Psych AP Syllabus 2013-2014

Psychology AP
Synopsis of Course
AP Psychology is an entry-level college psychology course. It has two practical foci: It is academic in
orientation culminating with an AP exam in the spring, and all students are expected to take the AP
exam. It is also functional in orientation allowing students opportunity to give personal application to
the content of the course. Through the development of critical thinking, and upon the completion of the
course, students will be able to:
Define and explain at least four approaches to psychology
Perform scientific research and apply the scientific method to that research utilizing
Define and explain the biological basis of behavior
Explain the relationship between sensation and perception and the processes within each
Define and explain the various states of consciousness
Define and explain at least four learning theories
Explain cognition and how memory, language, and thinking are related
Define and explain at least four theories of motivation and emotion
Explain the developmental process from birth through death
Define personality and discuss its various theories and assessment techniques
Identify at least five common disorders and discuss possible causes and treatments
Define standardization and norms and use spreadsheets (Excel) to graph the results
Define social psychology and group dynamics
Materials / Supplies / Textbook Policy
The materials needed are your brain (both left and right!), a pen, paper, a journaling notebook and a 3ring binder to keep handouts, notes, research, experiments and quizzes (responses to various topics,
ideas, and personal insights). The textbook for this year is David G. Myers, Psychology New York
Worth, 2007 (Eighth Edition).
Course Assignments and Point Structure
The following assignments constitute the majority of the AP Psychology course. It is your responsibility
to continually track these assignments and turn them in according to the proposed timeline. Failing to do
so will have a negative impact on your grade.
There will be two major research projects for this course.
a. First Semester - select one of the major contributors to psychology from the list
provided and follow instructions for APA format writing techniques. The paper
should be 3-4 pages, typed, double-spaced, and 12-point Times New Roman or Arial
font. A form will be handed to you giving more detailed instruction.
b. Sniffy the Rat Virtual Skinner Box Lab/Rat training associated with Operant
c. Second Semester - select any fictional character and, based on the subjects covered
in the text, create a psychological personality profile of this character. As above the
format will be the same, but the paper must be 10-12 pages. The profile should be
original. All ethical guidelines as noted by APA guidelines 6th edition must be
Web Research - each student is responsible for finding one peer-reviewed article from
each chapter in the book that reflects the topic of that chapter. A printout of the article
can be submitted for credit.
AP Psychology Notebook - this is a collection of handouts, notes, quizzes, papers, and
reflections. The notebook will be graded at each semester.
Students will be required to submit materials from the Myers supplemental resource
website in a timely manner.
Tests - one test per chapter. Each test will reflect the style of the AP Exam and will be
timed. It will consist of multiple-choice questions and 1 essay.
Student Conducted Labs and Studies
This class is highly interactive. There will be various written assignments and in-class
activities. Come prepared to discuss and interact with classmates on the topic at hand.
Points will be deducted for lack of response or engagement in the activity. Please come
prepared to challenge your own thinking and to engage in the process of self-discovery.
Varying topics that may require conversations related to sexual motivations will take
place in a psychological context. Multiple forms of media will be used as a way to
illustrate many psychological concepts, which may at times be uncomfortable for the
viewer. If any student ever feels the need to be dismissed from this media they will be
excused without hesitation.
Grading Policy
Grades are based primarily on completion of assignments. Although this course is somewhat self-paced,
weekly goals will be set and successful completion of those goals rewarded. Classroom attitude and
attendance do affect academics, as well as citizenship. Quality and quantity of computer work
completed are both essential. This course is project based and graded accordingly. Students who earn an
"A" or a "B" in this course and pass the AP Exam will receive college credit as well.
90-100 A
80-89.9 B
70-79.9 C
60-69.9 D
0-59.9 F
Semester Grade Calculation:
1st or 3rd nine weeks =45%
2nd or 4th nine weeks=45%
Semester Exam =10%
Make-up Policy
Make-up is available for absences according to CCSD policies. Please be sure to communicate about
sickness or extended leaves. This is a student responsibility, NOT the instructors. Students are given 3days to make up assignment after absence.
