Centre for Foundation Studies Albukhary International University Jalan Tun Abdul Razak, 05200 Alor Setar, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia Tel: +047747300 Fax: +604-7747310 Email: info@aiu.edu.my Website: www.aiu.edu.my FOUNDER’S MESSAGE Some twenty years ago, I made a promise of intent to myself, that one day when I am able to; I would establish a University to provide opportunity to bright students from underprivileged and disadvantaged backgrounds to receive tertiary education and become useful, productive and caring members of society. I wanted to do this because of my own background and experience, having come from a poor and disadvantaged family. Islam teaches us that as ordinary mortals, we must place our faith in God; do what He sanctions and avoid what He forbids. This dream of mine is my way to practice Islam as a Way of Life, and by His Grace I am now able to fulfill my promise. The Albukhary International University (AIU) is my Educational Waqf (Benefaction) through the Albukhary Foundation which I bequeath to bright, underprivileged and disadvantaged students of good character irrespective of race, creed or religion. However, I want to stress that AIU is not an Islamic University, but an International University, where standards will be internationally benchmarked, where staff and students are international in composition, and where the curriculum reflects international characteristics, needs and relevance. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Albukhary Chairman, Albukhary Foundation My hope is to see students of AIU, all of whom are fully & AIU sponsored, graduate not only as competent professionals but also imbued with noble values characterized by positive thinking; high self-discipline; caring and giving and a passion to serve humanity. I hope also that AIU, though a relatively small university, will nonetheless become a model institution underpinned by noble values, excellent quality and a global outlook. WELCOME MESSAGE BY THE VICE CHANCELLOR Heart- to-heart from the Vice-Chancellor Universities as educational institution are meant to be the great levelers of society, and Albukhary InternationaI University (AIU) is committed to see to it that is translated into reality. As a fully charitable (waqf) international university dedicated to the marginalised, underprivileged and the disfranchised, AIU humbly reach out to those who have been deprived of the opportunity to better themselves through education. Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak Vice Chancellor and CEO AlBukhary International University Office : 04-7747301 Email : dzulrazak@aiu.edu.my Hence beginning with the learning activities in Foundation Studies Programme, AIU aims to leverage as much as opportunities as possible so that the ‘true’ ethos of a university blossoms yet again. By innovating the metaphor of a “humaniversity” aimed at humanising the university within the context of an asymmetrical world, AIU envisions the revitalisation of human dignity by making available high quality and relevant education based on equity and access with success across the many existing global divides. We therefore hope that you will strive together with the University to make AIU a place of choice to realise not only their dreams, but also for humanity by internalising and upholding the AIU vision and mission to equip yourselves of the necessary academic and life skills provided for during the period of Foundation Studies and beyond. There are ample facilities and amenities as well as a pool of human talent that are available for you to optimally and actively experience a healthy and vibrant campus life in anticipation of future challenges. This includes the respect for universal humanitarian values and norms while creating a genuine passion for service as caring and giving individuals in the spirit of learning. It is my sincere hope that through all of you AIU will raise its profile as a beacon of hope for tomorrow; a new inspiration for a university of the future meant as a gateway for next generation the world over simply because we are convinced that collectively you hold the promise to shape the journey to a sustainable and peaceful future. VISION To become a model international university characterized by high quality education and humanitarian values aimed at empowering underprivileged and disadvantaged