INTRODUCTION Why Do I Need to Know About Methodology ? ??????? As a graduate student... – To be able to read and understand the empirical literature in your field; to become a critical consumer of information. As a graduate student preparing for a thesis or dissertation… – To be able to both design and implement your thesis or dissertation as well as future studies that interest you. ???? As a future practitioner… – To be able to intelligently participate in research projects, evaluations, and studies undertaken by your institution. As an educated citizen ... – To understand the difference between scientifically acquired knowledge and other kinds of information. What’s the Difference Between “Method” and “Methodology”? Method: Techniques for gathering evidence The various ways of proceeding in gathering information Methodology: The underlying theory and analysis of how research does or should proceed. (Sandra Harding) What It Takes? Creativity Open mind Curiosity Patience Persistence Positive Attitude Discipline and focus Research Sequence Topic selection Research planning Literature survey Formulating the problem Creating new solutions Verification of analytical results Communication of results Commercialization of research outcomes How Extraordinary Creative Ideas Occur? Sudden spontaneous visions Dreams Cross-pollination from different fields Stories of Extraordinary Inventors Sudden Vision Discoveries Tesla's idea of the rotating magnetic field came to him instantly while he was walking in a park. He drew a picture of the rotating magnetic field in the ground of the park. Stories of Extraordinary Inventors Sudden Vision Discoveries The great mathematician Gauss proved in an instant a theorem on which he had worked unsuccessfully for four years. "As a sudden flash of light, the enigma was solved. . . .“ Similar accounts given by extraordinary creative people such as Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Poincare etc. Stories of Extraordinary Inventors Dream Discoveries Frederick Kekule fell asleep and dreamed of the benzene molecule as a snake biting its tail. Otto Loewi had a dream that led to his discovery of the chemical transmission of nerve impulses. . HOW TO SEARCH THE LITERATURE . BASIC SEARCH ADVANCED SEARCH National Library of Medicine(PUBMED): MEDLINE . Medline is the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) premier bibliographic database covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the preclinical sciences as far back as 1966. . MeSH a Medical Subject Heading. A controlled vocabulary term used by all the indexers in an organization to ensure consistency in assigning terms to articles (or records) on the same topic. They are also used in searching to avoid having to think of all the possible words that various authors could have used to express the same concept. For example: The MeSH AGED is assigned instead of: aging, older, elderly, senior citizen, geriatric person. BASIC SEARCH STRATEGY Pick a search topic: for example, previous BMD studies in the literature? Divide topic into concepts Find words (keywords) or subject headings (MeSH) to represent these concepts Combine concepts with AND, OR, or NOT When should I Use Basic or Advanced Search Mode? Here are some general rules to go by ! Basic Use the Basic Search when you have only a single term to search. Use the Basic Search when you are only searching by the author. Advanced Use the Advanced Search when you have more than one concept to search. Use the Advanced Search when you want to search in a specific field. Use the Advanced Search when you want to limit search by language or publication type BASIC SEARCH Enter your search term(s) in the query box. You may use "OR", "AND", or "NOT"; PubMed will automatically combine terms with "AND" using automatic term mapping. Terms are matched against a MeSH translation table, a Journals translation table, a phrase list, and an Author index -- in that order. . PubMed will display your results as brief citations in batches of 20 per page, by default. To change the "Number of documents to display per page:", select a higher number from the pull-down menu below the query box. . The Entrez Date is the date the citation was added to the PubMed database, which differs from the Date of Publication. Use the "Entrez Date limit" pull-down menu to select a range of days or years Author names should be entered in the form Smith JB, but initials are optional. PubMed automatically truncates the author's last name to allow for varying initials and designations such as Jr. or 2nd. If only the author's last name is entered (no initials), PubMed will search that name in All Fields not just the Author field. •Journal titles may be entered in full: •as valid MEDLINE abbreviations: •or as ISSN numbers: Citation display format displays the source, title, author and affiliation, abstract, MeSH and unique identifier Advanced Search Searching in the different fields In Advanced search, you now have the option to search in the different Medline fields Just click on the arrow in the “Search field” box to see the list Highlight the one you want and click once How to combine search terms Advanced search’s main feature is the ability to do a