IB Physics HL Yr1 Syllabus Faculty Name: Classroom Location: School Telephone: Faculty E-mail: Faculty Website: Mr. Steven Batchelder Room 2007 478-779-2300 sbatchelder.central@bibb.k12.ga.us see directions below Dear Parent and Student, The 2013-2014 school term has started and I am very pleased with the young men and young ladies I have met in my classes. I have enclosed in this syllabus information that will help any IB student be successful in my course. Please read through this document and sign the back sheet. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail if you have any concerns or questions throughout the year. Please let me know how I can help you child succeed in the IB Program at Central. My goal as a teacher. It is my belief that my job as a teacher is to be your, the student’s, coach of learning. It is my job to provide you with the tools, guidance, advice and opportunity to learn knowledge, skills and abilities related to this course. My goal and intent is not to try and trick you, the student. My goal and intent is not to punish your academic growth due to poor personal choices or circumstances. Course Goal The goal of this course is for the students to master the standard required knowledge set forth by the IB program and score a 4 or better on the IB Exam in 2 years. How you accomplish this goal? Self-evaluation! Throughout the semester I will be continuously reminding you and guiding you through self-evaluations. I want you to use these three basic questions: 1) Where am I going? What is the learning target I’m working on? 2) Where am I? What do I already know? What can I already do? 3) How do I get there? How do I close the gap? What do I need to learn/practice/review? Grades There are two grades you are working toward this year, your course grade and your diploma grade. Papers 1, 2 and 3 on the IB Physics exam will constitute 76% of the grade toward the diploma. The other 24% will come from the internal assessment and external modifications of laboratory exercises completed over the course of the year. Therefore, the labs are a really important part. All curriculum topics include internal assessment laboratory exercises, which are kept in a laboratory portfolio notebook. We will discuss this in much more detail in the future. Below is the how grades will be weighted for your course grade. 85% - Semester Average 70% - Summative Assessments 20% - Formative Assessments (Labs/IA/Activities) 10% - Work Habits (HW/CW) +15% - Final Exam 100% - Final Class Grade Reasoning: A grade should be the reflection on how well a student has mastered a particular standard, as stated by the course goal. This is demonstrated by the summative assessments. The grade should NOT be the reflection of how much effort was put into trying to master a particular standard. Parent Portal – I WILL NOT tell a student their grade if asked for it. If you would like to know your grade you are more than welcome to use one of my computers to look up parent portal. Remember that your grade is fluid, meaning that it is constantly changing. When you look at parent portal you will see both formative and summative assessments but remember the summative assessments are what affect your grade the most. If you need a parent portal account please have your parent call the welcome center at (478) 765-8711 and they will help you. You can also consult the web site. http://bibb.k12.ga.us/welcomecenter.html Assessments Summative Assessments – Verifies learning – an assessment that test students knowledge, skills, reasoning, processing. Ex. – unit test, chapter test, topical quizzes, topical projects, oral exams, posters, Formative Assessments – Supports learning – an assessment designed to provide feedback on the level so students level of mastery of a given learning objective. Ex. – homework, daily work, mini quiz, class work, worksheets, labs, etc. Test Test and quizzes will be the majority of most summative assessments. The goal of every summative assessment is to assess the proficiency the student has of specific learning goals or standards. All summative assignments can be re-taken, no matter the score. To qualify to re-take any part of a test the student must do TWO things. First the student must demonstrate that they have prepared themselves by either doing tutoring, doing extra practice problems, correctly re-doing a previous formative assignment, and so forth, in order to show a growth in knowledge or skill. Please consult me, the teacher, before doing this evidence. Second the student must re-take the desired assessment within a month of the original date taken. The grade of the re-take will be the grade in the grade book. Zeros/Late work/Cheating I do not give zeros for late work, cheating or missing work. Instead it is seen as incomplete. There is no penalization by a reduction in the score. Instead it is viewed as incomplete until it is turned in. This means that if you are missing assignments your ENTIRE grade is considered incomplete. Cheating will affect your work habits grade but not achievement in the curriculum. The assignment should still be completed. Remember, grades are based primarily on summative assessments. ******This policy applies ONLY to your course work, not diploma submissions. Meaning if work is not submitted by the deadline you will not get credit for your IB diploma, but you will still need to turn it in to receive a grade in the course. Notebook Requirements Each student is required to maintain a daily notebook of bell ringers, homework, classwork and formative assessments. Students will need a 3-ring notebook that will be left in the room at all times. All daily writings, homework, notes, and practice problems should be kept in the 3-ring binder. Your work should be dated and labeled. There is a direct correlation between organization and success in school! Topics