
Non-Union Municipal
Employees Association
Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday, May 15, 2014
Time: Noon – 2:00 p.m.
Location: 2nd Floor, Alderney Gate, Compass Rose Room
Andrea Falconer – TPW
Rick Dexter – Metro Transit
Scott King -Finance & IT
Angela Jeffrey – Police Services
Scott Ingram - CRS
Joel Plater – Legal Services
Sherry Hilchey – FICT
Frans Sanders - FICT
Greg Mackay – P & I
Audra Abbott – Metro Transit
Director at Large:
Mike Matheson – Treasurer (Planning & Infrastructure)
Appointment of Minute Taker: Scott volunteered to take the minutes
Review and Approval of Agenda:
 Motion to accept agenda, Moved by: Scott K
Seconded by: Joel
Review and Approval of Minutes:
 Motion to accept minutes, Moved by: Angela
Seconded by: Andrea
5. Not much update since last meeting. There are training sessions planned over the next
few weeks. Any communication going to Council should come from the Pension
Committee. The Pension Fund is growing and doing well.
12. Chris Kavanaugh, Corporate Safety
OHS Act calls for a JOHS committee in a location with 20 or more employees. Dept of
Labour doesn’t challenge HRM on having a committee in every location where there are
20 or more employees. HRM has so many sites and many small sites that need
representation. Example: Fire has several small rural stations that don’t have 20
employees per site while some do. Fire has their own JOHS committee to cover all
stations. Unions have the right to have their own JOHS committee. CUPE, NSUPE have
their own JOHS committees. There are 7 JOHS committees in HRM and CUPE is the
one that is the most general covering most of the business units. There should be an OHS
board in each building, Corporate Safety working towards this. Corporate Safety has a
five year plan to address deficiencies and things they have noticed are getting actioned,
slowly but moving forward. Documents and information are available on the R drive
under Corporate Safety. Also Inside HRM has a link to Corporate Safety.
There was discussion around where to take safety concerns as employees may have
reservations about going to supervisors with concerns. Concerns can be taken to JOHS
representatives to be addressed with JOHS committees. Forms are also available on the
R drive that can be taken to Supervisors.
6. EFAP Update was given last meeting
7. Treasurer Report in June
9. Brief discussion on the website and associated costs. No final decision made. The
proposal Greg and Sherry received back in the fall was about $500 set up and $50 per
month maintenance fee. That was for a site with some information that we can change,
contact info for board members. Very basic. The maintenance was to update info and fix
any bugs. The quote we received recently was for $1125 set up and $50 per month
maintenance. This would allow for a login for members to be able to access more
information not available for all. The discussion revolved around not having the money
to do the extra login and not really necessary. Any member would have access to the R
drive where all documents are kept. The login would seem to be unnecessary in that
17. Janet Romo provided an update on the Benefits program. Showed detail of how the
plan was used in 2013/2014 and why premiums came down this year under Medical, and
how there was an increase in Dental. Discussed options for dental and how to best make
use to look after future needs. Reviewed plan usage and costs from the past year.
** All other items were deferred until June 19th meeting. **