GUIDE EXTERNAL SEPTEMBER 2015 UNCLASSIFIED FORMAT AUDIENCE DATE CLASSIFICATION SUPERANNUATION DATA & PAYMENT STANDARD 2012 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE VERSION 2.1 UNCLASSIFIED For further information or questions, email FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE VERSION CONTROL Version Release date Description of changes 1.0 12/03/2013 Original release version 1.8 19/11/2014 Updated for extension of existing service 2.0 31/03/2015 Updated for web-service deployment 2.1 17/07/2015 Update for Web Service cut-over ENDORSEMENT APPROVAL SuperStream Data Standards & eCommerce sub-program (Super Reform Program) – ATO Philip Hind (National Program Manager) UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 2 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE Table of Contents 1. Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 4 2. Background ........................................................................................................................ 4 3. Service overview ................................................................................................................ 4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4. Lodge Super Product (FVSU)............................................................................................. 7 4.1 4.2 4.3 5. Web Service Implementation Plan ............................................................................. 5 Access ....................................................................................................................... 5 Authorised Agents ..................................................................................................... 6 Publishing Annuity Details in the Register .................................................................. 6 Providing and Updating USI details............................................................................ 7 Response from Lodge Super Product service ............................................................ 8 Additional Controls for updating Financial Institution Account Details ........................ 9 List Super Product Details (FVSL) .....................................................................................10 5.1 Response from List Super Product Details Message .....................................................10 6. Get Super Product Details (FVSG) ....................................................................................11 6.1 6.2 Get Super Product Details Single message ..............................................................11 Get Super Product Details Bulk ................................................................................12 7. Errors Identified in the Register .........................................................................................12 8. Help ..................................................................................................................................12 Attachment A: Security Guidelines ...........................................................................................14 Attachment B: Common descriptions for FVS Data labels ........................................................16 Attachment C: Links to further information................................................................................20 UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 3 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on use of the Fund Validation Service (FVS). This user guide explains the operation of the three FVS web-services that have replaced the transitional FVS. 2. BACKGROUND The FVS is a suite of services supporting the implementation of the Superannuation Data & Payment Standard (‘the Standard’), part of the Government’s Super Reform package. The Standard provides a consistent, reliable electronic method of transacting linked superannuation data and payments. The FVS supports the Standard by providing a service for funds to meet their regulatory obligation to provide rollover and contribution information on the Fund Details Register. The FVS also provides a number of lookup services for funds, employers and intermediaries to access this information to support the making of rollovers or contributions in the Standard. The FVS is accessed through the Standard Business Reporting (SBR) framework. You may need to build or purchase FVS enabled software from a developer or provider who has done this for you. 3. SERVICE OVERVIEW A transitional service has been in place since 1 July 2013, using a combination of the ATO Business Portal to collect superannuation information which is published fortnightly through the Data Transfer Facility. From July 2015 the transitional FVS was replaced by SBR enabled web-services: Get (FVSG) – allows superannuation providers and employers to obtain details of a superannuation product. These details include banking details, electronic service address and contact details. This may be queried as either a single request for one product, or a bulk request to get all super product details. List (FVSL) – provides superannuation providers and employers with a list of all of the provider’s products. A list of the provider’s product names and product Unique Superannuation Identifiers (USI) is returned. Lodge (FVSU) – allows superannuation providers and their nominated intermediaries to notify the ATO of new or changed details for their superannuation products including banking details, electronic service address, effective dates, standards certification and contact details for assistance. Access to relevant services is established by the ATO and use of the FVS will depend on the way it is