Created by: Kate Elgayeva Revised: May 2012 ►Academic Competence Evaluation Scales – ACES ....................................................................................................6 ►Academic Intervention Monitoring System – AIMS ................................................................................................7 ►Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment Pre-School, School-Age, and TOF – ASEBA ........7 ►Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-Second Edition – ABAS ..................................................................... 11 ►Adaptive Behavioral Scale for Children and Adults (1974) – AAMD ............................................................ 12 ►ADHD Symptom Checklist – ADHD-SC4.................................................................................................................... 12 ►Adult Manifest Anxiety Scale – AMAS........................................................................................................................ 13 ►Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale – ASDS ........................................................................................................ 14 ►Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Test – ADHDT ................................................................................. 15 ►Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised – ADI-R ...................................................................................................... 15 ►Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule – ADOS ................................................................................................ 16 ►Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-3rd Edition – Bayley-3 .................................................. 17 ►Beck Anxiety Inventory – BAI ...................................................................................................................................... 18 ►Beck Depression Inventory-II – BDI-II ..................................................................................................................... 19 ►Beck Hopelessness Scale [Revised] – BHS............................................................................................................... 20 ►Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation – BSS........................................................................................................................ 20 ►Beck Youth Inventories for Children and Adolescents: Second Edition – BYI-II ....................................... 21 ►Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration 5th Edition – Beery VMI ............... 22 ►Behavior Assessment System for Children [Second Edition] – BASC-2 ........................................................ 23 ►Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale, Second Edition – BERS-2 ................................................................ 24 ►BEM Sex Role Inventory – BSRI ................................................................................................................................... 25 ►Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test for Children ..................................................................................................... 26 ►Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Edition – Bender Gestalt-II........................................................ 27 ►Benton Visual Retention Test, Fifth Edition – BVRT............................................................................................ 27 ►Booklet Category Test, Second Edition – BCT ........................................................................................................ 28 ►Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination [Third Edition] – BDAE .................................................................. 29 ►Bracken Basic Concept Scale, Revised – BBCS-R ................................................................................................... 30 ►Brief Neuropsychological Cognitive Examination - BNCE ................................................................................. 31 ►Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scales for Children & Adolescent –Brown ADD Scales .................... 32 ►California Psychological Inventory, Third Edition – CPI.................................................................................... 33 ►California Verbal Learning Test, Children's Version – CVLT-C ........................................................................ 34 ►California Verbal Learning Test, Second Edition, Adult Version – CVLT-II ................................................. 34 ►Campbell Interest and Skill Survey – CISS............................................................................................................... 35 ►Cancer Locus of Control Scale ...................................................................................................................................... 36 ►Child Abuse Potential Inventory, Form VI – CAP Inventory ............................................................................. 37 ►Children's Apperception Test [ A, H & S] – C. A. T ................................................................................................. 37 ►Children's Depression Inventory, Second Edition – CDI2 ................................................................................. 39 ►Children’s Depression Rating Scale – CDRS-R........................................................................................................ 40 ►Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes – ChIPS .................................................................................. 40 ►Children's Memory Scale – CMS .................................................................................................................................. 41 ►Children’s PTDS Inventory: A Structured Interview for Diagnosing Postraumatic Stress Disorder 42 ►Cognistat - The Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination .................................................................... 42 ►Color Trails Test – CTT ................................................................................................................................................... 43 ►Comprehensive Trail-Making Test – CTMT ............................................................................................................ 44 ►Conflict Management Survey: A Self-Assessment of Your Techniques For Managing Conflict -CMS . 45 ►Conflict Style Inventory – CSI ....................................................................................................................................... 45 ►Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales – CAARS ......................................................................................................... 46 ►Conner's Rating Scales, Revised – CRS-R ................................................................................................................. 47 ►DasNaglieri Cognitive Assessment System – CAS ................................................................................................. 48 ►Dealing With Conflict Instrument – DWCI............................................................................................................... 50 2 ►Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders - DSMD........................................................................................................ 50 ►Dementia Rating Scale-2 – DRS-2 ............................................................................................................................... 51 ►Diagnostic Achievement Battery, Third Edition – DAB-3 ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. ►Differential Ability Scales, Second Edition – DAS-II ............................................................................................. 52 ►Digit Vigilance Test – DVT ............................................................................................................................................. 54 ►Digital Finger Tapping Test – DFTT .......................................................................................................................... 55 ►Diversity Awareness Profile – DAP............................................................................................................................ 55 ►Draw-A-Person Catalogue for Interpretive Analysis .......................................................................................... 56 ►Dyadic Adjustment Scale – DAS................................................................................................................................... 56 ►Eating Disorder Inventory-3 – EDI-3 ........................................................................................................................ 57 ►Evaluation of Competency to Stand Trial-Revised – ECST-R ............................................................................ 58 ►Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory and Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Iventory, Revised – ECBI ... 59 ►Fitness Interview Test, Revised – FIT-R................................................................................................................... 60 ►Forer Structured Sentence Completion Test – FSSCT ......................................................................................... 60 ►Functional Assessment and Intervention System: Improving School Behavior – FAIS .......................... 62 ►Gifted Rating Scales – GRS ............................................................................................................................................. 62 ►Goldstein-Scheerer Object Sorting Test................................................................................................................... 63 ►Goodenough – Harris Drawing Test .......................................................................................................................... 64 ►Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests, Second Edition – GDRT-2 ................................................................................ 65 ►Gray Oral Reading Tests, Fourth Edition – GORT-4 ............................................................................................. 66 ►Greenspan Social-Emotional Growth Chart............................................................................................................ 66 ►Grooved Pegboard Test ................................................................................................................................................. 67 ►Hand Test [Revised] ........................................................................................................................................................ 68 ►Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: 2nd Edition – PCL-R.............................................................................. 69 ►HCR-20: Assessing Risk for Violence (Version 2) – HCR-20 ............................................................................. 69 ►Holtzman Inkblot Technique – HIT ........................................................................................................................... 71 ►House-Tree-Person Projective Technique – H-T-P .............................................................................................. 72 ►Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities, Revised Edition – ITPA ................................................................. 73 ►Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile .................................................................................................................................. 74 ►Interpersonal Behavior Survey – IBS........................................................................................................................ 75 ►Joseph Picture Self-Concept Scale .............................................................................................................................. 75 ►Ka-Ro Inkblot Test........................................................................................................................................................... 76 ►Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition – KABC-II......................................................... 77 ►Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills – K-SEALS ............................................................. 78 ►Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement-Second Edition, Comprehensive Form – KTEA-II ........... 78 ►Kinetic Drawing System for Family and School: A Handbook ......................................................................... 79 ►Lafayette Hand Dynamometer .................................................................................................................................... 80 ►Learning Style Inventory, Version 3.1 – LSI3 ......................................................................................................... 80 ►Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised – Leiter-R ............................................................................ 81 ►Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory - Adult Form – LISRES-A ..................................................... 82 ►Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory -Youth Form – LISRES-Y ..................................................... 83 ►Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery [Forms I and II] – LNNB ......................................................... 84 ►MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool – Criminal Adjudication – MacCAT-CA................................... 85 ►Make-A-Picture Story – MAPS ...................................................................................................................................... 85 ►Marital Satisfaction Inventory-Revised – MSI-R ................................................................................................... 86 ►Marschak Interaction Method – MIM ........................................................................................................................ 87 ►Maryland Addictions Questionnaire – MAQ ........................................................................................................... 88 ►Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test – MSCEIT ........................................................................ 88 ►McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities – MSCA .................................................................................................... 89 ►Miller Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Test – M-FAST ................................................................................. 90 ► Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory – MACI ........................................................................................................ 91 ►Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III [Manual Second Edition] – MCMI-III ............................................ 92 ►Millon Pre-Adolescent Clinical Inventory – M-PACI ............................................................................................ 93 ►Mini Inventory of Right Brain Injury, Second Edition – MIRBI-2 .................................................................... 93 3 ►Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent – MMPI-A .......................................................... 94 ►Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 – MMPI-2 .............................................................................. 95 ►Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form – MMPI-2-RF ............................... 97 ►Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children – MASC ........................................................................................ 98 ►Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – MBTI ........................................................................................................................ 99 ►Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test – NNAT................................................................................................................ 100 ►NEO Personality Inventory-Revised – NEO PI-R ................................................................................................ 101 ►NEO Personality Inventory-3– NEO-PI-3 .............................................................................................................. 102 ►NEPSY-II, Second Edition – NEPSY-II ...................................................................................................................... 103 ►Neuropsychological Impairment Scale – NIS ...................................................................................................... 105 ►Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition – PPVT-4 ........................................................................ 105 ►Personality Assessment Inventory – PAI.............................................................................................................. 106 ►Personality Inventory for Children, Second Edition – PIC-2 ......................................................................... 107 ►Personality Research Form, 3rd Edition – PRF .................................................................................................. 109 ►Process Assessment of the Learner: Guides for Intervention for Reading and Writing - PAL ......... 110 ►Process Assessment of the Learner: Test Battery for Reading and Writing – PAL................................ 111 ►Process Assessment of the Learner, Second Edition: Diagnostic Assessment for ........................................ Reading and Writing– PAL-II RW .................................................................................................................. 113 ►Portable Tactual Performance Test – P-TPT....................................................................................................... 114 ►Profile of Mood States – POMS .................................................................................................................................. 115 ►Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire – PDSQ ............................................................................... 116 ►Raven's Progressive Matrices – RPM ..................................................................................................................... 117 ►Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status – RBANS ................................... 118 ►Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale: Second Edition – RCMAS-2.................................................... 118 ►Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale-2nd Edition – RADS-2 .................................................................... 119 ►Reynolds Child Depression Scale, Second Edition –RCDS-2 and RCDS-2 SHORT FORM ...................... 120 ►Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales and the Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test - ........................ RIST/RIAS .............................................................................................................................................................. 121 ►Roberts Apperception Test for Children: 2 – Roberts-2 ................................................................................. 122 ►Rogers Criminal Responsibility Assessment Scales – R-CRAS ...................................................................... 123 ►Rorschach Inkblot Test ............................................................................................................................................... 123 ►Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank, Second Edition – RISB ......................................................................... 124 ►Screening Test for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Adult and Children’s .................... Forms – ST-LNNB................................................................................................................................................. 125 ►Self-Directed Search, 4th Edition [Form R] – SDS ............................................................................................... 126 ►Senior Apperception Technique [1985 Revision] – S.A.T............................................................................... 126 ►Shipley Institute of Living Scale – SILS .................................................................................................................. 127 ►Short Category Test, Booklet Format..................................................................................................................... 128 ►Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, Fifth Edition – 16PF.................................................................. 129 ►Slosson Intelligence Test 3rd [2002 Edition] – SIT-R ...................................................................................... 129 ►Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, 5th Edition – SB5...................................................................................... 130 ►State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Form Y – STAI..................................................................................................... 131 ►Stop and Think Social Skills Program.................................................................................................................... 132 ►Stroop Color and Word Test [Adult and Children's Versions, Revised...................................................... 132 ►Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders: Clinician Version – SCID-I ....................... 133 ►Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders – SCID-II ................................ 134 ►Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms – SIRS ....................................................................................... 135 ►Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms, 2nd Edition – SIRS-2 ............................................................ 135 ►Stress Profile .................................................................................................................................................................. 136 ►Student Styles Questionnaire(tm) – SSQ .............................................................................................................. 137 ►Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3 – SASSI-3 ............................................................................. 138 ►Suicide Probability Scale – SPS ................................................................................................................................ 139 ►Symptom Checklist-90-Revised – SCL-90-R......................................................................................................... 139 ►Tell Me A Story – TEMAS ............................................................................................................................................. 140 4 ►Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition – TOMAL-2............................................................................ 141 ►Test of Memory Malingering – TOMM ................................................................................................................... 142 ►Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Third Edition – TONI-3.................................................................................. 143 ►Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Fourth Edition – TONI-4 ............................................................................... 143 ►Test of Written Language, Fourth Edition – TOWL-4 ....................................................................................... 144 ►Thematic Apperception Test – TAT........................................................................................................................ 145 ►Trail Making Test [Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery] ................................................... 145 ►Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children – TSCC............................................................................................... 147 ►Trauma Symptom Inventory – TSI .......................................................................................................................... 148 ►Trauma Symptom Inventory (2nd Edition) – TSI-2 ............................................................................................ 149 ►Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test – UNIT ................................................................................................... 149 ►Validity Indicator Profile – VIP ................................................................................................................................ 150 ►Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition – Vineland-II ............................................................. 151 ►Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence – WASI ......................................................................................... 152 ►Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, Second Edition – WASI-2 ..................................................... 153 ►Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition – WAIS-III ......................................................................... 154 ►Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition – WAIS-IV ....................................................................... 154 ►Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Second Edition – WIAT-II ............................................................ 156 ►Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Third Edition – WIAT-III .............................................................. 157 ►Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition – WISC-IV .......................................................... 158 ►Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition Integrated –WISC-IV INTEGRATED ......... 159 ►Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Spanish – WISC-IV SPANISH .................................................... 161 ►Wechsler Memory Scale III – WMS-III.................................................................................................................... 162 ►Wechsler Memory Scale Fourth Edition – WMS-IV ........................................................................................... 162 ►Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Third Edition – WPPSI-III ............................... 164 ►Wide Range Achievement Test 4 – WRAT4 ......................................................................................................... 165 ►Wide Range Achievement Test Fourth Edition, Progress Monitoring Version –WRAT4-PMV ......... 166 ►Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, Second Edition – WRAML2 .................................... 167 ►Wide Range Intelligence Test – WRIT ................................................................................................................... 168 ►Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Revised and Expanded –WCST ....................................................................... 169 ►Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, 64 Card Version – WCST-64 ............................................................................ 169 ►Woodcock-Johnson III [Tests of Achievement] – WJ III................................................................................... 170 ►SPANISH EDITION OF WJ III [Tests of Achievement] : Bateria III – Woodcock-Munoz ............................... [Pruebas de Aproechamiento] ....................................................................................................................... 172 ►Woodcock-Johnson III [Tests of Cognitive Abilities] – WJ III ........................................................................ 173 ►SPANISH EDITION OF WJ III [Tests of Cognitive Abilities]: Bateria III Woodcock-Munoz .......................... [Pruebas de Habilidades Cognitivas] ........................................................................................................... 