Overview of Activities and Supports Offered by Trinity Research & Innovation (TR&I) 9th March 2011 www.tcd.ie/research_innovation/ Trinity Research & Innovation - TR&I Associate Director Dr James Callaghan Research Development Office Ms Doris Alexander Contracts Office Ms Mary Tracey Technology Transfer Office Dr Margaret Woods Entrepreneurship Ms Bridget Noone Research Development Office (RDO) Ms Doris Alexander, RDO Manager Research Development Office (RDO) • To support researchers in their efforts to attract research funding into College – (whilst minimising risks for College). • To provide data and statistics that help inform & develop College’s research strategy • To aid in the development & implementation of research policy in line with College’s Strategic Plan The RDO Team Doris Alexander Research Development Manager Deirdre Caden Research Projects Officer Maria Treanor Research Projects Officer David Fitzpatrick Research Projects Officer Oonagh Kinsman Research Projects Officer Camilla Kelly Research Projects Officer Research Projects Officer – in contracts TR&I Research Development Office ‘Pre Award’ Deals with Pre-Award: All Research related applications including All Research tenders Regardless of whether national or international Regardless of whether the sponsor requires it or not Post-Award: Institutional Research reporting – eg PRTLI (not financial) Does not deal with – non research: Service type applications, educational oriented applications Services/Responsibilities • Sourcing Research opportunities – checking risk content and interest for College • Disseminating information • Advice and support - research proposal preparation including budget checking • Meeting with sponsors and researchers and cultivate a relationship • Coordination of institutional research proposals and coordination of reporting • Secretariat to various internal College Committees • Organise/facilitate training / information workshops • Endorsement of ALL research proposals sent out to external sponsors Responsibilities - Policy and Systems: • Analyse international research trends, disseminate and utilise to update our research strategy • Lobby appropriate groups to ensure best possible conditions for participation • Develop and implement strategies for participation e.g. FP7, FP8 • College research strategy development and implementation • Participate in the development and support of research support systems such as RPAMs • Enable the development of research networks and groupings within College and beyond • Assist in putting together reports and responses to external queries, surveys or reports on research in the College • Representing College at external meetings (EU, IUA, IBEC, Government, EARMA etc.) where appropriate College’s Research Implementation Plan Over the five-year timeframe of the strategy, the following key actions have been agreed 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Attract and develop world-class principal investigators Diversify research funding sources Strengthen Trinity Research Institutes and Centres Further promote research quality Foster multi-disciplinary research consortia Develop a new model for intellectual property management Provide new research infrastructure eHealth & Ageing Next Generation Medical Devices Digital Humanities Rose-Anne Kenny Richard Reilly Susan Schreibman Smart & Sustainable Cities Creative Technologies - Digital Media, Arts & Entertainment Vinny Cahill Carol O’Sullivan International Development Cancer Neuroscience Immunology and infection John O’Leary Shane O’Mara Kingston Mills Nanoscience Telecommunications Cultural Heritage & Arts John Boland Linda Doyle Brian McGing Sustainable Society Virpi Timonen Thematic Areas/Champions 17 Areas at present Louis Brennan Human & Social Networking Vinny Wade Sustainable Environment The Human Condition Abstract, Generalise, Apply David Taylor Poul Holm Conor Houghton Key Issues • Diversifying funding base – non-exchequer funds & find new sources • Mapping opportunities to 17+ new thematic areas • No IT system to record & track submissions in a timely & efficient way and link them to successes • Non adherence to internal deadlines inability to be able to offer any real grantsmanship advice • Trying to get schools to engage more and think strategically Average € (total/no. of applications) Requested € No. of Applications Sponsor 20092010 20082009 % Chg 2009-2010 2008-2009 % Chg 2009-2010 2008-2009 % Chg IRCSET 246 331 -26 19,198,750 25,334,490 -24 78,044 76,539 2 SFI 145 276 -47 86,775,242 111,208,541 -22 598,450 402,929 49 IRCHSS 213 209 2 10,625,751 9,593,963 11 49,886 45,904 9 Other 152 170 -11 24,522,131 147,220,104 -83 161,330 866,001 -81 EI 87 126 -31 7,212,717 21,213,281 -66 82,905 168,359 -51 HRB 116 108 7 19,566,953 26,177,708 -25 168,681 242,386 -30 EUFP7* 166 72 131 113,947,110 53,205,975 114 712,169 738,972 -4 Wellcome 60 45 33 18,034,663 28,542,943 -37 300,578 634,288 -53 Tender 8 17 -53 749,122 1,844,401 -59 93,640 108,494 -14 ERA-NET 13 9 44 379,764 2,132,030 -82 29,213 236,892 -88 EUnonFP7 10 7 43 397,545 126,912 213 39,755 18,130 119 1216 1,370 -11 301,409,748 426,600,347 -29 247,870 311,387 -20 Total How we disseminate information • Newsletters – TCD Research News . • E-mail – mass circulation – Research Focus, individual, SFI • Web site – information and deadlines etc on web site • Link to research directors or administration, project officers • Link to thematic Champions/Areas (future) • Information sessions • Phone calls and face to face meetings Internal Deadlines Internal deadlines are set to allow us to: • Ensure that sponsor requirements are met • To check budgets if necessary • To give the researcher time to modify applications • To deal with high numbers of applications • To deal with the emergencies that PIs have • Time is required for grantsmanship. • HELP US TO HELP YOU Please contact us at: Research.office@tcd.ie https://www.tcd.ie/research_innovation/research/ Thank you Contracts Office Ms Mary Tracey, Contracts Office Manager Structure of Presentation • • • • • • • • • • Core Activities Contract Office Team Step Through Contract Review Process Essential Contractual Requirements Contract Assessment Form (CAF) Web based CAF VAT – Relevance to a Research Contract? New Issues Arising in Contracts Contracts Office Statistics 2007 – 2010 Sample of Deans Report Core Activities • To review, negotiate and execute the best contractual arrangements for all research contracts on behalf of College • To provide the academic community with advice and support on the contractual review/processes including TCD policies, Sponsor terms and conditions, legal and financial issues etc • To minimise legal and financial risk to College and the academic community • To ensure College complies with relevant legislative provisions e.g. VAT legislation • Develop and prepare bespoke template agreements e.g. template partnership agreement Contracts Office Team Mary Tracey Contracts Manager David Fitzpatrick Contracts Officer (AO) P/T Melissa Caffrey Contracts Executive Officer (EO) Meta Sweeney Contracts Officer (AO) Una Brady Contracts Executive Officer (EO) Majella Keegan Contracts Executive Officer (EO) Step Through Contract Review Process CO, TTO, and / or PI receives award/amendment notification CO email PI acknowledging receipt of Contractual documentation and review procedures CO reviews awards to ensure TCD is in a position to comply with the Sponsors Terms and Conditions , a copy will be forwarded to Technology Transfer Office (TTO) (if applicable) CO request PI to complete Contract Assessment Form (CAF), Research Administration Section (RAS) Forms and sign Contract (if applicable) CO & TTO collate all issues and respond to the PI and / or Sponsor Following negotiations between College and Sponsor and resulting amendments if applicable, the final contract is issued to College for signature Contracts Office forwards a copy of the final Contract along with the VAT Classification Form for review by TCD’s Taxation Officer (if applicable) Once contract is approved for acceptance, CO requests signature of P.I. and HoS CO return signed Contractual Documentation to PI / Sponsor Once all documentation is received, finalised and collated, the file is forwarded to RAS, for account set-up CO obtains all original contractual documentation Essential Contractual Requirements • TCD’s legal name: “The Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars, and the other members of Board, of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin” • Duration of project • Funding amount and full detailed budget inc. overheads • Intellectual Property, Publication and Confidentiality • Liabilities &Warranties • Payment Schedule • Reporting Requirements • Termination • VAT taken into consideration • Comprehensive work description or reference to application Contract Assessment Form (CAF) Web Based CAF Web Based CAF Web Based CAF VAT – Relevance to a Research Contract? Depends on the terms and conditions within the Contract. It is extremely important to recognise and include any VAT costs that may arise during a Research Contract - omission could lead to a shortfall in disposable funding When preparing a budget for a research application / proposal always include VAT @ 21% in addition to all other project costs New Issues Arising in Contracts Matched funding requirement – Principal Investigators timesheets required Co-funded requirements from