Global Warming Energy Challenges RecycleWorks Brown Bag Lecture Series County of San Mateo January 31, 2006 Overview • Greenhouse effect – Historic carbon emissions / CO2 rise – Forcing models / temperature predictions • Effect of a warming earth (1 degree F) • Peak oil / Hubbert’s peak – Future and current energy challenges • Energy equity – and the road ahead Solar Energy and earth’s Heat Global Warming - the 20th Century 250 yrs of Carbon Emissions It took 125 years to burn the first trillion barrels of oil – we’ll burn the next trillion in less than 30 years – why should you care? Rising CO2 over 50 Years Carbon Emissions and CO2 Year C burned 1900 12307 1910 19174 1920 28050 1930 37914 1940 48566 1950 62324 1960 83453 1970 115935 1980 164083 1990 219365 2000 283373 ppm CO2 295 300 305 310 310 315 320 325 340 350 370 • Carbon burned => CO2 • Linear from 1850 to 2000 - ppm CO2 =2.55 e10-4 *M tons C + 297 ppm (r2*100=99%) • ~ 50% of carbon goes into atmospheric CO2 – 33% into the oceans • Trend is constant over 150 years – is this how the biosphere will react over the next 150 years? A near perfect correlation that predicts ppm CO2 from total carbon burned Projected Energy Demand GHG Emissions by Source Future CO2 – the Next 30 Yrs Year 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Emissions 283,373 318,465 357,209 399,986 447,216 499,360 556,932 CO2 369 378 388 399 411 424 439 Based on 2% annual growth in carbon emissions 2000 - 2030 Global Climate Models (GCM) • Ab Initio modeling – From first principles • Modeling land and sea temps from 1900 - 2000 • Complexity and data – Climate is a dynamic system – ‘complex’ math • GISS study – 10 year study over oceans – Sea temps ~7,500 ft depth – Satellite data for forcing Forcing Calculations Some math is required…. 1) Forcing (Watts) = atmospheric forcing factor multiplied by: ln (ppm gas conc. current / ppm gas conc. historic) 2) ATM forcing factor for CO2 calculated (est.) to be 5.85 watts 3) For 2005, calculation = 5.85 W * ln (380 ppm / 280 ppm) = ~1.8W 4) For CO2, climate sensitivity = 2/3 degree C per 1 watt of forcing 5) 25 to 50 years for the climate to respond to 60% of this forcing You can model this in Excel and predict temperatures from ppm [CO2] Earth Out of Balance Forcing, Predicted Temperature, and Climate Lag, 2000 - 2100 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Forcing Felt Owed 2000 0F 2025 2050 2075 2100 - Model built assuming ~60% of forcing is felt in ~25 years The Carbon Cycle • Why atmospheric CO2 is the last thing on earth humans should have interfered with! • We are releasing CO2 at one million times the rate that earth initially sequestered it at • We inserted ourselves in the carbon cycle • And are affecting the ‘thermostat of life’ – Earth uses CO2 to help maintain an optimum temperature for the biosphere, for > 650K years The Thermostat of Life • Vostok ice core data show regular and repeating cycles of temps and CO2 over last ~500,000 years • Oscillate between 180 and 280 ppm CO2 and 100 C • Hypothesis that earth regulates the temperature of the planet through CO2 / greenhouse effect – Biosphere maintains a precise level of CO2 for life • But the biosphere isn’t really absorbing our CO2 – Y intercept of cum. carbon burn / CO2 is 297 ppm • Vostok CO2 and Temperature • The relationship between CO2 and temperature is nearly perfect (r2*100 = 99) • However, the casual relationship is the basis for significant (expert) controversy • Why does this occur? The Vostok Equilibrium • Vostok ‘equilibrium’ • 100K year cycles – earth’s orbital eccentricity • Sun heats up the planet – Biosphere expands • CO2 maintains temp – Otherwise earth would be very cold ~ 0 degrees F – CO2 has not exceeded 280 ppm in the last 500K years and 4 major cycles Crux of the Vostok Data Temperature leads biomass CO2, then CO2 maintains temperature Just One Degree F • These examples will show the affect of warming the earth at just one degree F – And for less than 50 years! – Warming has accelerated in last ~20 years • The affect of temperature is cumulative – Earth takes decades to centuries to react • And we still owe an additional degree F! Long Term Warming Effects Not just increased temperature, but added heat, for a long, long, time! Consequences of Warming • Thinning of polar ice caps – Thawing permafrost / release of methane • Slowing of the thermohaline cycle • Rising sea level, perhaps quickly • Extreme weather events – Extended regions of drought – Extremes of temperature / duration – Extremes of storms and hurricanes All these are consequences of only one degree F for <50 years! Storms on the Move Katrina moving across Florida in late August 2005 finds warm water in the Gulf of Mexico And grows from a category 1 to a category 5 hurricane in less than 2 days! The Melting North Pole The North Pole is thinning in area ~10% per decade, and thinning in thickness ~1 meter per decade. At these rates, it may be an open sea as early as 2030 – 2050. Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Thermohaline Cycle NASA schematic view of ocean circulation. The light colored path shows the general movement of the surface waters and the dark colored path shows the movement of water at depth. The numbers show the position of: 1. The Gulf Stream which transports heat from the tropics to northern Europe. 2. North Atlantic Deep Water formation which results from strong cooling. 