Shannon Gray Legalizing Prostitution Prostitution can be a very dangerous field of work, especially with all of the laws against it at this time, but with the proper regulations it can become a safe and legitimate form of income for those interested in pursuing it. Keeping prostitution illegal in this day and age only increases the number of problems that prostitutes and customers encounter while engaging in it illegally. The fears of violence between all parties, pimps, prostitutes, and customers, along with the threats of sickness and disease are all amplified by its prohibition because its illegality prevents the proper supervision needed to keep everyone in this field safe. I believe that if our government were to legalize a specific form of prostitution with very detailed rules on how it is to be operated, then it could not only clean up the streets, but could actually remodel the term “prostitution” and make it a safer business for the customers. The legalization and regulation of prostitution could bring about some much-needed reforms. I think that a part of the reason prostitution is illegal is because it is uncontrollable at this point. But if we were to allow certain branches of prostitution be legal under strict regulations, then the government could actually restructure prostitution and mold it into a much safer and more controlled business. If I ever had the sudden urge to sell my body for a little extra cash, or even if I wanted to pay a guy for sexual services, I would be classified as a criminal according to the current legislation. There are quite a few “pros” that could come from legalizing prostitution, and it’s time we put them back in the word. The first and most important thing that legalizing prostitution could do is improve safety for every person in all communities. Legalizing prostitution could instantly improve the “slum” neighborhoods it takes place in by removing prostitution from those neighborhoods altogether. It could take prostitutes off of the literal streets, which would also remove all of the “negative” traffic going through those neighborhoods to gain access to the prostitutes. There will no longer be a constant negative presence at night, nor a negative association with the neighborhood as a whole. The only people that would be in the community would be those who lived there. Even though prostitution is not legal, it happens every day. It has happened for thousands of years and it will continue to happen whether or not it is legalized. Keeping it illegal, however, is just making it more dangerous for those partaking in it. It is very similar to the way things happened when abortion was illegal. Making it against the law did not stop those who wanted to abort a baby; it just made them do it under much more dangerous circumstances, and also made them feel like they could not speak up when things actually did go wrong with the process. The last thing that Americans or our government should want to do is make someone feel like they cannot speak out about harms done to them. Prostitutes know that they will get in trouble for being involved in prostitution, so they endure the abuse rather than reporting it. Legalization would definitely decrease the number of pimps that abuse or drug their prostitutes a significant amount, and because of this, prostitutes would no longer live under a shadow of fear about going to law enforcement if they are abused by their pimp, or even by their customers for that matter. The legalization of prostitution would force the registration and licensing of prostitutes replacing pimps and madams with legitimate workers that aren’t in control of the prostitutes themselves. Everything that is needed from a pimp will stay, but all of the negative aspects of a pimp, such as their abusiveness and forcefulness, will no longer be in the picture because the whole method of prostitution will be more legitimate and regulated. A plan of action to successfully and safely legalized prostitution would be to firstly define what types of prostitution can and cannot happen. I believe that all forms of streetwalking or public prostitution should be illegal, unless they are in a publicly proclaimed “Red Light District”. Those should stay illegal, and should actually have bigger punishments if caught breaking the law. This would hopefully get them to either find a different source of income or to get into the approved way of prostitution. Another condition is that all prostitutes must be clean and drug free. The government could require that all prostitutes have some sort of permit, have periodic mandatory drug tests, and also require medical screenings on a regular basis. Each individual prostitution facility is responsible for making sure their workers are clean, but if an inspector comes in and finds that the facility is not enforcing this, they can incur a fine or even go as far as to be shut down. Prostitution facilities, which would no longer be known as brothels or whore houses, could be based out of homes or businesses which could be regularly checked up on. They could be clean and well-kept with safety regulations they must meet to stay in business. This could most importantly take the process off of street corners and put it in a nonhazardous controlled environment, but also, it could make the process much cleaner and safer for all those involved. Along with that, age limitations could be put into place requiring prostitutes to reach a certain age preferably 21 before going to work. This would encourage teens that are considering dropping out to enter the world of prostitution to stay in school. If nothing less it could at least prevent the numbers from skyrocketing. There are many small yet important details that would need to be worked out in order for prostitution to be safe. One thing