Homework Policy
Assignments are due according to the assignment schedule. This course demands a lot of reading and note
taking. Assignments are due on the due date. All work must be submitted on the due date. If a student is
absent on the assigned due date the assignment must be handed-in the day they return to school. It is the
students’ responsibility to ask for any assignments they may have missed during an absence. A student will
have the required three days to complete the assignments they may have missed during an excused absence.
Citizenship Expectations
I expect each student to be in class with a positive mental attitude ready for the activities of the class.
The tardy policy of Clark High School is enforced in all courses. Please read the Tardy and Truancy
Sweeps Policy as written in the Clark High School Discipline Policy Manual.
Citizenship Grade
Excellent -- On task, assists others, interactive discussion and a true asset to the class
Satisfactory -- Needs a push to get going and to keep on task, 1-2 tardy
Needs Improvement -- Usually not on task, disruptive, 4th tardy
Unsatisfactory -- A disruptive influence on the class and/or attendance problems, 5 or
more tardies
In Addition
 Final semester grade will be the average of the 2 nine- week grading periods.
General Policies and Procedures
Class Dismissal is done by the instructor NOT the bell. Please remain in your seat until the
instructor dismisses you.
Passes are to be issued on an as needed basis; with 5 minutes between classes there should be plenty
of time to use the facilities.
Personal Hygiene: As the name indicates, this should be done privately. Please, no make-up in this
class, and both ladies and gentlemen, please do not brush hair in class.
Respect for Diversity is essential in my class. You may not personally agree with everyone's ideas
or values, but you need to respect others’ rights to hold those views and values. You can challenge
ideas but you cannot attack the owners of those ideas. This will be a very open class, let's make it
safe to share.
Please return this Student-Parent-Teacher contract with appropriate signatures to Room 500
We have read and agree with the Course Syllabus, the Proposed Course Schedule, and the
Assignments including Videos for AP Psychology 2013-2014.
Print Student Name
Student Signature
Print Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Signature
Phone: day/evening
E-mail address (list all that apply)
A.P. Psychology Course Description
The Course:
The purpose of the Advanced Placement course in Psychology is to introduce students to the
systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other
animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated
with each of the major subfields within psychology. They also learn about the methods
psychologists use in their science and practice. The aim of an AP course is to provide the student
with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory psychology
courses. AP courses can provide you with college credit, although different colleges require
different scores. Practice for the AP exam can be aided with study books sold at local bookstores.
Chapter 1: Introduction (History) & Research Methods (8-12%)
This unit may be divided into two smaller units, one about the history of psychology in both the 19th and
20th centuries, as well as psychology as a science, with the use of the scientific method. The major purpose
of this unit is to give an overview of the advances made in psychology in the last 120 years as well as
examine its grounding in scientific thought and procedure
1. Describe the major fields of psychology including developmental, physiological, experimental,
personality, clinical and counseling, social, and industrial/organization psychology.
2. Describe schools of psychology (including Structuralism, Functionalism, Gestalt, Behaviorism,
Humanism, and Psychoanalysis) and explain how they contributed to its development.
3. Summarize the goals of psychology.
4. Distinguish between the five basic methods used by psychologists to gather information about
behavior. Identify the situations in which each of the methods would be appropriate.
5. Describe the importance of sampling related to issues of gender, race, and culture in research.
6. Discuss the concerns of ethics in psychology.
7. Describe possible careers in psychology.
Zimbardo Video #1, #2
Important names/Famous Psychologists quiz
Psychology IQ
Exercise in Designing Research/How Psychologists do Research,
Who Said It Psychologist activity
Para psychological Beliefs/Phrenology Lab with scientific write-up
Evaluating the infomercial
Choosing A research method
Identifying Dependent and Independent Variables
Demonstrating Participant Bias with the Social Desirability Bias
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Prologue and Chapt. 1
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- Psychology’s Timeline, What’s Wrong with this Study?
