flow condition. documented in Table 4-5. 23 These calculations are Table 4-5: SG Tube Froude Number RCS RCP Temperature Speed (°F) (rpm) 70 231 450 200 1,600 1,750 SG Flow (gpm) SG Tube Flow (gpm) Conversion Factor (gal/ft3) SG Tube Flow Area (ft2) 18,000 148,000 157,500 1.796 14.763 15.711 7.4805 7.4805 7.4805 2.014E-03 2.014E-03 2.014E-03 24 SG Tube Acceleration SG Tube Flow Due to Froude Diameter Velocity Gravity Number (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s2) 1.986 16.333 17.381 0.051 0.051 0.051 32.174 32.174 32.174 1.556 12.792 13.613 A comparison of the Froude numbers shown in Table 4-5 to the critical Froude number, 0.93 [5], shows that the air collected in the SG tubes during an outage will successfully be swept clear of the tubes for the selected pump speed and fluid temperature conditions from Table 4-2. A CFD model of the SG tubes is not needed since the Froude number equation can be used to determine if the fluid force will be sufficient to clear the air from the tubes. The Froude numbers calculated in Table 4-5 are based on the average flow velocity through the SG tubes. In reality, the flow velocity differs for each row of SG tubes based on the length of the tube. The shorter SG tubes have a higher flow rate since there is less resistance than in the longer tubes. The longer SG tubes have more resistance to flow and therefore, have lower flow rates. The difference in resistance based on tube length is considered negligible in this analysis. 25 5. CFD Models 5.1 Two Dimensional Modeling To gain insight into the problem and to be able to quickly try ideas and carry out computer experiments during code development, two dimensional models are first investigated. 5.1.1 45-Tube Model Geometry and Velocity Boundary Conditions Flow through the SG outlet plenum is first modeled in Cartesian two dimensions using ANSYS WORKBENCH 14.0.0 and ANSYS FLUENT 14.0. The system is modeled as a set of tubes flowing into the outlet plenum. In two dimensions, the tubes appear as slots. The number of tubes modeled is limited by the computational power. At first, the SG is modeled with 45 tubes of the same diameter as the AP1000 SG tubes. No outlet nozzle is modeled as this preliminary model is only used to show that the model in development will successfully mesh and run in ANSYS. The inverted “u” shaped portion of the tubes is also not modeled in the 45-tube model. The full model geometry of the 45-tube model created in the DesignModeler engine of WORKBENCH is shown in Figure 5-1. 26 Figure 5-1: 45-Tube Model The geometry for the plenum region is shown in Figure 5-2 with the associated named selections created during the meshing process. sg_tube_walls sg_tube_bottoms sg_bowl_in sg_bowl_bottom Figure 5-2: 2D 45-Tube Model – Outlet Plenum Region 27 Instead of modeling the inverted “u” shaped portion of the tubes, a fixed inlet flow rate is used as a boundary condition across the tops of the tubes. The fixed velocity is chosen such that the Reynolds number effects through the tubes match the Reynolds number effects which would be present if 10,025 tubes were modeled. The Reynolds number is: π π = πππ· π Equation 34 Since velocity is in the numerator of Equation 34, the velocity through a single tube can be multiplied by the number of tubes and applied at the top of the tubes to achieve the same Reynolds number effects as 10,025 tubes because the flow will be divided among the tubes. The velocity per tube for each of the conditions of this analysis is calculated in Table 4-2 and is multiplied by 45 tubes in Table 5-1. Table 5-1: Fluid Velocity at Top of 45 Tubes RCS Temperature (°F) RCS Pressure (psia) RCP Speed (rpm) SG Tube Flow Velocity (ft/s) Velocity at Top of 45 Tubes (ft/s) 70 231 450 200 2,250 2,250 200 1,600 1,750 1.986 16.333 17.381 89.389 734.975 782.152 The velocity at the top of 45 tubes is used as a boundary condition in the model calculation setup. The top portion of the tubes where the boundary condition is applied in the 45-tube model is shown in Figure 5-3 with the associated named selections created during the meshing process. 28 sg_top_in sg_top (inlet velocity boundary condition) sg_tube_tops sg_top_out Figure 5-3: 2D 45-Tube Model – Inlet Velocity Boundary Condition As shown in Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3, named selections are created for: ο· SG top – inlet velocity (sg_top) ο· SG top outside – exterior side of top rectangular portion above tubes (sg_top_out) ο· SG top inside – interior side of top rectangular portion above tubes (sg_top_in) ο· SG tube tops – boundary between tubes at top of model (sg_tube_tops) ο· SG tube walls – sidewalls of SG tubes (sg_tube_walls) ο· SG tube bottoms – boundary between tubes at bottom of model (sg_tube_bottoms) ο· SG outlet plenum inside – interior side of outlet plenum (sg_bowl_in) ο· SG outlet plenum outside – exterior bowl-shaped outlet plenum boundary (sg_bowl_bottom) Named selections are added to the model so that named selections can be specified as locations for mesh improvement. 29 Mesh A mesh for the 45-tube model is developed to be fairly coarse since the goal of the preliminary two dimensional model is to show that the model can be successfully meshed and run before adding an outlet, more tubes, and refining the mesh. The growth rate is set to 1.2 and the minimum edge length is set to 7.62x10-3 m. Inflation with a smooth transition with a transition ratio of 0.272, a maximum of two layers, and a growth rate of 1.2 is applied. Edge sizing is used to refine the mesh at the points where the tube flow enters the SG outlet plenum because this is the area of interest for this model. The mesh generated with this configuration contains 18,645 nodes and 15,027 elements. Figure 5-4 shows the mesh for the plenum region of the 45-tube model. Figure 5-4: Mesh for Plenum Region of 45-Tube Model Figure 5-4 shows that the mesh was successfully constructed and mesh edge sizing refined the mesh near the tube exits. Computation Setup The 45-tube models for each temperature and pump speed condition from Table 5-1 are run as steady state, pressure-based calculations in planar two dimensional space with 30 absolute velocity formation. The 45-tube models are used as a means to test the geometry and mesh before creating a larger model, so the laminar viscous model is used to reduce computing time. All other models, including the energy model, are set to “off” because the focus of this study is flow and not heat transfer. The fluid is set to liquid water with density and viscosity from Table 4-3. The surface body cell zone condition is set to liquid water. The boundary conditions are listed in Table 5-2. Table 5-2: 45-Tube Model Boundary Conditions Zone Boundary Condition interior-surface_body* Interior sg_bowl_bottom Stationary wall; no slip sg_bowl_in Stationary wall; no slip sg_top Inlet velocity from Table 5-1 sg_top_in Stationary wall; no slip sg_top_out Stationary wall; no slip sg_tube_bottoms Stationary wall; no slip sg_tube_tops Stationary wall; no slip sg_tube_walls Stationary wall; no slip wall-surface_body* Stationary wall; no slip *These cell zones were generated by FLUENT. The dynamic mesh is not activated and the default reference values are used. The SIMPLE algorithm (Section is used with a least-squares cell based gradient, standard pressure solver, and second order upwinding for the momentum calculation (Section The default FLUENT under-relaxation factors shown in Table 5-3 are used for solution control. Table 5-3: Under-Relaxation Factors Parameter Pressure Density Body Forces Momentum Under-Relaxation Factor 0.3 1 1 0.7 The solution is initialized using a standard initialization based on the named selection called “sg_bowl_bottom.” The initial values for pressure, x velocity, and y velocity are all set to zero. The calculation is set to autosave every 10 iterations and to run for 400 31 iterations, reporting every 10 iterations, with a profile update interval of one iteration. This scenario is copied and run for each of the three analysis conditions. 