
EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN IN inmate penitentiary
(A Study About the Development of Structure and Function in Shaping
New Behavior Through Rule-Islamic rule)
Nining Respati
Humanitarian Scientific Group
Faculty of Art & Design
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
This empowerment starts from three basic problems. The first issue questioned how the
nature of the relationship between female inmates by the officers that Penitentiary. Both
questioned whether there are differences in attitudes of women prisoners' behavior by the
officers Penitentiary before and after implementation of the empowerment of women
prisoners. Thirdly if there is a difference between the attitudes of women prisoners and
penitentiary officials after the implementation of the I and II empowerment of women
prisoners in shaping new behavior.
Theoretical basis of this study include to develop empowerment and development
functions which refer to the concept of (structural power), and the birth and development
have access to the service perspective that focuses attention on the relationship between
female inmates and the officers Penitentiary, the perspective is more focused on
performance institutional (institutional performance) who is a social construction,
experience escort, inkuiri and diskoveri, self-awareness, self empowerment, intelligence,
creativity, thinking and problem solving, attitudes and attitude change.
To determine if empowerment is functioning properly or not, researchers developed an
attitude scale consisting of empowerment and 25 items mengujikannya to ten female
inmates. This empowerment is implemented two times (I and II) to the female inmates
and the results are evaluated three times: an evaluation at 1.2 and 3 before and after
implementation (I) and once after the implementation of (II). After the data are
statistically processed, found: (1) attitudes and behavior of women prisoners Penitentiary
officials before and after implementation (I and II) are significantly different. This
finding is supported by the results of testing the hypothesis that a significant degree.
Female inmates and the officers of the evaluation 1.2 and 3 tend to increase. This means
the implementation of empowerment formula intense female inmates can develop new
behaviors. (2) the attitude of the new behavior with female inmates more powerful
officials. These findings supported the hypothesis testing results. This research that the
empowerment of women prisoners can mngembangkan new behavior. Because it is
recommended that this empowerment can be used as a change to empower women
prisoners who are helpless in changing the behavior to the new behavior.
Women's Penitentiary inmates (prisoners) are people who have committed a crime or a
crime, is one form of "deviant behavior". Formal judicial 'crime is a form of behavior
contrary to the morals of humanity (immoral), harmful to society, a-social nature and
violate the law and criminal law' (Kartono, 1981:125). In the formulation of articles of
Law Book Criminal Law (1992:147) listed "Crimes are all forms of action which meets
the provisions of the Penal Code formulation of 'Crimes grow due to the combination of
the individual conditions and social conditions' At one moment can happen that a single
element more influential than the other elements, but the factor most dominant individual
in the determination of criminal patterns. Applications morality of women prisoners is
not only about the natural behavior of the system but also a system based on the
provisions of certain values, while the provisions of the value is something that is
violated by female inmates, because it needs to be able to reinvest these values in order to
enforce moral has violated it. Female inmates are people who have committed
irregularities of moral facts as a social phenomenon, while the rule serves as a basic value
is more influential than the other elements, but the factor most dominant individual in
determining the pattern-the power to empower women inmates by the spirit and social
values , including religious values. Through the rules of the religion of women prisoners
are led and are directed to re-live by the values prevailing in society and the Islamic
religion should hold fast to the values of Islam. Return to the true way of life according to
religious norms (repent). In a letter Qur'an An-Nissa verses 17-18 stated that:
'Verily in Allah's repentance is repentance for those who do evil because of their
ignorance then repent immediately, they received God's taubatnya, and Allah is Knower,
In the Qur'an information above is one of the basic power diberdayakannya female
inmates who have done evil because of ignorance that they do need help. Lack
empowerment in the back streets to correct this, the concept of empowerment of women
prisoners to be especially important to make the prisoners examined the position of
women in the active principals, prioritize initiatives, creation, the basic strategy by giving
the power (power) to better understand, so they are better able to recognize the need for
life. Power or power in terms of Anthony Giddens Transformative capacity of human
action: the capability of human beings to intervene in series of events so as to alter their
course '(Kartasasmita, 1966:198).
Figure 1. Research Conceptual Framework
Adaptation. Dave (1982: 237)
In accordance with the values of
Increased & Behavior
Besides the assurance that necessary Penitentiary can freely perform its function, that its activities
are purely used as an alternative to correctional concepts that had been deemed not able to give
satisfactory answers to big problems, especially problems Penitentiary (power) and inequality
(inequity ) the nature of power itself For Parsons, power is shared ability to meet performance
obligations binding (binding obligation) by the units in the system of collective organization
when the obligations were validated by reference to collective goals contained in the
organization, the state where the ruling state and their power was applied the name is the parties
involved and agreed to give legitimacy to produce that power (Kartasasmita, 1996:192). And
empowerment itself not only lead an individual (individual self-empowerment), but also a
collective ( "collective self-empowerment). All this is part of self-actualization (selfactualization) and koaktualisasi human existence and humanity. Thus, the empowerment of
women prisoners in order to form a new behavior is achieving correctional goals. attempt to use
coercive force (pressure), control and empower women prisoners in anticipation of the risks and
possible controversial new human baby, to not repeat the mistakes that have been done by them.
