Suggested changes & additions to proposals in the OWG's Outcome

Suggested changes and additions to proposals in the OWG’s Outcome Document
(Sat 19 July 1:20 pm) on SDGs
The below is prepared by: Soeren Lindholt, Denmark1
Version: 23Aug2014
The below suggestions are mostly from the Advocating Document titled:2
3.: Change to:
The overarching objective is poverty eradication and realization of the values of well-being for all, a healthy,
diverse and beautiful environment for present and future generations and thriving farm animals. This is
necessary for attaining harmony on Earth among people and between people, nature and farm animals.
Shifting away from unsustainable and achieving sustainable consumptions and productions as well as
protecting and managing responsibly the natural resource base of economic and social development are key
objectives of and essential requirements for sustainable development. And good governance, materializing
human rights, gender equality and participation and empowerment of civil society - as well as redirection of
sufficient resources3 for poverty eradication and for sustainability transformation of sectors4 - are needed for
fulfilling the objectives.
Guiding principle: Place ethics and solidarity at the center of global, regional & state governances for
safeguarding equity, integrity, accountability, respect, peace and non-violence etc.5
All relevant UN conventions and declarations not yet included e.g. the “International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights”6
2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
2.1: Change to:
End hunger before 20XX, and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable
situations including infants, to safe, sufficient, affordable and adequately nutritious food all year round
before 20YY7
2.3: Add new target:
By 20XX, utilize X% of the sustainable crop yield gaps in underperforming areas - as required for food and
nutrition security and supply of other important agricultural products for all people8
Soeren Lindholt’s working experiences include environmental issues, renewable energy and construction projects in humanitarian contexts.
He has worked on reconstruction projects in Haiti, Macedonia & Liberia. Furthermore, he has worked at the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable
Energy in Denmark and carried out consultancy works for the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen and for Greenpeace
International’s lobby unit in Brussels. His educational background includes a BSc in Engineering, civil engineering, & a MSc in Engineering,
environmental technology, and he is a Danish Citizen. His email address:
2 Title: Can the Increasing World Population with Extreme Inequality Live in Harmony with Nature and Farm Animals?
Rethinking global priorities in a holistic, equitable & enabling perspective - Contributions to awareness raising & to defining
& achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) including the UN SDG targets; author: Soeren Lindholt, Denmark
3 Resources include: human, technologic, productive, natural & economic resources
4 Sectors include: agriculture, fisheries, forestry, energy supply & efficiency, transport, resource extraction, manufacturing, infrastructures,
nature conservation & tourism
5 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.1 in Advocating Doc.
UN, 1966/1976, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI): (checked by SL 21Jan/15Mar2014)
7 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 1.4 in Advocating Doc.
Ensure decent treatments of all farm animals based on the “5 freedoms”9 before 20XX in high-, 20YY in
middle- and 20ZZ in low-income countries 10 11 - while ensuring food and nutrition security for all people and
environmental protection
(For enabling conditions see:12) 13
Before 20XX, prevent growing of crops primarily for bio-energy on lands required for sustainable food
(For justification see:14) (For alternatives to bio-energy crops see:15) 16
In intensive farming, reduce intensity of use of synthetic fertilizers by X% and of synthetic chemicals for pest
and weeds control by Y% by 2030 - while ensuring food and nutrition security for all people17
(For enabling conditions see:18)
By 2030, reduce extraction of nitrogen from the atmosphere by X%, reduce phosphorus runoff to lakes and
rivers by Y% and reduce phosphorous flow to oceans by Z% 19 20
Safeguard crop and livestock breeding for suitability for local soil and climate conditions, resiliency incl.
against climate change, resource efficiency, eco-system protection (soil, water & biodiversity) and farm
animal welfare21, of X% of potential by 20XX22
Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 2.3 in Advocating Doc.
The 5 freedoms include: 1) freedom from hunger, thirst & malnutrition; 2) freedom from fear & distress; 3) freedom from physical & thermal
discomfort; 4) freedom from pain, injury & disease; & 5) freedom to express normal patterns of behaviour, source:
OIE, 2013, World Organization for Animal Health, Terrestrial Animal Health Code, Chapter 7.1, Introduction to the recommendations for
animal welfare, art. 7.1.2., 2.: (checked by SL 24Dec2013)
10 This is proposed to include gradually adequate outdoor, free-range spaces for all farm animals enabling them to express their full repertoire
of non-harmful, natural behaviours.