search with 2 or more terms The first step is to select the search terms that apply to your question using MeSH Browser Example: are there any articles on the diagnosis and chemoprevention of TB? The search terms for this query would be: • tuberculosis • diagnosis • prevention . Article Types ORIGINAL RESEARCH Original Articles are scientific reports of the results of original clinical research. The text is limited to 2700 words, with an abstract, a maximum of 5 tables and figures (total), and up to 40 references. ORIGINAL RESEARCH Special Articles are scientific reports of original research in such areas as economic policy, ethics, law, and health care delivery. The text is limited to 2700 words, with an abstract, a maximum of 5 tables and figures (total), and up to 40 references CLINICAL CASES Brief Reports usually describe one to three patients or a single family. The text is limited to 2000 words, a maximum of 3 tables and figures (total), and up to 25 references. They begin with a brief summary of no more than 100 words. CLINICAL CASES Clinical Problem-Solving manuscripts consider the step-bystep process of clinical decision making. Information about a patient is presented to an expert clinician. CLINICAL CASES The clinician responds (in regular type) as new information is presented, sharing his or her reasoning with the reader. The text should not exceed 2500 words, and there should be no more than 20 references REVIEW articles Review articles are usually solicited by the editors. All review articles undergo the same peer-review and editorial process as original research reports. Clinical Practice articles Are evidence-based reviews of topics relevant to practicing physicians, both primary care providers and specialists. Clinical Practice articles Articles in this series should include: -the clinical problem -strategies and evidence -areas of uncertainty -guidelines from professional societies -conclusions and recommendations. Clinical Practice articles The text is limited to 2500 words and a small number of figures and tables. These articles do not include an abstract. Clinical Therapeutics articles Are evidence-based reviews of topics relevant to practicing physicians. The series focuses on clinically oriented information about specific forms of therapy: -drugs -devices -procedures Clinical Therapeutics articles Each article in the series begins with a clinical vignette describing a patient with a specified condition for whom the treatment under discussion has been recommended. Clinical Therapeutics articles definition of the clinical problem patho- physiology and how the therapy works clinical evidence clinical use (including costs) adverse effects areas of uncertainty guidelines recommendations The text is limited to 2500 words. These articles do not include an abstract. Current Concepts articles Focus on clinical topics, including those in specialty areas but of wide interest. The text is limited to 2400 words, with a maximum of 4 figures and tables (total), and up to 50 references. These articles do not include an abstract. Drug Therapy articles Detail the pharmacology and use of specific drugs or classes of drugs, or the various drugs used to treat particular diseases. The text is limited to 4000 words, with a maximum of 6 figures and tables (total), and up to 120 references. These articles do not include an abstract. Mechanisms of Disease articles Discuss the cellular and molecular mechanisms of diseases or categories of diseases. The text is limited to 3500 words, with a maximum of 6 figures and tables (total), and up to 100 references. These articles do not include an abstract. Medical Progress articles Provide comprehensive, scholarly overviews of important clinical subjects, with the principal (but not exclusive) focus on developments during the past five years. Medical Progress articles Each article details how the perception of a disease, disease category, diagnostic approach, or therapeutic intervention has evolved in recent years. The text is limited to 3500 words, with a maximum of 6 tables and figures (total), and up to 100 references. These articles do not include an abstract. OTHER SUBMISSIONS . Editorials Usually provide commentary and analysis concerning an article in the issue of the Journal in which they appear. They may include 1 figure or table. They are nearly always solicited, although unsolicited editorials may occasionally be considered. Editorials are limited to 1000 words, with up to 15 references Perspective articles Cover a wide variety of topics of current interest in health care, medicine, and the intersection between medicine and society. Perspective articles are limited to 1000 to 1200 words and usually include one figure. There is a maximum of 5 references Sounding Board articles Are opinion essays. They are similar to editorials but are not tied to a particular article. They often present opinions on health policy issues and are normally unsolicited. The text is limited to 2000 words. Clinical Implications of Basic Research articles Discuss single papers from preclinical journals. The purpose is to explain the findings and comment on their possible clinical applications in fewer than 750 words. There may be 1 figure