nongovernment sources Joint government agency calls Clauses that commit TCD to certify on behalf of entire University – TCD can’t comply Proof of ethical approval Contracts Office Statistics 2007 - 2010 Value of Contracts 07/08 € 126,436,992.30 Value of Contracts 08/09 € 121,564,777.23 Value of Contracts 09/10 € 77,395,647.79 AWARDED TO TCD Research (excl. SFI) No of Contracts 07/08 506 SFI 144 Research Services 0 Education 0 Service & Consultancy 0 Pre-Award Contractual Documentation 1 Intellectual Property Agreement Count 0 Sub Total Awarded To TCD 651 Value of Contracts 07/08 € 69,605,965.34 € 54,501,318.14 € € € € € € 124,107,283.48 No of Contracts 08/09 407 108 29 12 24 1 2 583 Value of Value of Contracts Variance 07/08 No of Contracts Contracts Variance 08/09 08/09 - 08/09 09/10 09/10 - 09/10 344 €49,961,438 -€19,644,527 €38,864,381 -€11,097,057 42 €49,223,832 -€5,277,486 €16,930,842 -€32,292,990 18 €10,320,909 €10,320,909 €2,743,888 -€7,577,021 9 €646,274 €646,274 €446,143 -€200,131 €200,810 25 €200,810 €1,366,962 €1,166,152 €0 5 €0 €0 €0 1 €0 €0 €0 €0 €60,352,216 €110,353,264 -€13,754,019 444 -€50,001,048 AWARDED BY TCD to External Entities Partnership Agreements 13 Service & Consultancy (Subcontract) Agreements 5 € 2,209,491.15 € 63,816.00 41 23 €9,897,662 €7,688,171 €16,461,375 €6,563,713 €447,485 -€297,415 €134,572 -€434,379 19 15 €744,900 €681,084 4 Total Awarded By TCD 33 € 56,401.67 € 2,329,708.82 Overall Total 684 € 126,436,992.30 Service & Consultancy (Subcontract) Agreement Amendments 15 Value of Contracts Oct-Dec'10 12 €568,951 €512,549 64 50 €11,211,513 €8,881,804 €17,043,432 €5,831,919 633 €121,564,777 -€4,872,215 508 €77,395,648 -€44,169,129 € 31,665,479 Sample of Deans Report If you have any contract specific questions, please send an email to rescon@tcd.ie and a member of the Contracts Office will respond accordingly THANK YOU Technology Transfer Office (TTO) Dr Margaret Woods, TTO Manager Technology Transfer Office • Who we are • What we do • How we can support you • Some outputs TR&I Associate Director James Callaghan Contracts Office Research Development Office Funding applications Technology Transfer Office Issue +/negotiation; Entrepreneurship Technology Transfer Manager Margaret Woods Training, networking signature Brendan Ring CDM – CRANN TT Case Manager – ICT TT Case Manager – Physical Science *John Whelan *Graham McMullin TT Case Manager Translational Science *Gordon Elliott TT Case Manager – LifeSciences *Emily Vereker Patents Administrator Industry Liaison Manager *Peter Olwell Audrey Crosbie TTO Staff, Roles & Responsibilities Dr Margaret Woods Technology Transfer Manager. Management of the TTO, negotiation of major IP agreements authorised TCD signatory Ms Audrey Crosbie Industry Liaison Manager Interactions with Industry; support to Dean of Research re strategy Dr Gordon Elliott Dr Graham McMullin Dr John Whelan Dr Emily Vereker TT Case Manager-Translational Science TT Case Manager-Physical Sciences TT Case Manager -ICT TT Case Manager -Life Sciences Cradle-to-grave intellectual property-related support for TCD researchers Dr Peter Olwell Patents and IP database Administrator Liaison with patent agents, reporting, some case management Dr Brendan Ring , CRANN CDM (dual report) Technology Transfer Office Mission: - To promote and facilitate the transfer to the community (for appropriate socio-economic return) of knowledge and intellectual property (IP) created within College, and - to support College researchers seeking to develop such IP. Objectives: - - to foster a culture of IP-awareness within College; to support College researchers by assisting and advising on all aspects of IP; to transfer College IP to industry and/or to the wider community in line with National Policy, College’s Strategic Plan and obligations to research sponsors; to promote and manage College’s linkages with industry TTO - Core Activities - Provision of customised IP seminars PLEASE JUST ASK Provision of advice on IP issues in funding applications - in liaison with RDO Negotiation of IP terms in Contracts, CAs etc - in liaison with Contracts Issue, negotiation and execution of IP agreements including NDAs, MTAs , licences etc Identification and appropriate protection of novel IP CASE MANAGER Promotion and marketing of technologies available for transfer BROCHURE Advice on establishing campus companies; approval of TCD campus company status Liaison with Irish university TTOs, interaction with overseas TTOs Liaison with Enterprise Ireland Industry Interactions: - Fostering industry linkages Hosting industry visits to College TTO - Performance TTO - Campus Company Formation • • • • • Provision of information & advice Promoter-friendly application process (2 letters