students. MISSION To provide academically qualified students from underprivileged and disadvantaged backgrounds not only quality education for them to succeed in life, but also an education which will result is their valuing discipline, being caring and giving individuals. CORE VALUES Commitment to Excellence: At AIU, we commit to build a culture of excellence in all we do. Spirit of Learning: We believe our continued success lies in the opportunity each member has to learn, develop and grow. Integrity: We will conduct ourselves ethically in all interactions and in every aspect of our work. Respect and Trust: We encourage building and maintaining effective personal and professional relationships with each other. Teamwork: We will promote an environment that values individual and cultural differences, and encourage staff at all levels to work together to achieve common goals. Passion for Service: We commit to serve and contribute to the community and society especially the underprivileged and disadvantaged. DEMERIT CATEGORIES REGISTER To be completed by any staff/faculty and submitted to the relevant Head of Department. Referred by: Student name: Category/Behaviour Demerit points Teaching & Learning (T&L) 1) Not showing up for class without any valid excuse or notice -5 2) Late for class (more than 5 minutes) -2 3) Late submission of work without pre-approval 4) Behaviour that disrupts or prevents the process of teaching and learning in classes or seminars or any student affairs sanctioned activities 5) Disregard examination and test rules and regulations 6) Being academically dishonest, e.g. commits plagiarism copying without recognising sources and paying/rewarding/helping any other person to prepare and write any work on your behalf 7) Attempt to smuggle library books or materials 8) Arrive late or absent during any orientation or service programme sessions Hostel Rules (HsR) 9) AIU student allowing visitor or other student to squat or to stay over at their hostel 10) Student preparing /cooking food in hostel room 11) Not attending hostel meetings or cleaning sessions 12) Sleeping out of campus during week-ends/trimester breaks without exit/leave pass approval 13) Having pets/animals in hostel University Rules & Regulations (UR&R) 14) Not wearing official attire in class, any AIU activities, sports/recreation clubs, official reception or student consultation session. 15) Not wearing ID Card without valid reason 16) Causing injury to other student or damages of property -2 -5 -10 -5 -5 -5 -10 -5 -2 -5 -10 -2 -2 -5 Date: Student #: Comments/description/d etails (attach additional pages if more space is required) 17) Vandalism and damage to any university or other students personal property 18) Littering 19) Indecency in dressing or behaviour -10 20) Using institutional property without necessary permission 21) Not following procedure to distribute publications on campus or making use of notice boards 22) Conduct or engage in any fundraising activities without prior approval from AIU authority 23) Smoking, consumes alcohol and being intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs on campus 24) Inappropriate behaviour including close proximity -2 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) -2 -2 -2 -5 -10 -5 If found guilty on any of the following transgression, a student’s scholarship will be terminated immediately and the student will be sent home, not redeemable: Female or male student found in opposite gender hostel -20 premises or rooms Commits any criminal offense -20 Intimate/sexual relationships with the opposite and/or -20 same-sex, getting married, pregnant Carrying or using firearms or dangerous weapons -20 Possession and or use of dependence forming drugs -20 Guideline: (Accumulated over full duration of stay at AIU) -5 : written warning and fined 25% of one month’s Student Allowance. -10 : written warning and fined 50% of one month’s Student Allowance. -15 : written warning and fined 100% of one month’s Student Allowance. -20 : disciplinary hearing and on discretion of the VC, cancellation of Scholarship. Referral person signature: For office use Received by : Date : Captured by : Date : Date tabled at meeting : Forwarded to finance : 1. Conduct with regards to the Academic Issues 1.1 Students may neither organize nor participate in student action if such action might: 1.2 Cause injury to any person or violates their rights or impairs safety on Institution premises or while engaged in any Institution activity; 1.3 Seriously disrupts, or seriously interferes with, the academic, administrative, sporting, social, or other activities of the Institution, whether on Institution premises or elsewhere. 