Research Paulo Freire (1972:72) see the function or the nature of empowerment as a liberation of
human beings from various oppression. Banceuy Penitentiary inmate is a female manager who
has the obligation to construct self-renew and female inmates as early as possible to deepen his
mastery in the field of study in holistic or integrative without forgetting the core-content
previously owned. Holistic awareness to revive a society Penitentiary for a more democratic,
respect the rights and obligations of every inmate women in Penitentiary in an effort to form a
new behavior. Shardlow (1998:32) said that empowerment is essentially discussing how
individuals, groups or communities to control their own lives and seek to shape the future of their
liking such a definition of empowerment is about people talking Centrally control of their own
lives and having the power to shape their own future, so the importance of empowerment of
women inmates individually or in groups to be able to control himself and turned his aberrant
behavior to the new behavior is in accordance with the rules of social life. The concept of
empowerment aims to find new alternatives in the community, including community
development Penitentiary. Structural functionalist sociology Parson stated that:
"..The concept of power in society is a variable amount. According to such perspective, the public
power is the power of community members as a whole is called the collective goal. Logically, the
empowerment of the poor can be achieved if supported by the existence of social structures that
do not negatively affect the power (powerful). In another sense, the poor can be empowered
through knowledge and independence so that it can act as an agent pembengunan. This is what
the Schumacker called Empowerment ".. (Thomas, 1992:2)
Empowerment will be a problem if conceptually is a zero-sum, that is, the process of
empowerment is accompanied by the power of the other groups. Weber defines power as:
"..A person's ability or individual or group to fulfill his desire, despite opposition forced the other.
If such circumstances, the term empowerment is equated with power must be negotiated as a
strategy for social reform ".. (Craig and Mayo, 1995:2). For this reason, this study is based on a
conceptual basis for the empowerment strategy in the development discourse Penitentiary
associated with self-concept, participation of women prisoners.Hopson in Kreisberg (1992:543)
Empowerment marks a movement from paternatistic notion of helping as a ways of addressing
the individual's needs and deficiencies to a notion of change Focuses on assuring that individuals
and communities of their rights and responsibilities. It is often described as a process of
individual and group transformation in which individuals and groups come to develop mastery of
lives and control of values, resources and to develop skills in interpersonal influence and
participatory competence though group problem solving and collective action. Most theories see
the individual empowerment and community destines as Interdependent and mutually reinforcing
Empowerment should have goals, beliefs and philosophical values. Because empowerment often
have goals that are too general and too abstract particular, it often was difficult to develop action
plans that focus. Goals that are too general and often contain a commitment to the value system is
very personal. Because the goal must be evaluated, arranged, and elaborated in the form of
desired outcomes. Mien Rukmini (1993:78) said that guidance for the inmate based on the basic
moral commitments, together with the form of coaching include: (1) religious education; (2)
general education; (3) humanities education (health) and (4) education training skills.
Recognizing that the Promotion of Reading is a construction process or the healing process
therapetuics someone who temporarily lost his life because there are weaknesses. Thus,
Durkheim (1947:196) said that the need for a moral distinction between behavior that is
acceptable to unacceptable, between normal and aberrant. These differences are consistent with a
particular normative system within a society, a moral distinction is reinforced by penalties against
those who deviate. Here are the logical flow of empowerment
Picture. 2.1. Logical Flow Convict Women
Stage IV
Stage III
IN Penitentiary
Sociological perspective
Stage II
Stage .I
bbbbbmmmmmm TEORI
GENERAL sociological
Macro interventions
to change the larger
sociological perspective
system ofAWARENESS
individuals, groups.
AND Characterized in an effort to solve problems cooperatively
female inmates
the willingness and the ability to help
(self-help), see
themselves (Al-Qur'an letter AT Tahrim: 12) in accordance with democratic principles.
With social planning, the category of purpose is more focused on the task goal-oriented
purpose task-related social problems of women prisoners concrete (koncrete social
problems). Borg and Call (1979:185-189) says that empowerment is rearch and
development process used to develop and validas product. The main purpose Research &
Depelopment (R & D), not to formulate or test a theory but rather to develop effective
activities to other activities, activities that can be produced training materials, materials
empowerment ".. (Eijkelhof, 1992:18)
In accordance with the problem and research objectives, methods used Descriptive
analytical. That is, this research seeks to describe and explain the process and the
relationship of women prisoners in the penitentiary officials. The aim is to generate
understanding and observing the implementation of empowerment in shaping a new
behavior, ie for elements memodifikasikan empowerment of women prisoners to the
aspect of coaching function, which can be considered that the symptoms of violations and
irregularities that made it as one of the social problems.
Consideration of qualitative researchers use this approach because the focus of this
research is the disclosure process and interpretation of meaning. Assume that social
relations between women prisoners and penitentiary officials is not only revealed the
compound during the process of social relations take place, but also the social relations
with women prisoners Penitentiary officials in the days to datang.Nilai-value is a function
of guidance in the form new behaviors to use legal consciousness theory and legal
compliance affect the relationship between female inmates with Penitentiary officials are
two groups that have different purposes. Garna (1999:32) says that qualitative research is
characterized by the purpose of research that seeks to understand the social phenomena
that can not be calculated precisely Dezin qualitative terms and Lincoln (1994:4) refers to
the process and meaning that can not be measured strictly in terms of quantity, amount,
intensity or frequency, but rather emphasize the social contribution on the nature of
reality and find answers how social experience shaped and given meaning. In developing
this study refers to an approach more Research & Development (R & D). Borg and Call,
(1979:185-189) says that empowerment is rearch and development process used to
develop and validas product. The main purpose Rearch & Depelopment (R & D), not to
formulate or test a theory but rather to develop effective activities to other activities,
activities that can be produced training materials, materials empowerment ".. (Eijkelhof,
1992:186). Unisco (1993:197) R & D (Research and Development)
is needed to bridge the gap between qualitative and quantitative assessment and
evaluation; and to explore the relationship between the inmates and the officers of
women in science and technology learning for the purposes of Gaining a better
understanding of the development of students' learning of sience and technology
Thus action research is an intervention study or review the social world and the other as
well as real and try to check and fix carefully the effects of interventions or enhance
existing activities, quantitative approach starts from the assumption that all observable
phenomena can be measured and to ditrasfer in the form of numbers that allow the
imposition of statistical analysis techniques.