175 IMPORTANT: Due to license restrictions, Test Kit Center materials are NOT to be used as substitutes for purchase of routinely administered assessment batteries at practicum sites. Unless otherwise specified at the end of the description, assessment instrument information is derived from Tests In Print catalogues [1961-2006] and Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print Database Via EBSCOhost 5 Academic Competence Evaluation Scales – ACES ► Instrument Components: Manual K-12 Forms: Student Form Teacher Form Authors: James C. DiPerna; Stephen N. Elliott Publication Date: 2000 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Measures academic skills (reading/language arts, mathematics, critical thinking) as well as academic enablers (motivation, study skills, engagement, interpersonal skills).' Test Category: Achievement Administration: Group Population: Grades K-12, Grades 6-12, 2- or 4-year college Scores: Academic Skills; Reading/Language Arts; Mathematics; Critical Thinking; Academic Enablers; Interpersonal Skills; Motivation; Study Skills; Engagement. Comments: Standardized; indicates confidence intervals for each subscale; allows ranking of scale and subscale scores into one of three competence levels (developing, competent, advanced); Assistant software (version 2.0) scores, monitors change in scores over time, graphs data, generates descriptive reports; system requirements: Windows 95/98/2000/NT 4.0/ME, 32 MB RAM, 100 MHz processor or higher, CD-ROM and 3.5-inch floppy diskette drive (CD-ROM version) or 3.5-diskette drive only (diskette version), 2 MB video card, 800 x 600 resolution, 256 colors, 25 MB free disk space. Levels: Forms, 3: Teacher (Grades K-12), Student (Grades 6-12), College (2- or 4-year college). Time: 10-15 minutes 6 Academic Intervention Monitoring System – AIMS ► Instrument Components: Guide Book Forms: Parent Intervention Form Student Intervention Form Teacher Intervention Form Parent Intervention Form (Spanish) Authors: Stephen N. Elliott; James C. DiPerna; Edward Shapiro Publication Date: 2001 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Guidebook and intervention planning questionnaires 'designed to provide teachers and other school-based professionals with the resources they need for developing, monitoring, and evaluating classroom-based, empirically supported interventions for academic difficulties.' Test Category: Education Administration: Individual Population: Grades K-12 Comments: Developed in conjunction with the Academic Competence Evaluation Scales (0000); student and parent forms available in Spanish. Levels: Forms, 3: Student, Parent, and Teacher Time: 10-15 minutes ► Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment Pre-School, School-Age, and TOF – ASEBA ASEBA – PRE-SCHOOL FORMS AND PROFILES Instrument Components: Manual In Binder: 7 4 templates (2 CBCL/1 1/2-5 and 2 C-TRF/1 1/2-5)CBCL 1.5-5 Forms: Child behavior checklist for ages 1 1/2-5 CBCL/1 1/2-5 empirically based scales for boys and girls C-TRF for ages 1 1/2-5 C-TRF DSM-oriented scales for boys and girls Scoring Form for Language Development Survey (LDS) for ages 18-35 months _________________________________________________________ ASEBA – SCHOOL-AGE FORMS AND PROFILES Instrument Components: Manual In Binder: 6 templates (TRF, YSR, CBCL/6-18) Forms: Child behavior checklist for ages 6-18 CBCL profile for girls CBCL profile for boys Teacher's report form for ages 6-18 TRF profile for girls TRF profile for boys Youth self-report for ages 11-18 YSR profile for boys & girls _________________________________________________________ ASEBA-TOF Note: Can be administered with ASEBA tests Instrument Components: Forms: Test Observation Form TOF Profile for Girls TOF Profile for Boys Authors: Thomas M. Achenbach; Leslie A. Rescorla; Stephanie H. McConaughey; Peter J. Pecora; Kathleen M. Wetherbee; Thomas M. Ruffle; Paul A. Newhouse Publication Date: 1980-2004 Publisher Information: ASEBA Research Center for Children, Youth, and Families, 1 South Prospect Street, Burlington, VT 05401-3456; Telephone: 802-264-6432; FAX: 802-264-6433; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'An integrated ... [approach] designed to provide standardized descriptions of ... competencies, adaptive functioning, and problems.' Test Category: Behavior Assessment 8 Administration: Individual or group Population: Ages 18 months to 90+ years Scores: Emotionally Reactive; Anxious/Depressed; Somatic Complaints; Withdrawn; Sleep Problems; Attention Problems; Aggressive Behavior; Internalizing; Externalizing; Total Problems; Language Development Survey; Affective Problems; Anxiety Problems; Pervasive Developmental Problems; Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Problems; Oppositional Defiant Problems; Activities; Social; School; Total Competence; Thought Problems; Rule-Breaking Behavior; Conduct Problems; Academic Performance; Working Hard; Behaving Appropriately; Learning; Happy; Language/Motor Problems; Aggressive/Rule-Breaking Behavior; Self-Control Problems; Education; Friends; Job; Family; Spouse or Partner; Tobacco; Alcohol; Drugs; Mean Substance Use Score; Withdrawn/Depressed; Social Problems; Somatic Problems; Anxious; Depressive Problems; Psychotic Problems; Irritable/Disinhibited; Memory/Cognition Problems; Functional Impairment; Avoidant Personality Problems; Antisocial Personality Problems; Intrusive; Spouse/Partner; Personal Strengths; Worries. Comments: Revised version of the Child Behavior Checklist; includes both empirically based syndrome scales and DSM-oriented scales for scoring consistent with DSM-IV categories; designed to be usable in diverse contexts, including schools, mental health, medical, child and family service, and other settings; all forms except DOF and SCICA are parallel, facilitating comparisons across informants; hand- or computer-scorable; reusable hand-scoring templates available; data processed by Assessment Data Manager (ADM); cross-informant bar graphs; minimum system requirements Windows 95/98/NT/2000, 64 MB RAM, 65 MB free hard disk space, Pentium recommended; can be completed using paper forms (hand- or machine-readable), by direct client-entry on computer, or via Web-Link; LDS, Preschool and School-Age manuals. Levels: Levels, 4: Preschool, School-Age, Adult, Older Adult Sublistings: A) PRESCHOOL FORMS AND PROFILES. Purpose: To provide "systematic assessment of maladaptive behavior among preschoolers." Comments: DSM-Oriented Scales rated as very consistent with the following DSM-IV categories: Affective Problems consistent with Dysthymia, Major Depressive Disorder; Anxiety Problems consistent with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Separation Anxiety Disorder, Specific Phobia; Pervasive Developmental Problems consistent with Asperger's Disorder and Autistic Disorder; Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Problems consistent with Hyperactive-Impulsive and Inattentive types of ADHD. 1) Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 1 1/2-5. Population: Ages 18 months to 5 years. Publication Dates: 1988-2000. Acronym: CBCL/1 1/2-5. 9 Scores: 7 Syndrome scales (Emotionally Reactive, Anxious/Depressed, Somatic Complaints, Withdrawn, Sleep Problems, Attention Problems, Aggressive Behavior), plus Internalizing, Externalizing, Total Problems; Language Development Survey (LDS) scored (for children age 18-35 months); 5 DSM-Oriented scales (Affective Problems, Anxiety Problems, Pervasive Developmental Problems, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Problems, Oppositional Defiant Problems). Time: 10 minutes. Comments: Designed to be completed by parents and others who see children in home-like settings; includes the Language Development Survey (LDS) for evaluating language delays in children under age 3 as well as those over age 3 suspected of having language delays. 2) Caregiver-Teacher Report Form for Ages 1 1/2-5. Population: Ages 18 months to 5 years. Publication Dates: 1997-2000. Acronym: C-TRF. Scores: 6 Syndrome scales (Emotionally Reactive, Anxious/Depressed, Somatic Complaints, Withdrawn, Attention Problems, Aggressive Behavior), plus Internalizing, Externalizing, Total Problems. Time: 10 minutes. Comments: Designed to be completed by daycare providers and preschool teachers who have known a child in daycare, preschool, or similar settings for at least 2 months. B) SCHOOL-AGE FORMS AND PROFILES. Comments: DSM-Oriented Scales rated as very consistent with the following DSM-IV categories: Affective Problems consistent with Dysthymia, Major Depressive Disorder; Anxiety Problems consistent with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Separation Anxiety Disorder, Specific Phobia; Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Problems consistent with Hyperactive-Impulsive and Inattentive types of ADHD; Somatic Problems consistent with Somatization Disorder and Somatoform Disorder. 1) Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 6-18. Population: Ages 6-18. Publication Dates: 1981-2001. Acronym: CBCL/6-18. Scores: 4 Competence scales (Activities, Social, School, Total Competence); 8 Syndrome scales (Anxious/Depressed, Withdrawn/Depressed, Somatic Complaints, Social Problems, Thought Problems, Attention Problems, RuleBreaking Behavior, Aggressive Behavior), plus Internalizing, Externalizing, Total Problems; 6 DSM-Oriented scales (Affective Problems, Anxiety Problems, Somatic Problems, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Problems, Oppositional Defiant Problems, Conduct Problems). Time: 15-20 minutes. 2) Teacher's Report Form for Ages 6-18. Purpose: "Quickly obtain[s] a picture of children's functioning in school, as seen by teachers and other personnel." Population: Teachers of children ages 6-18. Publication Dates: 1981-2001. Acronym: TRF. Scores: 6 Adaptive Functioning scales (Academic Performance, Working Hard, Behaving Appropriately, Learning, Happy, Total); same 10 Syndrome and DSM-Oriented scales as CBCL/6-18; yields separate scores for Inattention and Hyperactivity-Impulsivity. Time: (15-20) minutes. 3) Youth Self-Report for Ages 11-18. Purpose: To obtain youths' reports of their own problems and competencies in a standardized format. Population: Ages 11-18. Publication Dates: 1981-2001. Acronym: YSR. Scores: 2 Competence scales (Activities, Social) plus Total Competence; same Syndrome and DSM-Oriented scales as CBCL/6-18. ► Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-Second Edition – ABAS Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Parent/Primary Caregiver Form Teacher/Daycare Provider Form Parent Form Adult Form Teacher Form Authors: Patti L. Harrison; Thomas Oakland Publication Date: 2002-2003 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Designed to provide a comprehensive norm-referenced assessment of adaptive skills Test Category: Behavior Assessment Administration: Individual Population: Birth to 89 years Scores: Conceptual; Communication; Functional Academics; Self-Direction; Conceptual Composite; Social; Leisure; Social Composite; Practical; Community Use; Home Living; Health and Safety; Self-Care; Work; Practical Composite; Motor; General Adaptive Composite. Levels: 11 Forms, 5: Parent/Primary Caregiver Form (Ages Birth-5), Parent Form (Ages 5-21), Teacher/Day Care Form (Ages 2-5), Teacher Form (Ages 5-21), Adult Form (Ages 16-89) Time: 15-20 minutes ► Adaptive Behavioral Scale for Children and Adults (1974) – AAMD Note: AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale-School, Second Edition, was published in 1993. Instrument Components: Scale Booklet NO FORMS Authors: Kazuo Nihira; Ray Foster; Max Shellhaas; Henry Leland Publication Date: 1974 Publisher Information: American Association on Mental Deficiency 5201 Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington D. C., 20015 Purpose: 'Used to assess adaptive behavior.' Test Category: Behavior Assessment Administration: Individual Population: Ages 3-21 Time: 15-30 minutes ADHD Symptom Checklist – ADHD-SC4 ► Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Checklist Summary Record Parent Score Sheet Teacher Score Sheet Authors: Kenneth D. Gadow, Joyce Sprafkin Publication Date: 1997 12 Publisher Information: Checkmate Plus, Ltd., P.O. Box 696, Stony Brook, NY 11790-0696; Telephone: 800-779-4292; FAX: 631-360-3432; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed as 'a screening instrument for the behavioral symptoms of attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).' Test Category: Behavior Assessment Administration: Individual Population: Ages 3-18 Scores: Screening Cutoff; Symptom Count; Symptom Severity. Time: 5 minutes Adult Manifest Anxiety Scale – AMAS ► Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Adult, Elderly and College Answer Forms Acronyms: AMAS-A; AMAS-C; AMAS-E. Authors: Cecil R. Reynolds, Bert O. Richmond, Patricia A. Lowe Publication Date: 2003 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Used to evaluate the level of anxiety experienced by individuals across the age spectrum from early adulthood to elderly Test Category: Personality Administration: Group 13 Population: Ages 19-59, college students, ages 60 and over Scores: Worry/Oversensitivity; Physiological Anxiety; Social Concerns/Stress; Lie; Worry; Test Anxiety; Fear of Aging. Comments: All three scales together represent an upward extension of the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (0000); the original CMAS was a downward extension of the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale Sublistings: a) AMAS-A. Population: Ages 19-59. Acronym: AMAS-A. Scores, 5: Worry/Oversensitivity, Physiological Anxiety, Social Concerns/Stress, Lie, Worry; b) AMAS-C. Population: College students. Acronym: AMAS-C. Scores, 6: Worry/Oversensitivity, Physiological Anxiety, Social Concerns/Stress, Test Anxiety, Lie, Total; c) AMAS-E. Population: Ages 60 and over. Acronym: AMAS-E. Scores, 5: Worry/Oversensitivity, Physiological Anxiety, Fear of Aging, Lie, Total. Time: 10 minutes Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale – ASDS ► Instrument Components: Examiner’s Manual Forms: Summary/Response Form Authors: Brenda Smith Myles; Stacey Jone Bock; Richard L. Simpson Publication Date: 2001 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to assess individuals who manifest the characteristics of Asperger syndrome.' Test Category: Behavior Assessment Administration: Individual Population: Ages 5-18 Scores: Language; Social; Maladaptive; Cognitive; Sensorimotor 14 Comments: Ratings by parents, teachers, and professionals at home and school Time: 10-15 minutes ► Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Test – ADHDT Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Summary/Response Form Authors: James E. Gilliam Publication Date: 1995 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to 'contribute to the diagnosis of students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.' Test Category: Behavior Assessment Administration: Individual Population: Ages 3-23 Scores: Hyperactivity; Impulsivity; Inattention; ADHD Quotient. Comments: Ratings by teacher, teacher's aide, or parent Time: 5-10 minutes ► Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised – ADI-R Instrument Components: Manual Interview Protocol Booklet Forms: Comprehensive Algorithm Form (2 year and above) 15 Authors: Michael Rutter, M.D., FRS, Ann LeCouteur, M.B.B.S., and Catherine Lord, Ph.D. Publication Date: 2003 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Useful for diagnosing autism, planning treatment, and distinguishing autism from other developmental disorders Test Category: Personality Administration: Standardized interview and response coding Population: Children and adults with a mental age above 2.0 years Comments: Composed of 93 items, the ADI-R focuses on three functional domains: Language/Communication Reciprocal Social Interactions Restricted, Repetitive, and Stereotyped Behaviors and Interests Following highly standardized procedures, the interviewer records and codes the informant's responses. Interview questions cover eight content areas: The subject's background, including family, education, previous diagnoses, and medications Overview of the subject's behavior Early development and developmental milestones Language acquisition and loss of language or other skills Current functioning in regard to language and communication Social development and play Interests and behaviors Clinically relevant behaviors, such as aggression, self-injury, and possible epileptic features Time: 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours, including scoring SOURCE: ► Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule – ADOS Instrument Components: Manual [Note: Manual and set may circulate separately] Blue storage container: 16 85 stimulus items Forms: Module 1 Observation/ Coding Booklet Module 2 Observation/ Coding Booklet Module 3 Observation/ Coding Booklet Module 4 Observation/ Coding Booklet Authors: Catherine Lord, Michael Rutter, Pamela C. DiLavore, and Susan Risi Publication Date: 1989-2001 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Allows you to accurately assess and diagnose autism and pervasive developmental disorder across ages, developmental levels, and language skills Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Toddlers to adults Scores: Cutoff scores for both a narrow diagnosis of autism and a broader diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder Comments: The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) is the "gold standard" for assessing and diagnosing autism and pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) across ages, developmental levels, and language skills. Time: 30 to 45 minutes SOURCE: ► Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-3rd Edition – Bayley-3 Instrument Components: In Suitcase: Administration Manual Stimulus Booklet Technical Manual Picture Book Manipulatives Set 17 Forms: Record Form Social Emotional and Adaptive Behavior Questionnaire Caregiver Report Form Authors: Nancy Bayley Publication Date: 1969-2006 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to 'assess the developmental functioning of infants and young children.' Test Category: Developmental Administration: Individual Population: Ages 1-42 months Scores: Cognitive; Language; Receptive Communication; Expressive Communication; Motor; Fine Motor; Gross Motor; Social-Emotional; Adaptive Behavior; Communication; Community Use; Functional Pre-Academics; Home Living; Health and Safety; Leisure; Self-Care; SelfDirection; Social. Time: 30-60 minutes Beck Anxiety Inventory – BAI ► Instrument Components: Manual Forms: English Record Form Spanish Record Form Authors: Aaron T. Beck; Robert A. Steer Publication Date: 1987-1993 Publisher Information: 18 Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Measures the severity of anxiety in adults and adolescents.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Adults and adolescents ages 17 and over Scores: Anxiety Time: 5-10 minutes ► Beck Depression Inventory-II – BDI-II Instrument Components: Manual Forms: English Record Form Spanish Record Form Authors: Aaron T. Beck; Robert A. Steer; Gregory K. Brown Publication Date: 1961-1996 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Developed for the assessment of symptoms corresponding to criteria for diagnosing depressive disorders listed in the ... DSM IV.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Ages 13 and over Scores: 19 Depression Time: 5-10 minutes Beck Hopelessness Scale [Revised] – BHS ► Instrument Components: Manual Scoring Template Forms: Questionnaire [English Record Form] Questionnaire [Spanish Record Form] Authors: Aaron T. Beck, Robert A. Steer Publication Date: 1978-1993 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Measures 'the extent of negative attitudes about the future (pessimism) as perceived by adolescents and adults.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Adolescents and adults ages 17 and over Scores: Hopelessness Time: 5-10 minutes ► Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation – BSS Instrument Components: Manual Record Form Authors: Aaron T. Beck, Robert A. Steer 20 Publication Date: 1991-1993 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'To detect and measure the severity of suicidal ideation in adults and adolescents.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Adults and adolescents ages 17 and over Scores: Suicide Ideation Time: 5-10 minutes ► Beck Youth Inventories for Children and Adolescents: Second Edition – BYI-II Instrument Components: Manual Form: Combination Booklet Authors: Judith S. Beck; Aaron T. Beck; John B. Jolly; Robert A. Steer Publication Date: 2001-2005 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259 Purpose: Designed to 'assess a child's experience of depression, anxiety, disruptive behavior, and selfconcept.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual or group Population: Ages 7-18 Scores: 21 Depression; Anxiety; Anger; Disruptive Behavior; Self-Concept Comments: Subtests may be administered separately or via combination form; previous edition was entitled Beck Youth Inventories of Emotional & Social Impairment. Time: 30-60 minutes for combination form ► Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration 5th Edition – BEERY VMI Instrument Components: Administration, Scoring and Teaching Manual Laminated Flash Card Forms: Full Form Test Booklet (ages 2 through 18) Short Form Test Booklet (ages 3 through 7) Visual Perception Form (ages 2 through 18) Motor Coordination Form (ages 3 through 18) Authors: Keith E. Beery; Natasha Beery Publication Date: 1967-2004 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to assess the extent to which individuals can integrate their visual and motor abilities (eye-hand coordination).' Test Category: Sensory-Motor Administration: Group or individual Population: Ages 2-100 Scores: Beery VMI; Visual Perception; Motor Coordination. Comments: The subtests must be given in the appropriate sequence. Status: Previous edition listed as Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration. 22 Levels: Forms, 2: Full, Short. Sublistings: a) BEERY VMI 1) Full form. Population: Ages 2-100. Time: 10-15 minutes 2) Short form. Population: Ages 2-7. Time: 5-15 minutes b) VISUAL PERCEPTION [OPTIONAL] Population: Ages 2-100 Time: 3-7 minutes c) MOTOR COORDINATION [OPTIONAL] Population: Ages 2-100 Time: 3-7 minutes ► Behavior Assessment System for Children [Second Edition] – BASC-2 Instrument Components: Manual Manual Supplement for the Self-Report of Personality-Interview Forms (20): Parent Rating Scale Preschool Parent Rating Scale Child Parent Rating Scale Adolescent Self Report Child Self Report Adolescent Self Report College Teacher Rating Scale Preschool Teacher Rating Scale Child Teacher Rating Scale Adolescent Parent Feedback Report Parent Rating Scales Parent Feedback Report Self Report Parent Feedback Report Teacher Rating Scales Student Observation System Structured Developmental History Spanish SRPC Spanish SRPA Spanish SDH Spanish PRSP Spanish PRSC Spanish PRSA Authors: Cecil R. Reynolds; Randy W. Kamphaus Publication Date: 1992-2004 Publisher Information: 23 Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed 'to facilitate the differential diagnosis and educational classification of a variety of emotional and behavioral disorders of children and to aid in the design of treatment plans.' Test Category: Behavior Assessment Administration: Individual Population: Ages 2-25 Scores: Activities of Daily Living; Adaptability; Adaptive Skills; Aggression; Anger Control; Anxiety; Attention Problems; Attitude to School; Attitude to Teachers; Atypicality; Behavior Symptoms Index; Behavioral Symptoms Index; Bullying; Conduct Problems; Depression; Developmental Social Disorders; Ego Strength; Emotional Self-Control; Emotional Symptoms Index; Executive Functioning; Externalizing Problems; Functional Communication; Hyperactivity; Inattention/Hyperactivity Attention Problems; Inattention/Hyperactivity; Internalizing Problems; Interpersonal Relations; Leadership; Learning Problems; Locus of Control; Mania; Negative Emotionality; Personal Adjustment; Relations with Parents; Resiliency; School Problems; Self-Esteem; Self-Reliance; Sensation Seeking; Sense of Inadequacy; Social Skills; Social Stress; Somatization; Study Skills; Test Anxiety; Withdrawal. Levels: Forms, 11: Teacher Rating Scales-Preschool, Teacher Rating Scales-Child, Teacher Rating Scales-Adolescent, Parent Rating Scales-Preschool, Parent Rating Scales-Child, Parent Rating Scales-Adolescent, Self-Report of Personality-Child, Self-Report of Personality-Adolescent, Self-Report of Personality-College, Structured Developmental History, Student Observation System. Time: 10-20 minutes (TRS and PRS), 30 minutes (SRP) ► Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale, Second Edition – BERS-2 Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Teacher Rating Scales Parent Rating Scales Youth Rating Scales Summary Form Authors: Michael H. Epstein Publication Date: 1998-2004 24 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to 'measure the personal strengths and competencies of children.' Test Category: Behavior Assessment Administration: Individual Population: Ages 5-0 to 18-11 Scores: Interpersonal Strength; Family Involvement; Intrapersonal Strength; School Functioning; Affective Strength; Strength Index. Comments: Revised edition adds Parent and Youth Rating Scales Time: 10 minutes BEM Sex Role Inventory – BSRI ► Instrument Components: Manual Sampler Set Forms: Short Form Test Booklet Directions for Scoring the Short Form Original Form Directions for Scoring the Original Form Authors: Sandra Lipsitz Bem Publication Date: 1978-1981 Publisher Information: Mind Garden, Inc., 855 Oak Grove Ave., Suite 215, Menlo Park, CA 94025; Telephone: 650322-6300; FAX: 650-322-6398; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Provides independent assessments of masculinity and femininity in terms of the respondent's self-reported possession of socially desirable, stereotypically masculine and feminine personality characteristics; can also be used as a measurement of the extent to which respondents spontaneously sort self-relevant information into distinct masculine and 25 feminine categories; measures masculinity, femininity, androgyny, and undifferentiated, using the Masculinity and Femininity scales. Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: High school and college and adults Scores: Femininity; Masculinity; Androgyny; Undifferentiated Time: 10-15 minutes Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test for Children ► Instrument Components: Manual (separate binder) In Binder: Instruction Manual Flash Card Set Authors: Aileen Clawson Publication Date: 1962 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Designed to 'measure the development of visual-motor integration skill in children.' Test Category: Sensory-Motor Administration: Individual or group Population: Ages 7-12 Scores: Visual-Motor Integration Skill Time: 5-10 minutes 26 ► Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Edition – Bender Gestalt-II Instrument Components: Manual In Binder: Set of 16 Stimulus Cards Forms: Observation Form Motor Test Booklet Perception Test Booklet Author: Gary G. Brannigan, Scott L. Decker Publication Date: 1938-2003 Publisher Information: Riverside Publishing, 425 Spring Lake Drive, Itasca, IL 60143-2079 Purpose: Designed to measure visual-motor integration skills in children and adults Test Category: Sensory-Motor Administration: Individual Population: Ages 4-85+ Scores: Copy Score, Recall Score, Motor Test Score, Perception Test Score Time: 10-15 minutes ► Benton Visual Retention Test, Fifth Edition – BVRT Instrument Components: Manual In Binder: Stimulus Booklet - Forms C, D, and E, Forms: Scoring Template Record Form Authors: Arthur L. Benton Publication Date: 1946-1991 27 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'To assess visual perception, visual memory, and visuoconstructive abilities.' Test Category: Sensory-Motor Administration: Individual Population: Age 8-adults Scores: Omissions; Distortions; Perseverations; Rotations; Misplacements; Size Errors; Total Left; Total Right Levels: Forms, 3: C, D, E in a single booklet Time: 15-20 minutes ► Booklet Category Test, Second Edition – BCT Instrument Components: Manual 2 Stimulus Booklets Forms: Response Form Scoring and Recording Form Authors: Nick A. DeFilippis, Elizabeth McCampbell Publication Date: 1979-1997 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to 'distinguish individuals with brain damage from normal individuals by measuring concept formation and abstract reasoning.' Test Category: 28 Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Ages 15 and older Scores: Concept Formation; Abstract Reasoning Time: 30-60 minutes ► Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination [Third Edition] – BDAE Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Book – The Assessment of Aphasia and Related Disorders Examination Book with Stimulus Cards (Standard Form) Examination Book with Stimulus Cards (Short Form) Book – Boston Naming Test - currently missing Videocassette – Examining for Aphasia with the BDAE Forms: Record Form Short Form Record Booklet Boston Naming Test Record Book Authors: Harold Goodglass; Edith Kaplan; Barbara Barresi; Sandra Weintraub Publication Date: 1972-2001 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to help 'identify and distinguish among disorders of language function and neurologically recognized aphasic syndromes.' Test Category: Speech and Hearing Administration: Individual Population: Individuals with aphasia Scores: 29 Advanced Phonic Analysis; Aesop's Fables; Apraxia Assessment; Auditory Comprehension; Automatized Sequences; Basic Encoding Skills; Basic Oral Word Reading; Basic Symbol Recognition; Basic Word Discrimination; Boston Naming Test; Bound Grammatical Morphemes; Bucco-Facial Respiratory Movements; Cognitive/Grammatical Influences; Commands and Complex Ideational Material Test; Conventional Gestures; Conversational and Expository Speech; Derivational and Inflectional Morphology; Derivational Morphemes; Discourse Analysis; Embedded Sentences; Free Conversation; Free Grammatical Morphemes; Homophone Matching; Matching Across Cases; Matching Across Scripts; Mechanics of Writing; Melody; Melody and Rhythm; Mixed Morphological Types; Naming; Naming in Categories; Narrative Writing; Natural Gestures; Nonsense Words; Nonverbal Agility; Number Matching; Oral Agility; Oral Expression; Oral Reading; Oral Reading of Sentences with Comprehension; Oral Reading of Special Word Lists; Oral Spelling; Part of Speech Effects: Dictated Words; Phonics; Picture Description; Picture-Word Match; Primer Word Vocabulary; Pseudo-homophone Matching; Reading; Reading ComprehensionSentences and Paragraphs; Recitation; Regular Phonics and Common Irregular Forms; Repetition; Repetition of Nonsense Words; Responsive Naming; Reversible Possessives; Rhythm; Screening for Naming of Special Categories; Segmentation into Utterances; Semantic Paralexia-Prone Words; Severity Rating and Profile of Speech Characteristics; Simple Social Responses; Single Word Repetition and Repetition of Sentences; Subtest 2: "Dictated Functor Loaded Sentences".; Supplemental Test; Syntactic Processing; Touching A with B; Uncommon Irregularities; Use of Pretend Objects with an Action Goal; Use of Pretend Objects without an Action Goal; Verbal Agility; Visual Confrontation Naming; Word Comprehension; Word Comprehension in Categories; Word Identification; Writing; Written Picture Naming. Comments: Previously listed as The Assessment of Aphasia and Related Disorders and that is the title of the manual Levels: Forms, 3: Short, Standard (Long), Boston Naming Test (Short and Long combined) Time: 35-45 minutes Bracken Basic Concept Scale, Revised – BBCS-R ► Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Stimulus Manual Examiner’s Manual Form: Record Form Authors: Bruce A. Bracken Publication Date: 1984-2006 Publisher Information: 30 Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to measure relevant educational concepts and receptive language skills Test Category: Developmental Administration: Individual Population: Ages 3-0 to 6-11 Scores: Colors; Letters/Sounds; Numbers/Counting; Sizes/Comparisons; Shapes; Direction/Position; Self-/Social Awareness; Texture/Material; Quantity; Time/Sequence; School Readiness Composite; Receptive School Readiness Composite; Receptive Total Composite. Time: 30-40 minutes ► Brief Neuropsychological Cognitive Examination - BNCE Instrument Components: Manual Stimulus Booklet Forms: Administration and Scoring Form Response Booklet Authors: Joseph Tonkonogy Publication Date: 1997 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Constructed as 'an assessment of the severity and nature of cognitive impairment' for psychiatric and neurological patients Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual 31 Population: Ages 18 and older Time: 30 minutes ► Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scales for Children & Adolescent – Brown ADD Scales Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Diagnostic Form Children 3-12 Diagnostic Form Adolescent 12-18 Adolescent Answer Form Parents Form 3-7 Parents Form 8-12 Teacher Form 3-7 Teacher Form 8-12 Self-report Form 8-12 Authors: Thomas E. Brown Publication Date: 2001 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to elicit ... (information) that may indicate impairment in executive functions related to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders (AD/HD).' Test Category: Behavior Assessment Administration: Group or individual Population: Ages 3-18 Scores: Organizing/Prioritizing/and Activating to Work; Focusing/Sustaining/and Shifting Attention to Tasks; Regulating Alertness/Sustaining Effort/and Processing Speed; Managing Frustration and Modulating Emotions; Utilizing Working Memory and Accessing Recall; Monitoring and Self-Regulating Action Comments: 32 Downward extension of the Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scales for Adolescents and Adults (0000); describes cognitive, affective, behavioral symptoms beyond DSM-IV diagnostic criteria to assess executive function impairments. Time: 10-20 minutes ► California Psychological Inventory, Third Edition – CPI Instrument Components: Manual Set of 23 Hand-Scoring Templates Test Booklet – Form 462 Form: Answer Form Authors: Harrison G. Gough, Pamela Bradley Publication Date: 1956-1996 Publisher Information: CPP, Inc., 1055 Joaquin Road 2nd Floor, Mountain View, CA 94043; Telephone: 800-6241765; FAX: 650-969-8608; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to assess personality characteristics and to predict what people will say and do in specified contexts Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Ages 13 and over Scores: Dominance; Capacity for Status; Sociability; Social Presence; Self-Acceptance; Independence; Empathy; Responsibility; Socialization; Self-Control; Good Impression; Communality; WellBeing; Tolerance; Achievement via Conformance; Achievement via Independence; Intellectual Efficiency; Psychological-Mindedness; Flexibility; Femininity/Masculinity; Internality/Externality; Norm Questioning/Norm Favoring; Self-Realization; Managerial Potential; Work Orientation; Creative Temperament; Leadership; Amicability; Law Enforcement Orientation; Tough-mindedness; Baucom Scale for Masculinity; Baucom Scale for Femininity; Leventhal Scale for Anxiety; Wink-Gough Scale for Narcissism; Dicken Scale for Social Desirability; Dicken Scale for Acquiescence. Time: 45-60 minutes 33 ► California Verbal Learning Test, Children's Version – CVLT-C Instrument Components: Manual Record Form Authors: Dean C. Delis, Joel H. Kramer, Edith Kaplan, Beth A. Ober, Alan J. Fridlund Publication Date: 1989-1994 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to assess multiple components of verbal learning/memory, interference effects on memory and recall strategy/control.' Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Ages 5-16 Scores: Free-Recall Trial; Short Delay Free Recall; Short-Delay Cued Recall; Long-Delay Free Recall; Long-Delay Cued Recall; Semantic Cluster Ratio; Perseverations; Free-Recall Intrusions; Cued-Recall Intrusions; Recognition Hits; Discriminability; False Positives. Time: 55 minutes with 20 minute interval between short and long delay ► California Verbal Learning Test, Second Edition, Adult Version – CVLT-II Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Standard Form Short Form Alternate Form Authors: Dean C. Delis, Joel H. Kramer, Edith Kaplan, Beth A. Ober Publication Date: 1983-2000 Publisher Information: 34 Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: To 'assess multiple cognitive components of verbal learning and memory functioning including recall strategy/organization, interference effects, recall accuracy and effort.' Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: 16-89 years Scores: Immediate Recall; Learning Slope; Semantic Clustering; Serial Clustering; Subjective Clustering; Primacy/Recency Recall; Percentage of Recall Consistency; Proactive Interference; Short-Delay Free Recall; Retroactive Interference; Short-Delay Cued Recall; Long-Delay Free Recall; Long-Delay Free Recall Retention; Long-Delay Cued Recall; Repetition Errors; Synonym/Subordinate Intrusions; Across-List Intrusions; Categorical Intrusions; Non-Categorical Intrusions; Yes/No Recognition Testing; False-Positive Errors; Total Recognition Discriminability; Source Recognition Discriminability; Semantic Recognition Discriminability; Novel Recognition Discriminability; Response Bias; Critical Item Analysis; Forced-Choice Recognition. Time: Standard and Alternate Forms: 30 minutes plus 30 minutes of delay Short Form: 15 minutes plus 15 minutes of delay Campbell Interest and Skill Survey – CISS ► Instrument Components: Manual Form: Interest and Skill Pattern Worksheet Author: David Campbell Publication Date: 1989-1992 Publisher Information: NCS Assessments, P.O. Box 1416, Minneapolis, MN 55440 Purpose: 'Measures self-reported interests and skills.' Test Category: Vocations 35 Administration: Individual or group Population: Ages 15 years to adult Scores: 99: 7 Orientation Scales (Influencing, Organizing, Helping, Creating, Analyzing, Producing, Adventuring), 29 Basic Scales (Leadership, Law/Politics, Public Speaking, Sales, Advertising/Marketing, Supervision, Financial Services, Office Practices, Adult Development, Child Development, Counseling, Religious Activities, Medical Practice, Art/Design, Performing Arts, Writing, International Activities, Fashion, Culinary Arts, Mathematics, Science, Mechanical Crafts, Woodworking, Farming/Forestry, Plants/Gardens, Animal Care, Athletics/Physical Fitness, Military/Law Enforcement, Risks/Adventure), 60 Occupational Scales (Attorney, Financial Planner, Hotel Manager, Manufacturer's Representative, Marketing Director, Realtor, CEO/President, Human Resources Director, School Superintendent, Advertising Account Executive, Media Executive, Public Relations Director, Corporate Trainer, Secretary, Bank Manager, Insurance Agent, Retail Store Manager, Hospital Administrator, Accountant/CPA, Bookkeeper, Child Care Worker, Guidance Counselor, Religious Leader, Teacher K-12, Social Worker, Psychologist, Nurse (RN), Nursing Administrator, Commercial Artist, Fashion Designer, Liberal Arts Professor, Librarian, Musician, Translator/Interpreter, Writer/Editor, Restaurant Manager, Chef, Physician, Chemist, Medical Researcher, Engineer, Math/Science Teacher, Computer Programmer, Statistician, Systems Analyst, Carpenter, Electrician, Veterinarian, Airline Mechanic, Agribusiness Manager, Landscape Architect, Architect, Police Officer, Military Officer, Ski Instructor, Test Pilot, Athletic Coach, Athletic Trainer, Emergency Medical Technician, Fitness Instructor), 2 Special Scales (Academic Focus, Extraversion), 3 Procedural Checks (Response Percentage Check, Inconsistency Check, Omitted Items Check). Time: 35 minutes Cancer Locus of Control Scale ► Instrument Components: Article (1 page; attached to questionnaire) Form: Scale Questionnaire Authors: Maggie Watson, Steven Greer, Jean Pruyn and Bart Van Den Borne Publication Date: 1990 Publisher Information : Article Source – Psychological Reports, Issue 66, pp. 39-48 [1990] Purpose: “[T]he scale provides a valid measure of perceptions of control of cancer patients and is a useful method of assessing these important psychological responses.” Test Category: 36 Personality Administration: Individual Population: Adult Time: 5-10 minutes ► Child Abuse Potential Inventory, Form VI – CAP Inventory Instrument Components: In Folder: Manual Interpretive Manual Forms: Form VI Inconsistency Scale Scoring Sheet Form VI Raw Score Summary Sheet Authors: Joel S. Milner Publication Date: 1980-1993 Publisher Information: Psytec, Inc., P.O. Box 564, DeKalb, IL 60115. Purpose: 'To assist in the screening of suspected physical child abuse cases.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual administration recommended Population: Male and female parents or primary caregivers who are suspected of physical child abuse. Scores: Abuse Scale; Distress; Rigidity; Unhappiness; Problems With Child and Self; Problems With Family; Problems With Others; Total Physical Child Abuse; Loneliness; Ego-Strength. Time: 12-20 minutes ► Children's Apperception Test [ A, H & S] – C. A. T C.A.T. – A [Animal] Instrument Components: In Binder: 37 Manual 10 Flash Cards Forms: Schedule of Adaptive Mechanisms CAT Responses (Haworth) Short Form (Bellak) C.A.T. – H [Human] Instrument Components: In Binder: Manual 10 Flash Cards Forms: Schedule of Adaptive Mechanisms CAT Responses (Haworth) Short Form (Bellak) C.A.T. – S [Supplement] Instrument Components: In Binder: Manual 10 Flash Cards Forms: Schedule of Adaptive Mechanisms CAT Responses (Haworth) Short Form (Bellak) Authors: Leopold Bellak, Sonya Sorel Bellak Publication Date: 1949-1992 Publisher Information: C.P.S., Inc., P.O. Box 345, Englewood, NJ 07458; Telephone: 201 947-2002; FAX: 201-9472002; Email:; Web: Purpose: A projective 'method of investigating personality by studying the dynamic meaningfulness of the individual differences in perception of standard stimuli.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 3-10 Levels: Editions, 3: Animal, Human, Supplement, plus Short Form. Time: 15-20 minutes 38 ► Children's Depression Inventory, Second Edition – CDI2 Instrument Components: Manual Teacher Form Parent Form Self-Report Form Self-Report Short Form Authors: Maria Kovacs Publication Date: 1977-2003 Publisher Information: Multi-Health Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 950, North Tonawanda, NY 14120-0950; Telephone: 416-492-2627 or 800-456-3003; FAX: 416-492-3343 or 888-540-4484; E-mail: CUSTOMERSERVICE@MHS.COM; Web: Purpose: 'Evaluates the presence and severity of depressive symptoms in children.' Test Category: Personality Population: Ages 7-17 Scores: Negative Mood; Interpersonal Problems; Ineffectiveness; Anhedonia; Negative Self Esteem; Emotional Problems; Functional Problems. Comments: New edition adds parent and teacher report forms; paper-and-pencil or computer formats available Sublistings: a) CHILDREN'S DEPRESSION INVENTORY. Acronym: CDI. Scores, 6: Negative Mood, Interpersonal Problems, Ineffectiveness, Anhedonia, Negative Self Esteem, Total. Time: 15 minutes b) CHILDREN'S DEPRESSION INVENTORY: SHORT VERSION. Acronym: CDI:S. Scores: Total score only. Time: 5 minutes c) CHILDREN'S DEPRESSION INVENTORY: PARENT VERSION. Acronym: CDI:P. Scores, 3: Emotional Problems, Functional Problems, Total. Time: 10 minutes d) CHILDREN'S DEPRESSION INVENTORY: TEACHER VERSION. Acronym: CDI:T. Scores, 3: Same as c above. Time: 10 minutes 39 Children’s Depression Rating Scale – CDRS-R ► Instrument Components: Manual Form: Administration Booklet Authors: Elva O. Poznanski, Hartmut B. Mokros Publication Date: 1996 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Constructed as a 'screening instrument, diagnostic tool, and severity measure of depression in children.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Ages 6-12 Scores: Depression Time: 15-20 minutes ► Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes – ChIPS Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Report Form Scoring Form Profile Sheet Authors: Marijo Teare Rooney, Mary A. Fristad, Elizabeth B. Weller, Ronald A. Weller Publication Date: 1999 Publisher Information: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 1000 Wilson Blvd., Suite #1825, Arlington, VA 22209; Telephone: 800-368-5777; FAX: 703-907-1091; E-mail:; Web: 40 Purpose: Designed to identify 'symptoms of 20 common Axis I psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6-18 Scores: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; Oppositional Defiant Disorder; Conduct Disorder; Substance Abuse; Specific Phobia; Social Phobia; Separation Anxiety Disorder; Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder; Acute Stress Disorder; Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; Anorexia; Bulimia; Depressive Episode; Dysthymic Disorder; Manic Episode; Hypomanic Episode; Enuresis; Encopresis; Schizophrenia/Psychosis. Children's Memory Scale – CMS ► Instrument Components: Manual In Soft Case: 8 Blue Chips in leather case 6 Family Pictures Response Cards and Grid 2 Stimulus Booklets Forms: Record form 5-8 Record Form 9-16 Authors: Morris J. Cohen Publication Date: 1997-1998. Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: ‘Comprehensive assessment of visual/verbal learning and memory skills' in children and adolescents.’ Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual 41 Population: Ages 5-16 Scores: Dot Locations; Learning; Long Delay; Stories; Immediate; Delayed; Delayed Recognition; Faces; Word Pairs; Numbers; Sequences; Short Delay; Stories; Immediate Thematic; Delayed Thematic; Word Pairs; Numbers; Forward; Backward; Word Lists; Picture Locations; Family Pictures; Visual Immediate; Visual Delayed; Verbal Immediate; Verbal Delayed; General Memory; Attention/Concentration. Time: 20-50 minutes ► Children’s PTDS Inventory: A Structured Interview for Diagnosing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Instrument Components: Manual Record Form Authors: Philip A. Saigh Publication Date: 2004 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed for the identification and assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6-18 Scores: Exposure; Situational Reactivity; Reexperiencing; Avoidance and Numbing; Increased Arousal; Significant Distress. Time: 5-20 minutes ► Cognistat - The Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination 42 Instrument Components: Manual In Binder: Stimulus Booklet 8 Plastic Squares (white and red) Record Form Authors: R. J. Kiernan, J. Mueller and J. W. Langston Publication Date: 1983-1995 Publisher Information: Northern California Neurobehavioral Group, Inc., 909 Hyde Street, Suite #620, San Francisco, CA 94109-4835. Purpose: Designed to assess intellectual functioning Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Adults Scores: Level of Consciousness; Orientation; Attention; Language; Comprehension; Repetition; Naming; Constructional Ability; Memory; Calculations; Reasoning; Similarities; Judgment. Color Trails Test – CTT ► Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Color Trails Test 1, Form A Color Trails Test 2, Form A Record Form Authors: Louis F. D’Elia, Paul Satz, Craig Lyons Uchiyama, Travis White Publication Date: 1994-1996 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: 43 Purpose: Designed as a test of sustained visual attention and simple sequencing Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Ages 18 and over Scores: Color Trails 1; Color Trails 1 Errors; Color Trails 1 Near-Misses; Color Trails 1 Prompts; Color Trails 2; Color Trails 2 Color Errors; Color Trails 2 Number Errors; Color Trails 2 NearMisses; Color Trails 2 Prompts; Interference Index. Comments: The CTT was developed to be free from the influence of language, and is an analogue of the Trail Making Test (TMT). Administration instructions in Spanish and English are provided in the manual. Respondents must be able to recognize Arabic numerals 1-25. Time: 10 minutes Comprehensive Trail-Making Test – CTMT ► Instrument Components: Manual Record Booklet Authors: Cecil R. Reynolds Publication Date: 2002 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Developed for the evaluation and diagnosis of brain injury and other forms of central nervous system compromise Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Ages 11 to 74-11 Scores: 44 Trail 1; Trail 2; Trail 3; Trail 4; Trail 5; Composite Index. Time: 5-12 minutes ► Conflict Management Survey: A Self-Assessment of Your Techniques For Managing Conflict – CMS Instrument Components: Survey Authors: Jay Hall Publication Date: 1969-1996 Publisher Information: Teleometrics International, Inc., 4567 Lake Shore Drive, Waco, TX 76710; Telephone: 800527-0406; FAX: 254-772-9588; Email:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to provide information about the various ways people react to and try to manage the differences between themselves and others.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Adults Scores: 9/1 Win-Lose; 1/9 Yield-Lose; 1/1 Lose-Leave; 5/5 Compromise; 9/9 Synergistic; Personal Orientation; Interpersonal Relationships; Small Group Relationships; Intergroup Relationships. Comments: Self-ratings Conflict Style Inventory – CSI ► Instrument Components: Inventory Authors: Marshall Sashkin Publication Date: 1990-1995 45 Publisher Information: Human Resource Development Press, 22 Amherst Road, Amherst, MA 01002-9709. Purpose: Designed to assess an individual's approach to conflict resolution Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Adults Scores: Individual [one-on-one] Conflict Situations; Group/Team Conflict Situations; Avoiding; Smoothing; Bargaining; Forcing; Problem Solving Comments: Self-scored Time: 20 minutes Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales – CAARS ► Instrument Components: Technical Manual Forms: Self-report Screening Version (S: SV) Self-report Short Version (S: S) Self-report Long Version (S: L) Observer Screening Version (O: SV) Observer Short Version (O: S) Observer Long Version (O: L) Additional Acronyms: CAARS; CAARS-S:L; CAARS-S:S; CAARS-S:SV; CAARS-O:L; CAARS-O:S; CAARS-O: SV. Authors: Keith C. Conners, Drew Erhardt, Elizabeth Sparrow Publication Date: 1999 Publisher Information: Multi-Health Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 950, North Tonawanda, NY 14120-0950; Telephone: 416-492-2627 or 800-456-3003; FAX: 416-492-3343 or 888-540-4484; E-mail: CUSTOMERSERVICE@MHS.COM; Web: Purpose: Designed to assess 'psychopathology and problem behaviors associated with adult ADHD.' 46 Test Category: Behavior Assessment Administration: Individual Population: Ages 18 and over Scores: Inattention/Memory Problems; Hyperactivity/Restlessness; Impulsivity/Emotional Lability; Problems with Self-Concept; DSM-IV Inattentive Symptoms; DSM-IV Hyperactive-Impulsive Symptoms; DSM-IV Total ADHD Symptoms; ADHD Index; Inconsistency Index. Comments: Observer rating and/or self-report Levels: Forms, 6: Self-Report: Long (CAARS-S:L); Self-Report: Short (CAARS-S:S); Self-Report: Screening (CAARS-S:SV); Observer: Long (CAARS-O:L); Observer: Short (CAARS-O:S); Observer: Screening (CAARS-O: SV). Sublistings: a) CAARS-SELF-REPORT: LONG; CAARS-OBSERVER: LONG. Scores, 9: Inattention/Memory Problems, Hyperactivity/Restlessness, Impulsivity/Emotional Lability, Problems with Self-Concept, DSM-IV Inattentive Symptoms, DSM-IV Hyperactive-Impulsive Symptoms, DSM-IV Total ADHD Symptoms, ADHD Index, Inconsistency Index. T Time: (30) minutes b) CAARS-SELF-REPORT: SHORT; CAARS-OBSERVER: SHORT. Scores, 6: Inattentive/Memory Problems, Hyperactivity/Restlessness, Impulsivity/Emotional Lability, Problems with Self-Concept, ADHD Index, Inconsistency Index. Time: (10) minutes c) CAARS-SELF-REPORT: SCREENING; CAARS-OBSERVER: SCREENING. Scores, 4: DSM-IV Inattentive Symptoms, DSM-IV Hyperactive/Impulsivity Symptoms, DSM-IV Total ADHD Symptoms, ADHD Index. Time: (10) minutes. ► Conner's Rating Scales, Revised – CRS-R Instrument Components: Technical Manual Forms: Teacher Rating Scale (Short) Teacher Rating Scale (Long) Teacher Rating Scale Profile (L) 47 CTRS Teacher Feedback Form (S) CTRS Teacher Feedback Form (L) Parent Rating Scale(S) Parent Rating Scale(L) Parent Rating Scale Profile (L) CPRS Parent Feedback Form(S) CPRS Parent Feedback Form(L) Adolescent Self Report Scale (Long) Adolescent Self Report Scale (S) Adolescent Rating Scale Profile Self-Report Scale (S) Self-Report Scale Profile Form (L) Feedback Form CASS S Feedback Form CASS L Author: C. Keith Conners, PhD Publication Date: 1989-1997 Publisher Information: Multi-Health Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 950, North Tonawanda, NY 14120-0950; Telephone: 416-492-2627 or 800-456-3003; FAX: 416-492-3343 or 888-540-4484; E-mail: CUSTOMERSERVICE@MHS.COM; Web: Purpose: Constructed to assess psychopathology and problem behaviors. Test Category: Overall Adjustment Administration: Group Population: Ages 3-17; self-report scales can be completed by 12- to 17-year-olds Scores: Oppositional, Cognitive Problems / Inattention, Hyperactivity, Anxious-Shy, Perfectionism, Social Problems, Psychosomatic, ADHD Index, Conners’ Global Index: Restless-Impulsive and Emotional Lability, DSM-IV Inattentive, DSM-IV Hyperactive-Impulsive, DSM-IV Total. Time: Long Version: 15–20 minutes Short Version: 5-10 minutes ► DasNaglieri Cognitive Assessment System – CAS Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Administration and Scoring Manual 48 Stimulus Book Interpretive Handbook Scoring Templates Forms: Record Form Response Book (ages 5-7) Response Book (ages 8-17) Figure Memory Response Book (ages 5-17) Authors: Jack A. Naglieri, J. P. Das Publication Date: 1997 Publisher Information: Riverside Publishing, 3800 Golf Road, Suite 100, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008; Telephone: 800-323-9540; FAX: 630-467-7192; Web: Purpose: 'To provide a cognitive processing measure of ability that is fair to minority children, effective for differential diagnosis, and related to intervention.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Population: Ages 5 to 17-11 Scores: Planning; Matching Numbers; Planned Codes; Planned Connections; Simultaneous; Nonverbal Matrices; Verbal-Spatial Relations; Figure Memory; Attention; Expressive Attention; Number Detection; Receptive Attention; Successive; Word Series; Sentence Repetition; Speech Rate; Sentence Questions; Sentence Repetition. Comments: PASS theory reconceptualizes intelligence as cognitive processes. Levels: Levels, 2: Ages 5-7, ages 8-17 Sublistings: a) STANDARD BATTERY. Scores: 4 scales with 13 subtests: Planning (Matching Numbers, Planned Codes, Planned Connections), Simultaneous (Nonverbal Matrices, Verbal-Spatial Relations, Figure Memory), Attention (Expressive Attention, Number Detection, Receptive Attention), Successive (Word Series, Sentence Repetition, Speech Rate, Sentence Questions). Time: 60 minutes b) BASIC BATTERY. Scores: 4 scales with 8 subtests: Planning (Matching Numbers, Planned Codes), Simultaneous (Nonverbal Matrices, Verbal-Spatial Relations), Attention (Expressive Attention, Number Detection), Successive (Word Series, Sentence Repetition). Time: 40 minutes 49 Dealing With Conflict Instrument – DWCI ► Instrument Components: In Binder: 360-degree Feedback Set Booklet Form: Scoring Sheet Authors: Alexander Hiam Publication Date: 1999 Publisher Information: Human Resource Development Press, Inc.22 Amherst Road, Amherst, MA 01002-9709 Phone: 1-800-822-2801 or 413-253-3488; Fax: 413-253-3490 Test Category: Vocation Purpose: “[A]ssesses five conflict-handling styles that are effective ways of dealing with conflict.” SOURCE: ► Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders - DSMD Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Child Form (ages 5-12) Adolescent Form (ages 13-18) Authors: Jack A. Naglieri, Paul A. LeBuffe, Steven I. Pfeiffer Publication Date: 1993-1996 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Constructed for 'evaluating behaviors associated with psychopathology.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual 50 Population: Ages 5-12, 13-18 Scores: Conduct; Attention/Delinquency; Anxiety; Depression; Autism; Acute Problems; Internalizing Composite; Externalizing Composite; Critical Pathology Composite. Comments: Revision of Devereux Child Behavior Rating Scale (T3:703) and Devereux Adolescent Behavior Rating Scale (T3:702); ratings by parents, teachers, or other professionals; Scoring Assistant available to provide narrative interpretive reports and other information. Levels: Forms, 2: Child Form, Adolescent Form Time: 15 minutes Dementia Rating Scale-2 – DRS-2 ► Instrument Components: Manual Stimulus Cards (in box container) Forms: Scoring Booklet Profile Form Authors: Steven Mattis, Paul J. Jurica and Christopher Leitten Publication Date: 1973-2001 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: To measure and track 'mental status in adults with cognitive impairment.' Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Adults ages 56-89 and older Scores: Attention; Initiation/Perseveration; Construction; Conceptualization; Memory. 51 Comments: Revised version of the DRS; DRS-2 stimulus cards same as for original DRS; can be administered bedside by appropriately trained personnel; alternate form is also available. Time: 15-30 minutes ► Diagnostic Achievement Battery, Third Edition – DAB-3 Instrument Components: Manual Assessment Probes Student Booklet Forms: Profile/Examiner Record Booklet Student Response Booklet Authors: Phyllis L. Newcomer Publication Date: 1984-2001 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed 'to assess children's abilities in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and mathematics.' Test Category: Achievement Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6-0 to 14-0 Scores: Story Comprehension; Characteristics; Synonyms; Grattatic Completion; Alphabet/Word knowledge; Reading Comprehension; Capitalization; Punctuation; Spelling; Writing: Contextual Language; Writing: Story Construction; Mathematics Reasoning; Mathematics Calculation; Phonemic Analysis; Listening; Speaking; Reading; Writing; Mathematics; Spoken Language; Written Language; Total Achievement. Time: 90-120 minutes ► Differential Ability Scales, Second Edition – DAS-II Instrument Components: 52 Administration and Scoring Manual Technical Manual Normative Data Tables Manual Manipulatives Set Forms: Early Years Record Form School Age Record Form Authors: Colin D. Elliott Publication Date: 1979-2007 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'To profile a child's strengths and weaknesses in a wide range of cognitive abilities.' Test Category: Achievement Administration: Individual Population: Ages 2-6 to 17-11 Scores: Copying; Early Number Concepts; Matching Letter-Like Forms; Matrices; Naming Vocabulary; Pattern Construction; Pattern Construction (Alternative); Phonological Processing; Picture Similarities; Rapid Naming; Recall of Designs; Recall of Digits Forward; Recall of Digits Backward; Recall of Objects-Immediate; Recall of Objects-Delayed; Recall of Sequential Order; Recognition of Pictures; Sequential and Quantitative Reasoning; Speed of Information Processing; Verbal Comprehension; Verbal Similarities; Word Definitions; General Conceptual Ability; Special Nonverbal Composite; Verbal Ability; Nonverbal Ability; Nonverbal Reasoning Ability; Spatial Ability; School Readiness; Working Memory; Processing Speed. Levels: Levels, 2: Early Years Battery, School-Age Battery. Subtests: Core, Diagnostic. Sublistings: a) EARLY YEARS BATTERY. 1) Lower Level Early Years Battery. Population: Ages 2-6 to 3-5. Time: (20) minutes. Scores, 8: Verbal Ability (Verbal Comprehension, Naming Vocabulary), Nonverbal Ability (Picture Similarities, Pattern Construction), Diagnostic Subtests (Recall of Digits Forward, Recognition of Pictures, Early Number Concepts), General Conceptual 53 Ability. 2) Upper Level Early Years Battery. Population: Ages 3-6 to 6-11. Time: (31) minutes. Scores, 19: Verbal Ability (Verbal Comprehension, Naming Vocabulary), Nonverbal Reasoning Ability (Picture Similarities, Matrices), Spatial Ability (Pattern Construction, Copying), Special Nonverbal Composite, School Readiness (Early Number Concepts, Matching Letter-like Forms, Phonological Processing), Working Memory (Recall of Sequential Order, Recall of Digits Backward), Processing Speed (Speed of Information Processing, Rapid Naming), Recall of Objects-Immediate, Recall of Objects-Delayed, Recall of Digits Forward, Recognition of Pictures, General Conceptual Ability; b) SCHOOL-AGE BATTERY. Population: Ages 7-0 to 17-11 (and optionally down to age 5-0). Time: (39) minutes. Scores, 17: Verbal Ability (Word Definitions, Verbal Similarities), Nonverbal Reasoning Ability (Matrices, Sequential and Quantitative Reasoning), Spatial Ability (Recall of Designs, Pattern Construction), Special Nonverbal Composite, Working Memory (Recall of Sequential Order, Recall of Digits Backward), Processing Speed (Speed of Information Processing, Rapid Naming), Phonological Processing, Recall of Objects-Immediate, Recall of Objects-Delayed, Recall of Digits Forward, Recognition of Pictures, General Conceptual Ability. Digit Vigilance Test – DVT ► Instrument Components: In Binder: Professional User’s Guide 4 Scoring Templates (Red 6, Red 9, Blue 6, Blue 9), Form: Test Booklet Authors: Ronald F. Lewis Publication Date: 1995 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to measure vigilance during rapid visual tracking and accurate selection of target stimuli. Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Ages 20-80 Scores: 54 Total Time; Total Errors Levels: Forms, 2: 6s, 9s. Time: 10 minutes Digital Finger Tapping Test – DFTT ► Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Finger-tapper NO FORMS Authors: Allen D. Brandon, Thomas L. Bennett Publication Date: 1985 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Constructed to measure 'psychomotor performance as an element in neuropsychological functioning.' Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Individuals with potential cortical damage or impairment Scores: Right Hand; Left Hand Time: 10 minutes for administration, scoring, and interpretation; 10 seconds per trial. Diversity Awareness Profile – DAP ► Instrument Components: Facilitator's Guide Form: Question Booklet Authors: Karen Grote Publication Date: 1991 55 Publisher Information: Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Company, 989 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 Purpose: 'Designed to assist people in becoming aware of ways in which they discriminate against, judge, or isolate others.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Employees or managers Levels: Forms, 2: Employee, Manager Time: 90 minutes ► Draw-A-Person Catalogue for Interpretive Analysis Instrument Components: Catalogue Author: William H. Urban, M.A. Purpose: “This widely used book provides classification categories and interpretative hypotheses, developed by specialists, for the Draw-A-Person Test. These are presented in alphabetical order for ready use in interpreting the Draw-A-Person. This is a valuable reference for clinicians and an excellent teaching aid.” SOURCE: Dyadic Adjustment Scale – DAS ► Instrument Components: Manual Form: Questionnaire Authors: Graham B. Spanier Publication Date: 1989 Publisher Information: 56 Multi-Health Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 950, North Tonawanda, NY 14120-0950; Telephone: 416-492-2627 or 800-456-3003; FAX: 416-492-3343 or 888-540-4484; E-mail: CUSTOMERSERVICE@MHS.COM; Web: Purpose: Designed to measure the quality of adjustment in marriage and similar dyadic relationships. Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: People who have any committed couple relationship including unmarried cohabitation Scores: Dyadic Consensus; Dyadic Satisfaction; Affectional Expression; Dyadic Cohesion. Comments: Self-report Time: 5-10 minutes Eating Disorder Inventory-3 – EDI-3 ► Instrument Components: Manual Referral Form (RF) Manual (in box) Forms: Item Booklet Referral Form (RF) Symptom Checklist T-Score Profile Sheet Answer Sheet Authors: David M. Garner Publication Date: 1984-2004 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to 'provide a standardized clinical evaluation of symptomatology associated with eating disorders.' 