Members Present: Dave Ose, Sr.; Marsha Lecy; Kay Heneca; Jeff Berthelsen; Scott Parsons; Rachel Winther
Members Excused:
Also Present: Ken Alexander – Director, Betty Lecy, Trish Roe, Vickie Sandberg, Sandra Berthelsen, Jessica Leenerts, Holly Reigstad, Travis Leenerts, Daneen Dhoore, Mark Lentz,
Krystal Danielson
1.0 Call to Order TIME: 6:00pm
2.0 Opportunity for Others to Dave Ose: Moment of Silence for 911
Speak Sandra Berthelsen: Trap Team meet on 09/14/14. Requesting funding from Board (see 6.14).
3.0 Cindy Loe
4.0 Consent Agenda
MVCC Special Ed Director
Ms. Loe shared information regarding State and Federal special ed funding and ECHO’s responsibility to spend funds before being penalized and/or out-of-compliance. 22-month carry-over. ECHO must “maintain effort” and can only decrease effort by four special rules. There is about $80,000 in Federal money left over from last year that needs to be spent. Allowable areas are training, travel, supplies, and equipment.
Also, shared concerns about coding SPED expenditures correctly.
Ms. Loe will perform a workload analysis to determine staffing needs.
4.1 Approve Sept. 11, 2014 Agenda
4.2 Approve Aug. 12, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
4.3 Approve Sept. 2, 2014 Special Board Meeting Minutes
4.4 Approve Financial Report
4.5 Approve Presentation of Bills
4.6 Accept Presentation of Donations
Target Corp. $175.28
$350.00 from past alumni
5.0 Reports
4.7 Approve all of the above consent items
ACTION: Approve Above Consent Items
MOTION: Parsons
5.1 Authorizer (Phil Moye - IQS)
5.2 Health and Safety
. First fire drill went well. Safety Committee will meet soon.
5.3 Facilities/ECC
Anderson Electric is installing fire alarms and lights
5.4 Technology (Sara)
Still wiring. Received 20 laptops.
5.5 Transportation (Rita)
Routes working with three busses and one van. Inspection on the 19 th .
5.6 PACT for Families/Chemical Health Coalition of YMC, Western Mental Health (Ken)
Renee is offering help setting up a youth group. Would also like to do survey.
5.7 Staff Development (Ken)
Review Emergency Plan.
5.8 Athletics (Josh Junker)
Report on upcoming games.
5.9 Enrollment/Waiting List
104. Berthelsen asked about developing a PR campaign.
5.10 Policies and Procedures (Ken)
5.11 Board Training Report
Training on 10/09/14 in Hutchinson.
5.12 Director’s Report (Ken)
PBL Update
Project-Based-Learning Program started last school year but was never approved by the MN
Department of Education. This year’s application still not approved. T. Baker and K. Alexander corrected state funding report to be in compliance with PBL funding rules. ECHO lost thousands of dollars because students did not earn enough credits through PBL to generate sufficient revenue. K.
Alexander will develop a training plan for November.
6.0 Action Items
Title I
Application is in to the MN Department of Education. School is about 68% free or reduced lunch.
ECHO needs a business manager to track Title funds and other grants.
Reap Grant
Over $5,000 left from last year. $17,427 available for next grant period. Need business manager to oversee grant.
21 st -Century Grant
Working with the grant holder (PACT). Concerns about programming fitting the grant criteria.
6.1 AFLAC Contract
ACTION: Ratify Contract
SECOND: Winther
6.2 Pay for Audrey Sundburg’s Coaching Certification Training
About $170.00 plus travel expenses.
MOTION: Haneca
SECOND: Berthelsen
6.3 Designate Check Signers
ACTION: Designate Marsha Lecy AND Vickie Sandberg AND Kay Haneca as check signers
6.4 Approve Work Agreement for Betty Lecy (0.5-1.0FTE Paraprofessional)
6.5 Approve Work Agreement for Jason VanEngen (1.0 Teacher)
6.6 Approve Work Agreement for Bruce Potter (Bus Driver)
6.7 Approve Work Agreement for Dave Vogel (Bus Driver)
6.8 Approve revised Work Agreement for Melanie Kurtz (1.0 Teacher)
6.85 Approve Work Agreement for Dustin Haneca (Custodian)
6.9 ACTION: Approve 2014-2015 Work Agreements 6.4 – 6.85
MOTION: Parsons
SECOND: Haneca
6.10 Approve hiring additional special ed paraprofessionals as determined by need
ACTION: Approve Positions
MOTION: Berthelsen
SECOND: Winther
6.11 Approve hiring part-time kitchen helper
ACTION: Approve Position
MOTION: Parsons
SECOND: Winther
6.12 Approve mileage reimbursement rate for SY14-15
ACTION: Mileage re-imbursement rate at $0.56 per mile Federal Gov. rate.
MOTION: Parsons
SECOND: Haneca
6.13 Change October 2014 regular board meeting date to accommodate board training in Hutchinson
ACTION: Change date to Tuesday, October 7 th at 6:00pm
MOTION: Parsons
6.14 Trap Team Funding: About $3,000
ACTION: Fund Trap Team
MOTION: Haneca
SECOND: Parsons
7.0 Discussion Items/
Informational Items
8.0 New Business for Next Board
9.0 Adjournment
6.15 Purchase New CD
ACTION: Purchase 18-Month CD
MOTION: Haneca
7.1 Bus repair contract
Contract out.
7.2 Credits needed to graduate
Discuss at next meeting.
7.3 Need to recruit one parent as a board member to finish term through June 2016
7.4 Board Member Training: Governance. Thursday, October 9, 2014. 5-8pm. New Century Academy,
7.5 Math position
Keep advertising
7.6 Director position
If there is an issue, staff should talk to Director first. Need teamwork.
7.7 Next Board Meeting: October 7, 2014 6:00pm
ACTION: Adjourn TIME: 8:20pm
SECOND: Winther