integrated with your internal business procedures. For more information on building this software or to identify software developers who have certified software for the FVS, visit the software developers section of the SBR web site. Use of the FVS must be in accordance with the Terms & Conditions of use. UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 4 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE 3.1 WEB SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The FVS web services were released as follows: The final version of the fortnightly FVS, version 51 – was published on 25 June 2015 To provide stability for the Fund Details Register during the release of the web-services, there was a freeze on USI updates between 19 June and 27 July 2015 From 13 July 2015, the FVSG web-service is the authoritative version of the Fund Details Register There was a soft cutover for the Lodge (FVSU) service from Monday, 27 July 2015: . Changes to the FVS can be made either via the new FVSU web service or via the existing Business Portal facility Users should lodge updates through one channel only Where a fund has access to the FVSU web-service, they are expected to use the FVSU web-service to update their USI information Dual channels for updates will be maintained by the ATO until 18 September 2015, at which point the Portal facility will become inoperative The ATO will continue to work with developers to progress their testing and implementation readiness for the service Users are reminded that any updates to the FVS require a minimum of 10 business days prior notice to the date of effect (see Section 4.1) The ATO is closely monitoring updates for compliance with this requirement and to quality assure updates during the cutover period From 18 September 2015 updates to the FVS will only be accepted through the FVSU web service. Any superannuation provider not able to access the FVSU web service by 18 September 2015 must have alternate arrangements in place with a third-party provider. 3.2 ACCESS Access to the FVS is managed by the ATO and is only available to superannuation providers, employers and entities with a business purpose supporting fund and employer compliance with the Standard. It is important that all intermediaries supporting employers (payroll provider, fund, clearing house, etc.) consider how to best access and utilise the information in the FVS. Please refer to the relevant section of this user guide for detailed information on the services: UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 5 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE Employers must apply via email to, for access to FVSG bulk. 3.3 AUTHORISED AGENTS Many users will have third party agents (also known as intermediaries) who are authorised to perform specific functions on their behalf (e.g. administrators, gateway providers, clearing houses and payroll providers). The appropriate method for authorising access to a third party is through the Business Appointment functions in Access Manager. Agents are required to use the service in accordance with the terms and conditions and each user is accountable for ensuring this responsibility is understood by any agents transacting on their behalf. If authorisation of an agent is withdrawn, you should remove the Business Appointment using Access Manager. Access Manager permissions for the services are displayed with the following description, and whether business appointments are available for the service: Web-service name FVS Lodge (FVSU) FVS List (FVSL) FVS Get (FVSG) - Single FVS Get (FVSG) – Bulk Access Manager Description Lodge super product details List super products View super product details Not displayed Business Appointments Available Available Available Not available The authorisation of intermediaries is also described in the ATO Common MIG. 3.4 PUBLISHING ANNUITY DETAILS IN THE REGISTER All APRA-regulated super funds must provide particular fund details to the Commissioner of Taxation under subsection 34Z(2) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act (SISA). The intent of this obligation is to facilitate the efficient processing of rollovers and contributions electronically, using the Superannuation Data and Payment Standards, by providing all users with access to reliable message and payment delivery details. The Commissioner makes this information available in the register. The Commissioner is able to disclose the contents of the register to entities that must comply with the Standard. Life insurance companies do not have to comply with the Standard and therefore details about their products aren’t generally included in the register. In order to support the voluntary adoption of the Standard by a life insurance company, the Commissioner may publish details of annuity products in the register where those details are already available to the public. To support this process, the Commissioner requires written confirmation from a life insurance company that the details of the annuity products to be included in the register are published in a publicly available source, such as on a provider’s website, and that those publicly available details will be kept up to date, before details of those annuity products are included in the register. Please send your written confirmation to When publishing information we recommend that you follow the specification and detail set out in the FVS technical documentation for the FVSU Service to ensure the published content aligns with the information required in the Register. UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 6 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE 4. LODGE SUPER PRODUCT (FVSU) The Lodge Super Product service is mandatory for superannuation providers and allows funds to notify the ATO of new or updated product details. The FVS depends on information received from Trustees or their agents. As such, the ATO cannot make any guarantees as to the accuracy of the information where appropriate care and diligence has not been applied by the superannuation provider when updating the register. The transaction flow for Lodge super product (FVSU) messages: Send new or updated USI details APRA Receive ‘Lodgment received. Financial institution account details will be validated’ message (see 4.3) Resolve Data Issue FUND eCommerce Platform AUSkey authentication and software authorisation checks No Yes Yes Validate Data 4.1 Data Valid? New or changed bank details? No Update Fund details register PROVIDING AND UPDATING USI DETAILS Changed details require 10 business days’ notice (28 days for critical data) Fund Trustees are required to update the ATO with any changes to product details at least 10 business days1 before the change is effective. Where you are lodging a new USI, or changing critical data, such as bank accounts or endpoint service addresses, it is best practice to provide these details at least 28 days before they become effective. This allows sufficient time for gateways and clearing houses to ensure their systems are updated to reflect these changes and superannuation rollovers and contributions are sent to the correct destination. Where you are end-dating a USI, ensure you allow sufficient time for this USI to receive transactions from employers, clearing houses and superannuation funds that may be already be in progress. When providing or updating USI details, you are required to submit the full mandatory data set of the USI, even if you are only changing one data label. Although secondary details are not mandatory, you should always include both primary and secondary bank account details and 1 Sub-regulation 3B.03 (8) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994. UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 7 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE secondary end-point service addresses (this will ensure a complete data record is listed against your USI). Unless making a USI inactive, the ‘Effective To’ date in all updates should remain 31/12/9999. Where you provide an actual end date in the transaction it takes the effect of closing that USI from that date. To ‘reactivate’ an existing USI, you will need to lodge new details with the new ‘Effective From’ and ‘Effective To’. The following example provides guidance on how updating the FVS will be reflected in the FVSG services (this example is in general language only and summarised for guidance only): Example: XYZ Fund is updating a USI on 15 May 2015 after completing contributions induction, to reflect they are now cross-certified for contributions, with the new information effective from 15 June 2015. The fund provides all of the existing USI details with the new certification value of ROLL 1.0-X CONT 1.0-X, which is successfully processed by the ATO. The FVSG bulk file, which is updated overnight, will show this USI in the extract the following day as follows: Effective From Effective To … 15/06/2015 31/12/9999 … Certification Value ROLL 1.0-X CONT 1.0-X 1/07/2014 14/06/2015 … ROLL 1.0-X USI 12345678901234 12345678901234 The FVSG single service will return the current details of the USI on the day of the request, so the new Certification details will not be returned through the single service until 15 June 2015. For full detail on messaging interactions, please refer to the ATO Common MIG, Web Implementation Guide (WIG), FVS MIG and other associated technical documents on the Enabling services section of the SBR website. 4.2 RESPONSE FROM LODGE SUPER PRODUCT SERVICE Once a message has been received by the ATO, and passed validation, you will receive a CMN.ATO.GEN.OK response. The message will then be processed within the fund details register and you will receive one of the following response codes: SBR Message code Short description CMN.ATO.FVSU.OK ‘Lodgment successful’ CMN.ATO.FVSU.RECV ‘Lodgment received. Financial institution account details will be validated’ CMN.ATO.FVSU.FAIL ‘Lodgment failed’ Once a successful message has been processed (CMN.ATO.FVSU.OK), the updated product details will be available via the single look-up services immediately and through the bulk service the following day. Where an update includes a change to, or new, Financial Institution Account (FIA) details a CMN.ATO.FVSU.RECV message will be returned to the user, advising the update requires confirmation. Updates to these USIs will not be available through the look-up services until UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 8 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE verified by a secondary contact. Once the change has been approved, the updated product details will be available via the single look-up services immediately and through the bulk service the following day. An unsuccessful message will return the error message CMN.ATO.FVSU.FAIL. This error may occur where the USI exists for another Australian Business Number (ABN), or there has been an unexpected error during processing. You will need to check the details submitted in the message, update data if required, and re-submit the request. Refer to Section 8 if you have identified an error with the data For further information or assistance, contact the ATO at 4.3 ADDITIONAL CONTROLS FOR UPDATING FINANCIAL INSTITUTION ACCOUNT DETAILS To reduce the risk of unauthorised changes to FIA details of each fund, the ATO has