and up to 4 references. Special Reports Are miscellaneous articles of special interest to the medical community. They are limited to 2700 words. Letters to the Editor Provide a forum for readers to comment about articles recently published in the Journal, and they are a place to publish concise articles, such as reports of novel cases. . Reading medical articles critically Getting Ready Choose a few good peer-reviewed journal articles Relevant to biomedical informatics Interesting for you & audience Important result or approach Getting Ready Send choices to instructor for feedback (2 weeks before your presentation) Choose one article Read critically Take notes while reading Reread even more critically Skim related articles or web information Creating the Content Introduce yourself Why did you choose this paper? How does it relate to your interests? Summarize article (briefly!) Provide context Critique, question, react Conclude Summarize Article Assume audience read the paper Do not assume audience understood it Provide context When? Where? Why? State authors’ take home messages Focus on interesting/controversial issues Critique, Question, React Objectively Did the author(s) support their point? Was their support valid? Subjectively How does it relate to your own experiences? Why did you find this paper interesting or important? What do you think the impact of this paper is? Conclude Restate author’s take-home message State your own take-home message Provide a personal perspective Be provocative Summary Choose a good article Introduce yourself Summarize article Provide context Critique, question, react Conclude . Clinical Trials What Are Clinical Trials? Research Try studies involving people. to answer scientific questions and find better ways to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease Why Are Clinical Trials Important? Clinical trials translate results of basic scientific research into better ways to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease The more people take part, the faster we can: - Answer critical research questions - Find better treatments and ways to prevent disease What Are the Different Types of Clinical Trials? Treatment Prevention Early detection/screening Diagnostic Quality of life/supportive care Treatment Trials What new treatments can help people with a particular disease? What is the most of effective treatment for people with that disease? Prevention Trials Evaluate the effectiveness of ways to reduce the risk of a particular disease Enroll healthy people at high risk for developing that disease Prevention Trials Action studies (“doing something”) studies (“taking something”)—also called “chemoprevention studies” Agent Chemoprevention Trials Phase 3 chemoprevention trials compare a promising new agent with either a: --Standard agent --Placebo Fundamentals of Clinical Trials A clinical trial is a prospective study assessing the effect and value of intervention(s) vs. control in human subjects Each clinical trial has a PRIMARY question (outcome) There may be multiple SECONDARY outcomes Clinical Trial Phases Phase 1 trials How does the agent affect the human body? What dosage is safe? Clinical Trial Phases Phase 2 trials Does the agent or intervention have an effect on the disease? Clinical Trial Phases Phase 3 trials Is the new agent or intervention (or new use of a treatment) better than the standard? Participants have an equal chance to be assigned to one of two or more groups Randomized Trials Participants have an equal chance to be assigned to one of two or more groups: One gets the most widely accepted treatment (standard treatment). The other gets the new treatment being tested, which researchers hope and have reason to believe will be better than the standard treatment. Why is Randomization Important? So all groups are as alike as possible. Provides the best way to prove the effectiveness of a new agent or intervention. Clinical Trial Protocol Strict scientific guidelines: -Purpose of study -How many people will participate -Who is eligible to participate -How the study will be carried out -What information will be gathered about participants -Endpoints Benefits of Participation Possible benefits: Patients will receive, at a minimum, the best standard treatment (if one exists) If the new treatment or intervention is proven to work, patients may be among the first to benefit Patients have a chance to help others and improve patient care Risks of Participation Possible risks: New treatments or interventions under study are not always better than, or even as good as, standard care Even if a new treatment has benefits, it may not work for every patient Patient Protection There have, unfortunately, been past abuses in patient protection Federal regulations ensure that people are told about the benefits, risks, and purpose of research before they agree to participate How Are Patients’ Rights Protected? Informed consent Scientific review Institutional review boards (IRBs) Data safety and monitoring boards (DSMBs) . . Time (In Years) To Develop A New Drug (Average) Pre-Clinical Testing To Approval 1960s-1990s (US FDA) Pre-clinical Clinical Approval 1960s 3.6 2.8 2.4 1970s 4.6 4.4 2.1 1980s 4.7 5.7 2.8 1990s 