32 Results of 45-Tube Model Results of the 45-tube model are only included in this report for one RCS condition. The preliminary model is run at all three analysis conditions, but since the purpose of the preliminary model is only to show that the model can be successfully meshed and run in ANSYS, it is sufficient to show the results of one of the model at one condition. Plots of turbulence quantities (k, ε) are not generated because the 45-tube model is run using the laminar solver. The 45-tube model is merely a test case to show that the model in development can be meshed and solved in ANSYS, so the laminar solver is used to reduce computation time. Figure 5-5 shows the velocity magnitude results for the SG outlet plenum. Figure 5-5: 45-Tube Laminar Model Velocity Vector Results at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed The scaled residuals for this model are shown in Figure 5-6. The scaled residuals are automatically displayed when a calculation is completed in FLUENT, but can also be displayed by selecting the Plots option in the Results menu of the Solution engine in 33 WORKBENCH. In the Plots screen, an XY plot of the solution can be displayed to show the residuals. Figure 5-6: Scaled Residuals for Laminar 45-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed These results show that the model can successfully be run in ANSYS. The flow paths and velocity magnitudes shown in Figure 5-5 are not appropriate for use as results of this study since there is no outlet present in the model. Since there is no location where the flow can exit the SG outlet plenum, the flow strongly recirculates toward the SG tube exits and does not behave in the same manner that it would if there was an outlet. The 45-tube model is further developed into the 100-tube model described in Section 5.1.2. 34 5.1.2 100-Tube Model Geometry and Velocity Boundary Conditions The preliminary Cartesian two dimensional 45-tube model described in Section 5.1.1 is expanded to include 100 tubes. The geometry for the 100-tube model created in the DesignModeler engine of WORKBENCH is shown in Figure 5-7. Figure 5-7: 100-Tube Model An outlet nozzle with a pressure-outlet (pressure = 0 psig) boundary condition is added to the 2D model from Section 5.1.1 as shown in Figure 5-7. The AP1000 SG outlet nozzles are vertical pipes located on the bottom of the SG outlet plenum, leading to the RCP suction as shown in Figure 1-1. The outlet nozzle in the 2D, 100-tube model is not added in the same location as the AP1000 SG. The 2D model in this study is used as a development tool before the creation of a 3D model, so it is not important to locate the outlet nozzle in the correct location. Adding an outlet to the base model (45-tube model from Section 5.1.1) creates 35 an exit location for the modeled flow, so the results of the 100-tube model with the outlet nozzle are expected to show less recirculation than the results of the 45-tube model that did not have an outlet nozzle. In addition, only one outlet nozzle is modeled when there are actually two outlet nozzles leading to two RCPs directly below each SG (Figure 1-1). The 2D model in this study shows a cross section of the SG outlet plenum. The outlet nozzles are aligned, so in two dimensions, only one nozzle would be visible. The 3D model described in Section 5.2.1 includes both outlet nozzles. The SG outlet plenum with its added outlet nozzle and associated named selections is shown in Figure 5-8. The named selections in the 100-tube model are the same as the named selections in the 45-tube model, except additional named selections were created for the outlet nozzle with a pressure-outlet (pressure = 0 psig) boundary condition as shown in Figure 5-8. sg_tube_walls sg_tube_bottoms sg_bowl_in sg_bowl_bottom outlet_nozzle_exit (pressure-outlet boundary condition) outlet_nozzle_top outlet_nozzle_bottom Figure 5-8: 2D 100-Tube Model – Outlet Plenum Region 36 Similarly to the 45-tube model, the inverted “u” shaped portion of the tubes is not modeled and a fixed inlet velocity is used as a boundary condition across the tops of the tubes. The fixed velocity is chosen to provide the same Reynolds number effects through the tubes as though the 10,025 tubes were modeled. The Reynolds number calculation is described in Section The necessary inlet velocity per tube to generate the desired Reynolds number is calculated in Table 5-1. The single-tube inlet velocity is multiplied by 100 tubes in Table 5-4. Table 5-4: Fluid Velocity at Top of 100 Tubes RCS Temperature (°F) RCS Pressure (psia) RCP Speed (rpm) SG Tube Flow Velocity (ft/s) Velocity at Top of 100 Tubes (ft/s) 70 231 450 200 2,250 2,250 200 1,600 1,750 1.986 16.333 17.381 198.642 1,633.277 1,738.116 The velocity at the top of 100 tubes is applied as an inlet velocity boundary condition in the model as shown in Figure 5-9. The named selections associated with this portion of the 100-tube model are also shown in Figure 5-9. 37 sg_top (velocity inlet boundary condition) sg_top_in sg_top_out sg_tube_tops Figure 5-9: 2D 100-Tube Model – Inlet Velocity Boundary Condition As shown in Figure 5-8 and Figure 5-9, named selections are created for: ο· SG top – inlet velocity (sg_top) ο· SG top outside – exterior side of top rectangular portion above tubes (sg_top_out) ο· SG top inside – interior side of top rectangular portion above tubes (sg_top_in) ο· SG tube tops – boundary between tubes at top of model (sg_tube_tops) ο· SG tube walls – sidewalls of SG tubes (sg_tube_walls) ο· SG tube bottoms – boundary between tubes at bottom of model (sg_tube_bottoms) ο· SG outlet plenum inside – interior side of outlet plenum (sg_bowl_in) ο· SG outlet plenum outside – exterior bowl-shaped outlet plenum boundary (sg_bowl_bottom) ο· SG outlet nozzle top – uppermost edge of outlet nozzle (outlet_nozzle_top) ο· SG outlet nozzle exit – exit of outlet nozzle (outlet_nozzle_exit) ο· SG outlet nozzle bottom – lower edge of outlet nozzle (outlet_nozzle_bottom) 38 Mesh A mesh for the 100-tube model is developed to be fine enough to generate accurate results but not so fine that excessive computing time is required. The growth rate is set to 1.2 and the minimum edge length is set to 7.62x10-3 m. Inflation with a smooth transition with a transition ratio of 0.272, a maximum of two layers, and a growth rate of 1.2 is applied. Edge sizing is used to refine the mesh at the points where the tube flow enters the SG outlet plenum because this is the area of interest for this model. The mesh generated with this configuration contains 22,886 nodes and 18,094 elements. Figure 5-10 shows the mesh for the 100-tube model. Figure 5-10: Mesh for 100-Tube Model Figure 5-11 shows a detail view of the locations where mesh edge sizing is used to refine the mesh. A finer mesh is used at the tube exits because it is expected that recirculating flow will be present near the tube exits. 39 Figure 5-11: Mesh Edge Sizing for 100-Tube Model Computation Setup The 100-tube models for each temperature and pump speed condition are run as steady state, pressure-based calculations in planar two dimensional space with absolute velocity formation. While the 45-tube model used the laminar viscous model, the 100-tube model uses the standard k-ε turbulent equations (Section All other models, including the energy model, are set to “off” because the focus of this study is flow and not heat transfer. The fluid is set to liquid water with density and viscosity from Table 4-3. The surface body cell zone condition is set to the liquid water. The boundary conditions are listed in Table 5-5. 