1.4 A student commits misconduct if s/he disrupts or prevents the process of education. 1.5 Students must attend all lectures, group classes, seminars, tutorials, practical classes and excursions as determined in the relevant programme regulations. 1.6 Students must complete all their prescribed work and write all tests. In case of illness students must submit an acceptable medical certificate. 1.7 Students must comply with the regulations pertaining to the control of examinations and class tests. 1.8 During a class test or examination, students must not: 1.9 Help or try to help other students; 1.10 Obtain or try to obtain help from other students; 1.11 Obtain or try to obtain information or help from any written source or other means except that which is expressly permitted by the invigilator or the relevant lecturer; 1.12 Assist another student in contravening a regulation, or fail to take reasonable precaution ensure that other students will not have access to their work; 1.13 Cause a disturbance in or in the proximity of the test or examination venue, or conduct them in an improper or unbecoming manner; 1.14 Disregard the instructions of the invigilator. 1.15 Students may not submit any written assignment/essay to a lecturer for assessment if they have included the entire work or considerable sections of essentially unchanged excerpts from the work of another student or from another source without recognition of the source and of the extent of the inclusion thereof, and without compliance with specific departmental referencing principles and rules for the particular assignment/essay, where applicable. 1.16 Students may not pay or otherwise reward another person for writing or preparing work to be submitted for assessment. 1.17 Students should at all times be dressed in the official AIU attire during official times, when in class, the library and when engaged with various formal university activities on and off campus. 1.18 Students are not allowed to wear jeans during official times, when in class, the library when engaged with various formal university activities on and off campus. 2. Guidelines Regarding Academic Issues 2.1 Entering and Exiting Criteria and Graduation Criteria for Foundation & Degree Programmes: Graduating expectations Entering Foundation IELTS 4.5 in all 4 skills or equivalent to IELTS Graduating from Foundations For English IELTS 6 or equivalent in all four skills All other Subjects: Pass Grade (50% and above) Entering Degree Program IELTS 6 or equivalent in all four skills Graduating from Degree program All Subjects: Pass grade (50% and above) All students are required to complete the degree or program requirements as approved. The University reserves the right to make necessary module and programme changes to meet current educational standards and to comply with MQA (Malaysia Quality Assurance) and MOHE (Ministry of Higher Education) regulations. Students will be advised through Student Affairs of any programme modifications. 2.2 Attendance 2.2.1 Absences As a matter of respect and courtesy for their fellow classmates and lecturers, all students are expected to be punctual in attending classes. As part of Malaysian Immigration regulations, all international students must satisfy programme requirements by attending at least 80% of all the scheduled classes (lectures and tutorials). At AIU, however, all students (both Malaysian and international) are required to attend at least 90% of all scheduled classes. Therefore class attendance is compulsory unless the student is able to provide a Medical Certificate (MC) from a certified doctor. Attendance records will be kept by faculty. If a student’s attendance falls below 90%, (inclusive of MC absences), the University will issue a termination letter to the student. An absence with an MC will be seen as an excused absence, but will still count towards absences. In regard to a pre-planned absence (e.g. scheduled surgery) students should go to the Head of the Programme or Student Affairs to complete a leave of absence form within 7 (seven) days before the date/s they will be away. Preplanned leave still counts towards absences. 