introduced a secondary verification process to safeguard updates to this information. This process applies to FIA details on new products or updates to existing products and will assist in mitigating the risk of unauthorised changes through the new web service. Each unique superannuation identifier (USI) must have a nominated and authorised person to verify FIA data (the FIA verification contact). The collection of details and verification process is broadly outlined below: In March 2015 The ATO began collecting details of a person for each USI who is authorised to verify changes to FIA data. This contact must be an individual (not a call centre or help desk) and must not be listed as the FVS contact for a USI. 1. The Template for providing your USI’s FIA details will be published at This template will include the USI, contact name, phone number (land line), phone number (mobile) and e-mail address. 2. The naming convention for the template is FIAUpdate_OrganisationName 3. Completed templates must be submitted to the ATO through the Business Portal. Instructions on how to complete and submit the details have been included within the template. 4. The templates were due by 30 May 2015 From 30 June 2015 When an update is made to primary or secondary FIA details for an existing USI, or a request is received for a new USI, the FVS Update web service will return a CMN.ATO.FVSU.RECV message to the user advising the update has been received and is subject to confirmation of the FIA details. Note: Where you are submitting a request for a new USI through the web-service, you will also need to lodge a separate FIA Update template through the Business Portal to provide the secondary contact to verify the FIA details. UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 9 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE Telephone contact will be made with the FIA verification contact, generally within 48 hours, who will be asked to verify the details to ensure they are correct and authorised by the fund. If authorised, the update will be processed. If the FIA verification contact cannot be reached within 48 hours, or is unable to confirm the FIA details, the update will be rejected. An e-mail will be issued to the contact on the Fund Details Register for that USI and the FIA verification contact if an update is unsuccessful. Where there are any changes to secondary contact details, an updated template with the new information must be submitted through the Business Portal. 5. LIST SUPER PRODUCT DETAILS (FVSL) The List Super Product Details service allows superannuation providers and employers to provide an ABN, which will return a full list of a provider’s current product identifiers (product names and USIs). For full detail on messaging interactions, please refer to the ATO Common MIG, WIG, FVS MIG and other associated technical documents on the SBR website. The transaction flow for FVSL: EMPLOYER Receive fund details from employee Access FVS enabled software Generate SBR message to request details Send Contribut. message and funds to target Successful message response Return error message Employer fixes error Yes ATO Authorise agent through Access Manager Authenticate AUSkey Message received through SBR Data in correct format? No Yes APRA FUND Complete internal identity checks Access FVS enabled software Generate SBR message to request details Successful message response Return error message Fund fixes error Send Rollover message/funds to target fund 5.1 RESPONSE FROM LIST SUPER PRODUCT DETAILS MESSAGE A successful response message will contain the result ‘CMN.ATO.GEN.OK’. The service will return the full list of a provider’s current product identifiers (product names and USIs). If an ABN is not listed in the register, the service will provide an error response. UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 10 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE The service may also return a CMN.ATO.FVSL.41152 error where there is no USI information to be returned. This may occur where the ABN provided through the service does not belong to a fund, or the fund may have wound up, or end-dated their USI details on the Fund Details Register. If there are queries on the data returned for the USI you should contact the listed contact person in the extract for further information. Refer to Section 8 if you have identified an error with the data 6. GET SUPER PRODUCT DETAILS (FVSG) The Get Super Product Details service allows a user to provide a USI which will return the full product details, payment details, electronic service address and contact details for either making a contribution or a rollover. The data provided is restricted to the relevant data for each payment type (contributions or rollovers) that is current at the time the service call is requested. A bulk version of this service is also available – See Section 6.2. The transaction flow for Get Super Product Details (FVSG): APRA FUND Access FVS enabled software Generate SBR message to request details Successful message response Return error message Fund / Employer fixes error EMPLOYER Yes Authenticate AUSkey ATO 6.1 Authorise agent through Access Manager Message received through SBR Data in correct format? No GET SUPER PRODUCT DETAILS SINGLE MESSAGE A successful response message will contain the result ‘CMN.ATO.GEN.OK’. The service returns product details for a single USI in the message (the bulk service will return the entire Register). The service may also return two error codes: SBR Message code CMN.ATO.FVSG.41152 CMN.ATO.FVSG.41190 Short description No USI information to be returned USI provided is inactive (end dated) CMN.ATO.FVSG.41152 