40 Table 5-5: 100-Tube Model Boundary Conditions Zone Boundary Condition interior-surface_body* Interior sg_bowl_bottom Stationary wall; no slip sg_bowl_in Stationary wall; no slip sg_top Inlet velocity (from Table 5-4) sg_top_in Stationary wall; no slip sg_top_out Stationary wall; no slip sg_tube_bottoms Stationary wall; no slip sg_tube_tops Stationary wall; no slip sg_tube_walls Stationary wall; no slip outlet_nozzle_top Stationary wall; no slip outlet_nozzle_exit Pressure - outlet outlet_nozzle_bottom Stationary wall; no slip wall-surface_body* Stationary wall; no slip *These cell zones were generated by FLUENT. The dynamic mesh is not activated and the default reference values are used. The SIMPLE algorithm (Section is used with a least-squares cell based gradient, standard pressure solver, and second order upwinding for the momentum calculation (Section The default FLUENT under-relaxation factors listed in Table 5-6 are used for solution control. Table 5-6: Under-Relaxation Factors Parameter Pressure Density Body Forces Momentum Turbulent Kinetic Energy Under-Relaxation Factor 0.3 1 1 0.7 0.8 The solution is initialized using a standard initialization based on the named selection called “sg_bowl_bottom.” The initial values for pressure, x velocity, and y velocity are all set to zero. The calculation is set to autosave every 10 iterations, and to run for 1,000 iterations, reporting every 50 iterations, with a profile update interval of 10 iterations. This scenario is copied and run for each of the three analysis conditions from Table 5-4. 41 Results of 100-Tube Model 100-Tube Model Results at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed The 100-tube model at 70°F is solved in steady state and set to run for 1,000 iterations (solution reached in 130 iterations). Figure 5-12 shows the velocity magnitude results for the SG outlet plenum. There is significantly less recirculation shown in the velocity vector results for the turbulent model at 70°F than there is in the laminar results at 70°F (Figure 5-5). This is due to the addition of the outlet nozzle. The flow naturally travels to the pressure outlet. With no outlet available in the laminar model, the flow was forced to recirculate after making contact with the wall boundaries. In the 100-tube model which includes an outlet nozzle, the velocity increases from about 71 m/s near the tube exits to a maximum velocity of about 282 m/s at the end of the outlet nozzle. Figure 5-12: 100-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed 42 Figure 5-13 shows a detailed view of the velocity magnitude near the SG outlet plenum divider plate (flat side of the outlet plenum) at the tube exits. The detailed view shows that there is some minor recirculation near the tube exits, but most of the flow is directed downward toward the bottom of the SG outlet plenum. The magnitude of the recirculation flow is significantly lower than the magnitude of the recirculation flow shown in the 45-tube model results (Figure 5-5). This difference can be attributed to the addition of the outlet nozzle in the 100-tube model. The flow continues toward the outlet nozzle rather than recirculating and increasing in velocity magnitude directed at the tube exits. Figure 5-13: Detailed Results Near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed 43 Figure 5-14 shows the velocity magnitude near the tube outlets in the center of the SG outlet plenum. The flow is directed downward and toward the pressure outlet at the SG outlet nozzle, which is located on the right side of the model. Figure 5-14 shows that the recirculation dissipates in relatively close proximity to the tube exits and becomes more uniform as it grows closer to the outlet nozzle. Figure 5-14: Central Region Results Detail for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed 44 Figure 5-15 shows the velocity magnitude near the outer edge of the SG outlet plenum. Figure 5-15 shows that there is low velocity recirculation present between the outermost tube exit and the exterior of the SG outlet plenum. Farther from the tube exits, the flow approaches the pressure outlet. Figure 5-15: Exterior Region Results Detail for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed 45 Figure 5-16 shows the detailed results near the outer edge (bowl-shaped face) of the SG outlet plenum. Figure 5-16 shows that there is recirculation present between the outermost tube exit and the exterior of the SG outlet plenum. The recirculation field recombines with the flow path at the exit of the outermost tube and is directed downward, toward the outlet nozzle along with the rest of the flow exiting the tubes. Figure 5-16: Detailed Results Near Exterior Region for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed 46 Figure 5-17 is a contour plot of the turbulent kinetic energy (k) results for the 100-tube model (Section Figure 5-17 shows that there is little turbulent kinetic energy throughout the outlet plenum, but some areas of higher turbulent kinetic energy near the tube exits. Figure 5-17: Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed Figure 5-18 shows that the areas between the tube exits have the highest turbulent kinetic energy at around 1321 J/kg. 47 Figure 5-18: Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed 48 Figure 5-19 shows the turbulent dissipation rate (ε) results for the 100-tube model (Section Figure 5-19 shows that similarly to the turbulent kinetic energy results shown in Figure 5-17, there is relatively little turbulent eddy dissipation in the majority of the outlet plenum, but there is higher turbulent eddy dissipation near the tube exits. Figure 5-19: Velocity Vectors Colored by Turbulent Dissipation Rate (ε) for 100Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed Figure 5-20 shows the turbulent dissipation rate near the divider plate (flat surface) at the interior wall of the SG outlet plenum. Figure 5-20 shows that there is relatively low dissipation in most locations, but the maximum value of 5.599 x 106 m2/s3 is located near the tube outlets. 49 Figure 5-20: Turbulent Dissipation Rate (ε) near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed The scaled residuals for this model are shown in Figure 5-21. Figure 5-21: Scaled Residuals for 100-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed 50 100-Tube Model Results at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed The 100-tube model at 231°F is solved in steady state and set to run for 1,000 iterations (solution reached in 480 iterations). Figure 5-22 shows the velocity magnitude results for the SG outlet plenum. The velocity increases from about 578 m/s near the tube exits to a maximum velocity of about 2312 m/s at the end of the outlet nozzle. Figure 5-22: 100-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed Most of the detailed figures of the flow paths for the results of the 100-tube model run at 231°F and 2,250 psia are not provided in this report because the flow paths are very similar to the results for the 100-tube model at 70°F and 200 psia shown in Section Instead, a single detailed view of an area of interest is provided in Figure 5-23. Figure 5-23 shows the detailed results near the outer edge of the SG outlet plenum, where the largest recirculation pattern was noticed in the 70°F model results 51 shown in Figure 5-16. Figure 5-23 shows that the recirculation pattern generated in the 231°F model is almost identical to the pattern created using the 70°F. The only noticeable difference in velocity results of the 70°F and 231°F 100-tube models is the velocity magnitude through the outlet nozzle. Figure 5-23: Detailed Results Near Exterior Region for 100-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed Figure 5-24 shows the turbulent kinetic energy (k) results of the 100-tube model (Section Figure 5-24 shows that there is relatively little turbulent kinetic energy in the majority of the outlet plenum, but there is higher kinetic energy near the tube exits in the region between the tube exits. 