o processo da dissertação e da tradução

Women Researching in
the Intercultural Sphere:
A Portuguese Case
Clara Sarmento
Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI)
ECREA Women’s Network Workshop
Gender in European Academia:
Difference and Discrimination in Communication Research
Founded in 2007, the Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI) of
ISCAP develops applied and fundamental research and cooperates with other national and international institutions in
cultural, scientific, and editorial projects.
The target audience of CEI is the whole community of
teachers and researchers, graduate and post-graduate
students of ISCAP, national and international researchers,
ERASMUS students, and other partners who develop an
active interest for the vast field of Intercultural Studies.
Research Groups:
1. Cultural Representations
 Clara Sarmento, ISCAP-IPP: “Intercultural Representations of Gender: Travel
Narratives by/about Women”;
 Dalila Lopes, ISCAP-IPP: “Representations of Portugal in Non-Portuguese
 Cristina Mendes de Freitas, ESE-IPP: “The cultural background in African tales
and novels”;
 Eduarda Mota, ISCAP-IPP: “Translation and Ideology: Aspects of Manipulation,
Censorship and Resistance”;
 Luisa Langford, ISCAP-IPP: “Generations and Geographies in the Construction
of Gender and Identity”;
 Betina Ruiz, FLUP and S. Paulo University: “Female Cultural Heroes: Soror
Mariana Alcoforado and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz”;
 Isabel Pinto, University of Oporto: “Life-Stories between East and West”.
2. Communication Strategies
 Cristina Pinto da Silva, ISCAP-IPP: “Trust the tale AND the teller: Language
Teachers’ Narratives across Cultures”;
 Maria João Castro, ISCAP-IPP: Social and Cultural Study of E-Learning, Free
Software, E-Commerce and Fair-Trade”;
 Ivone Osório, ISCAP-IPP: “Linguistic Analysis of Grammatical Problems across
 Thomas Brysch, ESTG-IPVC: “Communication Routines in Internet
 José Campos Amorim, ISCAP-IPP: “Comparative Law across Cultures”;
 Margarida Seixas, Law School of the University of Lisbon: “Juridical study of the
legal condition of slavery”;
 Deolinda Meira, ISCAP-IPP: “The Juridical System of Cooperatives: A Study in
Comparative Law”;
 Manuela Ribeiro da Silva, ISCAP-IPP: “A comparative study of the systems of
public employment and local government”;
 Paula Peres, ISCAP-IPP: “Cross-Cultural Issues in B-Learning Strategies”.
Gender Related Research
Gender Related Aspects
Unrelated to Gender
Female Trainees &
Male Trainees &
Communication Strategies
Gender unrelated research lines
Advisory Board
Amparo Moreno Sardá, Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació, Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona, España.
Anxo Fernandez Ocampo, Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución, Universidade de Vigo,
Barbara Watson Andaya, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawaii at
Manoa, The United States of America.
Carlos Gouveia, Departamento de Estudos Anglísticos, Faculdade de Letras da
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
Cláudia Alvares, Departamento de Ciências da Comunicação, Artes e Tecnologias da
Informação, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Portugal.
David Inglis, Department of Sociology, School of Social Science, University of Aberdeen,
United Kingdom.
Gerald Locklin, English Department, University of Long-Beach, California, The United
States of America.
Maria de Deus Manso, Departamento de História, Universidade de Évora, Portugal.
Maria Johanna Schouten, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade da Beira Interior,
Phillip Rothwell, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, School of Arts and Sciences,
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, The United States of America.
