SERVICES FOR DISABLED CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES – LOCAL OFFER FOR CHILDREN’S SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY Name of Service: Service Manager / Contact Person Contact details Bromley Healthcare Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Service (SLT) Moya Fielding (Head of SLT) Address: Children’s Speech and Language Therapy Phoenix Children’s Resource Centre 40 Mason’s Hill Bromley BR2 9JG Can your child receive support from the service? Tel 020 8315 4706 E-mail: Your child can receive support from the Children’s Speech and Language Service if they are registered with a Bromley GP or attending a Bromley School (Eligibility criteria) We will see your child if their speech, language or communication skills are not developing as expected for their age and this is affected significantly more than other areas of their development. This will include any of the following: - Understanding - Talking - Speech sounds - stammering - Social skills - voice - Eating and drinking How can your child be referred to the Service? We have an open referral system. You can refer your child yourself. Referrals will also be accepted from Health and Education professionals, if you have given your permission, GPs can refer to the service using the Single Point of Entry referral form. To make a referral, you can contact the Speech and Language Therapy service, at the address and number above. If your child is of pre-school age you can also access a speech and language therapist at one of the monthly drop-ins at the Children and Families Centres. For details of the drop-ins presently being run please ask at your nearest Children and Family Centre or at the address and number above. How to complain about anything related to the service you receive for your child? We want you to be happy with the service you receive from us, but we know that every so often something might go wrong or could be improved. If you're unhappy with the care you receive or an element of our service, we want to hear from you. This is important to us so we can continuously improve our services Please speak to your clinician in the first instance or Head of service if you prefer, details above. If they are unable to resolve your concerns or you would like to take the matter further please contact us at the address below. Global House 10 Station Square Hayes Bromley BR2 7EH Please see the attached for more information on how to give your feedback to us about your experience LI0269 - Feedback Leaflet.pdf Of course, we also want to hear from you if you're happy with the care you're receiving - it's good to be able to thank the team and let people know they're doing a good job, so if you have a compliment or congratulation, we'd like to hear from you. We are also encouraging people who use our services to write a review on Patient Opinion of their experience. All postings are anonymous and feedback allows us to improve the services we provide. Learning / curriculum support This is the support from the service, available for teachers and other staff members to adapt the curriculum and environment to make sure your child makes the best possible progress in school. UNIVERSAL TARGETED SPECIALIST This means the support from the Service that is available to ALL children in mainstream preschool/schools, whether they have identified speech and language needs or not. This means the Children’s Service is available for individuals or small groups who are considered to require additional support. This means the support available to your child through a specialist package of care, such as an Education, Health and Care Plan. This service is available to your child, if needed. He / she may or may not have a Statement of Special Educational Need, EHC plan or a pupil resource Agreement. This input may involve individual support and is typically medium / longer term intervention Mainstream Schools: The service provides: - liaison meetings between therapists and school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs) to discuss ways of supporting the development of child’s communication skills The service seeks to work together with parents and carers and our Early Years and Education colleagues to identify how children with speech, language and communication needs can be best supported. For children with a high level of need, the therapists can: The therapist can: - Assess your child’s needs and provide a report - set targets together with teaching - assess your child’s needs and provide a report (e.g. for EHC plans or Statement reviews) - set targets and provide an individualised programmes of activities, with outcome measures - liaise with other professionals working with your child and attend staff and / or parents, including activities and programmes for home or school - Support your child’s move into preschool / primary / secondary school and ensure that information / strategies developed to support your child are shared - liaise with Early Years staff, teaching staff and other health professionals working with your child multi-disciplinary meeting (e.g. annual reviews, team around the child meetings) For Pre-school children and those in Mainstream Primary Schools: - provide spaced appointments to update and demonstrate advice. - appointments can be attended by parents and early years/teaching staff, so the advice is useful both at home and nursery/school. For school aged children some of these appointments will take place in your child’s school. Initial appointments and most of those for pre-school children will take place in one of 5 community clinics (Beckenham Beacon, The Phoenix Centre, Mottingham, Eldred Drive or St Paul’s Cray). In specialist provisions - regular sessions may be provided if indicated (to a maximum of weekly in term-time) In Specialist provisions: Therapists work together with the teaching staff, to develop a communication-friendly environment in all specialist provisions. This includes: - teaching some lessons or groups, together with education staff - supporting teaching staff to In mainstream primary schools: - spaced individual sessions can be provided - some children may attend a block of weekly / fortnight intervention appointments In specialist language provisions - The therapist can offer therapy sessions several times a week, in term-time differentiate the curriculum - enhancing use of sign and symbols in classes - contributing to steering groups and school policy - The service also provides a named therapist who attends a number of the schools on a weekly basis and will - offer group sessions, if appropriate - provide reports for the annual review of your child’s statement / EHC plan - provide open liaison / advice sessions for class staff - provide opportunities for parents to meet with the therapist Secondary Schools: The therapist can: - Offer advice appointments to children who have accessed the service previously (in the last 2 years) or for children in specialist provisions up until school leaving age. The service can also offer assessment and recommendations for children over 12 with newly identified communication problems. The service also sees children who stammer or who have an acquired disorder e.g. following head injury Physical and emotional well-being We recognise the importance of children and their families receiving timely advice when concerns arise. Parents and carers of any pre-school children can therefore access the monthly drop-in clinics at two children and family centres without requiring a referral. Children where their communication difficulties are impacting on their emotional well-being are prioritised. As for targeted Children’s use of language in functional, everyday situations is key to the advice given. This supports their emotional well-being. Children with significant difficulties communicating are encouraged to use signs and symbols, to reduce frustration, Therapists liaise with behaviour support and children’s mental health services, to support children with communication and emotional needs. Access and inclusion resources Not provided at this level. School based training Not provided at this level. The therapist can provide advice on eating and drinking difficulties your child may have, which may be impacting on their physical wellbeing. The therapist can support teaching staff to: - develop the use of symbols and sign in classroom environments - modify the curriculum and the language used in the classroom, to support your child’s needs In specialist Provisions therapists offer training to teaching staff, contribute to some staff meetings and inset days. The service can also provide tailored training when commissioned by The therapist can: - assess your child’s needs for specialist equipment, such as high tech communication devices - provide support in obtaining funding for devices, if recommended Therapists can offer training to the teaching staff working with your child. In specialist Provisions therapists also contribute to some staff meetings and inset days. individual schools Support for families: Families can access drop-in sessions, where pre-school children are informally assessed and advice is given. Where needed children can be accepted into our core service for further advice and support. Families are referred to other professionals and voluntary agencies, for support, if needed Therapeutic Approaches Therapeutic approaches at this level are focused on providing early advice for parents and pre-school staff in order to reduce the need for more targeted support at a later date. - Parents attend clinic appointments with their child. - In mainstream schools, they are invited to appointments - In specialist schools, parents are offered opportunities to meet with the therapist - targets and activities are provided for home - families are referred to other professionals and voluntary agencies, for support, if needed Therapeutic approaches at this level focus on providing detailed assessment of a child’s needs. Following this advice and programmes of language activities are given, which can be carried out at home or school. - As for Targeted Therapeutic approaches at this level focus on providing detailed assessment, detailed advice and regular sessions with a therapist to practise and demonstrate activities.