52 Figure 5-24: Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) for 100-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed Figure 5-25 shows the turbulent kinetic energy near the divider plate at the interior wall (flat side) of the SG outlet plenum. Figure 5-25 shows that the maximum turbulent kinetic energy for the 231°F model is about 6.250 x 104 J/kg, which is an order of magnitude higher than the 1321 J/kg predicted using the 70°F model shown in Figure 5-18. 53 Figure 5-25: Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed Figure 5-26 shows the turbulent dissipation rate (ε) results for the 100-tube model (Section Figure 5-26 shows that there is a relatively low turbulent dissipation rate throughout the outlet plenum, but the dissipation rate is higher near the tube exits. 54 Figure 5-26: Turbulent Dissipation Rate (ε) for 100-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed Figure 5-27 shows the turbulent dissipation rate near the divider plate (flat side) at the interior wall of the SG outlet plenum. Figure 5-27 shows that there is relatively low dissipation in most locations throughout the outlet plenum, and that the highest dissipation is 2.589 x 109 m2/s3. This value is three orders of magnitude higher than the maximum turbulent dissipation rate of the 70°F model, 5.599 x 106 m2/s3, shown in Figure 5-20. 55 Figure 5-27: Turbulent Dissipation Rate (ε) near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed The scaled residuals for this model are shown in Figure 5-28. Figure 5-28: Scaled Residuals for 100-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed 56 100-Tube Model Results at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed The 100-tube model at 450°F is solved in steady state and set to run for 1,000 iterations (solution reached in 870 iterations). Figure 5-29 shows that the flow path results for the SG outlet plenum in the 450°F model are similar to the results for the 70°F and 213°F turbulent models (Figure 5-12 and Figure 5-22). The flow increases from about 614.7 m/s at the tube exits to about 2459 m/s at the outlet nozzle exit. Figure 5-29: 100-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed Since the flow path results of the 450°F model are very similar to the results of both the 70°F and 231°F models, detailed views of the velocity magnitude results are not included in this report for the 450°F model. 57 Figure 5-30 shows the turbulent kinetic energy (k) results for the 100-tube model (Section As with the results of the 70°F and 231°F model results, Figure 5-30 shows that there is relatively low turbulent kinetic energy in the majority of the outlet plenum, but there is higher kinetic energy near the tube exits. Figure 5-30: Velocity Vectors Colored by Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) for 100Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed Figure 5-31 shows the velocity vectors colored by the turbulent kinetic energy near the divider plate (flat side) at the interior wall of the SG outlet plenum. Figure 5-31 shows that the maximum turbulent kinetic energy in the 450°F model is about 4.288 x 104 J/kg. This value is greater than the maximum value of 1321 J/kg from the 70°F model but less than the 6.250 x 104 J/kg from the 231°F model. These results show that if the pressure 58 of a system is held constant but the inlet velocity is changed, the turbulent kinetic energy will decrease. Figure 5-31: Turbulent Kinetic Energy (k) near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed Figure 5-32 shows the turbulent dissipation rate (ε) results for the 100-tube model (Section Figure 5-32 shows that there is only heightened turbulent dissipation rate near the tube exits and that the remainder of the outlet plenum has relatively low turbulent dissipation rate. 59 Figure 5-32: Turbulent Dissipation Rate (ε) for 100-Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed Figure 5-33 shows the turbulent dissipation rate near the divider plate (flat side) at the interior wall of the SG outlet plenum. Figure 5-33 shows that the maximum turbulent dissipation rate for the 450°F model is about 2.305 x 109 m3/s2. This value is higher than the maximum turbulent dissipation rate of 5.599 x 106 m2/s3 from the 70°F model, but is lower than the 2.589 x 109 m2/s3 maximum value from the 231°F model. These results follow the same pattern as the turbulent kinetic energy results; the pressure in this model is the same as the pressure in the 231°F model, and the only difference in the case runs were the inlet temperature. These results show that the turbulent dissipation rate decreases as the inlet velocity increases when the pressure is held constant. 60 Figure 5-33: Turbulent Dissipation Rate (ε) near Interior Region for 100-Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed The scaled residuals for this model are shown in Figure 5-34. Figure 5-34: Scaled Residuals for 100-Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed 61 5.2 Three Dimensional Modeling 5.2.1 552-Tube Model Geometry and Velocity Boundary Conditions Flow through the SG outlet plenum is modeled in three dimensions using ANSYS WORKBENCH 14.0.0 and ANSYS FLUENT 14.0. The system is modeled as a set of tubes flowing into the outlet plenum. The number of tubes modeled is limited by the computational power. In order to determine how many tubes can be modeled, an initial three dimensional model is created with very basic geometry. The radius of the AP1000 SG outlet plenum is used as input to the model. The base geometry created in the DesignModeler engine of WORKBENCH is shown in Figure 5-35. This basic model only includes one outlet nozzle at an angle, while the AP1000 SGs have two outlet nozzles which are vertically fixed to the bottom of the SG outlet plenum, leading to the RCPs (Figure 1-1). Angled outlet nozzles were used in SGs of the CE design, but AP1000 has modified the design so that gravity will assist the RCS circulation. The base model shown in Figure 5-35 is created in the image of the 100-tube 2D model described in Section The outlet nozzle is tilted to the proper angle (vertical) and location on the bottom of the outlet plenum (Figure 1-1) later in the geometry development process. Figure 5-35: Base Geometry for 3D Model 62 Circular tube outlets of the same inner diameter as the AP1000 SG tubes are added to a sketch plane on the top surface of the SG outlet plenum. A grid of construction lines is created on the plane and circles of equal diameter are added and constrained such that the centers of the circles lie exactly at the intersections of the construction lines. The Equal Radius tool in the DesignModeler engine of WORKBENCH is used to ensure that all of the circles are of the same diameter – the inner diameter of the AP1000 SG tubes. Groups of two dimensional circles are added to the plane and then the sketch circles are extruded vertically for an arbitrary short