and an e- mail) Participation in EI Business Partner scheme Incubator space on campus Access to facilities - for appropriate fee • Licensing of TCD intellectual property Entrepreneurship section of TR&I: • Enterprise Centre hot-desk space, incubation space • Entrepreneurship training ● MBA workout 41 IdentiGen www.identigen.com “IdentiGEN Ltd., was founded in 1996 as a spin out from world class research conducted at Trinity College Dublin. DNA TraceBack® has been successfully commercialized in Europe since 2000 and piloted in North America. IdentiGEN is now bringing its system to the U.S. and Canada to help ensure the safety and quality of the North American market for beef and pork.” www.miravex.com • Imaging Devices for the Aesthetic Medicine & Dermatology Markets MIRAVEX specializes in imaging devices and its first product is targeted at skin imaging for the aesthetic medicine and dermatology markets. Winner of the ITLG Innovation Award 2010 1) Standard colour representation and false colour map for wrinkle analysis. MIRAVEX has developed a novel technology for the acquisition and analysis of 3D images of the skin. The images are acquired by a digital imaging device connected to a computer, where they can be analysed using a vision software developed in-house. Parameters such as the roughness of the skin, the depth of wrinkles and fine lines, their density and length can be quickly measured. Furthermore, the technology is able to perform a spectroscopic analysis of the two main chromophores - i.e. melanin and haemoglobin - and to quantify their relative concentration. 2a) UV damage –Melanin deposits of a lady's décolleté. 2b) Blood vessels - Haemoglobin map. TTO – Industry interactions Research collaborations with Companies IRCSET – Enterprise Partnership Scheme Scholarship / Fellowship • • Company pays 1/3 of a studentship, IRCSET pays 2/3. Company directs the focus of the project. Has exclusive option to the output. • http://www.ircset.ie/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=YVEOzjK2J2U%3d&tabid=58&mid=617 Enterprise Ireland – – Innovation Vouchers (Value €5,000) • Company applied directly to EI. Company approaches a ‘knowledge provider’ to carry out the work. Service / consultancy type work • http://www.innovationvouchers.ie/ Innovation Partnerships (Value up to €300,000) • Company and University discuss a project. University applies to EI. Company must provide minimum of 20% of the cost (depends on size of company). • http://www.enterprise-ireland.com/ResearchInnovate/R+and+D+Collaboration/Innovation+Partnerships.htm Science Foundation Ireland (Value up to €100,000) – Technology and Innovation Development Award (TIDA) • • Academic researcher applies to SFI. Company can contribute towards costs of project. http://www.sfi.ie/content/content.asp?section_id=464&language_id=1 Direct University Funding – Collaborative research or service contract. Company pays 100% of the project costs Some Industry contacts Contact Details All phones + 353 1 896 and extn. no. Dr James Callaghan Dr Margaret Woods - Associate Director TR&I James.Callaghan@tcd.ie Technology Transfer Manager mjwoods@tcd.ie 1427 2159 Ms Audrey Crosbie - Industry Liaison Manager acrosbie@tcd.ie 3839 Dr Gordon Elliott - Translational Science 4151 gordon.elliott@tcd.ie Dr Graham McMullin - Physical Sciences graham.mcmullin@tcd.ie 1711 Dr John Whelan - ICT 3269 john.whelan@tcd.ie Dr Emily Vereker - Life Sciences emily.vereker@tcd.ie 4152 Dr Peter Olwell - Patents & IP database 8517 peter.olwell@tcd.ie http://www.tcd.ie/research_innovation/technology/ Entrepreneurship Ms Bridget Noone, Enterprise Executive Entrepreneurship Section • • • • Overview – Entrepreneurship Development Programme targeted at postgraduates, postdocs and prospective entrepreneurs, developed over 7 years. Mission – Development of an entrepreneurial culture which facilitates new venture creation in Trinity College through provision of training, facilitation and facilities Objectives – Assist entrepreneurs to start high potential businesses, through the exploration of issues arising in the development of new ideas – Provide postgraduates and postdocs with a viable alternative career option via new company start-ups Core Activities – General Entrepreneurship Programme – 2 modules, with 5 ECTs each – Intensive Entrepreneurship Programmes 3/4 days for research groups – Trinity Enterprise Network - supportive environment to network to mutual advantage Background to Entrepreneurship Development in TCD • Recognition of need for more structured approach to creation of entrepreneurial culture within University • Fit with TCD’s Strategic Plan and Government and EU Strategic Objectives • TCD’s Success in Funding – SFI, PRTLI • Enterprise