Welcome to campus!



Student Disability Services (SDS)

19 Campus Avenue Building

301 S. Campus Avenue

Oxford, OH 45056

Campus map




Student Disability Services

“I am Miami” is the code of Love & Honor that fosters the

University’s commitment to diversity and inclusion at

Miami. Students, faculty and staff embrace this message and the Student Disability Services (SDS) staff is passionate about advancing and sustaining an environment of equal access, diversity & inclusiveness for all members of the

University community.

Student Disability Services

• If you are a student with a disability, you are not alone at Miami.

• There are more than 800 students registered for services through SDS with a wide range of disabilities.

• We respect and value each student’s privacy, confidentiality and personal journey.

• Students are encouraged to participate in the SDS

Advisory Group.


Medical, Mobility & Autism Spectrum

• J. Andrew Zeisler, Director

ADHD and/or Learning Disability

• Ann Wengler, Accommodation Coordinator

Low Vision & Blind, Psychiatric & Neurological

• Hope Sweeney, Accommodation Coordinator

Deaf/Hard of Hearing/CART & Interpreting

• Cindy Steidle, Accommodation Coordinator

Transition from High School

• Identify students and provide assessments

• Classify disabilities according to categories

• Involve parents/guardians in placement decisions

• Provide non-academic services

• Structure a large part of student’s schedule

• Modify education programs

• Prepare IEPs and 504 Plans

• Provide a free and appropriate education

• Provide appropriate services by the school nurse or health service.

Colleges and Universities

• Do not identify students with disabilities

• Do not provide assessments

• May ask students to provide documentation of disability

• Will evaluate and verify documentation if applicable

• Provide reasonable accommodations in the classroom and university life

• Provide equal access to university sponsored events

• Make reasonable adjustments to teaching methods that do not fundamentally alter the content or functions of the course, program or college requirements.

Student Responsibilities

• Self identify or disclose their disability

• Provide appropriate documentation, if requested, of their disability and how it relates to the requested accommodation

• Self disclose their need for accommodations in their courses each semester and request accommodation letters through SDS

• Communicate with SDS and instructors to ensure that accommodations are implemented in each course

• Arrange for their own tutors

• Meet the essential requirements of each class

SDS Documentation Guidelines

Primary diagnosis ADHD or LD

• Comprehensive Psycho-Educational Evaluation


• www.MiamiOH.edu/ADHD-LD

All Other Disabilities (i.e., Medical, etc.)

• Licensed professional must complete form

• www.MiamiOH.edu/DisabilityForm

SDS Services

• Accommodations for students

• Information on campus access

• Advocacy for individuals with disabilities

• Training & workshops on disability topics

• Voter registration assistance

• Mentoring opportunities

• Feedback on access issues

• Consultations on disability related matters

• Liaison to University resources

Accommodations Provided

• Reasonable accommodations are provided through SDS to ensure equal access to academic programs and university life, based on a student’s history of accommodations as well as the provided documentation

Accommodations May Include:

• Testing accommodations

• E-text services

• Sign language interpreting

• Real-time captioning

• Modified housing options

• Advocacy with instructors

• Audio recording of lectures

• Orientation and mobility training

• Adaptive technology and software

Adaptive Technology

• LiveScribe Pens

• Large monitors

• Scanners


• Tactile Image Enhancers

• Audio/Cassette Players

• Talking calculators

• Braille printers

Available Adaptive Software

• Dragon Naturally Speaking

• Duxbury Braille


• Zoomtext

• Kurzweil

• Read & Write Gold

E-Text Services

• Miami University Accessible Text

Production Service converts textbooks and other classroom materials to be compatible with screen reading software that assists students with sight and learning disabilities

• Braille materials are available and may be outsourced to third party vendors

Grievance Procedures

• While Student Disability Services works diligently to provide the most appropriate accommodations possible in a timely manner, clients have every right to file a grievance

• If a student feels that his/her rights have been violated by an instructor, staff person, SDS coordinator, or even another student, he/she is encouraged to meet with the Director of Student

Disability Services to engage in an interactive process to seek resolution

Office of Equity and Equal Opportunity

• If resolution is not found at the Director of SDS level, or if the complaint is against the Director of SDS, then an individual may seek resolution by contacting Ms.

Kenya Ash, Miami University's Section 504/ADA


• Ms. Ash is the Director of OEEO and can be reached at (513) 529-7157

• More information regarding Miami's antidiscrimination policy can be found within the Miami

University Policy and Information Manual (MUPIM)

Section 3.6 (Handouts available)

Academic Support Services

In collaboration with Rinella Learning Center

• Testing Center

• Workshop series

• Peer tutoring

• Academic coaching

• Supplemental instruction


Health Support Services

On-campus resources include:

• Student Counseling Center

(513) 529-4634

• Psychology Clinic

(513) 529-2423

• Student Health Services

(513) 529-3000

Student Disability Services

19 Campus Avenue Building



Thank you for coming!
