TEACHING PLAN / EKT440 TELECOMMUNICATION AND SWITCHING NETWORK This course is about signaling in telecommunication and data networks. Its main objective is to provide to the students solid understanding of the main characteristics of several important signaling and switching systems. In addition, it also provides the essentials of traffic engineering in telephone networks and exposes the students to the basic principles of telephone and data networks. StudyWeek Course Content 1-3 Examination; 1. Evolution of Telecommunication Switching and Circuits: Evolution of public switched Telecommunication Network Assignment; (PSTN); Brief description of Strowger and cross bar exchanges; The Need of Networks; Subscriber Loop System, Quiz; Test Transmission Plan and Numbering Plan; Layered Communication Architecture; Signaling Techniques. 3-5 Examination; 2. Electronic Switching: Circuit switching, Message switching, Centralized stored Assignment; program switching, Spare switching, Combination switching – Digital switching hardware configuration, switching system Quiz; Test software organization, switching system call processing software, Hardware software integration. 6-8 Examination; 3. Telecommunication Signaling and Traffic: Channel associated signaling, common channel signaling SS7 Assignment; signaling protocol. Concepts of telecommunication traffic, grade of service. Modeling switching systems - blocking Quiz; Test models and delay systems. 9-11 Examination; 4. Integrated digital networks: Subscribers loop characteristics, local access wire-line and Assignment; wireless PCM/TDM carrier standards, transmission line codes, digital multiplexing techniques, synchronous and Quiz; Test asynchronous multiplexing techniques, SONET/SDH, integrated digital network (IDN) environment, principles of integrated services digital network (ISDN) 12-14 Examination; 5. Data Networks: Data transmission in PSTN – connection oriented and Assignment; connection less protocols. Packet switching. ISO-OSI architecture - LAN - WAN standards. TCP / IP internet Quiz; Test protocols. Principles of ATM networks. 15 16-18 TEXT BOOK 1. Vishwanathan T. “ Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks”. Prentice Hall of India Ltd.1994. 2. Behrouz Forouzan, “Introduction to Data Communication and Networking”, McGraw Hill 1998. 3. Syed R. Ali, “Digital Switching Systems”, McGraw Hill Inc. New York 1998. Roger L. Freeman, “Telecommunication Systems Engineering”, McGraw Hill Inc. New York 1998.