of study: Below is a list of the topics we will be studying and the ESTIMATED length of time we will be spending on each topic. It also shows when to expect test. Even though these are ESTIMATED dates it still give you an good idea of what to expect and when to expect it. If for whatever reason the dates get off track this is still chronological order topics will be discussed and tested. YEAR 1 Semester 1: Intro/Scientific Method (2 weeks) 1) Physical Measurements 1.1 The realm of Physics 1.2 Measurements 1.3 Vectors and Scalars Test 1 (Aug 16) 2) Mechanics 2.1 Kinematics (4 weeks) 2.2 Forces and Dynamics Test 2 (Sept 13) 2.3 Work, Energy and Power (3weeks) 2.4 Uniform Circular Motion Test 3 (Oct 4) ***Fall Break*** 4) Oscillations and waves (4 weeks) 4.4 Wave Characteristics 4.5 Wave Properties 4.1 Kinematics of SHM 4.2 Energy Change of SHM 4.3 Forced Oscillations and Resonance Test 4 (Nov 4) 5) Electric Currents (4 weeks) 5.1 Electric Current and Resistance 5.1 Electric Potential Difference 5.2 Electric Circuits Test 5 (Dec 13) Semester 2: 3) Thermal Physics (3 weeks) 3.1 Thermal Concepts 3.2 Thermal Properties of matter Test 6 (Jan 24) 6) Fields and Forces (3 weeks) 6.1 Gravitational Fields 6.2 Electrical Fields 6.3 Magnetic Fields Test 7 (Feb 14) ***Winter Break*** 7) Atomic and nuclear (4 weeks) 7.1 Atomic Structure 7.2 Radioactivity 7.2 Half-Life 7.3 Nuclear Reactions 7.3 Fission and Fusion Test 8 (Mar 21) 8) Energy, Power and Climate change (3 weeks) 8.1 Power degradation and generation 8.2 World Energy Sources 8.3 Fossil Fuel Power Production ***Spring Break*** 8.4 Non-Fossil Fuel Power Production 8.5 Greenhouse Effect 8.6 Global Warming Test 9 (Apr 18) Option 1 ( ______________ ) (4 weeks) Test 10 (May 16) Option Choices E) Astrophysics E1 Into to the Universe E2 Stellar radiation and stellar types E3 Stellar distances E4 Cosmology E5 Stellar processes and stellar evolution E6 Galaxies and the expanding universe F) Communications F1 Radio Communication F2 Digital Signals F3 Optic Fiber Transmission F4 Channels of communication F5 Electronics F6 The mobile phone system G) Electromagnetic Waves G1 Nature of EM waves and light sources G2 Optical instruments G3 Two-source interference of waves G4 Diffraction grating G5 X-rays G6 Thin-film interference H) Relativity H1 Introduction to relativity H2 Concepts of special relativity H3 Relativistic kinematics H4 Some consequences of special relativity H5 Evidence to support special relativity H6 Relativistic momentum and energy H7 General relativity H8 Evidence to support general relativity I) Medical Physics I1 The ear and hearing I2 Medical imaging I3 Radiation in medicine J) Particle Physics J1 Particles and interactions J2 Particle accelerators and detectors J3 Quarks J4 Leptons and the standard model J5 Experimental evidence for the quark J6 Cosmology and string theory YEAR 2 Semester 1: Year1 Review (4 weeks) Measurements/Mechanics Waves/Electricity Thermal/Fields Atomic/Climate Test 1 9) Motion in fields (3 weeks) 9.1 Projectile motion 9.2 Gravitational field, potential and energy 9.3 Electric field, potential and energy 9.4 Orbital motion Test 2 10) Thermal physics (2 weeks) 10.1 Thermodynamics 10.2 Processes 10.3 Second law of thermodynamics Test 3 11) Wave phenomena (4 weeks) 11.1 Standing (stationary) waves 11.2 Doppler effect 11.3 Diffraction 11.4 Resolution 11.5 Polarization Test 4 13) Quantum and nuclear physics (4 weeks) 13.1 Quantum physics 13.2 Nuclear physics Test 5 Semester 2: 12) Electromagnetic induction (3 weeks) 12.1 Induced electromotive force (emf) 12.2 Alternating current 12.3 Transmission of electrical power Test 6 14) Digital technology (3 weeks) 14.1 Analogue and digital signals 14.2 Data capture; digital imaging using charge-coupled devices (CCDs) Test 7 Option 2 ( ______________ ) (5 weeks) Test 8 Review for IB Exam (5 weeks???) Test 9 Final Exam Project (2 weeks) DAILY SCHEDULE Everyday we will follow the same basic schedule. This helps me to stay organized and lets you know what to expect. It is as follows. Notice that the largest chunk of time is for you, the student. It is the time you are supposed to be actively learning. This is your time to learning your learning goals. 1) Warm Up/Opener – kept in folder (5min) 2) Homework – review/check (10min) 3) New material/notes/explanation/mini lesson (15min) 4) Activity/practice/work session (15min) 5) Summary/closing/review (5min) Bell work (5 min) Everyday we will have something to do during the first 5 minutes of class. It will be waiting for you on the board everyday with you walk in the door. When the late bell rings I will close my door and come in the room. I expect to see everyone in their desk, silently working. This is not a time to ask questions or sit doing nothing. We will go over, review, read what ever the bell work was once I have taken roll and handled any last minute issues that arise. The actual work should be kept in your notebook with name and date on it. Homework (10min) Many times this time is used to review or check the previous day’s work. Homework will be assigned on a as needed basis. Many times you will probably be able to complete your homework in class. The point to homework is to give more practice or prepare for the next day’s class. That means it is a support to learning and therefore is a formative assessment. That also means it won’t be graded. Does this mean you don’t need to do it? NO, of course not. Again remember, homework is a support to learning. Don’t expect to be learning in class if you aren’t supporting it. We will always review the homework the next day. Homework should never take more than 30 minutes. If you are working on it for more than 30 minutes that tells me you are “getting it” or you are giving 100% focused effort. After 30 minutes of focused effort, stop and we’ll talk about it the next day. New