Psych Sim Wksht.- Psychology’s Timeline, What’s Wrong with this Study?
Psych Sim Quiz
Chapter 2: Neuroscience & Behavior (8-10%)
Students need to understand the relationship between biology and behavior. Techniques used to learn about
brain functioning and localization of brain functions are explored as are connection of behaviors to various
parts of the brain, nervous systems, and endocrine systems. Behavior at the cellular level with neuron
function and neurotransmission of impulses is examined. The nature of heredity is also reviewed
1. Describe the structure of the neuron. Trace the path of a neural impulse, and explain how it transmits
messages from cell to cell.
2. Explain how neurons communicate. Identify the roles of neurotransmitters and receptors. Describe
the effects of drugs on the synapse.
3. Describe the divisions and structures of the brain, and explain the role of each.
4. Identify the functions of the sensory and motor projection areas. Describe the abilities of the two
hemispheres of the cerebral cortex.
5. Describe the structure and function of reticular formation, limbic system, and spinal cord.
6. Identify the divisions of the peripheral nervous system, and the autonomic nervous system, and
explain how they work together to regulate the glands and smooth muscles of the body.
7. Describe the functions of the endocrine system. Explain how hormones released by the endocrine
system affect metabolism, blood-sugar level, sex characteristics, and the body’s reaction to stress.
8. Summarize the concerns of behavior genetics.
9. Describe the structure of chromosomes and the role they play in inherited traits and characteristics.
10. Explain the concepts of dominant and recessive genes.
11. Identify several approaches to studying heritability of a trait.
12. Discuss some social implications of behavior genetics.
Zimbardo Video #3, #4, #25
Review of neurotransmission
The Ability to taste PTC lab
Reaction Time and Neural Processing
The Brain Dissection and Diagram/Presentation
Measuring Sympathetic Responses
Two-point threshold Lab with write-up
Genetic Detective
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Chapt. 2
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- Neural Messages, Hemispheric Specialization, Brain and Behavior
Psych Sim Wksht.- Neural Messages, Hemispheric Specialization, Brain and Behavior
Psych Sim Quiz
Chapter 3&4: Life Span Development(7-9%) & Nature/Nurture (7-9%)
Development is a lifelong process during which changes over time in characteristics such as emotion,
perception, cognition, and memory, particularly as the change relates to periods like infancy, childhood,
adolescence and adulthood. Students consider this from a life-span perspective in how development takes
place including how gender plays a role within each dimension. Students also learn about research methods
unique to developmental psychology, namely longitudinal and cross-sectional or some combination of the
two and how to interpret data. Different theories of development will be explored including those of Freud,
Erikson, Piaget and Kohlberg/Gilligan.
Describe prenatal, infant, and child development.
Examine Genetics versus cultural influences
What are the four stages of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?
Trace language development from infancy through age 5 or 6.
Explain the importance of secure attachments between a caregiver and child.
Explain how sex-role identity is formed.
Summarize the important physical and cognitive changes that the adolescent undergoes during
Discuss the four problems of adolescence: self-esteem, depression, suicide, and eating disorders.
Distinguish between the longitudinal and cross-sectional methods as they relate to the study of
adulthood. List the disadvantages of the methods and how the disadvantages can be overcome.
Identify the central concerns and crises that characterize the young, middle, and late adulthood
stages. Explain moral development.
Identify Elisabeth Kübler-Ross' five sequential stages through which people pass as they react to
their own impending death.
Identify gender related differences in the opposite sex.
Examine what motivates sexual behavior.