4.7 6.6 1.9 Phase Phase Phase Pitfalls Of The Current Model Of Drug Discovery & Development. - High and unaffordable costs of R&D and consequently of new drugs. - Too many products with identical pharmacological profile and mechanism – the milligram battle. - Low therapeutic rationale and advance for new drugs. - Many products especially biotech products developed through technology push rather than medical demand pull. Can We Make Regulatory Submissions More Crisp And Meaningful No. of Words In Documents Pythagoras Theorem 24 Archimedes Principle 67 The Ten Commandments American Declaration of Independence European Legislation on when and where one can smoke Average IND Submission to FDA 179 300 24,942 800,000 At The Same Time Regulations in New Drugs Research Are Needed To: - To ensure safety and efficacy of New Drugs by an independent authority - To ensure that uniform and well-laid out standards apply to all products - To ensure that products are continuously monitored, post-marketing - To review safety and efficacy standards based on new knowledge - To recommend appropriate amendments to Drugs and Cosmetics Act FDA REGULATIONS MOSTLY A REACTIVE RESPONSE 1906 History of FDA, USA, concerned only with purity. 1936 Elixir Sulfanilamide 10% solution in 70% Diethylene Glycol implicated in 105 deaths. 1938 Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act passed concerned with safety, not efficacy – NDA to be approved. 1961 Thalidomide disaster in Europe. 1962 Kefauver-Harris Amendment passed regarding extensive safety and efficacy studies – IND mandatory. 1987 Format of IND changed. . Criticisms & Negative Perceptions On Clinical Trials Trial objectives skewed in favor of potential positive outcomes. Cutting out tests likely to end in negative results. Manipulation of Subject inclusion & exclusion criteria. Outright fraud in selection of investigators with vested interests. Suppression of publication of negative results. To Eliminate Or Minimize These Negatives, Clinical Trials Need To Be Conducted Under Internationally Accepted Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Guidelines. GCP protects patients/subjects. GCP ensures that clinical trials produce accurate, credible data by: - defining standards - defining responsibilities Good Clinical Practice 1962 1961 Drug Amendments Act Thalidomide 1963 IND Procedure ORIGINS 1977 1964 Proposed FDA Regulations covering obligations of Sponsors, Monitors and Clinical Investigators Declaration of Helsinki The Emergence Of ICH Guidelines ICH was evolved to negotiate common standards for the regulation of pharmaceutical products in Europe, Japan and U.S.A. According to its Mission Statement – ICH exists “to provide a forum for a constructive dialogue between the regulatory authorities and the pharma industry on the real and perceived differences in the technical requirements for product registration”. ICH -International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (Objectives) - Eliminate redundant & duplicative technical development. - Expedite global development. - Expedite availability of new medicines. - Maintaining safeguards on quality, safety & efficacy. ICH Some key areas of interest : Safety reporting/Adverse Events (definitions and timings) New standards/templates (e.g., protocol, investigator’s brochure) Essential documents Clinical Research An important Component Of The Regulatory System Has The Following Components -Candidate Drug -Trial Sponsor - CRO/Monitor - Investigators & Trial Centers - Trial Subjects : Healthy Volunteers & Patients - Biostatisticians The Investigator’s Obligations are spread over three phases. 1) Prior to Initiation of the trial 2) During The Trial 3) Post Trial Prior To The Trials - The investigator should be excited about the study for its scientific merit rather than other considerations. - Should ensure that confidentiality should be maintained. - Should have sufficient time allocated to involve in the trials - Should be familiar with the product and well acquainted all pre-clinical data & IND dossier. - Ensure that there are adequate resources available & allocated. - Should discuss the Protocol & details of trials with Sponsor/Monitor. - Finalize local clearances, IEC, IRB etc as per the ICH guidelines, Informed Consent Forms . During The Clinical Studies - Investigator should prepare a File containing all documents related to the Trial which should be kept in a secure area accessible to only him & his staff. - Patient identification codes & details should be preserved at least for 15 years and should be destroyed only with prior permission from the sponsor. - General medical Care should be provided to all subjects by the investigator or family physician. - Ensure strict adherence to randomization, unblinding etc as per the protocol. -- Safety & adverse reaction reports to be regularly obtained and action taken as per protocol to cause no or least damage to subjects. (ICH 4.11) -- Ensure proper completion/validation of the Case record Forms.. - Assess causality in terms of ‘not related, unlikely, possible, probable and most probable’, send reports and take corrective action. INVESTIGATOR SOPs Objectives Ensuring that the investigator understands the