Measuring Success: Using Data to Inform Decisions Kathryn Vesey White Senior Policy Analyst NASBO August 21, 2015 2 Based on state budget officer group discussions and state-specific case studies ▫ Funding support provided by Annie E. Casey Foundation 3 Expanded data collected on performance measurement and budgeting ▫ Based on survey of state budget offices conducted in Fall 2014 4 Performance Budgeting at the State Level # of States What Budget Approach is Used by States? 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Incremental Line-item Primary Program Performance Secondary Only 3 states use as their primary approach, but 25 others say they use to complement ZBB or their primary Modified budget ZBB methodology Source: NASBO, Budget Processes in the States (Spring 2015) 5 # of States Collecting and Reporting Performance Measures is Often a Collaborative Process 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 35 29 29 23 11 7 4 6 Manage Performance Measure Collection & Reporting Budget Agency Governor's Office 8 6 Determine Performance Measures to Report Legislature Agency Other Source: NASBO, Budget Processes in the States (Spring 2015) 6 Performance Measures Have Many Applications 45 42 39 40 35 # of States 35 34 30 25 22 20 15 10 6 5 0 Program Management Program Evaluation Appointee Oversight Strategic Planning Inform Executive Budget Inform Appropriations Source: NASBO, Budget Processes in the States (Spring 2015) 7 Agency Engagement and Buy-In Top leadership’s involvement is key Show agencies how they can use performance data to improve their programs Focus on building capacity and improving outcomes, not cutting budgets Staff training is critical ▫ 9 states provide performance budgeting training regularly to non-budget agency staff 8 Role of the Legislature Performance budgeting legislation can promote continuity ▫ 31 states have a statutory requirement for performance measures in place Getting lawmakers to actually use information is difficult ▫ 22 states reported that performance measures are used to inform legislative appropriations Building relationship between executive branch and legislative fiscal staff can help 9 Purpose and Design Performance measures should be limited in number but not too narrow Use a combination of different types of measures ▫ 30 states reported collecting all of the following types of measures: input, output, outcome and efficiency Other “good government” efforts can be linked to and enhance performance budgeting initiative Integrate performance measures fully into budgeting and strategic planning 10 Sustaining the Initiative Implementation will not happen overnight Performance budgeting does not yield “answers” – rather, it helps you ask the right questions and serves as an informative tool Allow initiative to evolve and don’t impose a “one-size-fits-all” model 11 Kathryn Vesey White Senior Policy Analyst NASBO 202-624-5949