MS. SHERIDAN HONORS LANGUAGE ARTS Room A4 * WELCOME TO CLASS Syllabus – Give to your parent/guardian and ask them to sign the form saying they received the syllabus. A Little About Me A Little About Me Education Graduated from Hauppauge High School in 1978 in Long Island, NY Me - Education Me - Education Graduated from New York University Graduated Brooklyn Law School in 1988 Same Year Then, Finally, More recently, My Summer Sedona, AZ Cave Creek, AZ Billy Joel San Diego, CA Sea World Favorite things Language Arts What will we be doing? What will we be doing? Focusing on: Reading Comprehension Strategies Higher Order Thinking (evaluation & analysis) Vocabulary Roots, prefixes, suffixes Strategies to understand unfamiliar words Writing Stages of Writing Six Traits STRUGGLE IS GOOD SHERIDAN CLASSROOM RULES & PROCEDURES Big Picture Think about a time you felt disrespected. What happened? How did you react? Big Picture My main rule: Treat everyone with respect, including yourself. Big Idea #1: What is respect? Should you have to earn it or does everyone deserve it? The Point: How does treating each other with respect help us learn? Responsibility – A way to show respect for yourself Come prepared. Own your learning. Earn grades that make you proud. Do your best. Know that your future is in your hands and no one else’s. Big Idea #2: What does “limit outside distractions” mean? Why is that important for a classroom? How harmful are distractions? 9/you-become-20-dumber-every-time-acoworker-talks-to-you/ RULES & PROCEDURES All rules and procedures are based on the two basic principles: Everyone in this room deserves to be treated with respect, and Everyone is entitled to learn in an environment that is free from distractions. What RULES & PROCEDURES would you suggest to achieve these goals? Follow All School Rules Come to class prepared to work: Bring binder with paper, dividers, pen or pencil. Always have a book to read in case you finish your work before other students. We will be focusing on note-taking this semester, so it is crucial that you have your binder every day. The final exam will cover the whole semester’s work SO, DON’T THROW YOUR NOTES AWAY. Cornell notes will be used. How to walk into the room: Go to the restroom or for water before you enter the room. Line up outside the classroom (girls by the wall and boys by the edge of the cement. Girls walk in first. Go straight to your assigned desk and start on your bellwork. Sharpen your pencil if needed (one person at the sharpener at a time). TARDIES: You must be sitting at your desk and started on your bellwork when the final bell rings. Tardies will be tallied. What to do after you enter the room: Please hold any questions that you have for me for the first 5 minutes of class and complete your bellwork independently. All bellwork is graded! What is “bellwork?” What to do after you enter the room: Complete your bellwork independently: Reading Comprehension – Read the passage and answer the questions. You earn one point for each correct answer. What to do when you enter the room: Take care of your bellwork. Journal - The journal prompt will be on the board. Enter the date and answer the questions including all requirements in your journal. NOT PRIVATE – Other people will edit your journal entry. Also, we may share. If you write something that makes me concerned about your safety or the safety of others, I WILL report it. What to do when you enter the room: Take care of your bellwork. Grammar Practice – Daily Grams Usually 3-5 points Put your backpack on the floor: Do not keep you backpack on your lap Keep all electronics in your backpack. Water bottles are Permitted: No other drinks No food No gum How to pass in papers: Tests or classwork – Place in appropriate basket when you are finished. Baskets are in the back or side of the room. Read or work quietly at your desk until other students have finished. Keep Returned Papers in Case of Grade Disputes and to study for Final Exams. What to do when you need a pencil sharpened: Sharpen pencils before class begins. If you need the sharpener on a rare occasion, raise your hand and ask me. One person at a time at the sharpener. Respect other’s property: Don’t go in other people’s backpacks, bags or purses without permission. Don’t go in or behind a teacher’s desk without permission. That’s like someone going in your purse or wallet without permission. How to ask for permission to ask or answer a question/make a comment/ or get out of your seat: Be polite. Raise your hand and wait to be called. Do not shout out. Do not speak when other people are speaking. How to exit the classroom: Stay in your seat until you’re dismissed. The class will only be dismissed when everyone is seated. Students will be dismissed by rows. Teachers dismiss classes, not bells. What to do when you have paper to throw away: Wait until the end of class. Place in the can. Please don’t ever throw anything in class (automatic consequence). What to do when you're taking a test: Take your test without talking. Turn it in when complete. Read or work silently at your desk until other students have finished. If you talk, it is assumed you are cheating. Cheating results in a zero and disciplinary action. If it’s clear to me that you are not cheating, but you did