Some even assume that quantitative approaches are identical statistics. In Singarimbun
and Sofyan Effendi, LP3ES (1982:112) says that the use of statistics in quantitative
research as a tool for determining the sample, the validity and reliability testing
instruments, presentation of data and data analysis. The method applied is the Survey
Research Methods of research that takes samples from one polulasi and using
questionnaires as a means of collecting basic data. As a further consequence of all the
socio-cultural phenomena and psychological measured by quantitative measurements.
And all the events in the lives of women prisoners in the Penitentiary officers, according
to the culture prevailing Penitentiary, where prisoners women with Penitentiary officials
are major and important part of empowerment. Female Inmates empowered the data
evaluation was 1.2 and 3 can be processed further. According to Gay, the type of data
obtained from the sample group or matched related dependently (evaluation 1, 2, 3
attitude behavior with female inmates of the Penitentiary officers), can be calculated
using the t test as follows:
(Gay, 1988: 403)
To test whether female prisoners' attitudes and behavior of the Penitentiary Officers are
significantly different or not, the post-tests (evaluation of I 2 after the implementation and
evaluation after implementation 3 II) originating variance and the influence of variable
(variable) free either separately or in together against the variable (variable) binding. "..
Anava can also help to see there / not there interaction between variables with a variable
free or bound variable is" .. (Ruseffendi, 1993: 441).
In anava, the total variance of niali-values (scores) based on the variance between groups
(variance as a result of treatment) and inter-group variance (error variance). To test are not of
differences in both behavioral attitudes of different interest groups (Prisoners of women and the
officers) were, dilakukanlah test the null hypothesis: 3 by using a test-F as follows: 2 = 1 =
using testing
t 
( D 2)
 D2  N
N ( N  1)
(Gay, 1987:404).
Then, to find out where the differences in behavioral attitudes both groups (Convict
Women and the Penitentiary Officers) are, Gay (1988: 405) suggests testing Scheffe test
(1988: 409) to calculate the difference:
X 1  X 22
1 
KRi  
k  1
 n1 n2 
Xi  X 2  32
1 
KRi  
k  1
 n2 n2  n3 
X23 
n2 X 2  n3X 3
(Gay, 1987:406; Ruseffendi, 1993:324 dan Sudjana, 1996:43)
Data analysis focused more on hypothesis testing. So the test is to test the hypothesis that
the correlation coefficient is applied to the sample to the whole population where the
sample is taken. The relationship of two variables negatively stated, if the value of a
variable is raised it will lower the value of another variable, and vice versa if the value of
a derived variable, it will increase the value lain.Misalnya variables, the negative
relationship between female inmates with officials in Penitentiary. In accordance with the
number of variables that have been mentioned before, in analyzing the data, the method is
applied multiple linear regression analysis. Sudjana (1992: 2) says that in a double linear
regression there are a number 2) is associated with the Y linear or rank one in(called k
fruit, k 2) and asa free variable. If a free variable, X1, X2, ... .., XK (k usual no free
variables, then the general form for multiple linear regression of Y on X1, X2, ...., XK is
assessed by (formulation)
Y = rH + b 1 X1 + b 2 X2 + ... .. b K X K
Based on the above formulation, and is associated with the variables in this study, as
noted earlier, in double linear regression 2) is associated with the Ythere are a number
of (name of fruit k, k linear or rank one in a variable-free . If a free variable, X1, X2, X3,
2) and such variables are not free, then the generalX4 ..., Xk (k form for the regression
of Y on double limier X 1, X2, ..., Xk are estimated by (formulation) Y = bo + b 1 X1 +
b2 X2 ... bkXk Based on the above formulation, and is associated with the variables in
this study, as noted earlier, then:
Y = Convict Women Empowerment Strategy in Penitentiary (bound variable). In
accordance with the stimulus.
X1 = social relations between women prisoners Penitentiary officials, allegedly
influenced by the strict guard action to comply with the norms of two different social
groups are considered disintegrative status is not profitable for Women Prisoners, while
fulfilling our goal to be carried out and important.
X2 = pendominasian Adaptation to the power aspects of authority (superordinat),
disciplinary arrangements leading to the authoritarian nature, suspected to be determined
through the interaction of what they do in areas such as education, counseling, vocational
training, daily work still practiced.
X3 = Empowerment Process is Inmates woman inmate institutional attitude of antipathy
toward women workers in the Penitentiary memodifikasikan factor element to the
empowerment of women prisoners coaching aspect of the function.
4 = significant change in attitude after the implementation through the implementation of
a system and process of social relations between staff and inmates Penitentiary grown
woman, is it true that a 'New Behavior'
table, Ho is rejected; accepted working hypothesis, no significant influence.If the t
statistics Statistics Calculate t
Obtained from the table:
X2 + b2  Y = an + b1 X 1 
b2 + X1 X2  Y = a + b1 X 1 X 12  X1
b2 + X2 2  Y = a + b1 X 1 X 1x2  X2
Next to take the decision whether or not there is influence of the proposed hypothesis, it
is based on the formulation below:
t t Count Table, then the accepted HOIf statistics Statistics
If t Statistics Table, HO is rejected; Working Hypothesis accepted and there is a
significant influence.
Conducted research to determine whether or not the relationship between female inmates
with officers Penitentiary in behavior change.
Test Data Analysis - Try Empowering Women Inmates
To determine whether the implementation of effective empowerment of women
prisoners' attitude differences in the behavior of new inmates to the nature of the
relationship of women workers Penitentiary, the results of the evaluation 1 and 2 being
the new behavior is further processed, the dependent variable (criterion), if two or more
independent variables as predictor factors manipulated (raised lower value). So multiple
regression analysis will be done if the minimum number of independent 2 (Sudjana),
(Sugiono), (Pearce and Robinson).