3. Antarctic Bottom Water formation due to sea ice production around Antarctica. Antarctica Cracking Calving Ice Shelf Process Antarctic holds >80% of earth’s fresh water Like the Arctic, it moderates the climate • Calving at the edge of the ice shelf • Shelves hold the main ice flows back • As they break, ice flows into the sea • Melt water fills the ice crevice • Water sinks, crevices expand • Fissuring the shelf into pieces The Larsen B Ice Shelf was the size of Rhode Island! Greenland Melting Retreating Glaciers Sea Level Expansion • Sea expands from water molecule changing 0.0002 in volume for each 0C • Over 5,000 to 7,500 meters, it adds up • Thermal expansion is 1 – 2 cm / 10 yrs. • But is accelerating to 2.5 cm / decade • For every 1 0C, sea expands ~1 meter in height - sea cannot expand ‘down or out’ Sea Level Rise Peak Oil – ‘After the Crash’ Projected Energy Demand World Oil Production History Oil Discovery (3 year average past and projected) 1930-2050 Oil Production – Reserves Data from ‘The Inevitable Peaking of World Oil Production’, Hirsch, 2005 Energy Equity • Burning oil is burning money! • Build an energy infrastructure with equity • Solar energy is primary, not alternative! – $25 billion economy for ‘million solar roofs’ – Every MW of solar energy creates 24 jobs in manufacturing, and 8 for local installers • Built in America, by Americans, for America, what could be more economic? 10 Key Energy Challenges • • • • • Fuel cells Hydrogen Solar energy Batteries Motors • • • • • New power grid Low power lighting Insulation materials Safer nuclear power CO2 sequestration Establishing Technical Leadership in a New Energy Economy An Apollo style program on a Manhattan Project Timeline Building a Solar Economy • Solar power is a primary, not alternative energy • 25% of electricity could be generated by solar in 2025 • Solar brings true energy independence from carbon • It requires a commitment, not just an investment of $s • Research in newer thin film technology shows promise Our Solar Power Future – The US Photovoltaics Industry Roadmap Through 2030 and beyond – published in 2005 One Million Solar Roofs – ‘California, the Solar State’ Cars - a Growing Global Problem A New Auto Economy? • New types of cars – Electric cars – Hydrogen cars – Hydrogen hybrids • Transportation is a key area of growing CO2 – And one area where we can individually make key changes in the CO2 that we each produce A Real Hybrid Vehicle Gas Electric Synergy Drive™ - ‘plug-in hybrids’ coming soon Flexible Fuel Electric Plug-in Hybrids • 1 KWhr will power this ‘hybrid’ car about 4 miles • Burning natural gas for electricity, will generate about 1 lb. of CO2 • Compare to 2 pounds of CO2 at 40 mpg (petrol) • Recharge car at night, when power rates are low. • Put ‘power on the grid’ during the day with solar. A New Electron Economy • $1 - 2 trillion for solar energy • $1 trillion in a new power grid • $2.5 trillion in fuel saving cars – $1 trillion in new electric motor and battery technology for cars and other appliances • Energy needs to join the digital age – Networked and distributed power sources Solar power is an ‘edge of network’ asset in a distributed power system Move Differently • SolarSegway™ • Range ~8 - 12 miles • Battery packs can be charged locally (~5 hrs) • Emission free vehicle – Solar panels ‘extra’ • Projected cost of $2,500 in quantity Zero Emission Economy • Global population pressure creates a big problem in controlling carbon emissions • 8 billion people * 1.25 tons carbon / person – 10 G tons of carbon burned per year – 50% more than the 6.6 G tons of carbon today • The only solution is zero-emission power – Nuclear and solar are the long-term options, and significant growth in wind generated power Wind Power – Real Power Wind Power Statistics • Germany has over 14,000 MW installed • North Dakota has only 70 MW installed – And the same amount of wind as Germany • Midwest has excellent wind resources • Europe has made this commitment • USA is poised to make similar choices – GE and Clipper Wind are two key producers The Complexity of the Problem • • • • • Several variables Population growth Income rise and development Energy mix (fuel type) Manufacturing vs. service economies – China has different challenges than the US • Energy driven activities – Production, consumption, transportation Global Carbon Profiles USA 6.0 Canada 4.0 Developing World Mexico 1.0 Germany 2.2 England 2.5 France 2.0 North America Europe China 0.6 Africa & India 0.3 Tons of carbon per person in year 2000 => average = 1.1 The Population Problem 8 billion people @ 1.25 tons each = 10 G tons of carbon / year That is 50% more carbon emissions than today! Sense of Urgency, call to Action • We are at the end of the oil age – Need ‘energy equity’ in place soon • Solar and wind energy are obvious – Deployable now and in quantity • Need to look at safer nuclear energy – To replace coal and gas, augment solar – Create hydrogen for transportation ‘fuel’ • Time to market is less than 25 years! From Information to Choices We can do this, but the clock is running! Where Do We Want to Be? • Deciding where we want to be • Then planning how to get there • Choosing our leaders based on energy policy – California is a leader • Bottom up leadership – tipping points • 2006 is the year for you to be a leader! Each one of us must be a leader in this technology revolution! Disaster or Catastrophe? Published in : IPCC Third Assessment Report - Synthesis Report Figure number : 9.3 What You Can Do • • • • • Drive less, drive smart Invest in solar energy Conserve on energy use We need to cut CO2 emissions by 80% Be deeply aware of the problem – This is the most significant problem facing the planet over the next 50 to 100 years – What we do in the next 25 years is critical! Summary • • • • • Greenhouse effect – carbon cycle Forcing models – temperature lag Effect of warming just one degree Peak oil – declining energy production Energy Equity – and the road ahead – Our single biggest challenge – Our single biggest opportunity References • • • • • • • • • Sustainable Silicon Valley Partnering with businesses, nonprofits, cities and counties to reduce CO2 emissions in San Mateo, Santa Clara, Alameda and Santa Cruz Counties