11 Adequate minimum standards for farm animal welfare could be defined by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
12 This target is considered achievable through a range of enabling conditions related to land uses including: 1) Minimization of losses & waste
of agricultural products; 2) Reduction of high intakes of animal-based food; 3) Reduction of over-consumption of agricultural products; 4)
Prevention of growing of crops primarily for bio-energy on lands required for sustainable food productions; 5) Utilization of sustainable crop
yield gaps in underperforming areas; 6) Sustainable expansions of crop land into grassland, if required; 7) Crop & livestock breeding for
suitability including to local conditions; & 8) Rapid reductions of pregnancies to sustainable levels (checked by SL 04Jul2014)
13 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-targets 3.1 & 3.2 in Advocating Doc.
14 Justification: Priority should be given to: 1) Ensuring food & nutrition security & essential non-food & non-energy agricultural products (incl.
cotton) for all; 2) Prevention of increases of food prices due to energy cropping affecting poor people; 3) Safeguarding sufficient land, water &
fertilizer for sustainable agriculture; & 4) Ensuring adequate land areas for free-range keeping of all farm animals (checked by SL 04Jul2014)
15 Alternatives to bio-energy crops in energy systems based on energy efficiency, 100% renewable energy supply mix & measures that balance
intelligently demand, production & storage of energy:
a) Replacing bio-energy crops & other bio-energy through an accelerated deployment of zero-carbon energy sources (solar, wind, hydro,
geothermal & ocean energy) where it is possible & appropriate e.g. by electrification of cars & public transport systems;
b) Where there is no appropriate alternative to bio-energy (& fossil fuel), applying - with the support of advanced technologies - other
biomasses for bio-energy including: plant residues (while ensuring residues needed for livestock & soil fertility), biomasses from marginal land
& forestry (while ensuring livelihoods, biodiversity protection, forage for & free-range keeping of livestock, & required carbon storage),
unavoidable waste (while ensuring forage for livestock & soil fertility), grass from grasslands if not required for appropriate forage for
ruminants & free-range keeping of livestock, & algae if found appropriate. (checked by SL 04Jul2014)
16 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 2.3 in Advocating Doc.
17 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 2.3 in Advocating Doc.
18 This target is considered achievable through a range of enabling conditions related to land uses including: 1) Optimization of recycling of soil
nutrients; 2) Optimization of ecological pest & weeds control; 3) Minimization of losses & waste of agricultural products; 4) Reduction of high
intakes of animal-based food; 5) Reduction of over-consumption of agricultural products; 6) Prevention of growing of crops primarily for bioenergy on lands required for sustainable food productions; 7) Utilization of sustainable crop yield gaps in underperforming areas; 8)
Sustainable expansions of crop land into grassland, if required; 9) Crop & livestock breeding for suitability including to local conditions; & 10)
Rapid reductions of pregnancies to sustainable levels (checked by SL 04Jul2014)
19 Refer to:
Griggs, D. et al, 2013, Sustainable development goals for people and planet, Nature, Vol 495, p. 307 (checked by SL 24Jul2014); And:
Rockström, J., et al, 2009, Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity, Ecology and Society 14(2): 32; 12th page,
right side, last parag. & 8th page, Table 1 (checked by SL 28Sep2013/24Jul2014)
20 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 2.3 in Advocating Doc.
21 Including in outdoor free-range environments
22 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 2.3 in Advocating Doc.
4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all
4.4: Change to:
Ensure that of all young and adult women and men minimum X% complete a quality vocational/technical
education and Y% complete a quality university education in 2030 - with relevant knowledge and skills,
including in entrepreneurship, as required for sustainable development23
(Possible to add: Z% complete a quality advanced technical education)
4.7: Change to:
Before 20XX, ensure all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed for sustainable development (SD),
include in education and training programs:
Ethics; Human rights and rule of laws; Gender equality; Participation of civil society; Culture of peace and
non-violence; Values of a healthy, diverse and beautiful environment; Sustainable consumptions and
productions; Decoupling of well-being from consumerism; Healthy lifestyles; Global citizenship; Appreciation
of cultural diversity; Cultures’ contribution to SD incl. indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge;
Comprehensive sexuality education and sustainable numbers of pregnancies; Decent treatments of farm
animals/farm animal welfare; ICT skills; Etc.24
4.c: Change to two targets:
Before 20XX, ensure sufficient, qualified and motivated teachers as required for sustainable development,
including through adequate international cooperation25
Before 2017, promote that universities and technical and vocational schools in developed countries offer
“teaching of teachers” and “teaching of teacher candidates (students)” programs in developing countries,
especially in LDCs and SIDS, on a respectful, coordinated, systematic, comprehensive and transitional basis26
5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
5.6 (3.7): Add a separate target on family planning:
Before 2018, ensure for all27 free and adequate information, communication, education and counseling on
family planning methods and ensure for all access to free, safe, effective and culturally acceptable modern
contraceptives28 29
Based on human rights and responsibilities, promote by appropriate and adequate actions rapid reductions
of numbers of pregnancies to socially and environmentally sustainable levels before 202030 31
Based on human rights and responsibilities, promote by appropriate and adequate actions rapid reductions
of the numbers of adolescent pregnancies to below 20 pregnancies per 1,000 girls/women aged 15 to 19
before 202032
Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 1.1 & 1.2 in Advocating Doc. (partly)
Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 1.1 in Advocating Doc.