distance. The circles are extruded so that the model is easier to manipulate and named selections can more easily be created for the tube outlet surfaces. A single named selection is created as tubes are added in groups by editing a named selection created from the first tube. The named selection selected edges are edited to choose more edges and the changes are saved to update the named selection to include all of the tube outlets. The process of creating tubes and named selections in groups (typically about 10 to 20 tubes at a time) rather than all at once has multiple reasons. First, it is easier to see and select edges using the 360° view to add to the named selection when there are fewer tubes. Second, the model was also tested at a number of tube addition intervals to ensure that the named selections were correctly created and the model could be successfully meshed and run in FLUENT. A very coarse mesh was used for this purpose to reduce calculation time. Finally, copying and pasting a large number of drawn circles caused the DesignModeler engine to crash. This typically happened when more than 30 circles were copied and pasted, or when attempting to constrain the newly pasted circles. Figure 5-36 and Figure 5-37 show how tubes were added in groups and extruded by a short distance to create short tubes exiting into the outlet plenum. 63 Figure 5-36: Base Geometry for 3D Model Showing Tube Outlets Figure 5-37: Base Geometry for 3D Model Showing Tube Outlet Detail 64 The test meshing and runs using FLUENT determined the limitations in terms of the number of tubes which could be modeled in this study. When the number of tubes exceeded the capability of the model, and the run was not successful, the number of tubes was reduced to a workable amount (552 tubes) and the radius of the SG outlet plenum was reduced to fit around exterior of the tube cluster as shown in Figure 5-38. Figure 5-38: Base Geometry for 3D Model with 552 Tubes and Reduced SG Outlet Plenum Radius The base geometry shown in Figure 5-38 was edited so the outlet nozzles would be configured like those on the AP1000 SGs as shown in Figure 5-39. The AP1000 SG outlet nozzles are vertical pipes located on the bottom of the outlet plenum, leading to the RCP suction (Figure 1-1). 65 Figure 5-39: 3D Model with 2 Outlet Nozzles, 552 Tubes, and Reduced SG Outlet Plenum Radius As with the two dimensional models described in Section 5.1, the fixed velocity is chosen such that the Reynolds number effects at the tube exists match the Reynolds number effects which would be present if 10,025 tubes were modeled rather than 552 tubes. The Reynolds number calculation is discussed in Section and the inlet velocity required to be flowing through each individual tube is calculated in Table 5-1. In the 45-tube and 100-tube two dimensional models described in Section 5.1, one boundary condition is applied as an inlet velocity flowing to all of the modeled tubes. Therefore, the necessary single tube velocity was multiplied by the number of tubes in the two dimensional models. This was done because the model geometry was created with a single boundary condition as an inlet velocity to all of the tubes, and the flow would be split among the tubes. Since the three dimensional model is created with each tube exit modeled as an individual named selection with its own inlet velocity boundary condition, the inlet 66 velocity boundary condition is set equal to the AP1000 SG single tube flow velocity calculated in Table 5-1 without multiply the value by the number of tubes. The inlet velocity boundary condition per tube is repeated in Table 5-7. Table 5-7: Fluid Velocity at Top of Each SG Tube RCS Temperature (°F) RCS Pressure (psia) RCP Speed (rpm) SG Tube Flow Velocity (ft/s) 70 231 450 200 2,250 2,250 200 1,600 1,750 1.986 16.333 17.381 The velocity at the top of each tube is used as a boundary condition for each tube exit named selection in the model calculation setup. The named selections where inlet velocity boundary conditions are applied are highlighted in Figure 5-40. Figure 5-40: SG Tube Named Selections for Inlet Velocity Boundary Conditions 67 The bottom faces of the outlet nozzles are set with pressure-outlet (pressure = 0 psig) boundary conditions in the model calculation setup. Named selections are created for: ο· SG bowl face – SG bowl exterior surface (bowlface) ο· SG exit – SG outlet nozzle exit (outlet_nozzle_exits) ο· SG outlet nozzle pipe – cylindrical surface of outlet nozzle (outlet_nozzle_pipes) ο· SG tube tops – top of 552 SG tubes shown in Figure 5-40 (sg_tubes) Mesh A mesh for the 552-tube three dimensional model was developed to be fine enough to generate accurate results but not so fine that excessive computing time is required. The growth rate is set to 1.750 and the minimum edge length is set to 4.8835x10-2 m. Inflation with a smooth transition with a transition ratio of 0.272, a maximum of 6 layers, and a growth rate of 2.5 is applied. Edge sizing is used to refine the mesh at the points where the tube flow enters the SG outlet plenum because this is the area of interest for this model. The mesh generated with this configuration contains 215,314 nodes and 968,741 elements. Figure 5-41 shows the mesh for the 552-tube model. 68 Figure 5-41: Mesh for 552-Tube Model Figure 5-42 shows the mesh edge sizing near the tube exits for the 552-tube model. Edge sizing is used to refine the calculation near the tube exits because it is expected that the most recirculation occurs near the tube exits. Figure 5-42: Mesh Edge Sizing for 552-Tube Model 69 Computation Setup The 552-tube models for each temperature and pump speed condition are run as steady state, pressure based calculations in three dimensions with absolute velocity formation. The standard k-ε turbulent equations (Section with standard wall functions are used. All other models, including the energy model, are set to “off” because the focus of this study is flow and not heat transfer. The fluid is set to liquid water with density and viscosity from Table 4-3. The surface body cell zone condition is set to the liquid water. The boundary conditions are listed in Table 5-8. Table 5-8: 552-Tube Model Boundary Conditions Zone Boundary Condition interior-solid* Interior bowlface Stationary wall; no slip outlet_nozzle_exits Pressure – outlet outlet_nozzle_pipes Stationary wall; no slip sg_tubes Inlet velocity (from Table 5-7) wall-solid* Stationary wall; no slip *These cell zones were generated by FLUENT. The dynamic mesh is not activated and the default reference values are used. The SIMPLE algorithm (Section is used with a least-squares cell based gradient, standard pressure solver, and second order upwinding for the momentum calculation (Section The under-relaxation factors in Table 5-9 are used for solution control. Table 5-9: Under-Relaxation Factors Parameter Pressure Density Body Forces Momentum Turbulent Kinetic Energy Under-Relaxation Factor 0.3 1 1 0.7 0.8 The solution is initialized using a standard initialization based on the named selection called “bowlface.” The initial values for pressure, x velocity, y velocity, and z velocity 70 are all set to zero. The calculation is set to autosave every one iteration, and to run for 200 iterations, reporting every iteration, with a profile update interval of one iteration. Particle tracks are set up in the Graphics and Animations menu of the FLUENT setup window. The injections are set up as line track styles exiting from various tube exits throughout the SG outlet plenum. The single pulse mode is specified and results are plotted as particle velocity. This scenario is copied and run for each of the three analysis conditions. 