Zimbardo #5
Clips of Big/Grumpier Old Men
Children’s book analysis
Aging H.O. 11-E
Journal of Development
Journal life birth to death
Adolescent/Parent interview
Nursing Home Field Trip/Ethics of Kevorkian Debate
The Baby Human Series
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Chapt. 3&4
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- Cognitive Development, Conception to Birth, Signs of Aging
Psych Sim Wksht.- Cognitive Development, Conception to Birth, Signs of Aging
Psych Sim Quiz
Chapter 5&6: Sensation and Perception (7-9%)
Students learn about sensation as the measurement of absolute and difference thresholds and the physical,
physiological, and psychological variables affecting those measurements. The sensory systems of vision and
audition are focused upon, as well as sensory receptors. Perception involves the interpretation of the raw
materials provided by the senses. The study of perception focuses on the interplay between characteristics of
the perceiver and those in the environment in the constructive processes of attending to and organizing
experiential data.
1. Describe the difference between the absolute threshold and the difference threshold.
2. Trace the path of light from the time it enters the eye until it reaches the receptor cells.
3. Distinguish between rods and cones, and list their characteristics and functions with respect to light,
color, and how they connect to other cells.
4. Explain how messages entering the eye are processed in the visual system.
5. Describe the three basic properties of color. Distinguish between additive and subtractive color
mixing. Describe the two main theories of color vision.
6. Identify the characteristics of sound, and state the two theories of pitch discrimination.
7. Describe the structure of the ear, and explain the functions of the various component parts.
8. Explain the importance of vestibular senses, and describe the functions of the two divisions.
9. Describe the skin as a sense organ, and explain smell and taste.
10. Define perceptual constancy and identify four kinds. Identify the contributions of both monocular
and binocular cues of depth.
Zimbardo Video #7
Brain Games
Perception Goggles Lab
Gymnema Sylvestre Tea Lab
Absolute Threshold of Sweets
Demo of Rods and Cones
Illusions Labs and Wksheets
Mapping the Tongue
Influence of size on perceived weight
Influence of smell on Taste.
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Chapt.5&6
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- The Auditory System, Colorful World, Visual Illusions
Psych Sim Wksht.- The Auditory System, Colorful World, Visual Illusions
Psych Sim Quiz
Chapter 7: Consciousness & Its Variations (2-4%)
This unit focuses on the research done in the area of what constitutes commonly occurring and atypical
variations of consciousness. Specifically, types of sleep are examined (REM and NREM) as well as
functions, dysfunctions and theories of sleep. Also studied will be hypnosis, meditation, and daydreaming
including a discussion of how drugs affect consciousness.
Describe the stages of sleep and dreaming.
Explain why REM sleep is also called paradoxical sleep.
Explain the theories of the nature and content of dreams.
Define the sleep disorders of insomnia, narcolepsy, and apnea.
Describe the effects of sensory deprivation.
Describe meditation and hypnosis.
Explain the difference between substance abuse and substance dependence.
Explain the effects of depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens.
Identify two conditions that can determine the effects of drugs.
List two negative effects of each of the following drugs: alcohol, marijuana, amphetamines,
barbiturates, the opiates, cocaine, and the hallucinogens.
Zimbardo Video #13
Charting a Circadian Rhythm
Circadian Rhythms and Accidents
The EEG of Sleep
Field Trip to Sleep Center
Off to Sleep Activity
Dream Journal/Analysis
Can we learn while we sleep?
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Chapt. 7
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- EEG and Sleep Stages, Your Mind on Drugs
Psych Sim Wksht.- EEG and Sleep Stages, Your Mind on Drugs
Psych Sim Quiz
Chapter 8: Learning (7-9%)
This section of the course introduces students to the difference between learned and unlearned behavior. It
covers the basic learning processes of classical conditioning (Pavlov) and operant conditioning (Thorndike
and Skinner) and makes clear their similarities and differences. Students learn about the basic aspects of
learning such as acquisition, generalization, higher-order conditioning, reinforcement and punishment in
addition to factors which affect learning. Insight learning and modeling lay the foundation for a study of
1. Define learning.
2. Define: unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned
3. Describe the experiment with little Albert. Describe desensitization therapy.
4. Explain these processes: extinction, spontaneous recovery, inhibition, stimulus generalization,
discrimination, and higher-order conditioning.