25 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 1.2 in Advocating Doc.
26 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 1.2 in Advocating Doc.
27 For all in all relevant population groups including girls in & out of school & regardless of marital & pregnancy status
28 This should include removal of any barriers & be monitored, evaluated & youth friendly
29 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 4.3 in Advocating Doc.
30 In all countries where levels of pregnancies would be socially or environmentally unsustainable
31 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 4.2 in Advocating Doc.
32 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 4.2 in Advocating Doc.
8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent
work for all
Rewording of goal to:
Ensure equitable, inclusive and sustainable economic and social developments well within planetary
boundaries33 and ensure decent work for all
8.4 (9.4): Change to two targets:
Before 2030, ensure progressively absolute decoupling of environmental degradation from GDP by X% in
developed countries and Y% in developing countries - as required for sustainable development34
Before 2030, ensure progressively absolute decoupling of resource use from GDP by X% in developed
countries and ensure relative decoupling of resource use from GDP by Y% in developing countries - as
required for sustainable development35
8.5: Add bolded text:
By 2030 achieve full and productive employment and decent work - with living wages or benefits required
to live with dignity - for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and
equal pay for work of equal value36
10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
10.1: Add new target:
Within countries, progressively apply mechanisms including progressive taxations that reduce the ratio between the average income of the bottom 10% and the average income of the top 10% of the population to maximum X (after taxations), by 203037
Between countries:
Ensure mechanisms that reduce the ratio - between the average income in low-income countries and the
average income in high-income countries - to maximum X (after taxations), by 203038
12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
12.3: Change to:
By 2030, reduce food losses and waste by at least 50% per capita at each stage of the food supply chain,
including production, post-harvest handling and storage, processing and packaging, distribution39 and
consumption40 41
Planetary boundaries: “A framework designed to define a safe operating space for humanity for the international community, including
governments at all levels, international organizations, civil society, the scientific community and the private sector, as a precondition for
sustainable development.” Source: UNEP, 2012, Global Environment Outlook, GEO5, Glossary, p. 515 (checked by SL 29Jul2014)
34 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 2.2 in Advocating Doc.
35 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 2.2 in Advocating Doc.
36 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 1.8 in Advocating Doc.
37 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 4.1 in Advocating Doc.
38 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 4.1 in Advocating Doc.
39 At supermarkets, retailers etc.
40 At households, public institutions, workplaces etc.
41 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-targets 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 & 2.8 in Advocating Doc.
12.4 (3.9) (6.3): Change to:
By 2020 achieve sound management of all chemicals and hazardous materials throughout their lifecycles, of
all activities involving pollutants42 43 and of all wastes, and by 20XX reduce by X% hazardous chemicals and
materials used, by Y% pollutants released to air, water and soil and by Z% hazardous wastes44 generated and
prevent any significant adverse effect on human health and the environment from any material, any
chemical, pollutant and waste substance and any other substance45 46
12.6: Change to:
Promote that private sector actors incorporate sustainable development principles in their business
practices before 20XX, and for large extraction, production, service and financial companies47 make social
and environmental responsibility and sustainability reporting48 compulsory and publicly by 20YY in
developed and by 20ZZ in developing countries49
Make social and environmental responsibility and sustainability labelling compulsory for the product groups
and services X, Y, Z etc.50 by 20XX in developed and by 20YY in developing countries51 52
Promote reduction of high intakes of animal-based food and promote reduction by X% in high-income
countries by 203053
16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and
build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
16.3: Change to:
Before 20XX, ensure the rule of law at the global, regional, national and local levels and ensure equal and
affordable access for all to competent, effective, well-resourced, independent, impartial, transparent and
accountable justice systems including free access for vulnerable persons54
16.4: Change to:
By 2030 reduce tax evasions by X% and illicit financial flows by Y%, recover Z% of economic crime losses,
combat all forms of organized crime, and before 20XX close existing and prevent new tax havens55 56
16.4: Add new target:
Before 20XX, prevent irresponsible flows of arms and other conflict related commodities including drugs and
high value natural resources (diamonds, gold, tropical timber etc.)57
Pollutant: “Any substance that causes harm to the environment when it mixes with soil, water or air.” Source:
UNEP, 2012, Global Environment Outlook, GEO5, Glossary, p. 515 (checked by SL 29Jul2014)
43 GHG emissions & flows of nitrogen & phosphorous to be addressed separately
44 Hazardous waste: “A used or discarded material that can damage human health and the environment. Hazardous wastes may include heavy
metals, toxic chemicals, medical wastes or radioactive material.” Source:
UNEP, 2012, Global Environment Outlook, Glossary, p. 512 (checked by SL 29Jul2014)
45 While fulfilling commitments in agreed international frameworks
46 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 2.8 in Advocating Doc.