71 Results of 552-Tube Model 552-Tube Model Results at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed The 552-tube model at 70°F is solved in steady state and set to run for 200 iterations (solution reached in 110 iterations). Figure 5-43 shows the velocity magnitude results for the SG outlet plenum. The flow naturally travels from the tube exits to the outlet nozzles. The velocity increases from about 5.084 x 10-1 m/s to about 2.033 m/s as the flow reaches the outlet nozzles. The outlet nozzle flow rate results shown in Figure 5-43 are significantly lower than the flow rate results from the 2D 100-tube model (71 m/s at the outlet nozzle). Figure 5-43: Isometric View of 552-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed 72 Figure 5-44 shows a side view of the velocity magnitude results for the 552-tube model. As the flow exits the tubes nearest the divider plate, it is abruptly redirected back toward the outlet nozzles. Figure 5-44: Side View of 552-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed 73 Figure 5-45 shows a front view of the velocity magnitude results for the 552-tube model. The flow separates between the two outlet nozzles and exits the SG with similar velocity in both outlet nozzles. Figure 5-45: Front View of 552-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed 74 Figure 5-46 shows the detailed velocity magnitude results for the interior region the 552tube model near the divider plate. As shown in the results of the two dimensional models, there is recirculation near the tube exits. Unlike the two dimensional results, Figure 5-46 shows that the recirculating flow does not backflow into the tubes; it is stopped and redirected by the outflow. Figure 5-46: Interior Region Results Detail for 552-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed 75 Figure 5-47 shows the detailed velocity magnitude results for the 552-tube model near one of the outlet nozzles. The outlet nozzles are identical so the results are similar for both nozzles. Figure 5-47: Detailed Results Near Outlet Nozzle for 552-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed Turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation figures could not be created for the three dimensional models due to computer memory limitations. This issue is further discussed in Section 6.2.2. 76 Figure 5-48 shows particle tracks for points located near various tube exits. The particle tracks show the flow paths for specific points in space as they move through the flow field. The path lines are colored by velocity magnitude. These particle tracks were created using the Solution engine in WORKBENCH. The initial locations of the particles were set using the Injections option in the Define menu. The particles were also set to massless in this menu. Then, in the Results menu, Graphics and Animations was selected and Node Values, Auto Range, and Draw Mesh were selected. In the Draw Mesh menu, Edges were selected and the specified Edge Type of Feature was selected. Selecting Display in the Draw Mesh Menu, and then Display again in the Particle Tracks menu after selecting all of the injections caused the particle tracks to display with the outline of the geometry as shown in Figure 5-48. Figure 5-48: Velocity Magnitude Particle Tracks for 552-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed Figure 5-48 shows that the flow exiting the more centrally located tubes tends to flow directly downward toward the outlet nozzle, but flow exiting tubes near the outer edges of the outlet plenum has a more indirect path. 77 The scaled residuals for this model are shown in Figure 5-49. Figure 5-49: Scaled Residuals for 552-Tube Model at 70°F, 200 psia, and 200 rpm RCP Speed 78 552-Tube Model Results at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed The 552-tube model at 231°F is solved in steady state and set to run for 200 iterations (solution reached in 81 iterations). Figure 5-50 shows the velocity magnitude results for the SG outlet plenum. Figure 5-50 shows that the flow near the tube exits is around 4.256 m/s in velocity and the flow at the exits of the outlet nozzles is about 17.02 m/s. Figure 5-50: Isometric View of 552-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed Detailed figures are of the flow results which were provided for the 552-tube model at 70°F are not provided in this report for the 552-tube model at 231°F because the results are generally very similar between the two models. The flow directions are almost identical, and the only noticeable difference is the velocity magnitudes as expected based on the inlet velocity boundary condition. As with the 70°F models, turbulent kinetic 79 energy and dissipation figures could not be created for the three dimensional models due to computer memory limitations. This issue is further discussed in Section 6.2.2. Particle tracks in the 231°F model are set up in the same initial locations as in the 70°F model. The results are shown in Figure 5-51. The particle tracks near the tube exits at the edges of the outlet plenum showed indirect flow and recirculation in the 70°F model. In the 70°F model, the particles released from these locations did not appear to continue to the outlet nozzle. Figure 5-51 shows that with the increased velocity magnitude, the flow continues to the outlet nozzle and the recirculation paths are longer. Figure 5-51: Velocity Magnitude Particle Tracks for 552-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed 80 The scaled residuals for this model are shown in Figure 5-52. Figure 5-52: Scaled Residuals for 552-Tube Model at 231°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,600 rpm RCP Speed 81 552-Tube Model Results at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed The 552-tube at 450°F is solved in steady state and set to run for 200 iterations (solution reached in 80 iterations). Figure 5-53 shows the velocity magnitude results for the SG outlet plenum. The flow at the tube exits is traveling at about 4.510 m/s and the flow at the outlet nozzle exit is traveling at about 18.04 m/s. These velocity results are higher than the velocity results of the 70°F and 231°F models due to the higher inlet velocity set as the boundary condition at the tube exits. Figure 5-53: Isometric View of 552-Tube Model Velocity Vector Results at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed As with the 231°F model, detailed figures are not provided for the velocity magnitude results of the 552-tube model at 450°F. The results of the three models show very 82 similar flow paths in terms of direction, with only different velocity magnitude based on the inlet velocity boundary conditions. Also as with the other three dimensional models, the turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation figures were not generated for this model because of limitations related to computing power used in this analysis. This issue is described in detail in Section 6.2.2. Particle tracks are added to the 450°F model in the same way that they were added to the 70°F and 231°F models. The particle track results for the 450°F model are shown in Figure 5-54. Figure 5-54: Velocity Magnitude Particle Tracks for 552-Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed Figure 5-54 shows that the particles which recirculated in the 70°F and 231°F models also recirculate near the tube exits in the 450°F model. In addition, the particle exiting closest to the right side in Figure 5-54 appears to be swirling in three dimensions rather than only recirculating in two dimensions. This swirling was not apparent in the 70°F and 231°F results. The transition from recirculation (2D) to swirling (3D) may be due to the higher velocity flow at the tube exits. 