In this study includes a series of activities: first, the survey data on female inmates
diberdayakannya successful behavior change, the narrative is described qualitatively;
second description, the information or data about the empowerment of women prisoners
and the function of empowerment in shaping a new behavior described respectively in
systematic; third, for the analysis and interpretation more lajut parameters refer to the ten
new behavior of women inmates is as follows (T, N, E, K, D, LD, Y, A, Rd and C) With
empowered him to strengthen the relationship between the officers with him in resolving
disputes within the group, considered important for enhancing efforts to dodge every
dispute, because the implanted medical, welfare, safety, productivity or skilled obey and
comply with the law (changing behavior)
Empowerment based on the sociological perspective gives strength (power) will produce
a hierarchy of power and lack of strength. Empowerment of women prisoners is not only
related to the development of potential, but also enhance the dignity, self-confidence and
pride, as well as the values of cultural preservation Penitentiary analysis conducted by
reducing and presenting data from field notes, tracing the themes, coding, making the clusters and partitions, summarize and abstract the data to find the rough themes,
meanings, values, norms, patterns, descriptions, konfirgurasi possible, the flow of
causation and the proposition that because of the phenomenon. From the analysis of
narrative text is found in the thematic words, constructs and statements, which would
have proved beyond the effect from one to the other, a very important effect on the
results of the analysis and development of main ideas or hypotheses about the
empowerment of women prisoners in the new behaviors such as follows:
The results of the analysis found that the empowerment of women prisoners had managed
to have a behavior (1) faith and trust, hardworking, honest with yourself and grow in him
a sense of guilt (2) vision of the future life is always watching what has been done and
repaired to repent to God and remembrance, (3) take the risk, sacrifice, expressed the
opinion, was responsible for finding self-identity, and seek social status, (4) motivation
(enthusiasm and willingness, dynamic, improvement and progress) is open, dialectical-
dialogical, sensitive to the developing situation and cautious, belief and faith awareness,
(5) develop a critical awareness, questioning, sensitive to the environmental aspects of
the discipline requires an effort to clarify thinking about the way the settlement of social
goals that are useful and expressed in the form of activities in the Penitentiary, to grow
sense of solidarity, of togetherness in a group of women prisoners who were undergoing
their sentences, (6) steadfast, patient, steadfast, stand to suffer in the face of adversity, (7)
productive, agile, intelligent, correct deficiencies, (8) social relationships,
communicative, friendly, yield, (9) skilled and participated in various activities and
cooperate with officials in the Penitentiary. (10) growing awareness of the law to make
contact in maintaining continuity Penitentiary, and did not have time to develop a pattern
of deviations do not come back from the previous crime, and dutifully obey the law. A
comprehensive empowerment of women prisoners can be described in the figure 4.1:
Figure 4.1
Consept Fauce Planning Effort Analysis
(Adaptation for Babbie, 1986:252)
Behavior Changes to
the behavior of New
T. Titin
N. Neti
E. Euis
Ld.Lina Dewi
Rd. Rahayu
Imp I
Imp II
Figure (see graph 4.1) above from the concept analysis Focuse Effort Planing triggered
by Babbie used as an approach to represent the empowerment of women prisoners in
shaping a new behavior begins to identify, predict and evaluate the experiences of women
inmates for life in an act Penitentiary Penitentiary for not to return from the previous
crime, and dutifully obey the law. The intensity of this experience in the empowerment of
new behaviors such as giving birth the following:
1. Faith and trust in
Faith and trust, prove the whole behavior, diligent, honest with yourself, and grow in her
guilt and obey the Lord (the Qur'an letter Tahrim AT: 12) The presence of religious
values is the basic force inmates diberdayakannya women who are considered most
appropriate for female inmates who participatory become principal (subject) in the main
empowerment. In environmental control, oriented to the individual believer and the
critical awareness that put their trust in individual self can be achieved by looking at the
individual's own self (looking inward), and using what is heard, seen and experienced
what was happening in his life.
2. Future vision of life
Occurrence of various conditions of lack of fulfillment she felt used as a starting point for
development programs Penitentiary, also undertakes activities in the context of
empowerment with the division of labor for women inmates, increasing the change
themselves with their information systems are empowered through space and time
(bordeless) change con woman's future. Mayer and Greenwood's statement that the
process is aided by information that interact with one another to always consider what has
been done and repaired, this repair process has complex implications (Saraka, 2001) with
the intent to influence the members of the group accompanied by the determination of
3. Bear risk.
However empowerment is limited by the independent situation (Payne: 1986) If the
prisoners want to take the risk of women, the problem can be transformed into the cause
of instability is very dangerous to the implementation of empowerment. Dropping the
negative impact, such as the loosening of social bonds and the weakening of values, and
relationships with women prisoners Penitentiary officials. Therefore, commitment and
consistency Penitentiary in increasing the growth of empowerment (empowerment
growth) with a fair way. For those who are most in need and not be able to prepare
themselves for their needs, usually have little knowledge, skill or strength. These
conditions encouraged the intervention of the Penitentiary became a professional,
therefore, without excluding female inmates will enhance social integration with the
Penitentiary officers based on prisoners' rights of women, non-discrimination, and
provide protection to those less fortunate. If the objective principles of penitentiary is
power to force officials to act accountability, then the situation will most likely be
reduced when the affective power that created growing.