5. Distinguish between classical and operant conditioning.
6. Explain the principle of reinforcement. Define primary reinforcer and secondary reinforcer, and give
examples of each.
7. Explain the effects of delay of reinforcement.
8. Identify four schedules of reinforcement and the pattern of response associated with each.
9. Define positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, and avoidance training.
10. Distinguish between cognitive learning and traditional theories of conditioning. Explain contingency
Zimbardo Video #8
Solitary Series
The Office conditioning experiment
Straw Conditioning
Shaping and Shoe Tying
Operant Conditioning Handout 7.4
Negative reinforcement or Punishment
Sniffy Virtual Rat
Rat Training exercise through vertical maze with Ethogram
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Chapt. 8
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- Maze Learning, Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning
Psych Sim Wksht.- Maze Learning, Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning
Psych Sim Quiz
Chapter 9: Memory (7-9%)
Cognitive psychology is concerned with the processes involved in the transformation, reduction, elaboration,
storage, recovery, and use of sensory input. Focus is also on memory, language, thinking, problem-solving,
and creativity. Students are also introduced to the relationship between language and thought, as well as to
theories and evidence to the role of metacognitive skills in thinking. Students learn about factors affecting
memory/memory reconstruction and how to improve memory.
Describe the path information takes from the environment to long-term memory.
Explain the characteristics and coding of short-term and long-term memory.
Describe storage and retrieval in long-term memory.
Discuss explanations for forgetting.
Describe the different types of memory and their characteristic properties.
Know the limits of memory, and discuss whether they can be expanded.
Describe how information is stored and how it is organized.
Define "schema." How are schemata used?
Discuss how and why memories change over time, and understand techniques for improving your
10. Describe and explain the brain structures and regions that are the bases for memory.
Zimbardo Video #9
The Forgetting
Colorado man retrograde amnesia
Clive Wearing
Levels of Processing activity #1 and 2
Neurobiology of memory
Apples and Oranges and the Magic number seven
The constructive nature of memory
Recall vs. Recognition
Description of earliest memory
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Chapt. 9
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- Iconic Memory, Forgetting, Short-Term Memory, Trusting your Memory, Monkey See
Psych Sim Wksht.- Iconic Memory, Forgetting, Short-Term Memory, Trusting your Memory, Monkey See
Psych Sim Quiz
Chapter 10: Cognition/Language (8-10%)
Define phonemes, morphemes, and grammar.
Distinguish between the concepts of "surface structure" and "deep structure."
Define cognition. Differentiate between images and concepts. Explain the use of prototypes.
Describe the basic steps of problem solving. List and describe the four types of solution strategies.
Discuss various obstacles to problem solving. Describe four ways in which a person can become a
better problem solver. Distinguish between divergent and convergent thinking.
Distinguish between problem solving and decision making.
Compare two models of decision making, and explain why one leads to a better solution than the
Distinguish between heuristics and algorithms.
Describe efforts to teach primates to use language. Discuss whether it has been established that other
species share our ability to acquire and use language.
10. Summarize the relationship between language and thinking. Explain Whorf's linguistic
relativity hypothesis. Cite criticisms of Whorf's hypothesis
A Conversation with Koko
Deaf for a day
Language Creation
Mental Models activity
Speech pathologist guest speaker
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Chapt. 10
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- My Head is Spinning, Dueling Brains
Psych Sim Wksht.- My Head is Spinning, Dueling Brains
Psych Sim Quiz
Chapter 11 & Appendix A: Intelligence and Stats (Includes testing and
individual differences - 5-7%)
This part of the course deals with the assessment of human differences in aptitudes, intelligence, interests,
and personality. It details the various types of tests used to assess these traits and the methods by which the
tests are constructed. Students learn about the major theories pertaining to the structure of personality and
intelligence: trait and type theories of personality, and general versus factor views of intellect. Also
examined are the opposite ends of the spectrum: retardation and giftedness.