Ireland seeking new HPSUs • Other agencies well-funded: HRB, IRCSET • TCD is a leader in Ireland: immunology, nanotechnology, ICT. What happens to research results • Diffusion into society: major mechanism for applications • First Initiative: ERA/Maptec in 1980s; Innovation Centre in 1986 • Successful commercialisation: – Iona Technologies in the 1990s: IPO and 20 spin-off companies – Havok in 1999 – sold to Intel – Professor Igor Shvets – 3 companies spun out from his research • Entrepreneurship Programme begun in 2002 • Trinity Technology and Enterprise Campus – purchased in 1999 One Path to Commercialisation of IP • Creation and development of knowledge-based campus and spin-off companies • TCD’s campus and spin-off companies have evolved from all College faculties • Entrepreneurship development is supported by Trinity Technology and Enterprise Campus Entrepreneurship Development Programme • Target Group: Postgraduates from 2nd year upwards, post-doctoral Researchers and Entrepreneurs, involved in research - looking for viable career options e.g. start a business or join one. Also some external people • Runs from October to March each year • Different methodologies: Guest Entrepreneur, Information Session, Team Workshops, drama, role play • Delivered by Experienced Practitioners • TCD Personnel: – Bridget Noone, Enterprise Executive – Eoin O’Neill, Adjunct Professor, TCD School of Business (part-time) What do the Workshops cover • Module 1 – Linking Innovation and New Venture Creation • Understand traits of successful entrepreneurs • Entrepreneurial behaviour: observing opportunity, calculating risk, identifying risk • Communication • Motivation to Entrepreneurship: Inspirational Entrepreneurs’ Forum sessions • Identify a new idea based on new knowledge, carry out an opportunity evaluation. What do the Workshops cover • Module 2 – Creating the Knowledge Driven Venture The core compulsory elements of this module comprise • Interviews on New Venture Projects • Face-to-face teaching sessions on: Intellectual Property, Legal and Corporate Issues, Business Planning Process, Handling Money in the Venture, Sales & Marketing (4 workshops), Communication of the New Venture Project, negotiation skills Where Entrepreneurship Fits with Innovation Academy TR&I Programme – • Programme is multi-disciplinary and designed around lifecycle of new venture formation • Focus on development of new ideas into commercial ventures (may not be related to thesis research) • Delivered in two modules – October - March • Students at ay stage of postgraduate research welcome • Open to postdocs and researchers • 3/4 day Intensive programmes delivered to major TCD and external research groups • Launched Trinity Enterprise Network in 2009 to provide a supportive environment for companies, postgraduates and postdocs to engage and network Where Entrepreneurship Fits with Innovation Academy Innovation Academy Launched in 2010/11. Joint TCD-UCD Certificate/Graduate Diploma in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Delivering Module 1 – Creativity and Innovation (3 weeks) this year Offered as both an integral part of doctoral degree and as stand-alone programme Open for applications from new TCD PhD students to participate in core modules Focused on facilitating students in self-assessing how well their capabilities equip them to exploit opportunities latent in their thesis research. Initiative with Alcatel/Lucent: Bootcamp in September 2011 Trinity Technology and Enterprise Campus Facilities • Free Hot Desk space available for six months to entrepreneurs affiliated to Trinity College • Assessment/advisory service of Business Plans and Presentations – Entrepreneurship Team • Provision of business incubation space and technological facilities • Provision of Bioincubation space in partnership with Enterprise Ireland • Trinity Enterprise Network – supportive environment for start-up businesses • Tenants must have strong linkages to research in Trinity College Research Groups Trinity Technology and Enterprise Campus • Current Site occupancy circa 70% between academic and commercial activity • 7th Floor of Tower now houses ICHEC • Mix of companies at TTEC – bio-industry, IT, semiconductor, financial area, creative arts • Site divided into two distinct areas – the Tower and the General Site • 84 individual units, 41 in Tower and 43 on site. • TCD Companies on Site: Identigen, Crème Software, Deerac Fluidics, Eblana Photonics, Pharmatrin, Chromatrin, Eneclann, Cellix, Opsona (St James’s), Biocroi, EmpowertheUser Contact Details Ms Bridget Noone Enterprise Executive Trinity R&I bnoone@tcd.ie Prof. Eoin O’Neill, Adjunct Professor Trinity R&I & TCD School of Business eponeill@tcd.ie Questions?