
Level 1 Mission 1: Exploring the Ecosystem - Classifying Organisms
Essential Work
Directions: Log onto Educanon.com and watch the video PowerPoint and take the L1R1 Ecosystem
video quiz. Answer the questions to the best of you ability so the teacher can have feedback on your
What is
• -____________ means the study of
• _____________- means life
• _____________________: The study of the life. As a biologist you will study the interaction
among living things, and between living things and their environments.
As a
• You need to define the boundaries of discussion.
Which elements of the environment are included in your analysis and models?
What are
____________________-A group of
different species that live
the levels of individual living thing:
group of the same species
together in one area
Example: Alligator
that lives in one area
-Example: Groups of alligators,
-Example: All the alligators turtles, fish, plants, in the
in a swamp
____________________-Includes all of the
organisms as well as the climate, soil, water,
rocks, and other nonliving things in an area
What is Biodiversity
Biotic Vs
__________________-Regions of the world with
similar climate (weather and temp) and
animals and plants
_____________________-The variety of living things in an ecosystem.
Large variety of species living together.
– ________________: Trees, bushes, grass, flowers
– __________________: Mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish
– __________________________
– ________________________
• Biodiversity is important because the diversity in an ecosystem
maintains its ________________________.
– Stability means balanced. The populations don’t increase or
decrease too much. There is enough of the right food for all the
animals. The right molecules are in the air and water. Plants
and animals develop traits and characteristics to maximize the
use of other plants and animals in their environment.
All the different plants and animals play different roles to keep the
ecosystem going
__________ ________________: Living organisms in
an environment/ecosystem: Includes
plants, animals, insects, and bacteria
• _________________ ______________: Nonliving thing
in an environment: Water (river, lakes,
ocean), CARBON!!, dirt, rocks, wind, rain,
sun, and climate
Both Biotic and Abiotic factors make up an
___________________ and _________________
Essential Work
are in an
___________________________: Mostly plants! Organisms
that take sunlight and ____________ food and sugar made
out of _________ (photosynthesis!)
_______________________: An animal that eats _________ or
other _________________ to get their carbon in the form of
______________. The animal then breaks down the sugar
to make energy. Consumers eat to get
_________________: An animal that eats other animals
___________: An animal that is eaten by other animals
_____________________: Animals that only eat plants
_______________: Animals that eat plants and animals
____________________: Animals that eat other animals
_____________________: Animals that eat insects
____________________: Breaks down dead and dying plants and
What are
• _____________________ eat and break down the
remains of dead and dying plants and animal
Breaks the cells and tissues down into carbon
The left over, uneaten, animal and plant remains become
nutrients in the soil that plants use to grow!
What are
Levels of
___________________: Animal that produces sugar and food in the form of carbon: Plants! Producers start the food chain
_____________________ Consumer: Herbivores that eat producers
__________________consumer: Carnivores that eat Herbivores or primary consumers
________________consumer: Animals that eat other carnivores or secondary consumers
The grasshopper is the primary consumer. Primary
consumers are herbivores that eat the producer to get
sugar and energy. The grasshopper eats the grass to
get sugar and energy. The carnivore frog is the
secondary consumer that eats the primary consumer.
The Frog eats the grasshopper to get sugar and energy.
The raccoon is the tertiary consumer that eats the
secondary consumer. The raccoon eats the frog to get
sugar and energy. The owl is a tertiary consumer as
well because there is no level higher than tertiary and
tertiary consumer eats carnivores.
Summary Directions: Use YOUR NOTES! and the Claim Evidence and Reasoning format to answer the
following questions: Why is biodiversity imporant to an ecosystem?
Claim: The biodiversity is important because _________________________________________________________________
Evidence: All the different organisms in an ecosystem play different roles in maintaining stability.
There are 3 main roles, producers and consumers and decomposers. Producers are _____________________
____________________________________________________________________________. Decomposers are ____________________
_______________________________________________________________________________. Consumers are ___________________
Consumers are broken up into 3 categories: carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. Herbivores are
Carnivores are ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Omnivores are ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Reasoning: Different Producers, consumers and decomposers are essential to biodiversity and the
environment because ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Essential Work
Essential Work
Essential Work