Finally, students confront the moral issues that arise in connection with the use of tests: conflict over the
confidentiality of the information obtained on the tests, problems in reporting the results of tests to the
individuals who take them, and the use of test scores for making comparisons among people.
1. List the characteristics of intelligence as described by both laypersons and psychologists.
2. Summarize the views of Spearman, Thurstone, Guilford, and Cattell, with respect to what constitutes
3. Trace the development of intelligence tests from Binet through Terman, noting the contributions of
each. Describe the standard procedure for the Stanford-Binet Scale.
4. Distinguish the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III from the Stanford-Binet. Identify the two parts
of the WAIS-III.
5. Distinguish between individual and group tests. Give examples of group tests. List the advantages
and disadvantages of group tests.
6. Define creativity, and explain methods that have been used to measure it.
7. Define reliability in mental tests. Identify three techniques for measuring reliability. Explain how
psychologists express reliability. How reliable are intelligence tests?
8. Define validity. What are two measures of validity?
9. Explain the high correlation between IQ scores and academic performance. How well do high IQs
correlate with later occupational success?
10. List two criteria used to identify mental retardation. List and describe four causes of mental
Zimbardo #10, #16
Defining intelligence essay
Participation in Online study
Conduct a study original or duplicate
IQ Test
Words and thoughts
Analysis of thought processes activity/logic problems
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Chapt. 11
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- Get Smart
Psych Sim Wksht.- Get Smart
Psych Sim Quiz
Chapter 12&13: Motivation and Emotion (7-9%)
In studying motivation, students learn about the forces that influence strength and direction of behavior by
examining needs, drives, internal instincts, and external incentives. The study of emotion centers on the
complex interactions between brain and body that are associated with feelings of love, hate, fear, and
jealousy. The issue of daily life stress and its physiological components are also reviewed.
1. Define motive and emotion, and explain the roles of stimulus, behavior, and goals in motivation.
2. Identify the primary drives and their physiological bases.
3. Describe how hunger and thirst are controlled in the brain. Explain how external cues and experience
influence hunger.
4. List the biological factors involved in the sex drive. Discuss psychological influences on sexual
motivation. List the causes of sexual dysfunction.
5. List the characteristics of the following stimulus motives: activity, exploration, curiosity,
manipulation, and contact.
6. Define aggression. Discuss three theories of aggressive behavior.
7. Define sexual coercion, and explain its effects.
8. Distinguish between the motives for power, achievement, and affiliation.
9. Identify the five categories in Maslow's hierarchy of motives.
10. Describe and differentiate among the James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, cognitive, and Izard's theories of
11. Describe the problems with attempting to use polygraph recording to detect lies.
12. Describe the role of nonverbal communication, including facial expression, in emotion.
13. Explain the emotional display rules used in two different cultures.
Zimbardo #12
The Human Face
Comparing Motivation theories
Motives behind daily activities
The eating diary and analysis
Naturalistic observation of eating behavior
Emotions and their causes
Facial Feedback
Develop a Thematic Apperception Test.
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Chapt. 12&13
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- Hunger and the Fat Rat, Expressing Emotion
Psych Sim Wksht.- Hunger and the Fat Rat, Expressing Emotion
Psych Sim Quiz
Chapter 14: Stress/Health Psychology (combined with ch. 12 & 13= 7-9%)
1. Define adjustment and stress. Identify sources of stress.
2. Describe the nature of pressure, frustration, conflict, anxiety, and identify situations that produce
each one.