2.3 Make–up work for Excused Absences For absences due to valid reasons such as hospital stay and consultation with a doctor, it is the responsibility of a student to return immediately to the University to meet with the relevant faculty members to arrange for deadlines for make–up work. 2.4 Submission of work 2.4.1 Late Submissions of work with pre-approval from faculty Under special circumstances, students may request an extension in writing for submission of work from a faculty member. Extensions are granted at the discretion of the faculty according to department policy. There is a specific form a student needs to complete for this – Request for Late Submission of Assignment. – Which the student can get from the lecturer(s) concerned. 2.4.2 Late submission of work without pre-approval from faculty Unless special circumstances are agreed with the lecturer and a late submission request form is completed before the due date of an assignment, any assignments submitted up to two working days late will receive no more than an Unsatisfactory Grade (equivalent to less than 70% for the IEP or 50% for the FSP). 2.5 Academic Honesty AIU requires all students to adhere to high standards of integrity in their academic work. The University takes dishonesty very seriously and investigates all alleged offences in both assessed work and examinations. Activities such as plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. Students who have been proven guilty in such activities are subject to serious disciplinary action and will be dealt with accordingly. The University has the discretion to apply a range of penalties, ranging from a failed grade to dismissal from the University. 2.5.1 Academic dishonesty and or cheating during test and examinations include: Bringing and/or using unauthorized material (written, printed or electronic in any format) into the examination room. Taking an exam for someone else Copying from another student’s assessed work or exam work Using another individual’s identity to gain access into the examination room Obtaining a copy of the examination questions prior to the exam or allowing your identity to be used for this purpose Talking with or providing assistance to another student during an examination Removing examination books, worksheets, or test questions from the examination room Unauthorized assistance from others in any academic exercise, including papers and homework assignments Submission of the same work for more than one course without the authorization of the lecturers Submission of another student’s work as one’s own 2.5.2 Plagiarism Students are expected to submit their own work. Students may NOT: Make use of a writing service or pay someone to provide the work Submit collaborative and/or group work without acknowledging the work of others in the group Use others’ work without proper citation The Institution takes a serious view of any form of plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as the act of taking the ideas, writings or creations of another person as one's own. It is considered plagiarism whether this is done accidentally or on purpose. Examples of plagiarism include but are not limited to: Taking the work of others, either published or unpublished, in hard copies or from the electronic sources such as the Internet, and claiming it as your own. This includes not only written work but also charts, graphs, graphics, etc. Copying someone else’s work word for word or changing it (paraphrasing) and turning it in as your own Sharing your work with other individuals and allowing them to turn it in as their own work 2.6 Getting someone else to revise and edit your work and claiming the finished product as your own If you are unsure if you are plagiarising, seek advice from faculty or other academic staff Deferment Deferment from the IEP and FSP Students may be permitted to defer under extreme and unpredictable change of circumstance after entering the programme. The student would need to be able to provide documentary evidence of your circumstances for such an application to be approved. Deferred students can re-enter the program provided that they do a placement test to determine the level of entry. The student needs to complete the Deferment form, which is available from the Registrar’s office. Deferment application will be reviewed by a committee comprising of representatives of the academic faculty, Registrar’s office and Students Affairs. EXAMINATION REGULATIONS 1. Students must be appropriately attired according to the dress code stipulated by the Student Affairs Department. NO slippers are allowed. 