Xoán Manuel Garrido Vilariño, Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución, Universidade de Vigo,
Gender Related Research
Gender Related Aspects
Unrelated to Gender
CONFERENCES 2007 – 2010
Lisboa as seen by John Berger,
Getting the Thread of the Story: Analysing
Teachers’ Narratives,
Colonial Representations by Women: Isabel
Tamagnini’s Far East,
by Margarida Seixas (CEI – Univ. Lisboa)
Cultural Heroes: Sóror Mariana Alcoforado
and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz,
Women in the Portuguese Colonial Empire:
Education and Religion,
East Timor in Australian texts, from travel
books to children’s literature,
The Construction of Gender and Identity:
Life-Stories between East and West:
Narratives by Women in Times of War,
by Dalila Lopes (CEI – ISCAP)
Slavery: People and Work in Portuguese Law,
by David Callahan (Univ. Aveiro)
Usages of Portuguese in Europe: Towards
a reflection on multilingual spaces and
by Cristina Pinto da Silva (CEI – ISCAP)
by Betina Ruiz (CEI - Univ. São Paulo)
H. Guimarães & L. Langford (CEI – ISCAP)
by Clara Sarmento (CEI – ISCAP)
by Maria de Deus Manso (Univ. Évora)
by Isabel Pinto (CEI - Univ. Porto)
Communicative Spaces in Tourism
Inter-cultures in the First European Vanguards
Reception Studies as a
Multidimensional Model: Stereotypes of
Ethnicity and Gender
Mixed Marriages between Europeans: a
sociological analysis on their evolution in
The Cultural Background in African
José Campos Amorim (CEI – ISCAP)
Thomas Brysch (CEI and IPVC)
Manuela Veloso (ISCAP)
Clara Keating (CES – Univ. Coimbra)
Translation: An Experience between Fields
Margarida Vale de Gato (translator)
Cláudia Alvares (Univ. Lusófona)
Digital Spaces in the Intercultural Society
Anabela Mesquita (ISCAP)
Traditions of Translation: Globalization and
the Politics of Fear and Hope
Paulo Seixas (Univ. Fernando Pessoa)
Une Voix Féminine Musulmane et la
Christine Rémy (ISCAP)
'You’re a good teacher but classes suck’ –
On the relation between Discourse and
Intercultural Space in Communication
Carlos A. M. Gouveia (Univ. Lisboa)
Cristina Pinto (CEI and ESE-IPP)
Sofia Gaspar (CIES-ISCTE)
Comparative Juridical Systems
Cooperative Culture:
A Juridical Study
The Terrible Birth of Beauty:
Literary Creation in Some Authors
Minahasa (North Sulawesi): The Success
Story of Dutch Colonialism in Indonesia
Translation and Ideology: Aspects of
Manipulation, Censorship and Resistance
Seminar Portuguese Globalization: An
Deolinda Meira (CEI – ISCAP)
João de Mancelos (Univ. Católica)
Eduarda Mota (CEI – ISCAP)
Johanna Schouten (Univ. Beira Interior)
Intercultural Approach
II International Conference
“Female Slavery, Orphanage and Poverty
in the Portuguese Colonial Empire (16th to 20th centuries)”
ISCAP 20 – 22 November 2006
Thematic Sessions:
 Cross-Disciplinary Theoretical
 Female Subalternity and Cultural
 Female Slavery
 Literature and Linguistics through
Female Voices
 36 papers
 Portugal, Brazil, Macao, USA,
 28 female speakers
 6 male speakers
Thematic Sessions:
East Timor: between
Southeast Asia, the Pacific
and Europe
Economic and Cultural
Gender and Intercultural
Intercultural Studies in History
Journeys through Cultures
Learning / Teaching
Languages and Cultures
Representations of Portugal
Tourism and Intercultural
Translation and Interpreting
Gender and
Intercultural Studies
• 12 papers
• 72 papers
• Australia, Austria, Azerbeijan, Brazil,
Canada, France, İran, İtaly, Portugal,
Romania, Spain, Taiwan, The
Netherlands, Turkey, UK, USA
• 43 female speakers
• 30 male speakers
• Brazil, Canada,
Portugal, Turkey, USA
• 11 female speakers
• 1 male speaker
Conference “Colonialism and Interculture”
ISCAP, 6 February 2009
•“Women in the colony: interculture, social experience and religious
fusion in the Portuguese America”;
•“Education and Interculturality: towards a new culture?”;
•“Colonizing Everyday Life: The case of Macao”;
•“The Company of Jesus and abortion in Japan”;
•“People in Transit: Human flows between Portugal, Angola,
Mozambique and Cape Verde”;
•“The two sides of the coin: Sexuality between masters and slaves in
• Portugal, Brazil, China, and Japan
• 4 female speakers
• 2 male speakers, both with gender related conferences
Eastwards / Westwards:
Which Direction for Gender Studies in the 21st Century?
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007
1. Construction and Reaffirmation of Social Gender Stereotypes through the Use of Language: The Case of Hindi
Anjali Pande
2. Gender Equality in Ukraine: Between Declarations and Reality
Alissa Tolstokorova
3. Culture and Language: Reflections on Gender Equality in Kazakhstan
Maria Helena Guimarães
4. The Semiosis of the Feminine in Bangla Language
Raahseed Mahmood and Ahmed Bokhtiar
5. Marriage in China as an Expression of a Changing Society: A Return to Tradition?
Elisabetta Colla
6. The “Other Woman” in the Overseas Space: The Case of Portuguese India
Maria de Deus Manso
7. Heading East this Time: Critical Readings on Gender in Southeast Asia
Clara Sarmento
Condição Feminina no Império Colonial Português
Porto: Edições Politema, 2008
 29 authors from Portugal, Brazil,
Africa and Macao.