that would be a must in order to prevent abuse for either party would be that each customer would need to surrender some sort of personal identification, whether it is an actual ID card or a fingerprint or credit card. I know that this rule would possibly cause the most uproar because most customers want to remain anonymous if they are involved in prostitution, and surrendering such key information could bother that. However, the ID will not be used, kept, or published after the customer has left. It is just a way to ensure the safety of both the prostitute and the customer. As the customer is leaving, he or she can come and pick up their form of ID and continue on their way after management is sure neither the customer nor the prostitute has been harmed. Another thing that would be important is each facility should have actual requirements that prostitutes have to meet weekly, monthly, and annually. Hooters girls have to put a lot of effort into their work outside of simply waiting tables and taking pictures. If you actually go to the Hooters website, there is a link titled “Want To Be A Hooters Girl?” where they have a long list of demands and requirements that each Hooters Girl must meet daily. From how to wear and color their hair all the way down to how often and what types of exercises they have to do weekly. It is not just a job while they are in their actual workplace, but one that affects them outside of it. If this were to be put into action by prostitution facilities, then not only would the appearance of the prostitutes be cleaner and more appealing, but they would also have more things to do and accomplish in order to keep their job, which could keep them out of many other bad things. With a plan, prostitution can be a very profitable and safe way for those who are unemployed to make money they need to survive. With the unemployment rate so high in the United States, jobs are being sought out by a large group of people who find no luck with it. In an article titled "Ignore the Stigma and Focus on the Need", author Martha Nussbaum says repeatedly that if we as Americans were to ignore or remove the social humiliation that is projected on prostitutes, then it would become an amazingly profitable industry and help out our economy and our people greatly. If prostitution were legal, it would provide the jobless Americans with venues for self-profitable, small businesses to be started. Prostitution is a job that is looked down upon by society but if we as a community could look past the stereotypical title that goes with such an occupation, I truly believe it could benefit the country as a whole. It could help the current economy, if prostitution is taxed, could be brought out of the dusty times it has seen over the past recent years. The number of people that would partake in legal prostitution would be phenomenal. If you think about the number of people that participate in sexual activities on a regular basis, the money that could be made by charging for the activity would be unfathomable. It would be the individual’s choice to partake in the business stand point of prostitution but with the hard times we have all felt, I feel that a large number of Americans would be all for the idea. If prostitution were to become legal, there should be an age requirement. This age requirement should be implemented only allowing individuals who are older than 21 years of age to participate. The gender of each prostitute should be known and clear by the way they dress and promote themselves. Regulations such as ones used in the porn industry can be used to legitimize it and make for a profitable organization. In the porn industry women are pay to perform sexual acts as forms of entertainment. Prostitution is a form of personal entertainment. So it should be considered a legal act. The porn industry is protected by rights that insure protection from the law so that they can perform sexual acts on tapes, and the tapes are what are sold. This evades any laws discriminating against prostitution. Prostitution is conducted on a daily basis, legally. Men take women out on dates to the movies, out to eat, and buy them nice things. In return, sexual relations erupt. If the money that was spent on movies, food, and material items was put towards a strictly sexual relationship, time would be saved and the heartbreak that comes with this type of relationship could be avoided. In my opinion, the way sexual relations occur in society, leads to psychological and emotional disorders in both men and women. Society makes sex up to be a magical illusion of emotions that leads individuals in despair. If prostitution is legalized then the stigma of sexual intercourse would be dumbed down to what it really is; a natural chemical occurrence for human beings. All in all, prostitution is an illegal act that can be penalized up to $150,000 in the United States according to This can affect the lives of American’s in a negative way. This can all be changed very easily, legalize it. The act of prostitution, the oldest form of work in the history of time, is something that should be used to all its advantages. It is looked down upon by society for the strict standards on sexual conduct but the truth is, times have changed. What older people of the government do not realize is, sexual conduct has become very loose in younger people since the 1990’s. This day in age, the sexual life of an average young adult would shock the generation before us. Whether it is due to the immense amount of sex and partying in the media or the psychological standards have changed, prostitution is the least of our worries. This is something that could easily be controlled and made profitable. Prostitution cannot not be overlooked as a disgrace, but more of an opportunity to better our lives.