4. Motivation
Formation of social groups Penitentiary is considered part of (the human being is by
nature a motivated Organism; the organization is by nature of structure and controlled)
form a real community or state penitentiary based on core values of culture Penitentiary
inmate group status women who put the interests of women prisoners and local action are
closely connected with the circumstances that can be accounted for. This situation is
directly related to the female inmates in the group and the closeness of cooperation
between the officials with the Corrections Corporation of supporters. If empowered
women prisoners in the Penitentiary, then social change will achieve success and
empower women prisoners for the purpose, with a variety of joint activities can be
achieved more easily than on his own. Recognition of him who had committed
irregularities, but the inmates were women doing something that is considered very
important to him, which is living with a 'developing critical consciousness in the activity
is not only temporary, because it is implied in him, clearly requires an effort to clarify the
purpose -useful social purpose and a sense of collective solidarity within the group
(Knowless, 1977) Motive is one cause of women prisoners to seek a better alternative in
implementing empowerment activities and in solving problems (problem solving) in their
5. Developing Critical Consciousness
Empowerment and participation of women inmates is the Corrections Corporation of
development strategies that rely on female inmates (people centered development) will
occur a sence of belongingness that he was a social creature has acquired social roles,
based on his efforts to contribute something for the progress of the group, there is a
correlation between kokohnya group life, solidarity among women inmates in the group
with the officers in Penitentiary. In group kekokohannya life, containing the charge of
thinking about women prisoners' ability to control their environment. Critical
consciousness in oneself can be achieved by way of seeing yourself, and using what is
heard, seen, experienced to understand what is happening in his life. Convict women
analyze their own problems, acquire new knowledge that is not conducive to the
empowerment of women prisoners, the environment tends to be forced to perform the
activity and response to stimuli that come from outside himself thinking about a way to
clarify the settlement of social goals that are useful and expressed in the form activity in
the Penitentiary, foster a sense of solidarity, of togetherness in the group of women
prisoners who were undergoing their sentences.
6. Brave, Patience and Teguh Establishment.
In the concept of empowerment is not only individually, but collectively (individual or
collective self-empowerment self-empowerment), and all that should be part of selfactualization and koaktualisasi human existence and humanity (Pranarka & Vidhyandika)
In other words, human beings and that the standard kemanusiaanlah normative measure
structural and substantive. Payne (1991) states that: many clients; s oppression by and
alienation from powerful groups in society is sie better recognized, as is the close
relationship of social workes and their agencies with those groups. With the flexibility
they can carry out activities in accordance with the needs of the empowerment of the
members of the group itself. Thus it is possible their female inmates will eventually be
empowered more aware and more easily understand the needs of each group in its role to
the group and will understand the needs of his own in return, members of the group
relationship. In the process of social interaction, resilience in the face of difficulties
suffered all refer to the action in the face of difficult conditions, the ability to deal with
tension with perseverance, patience and unwavering stance, is not indifferent to the
problems faced by him is necessary resilient, patience and determination. In the end the
woman inmate can change the environment according to his needs. And basically
Penitentiary environment or aspects thereof, constantly changing. Similarly, the main
forms of female prisoners than the relationship with the environment in general is
conformity. And the social interaction that is also one form of the relationship between
female inmates with the environment, especially psychisnya environment.
7. Productive, Gesit and Smart.
Productivity efforts to meet the needs of Hersey and Blanchard use the theory developed
the need to motivate individual involvement in group activity or organization,
management as working with and through individuals and groups to accomplish
organizational goals, to motivate this person expected to perform duties properly in
accordance with the entrusted to him and can improve human relationships in both
groups participated in activities to achieve our goal or organization (Maslow). Efforts to
meet the needs based on the strong and weak motivation to meet the priority needs to
maintain the continuity of life including food, clothing and shelter. If these needs are met,
then the other primary needs and motives appear to meet these new needs become more
powerful. Activities to meet these needs associated with the effort to obtain rewards for
female inmates in correctional institutions. Similarly, to meet social needs (social need),
the empowerment of women prisoners are used to participate in activities with or for the
benefit Penitentiary.
8. Communicative
Communicative basically related to solving problems concerning the interests of women
prisoners and requires joint handling, in terms of motivation or have a dynamic aspect to
try to achieve one goal to ease the prisoners' efforts to identify the needs of women
prisoners by the attention the woman herself. Formation always occurs in the interaction
of women prisoners and the respect of a particular object. Social interaction with female
inmate workers who change or form sttitude new attitude. Attitude has a role describing
human behavior in social situations, with interactions outside the group is interacting
with the human culture that reached him through the means of communication. In
Encyclopedia of Psychology says Intersets factors are defined as an individual within
which attact him or repel him various objects, persons, and activities within his
environment. With the above statement that the interest has meaning as a favorite of the
activities that are considered to meet the needs. Knowless expressed interest
empowerment could be more specifically defined as the expreseed preference among
possible activities perceived as potentially satisfying educational need. In other words
that the communicative skills necessary to achieve the desired, even though the distance
between something desired skills with the ability that you have on the present. Further
changes in self-contained female inmates and environmental conditions will affect the
development of communicative interests. in the field of knowledge, public education,
religion, skills. Penitentiary inmates expect the women who already have general
knowledge, religion, and may have the managerial skills of knowledge gained from the
management empowerment and determine Penitentiary empowerment programs that
meet the needs of women prisoners, should be preceded by efforts to identify skills needs.
9. Skilled
The attitude of women prisoners held in the level of knowledge, skills and attitudes that
want to obtain to achieve empowerment goals. For example, Penitentiary inmate women
want to participate in various activities and cooperate with the officers, the women
prisoners must follow all existing activities in the Penitentiary. Thus, the perceived
desires and declared, whether oral or written, must be met through empowerment
activities called empowerment needs. This empowerment needs vary so that every inmate
women empowerment tend to have different needs. Similarly, if the needs have been met
then empowerment will display other empowerment needs to be met through
empowerment activities. The need for empowerment felt equally by all women prisoners
in a group is the group's empowerment needs. The need for empowerment of this group
can generally be met through group empowerment activities. While container
empowerment activities together in a group called empowerment groups. The group aims
to empower the process of empowerment that is based on the needs of the group's
empowerment has been identified. And the bond between the officers who
mengidetifikasi with female inmates who identified a bond deeper than the bond between
each other's imitate the behavior. Imitation can take place between women prisoners who
do not know each other, while the place was considered to identify beforehand closely
enough (the feeling). In the period of development in which women prisoners were
mostly identified in the group than with the officers, and he let go of identification with
the officers and for the norms of their own lives. At that time, women inmates were easily
influenced by the examples of good or examples of worse than the officers who became
the identification of these women prisoners. But at that time female inmates will identify
themselves in certain circumstances, also the petugaspun identify themselves with
women inmates in certain circumstances, 'that there was reciprocity, which are
characteristics of each social interaction' (Durkheim).