3. Identify the five basic sources of frustration.
4. Give examples of each of the following: approach/approach conflict; avoidance/avoidance conflict;
approach/avoidance conflict; double approach/avoidance conflict.
5. Distinguish between direct coping and defensive coping.
6. Identify and characterize the three ways that people cope directly.
7. Describe all of the defense mechanisms.
8. Discuss the psychological and physiological effects of stress on people.
9. Identify five sources of extreme stress.
10. Discuss the opposing views of what characterizes a well-adjusted individual.
Zimbardo video #23
The Healing Mind
Soothing Curriculum
Type A personality and the stress response
The social readjustment rating scale
Health Beliefs and Coping
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Chapt. 14
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- All Stressed Out
Psych Sim Wksht.- All Stressed Out
Psych Sim Quiz
Chapter 15: Personality (5-7%)
In this section of the course students come to understand the major theories and approaches to personality:
psychoanalytic, neo-Freudian, humanistic, cognitive, trait, and behaviorist. Through their study in this area,
students recognize that each of the approaches to personality has implications for their understanding of
normal and abnormal psychology, the assessment of personality, models of personality development and the
treatment of dysfunctional behavior. Students also learn about research in personality, including the kinds of
methods that are employed, the differences among research orientations, and the strengths and weaknesses of
each approach. In addition, students examine the idea of self and the related issues of self-concept and selfesteem.
1. Define personality.
2. Summarize the interaction of elements of personality according to Freud's theory: id, ego, and
superego. Identify Freud's five stages of psychosexual development.
3. Differentiate between the theories of Jung, Adler, and Horney. Identify what these theories have in
4. Identify Erik Erikson's eight stages of personality development.
5. Explain object relations theories of personality.
6. Contrast Carl Rogers' humanistic theory with Freudian theory.
7. Explain trait theory.
8. Explain Mischel's situationism and the concept of interactionism.
9. Compare cognitive social-learning theories to early views of personality.
10. Describe the four basic tools psychologists use to measure personality. List two objective tests, two
projective tests, and their uses.
Meyers Briggs Administration
Keirsey temperament sorter
Jung typology
Role Play defense mechanisms
Oreo cookie personality test
Blue Buttermilk
Music and You evaluation
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Chapt. 15
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- Helplessly Hoping
Psych Sim Wksht.- Helplessly Hoping
Chapter 16: Psychological Disorders (7-9%)
The unit begins with a discussion of the definition and diagnosis of abnormal personalities, whether it is
statistically, by culturally normed standards, or by failing to function adequately and feeling distress.
Specifically used is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) published by the American Psychiatric
Association. Specific disorders are studied: mood, personality, dissociation, somatoform, anxiety, and
psychosis. A review of substance abuse and psychosexual disorders is also included
1. Distinguish among the standards for defining abnormal behavior from the view of society, the
individual, and the mental health professional.
2. Summarize historical attitudes toward abnormal behavior.
3. State the four current models of abnormal behavior and explain the diathesis-stress model. Explain
how the DSM-IV classifies mental disorders.
4. Distinguish between the two basic kinds of affective disorders and how they may interact with each
5. Describe the anxiety disorders.
6. Describe the characteristics of the psycho physiological disorders and the somatoform disorders.
7. Characterize three different types of dissociative disorders.
8. Define and give examples of the sexual disorders.
9. Define gender-identity disorders.
10. Define personality disorders. Describe four kinds of personality disorders.
11. Describe four types of schizophrenic disorders and identify possible causes of the disorder
Psychology of Batman
Zimbardo #21
The Caine Mutiny
As Good as it Gets Clips/A Beautiful Mind
The Jeffrey Dahmer Interview/Andrea Yates Story
Abnormal Psychology/ Mood Disorders
Contact the Schizophrenic Society
Interview a Psychologist
Diagnosing Disorders
Role-play Disorders
Guest Speaker (Bipolar, Panic Attacks, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)/Learning about Anxiety Disorders
Defining Normal?
