chap3 seq1


System Analysis and Design

System Analysis

- Mr. Ahmad Al-Ghoul

learning Objectives

Explain the Characteristics of a Good

Analysis Method

Explain Why Use a Methodology

Describe the three categorizes of system development methodologies

 Process-centered Methodologies

 Data-centered Methodologies

 Object-oriented methodologies


Waterfall Development, Parallel

Development, rapid application development (RAD)

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The process of system analysis and its planning includes various stages.

Over the years various methodologies have been defined for this process.

The methodologies themselves constitute a method that regulates the various stages in the process of planning and developing the information system.

Each methodology has its own advantages and disadvantages but, generally, the correct methodology must be adapted to the required system.

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A methodology is a formalized approach to implementing the SDLC.

Justified by experience

A methodology may or may not prescribe a Life

Cycle Model.

The methodology will vary depending on whether the emphasis is on businesses processes or on the data that supports the business.


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Systems Development


Characteristics of a Good Analysis Method

Graphical with supporting text.

Allow system to be viewed in a top-down and partitioned fashion.

Minimum redundancies.

Reader should be able to predict system behavior.

Easy to understand by user.


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Systems Development


Why Use a Methodology?

Distilled experience/best practice

Ensures user involvement

Helps inexperienced analysts

Provides planning and control

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Systems Development


 Process-centered Methodologies

 This kind of methodologies focus on defining the activities associated with the system.

 concentrate on representing the system concept as a set of processes with information flowing into and out of the processes.

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Systems Development


Data-centered Methodologies

 These methodologies focuses on defining the content of the data storage containers and how they are organized rather than the activities which comes later.

 Data-centered methodologies utilize data models as the core of understanding the system concept, other models will be less important


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Systems Development


Object-oriented methodologies

This methodology attempts to balance the focus between processes and data.

Object-oriented methodology work well in situation in which complicated IS need continues maintenance, adaptation and redesign

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Systems Development


 Waterfall Development

 With waterfall development- based methodologies, the analysts and users proceed sequentially from one phase to the next.

 The advantages of waterfall development-based methodologies are:

The system requirements are identified long before programming begins.

Changes to the requirements are minimized as the project proceeds.

Good for project management

Results in solid, well-constructed systems


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Systems Development


 The disadvantages of waterfall developmentbased methodologies are:

 The design must be completely specified before programming begins.

A long time elapses between the completion of the system proposal in the analysis phase and the delivery of the system.

Difficult (expensive) to accommodate change after process is underway

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Systems Development

Methodologies [3]

Waterfall Development


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Systems Development


Parallel Development

 This methodology attempts to address the long time interval between the analysis phase and the delivery of the system.


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Systems Development

Methodologies [3]


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Systems Development


 Rapid Application Development (RAD)

 RAD-based methodologies adjust the SDLC phases to get some part of system developed quickly and into the hands of the users.

 Most RAD-based methodologies recommend that analysts use special techniques and computer tools to speed up the analysis, design, and implementation phases, such as

CASE (computer-aided software engineering) tools.


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Systems Development


 Rapid Application Development (RAD)

Five key factors


Extensive user involvement


Joint Application Design sessions




Integrated CASE tools


Code generators

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Systems Development


 Rapid Application Development (RAD)

RAD is a general strategy rather than a single methodology


To analyze a business process rapidly

To design a viable system solution through intense cooperation between users and developers

To get the finished application into the hands of the users quickly

Traditional SDLC steps are followed, but phases are combined

Iteration is limited to design and development phases

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Systems Development Methodologies (

RAD) [2]

Advantages Disadvantages

Dramatic time savings the systems development effort

Can save time, money and human effort

Tighter fit between user requirements and system specifications

Works especially well where speed of development is important

Ability to rapidly change system design as demanded by users

System optimized for users involved in

RAD process

Concentrates on essential system elements from user viewpoint

Strong user stake and ownership of system

More speed and lower cost may lead to lower overall system quality

Danger of misalignment of system developed via RAD with the business due to missing information

May have inconsistent internal designs within and across systems

Possible violation of programming standards related to inconsistent naming conventions and inconsistent documentation

Difficulty with module reuse for future systems

Lack of scalability designed into system

Lack of attention to later systems administration built into system

High cost of commitment on the part of key user personnel


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Sequence Summary

A methodology is a formalized approach to implementing the SDLC.

Process centered methodologies, the focus is on defining the activities associated with the system.

Data centered methodologies focuses on defining the content of the data storage containers and how they are organized.

Object-oriented methodology attempts to balance the focus between processes and data.

waterfall development- based methodologies, the analysts and users proceed sequentially from one phase to the next.

Rapid application development (RAD) resembles a condensed version of the entire SDLC, with users involved every step of the way

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Sequence Summary

In this Sequence we have

Defined the term development methodology

Explained the Characteristics of a Good Analysis


Explained Why Use a Methodology

Described the three categorizes of system development methodologies

Process-centered Methodologies

Data-centered Methodologies

 Object-oriented methodologies


Waterfall Development, Parallel

Development, and rapid application development


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[1] System Analysis and Design, Sixth Edition

Authors: Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman and Harry J. Rosenblatt


[2] Modern Systems Analysis and Design Third Edition

Authors: Jeffrey A. Hoffer , Joey F. George, Joseph S. Valacich

Publisher: prentice hall

[3] System Analysis and Design, 3 rd Edition

Authors: Dennis, Wixom, & Roth

Publisher: John Wiley & sons

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