10. The growing awareness
Conscientizacao the concept of awareness to help women prisoners in order to free
ourselves from resignation and feelings of helplessness in the face of the realities of life,
then empowerment is designed with emphasis to develop thinking and acting through
praxis. Praxis is an empowering activity that uses cycle thinking (reflection), do (action),
and thinking back (further reflection). This cycle is that every inmate is not domiciled
women as objects to be manipulated by the Penitentiary officials, but they are viewed as
active subjects and creative and have the ability to change the environment into a better
direction. Individuals need a relationship with the environment, menggiatkannya,
stimulating the development or give it something that he needs to adjust itself to its
environment (autoplastis) or change the environment in accordance with the state desires
self (alloplastis). Both alloplastis where autoplastis and female inmates adjust in the
group that can promote symptoms of critical thinking habits that bring awareness to obey
and obey the law have more responsibility which can penetrate the vast wall of
specialization, and understand the linkages between specialty responsibilities with other
specialties. Smoothness and success of women in changing inmate behavior has a
relationship with the relevant duties to cooperate and coordinate with officials
Penitentiary. In such circumstances a woman inmate's ability to develop rational ways of
thinking will be hampered. Instead of implementing empowerment activities will be able
to think rationally and to control himself in thought and to maintain cultural values
Penitentiary for not developing pattern irregularities and did not do the crime again, and
dutifully obey the law. This is expressed by Skolnick menegaskan'the rules themselves
must be rational, not whimsically constructed, and carried out with procedural regularity
and fairsness. Most important of all, the rule is from below, not above. Authorities are
servants of the people, not a 'vanguard' of Elites instructing the Masses. The overriding
value is consent of the governed. From it derives, the principle of the accountability of
the authority, the primary accountability to courts of law and ultimately to a
democratically constituted Legislature upon universal suffrage '
Problem derives above all proportional inconsistency between the social control by the
authorities. Associated with consciousness and the reality of women prisoners
compliance norms Penitentiary. Thus, the empowerment of women prisoners in the
Penitentiary recognized, means in the form of a formal recognition of norms enforcement
Thus, the empowerment of a strategy to build wealth in an effort to berkenambungan and
equitable. Activities directed towards the empowerment of women prisoners in an effort
to encourage and mobilize social resources so that women prisoners can express their
needs, delivered his opinion, and has the ability to explore and utilize available local
resources. Or organizational structure Penitentiary is not something static, but dynamic in
a state that is changing continuously. In the theory of evolution also applies to culture
Penitentiary. Corrections Corporation of social organization which was evolved basically
leads to the situation of women prisoners are more complex and increasing the volume
between the various elements of the personality of female prisoners.
Thus, 'the more empowerment a person had, the better off he would be, the stronger and
Richer it would become. Empowerment fore there evolves a novel Enthusiasm
everywhere in the world. Judicious investment in him will lead to the production of
goods. Empowerment becomes the path to a useful and productive life; to proseperity and
to national power, to make wise and enable uses to lead scientific progress. Through
empowerment, we can make greater Advancement in economic growth and productivity.
In new age of science and empowerment is essential to give meaning to our national
purposes and power, it requires skilled man-power and brain power to math the
totalitarian discipline, a scientific effort to demonstrate Superiority of freedom '(Hutchin)
which forced individuals regardless of the individual's own wishes, this does not mean
that the individual should have the force of social facts or limit the negative way like
forcing someone to behave contrary to his will '(Durkheim) If the inmate refused to be
guided her by the officers, showed really going leads to a violation, then the power of
social facts of this force will become clear whether informally or formally (detention).
Receive information changing desires and goals and develop the values and beliefs is a
manifestation of changes in cognitive structures and motivation was his desire, to the fore
is expected to affect their behavior in a sustainable (sustainable) personal success and
personal development of women prisoners in the Penitentiary.
Starting from the problems and research objectives, theoretical basis of the conceptual,
technical collection and processing of data, obtained some conclusions.
First, women became prisoners for committing a crime or a crime, a threat to the social
norms that underlie the life or social order, and contrary to human moral (immoral),
harmful to society, a-social and unlawful nature and the law criminal law. Society always
expect peace, security, public order and did not want the tension, chaos, destruction, and
losses, mainly caused by criminal acts in this case women. Crime action consists of
several qualifying crime (criminal) that is inserted into the Penitentiary. Applications
morality of women who have become prisoners of women not only about the natural
behavior of the system but also a system based on the provisions of certain values, while
the provisions of the value is something that is violated by a woman, because it needs to
be able to reinvest these values to uphold moral that has been violated. Through
empowerment, guidance and direction Penitentiary officials, consultants and experts, they
are allowed to see a new corridor to direct themselves, are empowered to solve the
problem naturally by trial and error approach and addressing the lives of critically,
creatively and reflectively.
Second, empowerment of women inmates in the development of empowerment became
the basis of their behavioral attitudes. They made possible to absorb the knowledge,
experience, specific skills, accepting responsibility, building self-esteem, develop
creativity, fosters courage, and exercise patience, all that build positive attitudes repeated,
producing a pattern of behavior memanipertasikan awareness, will rule , specialization
and expertise relevant to life situations. Islamic rules that underlie the power of women
prisoners diberdayakannya, a reservoir of knowledge that is very rich in the process of
development itself. Fear of God can grow awareness, the heart sure, oral mengiklarkan
with the behavior demonstrated, diligent, honest with yourself, look at him and grow in
her guilt and obey the Lord (the Qur'an AT Tahrim letter: 12) The presence of religious
values are considered most appropriate as a basis for increasing the power of faith and
ketaqwaannya, if the convict women who became principals participatory (subject) in the
main empowerment. This is because they constantly felt controlled or always being
watched and felt it would be asked to accountability for all actions, empowerment is in
the process of generating awareness of women prisoners, to the naive consciousness
continues to critical consciousness. They always took the role as the object of the patient
(direct object) and, to the broadcaster object (indirect object) to serve the subject (in
terms Freire). While still controlled Penitentiary officials, critical thinking and creative
hard to be realized, and they only serve as a patient and an accompanying object and
difficult for them to take decisions. When given the responsibility and freedom and
critically aware, they begin to proactively develop the ability, to actualize the power,
seeking new opportunities, make changes, improvements, renewal and / or control. They
are looking for a new role of empowerment, which is based on their own strength and
their communities, make decisions or take action, develop the courage to take risks,
develop independence, synergy and relationship interdependence role.
