Roman Picture Dictionary

Roman Picture Dictionary
Draw your own picture dictionary. The contents of your dictionary can be found
on this page. For each term included you will need to fill in either a missing
illustration, a missing definition or a missing entry term. Use texts and
laptops/ipads to research information to complete the missing picture,
definition or term. After completing this create a booklet from this information
by making a front and back cover, creating a title for your Roman Dictionary and
placing your name and class period on the back. Then place the terms in
alphabetical order like a dictionary and bind the booklet together.
__arena__________: a circular or oval shaped building with rows of seats
built around a central open space. This building was a center for
Barrel vault: a series of arches in a row that
create a
lone rounded ceiling or roof.
Bulla: gold chain and amulet worn by patrician children for protection.
Chariot: An ancient two wheeled card pulled
by horses. Large enough for one or tow
passengers. This vehicle was used in races,
wars and processions
Cistern: collected water (located in the
perstilium or large
internal court of a house)
Colonnade: A row of columns
usually supporting
one side of a roofed building
Dome: A large round roof built on a
circular base. It is shaped like a bowl
turned upside down. The Romans
used the this type of roof on many
of their public buildings.
Forum: an open rectangular space in the
center of a city for business,
Government, worship etc.
Gladiator: Roman warrior, slave, fought in arena, circuses-against
Animals, and humans.
Impluvium: a pond in the main atria used for
cooling and Collecting water from a hole in the
_Janus____: Roman god of the home. His two faces
turned in opposite directions represent welcoming
guests into the home and the other face wishes them
farewell as they leave.
Roman temple: building dedicated to the gods, place of
Worship in the forum (Pantheon in Rome is the most famous)
Roman Triremes: a Roman galley.
Usually a warship with 3 rows of oars, one
above the other on each side.
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_Stola____: A long robe worn by women in ancient Rome.
It was a one piece garment wrapped about the entire body. It was
belted at the waist with broad, graceful fold.
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Stylus and Wax tablet:
Romans used this wooden tablet covered
in wax for writing. The pointed instrument was
used to make letters and figures on the tablet.
Tribulum: heavy wooden board with pieces of flint driven into it.
Farmers dragged through fields (back and forth) over grain to harvest.
It separated the kernels from the straw.
Toga: worn by Patricians (plebeians or common people wore tunics).
Togas were worn over tunic and fastened with a fibulae (pin)
_Vestibulum____: a small interior room of
a house.