57 Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Females ages 13 to 53 years Scores: Eating Disorder Risk Composite; Ineffectiveness Composite; Interpersonal Problems Composite; Affective Problems Composite; Overcontrol Composite; General Psychological Maladjustment Composite; Drive for Thinness; Bulimia; Body Dissatisfaction; Low SelfEsteem; Personal Alienation; Interpersonal Insecurity; Interpersonal Alienation; Interoceptive Deficits; Emotional Dysregulation; Perfectionism; Asceticism; Maturity Fears; Inconsistency; Infrequency; Negative Impression; BMI. Sublistings: a) EATING DISORDER INVENTORY-3. Population: Females ages 13 to 53 years. Scores, 21: 6 composite scores (Eating Disorder Risk Composite, Ineffectiveness Composite, Interpersonal Problems Composite, Affective Problems Composite, Overcontrol Composite, General Psychological Maladjustment Composite), 12 primary scores (Drive for Thinness, Bulimia, Body Dissatisfaction, Low Self-Esteem, Personal Alienation, Interpersonal Insecurity, Interpersonal Alienation, Interoceptive Deficits, Emotional Dysregulation, Perfectionism, Asceticism, Maturity Fears), 3 response style indicators (Inconsistency, Infrequency, Negative Impression). Comments: Full battery. Time: 20 minutes. b) EATING DISORDER INVENTORY-3 REFERRAL FORM. Population: Adolescents and adults ages 13 and older. Acronym: EDI-3 RF. Scores, 4: Drive for Thinness, Bulimia, Body Dissatisfaction, BMI. Comments: Abbreviated referral form of Eating Disorder Inventory-3 "used to identify individuals who are at risk for eating disorders." Time: 10 minutes. c) EATING DISORDER INVENTORY-3 SYMPTOM CHECKLIST. Population: Adolescents and adults. Acronym: EDI-3 SC. Scores: Frequency ratings. Comments: Symptom checklist used as an aid in the diagnosis of eating disorders. Time: 10 minutes. ► Evaluation of Competency to Stand Trial-Revised – ECST-R Instrument Components: In Binder: Professional Manual Interview Booklet Forms: Record form Profile form Authors: Richard Rogers, Chad E. Tillbrook, Kenneth S. Sewell Publication Date: 2004 58 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed for specialized forensic evaluations related to competency to stand trial.' Test Category: Miscellaneous Administration: Individual Population: Ages 18 and over Scores: Competency Scales; Factual Understanding of Courtroom Proceedings; Rational Understanding of Courtroom Proceedings; Consult with Counsel; Atypical Presentation Scales; Realistic; Psychotic; Nonpsychotic Impairment; Both [Psychotic and Nonpsychotic combined]. Time: Untimed ► Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory and Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory – Revised – ECBI Instrument Components: Manual Forms: ECBI Parent Rating Form SESBI-R Authors: Sheila M. Eyberg, Joseph Sutter, Donna Pincus Publication Date: 1978-1999 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed 'to measure conduct problems in children ages 2 through 16 years.' Test Category: Behavior Assessment 59 Administration: Group or individual Population: Ages 2-16 Scores: Problem; Intensity Comments: ECBI is a rating form completed by parents; SESBI-R is a rating form completed by teachers. Levels: Forms, 2: Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory; Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior InventoryRevised. Time: 10 minutes Fitness Interview Test, Revised – FIT-R ► Instrument Components: Manual Questionnaire Authors: Ronald Roesch, Patricia A. Zapf, Derek Eaves Publication Date: 2006 Publisher Information: Professional Resource Press, P.O. Box 15560, Sarasota, FL 34277-1560. Purpose: A screening instrument that provides 'a structured interview for assessing competency to stand trial.' Test Category: Miscellaneous Administration: Individual Population: Juveniles and adults Comments: Designed to correspond with case law in the U.S., U.K., and Canada Time: Administration time not reported ► Forer Structured Sentence Completion Test – FSSCT 60 Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Adolescent Form Adult Form Form B Form G Form M Form W Author: Bertram R. Forer Publication Date: 1960-1993 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Designed to identify individuals’ attitudes and views about themselves, others, and the world. Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Adolescents and adults Scoring: Forer has developed a Checklist and Clinical Evaluation Form for both the adolescent and adult forms. These forms provide a structured evaluation scheme that the examiner can use to group individual items into one of four categories: Interpersonal Figures, Wishes, Causes of Own (feelings and behaviors), and Reactions (to other people). Each item is rated according to "attitudes toward" and "characteristics of" in the first two categories and "attitudes toward" in the last two categories. All of the terms used have specific clinical operational definitions and clear implications about the structure and organization of one’s personality. Forer has attempted to define these terms operationally in the manual. Comments: The Forer Structured Sentence Completion Test (FSSCT) is comprised of 100 sentence stems developed to identify individuals’ attitudes and views about themselves, others, and the world. Sentence stems reflect an approximately equal balance among third-person and firstperson singular and plural stimulus presentations. The structure of the FSSCT involves both the specificity of the sentence stems and the evaluation system used to assess the quality of responses. Time: 15-20 minutes 61 SOURCE: ► Functional Assessment and Intervention System: Improving School Behavior – FAIS Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Record Form Social Competence Performance Checklist, Teacher/Parent Form Authors: Karen Callan Stoiber Publication Date: 2004 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to enable interdisciplinary staff (school psychologists, teachers, counselors, and support staff) to systematically identify the intent or function of a student's challenging behaviors and gain a clear understanding of his or her needs.' Test Category: Behavior Assessment Administration: Individual Population: Early childhood through high school Comments: Components of the FAIS can be used with Outcomes: Planning, Monitoring, Evaluating (0000) for planning interventions. Levels: Forms, 2: Social Competence Performance Checklist, Classroom Competence Observation Form. Time: 10 minutes for Social Competence Performance Checklist 15-30 minutes for observation and support plan development ► Gifted Rating Scales – GRS Instrument Components: Manual Forms: 62 Preschool-Kindergarten Form (GRS-P) School Form (GRS-S) Authors: Steven I. Pfeiffer, Tania Jarosewich Publication Date: 2003 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to 'assess observable student behaviors indicating giftedness.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 4:0 to 6:11, 6:0 to 13:11 Scores: Intellectual Ability; Academic Ability; Creativity; Artistic Talent; Motivation; Leadership Ability. Comments: Norm-referenced, teacher-completed rating scale Price: 2003: $125 per complete kit including manual (86 pages), 25 Early Child record forms, and 25 School Age record forms; $75 per manual; $40 per 25 Early Child record forms; $40 per 25 School Age record forms. Sublistings: a) GIFTED RATING SCALE-PRESCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN. Population: Ages 4:0 to 6:11. Acronym: GRS-P. Scores, 5: Intellectual Ability, Academic Ability, Creativity, Artistic Talent, Motivation. Time: 10 minutes b) GIFTED RATING SCALE-SCHOOL. Population: Ages: 6:0 to 13:11. Acronym: GRS-S. Scores, 6: Same as a above with the addition of Leadership Ability. Time: 15 minutes ► Goldstein-Scheerer Object Sorting Test Note: This test is a sub-test of Goldstein-Scheerer Tests of Abstract and Concrete Thinking (1945) Instrument Components: In Soft Case: 63 Checklist of Objects Box of 30 objects Record Form (MUST BE RETURNED!) Authors: Kurt Goldstein and Martin Scheerer Publication Date: 1941-1951 Publisher Information: Psychological Corporation, N/K/A: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Intended to be used as a clinical adjunct to in the diagnosis of brain damage Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Individuals with potential brain damage Time: Untimed Goodenough – Harris Drawing Test ► Instrument Components: In Binder: Manual 24 Quality Scale Plates Authors: Florence L. Goodenough and Dale B. Harris Publication Date: 1963 Publisher Information: Psychological Corporation, N/K/A: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: ‘Used to assess proficiency and progress.’ Test Category: Developmental [Intelligence] 64 Administration: Individual Population: Child and Adolescent Time: Untimed SOURCE: ► Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests, Second Edition – GDRT-2 Instrument Components: Manual Adventures in Fancyland Storybook Forms: Student Form Book A Student Form Book B Examiner/Record Form A Examiner/Record Form B Authors: Brian R. Bryant, J. Lee Wiederholt, Diane Pedrotty Bryant Publication Date: 1991-2004 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed as 'a comprehensive measure of reading skills ... to determine strengths and weaknesses, document progress in reading programs, [and] help diagnose specific reading problems.' Test Category: Reading Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6-0 to 13-11 Scores: Decoding; Letter/Word Recognition; Phonetic Analysis; Comprehension; Reading Vocabulary; Meaningful Reading; General Reading; Listening Vocabulary; Rapid Naming; Phonological Awareness. Comments: Norm-referenced; revision of the Gray Oral Reading Tests-Diagnostic Time: 45-60 minutes 65 Gray Oral Reading Tests, Fourth Edition – GORT-4 ► Instrument Components: Manual Student Book Forms: Examiner/Record Form A Examiner/Record Form B Authors: Lee J. Wiederholt, Brian R. Bryant Publication Date: 1967-2001 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed 'to provide a measure of growth in oral reading and an aid in the diagnosis of oral reading difficulties.' Test Category: Reading Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6-0 to 18-11 Scores: Rate; Accuracy; Fluency; Comprehension. Time: 20-30 minutes Greenspan Social-Emotional Growth Chart ► Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Caregiver Report Questionnaire Authors: Stanley I. Greenspan Publication Date: 2004 66 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to help determine a child's social-emotional development and growth. Test Category: Developmental Administration: Individual Population: Birth to 3.5 years Scores: Total Growth Chart Score; Sensory Processing Score; Highest Stage Mastered. Comments: It is recommended that the questionnaire be administered at each developmental stage. Time: 5-15 minutes Grooved Pegboard Test ► Instrument Components: Instruction / Owner’s Manual Pegboard (with 32 pegs) NO FORMS Authors: Ronald Trites Publication Date: 1989 Publisher Information: Lafayette Instruments, P.O. Box 5729, 3700 Sagamore Parkway North, Lafayette, IN 479035729; Telephone: 765-423-1505; FAX: 765-423-4111; E-Mail:; Web: Purpose: To assess manipulative dexterity. Test Category: Sensory-Motor Administration: Individual Population: Ages 5 to 8-12, 9 to 14-12, 15 to adult 67 Scores: Total Time; Number of "Drops; " Total Pegs Correctly Placed Comments: Ages 5 to 8-12 only complete first two rows of the Pegboard; "this test requires more complex visual-motor coordination than most pegboards." Time: Trial discontinued after 5 minutes Hand Test [Revised] ► Instrument Components: Manual In Soft Case: Manual supplement - Assessment of Brain Injury Manual supplement - Interpreting Child and Adolescent Responses Set of 10 Picture Cards Form: Scoring Booklet Author: Edwin E. Wagner Publication Date: 1959-1991 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Designed as 'a diagnostic technique that uses pictures of hands as the projective medium.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 5 and older Scores: 41 scores: 24 quantitative scores: Interpersonal (Affection, Dependence, Communication, Exhibition, Direction, Aggression, Total), Environmental (Acquisition, Active, Passive, Total), Maladjustive (Tension, Crippled, Fear, Total), Withdrawal (Description, Bizarre, Failure, Total), Experience Ratio, Acting Out Ratio, Pathological, Average Initial Response Time, High Minus Low Score, plus 17 qualitative scores: Ambivalent, Automatic Phrase, Cylindrical, Denial, Emotion, Gross, Hiding, Immature, Inanimate, Movement, Oral, Perplexity, Sensual, Sexual, Original, Repetition. Time: 10 minutes 68 Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: 2nd Edition – PCL-R ► Instrument Components: Technical Manual Rating Booklet Interview Guide Forms: Record Form Authors: Robert D. Hare Publication Date: 1990-2003 Publisher Information: Multi-Health Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 950, North Tonawanda, NY 14120-0950; Telephone: 416-492-2627 or 800-456-3003; FAX: 416-492-3343 or 888-540-4484; E-mail: CUSTOMERSERVICE@MHS.COM; Web: Purpose: Designed for 'the assessment of psychopathy in research, clinical and forensic settings.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 18 and over Scores: Interpersonal; Affective; Lifestyle; Antisocial Comments: Rating scale based on responses to semi-structured interview and collateral information review. Expands previous edition for use with female and African American offenders, substance abusers, and offenders in countries other than the U.S. Time: 90-120 minutes for interview; 60 minutes for collateral review. ► HCR-20: Assessing Risk for Violence (Version 2) – HCR-20 Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Coding Sheet 69 Authors: Christopher D. Webster, PhD, Kevin S. Douglas, LLB, PhD, Derek Eaves, MD, and Stephen D. Hart, PhD Publication Date: 1997 Publisher Information: Mental Health, Law and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University Purpose: Identify presence/absence of violence risk factors Test Category: Risk Management Administration: Individual Population: 18 to 65 years Comments: The HCR-20 is a 20-item checklist to assess the risk for future violent behavior in criminal and psychiatric populations. Items were chosen based on a comprehensive review of the literature and input from experienced forensic clinicians. The HCR-20 includes variables which capture relevant past, present, and future considerations and should be regarded as an important first step in the risk assessment process. The manual provides information about how and when to conduct violence risk assessments, research on which the basic risk factors are based, and key questions to address when making judgments about risk. Violence is defined as "actual, attempted, or threatened harm to a person or persons." The professional who completes the HCR-20 Coding Sheet must first determine the presence or absence of each of the 20 risk factors according to three levels of certainty (i.e., Absent, Possibly Present, Definitely Present). In some settings, responsibility for the assessment may be divided among several different professionals. The 20 Items Are Divided Into Three Sections: 10 Historical Items (previous violence, age at first violent offense, family and vocational background, etc.). Five Clinical Items (current symptomatology and psychosocial adjustment). Five Risk Management Items (release and treatment plan, necessary services and support). Historical information serves as an anchor for risk assessments because there is a strong predictive link between past and future violent behavior. Such information should be verified carefully, as historical considerations may modify analyses of clinical and situational factors. In some cases, it may be necessary to contact friends or family members of the individual for verification of past events. The five clinical variables can be assessed at regular intervals so that risk level may be modified accordingly. The risk management items focus on predicting how individuals will adjust to future circumstances, and this is directly related to the context within which the individual will be living. 70 The final judgment regarding the risk for future violence (Low, Moderate, High) should be based on a careful analysis of the 20 risk factor items. Any statements of risk should take into consideration the base rate of violence in the particular population or setting (e.g., low, moderate, or high risk relative to other correctional inmates). HCR-20 Violence Risk Management Companion Guide This handy volume provides brief descriptions of violence intervention strategies. Section One covers general issues pertaining to violence risk assessment and management using the HCR-20. Section Two suggests intervention and management strategies that stem from the Clinical ("C") factors of the HCR-20. Section Three addresses strategies that stem from the Risk Management ("R") factors. Section Four offers practical assistance to people interested in using the HCR-20 for planning and tracking risk management activities. Time: Untimed Source: ► Holtzman Inkblot Technique – HIT Instrument Components: In Binder: Guide to Administration and Scoring Set of 47 Flash Cards Forms: Record Form A Summary Sheets Authors: Wayne H. Holtzman and Donald R. Gorham Publication Date: 1958-1972 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed as a projective personality test Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Ages 5 and over Scores: 71 Reaction Time; Rejection; Location; Space; Form Definiteness; Form Appropriateness; Color; Shading; Movement; Pathognomic Verbalization; Integration; Content; Human; Animal; Anatomy; Sex; Abstract; Anxiety; Hostility; Barrier; Penetration; Balance; Popular. Sublistings: a) INDIVIDUAL TEST. Publication Dates: 1958-1972. Forms, 2: A, B. b) GROUP TEST. Publication Dates: 1958-1972. Manual: No manual. Comments: Administration slides for either form must be constructed locally. Author: Donald R. Gorham (record form). Time: Untimed House-Tree-Person Projective Technique – H-T-P ► Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Manual and Interpretive Guide Illustrated Diagnostic Handbook Catalog Forms: Interpretation Booklet Drawing Form Authors: John N. Buck, W. L. Warren, Isaac Jolles, Stanley L. Wenck, Emmanuel F. Hammer Publication Date: 1946-1993 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: 'To provide psychologists and psychiatrists ... with an examining procedure with which to acquire diagnostically and prognostically significant data concerning a subject's total personality.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 3 and over Scores: Personality Time: 60-90 minutes 72 ► Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities, Revised Edition – ITPA Instrument Components: In Blue Plastic Carrying Case: Examiner’s Manual 2 Picture Books 5 Visual Closure Picture Strip Keys Visual Closure Picture Strip Key 1 Visual Closure Picture Strip Key 2 Visual Closure Picture Strip Key 3 Visual Closure Picture Strip Key 4 Visual Closure Picture Strip Key D Visual Sequential Memory Booklet Carrying Pouch of Figure Chips (17 plastic chips) Rubber Tray Pouch of Items (6) Envelope Instructional Phonograph Record Green Block Rubber Ball Nail Button Hammer Felt Tip Pen 5 Visual Closure Picture Strips (D, 1, 2, 3, 4) Forms: Record Ford Authors: Samuel A. Kirk, James J. McCarthy, Winifred D. Kirk, John N. Paraskevopoulos Publication Date: 1961-1968 Publisher Information: University of Illinois Press Purpose: Designed for assessing psycholinguistic abilities in children Test Category: English and Language Administration: Individual Population: Ages 2-10 Scores: 73 Auditory Reception, Visual Reception, Visual Sequential Memory, Auditory Association, Auditory Sequential Memory, Visual Association, Visual Closure, Verbal Expression, Grammatic Closure, Manual Expression, Auditory Closure (Optional), Sound Blending (Optional), Total. Time: 40-60 minutes ► Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile Note: This is a level assessment of the Sensory Profile (SSP) Instrument Components: User Manual Forms: Score Sheet Caregiver Questionnaire Authors: Winnie Dunn, Daniel N. McIntosh, Lucy Jane Miller, Vivian Shyu Publication Date: 1999-2002 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'To measure a child's sensory processing abilities.' Test Category: Sensory-Motor Administration: Individual or group Population: Birth to 36 months Scores: Auditory Filtering; Auditory Processing; Behavioral Outcomes of Sensory Processing; Emotional/Social Responses; Emotionally Reactive; Fine Motor/Perceptual; General Processing; Inattention/Distractibility; Items Indicating Thresholds for Response; Low Endurance/Tone; Low Energy/Weak; Modulation of Movement Affecting Activity Level; Modulation of Sensory Input Affecting Emotional Responses; Modulation of Visual Input Affecting Emotional Responses and Activity Level; Modulation Related to Body Position and Movement; Movement Sensitivity; Multisensory Processing; Oral Sensitivity; Oral Sensory Processing; Poor Registration; Sedentary; Sensory Processing Related to Endurance/Tone; Sensory Seeking; Sensory Sensitivity; Tactile Processing; Tactile Sensitivity; Taste/Smell Sensitivity; Touch Processing; Underresponsive/Seeks Sensation; Vestibular Processing; Visual Processing; Visual/Auditory Sensitivity.. 74 Comments: Profiles completed by child's caregiver. Levels: Levels, 2: Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile-Clinical Edition, Sensory Profile. Time: Untimed Interpersonal Behavior Survey – IBS ► Instrument Components: Manual Administration Booklet Scoring Key Set Forms: Profile Form Answer Sheet Authors: Mauger, Paul A.; Adkinson, David R.; Zoss, Suzanne K.; Firestone, Gregory; Hook, J. David. Publication Date: 1980 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: 'Developed to distinguish assertive behaviors from aggressive behaviors.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group – self-report inventory Population: Grades 9-16 and adults Scores: Denial; Infrequency; Impression Management; General Aggressiveness-Rational; Hostile Stance; Expression of Anger; Disregard for Rights; Verbal Aggressiveness; Physical Aggressiveness; Passive Aggressiveness; General Assertiveness-Rational; Self-Confidence; Initiating Assertiveness; Defending Assertiveness; Frankness; Praise; Requesting Help; Refusing Demands; Conflict Avoidance; Dependency; Shyness; General AggressivenessEmpirical; General Assertiveness-Empirical. Time: 45 minutes ► Joseph Picture Self-Concept Scale Instrument Components: 75 In Binder: Manual Stimulus Booklet (light-skinned version) Stimulus Booklet (dark-skinned version) Form: Older Child Interview Form Author: Jack Joseph Publication Date: 2004 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Designed to measure ‘self-concept in children' and 'identify children whose negative selfappraisals signal that they are at risk for academic and behavioral difficulties.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 3-0 to 7-11 years; Ages 7-0 to 13-11 years Scores: Self-Concept Time: 5-10 minutes Ka-Ro Inkblot Test ► Instrument Components: 10 Flash Cards Author: Yasufumi Kataguchi and the Ka-Ro Research Group Published: 1970 Publisher Information: Kaneko Shobo Purpose: Interpretive method for assessing personality Test Category: Personality 76 Administration: Individual Population: Ages 5 and over Time: 20-30 minutes SOURCE: ► Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition – KABC-II Instrument Components: Manual Rover Stimulus Booklet Story Completion Stimulus Booklet 4 Easels Box of Story Completion Cards Box of Objects 2 Word Order Object Cards Form: Record Form Author: Alan S. Kaufman, Nadeen L. Kaufman Publication Date: 1983-2004 Publisher Information: AGS Publishing, 4201 Woodland Road, Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796 Purpose: Designed to measure the 'processing and cognitive abilities of children and adolescents.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 3-18 Scores: Sequential (Number Recall, Word Order, Hand Movements, Total), Simultaneous (Block Counting, Conceptual Thinking, Face Recognition, Pattern Reasoning [Ages 5 and 6], Rover, Story Completion [Ages 5 and 6], Triangles, Gestalt Closure, Total), Planning [ages 7-18 only] (Pattern Reasoning, Story Completion, Total), Learning (Atlantis, Rebus, Atlantis Delayed, Rebus Delayed, Total), Knowledge (Expressive Vocabulary, Riddles, Verbal Knowledge, Total), Nonverbal Index, Mental Processing Index, Fluid-Crystallized Index. Time: 25-70 minutes 77 ► Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills – K-SEALS Instrument Components: Manual Easel Test Record Authors: Alan S. Kaufman, Nadeen L. Kaufman Publication Date: 1993 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed as an easy-to-administer measure of children's language skills (expressive and receptive vocabulary), numerical skills, and articulation Test Category: Achievement Administration: Individual Population: 3-0 to 6-11 Scores: Vocabulary; Numbers; Letters; and Words; Articulation Survey. Comments: The Early Academic Scales can be interpreted only for ages 5-0 to 6-11 Time: 15-25 minutes ► Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement-Second Edition, Comprehensive Form – KTEA-II Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Manual Norms Book 2 Easels Form A CD-ROM Set of 4 Stimulus Cards Dog Puppet Forms: 78 3 Form A WE booklets Form A WE Level 2 Form A WE Level 3 Form A WE Level 4 Form A Record Form (Comprehension Scoring Book) Form A Student Response Booklet Comprehension Form Form A Error Analysis Booklet Comprehension Form Authors: Alan S. Kaufman and Nadeen L. Kaufman Publication Date: 1985-2004 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to measure 'achievement in reading, mathematics, written language, and oral language.' Test Category: Achievement Administration: Individual Population: Ages 4.6-25 Scores: Reading; Letter and Word Recognition; Reading Comprehension; Mathematics; Math Concepts and Applications; Math Computation; Written Language; Written Expression; Spelling; Oral Language; Listening Comprehension; Oral Expression; Comprehensive Achievement Composite; Phonological Awareness; Nonsense Word Decoding; Sound-Symbol Composite; Decoding Composite; Word Recognition Fluency; Decoding Fluency; Reading Fluency Composite; Associational Fluency; Naming Facility; Oral Fluency Composite. Levels: Forms, 2: Parallel forms A and B. Time: 30-85 minutes ► Kinetic Drawing System for Family and School: A Handbook Instrument Components: Handbook Form: Scoring Booklet Authors: 79 Howard M. Knoff and Thompson H. Prout Publication Date: 1985 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Designed 'as a projective technique which assesses a child's perceptions of relationships among the child, peers, family, school, and significant others.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 5-20 Scores: Actions of and Between Figures; Figure Characteristics; Position/Distance/Barriers; Style; Symbols Time: 20-40 minutes Lafayette Hand Dynamometer ► Instrument Components: (In gray case) Hand Dynamometer Instruction/ Owner’s Manual Manufacturer: Lafayette Instrument, 3700 Sagamore Parkway N., Lafayette, IN 47903, ph: 800-428-7545, email: Purpose: Used for routine screening and evaluation of hand trauma and for standard hand grip tests. Test Category: Miscellaneous Time: Untimed ► Learning Style Inventory, Version 3.1 – LSI3 Instrument Components: Manual Self-Scoring Inventory 80 Test Booklet - Form contained within Author: David Kolb Publication Date: 1976-2005 Publisher Information: Hay Group, Hay Resources Direct, 116 Huntington Avenue,Boston, MA 02116-5712; Telephone: 800-729-8074; FAX: 617-927-5008; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Identifies an individual's learning preference and explores the opportunities that different learning styles present. Test Category: Education Administration: Group or individual Population: Ages 18-60 Scores: Concrete Experience; Reflective Observation; Abstract Conceptualization; Active Experimentation; Accommodating; Diverging; Converging; Assimilating. Time: 20-30 minutes ► Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised – Leiter-R Instrument Components: Examiner’s Manual 3 Easel Books Set of Scoring Keys 2 Boxes of Response Cards Electronic Times 3 Bags of Styrofoam Shapes Forms: Growth Scores and Rating Scales Record Forms Visualization & Reasoning Battery Record Form Attention & Memory Battery Record Form Booklet A ages 2-3 Booklet B ages 4-5 Booklet C ages 6-21 Teacher Rating Scale Self-Rating Scale Parent Rating Scale 81 Authors: Gale J. Roid, Lucy J. Miller Publication Date: 1936-1998 Publisher Information: Stoelting Co., 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, IL 60191; Telephone: 630-860-9700; FAX: 630860-9775; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Constructed as a 'nonverbal cognitive assessment.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 2.0-20.11, adults Scores: Visualization and Reasoning; Figure Ground; Design Analogies; Form Completion; Matching; Sequential Order; Repeated Patterns; Picture Context; Classification; Paper Folding; Figure Rotation; VR Composite; Fluid Reasoning; Brief IQ; Fundamental Visualization; Spatial Visualization; Full IQ; Attention and Memory Associated Pairs; Immediate Recognition; Forward Memory; Attention Sustained; Reverse Memory; Visual Coding; Spatial Memory; Delayed Pairs; Delayed Recognition; Attention Divided; AM Composite; Memory Screen; Associative Memory; Memory Span; Attention; Memory Process; Recognition Memory. Comments: May calculate growth scores (criterion-referenced scores) to assess improvement in cognitive skills. Time: 90 minutes ► Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory - Adult Form – LISRES-A Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Answer Form Question Booklet Authors: Rudolph H. Moos, Bernice S. Moos Publication Date: 1988-1994 Publisher Information: 82 Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Provides an integrated picture of an individual's current life context' including 'stable life stressors and social resources.' Test Category: Miscellaneous Administration: Individual or group Population: Healthy adults, psychiatric patients, and medical patients Scores: Life Stressor Scales; Physical Health; Home/Neighborhood; Financial; Work; Spouse or Partner; Children; Extended Family; Friends; Negative Life Events; Social Resources Scales; Financial; Work; Spouse or Partner; Children; Extended Family; Friends; Positive Life Events. Comments: May be administered using either a self-report or a structured interview format. Time: 10 minutes ► Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory -Youth Form – LISRES-Y Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Answer Form Question Booklet Authors: Rudolph H. Moos, Bernice S. Moos Publication Date: 1990-1994 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Provides an integrated picture of a youth's current life context ... assesses stable life stressors and social resources as well as changes in them over time.' Test Category: 83 Miscellaneous Administration: Individual or Group Population: Ages 12-18 Scores: Life Stressors Scales; Physical Health; Home and Money; Parents; Siblings; Extended Family; School; Friends; Boyfriend/Girlfriend; Negative Life Events; Social Resources Scales; Parents; Siblings; Extended Family; School; Friends; Boyfriend/Girlfriend; Positive Life Events. Comments: Available as self-report or structured interview; structured interview "allows an interviewer to use the inventory with youths whose reading and comprehension skills are below a sixthgrade level." Time: 45 minutes for self-report; 45-90 minutes for structured interview. ► Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery [Forms I and II] – LNNB Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Manual Cassette Tape Pack of Test Report Answer Forms Bag of 4 Investigation Sheets Forms: Administration and Scoring Booklet Patient Response Booklet Author: Charles J. Golden, Arnold D. Purisch, Thomas A. Hammeke Publication Date: 1980-1985 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025 Purpose: Designed 'to diagnose general and specific cognitive deficits, including lateralization and localization of focal brain impairments, and to aid in the planning and evaluation of rehabilitation programs'. Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual 84 Population: Ages 15 and over Scores: 27: Clinical and Summary scales (Motor Functions, Rhythm, Tactile Functions, Visual Functions, Receptive Speech, Expressive Speech, Writing, Reading, Arithmetic, Memory, Intellectual Processes, Intermediate Memory [Form II only], Pathognomonic, Left Hemisphere, Right Hemisphere, Profile Elevation, Impairment), Localization scales (Left Frontal, Left Sensorimotor, Left Parietal-Occipital, Left Temporal, Right Frontal, Right Sensorimotor, Right Parietal-Occipital, Right Temporal), Optional scales (Spelling, Motor Writing), plus 28 Factor scales. Time: 90-150 minutes ► MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool – Criminal Adjudication – MacCAT-CA Instrument Components: Professional Manual Form: Interview Booklet Authors: Steven K. Hoge, Richard J. Bonnie, Norman Poythress, John Monahan Publication Date: 1996-1999 Publisher Information: Professional Resource Press Purpose: The MacCAT-CA is a 22-item structured interview for the pretrial assessment of adjudicative competence. This instrument uses a vignette format and objectively scored questions to standardize the measurement of three competence-related abilities: Understanding (capacity for factual understanding of the legal system and the adjudication process); Reasoning (ability to distinguish more relevant from less relevant factual information and ability to reason about the two legal options: pleading guilty or not guilty); and Appreciation (capacity to understand his or her own legal situation and circumstances). Can be used with both felony and misdemeanor defendants in inpatient, outpatient, forensic, and correctional settings and can be used to assess treatment progress toward restoration of competency. Test Category: Adjudicative Competence Administration: Individual Source: ► Make-A-Picture Story – MAPS 85 Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Manual 21 Location Sheets Envelope with 67 Figures Figure Identification Card Form: Figure Location Sheet Authors: Edwin S. Schneidman Publication Date: 1947-1952 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: 'A projective psychological test' intended 'as an aid in inferring psychodynamic interpretations and structural aspects of personality.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Age 6 and over Comments: A projective test similar to the Thematic Apperception Test (0000); best when used as a component of a battery of psychological tests; guidelines for qualitative interpreting of subjects' responses provided. Time: Untimed ► Marital Satisfaction Inventory-Revised – MSI-R Instrument Components: Manual Form: Profile Form Authors: Douglas K. Snyder Publication Date: 1979-1998 Publisher Information: 86 Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Designed to 'identify, separately for each partner in a relationship, the nature and extent of distress along several key dimensions of their relationship.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Couples who are married or living together. Scores: Conventionalization; Global Distress; Affective Communication; Problem-Solving Communication; Aggression; Time Together; Disagreement About Finances; Sexual Dissatisfaction; Role Orientation; Family History of Distress; Dissatisfaction with Children; Conflict over Child Rearing; Inconsistency. Comments: 150-item self-report inventory Time: 20 to 25 minutes Marschak Interaction Method – MIM ► Instrument Components: Manual Activities Cards NO FORMS Authors: Ann Jernberg, Phyllis Booth, Terrence Koller, Adreiennne Allert, Gayle Christensen, Sandra Lindaman. Publication Date: 1987-2005 Publisher Information: The Theraplay Institute, 3330 Old Glenview Road, Suite 8, Wilmette, IL 60091; Telephone: (847) 256-7334; Web: Purpose: A structured observational technique to assess the quality and nature of the parent-child relationship. Test Category: Personality 87 Administration: Individual and group Population: Pre-school and school age Time: 30 to 60 minutes; administration is videotaped Maryland Addictions Questionnaire – MAQ ► Instrument Components: Manual Answer Sheet Authors: William E. O’Donnell, Clinton B. DeSoto, Janet L. DeSoto Publication Date: 1997 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Intended to survey 'issues relevant to the severity of patients' alcohol and drug abuse history.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Ages 17 and older Scores: Response Inconsistency; Defensiveness; Emotional Distress; Resistance to Treatment; Admission of Problems; Substance Abuse; Alcoholism Severity; Drug Abuse Severity; Craving; Substance Abuse Control; Resentment; Treatment; Motivation for Treatment; Social Anxiety; Antisocial Behaviors; Cognitive Symptoms; Affective Disturbance. Comments: Author suggests should be administered as an intake measure for individuals entering addiction treatment programs Time: 15-20 minutes ► Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test – MSCEIT Instrument Components: 88 Manual Item Booklet Form: Scoring Sheet Authors: John D. Mayer, Peter Salovey, David R. Caruso Publication Date: 2002 Publisher Information: Multi-Health Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 950, North Tonawanda, NY 14120-0950; Telephone: 416-492-2627 or 800-456-3003; FAX: 416-492-3343 or 888-540-4484; E-mail: CUSTOMERSERVICE@MHS.COM; Web: Purpose: Designed to assess emotional intelligence, measuring a person's capacity for reasoning with emotional information. Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual or group Population: Age 17 and older Scores: Managing Emotions; Understanding Emotions; Using Emotions; Perceiving Emotions. Comments: Self-completed Time: 25-35 minutes ► McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities – MSCA Instrument Components: In Briefcase: Manual Card Book Rubber Ball Beanbag Target Beanbag Yellow Tube Xylophone and Mallet 9-foot Tape Box of 12 Wooden 1-inch Cubes 12 Plastic Shapes 89 Box of 6 Puzzles Forms: Record Form Drawing Booklet Authors: Dorothea McCarthy Publication Date: 1970-1972 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Developed to 'determine . . . general intellectual level as well as . . . strengths and weaknesses in important abilities.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 2.6-8.6 Scores: Verbal; Perceptual-Performance; Quantitative; General Cognitive; Memory; Motor Time: 45-60 minutes ► Miller Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Test – M-FAST Instrument Components: Manual Interview Booklet Authors: Holly A. Miller Publication Date: 1995-2001 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 90 Designed to 'provide information regarding the probability that an individual is malingering psychiatric illness.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 18 and over Scores: Reported vs. Observed; Extreme Symptomatology; Rare Combinations; Unusual Hallucinations; Unusual Symptom Course; Negative Image; Suggestibility. Time: 5-10 minutes ► Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory – MACI Instrument Components: In Binder: Manual Hand-Scoring User’s Guide Set of Answer Keys Forms: Hand-Scoring Answer Sheet Hand-Scoring Worksheet Hand-Scoring Test Booklet Hand-Scoring Profile Authors: Theodore Millon, Carrie Millon, Roger Davis, Seth Grossman Publication Date: 1993 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to assess 'an adolescent's personality, along with self-reported concerns and clinical syndromes.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual or group Population: Ages 13-19 91 Scores: Personality Patterns; Introversive; Inhibited; Doleful; Submissive; Dramatizing; Egotistic; Unruly; Forceful; Conforming; Oppositional; Self-Demeaning; Borderline Tendency; Expressed Concerns; Identify Diffusion; Self-Devaluation; Body Disapproval; Sexual Discomfort; Peer Insecurity; Social Insensitivity; Family Discord; Childhood Abuse; Clinical Syndromes; Eating Dysfunctions; Substance Abuse Proneness; Delinquent Predisposition; Impulsive Propensity; Anxious Feelings; Depressive Affect; Suicidal Tendency; Disclosure; Desirability; Debasement. Time: 25-30 minutes ► Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III [Manual Second Edition] – MCMI-III Instrument Components: In Binder: Manual (Fourth Edition) Set of Answer Keys (26 sheets) Hand-Scoring User's Guide Forms: Hand-Scoring Answer Sheet Hand-Scoring Worksheet Hand-Scoring Test Booklet Hand-Scoring Profile Author: Theodore Millon, Roger Davis, Carrie Millon Publication Date: 1976-1997 Publisher Information: NCS, P.O. Box 1416, Minneapolis, MN 55440 Purpose: Designed to provide diagnostic and treatment information to clinicians in the areas of personality disorders and clinical syndromes. Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual or group Population: 'Adults [18+] who are seeking [or in] mental health treatment and who have eighth-grade reading skills.' Scores: 28: Modifying Indices (Disclosure, Desirability, Debasement, Validity), Clinical Personality Patterns (Schizoid, Avoidant, Depressive, Dependent, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Aggressive (Sadistic), Compulsive, Passive-Aggressive (Negativistic), Self-Defeating), Severe 92 Personality Pathology (Schizotypal, Borderline, Paranoid), Clinical Syndromes (Anxiety, Somatoform, Bipolar: Manic, Dysthymia, Alcohol Dependence, Drug Dependence, PostTraumatic Stress Disorder), Severe Clinical Syndromes (Thought Disorder, Major Depression, Delusional Disorder). Time: 25 minutes ► Millon Pre-Adolescent Clinical Inventory – M-PACI Instrument Components: Manual Binder of Scoring Templates Forms: Hand-scored Answer Sheet Hand-scoring Profile Authors: Theodore Millon, Robert Tringone, Carrie Millon, Seth Grossman Publication Date: 2005 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: To 'identify, predict, and understand a broad range of psychological disorders that are common in 9-12 year olds seen in clinical settings.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual or group Population: Ages 9-12 Scores: Emerging Personality Patterns; Confident; Outgoing; Conforming; Submissive; Inhibited; Unruly; Unstable; Current Clinical Signs; Anxiety/Fears; Attention Deficits; Obsessions/Compulsions; Conduct Disorder; Disruptive Behaviors; Depressive Moods; Reality Distortions; Response Validity Indicators; Invalidity; Response Negativity. Time: 15-20 minutes ► Mini Inventory of Right Brain Injury, Second Edition – MIRBI-2 93 Instrument Components: In Box Container: Manual Caliper Forms: Report Form Response Sheet Examiner Record Booklet Authors: Patricia A. Pimental, Jeffrey A. Knight Publication Date: 1989-2000 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed for 'screening neurocognitive deficits associated with right hemisphere lesions.' Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Ages 20-80 Scores: Visual Scanning; Integrity of Gnosis; Integrity of Body Image; Visuoverbal Processing; Visuosymbolic Processing; Integrity of Visuomotor Praxis; Higher-Level Language Skills; Expressing Emotion; General Affect; General Behavior. Time: 15-30 minutes ► Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent – MMPI-A Instrument Components: In Box Container: Basic Scales – Answer Key Content Scales – Answer Key Harris-Lingoes Subscales / Si Subscales – Answer Key Supplementary Scales – Answer Key Forms: Soft cover Answer Sheet Soft cover Answer Sheet-computer Profile for Content and Supplementary Scales Profile for Basic Scales Profile for Harris-Lingoes and Si Subscales 94 Recording Grid – TRIN/VRIN Scale Soft cover Test Booklet Authors: James N. Butcher, Carolyn L. Williams, John R. Graham, Beverly Kaemmer, Robert P. Archer, Auke Tellegen, Yossef S. Ben-Porath Publication Date: 1992 Publisher Information: Pearson, 5601 Green Valley Drive, Bloomington, MN 55437; Telephone: 800-627-7271 or 952-681-3232; FAX: 800-632-9011 or 952-681-3299; Web: Purpose: Designed for use with adolescents to assess a number of the major patterns of personality and emotional disorders. Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Ages 14-18 Scores: Cannot Say (?); Lie; Infrequency; Defensiveness; Variable Response Inconsistency; True Response Inconsistency; Hypochondriasis; Depression; Hysteria; Psychopathic Deviate; Masculinity-Femininity; Paranoia; Psychasthenia; Schizophrenia; Hypomania; Social Introversion; Harris-Lingoes Subscales; Subjective Depression; Psychomotor Retardation; Physical Malfunctioning; Mental Dullness; Brooding; Denial of Social Anxiety; Need for Affection; Lassitude-Malaise; Somatic Complaints; Inhibition of Aggression; Familial Discord; Authority Problems; Social Imperturbability; Social Alienation; Self-Alienation; Persecutory Ideas; Poignancy; Naivete; Social Alienation; Emotional Alienation; Lack of Ego MasteryCognitive; Lack of Ego Mastery-Conative; Lack of Ego Mastery-Defective Inhibition; Bizarre Sensory Experiences; Amorality; Psychomotor Acceleration; Imperturbability; Ego Inflation; Shyness/Self-Consciousness; Social Avoidance; Alienation; Anxiety; Obsessiveness; Depression; Health Concerns; Alienation; Bizarre Mentation; Anger; Cynicism; Conduct Problems; Low Self-Esteem; Low Aspirations; Social Discomfort; Family Problems; School Problems; Negative Treatment Indicators; Repression; MacAndrew Alcoholism ScaleRevised; Alcohol/Drug Problem Acknowledgment; Alcohol/Drug Problem Proneness; Immaturity. Time: 45-60 minutes ► Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 – MMPI-2 Instrument Components: In Box Container: MMPI-2 Manual 95 Set of Validity and Clinical Scales – Answer Keys Set of Content Component Scales – Answer Keys Set of Harris-Lingoes Subscales – Answer Keys Set of Content Scales – Answer Keys Set of Supplementary Scales/PSY-5 Scales – Answer Keys Set of Restructured Clinical Scales – Answer Keys Forms: Soft cover Test Booklet Soft cover Answer Sheet Profile for Validity and Clinical Scales Content Component Scales Record Profile Content Scales Profile for Supplementary Scales Record Grid TRIN/VRIN Scales Record Restructured Clinical (RC) Scales Profile Record Harris-Lingoes and Si Subscales Score Record Authors: James N. Butcher, Grant W. Dahlstrom, John R. Graham, Auke Tellegen, Beverly Kaemmer Publication Date: 1942-1990 Publisher Information: Pearson, 5601 Green Valley Drive, Bloomington, MN 55437; Telephone: 800-627-7271 or 952-681-3232; FAX: 800-632-9011 or 952-681-3299; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to assess a number of the major patterns of personality and emotional disorders.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Ages 18 and over Scores: Cannot Say (?); Lie (L); Infrequency (F); Correction (K); Back F (FB); Variable Response Inconsistency (VRIN); True Response Inconsistency (TRIN); Hypochondriasis (Hs); Depression (D); Conversion Hysteria (Hy); Psychopathic Deviate (Pd); MasculinityFemininity (Mf); Paranoia (Pa); Psychasthenia (Pt); Schizophrenia (Sc); Hypomania (Ma); Social Introversion (Si); Anxiety (A); Repression (R); Ego Strength (Es); MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale-Revised (MAC-R); Overcontrolled Hostility (O-H); Dominance (Do); Social Responsibility (Re); College Maladjustment (Mt); Gender Role-Masculine (GM); Gender RoleFeminine (GF); Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Scales (PK & PS); Marital Distress Scale (MDS); Addiction Potential Scale (APS); Addiction Admission Scale (AAS); Anxiety (ANX); Fears (FRS); Obsessiveness (OBS); Depression (DEP); Health Concerns (HEA); Bizarre Mentation (BIZ); Anger (ANG); Cynicism (CYN); Antisocial Practices (ASP); Type A (TPA); Low Self-Esteem (LSE); Social Discomfort (SOD); Family Problems (FAM); Work Interference (WRK); Negative Treatment Indicators (TRT); Shyness/Self-Consciousness (Si1); Social 96 Avoidance (Si2); Alienation-Self and Others (Si3); Harris-Lingoes Subscales; Subjective Depression (D1); Psychomotor Retardation (D2); Physical Malfunctioning (D3); Mental Dullness (D4); Brooding (D5); Denial of Social Anxiety (Hy1); Need for Affection (Hy2); Lassitude-Malaise (Hy3); Somatic Complaints (Hy4); Inhibition of Aggression (Hy5); Familial Discord (Pd1); Authority Problems (Pd2); Social Imperturbability (Pd3); Social Alienation (Pd4); Self-Alienation (Pd5); Persecutory Ideas (Pa1); Poignancy (Pa2); Naivete (Pa3); Social Alienation (Sc1); Emotional Alienation (Sc2); Lack of Ego Mastery; Cognitive (Sc3); Conative (Sc4); Defective Inhibition (Sc5); Bizarre Sensory Experiences (Sc6); Amorality (Ma1); Psychomotor Acceleration (Ma2); Imperturbability (Ma3); Ego Inflation (Ma4). Time: 90 minutes ► Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form – MMPI-2-RF Instrument Components: In Case: Technical manual Manual for administration, scoring and interpretation Scales: Somatic/cognitive and internalizing scales answer key Externalizing, interpersonal, and interest scales answer key Personality psychopathology five scales answer key, Higher-order and restructured clinical scales answer key Validity scales answer key Forms: Profile for validity scales Profile for externalizing, interpersonal, and interest scales Profile for higher-order (H-O) and restructured clinical (RC) scales Profile for somatic/cognitive and internalizing scales Profile for PSY-5 scales Hand-scoring answer sheet Authors: Yossef Ben-Porath and Auke Tellegen Publication Date: 2008 Publisher Information: University of Minnesota Press (Distributed by Pearson Assessments) Purpose: A new version of the MMPI-2, the MMPI-2-RF is a 338–item self-report measure linked conceptually and empirically to modern theories and models of psychopathology and personality. Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual 97 Population: Ages 18 and over Time: 35-30 minutes Source: ► Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children – MASC Instrument Components: Technical Manual Form: Quick Score Form Authors: John March Publication Date: 1997 Publisher Information: Multi-Health Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 950, North Tonawanda, NY 14120-0950; Telephone: 416-492-2627 or 800-456-3003; FAX: 416-492-3343 or 888-540-4484; E-mail: CUSTOMERSERVICE@MHS.COM; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to assess a variety of anxiety dimensions in children and adolescents.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Ages 8-19 Scores: Physical Symptoms; Tense Symptom Subscale; Somatic Symptoms Subscale; Harm Avoidance; Perfectionism Subscale; Anxious Coping Subscale; Social Anxiety; Humiliation Fears Subscale; Performance Fears Subscale; Separation/Panic; Total Anxiety; Anxiety Disorders Index; Inconsistency Index. Comments: Self-report Sublistings: a) MULTIDIMENSIONAL ANXIETY SCALE FOR CHILDREN. Acronym: MASC. Scores, 13: Physical Symptoms (Tense Symptom Subscale, Somatic Symptoms Subscale, Total), Harm Avoidance (Perfectionism Subscale, Anxious Coping Subscale, Total), Social Anxiety (Humiliation Fears Subscale, Performance Fears Subscale, Total), Separation/Panic, Total Anxiety, Anxiety Disorders Index, Inconsistency Index. Comments: Self-report measure; can 98 be orally administered to young children or poor readers; for use only by psychology professionals with training in assessment. Time: 15 minutes. b) MASC-10: MULTIDIMENSIONAL ANXIETY SCALE FOR CHILDREN-10 ITEM. Acronym: MASC-10. Scores, 4: Physical Symptoms, Harm Avoidance, Social Anxiety, Separation/Panic. Comments: A shortened, 10-item version of the MASC tapping the four basic anxiety scales. Time: 2-5 minutes. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – MBTI ► Instrument Components: Manual In Binder: Guide - Introduction to Type Book Set of 4 Templates Forms: Form M Report Form Form M Step 1 Booklet Form M Form M Template Score Answer Sheet Authors: Katharine C. Briggs, Isabel Briggs Myers, Mary H. McCaulley, Naomi L. Ouenk, Allen L. Hammer Publication Date: 1943-1998 Publisher Information: CPP, Inc., 1055 Joaquin Road 2nd Floor, Mountain View, CA 94043; Telephone: 800-6241765; FAX: 650-969-8608; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed for 'the identification of basic preferences on each of the four dichotomies specified or implicit in Jung's theory' and 'the identification and description of the 16 personality types that result from interactions among the preferences.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Ages 14 and older Scores: Extraversion vs. Introversion; Sensing vs. Intuition; Thinking vs. Feeling; Judging vs. Perceiving. Levels: Foreign Language Edition: Spanish (Form M Template scoring) edition available. 99 Time: 15-25 minutes Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test – NNAT ► Instrument Components: Manual Stimulus Book Forms: Record Form A Record Form B Parent Report Authors: Jack A. Naglieri Publication Date: 1996-1997 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: A 'measure of nonverbal reasoning and problem solving independent of educational curricula and cultural or language background.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Group Population: Grades K-12 Scores: Pattern Completion; Reasoning by Analogy; Serial Reasoning; Spatial Visualization; Nonverbal Ability Index. Comments: An extension and revision of the Matrix Analogies Test (0000); appropriate for non-Englishspeaking students, students with hearing, language, or motor impairment, and impaired color vision; a general measure of ability or identification of students with learning problems. Levels: Levels, 7: A (Kindergarten), B (Grade 1), C (Grade 2), D (Grades 3-4), E (Grades 5-6), F (Grades 7-9), G (Grades 10-12). Time: 30 – 45 minutes 100 ► NEO Personality Inventory-Revised – NEO PI-R Instrument Components: Manual In Binder: Item Booklet Form R - Women Item Booklet Form R - Men Item Booklet Form S Forms: Hand-scoring Answer Sheet Summary Feedback Sheet Adult Norms Form S Adult Norms Form R College-age Norms Form S Also available: Item Booklet Form S - Spanish Summary Sheet - Spanish Hand-scoring Answer Sheet – Spanish Authors: Paul T. Costa, Jr., Robert R. McCrae Publication Date: 1978-1992 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to 'obtain a comprehensive and detailed assessment of adult personality based on the Five Factor Model of personality.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual or group Population: Ages 17 and older Scores: Neuroticism; Anxiety; Angry Hostility; Depression; Self-Consciousness; Impulsiveness; Vulnerability; Extraversion; Warmth; Gregariousness; Assertiveness; Activity; ExcitementSeeking; Positive Emotions; Openness; Fantasy; Aesthetics; Feelings; Actions; Ideas; Values; Agreeableness; Trust; Straightforwardness; Altruism; Compliance; Modesty; TenderMindedness; Conscientiousness; Competence; Order; Dutifulness; Achievement Striving; Self-Discipline; Deliberation. Comments: 101 Previously listed as Revised NEO Personality Inventory Sublistings: a) REVISED NEO PERSONALITY INVENTORY. Acronym: NEO PI-R. Forms, 2: Form S (selfreports), Form R (observer ratings). Scores, 35: 30 facets in 5 domains: Neuroticism (Anxiety, Angry Hostility, Depression, Self-Consciousness, Impulsiveness, Vulnerability, Total), Extraversion (Warmth, Gregariousness, Assertiveness, Activity, Excitement-Seeking, Positive Emotions, Total), Openness (Fantasy, Aesthetics, Feelings, Actions, Ideas, Values, Total), Agreeableness (Trust, Straightforwardness, Altruism, Compliance, Modesty, TenderMindedness, Total), Conscientiousness (Competence, Order, Dutifulness, Achievement Striving, Self-Discipline, Deliberation, Total). Comments: Form R has two parallel versions: male and female. Time: 35-45 minutes b) NEO FIVE-FACTOR INVENTORY. Acronym: NEO-FFI. Scores, 5: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness. Comments: Shortened version of Form S. Time: 10-15 minutes ► NEO Personality Inventory-3– NEO-PI-3 Instrument Components: Manual Item Booklet FEMALE Form R Item Booklet MALE Form R Item Booklet SELF Form S Forms: Handscore Answer Sheet Observer Rating Profile Form MALE/FEMALE Observer Rating Profile Form ADULT Combined Norms Self-Report Profile Form Your NEO Summary Authors: Robert R. McCrae, Paul T. Costa, Jr. Publication Date: 1978-2010 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to measure 'the five major dimensions, or domains, of personality and the most important traits or facets that define each domain.' Test Category: Personality 102 Administration: Group Population: Ages 12 and older Scores: Neuroticism; Anxiety; Angry Hostility; Depression; Self-Consciousness; Impulsiveness; Vulnerability; Extraversion; Warmth; Gregariousness; Assertiveness; Activity; ExcitementSeeking; Positive Emotions; Openness; Fantasy; Aesthetics; Feelings; Actions; Ideas; Values; Agreeableness; Trust; Straightforwardness; Altruism; Compliance; Modesty; TenderMindedness; Conscientiousness; Competence; Order; Dutifulness; Achievement Striving; Self-Discipline; Deliberation. Comments: A major innovation of this edition is the modification of the NEO PI-R in which 37 items were replaced; the NEO-PI-3 is now "suitable for assessing personality in middle school-aged children and adolescents, as well as adults"; clinicians may continue using the NEO PI-R; "The NEO-FFI-3 is a revision of the NEO-FFI in which 15 ... items have been replaced to improve readability and psychometric properties." Sublistings: a) NEO PERSONALITY INVENTORY-3. Acronym: NEO-PI-3. Scores, 35: 30 facets in 5 domains: Neuroticism (Anxiety, Angry Hostility, Depression, Self-Consciousness, Impulsiveness, Vulnerability), Extraversion (Warmth, Gregariousness, Assertiveness, Activity, Excitement-Seeking, Positive Emotions), Openness (Fantasy, Aesthetics, Feelings, Actions, Ideas, Values), Agreeableness (Trust, Straightforwardness, Altruism, Compliance, Modesty, Tender-Mindedness), Conscientiousness (Competence, Order, Dutifulness, Achievement Striving, Self-Discipline, Deliberation). Forms, 2: Form S (self-report), Form R (observer ratings). Time: (30-40) minutes; b) REVISED NEO PERSONALITY INVENTORY. Acronym: NEO PI-R. Scores, 35: 30 facets in 5 domains: Neuroticism (Anxiety, Angry Hostility, Depression, Self-Consciousness, Impulsiveness, Vulnerability), Extraversion (Warmth, Gregariousness, Assertiveness, Activity, Excitement-Seeking, Positive Emotions), Openness (Fantasy, Aesthetics, Feelings, Actions, Ideas, Values), Agreeableness (Trust, Straightforwardness, Altruism, Compliance, Modesty, Tender-Mindedness), Conscientiousness (Competence, Order, Dutifulness, Achievement Striving, Self-Discipline, Deliberation). Forms, 2: Form S (self-report), Form R (observer ratings). Time: (30-40) minutes; c) NEO FIVE-FACTOR INVENTORY-3. Acronym: NEO-FFI-3. Scores, 5: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness. Forms, 4: Form S (self-report), Form R (observer ratings), Adolescent, Adult. Time: (5-10) minutes. ► NEPSY-II, Second Edition – NEPSY-II Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Administration Manual Clinical and Interpretive Manual 2 Stimulus Books Box of Card Sets Memory Grid Scoring Template 103 Box of Red Blocks Box of 2 Pencils Training CD Forms: Record Form ages 3-4 Record Form ages 5-16 Response Booklet ages 3-4 Response Booklet ages 5-16 Authors: Marit Korkman, Ursula Kirk, Sally Kemp Publication Date: 1998-2007 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to assess neuropsychological development.' Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Ages 3-0 to 16-11 Scores: Attention/Executive Functioning; Animal Sorting; Auditory Attention and Response Set; Clocks; Design Fluency; Inhibition; Statue; Language; Body Part Naming and Identification; Comprehension of Instructions; Oromotor Sequences; Phonological Processing; Repetition of Nonsense Words; Speeded Naming; Word Generation; Memory and Learning; List Memory; Memory for Designs; Memory for Faces; Memory for Names; Narrative Memory; Sentence Repetition; Word List Interference; Sensorimotor; Fingertip Tapping; Imitating Hand Positions; Manual Motor Sequences; Visuomotor Precision; Social Perception; Affect Recognition; Theory of Mind; Visuospatial Processing; Arrows; Block Construction; Design Copying; Geometric Puzzles; Picture Puzzles; Route Finding. Comments: Also contains optional qualitative behavioral observations and supplemental scores; earlier edition entitled: NEPSY: A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment. Levels: Forms, 2: Ages 3-4, Ages 5-16. Time: 45-90 minutes for ages 3-4; 60-180 minutes for ages 5-16. 104 Neuropsychological Impairment Scale – NIS ► Instrument Components: Manual Senior Interview Response Card Forms: Self-Report Answer Form Observer-Report Answer Form Authors: William E. O’Donnell, Clinton B. DeSoto, Janet L. DeSoto, Don McQ Reynolds. Publication Date: 1994 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Designed to screen for 'neuropsychological symptoms.' Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Group Population: Ages 18-88 years Scores: Defensiveness; Affective Disturbance; Response Inconsistency; Subjective Distortion Index; Global Measure of Impairment; Total Items Circled; Symptom Intensity Measure; Critical Items; Cognitive Efficiency; Attention; Memory; Frustration Tolerance; Learning-Verbal; Academic Skills; Inconsistency. Comments: Self-Report form and Observer-Report form both utilize the 14 scores listed above, Senior Interview provides Global Measure of Impairment and scores for Defensiveness, Affective Disturbance, and Inconsistency Time: 15-20 minutes ► Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition – PPVT-4 Instrument Components: Form 4A In Soft Case: Test Kit A Manual 105 Form: Form 4A Form 4B In Soft Case: Test Kit B Manual Form: Form 4B Authors: Lloyd M. Dunn, Douglas M. Dunn Publication Date: 1959-2007 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed for use as a measure of receptive vocabulary for Standard American English. Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 2:6-90+ Comments: Also includes a growth scale value (GSV) to specifically measure progress over time; conormed with the Expressive Vocabulary Test-2 (0000); PPVT-4 and EVT-2 standard scores allow direct comparisons between receptive and expressive vocabulary; items are categorized for multiple levels of descriptive analysis; evidence-based interventions are embedded in the scoring and reporting software (ASSIST) and allow for multiple individual and group reports with aggregation and disaggregation options. Levels: Forms, 2: A, B.. Time: 10-15 minutes ► Personality Assessment Inventory – PAI Instrument Components: Manual In Folio: Reusable Softcover Item Booklet Reusable Softcover Item Booklet-Spanish ed., Forms: Answer Sheet 106 Answer Sheet - Spanish Profile Form Adult- revised Profile Form College Critical Items Form-revised Authors: Leslie C. Morey Publication Date: 1991 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to provide information relevant to clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, and screening for psychopathology. Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Ages 18 and over Scores: Somatic Complaints; Conversion; Somatization; Health Concerns; Anxiety; Cognitive; Affective; Physiological; Anxiety-Related Disorders; Obsessive-Compulsive; Phobias; Traumatic Stress; Depression; Cognitive; Affective; Physiological; Mania; Activity Level; Grandiosity; Irritability; Paranoia; Hypervigilance; Persecution; Resentment; Schizophrenia; Psychotic Experiences; Social Detachment; Thought Disorder; Borderline Features; Affective Instability; Identity Problems; Negative Relationships; Self-Harm; Antisocial Features; Antisocial Behaviors; Egocentricity; Stimulus-Seeking; Alcohol Problems; Drug Problems; Aggression; Aggressive Attitude; Verbal Aggression; Physical Aggression; Suicidal Ideation; Stress; Nonsupport; Treatment Rejection; Dominance; Warmth; Inconsistency; Infrequency; Negative Impression; Positive Impression. Time: 55-75 minutes ► Personality Inventory for Children, Second Edition – PIC-2 Instrument Components: In Binder: Manual Administration Booklet (Reusable) Set of 16 Scoring Templates Forms: Behavioral Summary Answer Form 107 Behavioral Summary Profile Sheet Critical Items Summary Sheet Standard Form Profile Sheet Answer Sheet Authors: David Lachar, Christian P. Gruber Publication Date: 1977-2001 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: 'Assesses both broad and narrow dimensions of behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and interpersonal adjustment.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Ages 5-19 years (Kindergarten-Grade 12) Scores: Cognitive Impairment; Inadequate Abilities; Poor Achievement; Developmental Delay; Impulsivity and Distractibility; Disruptive Behavior; Fearlessness; Delinquency; Antisocial Behavior; Dyscontrol; Noncompliance; Family Dysfunction; Conflict Among Members; Parent Maladjustment; Reality Distortion; Developmental Deviation; Hallucinations and Delusions; Somatic Concern; Psychosomatic Preoccupation; Muscular Tension and Anxiety; Psychological Discomfort; Fear and Worry; Depression; Sleep Disturbance/Preoccupation with Death; Social Withdrawal; Social Introversion; Isolation; Social Skill Deficits; Limited Peer Status; Conflict With Peers; Defensiveness; Dissimulation; Inconsistency; Externalization; Internalization; Adjustment. Comments: Complete revision and restandardization of Personality Inventory for Children, Revised (PICR); old edition no longer available; coordinates with Personality Inventory for Youth (PIY, 0000) and Student Behavior Survey (SBS, 0000). Levels: Forms, 2: Standard Form, Behavioral Summary. Sublistings: a) STANDARD FORM. Scores, 33: 9 Adjustment Scales and 21 Adjustment Subscales: Cognitive Impairment (Inadequate Abilities, Poor Achievement, Developmental Delay), Impulsivity and Distractibility (Disruptive Behavior, Fearlessness), Delinquency (Antisocial Behavior, Dyscontrol, Noncompliance), Family Dysfunction (Conflict Among Members, 108 Parent Maladjustment), Reality Distortion (Developmental Deviation, Hallucinations and Delusions), Somatic Concern (Psychosomatic Preoccupation, Muscular Tension and Anxiety), Psychological Discomfort (Fear and Worry, Depression, Sleep Disturbance/Preoccupation with Death), Social Withdrawal (Social Introversion, Isolation), Social Skill Deficits (Limited Peer Status, Conflict With Peers), 3 Response Validity Scales (Defensiveness, Dissimulation, Inconsistency). Time: 40 minutes b) BEHAVIORAL SUMMARY. Scores, 12: 8 Short Adjustment Scales (Impulsivity and Distractibility-Short, Delinquency-Short, Family Dysfunction-Short, Reality Distortion-Short, Somatic Concern-Short, Psychological Discomfort-Short, Social Withdrawal-Short, Social Skill Deficits-Short), 3 Composite Scales (Externalization-Composite, Internalization-Composite, Adjustment-Composite), Total Score. Comments: "A quick screening version of the Standard Form; focuses on current behavior that can support the development of a treatment plan; can be administered using standard PIC-2 test materials"; hand-score only. Time: 15 minutes Personality Research Form, 3rd Edition – PRF ► Instrument Components: In Binder: Manual Scoring Template Test Booklet / Questionnaire (Reusable) Forms: Answer Sheet Profile Sheet Authors: Douglas N. Jackson Publication Date: 1964-1997 Publisher Information: SIGMA Assessment Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 610984, Port Huron, MI 48061-0984; Telephone: 800-265-1285; FAX: 800-361-9411; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed as an 'extensively validated comprehensive measure of normal personality.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Grade 6-college, adults Scores: 109 Achievement; Affiliation; Aggression; Autonomy; Dominance; Endurance; Exhibition; Harmavoidance; Impulsivity; Nurturance; Order; Play; Social Recognition; Understanding; Infrequency; Abasement; Change; Cognitive Structure; Defendence; Sentience; Succorance; Desirability. Levels: Forms, 5: A, B, AA, BB, and E (Form E sent out unless specified; contact publisher for availability and prices of other forms). Sublistings: a) FORM A. Population: Ages 16-adult. Publication Dates: 1965-1985. Scores, 15: Achievement, Affiliation, Aggression, Autonomy, Dominance, Endurance, Exhibition, Harmavoidance, Impulsivity, Nurturance, Order, Play, Social Recognition, Understanding, Infrequency. Time: 30-45 minutes b) FORM B. Comments: Parallel form to Form A c) FORM AA. Population: College students. Publication Dates: 1965-1985. Scores, 22: Same as Form A and Form B plus Abasement, Change, Cognitive Structure, Defendence, Sentience, Succorance, Desirability. Time: 40-70 minutes d) FORM BB. Comments: Parallel form to Form AA.; e) FORM E. Population: Grade 6-adult. Publication Dates: 1974-1987. Scores, 22: Same as Form AA. Comments: Cassette tape available for administration to individuals with limited verbal skills. Time: 45 minutes ► Process Assessment of the Learner: Guides for Intervention for Reading and Writing – PAL Instrument Components: Guides for Intervention Manual Handwriting Lessons Manual Talking Letters Teacher’s Guide Classroom set of Talking Letters Student Desk Guides (10/each, 2/set, 20 total) NO FORMS Authors: Virginia Wise Berninger Publication Date: 1998 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed for assessing the development of reading and writing processes in children in kindergarten through grade 6.' 110 Test Category: Reading Administration: Individual Population: Grades K-6 Scores: Alphabet Writing; Copying; Expressive Coding; Finger Sense; Note-Taking; Phonemes; Pseudoword Decoding; Rapid Automatized Naming-Digits; Rapid Automatized NamingLetters; Rapid Automatized Naming-Words; Rapid Automatized Naming-Words and Digits; Receptive Coding; Rhyming; Rimes; Sentence Sense; Story Retell; Syllables; Word Choice.. Comments: Subtests may be administered separately Levels: Levels, 3: Kindergarten, Grades 1-3, Grades 4-6. Sublistings: a) KINDERGARTEN. Scores, 10: Alphabet Writing, Receptive Coding-Tasks A and B, Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN)-Letters, RAN-Digits, Rhyming-Tasks A and B, Syllables, Phonemes-Tasks A and B, Story Retell, Finger Sense, Copying-Task A. b) GRADES 1-3. Scores, 14: Alphabet Writing; Receptive Coding-Tasks A, B, and C; Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN)-Letters; RAN-Words; RAN-Digits; RAN-Words and Digits; Syllables; Phonemes-Tasks A, B, and C; Rimes-Task A; Word Choice; Pseudoword Decoding; Finger Sense; Sentence Sense; Copying-Tasks A and B. c) GRADES 4-6. Scores, 17: Alphabet Writing; Receptive Coding-Tasks C, D, and E; Expressive Coding-Tasks A, B, and C; Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN)-Letters; RANWords; RAN-Digits; RAN-Words and Digits; Note-Taking-Task A; Syllables; Phonemes-Task D; Rimes-Task B; Word Choice; Pseudoword Decoding; Finger Sense; Sentence Sense; Copying-Tasks A and B; Note-Taking-Task B. Time: 30-60 minutes if all subtests for a specific grade are administered; 1-6 minutes per subtest ► Process Assessment of the Learner: Test Battery for Reading and Writing – PAL Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Administration and Scoring Manual 2 Stimulus Booklets Pseudoword Card Wooden Stylus Audio Tape Shield Forms: Response Booklet Record Form 111 Authors: Virginia Wise Berninger Publication Date: 2001 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed for assessing the development of reading and writing processes in children in kindergarten through grade 6.' Test Category: Reading Administration: Individual Population: Grades K-6 Scores: Alphabet Writing; Copying; Expressive Coding; Finger Sense; Note-Taking; Phonemes; Pseudoword Decoding; Rapid Automatized Naming-Digits; Rapid Automatized NamingLetters; Rapid Automatized Naming-Words; Rapid Automatized Naming-Words and Digits; Receptive Coding; Rhyming; Rimes; Sentence Sense; Story Retell; Syllables; Word Choice. Comments: Subtests may be administered separately Levels: Levels, 3: Kindergarten, Grades 1-3, Grades 4-6. Sublistings: a) KINDERGARTEN. Scores, 10: Alphabet Writing, Receptive Coding-Tasks A and B, Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN)-Letters, RAN-Digits, Rhyming-Tasks A and B, Syllables, Phonemes-Tasks A and B, Story Retell, Finger Sense, Copying-Task A. b) GRADES 1-3. Scores, 14: Alphabet Writing; Receptive Coding-Tasks A, B, and C; Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN)-Letters; RAN-Words; RAN-Digits; RAN-Words and Digits; Syllables; Phonemes-Tasks A, B, and C; Rimes-Task A; Word Choice; Pseudoword Decoding; Finger Sense; Sentence Sense; Copying-Tasks A and B. c) GRADES 4-6. Scores, 17: Alphabet Writing; Receptive Coding-Tasks C, D, and E; Expressive Coding-Tasks A, B, and C; Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN)-Letters; RANWords; RAN-Digits; RAN-Words and Digits; Note-Taking-Task A; Syllables; Phonemes-Task D; Rimes-Task B; Word Choice; Pseudoword Decoding; Finger Sense; Sentence Sense; Copying-Tasks A and B; Note-Taking-Task B. Time: 30-60 minutes if all subtests for a specific grade are administered; 1-6 minutes per subtest 112 ► Process Assessment of the Learner, Second Edition: Diagnostic Assessment for Reading and Writing – PAL II RW Instrument Components: Administration and Scoring Manual Stimulus Book Stimulus Booklets (A and B) User’s Guide CD Forms: Reading/Writing Record Form Response Booklet Authors: Virginia Wise Berninger Publication Date: 1998-2007 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed for measuring reading and writing skills and related processes in children.' Test Category: Reading Administration: Individual Population: Grades K-6 Scores: Alphabet Writing Automatic Legible Letter Writing (AWAL); Alphabet Writing Legible Letter Writing (AWL); Alphabet Writing Total Time (AWTT); Copying Task A Automatic Legible Letter Writing (CPAAL); Copying Task A Legible Letter Writing (CPAL); Copying Task A Total Time (CPATT); Copying Task B Legibility (0-30 seconds) (CPBL-30); Copying Task B Legibility (0-60 seconds) (CPBL-60); Copying Task B Legibility (0-90 seconds) (CPBL-90); Copying Task B Copy Accuracy (CPBCA); Handwriting Total Automatic Letter Legibility Composite (HWGTALC); Handwriting Total Legibility Composite (HWGTLC); Handwriting Total Time Composite (HWGTTC); Handwriting Total Reversals (HWGTRC); Handwriting Total Inversions (HWGTI); Handwriting Total Omissions (HWGTO); Handwriting Total Repetitions (HWGTRP); Handwriting Total Transpositions (HWGTTR); Handwriting Total Case Confusions (HWGTCC); Handwriting Total Format Confusions (HWGTFC); Receptive Coding (RC); Expressive Coding (EC); Orthographic Coding Composite (ORC); Rhyming (RY); Syllables (SY); Phonemes (PN); Rimes (RI); Phonological Coding Composite (PLC); Are They Related? (RR); Does It Fit? (DF); Sentence Structure (ST); Morphological/Syntactic Coding Composite (MSCC); Pseudoword Decoding Fluency at 60 seconds (PDF-60); Pseudoword Decoding Accuracy (PDA); Find the True Fixes (FF); Morphological Decoding Fluency 113 Accuracy (MDFA); Morphological Decoding Fluency (MDF); Morphological Decoding Composite (MDC); Word Choice Accuracy (WCA); Word Choice Fluency (WCF); Sentence Sense Accuracy (SSA); Sentence Sense Fluency (SSF); Compositional Fluency Total Number of Words (CFTW); Compositional Fluency Total Correctly Spelled Words (CFCSW); Compositional Fluency Total Complete Sentences (CFCST); Expository Note Taking Accuracy (NTA); Expository Note Taking Fact Errors (NTFE); Expository Report Writing Quality (RWQ); Expository Report Writing Organizational Quality of Report Writing (RWO); Expository Report Writing Irrelevant Thoughts Added (RWITA); Cross-Genre Compositional and Expository Writing Total Number of Words (CGWTW); Cross-Genre Compositional and Expository Writing Total Correctly Spelled Words (CGWCSW); Cross-Genre Compositional and Expository Writing Total Complete Sentences (CGWCS); Letters (WML); Words (WMW); Letters and Words Composite (WML-WC); Sentences: Listening (WMSL); Sentences: Writing (WMSW); Sentences: Listening and Sentences: Writing Composite (WMSL-SWC); Verbal Working Memory Composite (WMVC); RAN-Letters Rate Change Raw Score (RAN-LRC); RAN-Letters Total Time (RAN-LTT); RAN-Letter Groups Rate Change Raw Score (RANLGRC); RAN-Letter Groups Total Time (RAN-LGTT); RAN-Words Rate Change Raw Score (RAN-WRC); RAN-Words Total Time (RAN-WTT); RAN-Letters -Letter Groups and -Words Total Rate Change Score (RAN-L-LG-WRC); RAN-Letters -Letter Groups and -Words Total Errors (RAN-L-LG-WTE); RAN-Letters -Letter Groups and -Words Total Time Composite (RAN-L-LG-WC); RAS-Words and Digits Total Time (RAS-WDTT); RAS-Words and Digits Rate Change Raw Score (RAS-WDRC); RAS-Words and Digits Total Errors (RAS-WDTE); Oral Motor Planning Total Time (OMT); Oral Motor Planning Total Errors (OME); Finger Repetition-Dominant Hand Total Time (FSRP-DTT); Finger Repetition-Non-Dominant Hand Total Time (FSRP-NTT); Finger Succession-Dominant Hand Total Time (FSS-DTT); Finger Succession-Non-Dominant Hand Total Time (FSS-NTT); Finger Succession Total Errors (FSSTE); Finger Sense Frequent Motoric Overflow (FSFMO); Finger Sense Occasional Motoric Overflow (FSOMO); Finger Localization (FSL); Finger Recognition (FSRC). Comments: The PAL-II RW has three applications: (a) "Tier 1: universal screening for early intervention and prevention," (b) "Tier 2: problem-solving consultation and progress monitoring," (c) "Tier 3: differential diagnosis and treatment planning"; number of subtests administered depends on grade level and application; "designed to complement the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) and the Wechsler Individual Achievement TestSecond Edition (WIAT-II Update)"; previous edition entitled Process Assessment of the Learner: Test Battery of Reading and Writing Time: 60-120 minutes to administer all subtests; time limit varies across individual subtests. ► Portable Tactual Performance Test – P-TPT Instrument Components: In Wooden Suitcase: 10 Wooden Block Shapes Instruction Manual Form Board Form: Recording Form Authors: 114 Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.. Publication Date: 1984 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to assess the speed of movement, tactile perception, and problem-solving ability. Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Ages 5 to adult Scores: Dominant Hand; Non-dominant Hand; Both Hands Comments: A portable alternative to the original Tactual Performance Test for use with the HalsteadReitan Neuropsychological Test Battery (0000). Time: 10-15 minutes per trial (three trial limit) Profile of Mood States – POMS ► Instrument Components: Manual Form: Standard Quick Score Form Authors: Douglas M. McNair, Maurice Lorr, Leo F. Droppleman Publication Date: 1971-2003 Publisher Information: Multi-Health Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 950, North Tonawanda, NY 14120-0950; Telephone: 416-492-2627 or 800-456-3003; FAX: 416-492-3343 or 888-540-4484; E-mail: CUSTOMERSERVICE@MHS.COM; Web: Purpose: 'Developed to measure mood or affective states.' Test Category: 115 Personality Administration: Individual or group Population: College and psychiatric outpatients Scores: Tension-Anxiety; Depression-Dejection; Anger-Hostility; Vigor-Activity; Fatigue-Inertia; Confusion-Bewilderment Comments: Earlier experimental forms called Lorr Outpatient Mood Scale and Psychiatric Outpatient Mood Scale; self-administering. Time: 5-10 minutes ► Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire – PDSQ Instrument Components: Manual Test Booklet CD with 13 Follow-up Interview Guides Forms: Summary Sheet Authors: Mark Zimmerman Publication Date: 2002 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to screen for the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition) Axis I disorders most commonly encountered in medical and outpatient mental health settings.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Adult psychiatric patients Scores: Major Depressive Disorder; Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; Bulimia/Binge-Eating Disorder; Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder; Panic Disorder; Psychosis; Agoraphobia; Social Phobia; 116 Alcohol Abuse/Dependence; Drug Abuse/Dependence; Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Somatization Disorder; Hypochondriasis. Comments: Self-report questionnaire Time: 15-20 minutes Raven's Progressive Matrices – RPM ► Instrument Components: In Binder: Manual - Section 1 Manual - Section 3 3 Scoring Keys Standard Coloured Advanced Standard Progressive Matrices Test Booklet Coloured Progressive Matrices Test Booklet Advanced Progressive Matrices Test Booklet (Set I) Advanced Progressive Matrices Test Booklet (Set II) Form: Answer Sheet Authors: J. C. Raven, J. H. Court, J. Raven Publication Date: 1938-2000 Publisher Information: Oxford Psychologists Press, Ltd., Lambourne House, 311-321 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7JH, United Kingdom. Purpose: Constructed as a nonverbal assessment of perception and thinking skills. Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Population: Ages 6-65 Comments: Formerly called Progressive Matrices; may be used with Crichton Vocabulary Scale (0000) or Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale (0000). Comments: Other acronyms used for this instrument: SPM, CPM, APM Sublistings: 117 a) STANDARD. Population: Ages 6-65. Acronym: SPM. Administration: Group. Comments: Includes Classic, Parallel, and Plus Versions. Time: 45 minutes b) COLOURED. Population: Ages 5-11 and people with mental defects and elderly people. Acronym: CPM. Administration: Individual. Forms, 2: Board, Book. Time: (15-30) minutes c) ADVANCED. Population: Ages 11 and over with average or high intellectual ability. Acronym: APM. Administration: Group. 1) Set I. Time: 10 minutes 2) Set II. Time: 40(45) or 60(65) minutes ► Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status – RBANS Instrument Components: Author: Christopher Randolph Publication Date: 1998 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to measure 'attention, language, visuospatial/constructional abilities, and immediate and delayed memory.' Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Ages 20-89 Scores: Immediate Memory; List Learning; Short Memory; Visuospatial/Constructional; Figure Copy; Line Orientation; Language; Picture Naming; Semantic Fluency; Attention; Digit Span; Coding; Delayed Memory; List Recall; List Recognition; Story Memory; Figure Recall. Time: 20-30 minutes ► Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale: Second Edition – RCMAS-2 Instrument Components: Manual CD 118 Form: Profile Sheet Authors: Cecil R. Reynolds, Bert O. Richmond Publication Date: 1985-2008 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to assess the level and nature of anxiety in children and adolescents.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Ages 6-19 Scores: Inconsistent Responding Index; Defensiveness; Total Anxiety; Physiological Anxiety; Worry; Social Anxiety. Comments: The revised edition includes the addition of an inconsistent responding index. Time: 20-15 minutes ► Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale-2nd Edition – RADS-2 Instrument Components: Manual Test Booklet Form: Summary / Profile Form Authors: William M. Reynolds Publication Date: 1986-2002 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 119 Designed 'to assess the severity of depressive symptomatology in adolescents in school and clinical settings.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual or group Population: Ages 11-20 Scores: Dysphoric Mood; Anhedonia/Negative Affect; Negative Self-Evaluation; Somatic Complaints; Depression Total. Comments: Self-report measure; hand scored; may be administered aloud; test booklet is titled "About Myself." Time: 5-10 minutes ► Reynolds Child Depression Scale, Second Edition – RCDS-2 and RCDS-2 Short Form Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Test Booklet Record Form Record Form – Short Form Authors: William M. Reynolds Publication Date: 1981-1989 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Provides screening for and a measure of depressive symptomatology Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Grades 3-6 120 Comments: Test booklet title is About Me; self-ratings Scores: Depression. Time: 10-15 minutes ► Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales and the Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test – RIST/RIAS Instrument Components [Combination Kit]: In Soft Case: Manual 3 Stimulus Books Form: RIST Record Form RAIS Record Form Authors: Cecil R. Reynolds, Randy W. Kamphaus Publication Date: 1998-2003 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to assess verbal and nonverbal intelligence and memory. Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 3-94 Scores: Guess What; Odd-Item Out; Total RIST Index; Verbal Intelligence Index; Verbal Reasoning; Nonverbal Intelligence Index; What's Missing; Composite Intelligence Index; Composite Memory Index; Verbal Memory; Nonverbal Memory. Sublistings: a) REYNOLDS INTELLECTUAL SCREENING TEST. Purpose: Designed to identify quickly those who need a more comprehensive intellectual assessment. Acronym: RIST. Scores, 3: Guess What, Odd-Item Out, Total RIST Index. Comments: Brief screening test comprising two RIAS subtests. 121 Time: 10-15 minutes b) REYNOLDS INTELLECTUAL ASSESSMENT SCALES. Purpose: Designed to measure intellectual level. Acronym: RIAS. Scores, 10: Verbal Intelligence Index (Guess What, Verbal Reasoning), Nonverbal Intelligence Index (Odd-Item Out, What's Missing), Composite Intelligence Index, Composite Memory Index (Verbal Memory, Nonverbal Memory). Time: 30-35 minutes Roberts Apperception Test for Children: 2 – Roberts-2 ► Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Manual Test Pictures Set Test Pictures Set – Spanish version Test Pictures Set – African-American version Coding Protocols Form: Record Form Authors: Glen E. Roberts, Chris Gruber Publication Date: 1982-2005 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Designed to provide an 'assessment of a child's or adolescent's level of social cognitive understanding.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6-18 years Scores: Popular Pull; Complete Meaning; Support from Self-Feeling; Support from Self-Advocacy; Support from Other-Feeling; Support from Other-Help; Reliance on Other; Limit Setting; Recognition; Description; Clarification; Definition; Explanation; Simple Closure or Easy Outcome; Easy and Realistically Positive Outcome; Constructive Resolution; Constructive Resolution of Feeling and Situation; Elaborated Process with Possible Insight; Anxiety; Aggression; Depression; Rejection; Unresolved Outcome; Nonadaptive Outcome; Maladaptive Outcome; Unrealistic Outcome; Unusual-Refusal/No Score/Antisocial; Atypical Categories. 122 Comments: Previous version entitled Roberts Apperception Test for Children. Time: 30-40 minutes ► Rogers Criminal Responsibility Assessment Scales – R-CRAS Instrument Components: Manual Form: Test Booklet Authors: Richard Rogers Publication Date: 1984 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'To quantify essential psychological and situational variables at the time of the crime and to implement criterion-based decision models for criminal responsibility.' Test Category: Miscellaneous Administration: Individual Population: Adults Scores: Patient Reliability; Organicity; Psychopathology; Cognitive Control; Behavioral Control. Comments: "Criterion-referenced." Time: Administration time not reported. ► Rorschach Inkblot Test Instrument Components: 10 Test Plates Form: Black and White Location Chart 123 Structural Summary Blank Answer Sheet Authors: Hermann Rorschach Publication Date: 1921-1998 Publisher Information: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 875 Massachusetts Avenue, 7th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139; Telephone: 866-823-4726; FAX: 617-354-6875; Email:; Web: Purpose: A projective technique for clinical assessment and diagnosis. Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 5 and over Comments: Variously referred to by such titles as Rorschach Method, Rorschach Test, Rorschach Psychodiagnostics. Time: 20-30 minutes ► Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank, Second Edition – RISB Instrument Components: Manual Forms: High School Response Sheet Adult Response Sheet College Response Sheet Spanish Adult Response Authors: Julian B. Rotter, Michael I. Lah, Janet E. Rafferty Publication Date: 1950-1992 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: 124 Purpose: Primarily used 'as a screening instrument of overall adjustment.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual or group Population: College students, adults, high-school students Scores: Index of Overall Adjustment Levels: Forms, 3: College, Adult, High School. Time: 20-40 minutes ► Screening Test for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Adult and Children's Forms – ST-LNNB Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Manual Stimulus Cards Form: Administration and Scoring Booklet Authors: Charles J. Golden Publication Date: 1987 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Screening tests for 'predicting which individuals would probably show 'normal' or 'clinical' patterns if they were administered the appropriate form of the full Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery.' Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Ages 8-12, 13 and older Comments: For screening purposes only 125 Levels: Forms, 2: Children's Form, Adult Form Time: 20 minutes Self-Directed Search, 4th Edition [Form R] – SDS ► Instrument Components: Technical Manual Professional User’s Guide Forms: Assessment Booklet Occupations Finders Your Career Booklet Authors: John L. Holland, Amy B. Powell, Barbara A. Fritzsche Publication Date: 1970-1997 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: A vocational inventory designed to identify 'a person's particular activities, competencies, and self-estimates compared with various occupational groups.' Test Category: Vocations Administration: Group Population: Ages 12 and above Scores: Realistic; Investigative; Artistic; Social; Enterprising; Conventional. Comments: Self-administered, -scored, and -interpreted; computer software available; based on the Holland typology of vocational preferences Time: 30-50 minutes ► Senior Apperception Technique [1985 Revision] – S.A.T. 126 Instrument Components: In Portfolio: Manual 16 Flashcards Form: Short Form (Bellak) – [optional] Authors: Leopold Bellak Publication Date: 1973-1985 Publisher Information: C.P.S., Inc., P.O. Box 345, Englewood, NJ 07458; Telephone: 201 947-2002; FAX: 201-9472002; Email:; Web: Purpose: A projective instrument to gather information on forms of depression, loneliness, or rage in the elderly. Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 65 and over Time: Administration time not reported ► Shipley Institute of Living Scale – SILS Instrument Components: Manual Scoring Key Form: Administration Form Authors: Walter C. Shipley, Robert A. Zachary Publication Date: 1939-1986 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to assess general intellectual functioning in adults and adolescents and to aid in detecting cognitive impairment in individuals with normal original intelligence.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude 127 Administration: Group Population: Ages 14 and over Scores: Vocabulary; Abstraction; Combined Total; Conceptual Quotient; Abstraction Quotient; Estimated WAIS or WAIS-R IQ. Comments: Formerly called Shipley-Hartford Retreat Scale for Measuring Intellectual Impairment and Shipley-Institute of Living Scale for Measuring Intellectual Impairment. Time: 20 minutes Short Category Test, Booklet Format ► Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Manual 5 Sets of Stimulus Cards Form: Answer Sheets Authors: Linda Wetzel, Thomas J. Bell Publication Date: 1986-1987 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: A sensitive indicator of brain damage measuring an individual's ability to solve problems requiring careful observation, development of organizing principles, and responsiveness to feedback. Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Ages 20 and over Comments: Revision of the Halstead-Reitan Category Test. Time: 15-30 minutes 128 ► Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, Fifth Edition – 16PF Instrument Components: Administrator's manual with updated norms In Binder: Questionnaire Table of general population norms 1 set of 4 hand scoring keys Forms: Answer Sheet Individual Record Form Authors: Raymond B. Cattell; A. Karen S. Cattell; Heather E. P. Cattell Publication Date: 1949-2002 Publisher Information: Institute for Personality and Ability Testing, Inc. (IPAT), P.O. Box 1188, Champaign, IL 61824-1188; Telephone: 217-352-4739; FAX: 217-352-9674; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to measure personality traits Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Ages 16 and over Scores: Warm vs. Reserved; Abstract-Reasoning vs. Concrete-Reasoning; Emotionally Stable vs. Reactive; Dominant vs. Deferential; Lively vs. Serious; Rule-Conscious vs. Expedient; Socially Bold vs. Shy; Sensitive vs. Utilitarian; Vigilant vs. Trusting; Abstracted vs. Grounded; Private vs. Forthright; Apprehensive vs. Self-Assured; Open to Change vs. Traditional; Self-Reliant vs. Group-Oriented; Perfectionistic vs. Tolerates Disorder; Tense vs. Relaxed; Extraverted vs. Introverted; High Anxiety vs. Low Anxiety; Tough-Minded vs. Receptive; Independent vs. Accommodating; Self-Controlled vs. Unrestrained; Impression Management; Infrequency; Acquiescence. Time: 54-65 minutes ► Slosson Intelligence Test 3rd [2002 Edition] – SIT-R Instrument Components: 129 In Binder: Manual Norms Tables / Technical Manual Booklet of Shapes Manual for Use with Visually Impaired Form: Individual Test Form Authors: Richard L. Slosson, Charles L. Nicholson, Terry H. Hibpshman Publication Date: 1961-2002 Publisher Information: Slosson Educational Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 544, East Aurora, NY 14052-0544; Telephone: 888-756-7766; FAX: 800-655-3840; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed for use as a 'quick estimate of general verbal cognitive ability.