responsibilities and obligations of the study. Planning & conducting the study as per the approved protocols and complying with ICH/GCP guidelines. Ensuring that the safety & welfare of the subjects are always the prime concern. Proper and accurate collection , Documentation & analysis of Data from the trials. Cooperate in inspections, monitoring and auditing of the study by third parties. Investigators To Be Familiar With Documents Used By Ethics Committee. -GCP Guideline same -Investigator Brochure and safety Information. -Trial Protocol. -Consent Forms & Trial Information Sheets -Subject Recruitment Procedures. -Information on payment & remuneration to subjects. -Any Amendments To The Protocols Or SOPs.. -Any other document required by IEC/IRB. See ICH Guidelines 3.1.2. Nature Of Regulatory Inspections 1) Study related Inspections 2) Investigator Related Inspections - - Based on the pivotal nature of the study Sponsor’s Difficulties in getting some Reports. - Violation of trial protocol. - Work involved turns out to be outside competence of the investigator . - Results at variance with those of other investigators. Inspection Reporting Systems 1) No lapse. 2) Requires corrective action for remediable lapses. 3) Warning letter if corrective action not taken or delayed, with copies to sponsor &reviewing IRB. 4) Inviting for possible hearings. 5) Disqualification when the Investigator has deliberately violated the Agency’s regulatory standards or submitted false information. Clinical Trials Deficiencies* (1999) Apart From Deliberate Fraud, Clinical Trials fail due to following categories of deficiencies Protocols - 28% Records & Documentation - 20% Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting - 15% Informed Consent - 10% Drug Accounting - 10% *Data From U.S.FDA. FIDDES CASE- FRAUD AT ITS WORST From early 1990s Dr. Fiddes, President of a California based CRO had conducted over 200 Clinical Trials for 47 companies. Engaged in extensive fraudulent and falsified data, he was sentenced and jailed in Federal Prison for 15 months, a penalty of $ 800000 imposed in 1998 and was disqualified as a clinical investigator in 1999. Glaxo Paxil Case-Emergence Of Transparency In Clinical Trials In the lawsuit against GSK, New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer asserted that a novel fraud of suppression of information was committed in the promotion of Paxil for use as an anti-depressant. In August 2004, Glaxo started posting the full details of Clinical trials in their Website, creating a Clinical register and started inclusion of Safety & Efficacy data, off-label drug use issues etc in Medical Information Letters to Physicians... GSK also paid a fine of $ 2.5 million. Profile of Regulatory Agencies: More applicable to Developing Countries - Need to balance the interests of the consumers as well as the industry. - Under-staffed and over-burdened: working on shoestring budgets. - No independent database to arrive at timely and scientific judgements. -Vulnerable to pressures from politicians and consumer activists. --No control Investigators. on recruitment of Clinical Centers & - Dependency on ‘Experts’ who have little stake in the impact of their judgements on consumers or producers. Not equipped physically or technically to ensure compliance with GCP/ICH Guidelines Fundamentals of Clinical Trials The study population must be defined in advance, with clear rationale and eligibility criteria A control group must always be used against which the new intervention can be compared Randomization is the most reliable way to assign participants to the treatment groups Fundamentals of Clinical Trials A double blind design is the best way to avoid bias during collection of data If not possible, single blind and other methods should be utilized Calculation of sample size should be sufficient to provide adequate power and levels of statistical significance Fundamentals of Clinical Trials Relevant BASELINE data should be acquired before initiation of intervention All efforts should be made to collect accurate and consistent data Need plan for assessment, analysis and reporting of adverse effects (AEs) and serious adverse events (SAEs) Evidence Based Medicine: Levels of Evidence Class I 1. Randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trials 2. Meta-analyses of such RDBPC trials Class II • Observational trials (case-control studies or concurrent control studies) Class III • All other controlled trials (including well-defined natural history controls or patients serving as own controls) in a representative population, where outcome assessment is independent of patient treatment. Class IV: • Evidence from uncontrolled studies, case series, case reports, or expert opinion. Fundamentals of Clinical Trials FDA requires evidence of SAFETY and EFFICACY to consider approving medications for prescription use. The process by which medications come to market goes through: preclinical development dose finding then safety trials exploratory efficacy/safety trials larger scale trials to determine the size and consistency of clinical effects, and develop more safety data Drug Development Process Discovery (2 - 10 years) Pre-clinical Testing Laboratory and animal testing