Third, empowerment is developed in the Penitentiary is a process of involving ourselves
in a proactive search, find and break problems. In life they constantly face various
problems and difficulties of life, and identify its causes and find solutions. The success of
the penitentiary complex life cycle of the difficulties that can not be separated from their
consciousness and patience in doing reflection-action-reflection; actualized cognition,
affection, and conation (psychomotor) or he thought and effort. They are actively
functioning mind-mind potential (his mind), critically and creatively to find solutions;
using the five senses to listen, observe, read the situation and hearts to understand, live
seek, to live, weigh, interpret the solution , and intelligently respond to the situation or to
find solutions to critical and creative thinking, develop a field study of empowerment or a
particular project and continue to learn and explore the potential that may be true and
uses her experience as a guide directing themselves obey, obey the law.
Fourth, to implement Penitentiary empowerment, then given time to develop
empowerment would be valuable in formulating the objectives clearly articulated and
shared. That way, correctional institutions have a strong empowerment tool to help
women prisoners and officials in shaping a new behavior. With a traditional approach,
the officers tried to conduct strict supervision over the activities and good results. But the
current approach is inaccurate and may be counterproductive in many convict. With the
empowerment approach in the present time would not like and tend to resist efforts that
are too tight to watch what they do. What is needed is an approach that guarantees
success Penitentiary, but without carrying out the strict supervision of female inmates,
that empowerment as a loose and strict management, Paralysis Institute Pemasyaraktan
will not occur if there are objectives clear. Female inmates are afraid to take action, for
fear that their actions were wrong then nothing is done important things a woman
prisoner unless the objectives which clearly is the key to the effectiveness of the
Penitentiary. Penitentiary goal is more important goals more specific, clear and
understandable with a map that is used by every inmate women, with no direction given
by such goals, it is impossible any progress. However, in vain if the goals were only
given to the officers, the way it should happen in organizations that are not empowered,
where the officers control and direct all activities of women prisoners who just follow the
instructions or not followed. But the organization is empowered Penitentiary.
Fifth, berorienasi forward with developing the vision, mission objectives clearly to the
fore, delay or defeat the interest of a moment to reach a better, add the factors of
empowerment and suppress useless activity, empowerment to develop long-term
a. maintain honesty and trust in ourselves, to others, is the key to prevailing beliefs in
b. willingness and motivation to fuel the optimism, the spirit asks, high curiosity, love
and empowerment activities for accomplishment,
c. courage and desperation take risks, make sacrifices, expressed the opinion, responsible,
and fight the fear;
d. creativity (critical, imaginative, spontaneous, sensitive or open to new situations,
enjoyed the challenge,);
e. resistance suffered diligently, steadfast, patient, persistent, tenacious, firm stance,
single-minded activities, not known plentiful-tired, and facing difficulties, gracefully,
f. activities: productive, efficient, quick, serious, tough and continue to do repairs,
improvements and progress,
g. Relations of social communication (friendly, kind, tolerant and hope, to get the
h. the relevance of empowerment to the environmental situation and
i. strategic location of the place. If analyzed in depth, the dimensions of this new attitude
rational behavior on the value - the value of local culture Penitentiary.
And the empowerment of women inmates is empirically demonstrate that the new
behavior attitudes differed significantly (tarap @ 0.01) before and after implementation
of the I and II. This gives an indication of new attitudes, their behavior changed
consistently. The more intensive implementation of empowerment is more positive
changes in attitude-behavior of their new. This means the application of the
empowerment of women prisoners to give effective results or influence. Meanwhile, test
results are different attitude after the implementation of the behavior models (I and II)
differed significantly (@ 0.01).
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(i) Inter Beda Evaluation Test 1, 2. and 3, Convict Women and the Penitentiary Officers.
To answer question number 2 about the social relations between women prisoners by officers
could be built to comply with the norms of extending the conflict between two different social
groups status, before and after (twice) Implementation of empowerment, then the trial results
(evaluation 1 , 2 and 3) the attitude of the new behavior (the calculation can be seen in table 4.1.
the following:
Table. 4. 1. Different Test Results Evaluation Data Inter 1, 2 and 3 of Convict Women and the
Penitentiary Officers.
The prices of the data included in the equation, then:
172 (1) 172, (2) 1010, (3) 709
Equation (1) multiplied by 55, equation (2) multiplied by 1:
- 640 = -585 b -105 b 1 ... 2 ... ... .. (4)
Equation (1) multiplied by 47, equation (3) times 10
994 = 1 -321 b -105 b 2 ... ... ... ... (5)
Equation (4) multiplied by 105, equation (5) multiplied by 585
b 2 = - 648,690 / 176760 = - 3, 669
Price b 1 and b 2 are included in equation 1, then:
10 a = 248, 047.