2. Students should bring their student cards and examination registration slip and/or the identity card to sit for the Examination in every examination that they attend. These should be placed on the right side of examination table until the examination ends and to be checked by the invigilators. 3. Students are not allowed to :a. bring books or notes, papers, documents, pictures, pencil case or handbag into the examination hall without invigilators’ permissions. b. bring any electronic devices to the examination hall unless required for the examination. Students are NOT allowed to bring in bags, handphones, and it must be switched off and placed outside the hall. c. enter the examination hall 30 minutes after the examination begins. d. leave the examination hall during the first 30 minutes and the last 15 minutes of examination. e. communicate with each other and cause disturbance to other students during the examination. f. leave the examination hall except to go to the toilet. They have to fill in the Candidates In/Out Form when leaving the examination hall. 4. Students can only take an examination of the course that is listed in the Statement of Qualification to sit for the Examination. If this is not observed, the answer script will not be examined. Students who do not observe these regulations or any of the Chief Invigilator/Invigilator’s instructions can be barred from taking the examination or can be brought to the Student Disciplinary Action Board, and if found guilty, can be penalized under Section 46, Act 555 of Private Higher Educational Institution Act 1996 or other enforceable Acts. Any students who are found guilty of a disciplinary offence can be charged with a maximum penalty of dismissal from college. 1. These rules should be displayed at the entrance of the examination hall 2. The chief invigilator should read the above regulations before the examination begins. AIU GRADING SYSTEM Letter Grade Percentage Grade Points Description A* >90 4.0 DISTINCTION A 80-89 3.5 EXCELLENT B 70-79 3.0 VERY GOOD C 60-69 2.5 GOOD D 50-59 2.0 PASS E 40-49 1.0 REDEEMABLE FAIL F <39 0 FAIL AIU GRADE DESCRIPTOR Element Weight A* A B C D E F Knowledge 2 ++++ ++++ +++ ++ + + 0 Thinking Skills: Reflection & Analysis Thinking Skills: Use of Source Material Transferable Skills: Use of Language Originality and Creativity 2 ++++ ++++ +++ ++ + + 0 1 ++++ +++ +++ ++ ++ 0 0 1 ++++ +++ +++ ++ + + 0 1 ++++ ++++ +++ +++ ++ 0 0 0.5 ++++ ++++ +++ +++ ++ + 0 Impression Element Knowledge Thinking Skills: Reflection & Analysis Thinking Skills: Use of Source Material Transferable Skills: Use of Language Originality and Creativity Impression Description Completeness of the scope of knowledge and understanding of the subject matter Ability to analyze critically with wide range of appropriate criteria. Ability to use well supported and extended range of references Ability to use standard language Answers are organized nicely with annotations and tabulations when necessary. Ideas are novel. General outlook of answers. Good arrangements of sentences and continuity of ideas. CFS: Work Distribution Mathematics Package English Package Subject Code (R*) Subject Title Credit Hours Lecture (S*) Tutorial (S*) Lecturers FBM114 (100) Algebra 4 4H x 1G (100) 1H x 4G (25) Amirul FBM124 (100) Statistic 4 4H x 1G (100) 1H x 4G (25) Khyasudeen FBM134 (100) Calculus 4 4H x 1G (100) 1H x 4G (25) Rajasegeran FLE114A (100) English I 4 4H x 3G (35) 2H x 3G (35) Mazlin, Mohamad, Norehan FLE114B (100) English I 4 4H x 3G (35) 2H x 3G (35) Nazri, Yoong, Intan FLE114C (100) English I 4 4H x 3G (35) 2H x 3G (35) Hicham, Rika, Lor FCC113 (100) 3 3H (100) 1H x 4G (25) - CL Azam 3 3H (100) 1H x 4G (25) - CL Nisha 3 3H (100) 1H x 4G (25) - CL Asna FLG114 (100) Computer & Internet Information Technology Information Literacy L & Thinking Skill 4 4H x 3G (35) 1H x 3G (35) Kantha, Rusnizah FLG124 (100) Comm. Skill 4 4H x 3G (35) 1H x 2G (35) Hicham, Grace FSG116 (300) Co-curriculum and Leadership Introduction to Business 6 2H x 3G (100) 1H x 12G (25) (John), Hamidah, Huda, Salina 