Field Trip to Psychiatric Facility/Writing a Case History
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Chapt. 16
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- Losing Touch With Reality, Mystery Client
Psych Sim Wksht.- Losing Touch With Reality, Mystery Client
Psych Sim Quiz
Chapter 17: Treatment of Abnormal Behavior (5-7%)
Students are introduced to the treatment of psychological disorders through an overview of the approaches
used by therapists of different orientations to treat mental disorders. Various modes of therapy are also
examined: one-on-one, group, support group, encounter group, and/or family therapy. Students are also
exposed to prevention and intervention techniques offered at the community level.
1. Differentiate between insight therapies, behavior therapies, cognitive therapies, and group therapies.
2. Discuss the criticisms of psychoanalysis.
3. Explain how client-centered and rational-emotive therapists interpret causes of emotional problems.
Describe the therapeutic techniques of these approaches.
4. Summarize the behavioral therapist's interpretation of disorders. Describe aversive conditioning,
desensitization, and modeling.
5. Describe stress-inoculation therapy, Beck's cognitive therapy, and Gestalt therapy.
6. List the advantages and disadvantages of group therapies. Identify five current approaches to group
7. Discuss the effectiveness of insight therapy and behavior therapy.
8. Outline the available biological treatments and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
9. Summarize the inadequacies of institutionalization. List the alternative to institutionalization.
10. Explain the differences between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.
Zimbardo video # 22
Clips from Running with Scissors
What about Bob?
The Sopranos
Elza the Rogerian Therapist
Psychotherapy for a day
Psychopharmacological Drugs evaluation
Rational emotive therapy/Disputing irrational beliefs
Create a treatment plan/diagnose the disorder Part II
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Online Quiz Chapt. 17
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- Mystery Therapist
Psych Sim Wksht.- Mystery Therapist
Psych Sim Quiz
Chapter 18: Social Psychology (8-10%)
The final section of the Advanced Placement course in Psychology considers the impact of social factors on
behavior. Students first learn how the structure and function of a given group may affect the behavior of the
group as a unit or the behavior of the individual member of the group. Students then learn the basic concepts
of social cognition: attribution, stereotypes, attitudes, and prejudice. Students are also exposed to classic
studies dealing with the concepts of conformity, compliance, and obedience and learn how findings in the
laboratory can shed light on everyday behavior. Finally, students are given an overview of the key concepts
and theoretical perspectives of organizational behavior, that aspect of social psychology that has implications
for analyzing the behavior and performance of individual and group structures in organizations such as
corporations or other business/industrial enterprises.
1. Describe the process by which we form first impressions of other people. Identify three factors that
influence personal perception.
2. Explain three aspects of attribution and explain attribution errors.
3. Explain the dynamics of interpersonal attraction.
4. Identify the components of attitudes. Explain how attitudes are acquired and how they change.
5. Explain the origin of prejudice and discrimination and how prejudice can be reduced.
6. Discuss the dynamics of attitude change and the process of persuasion.
7. Explain the theory of cognitive dissonance.
8. Define risky shift and polarization. Summarize the conditions under which groups are effective and
ineffective in solving problems.
9. Explain how culture, conformity, compliance, and obedience exert social influence.
10. Identify the four types of social action.
11. Identify at least two theories of leadership.
Zimbardo video #19
The Human Behavior Experiments
Guess Who’s coming to Dinner
Gender Roles/ Tootsie
Stereotyping Activity
Lexus stereotyping
Is it easier to be a male or female?
Fundamental Attribution error Activity H.O 16-a
Violating Social Norms Field Study
Website Supplemental Resources/Evaluation
Quiz Chapt. 18
Flashcards review
Psych Sim 5 Tutor- Social Decision-Making, Not My Type, Everybody’s Doing It!
Psych Sim Wksht.- Social Decision-Making, Not My Type, Everybody’s Doing It!
Psych Sim Quiz