So: a = 248, 047 / 10 = 24, 847
b 1 = 1, 7526
b 2 = - 3.669
Y = 5.6407
Based on regression analysis, regression coefficient obtained in succession
a = 24.8047
b 1 = 1.7526
b 2 = -3.669
Double correlation formula 2 predictors
Ry (1. 2) = -0.258
Coefficient of determination (R 2) = -0.258
Test multiple correlation coefficient significance
F = R 2 (N - m - 1) = -0.718
M (1 - R 2)
Price consulted with the F table with a numerator based dk dk = 2 and the denominator (10-2-1) =
7 for the standard error 5% Ft = 4.74
1% Ft = 9.55
F chart countdown, then the correlation coefficient testedF danda insignificant Y, Y can not be
applied to the population in the level of error or 5% 1%
By reading the summary of test results - the difference between 1.2 and 3 evaluation of female
prisoners and penitentiary officials. The prices of the data they will be included in the equation,
the empowerment of women inmates in the behavioral changes would increase, if the ability of
female prisoners increased, and will fall if the relationship with the officers increased
Penitentiary. But the ability of regression for Women Prisoners (1.7526) is greater than the
coefficient of regression relationships with the officers Penitentiary (diharga absolute = 3.669) X.
So if the ability of female prisoners increased, so have the value 10, and also the relationship with
the officers until the 10th grades, then the relevance of empowering strategies in women inmates
in the Penitentiary for behavior change (variable bound in accordance with the stimulus), it
appears that there are differences dignifikan between the attitudes of women prisoners' behavior
before and after implementation of the empowerment of women prisoners. Specifically, the
results can be stated:
(ii) Empowerment of Women Prisoners in Shaping New Behavior:
To answer the research question 1, the empowerment of women prisoners should be developed in
the Penitentiary.
There are significant differences between the attitudes of women prisoners' behavior (evaluation
1 and 2), after a trial examiner-empowerment (implementation I).
2 df = 0.01 and 7, if the valueEvaluation results with 1 and of 3.699 obtained test results
greater than the coefficient of regression relationships with the officials Penitentiary (1, 3.699
There are significant differences in the degree of association with 1 empowerment strategies in
women inmates Penitentiary (bound variable), before and after implementation (testing) I. That
is, the empowerment of women prisoners is more powerful than the attitude of the previous
To answer questions 2, Empowerment of women prisoners who do, are being developed in the
environment at the penitentiary today.
2. There are significant differences between the attitudes of women prisoners' behavior
(evaluation 2 and 3) before and after the trial examiner-empowerment (Implementation I)
dk =From the results of the evaluation test data with 2 and 3 0.01 and 3.699 obtained 7. if the
value of the test results greater than the coefficient of regression relationships with the officers
5.6407). There are significant differencesPenitentiary (3.699 between the attitudes of women
prisoners' behavior before and after trial II empowerment of women prisoners. The attitude of
women prisoners' behavior after the implementation (trial) II empowerment seemed more
powerful than the previous stance. From the average score of 1.2 and the evaluation of behavior 3
new attitudes of women prisoners 204.8047, 1.756 and 36.69, was consistently increased. This
means that the stronger the intense implementation of empowerment, the more intense behavioral
change in attitude to the new behavior of women prisoners. Can unequivocally say that the
implementation of the empowerment of women prisoners in changing attitudes to effectively
To answer the research question number 3 Empowerment of women prisoners Penitentiary
expected to reach the goal.
3. There are significant differences between the relationship of the officer with an attitude
Penitentiary inmate behavior of women (evaluation 1 and 2) before and after the trial examinerempowerment (implementation I).
2 dk = 0.01 and 7 if the valueEvaluation results with 1 and of 3.699 obtained test results
greater than the coefficient of regression relationships with female inmates behavioral attitude
The conclusion: there is a significant difference in level between 1 strategic linkages with
empowerment of women prisoners in correctional institutions (bound variable), before and after
implementation I, a woman inmate behavior attitude after trial implementation of empowerment I
look stronger than the attitude of previous behavior.
To answer petanyaan number 4, the discussion of issues expected to inhibit empowerment in
shaping new behavior and how to react.
4. There are significant differences between the officers with a female inmate behavior
attitude (evaluation 2 and 3) before and after the trial examiner-empowerment (Implementation
dk =From the results of the evaluation test data with 2 and 3 0.01 and 3.699 obtained 7. if the
value of the test results greater than the coefficient of regression relationships with the officers
3.699).Penitentiary (24.8047
2) In conclusion, there are significant differences in level attitude female inmate's behavior
before and after trialbetween 0.01 II empowerment of women prisoners.
3) From the average scores of 1.2 and the evaluation of behavior 3 new attitudes of women
prisoners 75.604, 172.443 and 248, 047, was consistently increased. This means that the more
intense implementation of empowerment, the stronger the more intense the new behavior change
in attitude of women prisoners. Can unequivocally say that the implementation of the
empowerment of women prisoners in behavior change to effectively
(ii) test - the difference between the relationship with the Women Prisoners Penitentiary Officers.
To answer research question number 5, about whether or not there are significant differences
between the attitudes of novice female inmate behavior, after the implementation of
empowerment (following the empowerment activities), data on the Empowerment of Women
Prisoners, calculated by using analysis of variance and the calculation is continued to the test Scheffe. According Sudjana, Ruseffendi, Gay and Sugiyono that is very effective analysis of
variance to calculate the standard error estimates Sy.1.2. required Y prices obtained from the
regression equation for each price of X 1 and X 2 are known to take a sample from one
population "...
Analysis of variance (anava) can be used to calculate the no-no differences are bound variables
(the attitude of new behavior) both in common in the group free from the influence of variables
(empowerment) of the bound variable (the attitude of new behavior) can be determined by
comparing the test or no - not the result of differences in measurement scale that behavioral
attitudes. Underlying concept is the total variance of score values based on the variance among
female inmates (variation as a result of activities) and the standard variance estimate Sy 1.2.
relationship with the officers (error variance). The 1 = 2) of the two groups in results of
testing the null hypothesis ( the evaluation of 2 and 3. In the price:
(1) Y = 24.8047 + 1.7526 X 1 to 3.669 X 2;
Y = 24.8 + 1.8 x 1 to 3.7 X 2.