WP4 “Integration to European global/regional forecasting capacity” P.Bahurel - Mercator Ocean ECOOP Consensus Meeting Erdemli, 16-17 March 2005 WP4: Motivation ECOOP Meeting – WP4 – P.Bahurel set up an integrated strategy between “open ocean” and “coastal” operational oceanography : show it is feasible, and worth doing ensure full connection and integration of the regional/coastal seas forecasting capacity considered in ECOOP to the global/regional capacity, existing or developed under GMES projects such as MERSEA WP4: Objectives 1. ECOOP Meeting – WP4 – P.Bahurel 2. 3. demonstrate – both on scientific and operational sides – our capacity to ensure full downscaling from open ocean to shelf/coastal areas, build through practical examples reference areas of successful coupling between global/regional operational forecasting systems and regional/coastal forecasting systems show how coastal application fields (coastal pollution, HAB monitoring, etc) could benefit from an efficient connection between these different systems. WP4: Main Deliverables ECOOP Meeting – WP4 – P.Bahurel Practical and successful examples of implementation of the MERSEA / ECOOP joint vision for Integrated Coastal Oceanography – For the Users (to raise / develop interest in “our” operational oceanography) – For the Supporting Agencies (for further projects) Well assessed methodologies and tools to ensure downscaling / coupling between open sea and coastal systems – For development teams (for further developments) WP4: Approach/Strategy put Application needs first : Algae Bloom, Oil Spill, Sea Level – not considered if not connected to select a limited number of areas, where global ocean meets european shelf and coastal seas ECOOP Meeting – WP4 – P.Bahurel – see criteria next slide start from pre-existing systems and improve through integration : integration of systems, integration of Research inputs – 2-way connection with e.g. WP10 run end-to-end experiments, starting from the open ocean information to reach coastal practical applications and end-users (e.g. HAB alert), with involvement of coastal models, local observations, downscaling tools ; show sustainable examples – Involve operational agencies WP4: Criteria for the selection of Pilot Areas ECOOP Pilot Areas are: ECOOP Meeting – WP4 – P.Bahurel 1. on coastal areas, but influenced by the open ocean (downscaling required) 2. with a pre-existing effort already covered by a long series of observations already covered by a first version of a coastal monitoring and forecasting system (with at least a modelling capacity) 3. of interest for targetted coastal applications (at least one) oil drift, sea level, algae bloom, ... with a first version of the application tool ready EuroGOOS regions NOOS - North West shelf MERSEA NW Shelves open ocean & shelf Regional OOS MERSEA areas BOOS –Baltic MERSEA Baltic Black Sea GOOS opened on deep ocean MedGOOS – MOON MERSEA Med Sea IBIS EuroGOOS MERSEA Global WP4: Targeted areas (tbd) ECOOP Meeting – WP4 – P.Bahurel IBIS EuroGOOS region (Atlantic shelves) Areas – South: Iberian Shelf – East: Gulf of Biscay – North: South Irish Shelf Application – Oil Spill (post-Prestige effort, ...) – Algae bloom (HABIT consortium, ...) – Sea Level (met agencies, ...) Irish shelf ECOOP Meeting – WP4 – P.Bahurel Iberian Shelf IBIS EuroGOOS MERSEA Global 3 1 2 Bay of Biscay Algae Bloom Oil Spill Sea Level Example Area: « Iberian shelf » ECOOP Meeting – WP4 – P.Bahurel Partners: Puertos del Estado, ICM, MeteoGalicia, IEO, IST, Univ. de Vigo, Météo-France, AZTI, IPIMAR, Hydromod Existing effort: Coastal Circulation model : MOHID model + assimilation; operational observations ; WQ + oil modules Downscaling: Coupling with Mercator & ESEOO open sea systems Applications : – – – – HAB (biochemical lead : IST ; K. mikimotoi , dynophisis lead: IEO) Oil Spill Drift, including Prestige area (lead : Puertos) Storm surge (lead: Puertos) Downscaling to bays Bilbao bay : model TRIMODENA, coupling, ecoogical model (lead: AZTI) Ria de Vigo, Baixas : HAB (Dynophisis,Gymnodium Catenatum). Modelisation : MOHID, monitoring HAB in the ria. Leader : Univ. Vigo Tage estuary : MOHID model + assimilation ; coupling Mercator/ESEOO ; HAB ; Sea Level ; Oil Spill (lead IPIMAR). Bay of Biscay HAB Examples ECOOP Meeting – WP4 – P.Bahurel Iberian shelf Oil spill Galician shelf HAB Sea Surface Temperature : 11/2003:2/ 2004 Tagus Storm surge, HAB Bilbao Harbour Water pollution Development needed: Iberian coastal system MERSEA global / Regional system: Regional system :Atlantic front Regional model in physical sense (includes Gibraltar) coupling Tides Shelf/slope interaction Biscay shelf … Irish Coastal system PAN-European (format, database,Obs. availability): Obs. Coupling : Obs. of coupling tools adaptation Pollution/accident: To be used by the downscaling/application : Water quality :HAB systemWater quality : HAB Oil spill Coastal systems : Bathymetry Diminution of layer thickness River fluxes Turbulence parametrisation Atm. Forcings coupling Assimilation Data base (obs. + satellite) Bilbao … … coupling Obs. coupling Water quality : Rias de Vigo Iroise coupling To be fed by the dowscaling/application system: harbour Obs. Obs. Safety at sea: Data files fromWater regional system Tagus quality : Obs. Storm surge Coupling tools HAB Water quality : Pollution: Data files from coastal systems (model + obs.) HAB Oil Spill Safety at sea: Data files from local systems (model + obs.) Storm surge WP4 Core activities Define and run operational Test cases for application experiments (algae blooms, oil spill, sea level) in the selected areas – Prepared to use different versions of the « MERSEA-ECOOP » systems ECOOP Meeting – WP4 – P.Bahurel Organize and improve integration of pre-existing systems and build up the « MERSEA-ECOOP » system in the selected areas – Strenghten the connection between systems, following ECOOP inputs – Conduct a specific work on downscaling/coupling (application of advanced methods, considered in more details in WP10) ; envisage different scenarios (inline/online ; permanent or not ; unstructured grids vs trad. coupling ; …) – Assess then our capacity to get from the MERSEA system the information requested by ECOOP application end-users Assess impact on targeted applications of the different scenarios ; lessons for sustainability of the MERSEA-ECOOP offer ; lessons for exportation in other areas WP4: Issues ECOOP Meeting – WP4 – P.Bahurel Number of areas to consider – Is WP4 the only place where « pilot areas » are considered ? – Are WP4 criteria considered here OK ? – Consider other regions Level of « Research » activity in WP4 – e.g. downscaling activity with WP10 Connection with users