Griffith Corpus of Spoken Australian English (GCSAusE32) Transcript Coversheet Data Title GCSAusE32 Number of people 2 Description a conversation about activities/plans while cooking a meal in the kitchen Participants Jason (21, Australia, male, L1 English, AU, Undergraduate, Student) Simon (20, Australia, male, L1 English, AU, Undergraduate, Student) Date of recording March 2012 Place of recording Brisbane Length of recording 5 minutes 21 seconds Contributor of recording Jacob Ball Length of transcript 1,297 words, 6,481 characters (with spaces), 225 lines (0:00-5:21) Number of pages 8 Transcribers Jacob Ball (March 2012) Date transcription last 3 September 2015 modified Creator Michael Haugh © 2012 Michael Haugh and School of Languages and Linguistics, Griffith University 1 Griffith Corpus of Spoken Australian English (GCSAusE32) 1 J: 2 3 (3.5) S: 4 5 J: S: J: Where’d you go on Friday↑ (3.5) S: 12 13 I remember I jammed on s::: Friday night and S:unday night (0.8) 10 11 Ah that's awesome man (1.0) 8 9 Umm:::: (h) (1.0) mostly music stuff man (0.5) 6 7 What’d you get ↑up to on the weekend? >Jus’ Cam B’s< (.) J: Oh yeah Cam B’s (2.0) So what have you got a band together 14 ↑what or (0.5) yet or what? 15 (.) 16 S: 17 18 (1.5) J: 19 20 Is: comin’ along Ah that's pretty cool (1.5) S: I dunno how it’ll (.) go like (1.0) either way I’m just 21 gonna wo:rk (2.0) focus on bettering myself independently 22 anyway like. (.) ˚all the time˚ 23 (1.5) 24 J: 25 26 Yeah (1.0) S: So I can do like stuff when I want on my own (1.0) I don't 27 wanna have to like (.)˚like˚ need them. 28 (3.0) 29 30 J: Oh that's fair enough (1.0) © 2012 Michael Haugh and School of Languages and Linguistics, Griffith University 2 Griffith Corpus of Spoken Australian English (GCSAusE32) 31 S: 32 33 (0.8) J: 34 35 Cause I got more time than them (0.5) ˚usually˚ Yeah (3.0) J: I was just listening to Ollie: (.) Ollie Mc’s album jus:t 36 today again 37 (1.0) 38 J: 39 Pretty awesome ↑ay (0.5) 40 S: 41 J: 42 S: Yeah (.) [˚its [↑I wanna get so]me more of his album[s hey [Kyle said he 43 loved it too man. 44 (0.75) 45 J: 46 47 S: J: J: It’s not really like political but (0.6) J: 54 55 Oh yeah (0.4) 52 53 I got um::<(.) Mantra’s album (0.5) ˚its pretty good˚ (0.5) 50 51 Awesome (.) 48 49 dope˚] Whats:: he ↑sort of (.) rap about and stuff like whats he: (0.4) S: Just like (2.0) Oh everything he raps he raps from like a um 56 (2.5) I dunno it's a we::ird perspective ↓its like↓ (1.4) but 57 its ↑sorta like spiritual kind of thing like. 58 (0.8) 59 60 J: Oh ok (1.0) © 2012 Michael Haugh and School of Languages and Linguistics, Griffith University 3 Griffith Corpus of Spoken Australian English (GCSAusE32) 61 S: 62 63 Self growth shit (0.8) J: 64 S(h)elf growth (0.5) 65 S: 66 J: Philosophy: you know [>stuff like that< [ha .hh 67 (0.9) 68 Fair enough (3.5) Pro[bly a bit hard for me to understand 69 S: 70 71 S: It’s alright (1.7) J: 74 75 [>oh its pretty< (0.5) 72 73 So UM:: (0.7) shit ↑so what↑ you got no fucken onions in there? (1.2) S: 76 Na (0.7) 77 J: Tehe he= 78 S: =What? 79 (1.5) 80 J: Ya wacko= 81 S: =Y sh’ just [cut 82 ((kitchen noise)) 83 (3.9) 84 S: one up anyway The h↑ell d’ you leave that on for? 85 (3.2) 86 ((Jason answers from far away)) 87 J: >What is it? < 88 (cutting) 89 (5.7) 90 4 S: Don't worry man ill cut it up. © 2012 Michael Haugh and School of Languages and Linguistics, Griffith University Griffith Corpus of Spoken Australian English (GCSAusE32) 91 92 (1.5) J: 93 94 >Sup ↑man? < (.) S: 95 96 I’ll cut it (1.7) J: So yeah:: ya gonna drop into the u:m (1.8) you gonna drop into 97 the: tent embassy:: or:? 98 (1.4) 99 S: 100 101 J: Check ↑that out↑ (.) S: 104 Dude (1.7) 105 S: 106 J: 107 108 Yeah man (.) 102 103 5 A [they ↑TRYin’ [<then drop in there an’> (0.5) S: Is it a permanent thing? 109 (1.0) 110 Yeah its permanent man theres even some ↑rappers there an stuff 111 that (0.6) aboriginal woman rapper who was there at that (.) 