Social Studies Key Vocabulary: 2nd 9 Weeks Kindergarten now long ago transportation past present future elect election President decide decision choice veteran Pledge of Allegiance Pilgrims American Indians America give thanks yesterday today tomorrow religion language Veteran’s Day Thanksgiving Hanukkah Kwanzaa Christmas 1st Grade location map globe symbol directions North South East West next to beside across from right left under near between over behind farther across below fall autumn custom(s) religion holiday festival (fiesta) elect, election President vote ballot veteran military service peace honor past present future Pilgrim(s) technology communication recreation transportation American 2nd Grade government law consequences problem solution mayor council court judge government service tax election vote appoint majority rule ballot governor legislature property border capital Congress President Supreme Court Constitution right patriotism patriotic symbol anthem peace picture graph justice public service fact opinion Thanksgiving feast celebration friendship unique point of view explorer pioneer 3rd Grade geography provisions navigated physical feature landform valley plateau climate desert growing season landform map human feature route crossroads mineral environment adapt fuel harbor canal port vote common good volunteer government government services governor democracy rights Bill of Rights religion election, elect ballot majority rule minority rights public service appoint authority democracy candidate literature myth tall tale character trait legend 4th Grade astrolabe convert colony exploration legend settlement nationality impact motivations historical map missionary self-sufficient resist revolt heritage independence tax representative revolution declaration frontier pioneer territory treaty equality rebellion dictator grant empresario militia Tejano bilingual title Anglo congress dispute citizen right democracy petition volunteer delegate convention constitution republic abolish 5th Grade stock prosperity cash crop legislature burgess authority Mayflower Compact Pilgrim Puritan charter compact self-rule majority rule selfgovernment religious persecution common specialize town meeting public office industry export import triangular trade route naval store refuge trial by jury justice farm produce Great Awakening indentured servant constitution indigo debtor revolution fork ally alliance congress delegate Parliament Social Studies Key Vocabulary: 2nd 9 Weeks Kindergarten 1st Grade Indian Thanksgiving feast harvest thankful Plymouth needs wants economics scarce Christmas Kwanzaa Hanukkah 2nd Grade immigrant time line language communication expression Christmas Kwanzaa Hanukkah multicultural 3rd Grade fact fiction disease vaccine monument memorial sculpture veteran honor courage Hector P.Garcia James A. Lovell Harriet Tubman Juliette G. Low Todd Beamer Ellen Ochoa John “Danny” Olivas Jonas Salk Maria Mitchell Cyrus McCormick Bill Gates Louis Pasteur philanthropy philanthropic act common good respect responsibility civic engagement, common personal permission celebration tradition diversity powwow immigrant opportunity festival Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa multicultural 4th Grade patriotism retreat cavalry massacre scout fact opinion recognize cabinet election 5th Grade proclamation pioneer gap budget representation treason boycott declaration repeal liberty monopoly blockade quarter intolerable petition no taxation without representation commander in chief earthwork olive branch mercenary public opinion independence allegiance resolution grievance Patriot Loyalist neutral pacifist regiment consequence enlist turning point traitor negotiate principle republic inflation arsenal territory ordinance convention commerce Social Studies Key Vocabulary: 2nd 9 Weeks Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade federal system census Electoral College veto impeach justice checks and balances flow chart bill ratify Federalist Anti-Federalist Magna Carta due process of law reserved powers Cabinet political party candidate