material/notes/mini lesson (15min) This is the time when new material will be presented to the class. This can come in many different forms including but not limited to notes, drawings, videos or demonstrations. Notice that this time is scheduled for everyday. That means everyday we will be learning some thing new. If you miss a day plan on obtaining the missed material from my school website or a fellow student. The longer you wait the more behind you will get. Activity/practice/work session (15min) After presenting you with a new concept I will give you an activity, practice or some way for you to re-enforce that concept and deepen your knowledge. I suggest using this time wisely and asking the questions you need to ask. Summary/closing/review (15min) It is during this time that I will use to summarize the concepts that you should understand. I might give a quick mini quiz or survey. I might also ask you to do a quick self-assessment. This helps me to gage the direction for class the next day. Conduct Policy Appropriate classroom behavior and a positive attitude are integral parts of this school and my class. Anything less is not acceptable. All Bibb County school rules are enforced including the tardy policy and dress code. Please be on time and appropriately dressed, especially wearing your ID. If you choose to disrupt class time, you are also choosing to be removed from class or make that class time up after school. 5 Basic Classroom Rules 1 )Do not leave the class unless given permission. (including the bell ending the class) 2) There is absolutely NO CURSING allowed in this classroom. 3) Do not bring iPods, cameras, cell phones, mp3 players or CD Players into this room. 4) Do not speak unless the timing is appropriate. 5) There is NO EATING OR DRINKING in this classroom. (water is an exception) Tutor Times If you ever stay after for any reason please be sure to sign in on the afterschool log so that I have a record of who stayed and for what reason. I stay after school on both ILT days. If you have any questions you are more than welcome to say and get help. If you want to just do your homework in my room just in case you have questions you are more than welcome. Please let me know if you plan on staying, in advanced, by signing up on the signup sheet on my door. Classroom set up We are lucky to have a classroom with a science lab in it. We will use the lab, but only when working on projects, activities and labs. During class time stay on the classroom side. Likewise, during lab time stay on the lab side of the room. Located inside the lab is my desk. This is off limits. If you see something you would like to us or borrow please ask to use it, don’t just grab it. Absences & Makeup Work Direct instruction and planned activities are vital to a student’s education. Therefore, school attendance is very important! If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to make up missed assignments and class activities due to an absence. Please see me about missed assignments ASAP. Any questions about missed assignments must be addressed before or after the class period. Please mark on your paper that you were absent so that I know it’s not just late work! Web Site I have a school web site that I use. This is for your benefit. On it I will post assignments, notes and other information given in the class. You can find it by navigating to the school site, click on the “Staff/Faculty” link. Then click on the “Batchelder, Steven” link. Finally select your class on the left hand side of my site. Graduation Requirement To graduate all students must have 23 credits to receive a diploma, which include: - Four (4) credits in Mathematics - Four (4) credits in English/Language Arts - Four (4) credits in Science - Three (3) credits in Social Studies - One (1) credit in Health/Physical Education - Three (3) credits in Foreign Language** and/or Fine Arts and/or Career/Technical/Agricultural Education. - Four (4) electives ** - Any student going to a University System of Georgia college or university must take at least two years of the same foreign language to meet admission requirements. Disclaimer A syllabus is a projected plan for instruction for the semester. Grading weight categories maybe changed during the semester based on instructional planning needs. Students and parents will be notified if any changes to this syllabus are required. The grade weights reflect the grade calculation prior to the final exam or End-of-Course-Test(EOCT). My expectations for students: I expect for you to take responsibility of your education here at Central High School. You should be learning more than just a subject. You should be learning life skills such as communication, cooperation and self-sufficiency. I expect you to respect others as they too, embark on this journey. Remember it is my job to provide you with the tools to learn, it is your job to use those tools to learn. --------------PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS PAGE ONLY-------------------------I have read the syllabus for Mr. Batchelder’s Anatomy and Physiology class. I understand that progress reports go out every 4 ½ weeks and will be expecting them. I understand that parent portal is available to parents to check grades anytime. This course will require daily preparation. Students are expected to maintain high academic and personal standards and turn work in on time. Parent conferences may be scheduled as needed. Email contact is encouraged. Student Name ________________________________________________________ Student Signature______________________________________________________ Parent Name __________________________________________________________ Parent Signature________________________________________________________ Date:_______________ Daytime Phone: ____________________ e-mail: _____________________________