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 4-65 and over Scores: Intelligence Time: 10-20 minutes ► Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, 5th Edition – SB5 Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Examiner’s Manual Technical Manual 3 Item Books Testing Card Child Card Plastic Organizer Box Bag of Manipulatives Form: Record Form Authors: Gale H. Roid 130 Publication Date: 1916-2003 Publisher Information: Riverside Publishing, 3800 Golf Road, Suite 100, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008; Telephone: 800-323-9540; FAX: 630-467-7192; Web: Purpose: Designed to assess ‘intelligence and cognitive abilities.’ Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 2-0 to 89-9 Scores: Nonverbal Fluid Reasoning; Verbal Fluid Reasoning; Nonverbal Knowledge; Verbal Knowledge; Nonverbal Quantitative Reasoning; Verbal Quantitative Reasoning; Nonverbal Visual-Spatial Processing; Verbal Visual-Spatial Processing; Nonverbal Working Memory; Verbal Working Memory; Nonverbal IQ; Verbal IQ; Full Scale IQ. Time: 45-75 minutes; 15-20 minutes for Abbreviated Battery. ► State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Form Y – STAI Instrument Components: Manual Scoring Key Form: Self Evaluation Questionnaire Authors: Charles D. Spielberger, R. L. Gorsuch, R. Lushene, P. R. Vagg, G. A. Jacobs Publication Date: 1968-1984 Publisher Information: Mind Garden, Inc., 855 Oak Grove Ave., Suite 215, Menlo Park, CA 94025; Telephone: 650322-6300; FAX: 650-322-6398; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to assess anxiety as an emotional state (S-Anxiety) and individual differences in anxiety proneness as a personality trait (T-Anxiety). Test Category: Personality Administration: Group 131 Population: Grades 9-16 and adults Scores: State Anxiety; Trait Anxiety Time: 10-20 minutes Stop and Think Social Skills Program ► Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Teacher’s Manual Reproducible Forms Packet 5 Sets of Cue Cards 6 Posters ‘Stop and Think’ Reminder Cards NO FORMS Authors: Howard M. Knoff Publication Date: 2001 Publisher Information: Sopris West Educational Services, 4093 Specialty Place, Longmont, CO 80504, ph: 303-6512829, web: Purpose: ‘To provide teachers … with an effective, proven way to teach their early to middle elementary students the social skills that will help them become more successful socially, academically, and behaviorally Test Category: Developmental Administration: Individual or group Population: Elementary grades 2-3 Time: Untimed ► Stroop Color and Word Test [Adult and Children's Versions, Revised Instrument Components: Manual Form: Test Page Authors: 132 Charles J. Golden, Shawna M. Freshwater, Zarabeth Golden Publication Date: 1978-2003 Publisher Information: Stoelting Co., 620 Wheat Lane, Wood Dale, IL 60191; Telephone: 630-860-9700; FAX: 630860-9775; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to test 'the ability of the individual to separate the word and color naming stimuli.' Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual or group Scores: Word; Color; Color-Word; Interference Levels: Forms, 2: Children's Version, Adult Version. Sublistings: a) CHILDREN'S VERSION. Population: Ages 5-14 years. Authors: Charles J. Golden, Shawna M. Freshwater, and Zarabeth Golden.; b) ADULT VERSION. Population: Ages 15 years and older. Authors: Charles J. Golden and Shawna M. Freshwater. Time: 5-15 minutes ► Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders: Clinician Version – SCID-I Instrument Components: User’s Guide Administration Booklet Form: Scoresheet Authors: Michael B. First, Robert L. Spitzer, Miriam Gibbon, Janet B. W. Williams Publication Date: 1997 Publisher Information: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 1000 Wilson Blvd., Suite #1825, Arlington, VA 22209; Telephone: 800-368-5777; FAX: 703-907-1091; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Constructed as 'a semistructured interview for making the major DSM-IV Axis I diagnoses.' 133 Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Psychiatric or general medical patients ages 18 or older Scores: Mood Episodes; Psychotic Symptoms; Psychotic Disorders; Mood Disorders; Substance Use Disorders; Anxiety and Other Disorders. Comments: Shortened, clinician version of the Structured Clinical interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders: Research Version. Time: 45-90 minutes ► Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders – SCID-II Instrument Components: In Binder: Interview Booklet Personality Questionnaire Users Guide NO FORMS Authors: Michael B. First, Miriam Gibbon, Robert L. Spitzer, Janet B. W. Williams, Lorna Smith Benjamin Publication Date: 1997 Publisher Information: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 1000 Wilson Blvd., Suite #1825, Arlington, VA 22209; Telephone: 800-368-5777; FAX: 703-907-1091; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed as 'a semistructured diagnostic interview for assessing the 10 DSM-IV Axis II personality disorders as well as Depressive Personality Disorder and Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Adults receiving psychiatric or general medical care 134 Scores: Avoidant; Dependent; Obsessive-Compulsive; Passive-Aggressive; Depressive; Paranoid; Schizotypal; Schizoid; Histrionic; Narcissistic; Borderline; Antisocial; Not Otherwise Specified. Comments: Also includes optional, self-report SCID-II Personality Questionnaire. Time: Administration time not reported Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms – SIRS ► Instrument Components: Professional Manual Form: Interview Booklet Authors: Richard Rogers, Michael R. Bagby, Susan E. Dickens Publication Date: 1986-1992 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to 'assess malingering and feigning of psychiatric symptoms.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 18 and over Scores: Rare Symptoms; Symptom Combinations; Improbable and Absurd Symptoms; Subtle Symptoms; Blatant Symptoms; Severity of Symptoms; Selectivity of Symptoms; Reported vs. Observed Symptoms; Direct Appraisal of Honesty; Defensive Symptoms; Symptom Onset and Resolution; Overly Specified Symptoms; Inconsistency of Symptoms. Time: 45-60 minutes ► Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms, 2nd Edition – SIRS-2 135 Instrument Components: Professional Manual (2nd Edition) Form: Interview Booklet Authors: Richard Rogers, Kenneth W. Sewell, Nathan D. Gillard Publication Date: 1986-2010 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to 'evaluate feigning of psychiatric symptoms' and 'the manner in which it is likely to occur.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 18 and over Scores: Rare Symptoms; Symptom Combinations; Improbable or Absurd Symptoms; Blatant Symptoms; Subtle Symptoms; Selectivity of Symptoms; Severity of Symptoms; Reported vs. Observed Symptoms; Classification Scale; Rare Symptoms-Total; Direct Appraisal of Honesty; Defensive Symptoms; Improbable Failure; Overly Specified Symptoms; Inconsistency of Symptoms. Time: 30-45 minutes Stress Profile ► Instrument Components: Manual Administration Booklet Record Form Authors: Kenneth M. Nowack Publication Date: 1999 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: 136 Purpose: 'Developed to provide a brief yet comprehensive stress and health risk assessment.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Adults Scores: Stress; Health Habits; Exercise; Rest/Sleep; Eating/Nutrition; Prevention; ARC Item Cluster; Social Support Network; Type A Behavior; Cognitive Hardiness; Coping Style; Positive Appraisal; Negative Appraisal; Threat Minimization; Problem Focus; Psychological WellBeing. Time: 20-30 minutes Student Styles Questionnaire(tm) – SSQ ► Instrument Components: In Binder: Manual Classroom Applications Booklet Question Booklet Form: Ready Score Answer Document Authors: Thomas Oakland, Connie Horton, Joseph Glutting Publication Date: 1996 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to detect individual differences students display in their preferences, temperaments, and personal styles.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Ages 8-13 137 Scores: Extroverted; Introverted; Practical; Imaginative; Thinking; Feeling; Organized; Flexible. Time: 30 minutes ► Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3 – SASSI-3 Instrument Components: Manual User's Guide Scoring Key DVD Forms: Adult Form (questionnaire) Profile Form Authors: Glenn A. Miller Publication Date: 1983-1997 Publisher Information: The SASSI Institute, 201 Camelot Lane, Springville, IN 47462; Telephone: 800-726-0526; FAX: 800-546-7995; E-mail:; Web: WWW.SASSI.COM Purpose: Designed to 'identify individuals who have a high probability of having a substance dependence disorder.' Test Category: Miscellaneous Administration: Individual or group Population: Ages 18-73 Scores: Face Valid Alcohol; Face Valid Other Drugs; Symptoms; Obvious Attributes; Subtle Attributes; Defensiveness; Supplemental Addiction Measure; Family vs. Controls; Correctional; Random Answering Pattern. Comments: May be administered as paper-and-pencil instrument with hand scoring or scoring by optical scanning, computer administered, or via audiotape for people with special needs regarding vision or literacy. Time: 15 minutes 138 Suicide Probability Scale – SPS ► Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Test Form Profile Form Authors: John G. Cull, Wayne S. Gill Publication Date: 1982 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: Designed to 'measure an individual's self-reported attitudes and behaviors which have a bearing on suicide risk.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Ages 14 and over Scores: Hopelessness; Suicide Ideation; Negative Self-Evaluations; Hostility. Time: 5-10 minutes Symptom Checklist-90-Revised – SCL-90-R ► Instrument Components: Manual Scoring Templates Test Booklet (English and Spanish available) Forms: English Answer Sheets Spanish Answer Sheets Worksheet Profile Form Authors: Leonard R. Derogatis Publication Date: 1975 139 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed primarily to reflect the psychological symptom patterns of psychiatric and medical patients,' as well as non-patients. Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Adults and adolescents age 13 and older Scores: Somatization; Obsessive-Compulsive; Interpersonal Sensitivity; Depression; Anxiety; Hostility; Phobic Anxiety; Paranoid Ideation; Psychoticism; Global Severity Index; Positive Symptom Distress Index; Positive Symptom Total Comments: Self-report test; companion clinician and observer rating forms also available Time: 12-15 minutes Tell Me A Story – TEMAS ► Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Manual Set of Stimulus Cards Set of Stimulus Cards – Minority Version Administration Instructions Card Form: Record Booklet Authors: Guiseppe Constantino, Robert G. Malgady, Lloyd H. Rogler Publication Date: 1986-1988 Publisher Information: Western Psychological Services, 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025-1251; Telephone: 310-478-2061; FAX: 310-478-7838; Web: Purpose: A culturally relevant apperception test for children. 140 Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 5-18 Scores: Quantitative Scales; Cognitive Functions; Reaction Time; Total Time; Fluency; Total Omissions; Personality Functions; Interpersonal Relations; Aggression; Anxiety/Depression; Achievement Motivation; Delay of Gratification; Self-Concept; Sexual Identity; Moral Judgment; Reality Testing; Affective Functions; Happy; Sad; Angry; Fearful; Qualitative Indicators; Neutral; Ambivalent; Inappropriate Affect; Conflict; Sequencing; Imagination; Relationships; Total Transformations; Inquiries; Omissions; Transformations; Main Character; Secondary Character; Event; Setting. Levels: Forms, 2: Short, Long; Versions, 2: Minority, Nonminority Time: 45 minutes (short form); 120 minutes (long form) ► Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition – TOMAL-2 Instrument Components: Examiner’s Manual Forms: Record Booklet Profile/Summary Form Authors: Cecil R. Reynolds, Judith K. Voress Publication Date: 1994-2007 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to assess the 'key features of memory' and to 'evaluate learning as reflected in changes in recall and recognition over multiple trials of various stimuli.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 5-0 to 59-11 141 Scores: Verbal; Memory for Stories; Word Selective Reminding; Object Recall; Paired Recall; Digits Forward; Letters Forward; Digits Backward; Letters Backward; Memory for Stories Delayed; Word Selective Reminding Delayed; Nonverbal; Facial Memory; Abstract Visual Memory; Visual Sequence Memory; Memory for Location; Visual Selective Reminding; Manual Imitation; Verbal Memory Index; Nonverbal Memory Index; Composite Memory Index; Verbal Delayed Recall Index; Attention/Concentration Index; Sequential Recall Index; Free Recall Index; Associative Recall Index; Learning Index. Time: Core battery (30-35) minutes; Supplemental subtests (25-35) minutes Test of Memory Malingering – TOMM ► Instrument Components: In Folio: Manual Trial 1 Book Trial 2 Book Retention Book Forms: Score Sheet Authors: Tom N. Tombaugh Publication Date: 1996 Publisher Information: Multi-Health Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 950, North Tonawanda, NY 14120-0950; Telephone: 416-492-2627 or 800-456-3003; FAX: 416-492-3343 or 888-540-4484; E-mail: CUSTOMERSERVICE@MHS.COM; Web: Purpose: 'To assist neuropsychologists in discriminating between true memory-impaired patients and malingerers.' Test Category: Neuropsychological Administration: Individual Population: Ages 16 to 84 Scores: Memory Malingering Time: 15-20 minutes Comments: Self-completed 142 Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Third Edition – TONI-3 ► Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Examiner’s Manual Picture Book Forms: Form A - Answer and Record Form Form B - Answer and Record Form Authors: Linda Brown, Rita J. Sherbenou, Susan K. Johnsen Publication Date: 1982-1997 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Developed to assess aptitude, intelligence, abstract reasoning, and problem solving in a completely language-free format.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6-0 through 89-11 Scores: Total score only Time: 15-20 minutes ► Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Fourth Edition – TONI-4 Instrument Components: Manual Picture Book Forms: Answer Booklet Record Form Authors: Linda Brown, Rita J. Sherbenou, Susan, K. Johnsen 143 Publication Date: 1982-1997 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Developed to assess aptitude, intelligence, abstract reasoning, and problem solving in a completely language-free format.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6-0 through 89-11 Scores: Total score only. Time: 15-20 minutes ► Test of Written Language, Fourth Edition – TOWL-4 Instrument Components: Manual 3 Color Picture Cards Practice Scoring Booklet Forms: Record/Story Scoring Forms Student Response Booklet (A and B) Authors: Donald D. Hammill, Stephen C. Larsen Publication Date: 1978-1996 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to '(a) identify students who perform significantly more poorly than their peers in writing and who as a result need special help; (b) determine a student's particular strengths and weaknesses in various writing abilities; (c) document a student's progress in a special writing program; and conduct research in writing.' Test Category: 144 English and Language Administration: Individual or group Population: Ages 7-6 to 17-11 Scores: Vocabulary; Spelling; Style; Logical Sentences; Sentence Combining; Contextual Conventions; Contextual Language; Story Construction; Contrived Writing; Spontaneous Writing; Overall Writing. Time: 90 minutes Thematic Apperception Test – TAT ► Instrument Components: In Portfolio: Set of 31 Picture Cards Manual Form: Short form (Bellak) Authors: Henry A. Murray Publication Date: 1935-1943 Publisher Information: Harvard University Press, 79 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. Purpose: 'A method of revealing to the trained interpreter some of the dominant drives, emotions, sentiments, complexes and conflicts of a personality.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual Population: Ages 4 and over Time: 100(200) minutes in 2 sessions 1 day apart. ► Trail Making Test [Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery] Note: Below information refers to three neuropsychological test batteries, one of which is Trail Making Instrument Components: In Binder: Manual for Administration and Scoring 145 Forms: Form ‘Part A’ Form ‘Part B’ Authors: Ralph M. Reitan Publication Date: 1979-1993 Publisher Information: Reitan Neuropsychology Laboratory/Press, P.O. Box 66080, Tucson, AZ 85728-6080; Telephone: 520-577-2970; FAX: 520-577-2940; E-mail: REITANLABs@AOL.COM Purpose: 'Developed to evaluate the brain-behavior functioning of individuals.' Test Category: Neuropsychological Population: Ages 5-8, 9-14, 15 and over Scores: Category; Tactual Performance; Total Time; Memory; Localization; Finger Tapping; Matching Pictures; Individual Performance; Matching Figures; Star; Matching V's; Concentric Square; Marching; Progressive Figures; Color Form; Lateral Dominance Examination; Target; Aphasia Screening; Sensory Perceptual; Imperception; Tactile; Auditory; Visual; Tactile Finger Recognition; Finger-Tip Symbol Writing and Recognition; Tactile Form Recognition; Grip Strength; Preferred Grip; Nonpreferred Grip; Seashore Rhythm Test; Speech-Sounds Perception; Trail Making; Finger Tapping; Aphasia Screening; Sensory Imperception; Finger Agnosia; Finger-Tip Number Writing; Lateral Dominance; Name Writing. Comments: Consists of three neuropsychological test batteries, one for each age level; each battery includes a Neuropsychological Deficit Scale, which provides normative ranges for each test, for areas of function, and for the entire battery in addition to cut-off scores (brain impairment versus normal brain status) for each variable, area, and summary score. Sublistings: a) Reitan-Indiana neuropsychological test battery for YOUNG children. Ages 5-8. 1) Category. Comments: Projection box with slide projector and slides necessary for administration. 2) Tactual Performance. Scores, 3: Total Time, Memory, Localization. Comments: 6figure board. 3) Finger Tapping. Comments: Electronic finger tapper necessary for administration. 4) Matching Pictures. 5) Individual Performance. Subtests, 4: Matching Figures, Star, Matching V's, Concentric Squares. 6) Marching. 7) Progressive Figures. 8) Color Form. Scores, 2: Total Time, Errors. 146 9) Lateral Dominance Examination. 10) Target. 11) Aphasia Screening. 12) Sensory Perceptual. Subtests, 6: Imperception (Tactile, Auditory, Visual), Tactile Finger Recognition, Finger-Tip Symbol Writing and Recognition, Tactile Form Recognition. 13) Grip Strength. Scores, 2: Preferred Grip, Nonpreferred Grip. Comments: Hand dynamometer necessary for administration. 14) Name Writing.; b) Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological test battery for OLDER Children. Ages 9-14. 1) Category. Comments: Similar to a above. 2) Tactual Performance. Comments: Same as a above. 3) Seashore Rhythm Test. 4) Speech-Sounds Perception. 5) Trail Making. 6) Finger Tapping. Comments: Manual finger tapping apparatus necessary for administration. 7) Aphasia Screening. 8) Sensory-Perceptual. Subtests, 5: Sensory Imperception (Tactile, Auditory, Visual), Finger Agnosia, Finger-Tip Number Writing. 9) Tactile Form Recognition. 10) Grip Strength. Scores, 2: Preferred Grip, Nonpreferred Grip. Comments: Hand dynamometer necessary for administration. 11) Lateral Dominance. 12) Name Writing.; c) Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological test battery for adults. Ages 15 and over. Comments: Battery has 11 tests same as b above with a number of changes in equipment, administration, and scoring forms for this level. ► Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children – TSCC Instrument Components: Manual Test Booklet Forms: Profile Form Females - 8-12 Profile Form Females - Ages 13-16 Profile Form Males - Ages 8-12 Profile Form Males - Ages 13-16 Authors: John Briere Publication Date: 1996 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: 147 Purpose: Designed 'to measure acute and chronic posttraumatic stress and related psychological symptomatology.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group or individual Population: Ages 8-16 Scores: Underresponse; Hyperresponse; Anxiety; Depression; Anger; Posttraumatic Stress; Dissociation; Sexual Concerns. Time: 15-20 minutes Trauma Symptom Inventory – TSI ► Instrument Components: Professional Manual Forms: Item Booklet Answer Sheet Profile Form Males Profile Forms Females Authors: John Briere Publication Date: 1995 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed for the 'evaluation of acute and chronic posttraumatic symptomatology.' Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Ages 18 and older Scores: 148 Response Level; Atypical Response; Inconsistent Response; Anxious Arousal; Depression; Anger/Irritability; Intrusive Experiences; Defensive Avoidance; Dissociation; Sexual Concerns; Dysfunctional Sexual Behavior; Impaired Self-Reference; Tension Reduction Behavior. Time: 20 minutes ► Trauma Symptom Inventory (2nd Edition) – TSI-2 Instrument Components: Professional Manual Forms: Item Booklet Hand-scoring Answer Sheet Profile Form Authors: John Briere Publication Date: 2011 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Evaluate acute and chronic posttraumatic symptomatology Test Category: Personality Administration: Individual or group Population: 18 to 88 years Time: 20 minutes ► Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test – UNIT Instrument Components: Manual Stimulus Book 1 Stimulus Book 2 Object Kit Forms: Mazes Response Booklet Record Form 149 Abbreviated Record Form Authors: Bruce A. Bracken, Steve R. McCallum Publication Date: 1998 Publisher Information: PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897; Telephone: 800-897-3202; FAX: 800-397-7633; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to provide a ... fair measure of the general intelligence and cognitive abilities of children and adolescents ... who may be disadvantaged by traditional verbal and languageloaded measures.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 5 years through 17 years, 11 months Scores: Symbolic Memory; Cube Design; Spatial Memory; Analogic Reasoning; Object Memory; Mazes; Memory Quotient; Reasoning Quotient; Symbolic Quotient; Nonsymbolic Quotient; Full Scale IQ. Time: 10-15 minutes Validity Indicator Profile – VIP ► Instrument Components: Manual Reusable Test Booklet Forms: Answer Sheet Authors: Richard I. Frederick Publication Date: 1997 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 150 Designed to assess response styles to help determine whether the results of cognitive, neuropsychological, or other types of testing should be considered representative of an individual's overall capacities Test Category: Personality Administration: Group Population: Ages 18-69 Scores: Nonverbal Subtest Response Style; Verbal Subtest Response Style. Time: 50 minutes for both subtests 20 minutes for verbal subtest 30 minutes for nonverbal subtest Comments: The scoring options are Q Local software or mail-in scoring; the report options are Interpretive or Profile ► Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition – Vineland-II Instrument Components: Manual Forms: Survey Interview Form Record Booklet Parent/Caregiver Rating Form Booklet Survey Form Report to Parents Survey Form Report to Caregivers Authors: Sara S. Sparrow, Domenic V. Cicchetti, David A. Balla Publication Date: 1935-2008 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed as an adaptive behavior assessment system that measures self-sufficiency across the life-span. Test Category: Behavior Assessment 151 Administration: Individual Population: Birth to age 90-11 Scores: Communication; Receptive; Expressive; Written; Daily Living Skills; Personal; Domestic; Community; Academic; School Community; Socialization; Interpersonal Relationships; Play and Leisure Time; Coping Skills; Motor Skills; Gross; Fine; Adaptive Behavior Composite; Maladaptive Behavior Index; Maladaptive Behavior Critical Items. Comments: A revision of the Vineland Social Maturity Scale by Edgar A. Doll Sublistings: a) SURVEY INTERVIEW FORM, PARENT/CAREGIVER RATING FORM. Purpose: Designed to assess adaptive behavior via parent/caregiver report. Population: Birth to age 90-11. Time: 45(65) minutes b) TEACHER RATING FORM. Purpose: Assessment of adaptive behavior within classroom and school settings. Population: Ages 3-0 to 18-11. Time: 20(40) minutes c) EXPANDED INTERVIEW FORM. Purpose: Designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of adaptive behavior via a semi-structured interview. Population: Birth to age 90. Time: 25(90) minutes ► Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence – WASI Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Manual Stimulus Booklet Block Design Set Form: Record Form Authors: The Psychological Corporation Publication Date: 1999 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed as a 'short and reliable measure of intelligence'; serves as a quick measure of an individual's verbal, nonverbal, and general cognitive functioning in any setting. Test Category: 152 Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6-89 Scores: Verbal; Vocabulary; Similarities; Performance; Block Design; Matrix Reasoning; Verbal IQ; Performance IQ; Full Scale IQ. Sublistings: a) TWO SUBTEST FORM. Scores, 3: Verbal (Vocabulary), Performance (Matrix Reasoning), Full Scale IQ. Time: 15 minutes b) FOUR SUBTEST FORM. Scores, 7: Verbal (Vocabulary, Similarities), Performance (Block Design, Matrix Reasoning), Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, Full Scale IQ. Time: 30 minutes ► Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, Second Edition – WASI-2 Instrument Components: Manual Stimulus Booklet Set of 9 Blocks Forms: Record Form Authors: The Psychological Corporation Publication Date: 2011 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed as a 'short and reliable measure of intelligence'; serves as a quick measure of an individual's verbal, nonverbal, and general cognitive functioning in any setting Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6-89 Scores: 153 Verbal; Vocabulary; Similarities; Performance; Block Design; Matrix Reasoning; Verbal IQ; Performance IQ; Full Scale IQ. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition – WAIS-III ► Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Administration and Scoring Manual Technical Manual Stimulus Booklet Block Design Subtest Object Assembly Subtest Picture Arrangement Subtest Digital Symbol Scoring Template Symbol Search Scoring Template Forms: Response Booklet Record Form Authors: David Wechsler Publication Date: 1939-1997 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to assess the intellectual ability of adults. Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 16-89 Scores: Verbal; Vocabulary; Similarities; Arithmetic; Digit Span; Information; Comprehension; Letter-Number Sequencing; Performance; Picture Completion; Digit Symbol-Coding; Block Design; Matrix Reasoning; Picture Arrangement; Symbol Search; Object Assembly; Mazes; Verbal Comprehension Index; Perceptual Organization Index; Working Memory Index; Processing Speed Index. Time: 60-90 minutes for VIQ, PIQ, & FSIQ scores. 65-95 minutes for IQ and Index Scores. ► Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition – WAIS-IV 154 Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Administration and Scoring Manual Technical and Interpretive Manual Stimulus Book 1 Stimulus Book 2 Wechsler Standard Block Set Cancellation Scoring Template Coding Scoring Template Symbol Searching Scoring Key Forms: Response Booklet 1 Response Booklet 2 Record Form Authors: David Wechsler Publication Date: 1939-2008 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to assess the cognitive ability of adolescents and adults'; 'provides subtest and composite scores that represent intellectual functioning in specific cognitive domains, as well as a composite score that represents general intellectual ability.