112 that night (.) what was her name ↑again (0.6) AH [and 113 S: 114 J: 115 116 =KMC yeah eh that's it (0.5) S: 117 118 [KMC= ˚Kate MC I dunno˚ (0.5) J: KMC cause she was (.) she raps y’ know all about (.) aboriginal: 119 land rights and stuff so:: 120 (0.7) © 2012 Michael Haugh and School of Languages and Linguistics, Griffith University Griffith Corpus of Spoken Australian English (GCSAusE32) 121 S: 122 123 J: S: Sh’ seems to be everywhere (1.9) J: 128 129 I’m pretty s↑ure she’s from Brisbane ay: like (0.8) KMC she::s (1.4) 126 127 Is she l↑ike- based here↓? (1.1) 124 125 Yea she was hanging out there. (1.7) J: How m↑uch water do you put in this- when ya (0.9) fill it ↑up? 130 (1.5) How much water should I put in here? 131 (0.7) 132 S: 133 J: 135 S: 136 S: [˚Pretty high˚ =can see it. Cause it needs to be covering it↓- ˚sorta thing˚ (0.7) J: 140 141 Oh ‘ve we gotta boil ‘em yeah (0.6) S: Yeah and then you drain the water (1.4) And the[n ya (0.4) 142 mulch them ↑up [˚ok˚ 143 (0.9) 144 J: I thought they were already mul (.) I thought they were already 145 bo-boiled 146 (1.6) 147 S: 148 149 150 you= (2.1) 138 139 Umm:: (1.5) oh: (0.5) ↑rIGHT to the top man (0.8) well not r↑ight to the top you know like (.) [so 134 137 6 ˚Na˚ (1.0) J: Alright man that's pretty good (2.0) © 2012 Michael Haugh and School of Languages and Linguistics, Griffith University Griffith Corpus of Spoken Australian English (GCSAusE32) 151 S: 152 153 ˚Crazy Jasey˚ (0.5) J: 154 155 Hhh .hh (1.5) J: Yeah so this week I just gotta do a few ass↑ignments and stuff 156 and then next week: (0.6) 157 to Darwin (1.2)head up to the:: intervention (0.6) up there:: 158 and see Sara. 159 (0.5) 160 S: 161 162 J: >I heard some ↑other people who where going< Who? (0.7) S: 165 166 Im gonna (1.1) head off on Wednesday (0.6) 163 164 *I dunno* someone on facebook said they were going? (.) J: Dude that's awesome man: I I thought only- from what Ive heard 167 only two other people (.) in Brisbane are going (.) so (0.6) 168 that’d be pretty good to k↑now they should get in con↑tact 169 (1.3) 170 S: 171 172 They might be the ones ya know I dunno. (.) J: Well the only people I know is::: (.) I think Evan maybe (0.8) 173 Evan an::d (0.6) some person from rac (0.8) refugee action 174 collective 175 (1.4) 176 S: 177 178 Tru:e (.) J: 179 180 7 They’re the only people I he:ard were going so (.) S: >Well ↑I just read someone on face book< said that they were © 2012 Michael Haugh and School of Languages and Linguistics, Griffith University Griffith Corpus of Spoken Australian English (GCSAusE32) 181 going↓ 182 (.) 183 J: 184 S: 185 S: Oh yeah (.) [oh it’d be interesting to know who it was= [mm =I don't even remember what it was under or anything so yeah 186 (0.7) wouldn’t be able to find it. 187 (0.6) 188 J: Oh ok 189 ((cutlery dropping)) 190 (2.7) 191 J: 192 193 8 Oh w↑ell (.) J: It’s good to know there’s a few more people from Brisbane going 194 up there (.) hey there 195 (0.5) from around Australia heading up (1.2) actually ↑I reckon 196 there’ll be- prob’ly like 100 people a[t least there 197 S: might be you know at least 50 people: [↑dude I↑ reckon I’d lo- 198 Lo-love to go but (.) I cant really afford it. ↑When is= =when 199 (.) ya going? 200 (0.5) 201 J: 202 S: Next wednesday its on (0.7) the weekend after this [weekend [SO over ya 203 break 204 (0.9) 205 J: 206 207 Yea (2.3) J: Ive already paid for tickets (.) they’re pretty expensive 208 becaus::e ↑UMs easter time but (.) only 450 bucks. 209 (0.6) 210 S: Oh s::hit (0.8) yeah I cant afford that © 2012 Michael Haugh and School of Languages and Linguistics, Griffith University Griffith Corpus of Spoken Australian English (GCSAusE32) 211 212 (0.9) J: 213 214 (.) S: 215 216 Oh: fair enough ↑Well I do have that money↑ but. (0.8) J: 217 Yea:h (2.3) pretty expensive ay (1.6) 218 S: It’d be re[ally inspirational 219 J: [o:::hhh 220 221 (0.6) J: Yeah I reckon (.) Well I’m ↑gonna bring my camera anyway ill 222 bring my camera I’ll bring my 223 some recordings and stuff. 224 (.) 225 S: record↑er (1.4) an bring back >Yeah maybe I should go< © 2012 Michael Haugh and School of Languages and Linguistics, Griffith University 9