83 The scaled residuals for this model are shown in Figure 5-55. Figure 5-55: Scaled Residuals for 552-Tube Model at 450°F, 2,250 psia, and 1,750 rpm RCP Speed 84 6. Summary of Results 6.1 Froude Number Calculation Results for SG Tubes The results presented in Section 4.3 suggest that the air collected in the SG tubes during an outage for the AP1000 nuclear power plant will be successfully swept clear of the tubes and into the SG outlet plenum for the selected pump speed and fluid temperature conditions from Table 4-2. 6.2 CFD Results 6.2.1 Summary of Results CFD models are created in both two and three dimensions with meshes refined to be as fine as possible based on the available computing power. Both the generic area mesh and the mesh inflation areas are considered when developing the finest possible mesh. This ensures that the results of these models are as accurate as possible based on the computer used to generate the results. Computing limitations are discussed in Section 6.2.2). The two dimensional, 100-tube model results show some mixing and recirculation as the flow exits the tubes and flows into the outlet plenum. In addition, the turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent dissipation rate results show that there is higher turbulent energy at the locations between the tube exits, close to the interior top surface of the outlet plenum. Examination of detailed results near the tube exits show that some velocity vectors are directed upward, at flow exiting other tubes. Based on the two dimensional model results, it is possible that after flow exits the tubes, it could recirculate back into the tubes. The three dimensional results show flow exiting the tubes and recirculating, but the vectors are not directed past the tube exit edge. Instead, the flow recirculation occurs completely beneath the tube exits in the outlet plenum. 85 The differences in the results of the two dimensional model and three dimensional models can be due to many factors. First, the meshes used in the 2D and 3D models were very different. A two dimensional model will inherently have significantly fewer nodes and elements than a three dimensional model. This simplifies the calculations that must be performed, so a much finer mesh can be used for two dimensional models than can be used for three dimensional models. However, the more complete geometry created using a three dimensional model will generate more accurate results in terms of direction of flow and interaction between flow paths in three dimensions rather than two. The downward flow out of the tubes in three dimensions forces each stream to maintain a fairly confined flow path. The streams flowing out of the tubes are less confined when only two dimensions are considered. The equations discussed in Section 3.2 become significantly more complex in three dimensions in comparison to the equations used to describe two dimensional models. This study shows the importance of modeling three dimensions rather than two; even using a more coarse mesh in a three dimensional model can generate more accurate and useful results than using a very fine mesh in a two dimensional model. The two dimensional model with an SG outlet nozzle (100-tube model) and the three dimensional model show that though there is mixing and recirculation as the flow exits the SG tubes, the flow moves toward the SG outlet nozzles and the fluid velocity increases as the flow exits the nozzles. The flow continues out of the outlet nozzle and would successfully move through the RCP and cold leg (Figure 1-1) to the vent location based on a pressure differential over the horizontal pipe. There is mixing and recirculation in the SG outlet plenum, but the results do not show evidence of higher level phenomena such as hydraulic jump which is described at a high level in Section 3.2.3. In addition, the SGs for AP1000 are designed such that the RCPs are attached directly beneath the SG (Figure 1-1) rather than connected through an angled pipe called a suction leg like they are in CE plants. Since the motive force (RCP suction) is applied with gravity assistance, it is easier for the flow to successfully move through the AP1000 SG outlet plenum than a CE SG outlet plenum. 86 The magnitude of the turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent dissipation results obtained from the two dimensional models at the three temperature conditions shows the relationship between the pressure, temperature, and turbulent quantities. When the pressure, temperature, and flow rate were all increased, the turbulence quantities also increased. However, when the pressure was held constant, and temperature and fluid velocity were slightly increased, the turbulent quantities decreased. The study described in [13] developed a CFD model of a Westinghouse PWR SG inlet plenum. The velocity vectors developed in [13] are shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1 shows that the flow into the inlet plenum recirculates back toward the inlet after impacting the divider plate. The velocity profile results for the three dimensional model of the SG outlet plenum presented in Section do not show similar behavior for flow through the outlet plenum in comparison to the results of [13]. This is to be expected since the geometry of the two models is different. There is mixing and recirculation near the outlet plenum tube exits, but the fluid flows in a relatively smooth flow path toward the outlet nozzles in the three dimensional outlet plenum model. The results of the inlet plenum study in [13] are somewhat opposite in nature; the flow at the inlet is relatively uniform, but recirculation occurs near the divider plate as the flow is redirected toward the tubes. The results of [13] shown in Figure 2-1 also show that there is flow separation along a central axis creating two separate recirculation loops. Figure 2-1 shows slice planes of the results of the study in [13]. A slice plane is created on the XY plane of the three dimensional SG outlet plenum model such that the cut away view is created through the outlet nozzles as shown in Figure 6-1. Figure 6-2 shows the back view of the SG outlet plenum with a slice plane added through the outlet nozzles. This portion of the model results that are cut away are from the interior section, closest to the divider plate. 87 Figure 6-1: Slice Plane through Outlet Nozzles – YZ Plane Figure 6-2: Slice Plane through Outlet Nozzles – XY Plane 88 The cut away view in Figure 6-2 does not show the same flow separation that was present between the recirculation paths in the study in [13]. The study in [13] used symmetry to develop the results, and the model created in this study did not. It is possible that the use of symmetry at the central axis created an unexpected flow effect in [13]. 