AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Nursing Program Skeletal System: The Axial Skeleton Instructor Serial/Semester Location Start/Finish Time Date LESSON OBJECTIVE Performance: Describe the divisions of the skeletal system, the types of bones based on shape and location and important bone surface markings. Conditions: The student will be presented a powerpoint presentation by the instructor and will have all necessary references made available to him/her. Standard: 1. The student will be expected to describe the below information included within the teaching points to the instructor at the end of the lesson and in a written exam. TEACHING POINTS 1. Define the divisions of the skeletal system. 6. 2. Define the types of bones. 7. 3. Describe the bone surface markings. 8. 4. Describe the skulls bones and their locations. 9. 5. Describe the hyoid bone. Describe the locations, function, and structure of the vertebral colums. Describe the function and structure of the thorax. Describe the homeostatic imbalances disorders of the spinal column. Define medical terminology associated with the spinal column. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY Interactive Lecture Method: Instructor and Print (including PowerPoint Presentation) Media: Classroom Environment: OTHER LESSON SPECIFICATIONS Knowledge Lesson Type of Lesson: 1/50 Ratio: Resources: Power point handouts. End of Lesson Test: None Minutes Instructional Time: 245 Reference(s): Tortora, Grabowski: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 9th Edition. Chapter 7. LESSON PLAN APPROVAL Signature of Standards Officer Date AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Nursing Program Skeletal System: The Axial Skeleton INTRODUCTION Allocated Time: Review: 5 Minutes You have had previous lectures on anatomy and physiology during the Combat medic course, this lecture will built upon what you have already learned. Objective: This chapter discusses the divisions of the skeletal system, the types of bones based on shape and location and important bone surface markings. The bones of the skull, vertebral column, and thorax (axial skeleton) and their functional features are examined in detail. Clinical applications discussed include black eyes, cleft palate and cleft lip, temporomandibular joint syndrome, sinusitis, deviated septum, caudal anesthesia, and rib fractures. Disorders that are covered are herniated disc, abnormal curves of the vertebral column, and spina bifida. Importance: Nurses work in different health care setting so it is important to gain an understainding of this subject as it will apply to clinical setting. Fit: This is the seventh chapter on anatomy and physiology. Approach: You will be presented the subject in a lecture format and will be tested using a written exam at a later date. Control Statement: If you have any questions during the lesson please feel free to ask. BODY 1. Teaching Point: Define the divisions of the skeletal system. Minutes Allocated Time: We will now go over the divisions of the skeletal system. Introduction: Learner Participation: Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes. Skill Lesson Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts. Learning Support: 1. Note that becoming familiar with the names, shapes, and positions of individual bones helps in the location of other organs and in muscle interaction with bones to produce movement. 2. List the various bone groups and the number that are assigned to the axial and appendicular divisions of the skeleton, as well as their fundamental purpose. 1 AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Nursing Program Skeletal System: The Axial Skeleton Knowledge Lesson: Skill Lesson: Check on Learning In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class. In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill. 2. Teaching Point: Define the types of bones. Minutes Allocated Time: We will now go over the types of bones. Introduction: Learner Participation: Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes. Skill Lesson Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts. Learning Support: 3. Classify the principal types of bones on the basis of shape and location. Knowledge Lesson: Skill Lesson: Check on Learning In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class. In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill. 3. Teaching Point: Describe the bone surface markings. Minutes Allocated Time: We will now go over the bone surface markings. Introduction: Learner Participation: Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes. Skill Lesson Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts. Learning Support: 4. Describe the various markings on the surface of bones and the functions of each. Knowledge Lesson: Skill Lesson: Check on Learning In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class. In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill. 4. Teaching Point: Describe the skulls bones and their locations. Minutes Allocated Time: We will now go over the skulls bones and their locations. Introduction: Learner Participation: Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes. Skill Lesson Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts. Learning Support: 5. Give the names of the 22 skull bones and how they are grouped into the cranial and facial categories. General Features 6. Briefly describe the cavities and major surface markings of the skull. 7. Mention the basic functions of the skull in terms of protection, muscle attachment, and association with organ and sensory systems. 