3 3H x 2G (50) - Shaliza ICT Package FCC123 (100) FCC133 (100) Generic Subjects Business FBB133 (100) ALL Lectures and Tutorials: 1 hour in duration. (S*): Maximum Number of Students per Group (R*): Maximum Number of Students Registered per Subject H: Lecture/Tutorial hours/week G: Groups CL: Computer Laboratory ALL students must register for FSG116 and FLE114 (either A, B or C) + a minimum of three other subjects (Maximum Credit Hours allowed: 25) HEAD, CENTRE FOR FOUNDATION STUDIES Dr. Syed Shahar Bin Syed Ahmad Barakbah Welcome to AiU, Albukhary International University, the Humaniversity. I feel very privileged to be given this space to address AiU students. Let me; firstly, congratulate all students for having been selected to enrol in this University. The hands of man, the mortals, processed your selection here but it is actually the Divine, the Almighty that chose you to be here. Remember always to be grateful to God; regardless your belief. Let us always remember the generosity of the Founder of the University; let us pray for his health and prosperity. And let us also thank the Almighty that we cross paths to perform constructive deeds, either singly or in groups, to sustain and improve lives in this planet. Students of AiU are indeed privileged. Education is free. Food and lodging are free. We expose you to the opportunities and the art to helping others. And we ensure too that your pockets are not empty! With these privileges come responsibilities. We ask that you take care of your beautiful residences and its surrounding. We ask you to love and respect your peers, your teachers, your elders and your fellow human. We ask you to study hard and to study smart. We ask you to uphold the good name of the University wherever you are. They’re good blend of giving and asking. These blends will insyaAllah shape you into a caring all-rounder, ready to serve mankind. My staff and I are always available to assist and guide you and I pray that all of us be guided to always do the right things. Our very best wishes to all. LIST OF STAFFS CENTRE FOR FOUNDATION STUDIES Dr. SYED SHAHAR BIN AHMAD BARAKBAH HEAD OF DEPARTMENT Ph.D (Sydney). shahar@aiu.edu.my 04-7747392 SYED Mdm. AZLINA BT JAMALUDIN EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT B.B.A, RMIT UNIVERSITY azlina@aiu.edu.my 04-7747419 Assoc. Prof. ABDUL LATIFF MD. AHOUD ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR M. Eng. PHYSICS McMASTER UNIVERSITY Co-ordinator, Intensive Mathematics Programme (IMP). abdullatiff@aiu.edu.my 04-7747393 Mr. MOHAMAD AYUB B MAT ZAIN Co-ordinator, Intensive English Programme (IEP) M. Ed., O.U.M ayub@aiu.edu.my 04-7747401 Mr. KHYASUDEEN B ABD MAJID SENIOR LECTURER Co-ordinator Mathematics M.Sc. SCIENCE EDUCATION,UNIVERSITY OF IOWA khyasudeen@aiu.edu.my 04-7747405 Mr. AZAMUDDIN B ABDUL RAHMAN LECTURER Co-ordinator ICT M.Sc. I.T., U.U.M azamuddin@aiu.edu.my 04-7747420 Mr. AHMAD NAZRI B ABDULLAH SENIOR LECTURER M.A. ENGLISH, CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Ahmadnazri@aiu.edu.my 04-7747407 Mr. PARISUTHAM JOHN BRITTO LECTURER MASTER IN JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION, ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS MADURAI KAMARAJAR UNIVERSITY, INDIA john@aiu.edu.my 04-7747433 Mr. HICHAM LAHLOU LECTURER Co-ordinator English M. IN ENGLISH LINGUISTICS, U.K.M hicham@aiu.edu.my 04-7747402 Mr. AMLAN B AMAN SENIOR LECTURER M. IN KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND MULTIMEDIA, M.M.U a.amlan@aiu.edu.my 04-7747400 Mr. KANTHA KUMAR RAMASAMY SENIOR LECTURER M. Ed., UNIVERSITY OF BATH, ENGLAND kanthakumar@aiu.edu.my 04-7747411 Ms. GRACIA PARAN LECTURER M.A. TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY, PHILIPPINES gracia@aiu.edu.my 04-7747416 Tn. HJ MOHAMED B ALIAS LECTURER M.Ed., TEACHING OF ENGLISH OVERSEAS VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER, U.K mohamed@aiu.edu.my 04-7747403 Mr. LOR KIAT SENG LECTURER M. ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING, UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER, U.K kiatseng@aiu.edu.my 04-7747417 Mdm. RUSNIZAH BT OTHMAN LECTURER B.A APPLIED LINGUISTICS, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY rusnizah@aiu.edu.my 04-7747415 Ms. NUR KHAIRUNNISHA BT ZAINAL LECTURER M.Sc. INFORMATION MGMT. UiTM nurkhairunnisha@aiu.edu.my 04-7747408 Mdm. MAZLIN BT AZIZAN LECTURER M.A. E.S.L, I.I.U.M mazlin@aiu.edu.my 04-7747412 Mr. MOHD AMIRUL B MAHAMUD LECTURER M.Sc. MATHEMATICS, U.S.M amirul@aiu.edu.my 04-7747418 Mr. RAJASEGERAN RAMASAMY LECTURER M.Sc. MATHEMATICS, U.S.M rajasegeran@aiu.edu.my 04-7747409 Ms. ASNA KHAIRUN BINTI ABDUL RAHMAN LECTURER M. Sc. INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, U.U.M asnakhairun@gmail.com Mr.YOONG GUAN CHIANG M.Sc. T.E.S.L, U.P.M LECTURER guanchiang@aiu.edu.my 04-7747 423 Mdm. NURUL HUDA BINTI HASSAN BAKRI M.A. E.S.L, I.I.U.M LECTURER nurulhuda@aiu.edu.my 04-7747424 Dr. SOH OR KAN Ph.D ED., U.o.H LECTURER orkan@aiu.edu.my 04-7747 425 Mr. DEVAENDREN A/L SUPPIAH L.L.B HONS. U.o.L, (REGD. FOR MASTERS) ASST. LECTURER deveandren@aiu.edu.my 04-7747422 Ms. HAMIDAH HALIM B. Ed HONS. T.E.S.L, UNISEL, (REGD. FOR MASTERS) ASST. LECTURER hamidah@aiu.edu.my 04-7747427 Ms. SALINAYANTYI SALIM M. APPLIED LINGUISTICS ,U.B.D LECTURER salinayanti@aiu.edu.my 04-7747423 Mr. AZNI BIN ABDUL RASHID M. APPLIED LINGUISTICS, U.U.M LECTURER azniabdul@aiu.edu.my 04-7747429 Ms. RIKA DIANA BTE BUSRI M.A. LINGUISTICS AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDIES, U.S.M rikadiana@aiu.edu.my 04-7747428 Ms. INTAN SYAHIDAH BINTI ZULKAFA M.A E.S.L, I.I.U.M LECTURER intansyahidah@aiu.edu.my 04-7747424 Ms. LYDIAWANI CHE ISMAIL B.H.S.C ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE , I.I.U.M, (REGD. FOR MASTERS) ASST. LECTURER lydiawani@aiu.edu.my 04-7747430 Ms. HASLINA MD. NOOR M.A. E.S.L, I.I.U.M LECTURER haslina@aiu.edu.my 04-7747432 Dr. NOREHAN BINTI HAJI HUSSEIN SENIOR LECTURER Ph.D. EBERHARD – KARLS UNIVERSITAT , TUBINGEN GERMANY norehan.hussein@gmx.de Mr. JAMIE ALFREDO CABRERA LECTURER Ph.D. COMMUNICATION (DISS. LEV.) BANGKOK UNIVERSITY, THAILAND jaime@aiu.edu.my Mr. MUHAMMAD MUHAMMAD HASAN AL-AIDAROUS LECTURER M.A. LINGUISTICS/LANGUAGE STUDIES, U.K.M m.hasan@aiu.edu.my 04-7747436 Mr. MOHD HAZRUL AZMAN B ZAKARIA ASSISTANT LECTURER B. Ed. T.E.S.L, UNISEL hazrul@aiu.edu.my 04-7747404 Mdm. WAN MASZIRA BT. MEGAT SHAPII ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT maszirahafiz@yahoo.com COURSE SYNOPSIS English (FLE 114) The course develops English Language proficiency in an integrated way and focuses on effective reading strategies, writing cohesive paragraphs and summaries, active listening, and the use of a wide range of vocabulary and correct grammar. It enables students to use the language effectively in their everyday communication and in particular for academic discourse in preparation for the language demands of undergraduate studies. Mathematics-Algebra (FBM 114) Basic of algebra focusing on types of expressions and equations. The algebra of matrix and its application. Solving equations and inequalities to types and properties of functions. Information Literacy (FCC 133) The course is design to develop basic understanding and knowledge about information literacy. The skills of the Information Literacy process include the identification of a problem and the ability to select the appropriate tools to locate the information. Students are also expected to be able to analyse and use the information and to evaluate the information resources effectively. Learning & Thinking Skills (FLG 114) The course focuses on the understanding and application of learning skills in preparation for undergraduate studies. Included in the content are learning experiences to practice time management skills, stress management, learning skills and ability to work individually or in group. This course introduces strategies for students to explore and apply to become-solvers in a variety of situations, e.g. in the academic environment, social, cultural, local and global community. Students participate in activities designed to help develop their own creativity, and discuss the creative process from various theoretical perspectives. Applications are on such topics as creative individuals, environments that tend to enhance creative functioning, and related educational issues. Discussions with artist, scientist and other particularly involved in the creative process focus on their techniques, and on ways in which creativity can be nurtured. Co-Curriculum and Leadership (FSG 116) The course provides students with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding the theory, ethics and values of service. It elaborates on groups, organizations, leadership and community work