 26 female.
 3 male (Brazilian).
Women in the Portuguese Colonial Empire:
The Theatre of Shadows
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008
Female Slavery
Memories of Slavery: Women and Human Trade in the Newspapers of Pernambuco, Brazil, from 1850 to 1888
Black Slaves and the Practice of Witchcraft in Portugal During the Modern Era
Female Slavery, Domestic Economy and Social Status in the Zambezi Prazos during the 18th Century
The Contribution of the Anais de Vila Bela to the Study of Slavery in the Portuguese Empire
Slave Women’s Children in the Portuguese Empire: Legal Status and its Enforcement
Women’s Work in the Fairs and Markets of Luanda
Food and Religion: Women and the African-Brazilian Identity in the late Nineteenth Century
Literature and Female Voices
Autobiographic Writing and the Adoption of a Female Voice: A Portrait of Mariana Alcoforado’s letters
Representations of Gender in the Letters and Writings of St. Francis Xavier
Battle Against Silence: The Diary of Graciete Nogueira Batalha, A Teacher in Macao
Female Voices in the Fall of the Empire: O Esplendor de Portugal by António Lobo Antunes
Ibicaba and the Exploitation of Swiss Immigrants in Brazil
Settlers and Slavery in Brazil: The Need for a New Approach
Pre-Feminism in the 19th Century: Guiomar Torresão and her Baroness
19th Century Women Travellers: A Female View on the Feminine Condition in Brazil
Cultural Behaviour
The Conquest of Public Space: Female Protagonism in the Religious Sphere (17th and 18th centuries)
Equal Before the Law, Unequal in the Community: Education and Social Construction of Female Authority in East Timor*
The Feminine Ideal of 18th Century Colonial Brazil
Meanders of Female Subordination: When the Servant Becomes the Master
Gender and Notability: Portuguese Immigrant Women in the Societies of Beneficence in Brazil, 1854-1889
Women and the Macao Holy House of Mercy
Other gender related editions:
• Life Histories of Women and Families Between Macao and Timor in the First Half of
the 20th Century
• Women Representing Colonialism: Isabel Tamagnini’s ‘Orient’
• The Economic Status of Cooperatives in Portuguese Law: The Social Capital
From Here to Diversity: Globalization and Intercultural Dialogues
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010
24 essays
28 contributors from: Australia, Canada, France, İtaly, Portugal, Romania, Spain, The
Netherlands, Turkey, UK, USA
15 female ; 13 male
Gender related essays:
A Lady’s Visit to Manilla and Japan: Gender, travel and intercultural representations
The Films of Turkish-German Female Directors: Representations of migration through mother-daughter
Women and African culture in Mozambique 1750-1850
The gender factor in encounters between cultures: Dutch and Asians in 17th and 18th century Batavia
Diálogos Interculturais: Os Novos Rumos da Viagem
[Cultural Dialogues: New Directions for the Journey]
Edições Politema, 2010
• 31 essays
• 35 contributors from: Portugal, Brazil, Iran, The Netherlands, and Italy
• 18 female ; 16 male
Gender related essays:
• Correspondence (s) Mécia and Jorge de Sena: A network of Affections and Portuguese-American
• Female Colonial Elite and African Culture in Mozambique
• First Modernisms and Metropolis: Migrant cultural aesthetics and trans-cultural sceneries in Berlin
and London
• Marriage and Republican Legislation: An intercultural approach to gender discrimination
• Travel Journals and Gendered Representations in the Far East
• The ‘other’ Florbela Espanca: On her translated fictional and narrative prose*
Other gender related activities:
• ECREA Women’s Network.
• Athena Network.
• Research project “Portuguese Women Writers”,
University of Lisbon and University of Oporto.
• Research Seminar on Gender and World History,
European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
• II Encuentro de Expertas para Consolidar la Rede
Internacional del Feminario Mujeres y Cultura de
Masas, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
Gender = women’s studies*
Gender = social construct = female & male
Gender = men’s studies?
Men’s studies = mainstream science
(women’s studies = ‘branch’)
• Men actually doing women’s studies
• Women expected to do women’s studies?
• Academic ghetto?
• Women Researching in the Intercultural
Sphere: A Portuguese Case …..
• Research + writing + conferences +
classes + evaluation + supervise theses +
institutional duties + everyday chores +
career management, ……..
• Women