Phase 1- 20-80 healthy volunteers used to determine safety and dosage Phase 2 - 100-300 patient volunteers used to look for efficacy (POC) and side effects Phase 3 - 3,000-5,000 patient volunteers used to monitor adverse reactions to long-term use FDA Review/Approval Diagnostic Test Studies How well does a test identify people with the disease? exclude people without the disease? Compare test results on people with the disease with test results on people without the disease. Need to know who has the disease. Diagnostic Test Studies Two designs Prospective or cohort design, or crosssectional design: take a sample of subject eligible for the test, test them all and get true diagnosis on them all. Retrospective or case-control design: take a sample with true diagnosis established as positive and another sample of controls. We may have negative diagnosis established on controls and we may not. Who has the disease? True diagnosis. We can never be absolutely sure that the ‘true’ diagnosis is correct. We decide to accept one method as ‘true’: call this the gold standard or reference standard. Often more invasive than the test, e.g. histopathology compared to ultrasound image. It is always possible that the reference standard is wrong for some subjects. Statistics of diagnostic test studies Sensitivity Specificity Receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC curve) Likelihood ratio (LR) for positive test Likelihood ratio (LR) for negative test Odds ratio (OR) Positive predictive value (PPV) Negative predictive value (NPV) Statistics of diagnostic test studies Example: diabetic eye tests (cross- sectional) test = direct opthalmoscopy reference standard = slit lamp stereoscopic biomicroscopy Single sample of subjects all received reference standard test. Statistics of diagnostic test studies Sensitivity = proportion of reference positive cases who are positive on the test = proportion of true cases that the test finds. Specificity = proportion of reference negative cases who are negative on the test = proportion of true noncases that the test finds. Example: eye disease in diabetics 45 reference standard positive cases of whom 40 were positive on the test, 275 reference standard negative noncases of whom 237 were negative on the test. Sensitivity = 40/45 = 0.89 = 89%. Specificity = 237/275 = 0.86 = 86%. Statistics of diagnostic test studies Positive predictive value (PPV) = proportion of test positives who are reference positive. Negative predictive value (NPV) = proportion of test negatives who are reference negative. Example: eye disease in diabetics 78 test positives of whom 40 were positive on the reference standard, 242 test negatives of whom 237 were negative on the reference standard. PPV = 40/78 = 51%. NPV = 237/242 = 98%. . Types of medical studies. Classification of types of clinical research Lancet 2002; 359: 57-61 The evidence pyramid . . . . Observational Studies Cohort – Question answered: “what will happen?” – Prospective/forward – e.g. Framingham study of cardiovascular disease: started in 1948, 6000 citizens participated, followed for 20 years (study in 1970 by Gordon and Kannel) – Possible uses: Typical cohort study Outcome assessment (patient outcomes: economic, functional, satisfaction, QOL, ..) Cohort Studies Cohort Studies Advantages: – Design of choice for studying cause of a disease, course, risk factors Disadvantages: – Cannot be used to prove causation – Long studies can be costly – Vulnerable to patient attrition, migration . Observational Studies Case-Control – Retrospective – Question answered: “What happened?” – Matching needed for controls Case Control Studies Case-control Studies: research in reverse Example: association between smoking and lung cancer. People with lung cancer are enrolled to form the case group, and people without lung cancer are identified as controls. Researchers then look back in time to ascertain each person's exposure status (smoking history), (retrospective design). Investigators compare the frequency of smoking exposure in the case group with that in the control group, and calculate a measure of association. Case-Control Studies Advantages: – Quickest – Least expensive – Good for rare diseases and diseases that take long time – Good for investigation of a preliminary hypothesis – Time factor research Disadvantages: – Large biases – Difficult to find matching controls Both Cohort and Case-Control studies are called “Longitudinal Studies” Notion of time . Cross Sectional Studies Advantages: – Best for: Determining status quo of a disease Prevalence of disease Evaluation of diagnostic procedures – Relatively quick and inexpensive Disadvantages: – Provide only a snapshot in time . Observational Studies Case Series Case-Control Cohort Longitudinal Studies Cross Sectional Experimental Studies AKA Clinical Trials (Involve humans) Easier to identify (usually explicitly stated in the abstract) Two main categories of clinical trials: 1. 