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 16-0 to 90-11 Scores: Verbal Comprehension Index; Perceptual Reasoning Index; Processing Speed Index; General Ability Index; Full Scale; Block Design; Similarities; Digit Span; Matrix Reasoning; Vocabulary; Arithmetic; Symbol Search; Visual Puzzles; Information; Coding; Letter-Number Sequencing; Figure Weights; Comprehension; Cancellation; Picture Completion. Comments: If there are significant differences between Index scores, the General Ability Index may need to be calculated; Letter-Number Sequencing, Figure Weights, and Cancellation are supplemental subtests for individuals 16-0 to 69-11 only. Subtests: 155 15: Block Design, Similarities, Digit Span, Matrix Reasoning, Vocabulary, Arithmetic, Symbol Search, Visual Puzzles, Information, Coding, Letter-Number Sequencing, Figure Weights, Comprehension, Cancellation, Picture Completion. Time: 59-100 minutes ► Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Second Edition – WIAT-II Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Examiner’s Manual Scoring Supplement PreK-12 Scoring Supplement College Students and Adults 2 Stimulus Books Administering and Calculating Conversion Scores for Reading Comprehension Booklet Word Card Pseudoword Card Audio Cassette Forms: Record Form Response Booklet Authors: Psychological Corporation (n/k/a Pearson Assessments) Publication Date: 1992-2001 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'A ... measurement tool useful for achievement skills assessment, learning disability diagnosis, special education placement, curriculum planning, and clinical appraisal for preschool children through adults.' Test Category: Achievement Administration: Individual Population: Ages 4-85 years Scores: Word Reading; Pseudoword Decoding; Reading Comprehension; Math Reasoning; Numerical Operations; Listening Comprehension; Oral Expression; Spelling; Written Expression; Reading Composite; Written Language Composite; Mathematics Composite; Oral Language 156 Composite; Total Composite; Reading; Reading Comprehension; Target Words; Reading Speed; Written Expression; Alphabet Writing; Word Fluency; Word Count; Oral Expression; Word Fluency. Comments: Subtests may be given individually; includes norms for 2-year and 4-year college students; standardized with Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III (0000), Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (0000), Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition (0000), and the Process Assessment of the Learner: Test Battery for Reading and Writing (0000); complete battery is composed of fewer tests for Grades PreK and K; manual or computer scoring; 3 software scoring programs available; WIAT-II Scoring Assistant software generates standard scores and error analyses using raw scores; WISC-III/WIAT-II Scoring Assistant (revision of the Scoring Assistant for the Wechsler Scales) includes all capabilities of WIAT-II Scoring Assistant and computes ability-achievement discrepancy analysis using the WISC-III; WAIS-III/WMS-III/WIAT-II Scoring Assistant software (revision of the Scoring Assistant for the Wechsler Scales for Adults) includes all capabilities of WIATII Scoring Assistant, computes ability-achievement discrepancy analysis using the WAIS-III, and generates reports; WISC-III/WIAT-II Writer software (revision of the WISC-III Writer) summarizes results, displays results in tabular and graphic formats, generates interpretive report; WAIS-III/WMS-III/WIAT-II Writer software scores and interprets results; system requirements for all software: Windows 95/98/2000/ME/NT 4.0 Workstation, 100 MHz Pentium processor, 32 MB RAM, 2 MB video card capable of 800 x 600 resolution (256 colors), 20 MB free hard disk space, 3.5-inch floppy drive, 50 MB temporary disk space; WIAT-II PDA Pocket Norms software available, system requirements Palm OS Personal Digital Assistant. Time: Comprehensive Battery: 45 minutes for Grades PreK-K 90 minutes for Grades 1-6 90-120 minutes for Grades 7-16 ► Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Third Edition – WIAT-III Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Examiner’s Manual Technical Manual CD Scoring Workbook Stimulus Book Oral Reading Fluency Booklet Word Card Pseudoword Card Audio CD Scoring Assistant CD Forms: Record Form Response Booklet Authors: 157 Pearson Assessments Publication Date: 1992-2009 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to measure the achievement of students' in prekindergarten through Grade 12 in the areas of 'listening, speaking, reading, writing and mathematics.' Test Category: Achievement Administration: Individual Population: Ages 4-0 to 19-11. Scores: Listening Comprehension; Early Reading Skills; Reading Comprehension; Math Problem Solving; Alphabet Writing Fluency; Sentence Composition; Word Reading; Essay Composition; Pseudoword Decoding; Numerical Operations; Oral Expression; Oral Reading Fluency; Spelling; Math Fluency-Addition; Math Fluency-Subtraction; Math FluencyMultiplication; Oral Language; Total Reading; Basic Reading; Reading Comprehension and Fluency; Written Expression; Mathematics; Math Fluency; Total Achievement. Comments: Examiners may choose to administer one subtest, a subset of subtests, or all 16 subtests; not all subtests contribute to the Total Achievement composite; the Math Fluency subtests do not contribute to the Total Achievement composite; the Early Reading Skills subtest and the Alphabet Writing Fluency subtest are administered to students in prekindergarten through Grade 3 but only contribute to the Total Achievement composite for prekindergarten through Grade 1; the Oral Reading Fluency subtest is administered to students in Grades 112 but only contributes to the Total Achievement composite for Grades 2-12; the Spelling subtest is administered to students in kindergarten through Grade 12 but only contributes to the Total Achievement composite for kindergarten through Grade 2; the publisher advises that adult norms for ages 20-50 were published in 2010 Time: Administration time varies depending on the grade level of the student and the number of subtests administered. ► Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition – WISC-IV Instrument Components: In Briefcase: Administration and Scoring Manual 158 Technical and Interpretive Manual Coding Concept Scoring Key Symbol Search Scoring Key Cancellation Concept Template Set of 9 Design Blocks Forms: Record Form Response Booklet 1 Response Booklet 2 Authors: David Wechsler Publication Date: 1971-2003 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to assess 'the cognitive ability of children'; provides four index scores that reflect different abilities, important in the expression of intelligent behavior in the classroom and beyond. Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6-0 to 16-11. Scores: Verbal Comprehension; Similarities; Vocabulary; Comprehension; Information; Word Reasoning; Perceptual Reasoning; Block Design; Picture Concepts; Matrix Reasoning; Picture Completion; Working Memory; Digit Span; Letter-Number Sequencing; Arithmetic; Processing Speed; Coding; Symbol Search; Cancellation; Full Scale IQ. Time: Core subtests 65-80 minutes; Supplemental: 10-15 minutes ► Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition Integrated – WISC-IV Integrated Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Administration and Scoring Manual Technical and Interpretive Manual Stimulus Book 2 Stimulus Book 3 159 Scoring Key for Coding A/B Examiner’s Slide Scale Block Design Process Approach Grid Overlay (2) Spatial Span Board Wechsler Expanded Block Design Set Forms: Integrated Record Form Response Booklet 3 Authors: David Wechsler, Edith Kaplan, Deborah Fein, Joel Kramer, Robin Morris, Dean Delis, Arthur Maelender Publication Date: 1971-2004 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to assess the cognitive ability and problem-solving process of children'; provides a comprehensive measure of learning strengths and difficulties. Test Category: Achievement Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6-0 to 16-11 Scores: Similarities; Vocabulary; Comprehension; Information; Word Reasoning; Index; Block Design; Picture Concepts; Matrix Reasoning; Picture Completion; Digit Span; Letter-Number Sequencing; Arithmetic; Coding; Symbol Search; Cancellation; Full Scale IQ; Similarities Multiple Choice; Vocabulary Multiple Choice; Picture Vocabulary Multiple Choice; Comprehension Multiple Choice; Information Multiple Choice; Block Design No Time Bonus; Block Design Multiple Choice; Block Design Multiple Choice No Time Bonus; Block Design Process Approach; Elithorn Mazes; Elithorn Mazes No Time Bonus; Digit Span Forward; Digit Span Backward; Visual Digit Span; Spatial Span Forward; Spatial Span Backward; Letter Span Nonrhyming; Letter Span Rhyming; Letter-Number Sequencing Process Approach; Arithmetic With Time Bonus; Arithmetic Process Approach-Part A; Arithmetic Process Approach-Part A With Time Bonus; Arithmetic Process Approach-Part B; Written Arithmetic; Cancellation Random; Cancellation Structured; Coding Recall; Coding Copy. Comments: Combination of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (0000) and the revised and re-normed Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition as a Process Instrument; guidelines are provided for administering test to children who are deaf or hard of hearing. 160 Time: 65-80 minutes for the 10 core subtests; additional time required for supplemental subtests; time for Process subtests varies by number of subtests administered. ► Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Spanish – WISC-IV [Spanish] Instrument Components: In Briefcase: Manual 3 Stimulus Books Symbol Scoring Key Coding Scoring Key Cancellation Template Box of 9 Design Block 2 Colored Pencils Forms: Record Form Response Booklet 1 Response Booklet 2 Authors: David Wechsler Publication Date: 1971-2003 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to assess 'the cognitive ability of children'; provides four index scores that reflect different abilities, important in the expression of intelligent behavior in the classroom and beyond. Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6-0 to 16-11 Scores: Verbal Comprehension; Similarities; Vocabulary; Comprehension; Information; Word Reasoning; Perceptual Reasoning; Block Design; Picture Concepts; Matrix Reasoning; Picture Completion; Working Memory; Digit Span; Letter-Number Sequencing; Arithmetic; Processing Speed; Coding; Symbol Search; Cancellation; Full Scale IQ. Time: Core subtests 65-80 minutes; Supplemental: 10-15 minutes 161 Wechsler Memory Scale III – WMS-III ► Instrument Components: In Briefcase: Manual Technical Manual Plastic 3-D Board with 10 Numbered Blocks 2 Stimulus Booklets Forms: Visual Reproduction Response Booklet Record Form Author: David Wechsler Publication Date: 1945-1997 Publisher Information: The Psychological Corporation, 555 Academic Court, San Antonio, TX 78204-2498 Purpose: Designed to 'provide a detailed assessment of clinically relevant aspects of memory functioning' using both auditory and visual stimuli. Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 16-89 Scores: Logical Memory I, Logical Memory II, Verbal Paired Associates I, Verbal Paired Associates II, Letter-Numbering Sequencing, Faces I, Faces II, Family Pictures I, Family Pictures II, Spatial Span, Information and Orientation, Word Lists I, Word Lists II, Mental Control, Visual Reproduction I, Visual Reproduction II, Recall Total, Recognition Total, Copy Total, Discrimination Total, Percent Retention. Time: 30-35 minutes for primary subtests ► Wechsler Memory Scale Fourth Edition – WMS-IV Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Administration and Scoring Manual 162 Technical and Interpretive Manual Stimulus Book #1 Stimulus Book #2 Design and Spatial Addition card set Scoring Template Memory Grid Forms: Adult Record Form Older Adult Record Form Response Booklet Authors: David Wechsler Publication Date: 1945-2009 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Developed to 'assess various memory and working memory abilities' among 'individuals with suspected memory deficits or diagnosed with a range of neurological, psychiatric, and developmental disorders.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 16-0 to 69-11; 65-0 to 90-11 Scores: Logical Memory; Verbal Paired Associates; Designs; Visual Reproduction; Spatial Addition; Symbol Span; Brief Cognitive Status Exam; Auditory Memory; Visual Memory; Visual Working Memory; Immediate Memory; Delayed Memory. Comments: Roman numerals I and II indicate a subtest's immediate and delayed conditions, respectively; Standard administration guidelines require that 20-30 minutes should elapse between the completion of a subtest's immediate condition and the beginning of the delayed condition Sublistings: ADULT BATTERY. Population: Ages 16-0 to 69-11 Time: [80-115] minutes OLDER ADULT BATTERY. 163 Population: 65-0 to 90-11 Time: [50-70] minutes Subtests: Brief Cognitive Status Exam (optional) ► Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Third Edition – WPPSI-III Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Technical and Interpretive Manual Administration and Scoring Manual 2 Stimulus Books Symbol Scoring Key Block Design Object Assembly 2 Pencils Forms: Record from Ages 2:6-3:11 Record Form Ages 4:0-7:3 Response Booklet Authors: David Wechsler Publication Date: 1949-2002 Publisher Information: Pearson, 19500 Bulverde Road, San Antonio, TX 78259; Telephone: 800-627-7271; FAX: 800-632-9011; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Developed 'for assessing the intelligence of young children.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 2-6 to 3-11, ages 4-0 to 7-3 Scores: Verbal; Receptive Vocabulary; Information; Picture Naming; Performance; Block Design; Object Assembly; Global Language Composite; Vocabulary; Word Reasoning; Comprehension; Similarities; Matrix Reasoning; Picture Concepts; Picture Completion. Sublistings: 164 a) 2:6-3:11 AGE BAND. Population: Ages 2-6 to 3-11. Scores, 7 to 9: Verbal (Receptive Vocabulary, Information, Picture Naming [supplemental], Total), Performance (Block Design, Object Assembly, Total), Global Language Composite [supplemental], Total. Time: 30-45 minutes b) 4:0-7:3 AGE BAND. Population: Ages 4-0 to 7-3. Scores, 10 to 19: Verbal (Information, Vocabulary, Word Reasoning, Comprehension [supplemental], Similarities [supplemental], Receptive Vocabulary [optional], Picture Naming [optional], Total), Performance (Block Design, Matrix Reasoning, Picture Concepts, Picture Completion [supplemental], Object Assembly [supplemental], Total), Global Language Composite [optional], Total. Wide Range Achievement Test 4 – WRAT4 ► Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Professional Manual 2 Word Reading / Spelling Cards 3 Sentence Completion Cards 1 Place Marker Forms: Green - Sentence Comprehension Test Form Green - Test Form Green - Response Form Blue- Sentence Comprehension Test Form Blue - Test Form Blue - Response Form Authors: Gary S. Wilkinson, Gary J. Robertson Publication Date: 1940-2006 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed to 'measure the basic academic skills of reading, spelling, and math computation.' Test Category: Achievement Administration: Individual and group Population: Ages 5-94 Scores: Word Reading; Sentence Comprehension; Spelling; Math Computation; Reading Composite. 165 Levels: Levels, 2: Ages 5-7, Ages 8-94; Forms, 3: Blue, Green, Combined. Time: 15-45 minutes ► Wide Range Achievement Test Fourth Edition, Progress Monitoring Version – WRAT4-PMV Instrument Components: Professional Manual Word Reading List Card Set of 3 Sentence Completion Cards Spelling Card Math Computation Cards Forms: Level Equivalent Profile Form Word Reading Record Sheet Sentence Comprehension Record Booklet Spelling Response Booklet Math Computation Response Booklet Authors: Gale H. Roid, Mark F. Ledbetter Publication Date: 1940-2006 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: Designed 'to monitor the progress of students with learning difficulties, students in special education placements, underachieving students in regular education, or students who exhibit other conditions that affect school learning.' | Roid, Gale H.; Ledbetter, Mark F.; Messer, Melissa Test Category: Achievement Administration: Group Population: Ages 5-94 Scores: Word Reading; Sentence Comprehension; Spelling; Math Computation. 166 Comments: Adaptation of the Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (0000). | Wide Range Achievement Test Fourth Edition Progress Monitoring Version. | Purpose: Designed "to monitor the progress of students with learning difficulties, students in special education placements, underachieving students in regular education, or students who exhibit other conditions that affect school learning." | Population: Ages 5-94. | Publication Dates: 1940-2006. | Acronym: WRAT4-PMV. | Scores, 4: Word Reading, Sentence Comprehension, Spelling, Math Computation. | Administration: Group. | Levels, 6: Level 1 (Grades K-1), Level 2 (Grades 2-3), Level 3 (Grades 4-5), Level 4 (Grades 6-8), Level 5 (Grades 9-12), Level 6 (Grades 13-16). | Forms, 4: Form 1, Form 2, Form 3, Form 4. | Price Data, 2009: $288 per introductory kit including professional manual, 25 level equivalent profile forms, 25 word reading record sheets, 1 word reading list card, 25 sentence comprehension record booklets, set of 3 sentence comprehension cards, 25 spelling response booklets, 1 spelling card, 25 math computation response booklets, and math computation cards. | Time: (15) minutes. | Comments: Adaptation of the Wide Range Achievement Test 4 (0000). | Authors: Gale H. Roid and Mark F. Ledbetter, with significant contributions by Melissa Messer. | Publisher: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. | Cross References: For reviews by William D. Schafer and John J. Venn, see 18:158 Time: 15 minutes ► Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, Second Edition – WRAML2 Instrument Components: Administration and Technical Manual Sound Symbol Booklet 5 Design Memory Cards 4 Picture Memory Scenes Finger Windows Card 2 Symbolic Working Memory Cards Two red pencils Forms: Examiner Form Picture Memory Response Form Picture Memory Recognition Form Design Memory Response Form Design Memory Recognition Form Authors: David Sheslow, Wayne Adams Publication Date: 1990-2003 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: 167 Purpose: Designed for use in 'clinical assessments of memory including evaluation of immediate and/or delay recall as well as differentiating between verbal, visual or more global memory deficits.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 5-90 Scores: Verbal Memory; Story Memory; Verbal Learning; Visual Memory; Design Memory; Picture Memory; Attention/Concentration; Finger Windows; Number Letter; General Memory; Working Memory; Verbal Working Memory; Symbolic Working Memory; Verbal Recognition; Story Recognition; Verbal Learning Recognition; Visual Recognition; Design Recognition; Picture Memory Recognition; General Recognition; Sound Symbol; Sentence Memory; Story Memory Recall; Verbal Learning Recall; Sound Symbol Recall. Time: 60 minutes Wide Range Intelligence Test – WRIT ► Instrument Components: Manual Diamonds/Matrices Easel Diamonds Examiner Form Authors: Joseph Glutting, Wayne Adams, David Sheslow Publication Date: 2000 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Designed to measure an individual's cognitive abilities.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual 168 Population: Ages 4-85 Scores: Verbal; Verbal Analogies; Vocabulary; Visual; Matrices; Diamonds; Intelligence. Time: 20-30 minutes Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Revised and Expanded –WCST ► Instrument Components: In Portfolio: Manual Box of Response Cards and Stimulus Cards Form: Record Booklet Author: Robert K. Heaton, Gordon J. Chelune, Jack L. Talley, Gary G. Kay, Glenn Curtiss Publication Date: 1981-1993 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., P.O. Box 998, Odessa, FL 33556 Purpose: 'Developed . . . as a measure of abstract reasoning among normal adult populations' and 'has increasingly been employed as a clinical neuropsychological instrument.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6.5-89 Scores: 11: Number of Trials Administered, Total Number Correct, Total Number of Errors, Perseverative Responses, Perseverative Errors, Nonperseverative Errors, Conceptual Level Responses, Number of Categories Completed, Trials to Complete First Category, Failure to Maintain Set, Learning to Learn. Comments: Additional materials necessary for testing include a pen or pencil and a clipboard Time: 20-30 minutes ► Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, 64 Card Version – WCST-64 Instrument Components: 169 Manual Card Deck Record Booklet Authors: Susan K. Kongs, Laetitia L. Thompson, Grant L. Iverson, Robert K. Heaton Publication Date: 1981-2000 Publisher Information: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 16204 N. Florida Avenue, Lutz, FL 33549-8119; Telephone: 800-331-8378; FAX: 800-727-9329; E-mail:; Web: Purpose: 'Developed ... as a measure of abstract reasoning among normal adult populations' and 'has increasingly been employed as a clinical neuropsychological instrument.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 6.5-89 Scores: Total Number Correct; Total Number of Errors; Perseverative Responses; Perseverative Errors; Nonperseverative Errors; Conceptual Level Responses; Number of Categories Completed; Trials to Complete First Category; Failure to Maintain Set; Learning to Learn. Comments: Abbreviated form of the standard 128-card version of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (0000) Time: Untimed Woodcock-Johnson III [Tests of Achievement] – WJ III Note: English and Spanish versions available ► Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Standard Test Book Extended Test Book Examiner’s Manual Examiner Training Workbook Set of 5 Scoring Templates Cassette Forms: 170 Test Record Form A Test Record Form B Subject Response Booklet Form A Subject Response Booklet Form B NOTE: NORMATIVE UPDATE MANUAL CAN BE CHECKED OUT SEPARATELY Authors: Richard W. Woodcock, Kevin S. McGrew, Nancy Mather, Fredrick A. Schrank Publication Date: 1977-2001 Publisher Information: Riverside Publishing, 3800 Golf Road, Suite 100, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008; Telephone: 800-323-9540; FAX: 630-467-7192; Web: Purpose: Designed 'to provide a co-normed set of tests for measuring general intellectual ability, specific cognitive abilities, scholastic aptitude, oral language, and academic achievement.' Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 2-90+ Scores: Letter-Word Identification; Reading Fluency; Passage Comprehension; Story Recall; Understanding Directions; Calculation; Math Fluency; Applied Problems; Spelling; Writing Fluency; Writing Samples; Story Recall-Delayed; Handwriting Legibility Scale; Writing Evaluation Scale; Broad Reading; Oral Language-Standard; Broad Math; Math Calculation Skills; Broad Written Language; Written Expression; Academic Skills; Academic Fluency; Academic Applications; Total Achievement; Word Attack; Reading Vocabulary; Picture Vocabulary; Oral Comprehension; Quantitative Concepts; Editing; Academic Knowledge; Spelling of Sounds; Sound Awareness; Punctuation & Capitalization; Basic Reading Skills; Reading Comprehension; Oral Language-Extended; Oral Expression; Listening Comprehension; Math Reasoning; Basic Writing Skills; Academic Knowledge; Phoneme/Grapheme Knowledge; Verbal Comprehension; Visual-Auditory Learning; Spatial Relations; Sound Blending; Concept Formation; Visual Matching; Numbers Reversed; Incomplete Words; Auditory Working Memory; Visual-Auditory Learning-Delayed; Verbal Ability; Thinking Ability; Cognitive Efficiency; General Information; Retrieval Fluency; Picture Recognition; Auditory Attention; Analysis-Synthesis; Decision Speed; Memory for Words; Rapid Picture Naming; Planning; Pair Cancellation; Verbal Ability; Thinking Ability; Cognitive Efficiency; Comprehension-Knowledge; Long-Term Retrieval; Visual-Spatial Thinking; Auditory Processing; Fluid Reasoning; Processing Speed; Short-Term Memory; Quantitative Knowledge; Reading-Writing Ability; Phonemic Awareness; Working Memory; Broad Attention; Cognitive Fluency; Executive Processes; Delayed Recall; Knowledge. 171 Comments: Tests can be administered separately; previous edition was entitled Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery-Revised; can be scored only with the Compuscore(r) software included or optional Report Writer; minimum system requirements: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/2000/Me/XP, PC with 486 processor, VGA monitor, 16 MB of RAM, 5MB of free hard disk space, Windows-supported printer (Windows System) or Apple system, Macintosh computer with 68020 processor, Macintosh-compatible printer (Macintosh System), 16 MB RAM, 10MB of free hard disk space; 1989 edition still available. Levels: Parts, 2: Tests of Cognitive Abilities, Tests of Achievement. Sublistings: a) TESTS OF ACHIEVEMENT. Scores: 11 Standard Battery (Form A or B) test scores: LetterWord Identification, Reading Fluency, Passage Comprehension, Story Recall, Understanding Directions, Calculation, Math Fluency, Applied Problems, Spelling, Writing Fluency, Writing Samples, and 3 Standard Battery Supplemental test scores: Story Recall-Delayed, Handwriting Legibility Scale, Writing Evaluation Scale, plus 6 Standard Battery cluster scores derived from combinations of the above test scores: Broad Reading, Oral LanguageStandard, Broad Math, Math Calculation Skills, Broad Written Language, Written Expression, and 4 Supplementary Battery cluster scores: Academic Skills, Academic Fluency, Academic Applications, Total Achievement; 7 Extended Battery (Form A or B) test scores: Word Attack, Reading Vocabulary, Picture Vocabulary, Oral Comprehension, Quantitative Concepts, Editing, Academic Knowledge, and 3 Extended Battery Supplemental test scores: Spelling of Sounds, Sound Awareness, Punctuation & Capitalization, plus 9 Extended Battery cluster scores derived from combinations of standard and extended battery tests: Basic Reading Skills, Reading Comprehension, Oral Language-Extended, Oral Expression, Listening Comprehension, Math Reasoning, Basic Writing Skills, Academic Knowledge, Phoneme/Grapheme Knowledge. Forms, 2: A, B. Time: Approximately 5 minutes per test; 55-65 minutes for Standard Battery b) TESTS OF COGNITIVE ABILITIES. Scores: 10 Standard Battery test scores: Verbal Comprehension, Visual-Auditory Learning, Spatial Relations, Sound Blending, Concept Formation, Visual Matching, Numbers Reversed, Incomplete Words, Auditory Working Memory, Visual-Auditory Learning-Delayed, plus 3 Standard Battery cluster scores: Verbal Ability, Thinking Ability, Cognitive Efficiency, and 10 Extended Battery test scores: General Information, Retrieval Fluency, Picture Recognition, Auditory Attention, Analysis-Synthesis, Decision Speed, Memory for Words, Rapid Picture Naming, Planning, Pair Cancellation plus 3 Extended Battery cluster scores: Verbal Ability, Thinking Ability, Cognitive Efficiency; 16 factor cluster scores: Comprehension-Knowledge, Long-Term Retrieval, Visual-Spatial Thinking, Auditory Processing, Fluid Reasoning, Processing Speed, Short-Term Memory, Quantitative Knowledge, Reading-Writing Ability, Phonemic Awareness, Working Memory, Broad Attention, Cognitive Fluency, Executive Processes, Delayed Recall, Knowledge. Time: Approximately 5 minutes per test; 35-45 minutes per Standard Battery; 90-115 minutes per Extended Battery. _________________________________________________________ ►SPANISH SPANISH EDITION OF WJ III [Tests of Achievement] Bateria III – Woodcock-Munoz [Pruebas de Aprovechamiento] 172 Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Standard Test Book Extended Test Book Examiner’s Manual Examiner Training Workbook Set of 5 Scoring Templates Cassette Forms: Test Record Form A Test Record Form B Subject Response Booklet Form A Subject Response Booklet Form B PLEASE REFER TO ABOVE DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION Woodcock-Johnson III [Tests of Cognitive Abilities] – WJ III Note: English and Spanish versions available ► Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Standard Test Book Extended Test Book Examiner’s Manual Examiner Training Workbook 6 Scoring Templates Cassette NOTE: NORMATIVE UPDATE MANUAL CAN BE CHECKED OUT SEPARATELY Forms: Brief Intellectual Test Record Test Record Subject Response Booklet Authors: Richard W. Woodcock, Kevin S. McGrew, Nancy Mather, Fredrick A. Schrank Publication Date: 1977-2001 Publisher Information: Riverside Publishing, 3800 Golf Road, Suite 100, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008; Telephone: 800-323-9540; FAX: 630-467-7192; Web: Purpose: Designed 'to provide a co-normed set of tests for measuring general intellectual ability, specific cognitive abilities, scholastic aptitude, oral language, and academic achievement.' 173 Test Category: Intelligence and General Aptitude Administration: Individual Population: Ages 2-90+ Scores: Letter-Word Identification; Reading Fluency; Passage Comprehension; Story Recall; Understanding Directions; Calculation; Math Fluency; Applied Problems; Spelling; Writing Fluency; Writing Samples; Story Recall-Delayed; Handwriting Legibility Scale; Writing Evaluation Scale; Broad Reading; Oral Language-Standard; Broad Math; Math Calculation Skills; Broad Written Language; Written Expression; Academic Skills; Academic Fluency; Academic Applications; Total Achievement; Word Attack; Reading Vocabulary; Picture Vocabulary; Oral Comprehension; Quantitative Concepts; Editing; Academic Knowledge; Spelling of Sounds; Sound Awareness; Punctuation & Capitalization; Basic Reading Skills; Reading Comprehension; Oral Language-Extended; Oral Expression; Listening Comprehension; Math Reasoning; Basic Writing Skills; Academic Knowledge; Phoneme/Grapheme Knowledge; Verbal Comprehension; Visual-Auditory Learning; Spatial Relations; Sound Blending; Concept Formation; Visual Matching; Numbers Reversed; Incomplete Words; Auditory Working Memory; Visual-Auditory Learning-Delayed; Verbal Ability; Thinking Ability; Cognitive Efficiency; General Information; Retrieval Fluency; Picture Recognition; Auditory Attention; Analysis-Synthesis; Decision Speed; Memory for Words; Rapid Picture Naming; Planning; Pair Cancellation; Verbal Ability; Thinking Ability; Cognitive Efficiency; Comprehension-Knowledge; Long-Term Retrieval; Visual-Spatial Thinking; Auditory Processing; Fluid Reasoning; Processing Speed; Short-Term Memory; Quantitative Knowledge; Reading-Writing Ability; Phonemic Awareness; Working Memory; Broad Attention; Cognitive Fluency; Executive Processes; Delayed Recall; Knowledge. Comments: Tests can be administered separately; previous edition was entitled Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery-Revised; can be scored only with the Compuscore(r) software included or optional Report Writer; minimum system requirements: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/2000/Me/XP, PC with 486 processor, VGA monitor, 16 MB of RAM, 5MB of free hard disk space, Windows-supported printer (Windows System) or Apple system, Macintosh computer with 68020 processor, Macintosh-compatible printer (Macintosh System), 16 MB RAM, 10MB of free hard disk space; 1989 edition still available. Levels: Parts, 2: Tests of Cognitive Abilities, Tests of Achievement. Sublistings: a) TESTS OF ACHIEVEMENT. Scores: 11 Standard Battery (Form A or B) test scores: LetterWord Identification, Reading Fluency, Passage Comprehension, Story Recall, Understanding Directions, Calculation, Math Fluency, Applied Problems, Spelling, Writing Fluency, Writing Samples, and 3 Standard Battery Supplemental test scores: Story Recall-Delayed, Handwriting Legibility Scale, Writing Evaluation Scale, plus 6 Standard Battery cluster scores derived from combinations of the above test scores: Broad Reading, Oral LanguageStandard, Broad Math, Math Calculation Skills, Broad Written Language, Written Expression, and 4 Supplementary Battery cluster scores: Academic Skills, Academic Fluency, Academic 174 Applications, Total Achievement; 7 Extended Battery (Form A or B) test scores: Word Attack, Reading Vocabulary, Picture Vocabulary, Oral Comprehension, Quantitative Concepts, Editing, Academic Knowledge, and 3 Extended Battery Supplemental test scores: Spelling of Sounds, Sound Awareness, Punctuation & Capitalization, plus 9 Extended Battery cluster scores derived from combinations of standard and extended battery tests: Basic Reading Skills, Reading Comprehension, Oral Language-Extended, Oral Expression, Listening Comprehension, Math Reasoning, Basic Writing Skills, Academic Knowledge, Phoneme/Grapheme Knowledge. Forms, 2: A, B. Time: Approximately 5 minutes per test; 55-65 minutes for Standard Battery b) TESTS OF COGNITIVE ABILITIES. Scores: 10 Standard Battery test scores: Verbal Comprehension, Visual-Auditory Learning, Spatial Relations, Sound Blending, Concept Formation, Visual Matching, Numbers Reversed, Incomplete Words, Auditory Working Memory, Visual-Auditory Learning-Delayed, plus 3 Standard Battery cluster scores: Verbal Ability, Thinking Ability, Cognitive Efficiency, and 10 Extended Battery test scores: General Information, Retrieval Fluency, Picture Recognition, Auditory Attention, Analysis-Synthesis, Decision Speed, Memory for Words, Rapid Picture Naming, Planning, Pair Cancellation plus 3 Extended Battery cluster scores: Verbal Ability, Thinking Ability, Cognitive Efficiency; 16 factor cluster scores: Comprehension-Knowledge, Long-Term Retrieval, Visual-Spatial Thinking, Auditory Processing, Fluid Reasoning, Processing Speed, Short-Term Memory, Quantitative Knowledge, Reading-Writing Ability, Phonemic Awareness, Working Memory, Broad Attention, Cognitive Fluency, Executive Processes, Delayed Recall, Knowledge. Time: Approximately 5 minutes per test; 35-45 minutes per Standard Battery; 90-115 minutes per Extended Battery. _________________________________________________________ ►SPANISH SPANISH EDITION OF WJ III [Tests of Cognitive Abilities] Bateria III - Woodcock-Munoz [Pruebas de Habilidades Cognitivas Instrument Components: In Soft Case: Standard Test Book Extended Test Book Examiner’s Manual Examiner Training Workbook 6 Scoring Templates Cassette Forms: Brief Intellectual Test Record Test Record Subject Response Booklet PLEASE REFER TO ABOVE DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION 175