2 AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Nursing Program Skeletal System: The Axial Skeleton Cranial Bones 8. Show the location of the cranial bones and state distinctive characteristics of each, including shape, features, functions, and interconnections. Frontal Bone Parietal Bones Temporal Bones Occipital Bone Sphenoid Bone Ethmoid Bone Facial Bones 9. Show the location of the facial bones and state distinctive characteristics of each, including shape, features, functions, and interconnections. Nasal Bones Maxillae Zygomatic Bones Lacrimal Bones Palatine Bones Inferior Nasal Conchae Vomer Mandible Nasal septum Discuss the location and formation of the nasal septum. Orbits 11. Discuss the four regions of the orbit and the bones that make up the regions. Foramina 12. Review the openings (Table 7.4K) that allow communication for blood, lymph, and neural information between the interior and exterior of the skull. Unique Features Of The Skull Sutures 13. Identify, locate, and describe how the different sutures develop and interconnect the bones of the skull. Paranasal Sinuses 3 AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Nursing Program Skeletal System: The Axial Skeleton 14. Discuss the location, features, and functions of the paranasal sinuses. 15. Discuss sinusitis as an inflammation of the membranes of the sinuses Fontanels 16. Illustrate the locations and state the principle functions of the fontanels as they change with age. Knowledge Lesson: Skill Lesson: Check on Learning In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class. In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill. 5. Teaching Point: Describe the hyoid bone. Minutes Allocated Time: We will now go over the hyoid bone. Introduction: Learner Participation: Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes. Skill Lesson Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts. Learning Support: 17. Describe the unique features of the hyoid bone, its functions, and the structures that help suspend it in position. 6. Teaching Point: Describe the locations, function, and structure of the vertebral colums. 13 Minutes Allocated Time: Introduction: We will now go over the locations, function, and structure of the vertebral colums. Learner Participation: Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes. Skill Lesson Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts. Learning Support: 18. Discuss the basic functions of the vertebral column. 19. Describe the five regions of the vertebral column. Normal Curves of the Vertebral Column 20. Discuss the location, direction, purpose, and time of formation of the four curves of the spine. Intervertebral Discs 21. Discuss the structure and function of the intervertebral discs. Parts of a Typical Vertebra 22. Demonstrate the anatomical components, foramen processes, and articular features common to most vertebrae and indicate their purpose. 4 AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Nursing Program Skeletal System: The Axial Skeleton Regions of the Vertebral Column Cervical Region 23. Indicate the shapes and formations that distinguish cervical vertebrae from other divisions, and the unique structure and operation of the two superior vertebrae. Thoracic Region 24. Discuss the components of thoracic vertebrae and how they change with descent along the column. 25. Discuss the number and function of the articular facets of the thoracic vertebrae. Lumbar Region 26. Describe the main purpose of the lumbar vertebrae and how their function dictates their structure. Sacrum 27. Note the peculiar fusion of these vertebrae and how this effects their job of support, as well as neural protection and connection. 7. Teaching Point: Describe the function and structure of the thorax. Minutes Allocated Time: Introduction: We will now go over the function and structure of the thorax. Learner Participation: Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes. Skill Lesson Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts. Learning Support: Sternum 28. Describe the parts of the sternum and the function of this composite bone. Ribs 29. Describe the functional features of a rib and how they are grouped relative to their attachment to the sternum. 8. Teaching Point: Describe the homeostatic imbalances disorders of the spinal column. Minutes Allocated Time: We will now go over the homeostatic imbalances disorders of the spinal Introduction: column. Learner Participation: Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes. Skill Lesson 5 AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Nursing Program Skeletal System: The Axial Skeleton Learning Support: PowerPoint presentation with associated handouts. 30. Contrast herniated (slipped) disc, abnormal curves, and spina bifida as disorders associated with the skeletal system. 9. Teaching Point: Define medical terminology associated with the spinal column. Minutes Allocated Time: We will now go over the medical terminology associated with the spinal Introduction: column. Learner Participation: Knowledge Lesson Please follow along with your handouts and take notes. Skill Lesson Powerpoint presentation with associated handouts. Learning Support: 31. Define the medical terminology associated with the spinal column. Knowledge Lesson: Skill Lesson: Check on Learning In a knowledge lesson, pose questions to the class. In a skill lesson, provide practice and watch students perform a skill. END OF LESSON TEST Allocated Time: Instructions: Test Questions or Performance Expected: Test Key: 0 Minutes You will tested on this subject at a later date. You will be expected to review and study the material taught in this section in order to pass the associated written test. If you have difficulty with the material please see me so we can review together. CONCLUSION Allocated Time: Summary: 5 Minutes Review and re-emphasize the difficult Teaching Points below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Define the divisions of the skeletal system. Define the types of bones. Describe the bone surface markings. Describe the skulls bones and their locations. Describe the hyoid bone. Describe the locations, function, and structure of the vertebral colums. Describe the function and structure of the thorax. Describe the homeostatic imbalances disorders of the spinal column. Define medical terminology associated with the spinal column. Closing Statement: Nurses work in different health care setting so it is important to gain an understainding of this subject as it will apply to clinical setting. Re-motivating You will be able to utilize this information taught today in all clinical settings. 6 AFAMS Master Lesson Plan (MLP) Nursing Program Skeletal System: The Axial Skeleton Statement: 7