47 Companies with turnover of more than USD X/year
48 Including compulsory social indicators of X, Y, Z etc. & environmental indicators of Q, R, S etc. demonstrating demanded progresses as
required for sustainable development in a holistic perspective
49 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 2.8 in Advocating Doc.
50 Including farm animal products
51 Including social information of X, Y, Z etc. & environmental information of Q, R, S etc. related to the entire lifecycles of the products &
52 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 2.8 in Advocating Doc.
53 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 2.2 in Advocating Doc.
54 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.1 in Advocating Doc.
55 Supported by combating corruption, tax evasion & illicit financial flows, by global minimum rate on corporation tax & by applying
progressive taxations in all countries
56 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.2 in Advocating Doc.
57 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.1 in Advocating Doc.
16.5: Change to:
By 2030 reduce corruption and bribery in all its forms by X%58
16.6: Change to:
Before 20XX, ensure competent, effective, accountable and transparent public and intergovernmental
institutions in all sectors and at all levels59
16.10: Add new target:
Ensure adequate publication of all extractions of non-renewable resources, all related concession contracts
and known remaining quantities of non-renewables, before 201860
By 20XX, all nations have signed and ratified all UN human rights conventions and declarations and all
associated documents and eliminated all reservations that are against human rights61
17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
17 Finance: Add over-arching target:
Redirect resources62 so that of global GDP additional X% is spent on poverty eradication and additional Y% is
spent on sustainability transformations of sectors63 as average during 2015-3064
17 Finance: Add new target:
Before 20XX, start implementing global minimum rates on: a) Financial transaction tax of X%; b) Corporation
tax of Y%; c) Extraction taxes on fossil fuels and mining products of Z1-Z2%; d) Aviation tax of Q%, and e)
Marine freight tax of R%65
17 Finance: Add new target:
Reallocate for sustainable development all fossil fuel subsidies and all other environmentally unsustainable
subsidies before 20XX in high-, 20YY in middle- and 20ZZ in low-income countries, while taking care of the
needs of the poor66 67 (12.c is about fossil fuel subsidies & 14.6 is about fisheries subsidies)
17 Finance: Add new target:
Reallocate for sustainable development X% of military funds before 20XX and from this year increasing
gradually to Y% by 203068
17.1 Finance: Add new target:
Apply progressive taxations on earnings, gifts and inheritances, shift taxation from low-income labor to nonessential materials/products69 70, and tax unsustainable productions, services and goods, unhealthy
products71, non-essential manufactures and in rich societies also utilities, before 20XX72
Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.2 in Advocating Doc.
Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.1 in Advocating Doc.
60 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 2.8 in Advocating Doc.
61 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.1 in Advocating Doc.
62 Resources include: human, technologic, productive, natural & economic resources
63 Sectors include: agriculture, fisheries, forestry, energy supply & efficiency, transport, resource extraction, manufacturing, infrastructures,
nature conservation & tourism
64 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.8 in Advocating Doc.
65 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.3 in Advocating Doc.
66 Subsidies include those assumed given to unsustainable agriculture, fisheries, forestry etc.
67 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.6 in Advocating Doc.
68 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.6 in Advocating Doc.
69 Especially non-essential materials/products
70 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.4 in Advocating Doc.
71 Including tobacco & alcohol
72 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.5 in Advocating Doc.
17.1 Finance: Add new target:
Promote that X% of total assets in private funds73 are used for loans for investments in sustainability
transformations of sectors74, by 203075
17 Finance: Add new target:
Provide subsidies for sustainability transformations of sectors76 and undertake public investments - as
required for sustainable development - commencing before 20XX77
17.2 Finance: Add new target:
By 20XX, donor and recipient countries ensure transparency, accountability and effectiveness in ODA which
includes that recipient countries document that ODA is not going to corruption, not used for military
expenses, not used for disproportional increase in administration costs including remuneration for politicians
and civil servants and not causing self-help passivity in recipient countries78
Funds include: pension funds, insurance funds, mutual funds, sovereign wealth funds & other relevant funds
Sectors include: agriculture, fisheries, forestry, energy supply & efficiency, transport, resource extraction, manufacturing, infrastructures,
nature conservation & tourism
75 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.7 in Advocating Doc.
76 Sectors include: agriculture, fisheries, forestry, energy supply & efficiency, transport, resource extraction, manufacturing, infrastructures,
nature conservation & tourism
77 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.8 in Advocating Doc.
78 Input to Sub-targets under Sector-target 5.10 in Advocating Doc.