and expects students to apply these in real life situation of community work. English (FLE 114) This course provides relevant learning experiences to integrate the four language skills [Reading, Writing, Listening, and speaking] in ways that are participative and experiential. It develops proficiency and confidence in using the English language to meet the language demands of undergraduate studies and academically discourse. It emphasizes the development of effective reading strategies, academic writing skills, vocabulary skills, correct grammar as well as related generic skills such as ICT skills and team work. Mathematics-Calculus (FBM 134) The course provides the basic ideas in derivatives and its application. Derivatives include polynomial, rational, logarithmic and exponential functions. The concepts and rules of integration are used to integration are used to evaluate the functions. Introduction to Computers and the Internet (FCC 113) Introduction to the basic concepts of a computer system i.e. computer hardware, networks, operating systems and Web2.0 tools. Knowledge and introductory application skills of multi-purpose software will be emphasized along with programs/application software including Word processing, Spread sheets, Presentations and Internet applications. Communication Skills (FLG 124) This course focuses on the understanding and application of the elements and principles of effective communication in preparation for undergraduate studies. Included in the content are learning experiences to practice and enhance critical listening, note-taking and presentation skills participation in group discussions, as well as the ability to select relevant information and work effectively in team. English (FLE 114) This course focuses on advanced level language skills to support integrated critical thinking and reading skills to evaluate information. It addresses the ability to express and articulate views and put forward sound arguments in written and spoken language. Grammar and vocabulary enable proficiency to meet the language demands of undergraduate studies. It also emphasizes team work and problem-solving skills. Mathematics-Statistic (FBM 124) Introduction to basic concepts in statistics including data collection, presentation and analysis. Measurement of central tendency and dispersion in graphical and numerical form. The concepts of probability, significance levels and various types of distribution to carry out simple hypothesis testing. Introduction to Information Technology (FCC 123) The course is design to introduce students with the broad and evolving field of information technology including database design and web development. This course also focuses on information systems and the emerging role of database as the foundation of storing and sharing information on the internet and the World Wide Web. Besides that, students will be exposed with Web2.0 tools as a social network within an academic environment for sharing information. Introduction to Business (FBB 133) This course addresses the need for business professional to have a background in business studies to face the global business challenges competition in the market place and the green movement as well as managing a business in the midst of economic ups and down. RESPECT FOR UNIVERSITY PROPERTY Say NO to Vandalism We want our campus, its surroundings and contents to be treated with care and respect. Our campus is a reflection of those in it and we want it to be attractive and inviting. Students are expected to treat the campus and its contents with respect. Therefore, students kindly take note: Please do not use the cricket training pitch as a football field and damaging the training pitch equipment (wicket and netting). Please ensure using the correct shoes when entering the par course area (football sport shoes with the studs will damage the surface) Fishing at the pond is not allowed since the area is being protected for newly introduced plants. The positions of the rubbish bins have been located properly. Please do not move them around. OTHER INFORMATION/CONTACTS SECURITY OFFICE-EMERGENCY CONTACT: Security Office (Hotline) 019-4186357 TAXI Alor Setar, North Kedah Taxi Association (8.00am – 6.00pm) 04-7332360 Shahab Perdana Taxi Station 04-7336843 Mr. Hardee (from AIU) 013-6308318 PARCELS Ms. Suraini Ghazali (Security Department) 04-7747383