talk, you will lose points from your test score as a consequence for disturbing others. A C When I need the class to be quiet: I’ll ask or flash the lights. YOU MAY NOT WRITE ON THE DESKS If you choose to break this rule, you will clean all the desks during your lunch. YOU MAY NOT WRITE ON THE WALLS (or paper on the walls) This will result in a call home and possibly a referral. If you are absent: You have as many days as you were absent to make up work. Make-up work is located in the folders on the wall and in the “while you were out” bin in the back of the room. It is organized by days and then by weeks. So, if you were out on Tuesday, look in the Tuesday folder. Take out handouts or worksheets. Assignments WEBSITE ?PageID=1 If you are NOT absent but have late work: Late projects receive partial credit. See me. I do not accept late homework even if you did it and forgot it at home. You will receive a weekly homework grade. Your lowest score will be dropped. Restroom - Only go to Bldg. C You will need a restroom pass. Fill out the pass, give it to me. I will keep half and give the other half to you to bring with you. If you use up your passes, wait for the class to be over. You may submit unused passes for extra credit at the end of the quarter. Grading Your grade will be computed as follows: Exams, Quizzes and Projects – 60% Classwork – 20% Homework including Binder & Agenda Check – 20% Ms. Sheridan It’s good to focus on good behavior. A-TEAM POINTS Everyone receives 10 points at the beginning of every quarter If you are tardy, or disruptive, or fail to follow classroom rules, you will lose a point and receive a red note to bring home to your parent or guardian. More than one point can be deducted for serious infractions. Losing points can result in a call home and a written referral. All A-Team teachers keep track of points. A-TEAM POINTS Most students will not lose any points. At the end of the quarter, students who have not lost all their points will join in a celebration. A-TEAM POINTS Losing several (or more) points indicates a problem that needs to be addressed. Most of you will earn a reward for your consistent good behavior. Will be moved to the “refocus seat.” Will complete a Reflection Sheet and have it signed by their parent/guardian. Students may use this time to refocus their attention. Referrals Sometimes certain students may be consistently disruptive or defiant. Referrals result in a call home and some disciplinary action, including a permanent record of misbehavior in your school file. Referrals can result in ISS, OSS, ASD or lunch detention. Hopefully, they will help students learn how to behave appropriately, which is a skill necessary for a happy, healthy and productive life. Willis Junior High Information Before School • You must remain in the center of campus or in the multipurpose room (cafeteria). Cafeteria • WE ARE “B” LUNCH. GO TO LUNCH IN THE MIDDLE OF 3RD PERIOD. LUNCH IS. • The cafeteria is located on the east side of campus inbetween the M building and the gym. • When you arrive in the cafeteria, make sure that you know • • what you want to eat and always have your I.D. ready to show the lunch lady. When you get up to the front: 1. Type in your I.D. number 2. Order your lunch As soon as you finish eating head towards the center of campus for the lunch break. The Patio • The patio is located right next to the gym and the indoor lunch room. • Outside there are two lunch lines and a few tables. Inside Cafeteria • Inside, there are three lines. The bathroom is right next to the door that goes to the patio eating area. Outside Cafeteria First Week Menu Breakfast Lunch Student Services • Student Services is the place to go when you need a new or temporary I.D. It also provides students with information on activities and school forms. • If student services is closed you can go to the office for assistance. Nurse’s Office • The nurse’s office is for emergencies. • It is on the west side of the office. The Gymnasium • The gym is usually used for P.E. The gym will be used for assemblies, dances and other events. The Library The library is located in the building behind the office. In the library there is a check out counter, bookshelves, and tables. You can access the library before school and during lunch After school, Homework Hub will be in there so you will be able to study, work, and use the computers for school work. • • • After School • After school students are expected to leave immediately. • If you ride the bus you will find the bus with your route number on it; the number is on your I.D. • If you need help, some of your teachers will • have after school tutoring. Check with your teachers to find out when they offer it. Homework Hub is held in the Media center Monday- Thursday. This is an excellent way to get your homework done before you get home and you have help available. Attendance • Attendance is mandatory. You are expected to be at school every day. • If you are sick, a parent or guardian must let the school know. • Unexcused absences will result in punishment. • Students are responsible to make up all work that they missed. Have A Great Year!!! • Remember, respect your teachers, your peers and yourselves. • Make 2014-2015 your best year ever! • Now meet your neighbor (Venn Diagram activity).