error is returned where there is no USI information stored against the ABN provided in the request. This may occur where the ABN does not belong to a fund, or the fund may have wound up, and there are no active USI details stored on the Register. Refer to section 8 if you have identified errors with the data. UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 11 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE 6.2 GET SUPER PRODUCT DETAILS BULK The bulk service (FVSG-All) allows superannuation providers or entities authorised by the ATO to obtain an extract of the full register. The FVSG-All service returns current and future dated product details, including electronic service address, contact for assistance, and banking details for all payment types in xbrl format. The bulk file is updated overnight with new details available by 6am Eastern Standard Time the following morning. Once you have retrieved the file you need to determine how the information is integrated within your processes and systems environment. The file can be used as a stand-alone look-up file for finding or checking fund details; alternatively the data can be uploaded to a registry or other support system. You must ensure that you have a robust process for replacing previous bulk downloads and/or over-writing previous data. Failure to do so may result in electronic messages or payments transferred to the wrong location or creating reverse work flows. Access to use the bulk service is restricted to Superannuation providers, and entities whose business purpose specifically relates to processing contributions on behalf of employers in compliance with the data standards. Access to the bulk service can be requested by emailing 7. ERRORS IDENTIFIED IN THE REGISTER If you discover a significant error in the register and this error is likely to cause rollovers or contributions to fail or be misdirected, you should immediately re-lodge an update to the USI record via the web service. This will then lead to the register being corrected. A Trustee still retains legal responsibility under the regulations to correct errors. Where there is an error in critical information, such as effective dates, FIA details or electronic service addresses you should also advise the ATO via Depending on severity, the ATO may choose to publish a notice about critical errors on its website or via alternative channels if needed. 8. HELP Business process or data interpretation issues should be handled in the first instance by a fund’s internal group responsible for implementation and maintenance of the register. Routine checks should also be made of the destination/sending fund if USI, account or service address details appear to be wrong or the destination message handling service is not responding. The ATO will not be able to resolve issues associated with your internal processes or systems or those of the receiving party: You should contact the fund for assistance where a data item in the register appears incorrect or is missing (but only after you have made adequate enquiries to determine the error is not in your process or systems) UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 12 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE Updates to your fund details should be made through the FVS Update service as required, and must be submitted a minimum of 10 business days before they take effect. For technical issues with your web-service software, you should contact your provider in the first instance, and if there are still problems contact the SBR service desk. You can find more information at the following points: SuperStream Data and Payment Standard Web: Email: AUSkey Web: SBR Service Desk Web: Email: Phone: 1300 488 231 - available between 8:00am and 7:00pm AEST Monday to Friday - excludes public holidays UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 13 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE ATTACHMENT A: SECURITY GUIDELINES Inputs to the register are protected by AUSkey which is an online security credential. We recommend you review this information regularly. We will update it as we become aware of issues and relevant information, which will help you maintain the highest levels of security. Security credentials A security credential is an electronic file and/or software used for identification purposes when transacting over the internet. A security credential is used to establish a secure environment for online transactions. This provides you with assurance that your online transactions with us are safe by letting us know we are interacting with the right person for each transaction. Modern security credentials make fraud very difficult. For someone to gain access to our online services as you, they would have to be using a computer on which the credential is installed and they would have to know your password. Every person associated with your superannuation entity who wants to deal with us online on behalf of your ABN will need their own security credential. Looking after your security credential The security of the information you want to guard through the use of a credential is only as good as the care you take to keep this credential protected. Never disclose your password to anyone including our staff or the provider of your credential. When deciding on a password, make sure that it is sufficiently complex. Your password must: be at least 8 characters long contain numeric as well as alphabetic characters have a mix of upper and lower case alphabetic characters have at least one special character (for example, !, @, #, etc.). Security credential expiry AUSkey holders As long as you use your AUSkey at