6.2.2 Model Limitations due to Hardware A Lenovo ThinkPad T400 Personal Computer (PC) was used to complete this analysis. The operating system of this PC was a 32-bit version of Windows Vista Home Basic Service Pack 2 from 2007. The processor was an Intel Core2 Duo CPU P8700 with 2.53 GHz to support CPU and 4.00 GB of RAM. The PC had 221 GB of usable internal hard disk space. Hard disk space became an issue during this study. Microsoft Office, the ANSYS 14.0.0 educational edition, and other software programs which were installed on this computer constituted a sizeable percentage of the disk space. The technical papers used for reference, Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, ANSYS files, and figures created and saved for this study totaled around 350 GB. The ANSYS files were copied and saved as backup files at many intervals in the project so that if the working copy became corrupted, it would be possible to revert to an earlier version. The final version of the ANSYS file was around 90 GB, but since the ANSYS file package was saved as a backup version multiple times, the hard disk space quickly increased. The file size quickly grew to larger than the internal hard disk size. When the ANSYS program is opened, backup files are automatically created by the software and stored in the same location as the base file. When the internal hard drive used in this study approached full capacity, the backup files being created by the ANSYS program caused the computer to quickly shut off due to overload. To manage this issue, all unnecessary files were removed from the internal hard drive and two Western Digital 1 TB My Passport portable external hard drives with a transfer rate of 0.5 GB/s were purchased (Figure 6-3). Recently developed USB 3.0 cords were provided with the external hard 89 drives as part of the product order. The USB 3.0 cords were compatible with the standard USB 2.0 interface, but the data transfer rate was faster. Figure 6-3: Western Digital My Passport External Hard Drives The external hard drives were purchased in two different colors to avoid confusion between the working hard drive and the backup hard drive. Files were deleted from the internal hard drive until the computer reached a state where it could operate well enough to copy the entire CFD study to an external hard drive without shutting off. All of the files related to this study were copied to each external hard drive. One was chosen randomly as the working hard drive, and the ANSYS model was run off of the working external hard drive using a USB 3.0 cord. The second external hard drive was not connected to the PC while the working hard drive was performing any case runs. The backup hard drive was connected only to copy new files from the working hard drive. This process was used to avoid data loss; if an error occurred during a case run that would have caused the hard drive to be accidentally cleared, it would only affect the working hard drive and a backup version would be available. No difference was noticed with the working speed of the external hard drive compared to the internal hard drive during ANSYS case runs. Many preliminary cases caused the 90 computer to shut off using both the internal hard drive and external hard drive. These cases caused the computer to overheat and shut off with no warning or opportunity to save progress. This was a notification that the case as set up was too complex for the computing power available, and the case mesh or setup options were then changed until it was possible to run the entire duration of the case without the computer shutting off. An example of this process is briefly described in Section To determine how many tubes could be modeled, tubes were added to the geometry, a coarse mesh was created, and a test case was run. This process was repeated, adding about 10 to 20 tubes at a time, until the maximum number of manageable tubes was determined. A model with more than 552 tubes modeled using the hardware available would cause the computer to overheat and shut off during a test run. The computer also shut off repeatedly when attempting to display the turbulent k-ε results of the three dimensional model in this study as described in Section These issues are considered limitations due to the hardware available for this study. A more powerful computer could be used to model more tubes, a finer mesh, or even a transient study. The available computer power limited the number of tubes and mesh fineness. The issue with internal hard drive size was overcome using two external hard drives. The external hard drives that were used in this study performed very well and provided a sense of security since the large files associated with the study could be fully backed up on a completely separate drive. 91 6.3 Results of Problem The Froude number calculation in Section 4.3 suggests that the air which is collected in the AP1000 SG tubes during a refueling outage will successfully be swept from the tubes with two operating RCPs in a single SG loop at the three evaluated fluid temperature conditions from Table 4-2. The two and three dimensional CFD runs in this analysis (Sections and show that for the conditions from Table 4-2, the air collected in the AP1000 SG tubes during a refueling outage is expected to be successfully swept from the SG outlet plenum. This study shows that dynamic venting is a viable option for clearing the air from the AP1000 SG tubes during reactor startup if vacuum refill is not successful. 92 7. Conclusions The results of this study show the importance of modeling three dimensional geometry in three dimensions rather than in two dimensions. The two dimensional results in this analysis had very different fluid velocity results than the three dimensional models. This difference can be attributed to the interaction between the flow paths on the three dimensional level; the conservation of mass and conservation of momentum equations for three dimensional modeling are significantly more complex than in two dimensions. In addition, while the two dimensional models showed significant recirculation near the SG tube exits, the three dimensional models showed less intense recirculation. The particle track results for the three dimensional model showed that at higher fluid velocities, the two dimensional recirculation paths start to become three dimensional swirling patterns. While three dimensional turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate results were not generated as a part of this study due to computational limitations, the two dimensional turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate results show that as the pressure, temperature, and velocity are increased, the turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate increase. The results also show that if the pressure is held constant and the temperature and velocity are slightly increased, the turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate decrease. The meshes used in the two dimensional 100-tube model and the three dimensional 552tube model were created to be the finest meshes possible based on the computing power available. The models were tested by running the meshing software and analysis cases in FLUENT to determine the finest mesh that could be created and successfully solved without any computer hardware issues. Since it was later discovered that plots of the turbulent quantities could not be generated for the three dimensional models due to lack of sufficient computing power, it would have been more prudent to attempt to create all the necessary plots before determining the final allowable mesh size and proceeding with post-processing and analysis of the results. 93 The purpose of this study was to determine if it would be possible to use dynamic venting as a secondary method for removing the air from SG tubes in a Westinghouse AP1000 PWR if vacuum refill was not possible as the primary method. The results of the Froude number calculation for the SG tubes, the two dimensional 100-tube CFD model, and the three dimensional 552-tube CFD model suggest that it will be possible to clear the air from the tubes, through the SG outlet plenum, and into the RCP suction using two RCPs operating in the same loop at three of the potential AP1000 startup conditions. 94 8. 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