2. Controlled trials Uncontrolled trials . Experimental Studies Controlled Trials Trials with independent concurrent controls – Double or single blind – Best is randomized assignment – Same point in time – These include: RCT: – The epitome of all research designs – Provides the strongest evidence of concluding causation – Best insurance that results are due to the intervention Nonrandomized trials: – Assignment not randomized – Opened to biases Trials with self controls – Subject to bias (Hawthorne effect) – Can do crossover study (with washout period in between) Trials with external control – Uses the results of another investigator’s research as a comparison – Historical controls can also be used: for disease with no cures yet . Randomized Controlled Studies The Double Blind Method Experimental Studies Uncontrolled trials Investigator’s experience with the new drug or procedure is described but not formally compared with another one More likely to be used for interventions that are procedures rather than drug Clinical Trials Advantages: – RCT is the gold standard or reference Disadvantages: – Expensive – Long duration Experimental Studies Controlled trials Uncontrolled trials Independent concurrent controls Self controls RCT External controls Non-randomized Systematic Reviews &Metaanalyses . . Study Pyramid Best Worst EXPERIMENT 1 A researcher assembles two groups of study participants with Lyme Disease. She administers the antibiotic doxycycline to one group and amoxicillin to the other. The researcher then measures which has more of a beneficial effect. EXPERIMENT 2 A researcher identifies two groups of elderly immobilized patients in a nursing home. One group of patients is repositioned every two hours. The other group is repositioned every 1.5 hours. The researcher measures whether the incidence of bed sores is lower in the group repositioned every 1.5 hours than the group repositioned every 2 hours . EXPERIMENT 3 A researcher develops a counseling program designed to increase medication compliance in AIDS patients. The researcher delivers the program to one group of patients but not another, then studies whether the group that underwent the counseling program adhered to their medication better than the group that did not . What do all three experiments have in common? ? . In each case the researcher actively interfered with one group of study subjects and then compared the outcome with a similar group of subject that did not receive the same intervention. Experiments in which researchers interfere with their study subjects are known as clinical investigations. All examples above pertain to humans, but many clinical investigations are done using animal subjects, particularly for new or risky interventions EXPERIMENT 1 A researcher identifies a group of patients who were incorrectly diagnosed with Lyme Disease, then records whether the patients experienced adverse effects from the antibiotics they were prescribed for treatment of Lyme EXPERIMENT 2 A researcher identifies a group of elderly immobilized patients in a nursing home. The researcher follows the patients for 6 months and records the administration of any topical (skin) agent. At the end of the study period, the researcher conducts an analysis to determine whether certain topical regimens related to reduced incidence of bed sores EXPERIMENT 3 A researcher identifies a group of individuals with AIDS who have low medication compliance. The researcher administers a questionnaire to the patients to determine what factors relate to their poor compliance What do all three experiments have in common? ? . . In each case the researcher does not actively manipulate or intervene with patients; rather, the researcher merely observes the effect of one or more factors on an outcome. It is easy to see why observational studies received their moniker . Medical Writing The Basic Structure of Article TITLE (S)Summary (Structured Abstract) (I) Introduction (What Question was asked?) (M)Methods (How was it Studied?) (R)Results (What was Found?) (A)Analysis (How data was analysed?) (D)Discussion (What Do the Findings Mean?) Acknowledgements References Title Should be specific but comprehensive Short but sufficiently descriptive No abbreviations Should be easy to catalogue Structured abstract • • • • • • • Objective Design Setting Patients and methods Results Conclusions Key words Abstract most important part of your paper Introduction/background: what was the purpose (10%) Material and methods: what was the study design, techniques, and statistical methods (30-35%) Results: what are the most important findings (35-45%) Conclusions: why are the results important (20-25%) Cornett, 2001 Goals of abstract maximum info into minimum space Structured Use headings to identify Follows IMRAD format Typical in North American journals 250 words Unstructured Arranged in 1 paragraph Follows IMRAD format Typical in European journals 125-150 words 6 steps for writing your abstract 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Identify guidelines, meeting or journal Highlight key features Insert sentences into abstract format Write, revise, and condense Edit sentences and words Check final Introduction Existing state of knowledge Gaps in knowledge which research will fill. State what you Intend to do Give pertinent references It does not Review the history of the subject Does not identify all the other gaps in knowledge Don not include methods, results and discussion Introduction begin to tell