least once each year, it will not expire. If your certificate does expire you will need to register for a new one. UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 14 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE Your role in securing your information Technology and computers cannot safeguard information automatically. You need to protect your own and your members' information related to using this service. We strongly recommend that you: never disclose your AUSkey password to anyone, including us or the credential's issuer do not download your credential to general use computers. Access the portal only from computers to which you have exclusive use, or that you share under one of the following conditions: - the computer is configured for multiple users each user has a unique account other users are individuals you can trust keep your computer software up-to-date, especially with security upgrades and patches - these are usually available from the licenser of the software ensure that your anti-virus software is current and running on your computer at all times - scan new programs/files for viruses before opening, running, installing or using them ensure that you have anti-intrusion software (commonly referred to as a ‘firewall’) to provide added security around your information and protection from misuse of your identity avoid opening, running, installing or using programs/files you have obtained from a person or organisation unless you are positive that you can trust them, and conduct secure disposal practices such as cleansing of the hard disk on disposal of your computer. What to do if someone obtains your password or your computer is stolen This situation should be treated with the same degree of urgency that you would give to the loss of a credit card. If you still have access to your AUSkey, you should login to and cancel your credential. You will then need to register for a new AUSkey. If you no longer have access to your AUSkey: any administrator AUSkey holder within your business can cancel your AUSkey online at If you are an administrator AUSkey holder, and there are no other administrator AUSkey holders within your business, call 1300 AUSkey (1300 287 539) to have your certificate cancelled. You will need to satisfy identity checks before we will cancel your AUSkey on your behalf. UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 15 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE ATTACHMENT B: COMMON DESCRIPTIONS FOR FVS DATA LABELS The Commissioner of Taxation requires certain information in order to complete the register and make it functional (i.e. fit for purpose) for all users. Organisation ABN Description/ Context: The ABN of a registrable superannuation entity (RSE). You should verify that you have recorded the ABN of the fund, not the ABN of the Trustee or administrator. Organisation Name Description/ Context: This is the name of the RSE. The name needs to match the fund or trading name as recorded on the Australian Business Register (ABR). From time to time, the ATO may correct any deviations from the ABR (including correction of any obvious spelling errors or abbreviations that may exist). Effective date (from) Description/ Context: Date on which the information takes effect; the start date from which a USI can receive rollovers and/or contributions using the details provided. Effective date (to) Description/ Context: The date on which the information ceases to take effect. USIs where the effective date (to) has passed will not be available through the FVS services. If the USI does not have an end date, the default end date (31 December 9999) must be used. Please note, providing an end date will have the effect of making the USI ‘inactive’ from that date. If you wish to ‘reactivate’ an existing USI, you will need to lodge new details and an updated ‘Effective date (from)’. Profile Description/ Context: Each fund must adopt a profile that indicates their capability to enable the secure exchange of business-to-business transactions using web services. The user profiles are defined in the Superannuation Data and Payment Standard 2012, Schedules 1 and 5. Certification Details Description/ Context: The version of each standard for which the fund is certified to receive messages for rollovers (ROLL) and contributions (CONT). You will need to provide assurance that your fund is certified to receive SuperStream standard messages for rollovers (ROLL) and contributions (CONT), the version of each standard that they are certified for, and the type of certification obtained. Format: The values for Certification details are as follows: ‘Nil’ ‘ROLL1.0-X’ ‘CONT1.0-B’ ‘CONT1.0-A’ ‘CONT1.0-X’ has not achieved certification for rollovers or contributions cross certified to send/receive rollovers 3rd party certified to receive contributions 3rd party certified to receive contributions and send responses cross certified to receive contributions and send responses A USI may receive either rollovers, contributions or both, and the acceptable certification value combinations are as follows: UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 16 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE NIL ROLL1.0-X CONT1.0-B CONT1.0-A CONT1.0-X ROLL1.0-X CONT1.0-B ROLL1.0-X CONT1.0-A ROLL1.0-X CONT1.0-X Where a fund does not provide a value for contributions, they are unable to receive contributions in the Standard. For more information on induction testing, please refer to Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) Description/ Context: The USI is used to identify a fund’s products and/or channel preference for receipt of data and monies. This may be the SPIN or ABN plus 3 numerals. A SPIN can be provided as a USI; however the associated fund and product names must match the data maintained on the SPIN register at Superannuation Product Name Description/ Context: The name of the product or product-channel nominated by a RSE for receiving a contribution or rollover. Each row of data in the register has a USI. Funds must ensure that every USI has a unique product name which is aligned to that USI and only that USI as it relates to the register. Contribution Restrictions Description/ Context: Indication that there is a restriction on which employers can make a contribution to the product. Is there a restriction on which employers can make a contribution to the USI? You will need to indicate whether the USI can accept contributions from all employers from 1 July 2014. Employers will be asked to contact you directly before making a contribution if a USI displays a 'Y' in this field. Primary Destination – BSB Description/ Context: A Bank State Branch (BSB) number is a unique 6-digit number that identifies banks and branches in Australia. The BSB for the account designated to receive contribution payments for a particular USI. Primary Destination – Financial Institution Account (FIA) number Description/ Context: A unique number assigned by a financial institution to identify the entity's account. FIA number designated to receive contribution payments for a particular USI. Primary Destination – FIA name Description/ Context: Name of the FIA held by the entity. Account name designated for receiving contribution payments for a particular USI. Maximum of 32 characters (in accordance with the BECS standard)3. Primary Destination - BPAY Details 3 Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) Character Set UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 17 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE Description/ Context: BPAY Biller code designated for receiving contributions for a particular USI. Each employer using BPAY also needs a customer reference number (CRN) unique to that employer (not captured). Primary Destination - Electronic Service Address Description/ Context: The primary destination - electronic service address is the end point destination for the contribution message. This must be a unique resource locator (URL) or internet protocol (IP) address. URLs are preferred. An example of a typical URL would be "". The correct address will be advised to you by your gateway provider. Secondary Destination – BSB Description/ Context: The BSB for the account designated to receive rollover payments for a particular USI. Secondary Destination - FIA number Description/ Context: FIA number designated to receive rollover payments for a particular USI. Secondary Destination - FIA name Description/ Context: Account name designated for receiving rollover payments for a particular USI. Secondary Destination - Electronic Service Address Description/ Context: The secondary destination - electronic service address is the end point destination for the rollover message. This must be a unique resource locator (URL) or internet protocol (IP) address. URLs are preferred. An example of a typical URL would be "". The correct address will be advised to you by your gateway provider. Contact person - Given Name Description/ Context: First name of person to contact if there are technical issues when processing contributions or rollovers. Generic contact details should be supplied with the first word on the Given Name field, and the remainder in the Family Name field. For example, ‘Help Desk Contact Officer’ should be recorded with ‘Help’ in the Given Name field and ‘Desk Contact Officer’ in the Family Name field. Contact person - Family Name Description/ Context: Surname of person to contact if there are technical issues when processing contributions or rollovers. Contact Email Description/ Context: Email address for correspondence relating to technical issues when processing contributions or rollovers. Contact phone number - Area Code Description/ Context: Area code of a phone number to call if there are technical issues when processing contributions or rollovers. For toll-free and mobile phone numbers (1800, 13, 0414 etc.) please leave this field blank. Contact phone number Description/ Context: Phone number to call if there are technical issues when processing contributions or rollovers. For toll-free and mobile phone numbers (1800, 13, 0414 etc.), please place the entire number in the contact phone number field. For example: 1800123123. Website address Description/ Context: Entity's website address. This must be a valid website address and provided where available. It should be the home page of your fund. When submitting your UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 18 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE data, please format your website address as per the following example: "". The website address recorded in this field will be used to maintain the currency of data on the ATO's SuperSeeker site. UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 19 OF 20 FUND VALIDATION SERVICE USER GUIDE ATTACHMENT C: LINKS TO FURTHER INFORMATION See also: The FVS service page on the SBR website (including message implementation guide) SuperStream section of the ATO web site The Terms & Conditions of use for the FVS Frequently asked questions about Super Reform for APRA-regulated funds Key dates for the data and payment standard Information about the AUSkey security credentials Further information about Access Manager The benefits to developers of using SBR-enabled software The full list of SBR-enabled reports UNCLASSIFIED PAGE 20 OF 20