a story Part 1 2 3 Begin with what is known State what is unknown End with what your study will answer Methods What Subjects/patients/animals/specimens techniques were used? Reason for selecting the experimental design of the study Statistical methods used for analysis The section should be called "Materiel and Methods" only if inanimate specimens have been used. Material and Methods reads like a cookbook Write this section first! How was the problem studied Usually arranged chronologically Subdivided into subsections according to type of information – Material: chemicals, experimental materials, animals or humans – Methods: preparation, protocol, purposes of protocol and methods, methods, data analysis Techniques Give enough details for readers to assess the validity of the results, and repeat the study If standard techniques is used, give appropriate reference,any modifications should be clearly explained If drug trial- clear description of trial Statistics Clearly mention the statistical methods used for appropriate verification of reported results. (consult a statistician before starting the study) Example Material & Methods Clinical Patient population Protocol (independent, dependent, control) Methods for each Analysis of data Anatomical Materials Sample preparation for each Procedures for the dependent variables Analysis of data Results Communication of facts, measurements, and observations gathered by the author Start with the results that are easier to interpret Results should be set out in tables and figures Do not duplicate illustrations Results what were the findings Functions: state results of experiments and present data that supports results Content: results and data Consistency: check this in results, discussion, and abstract Organization: chronological or from most to least important Results uses the same order as Methods Material & Methods Study subjects Study protocol Calculations Statistical analysis Results Clinical characteristics Systemic effects Specific effects Adverse effects Results see the forest through the trees Be brief and uncluttered Mention species and material again Use past tense Give specific comparisons Present detailed data in figures and tables to keep written data to a minimum Express results, give data Provide appropriate statistical details Begin each paragraph with a result Visual data Type of visual Flow charts (algorithms) Tables Line graphs Bar graphs Pie charts Diagrammatic illustrations What it summarizes Protocols Complex data Response to treat. Complex data to compare categories Percentage of the whole Simplify or enhance figures Discussion what do your findings mean Answers the question posed in Introduction Explain the significance of your results Explain the findings, relationships, and generalizations of your results Explains how results support answers and how answers fit with existing knowledge on the topic Has a beginning, middle, and end Discussion What gaps in knowledge remain to be filled? Main results should be summarised at the beginning of discussion Only mention previous results or comments which illuminate or which are illuminated by the present results. Discussion • Final paragraph in which the message of the article is firmly stated. • Point out where further gaps in knowledge could usefully be filled instead of "further research is needed". • Intention of author to explore the "Gaps" further. Discussion Part 1, beginning The question posed in Introduction… “… to test whether abnormal vasospasm before angioplasty increases the likelihood of restenosis.” Is answered in your Discussion… “…the presence of abnormal vasospasm before angioplasty was associated with an increased likelihood…” Part 1, Beginning present strongest evidence first Begin with significance of your results – Never begin with background information – Never repeat information from Introduction – Never begin with historical overviews This is what everyone is waiting for! Part 2, Middle interpret your results –Show how your results fit into the literature and how they support your answer –Give in descending order of importance –Compare your results with other studies, your work or others –Use one idea per paragraph Part 3, Ending be strong Restate answer to question, and signal this ending Mention possible applications, implications, or speculations Pull out as a separate Conclusions section Suggest future work if needed References 1. Standard journal article Vega K., Pina I., Krevisky B. Heart transplantation is associated with an increased risk for pancreaticobiliary disease. Ann Intern Med 1996 Jun 1: 124(11): 980-3 2.Books and other monographs Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Bremier BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995. P.465-78. References 3. Disertation Kaplan SJ. Post-hospital home health care: the elderly's access and untilizaiion (dissertation]. St. Louis (MO): Washington Univ: 1995. 4. Unpublished material Leshner AL. Molecular mechanisms of cocaine. N Engl J Med. In press 1996. 5. Electronic material Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious disease. Emerg Inftect Dis [serial online] 1995 Jan-Mar (cited 1996 Jun 5]; 1(1): [24 screens]. Available from URL: http:/