Placement (Scheduling) - Distributed Systems Group - INESC-ID

Placement (Scheduling)
Optimal mapping of VMs
to physical hosts in a data center (cloud)
across multiple clouds
Federation and bursting
Multi-cloud service deployment
Third-party broker scenarios
Admission of new service, upon elasticity,
hardware failure, periodically
Service Provider perspective
Performance (hosts, VMs), cost, guarantees, nonfunctional criteria (location, isolation, trust, risk, ecoefficiency, etc.)
Infrastructure Provider perspective
Provisioning cost, consolidation, isolation, SLA
violations, etc.
Placement (cont.)
Further considerations
Historical performance data
Benchmarking and application profiling
Co-location and (anti)affinity
End-user location
Data constraints (legislations)
Federation (lack of control over remote
Dynamicity - providers, prices, performance,
workloads, etc. change over time
(Live) Migration overhead
(end-user) SLAs – perspectives
All management actions are SLA-driven
Placement = SLA refinement
SLAs are just another criteria
Example Approach
Combinatorial optimization formulations
Packing formulations for data centers (MMKP)
0-1 integer programming (assignment
problems) for multi and federated clouds
Multi-dimensional (CPU, memory, disk, network),
multi-choice (many physical hosts) Knapsack Problems
Policies for load balancing, power saving
(consolidation), SLA protection
Scalability improvements (fractional 2-approximation)
Optimize service performance and/or cost, with service
layout (load balancing), budget, VM configuration, etc.
as constraints.
Model uncertainty (changing conditions in providers,
offers, performance, etc.) and migration overhead
Approximations (greedy heuristics) for
Placement - Experiences
Reservoir (and IBM SUR grant)
Bursting and Federated/Multi-cloud deployment
based on functional and non-functional criteria
(trust, risk, eco-efficiency, cost)
Vision Cloud
Placement optimization within clouds and across
federated clouds. SLA protection and/or load
balancing, consolidation, revenue maximization
Placement of compute close to data
Various Grid research projects
QoS, SLA management, advance reservations,
co-allocation, fair-share scheduling, job
management, performance predictions, etc
Outlook and perspectives
• Placement of services (that use compute,
data, and networking)
– Compute, data, and/or network intense
– Network aware vs. managed networks
• Holistic view of placement problems for all
cloud architectures
• Interactions with related problems
– Time perspective (short - long)
• Placement and admission control
– Abstraction level (low - high)
• Placement and governance
Selected references
D. Breitgand, A. Marashini, and J. Tordsson. Policy-Driven
Service Placement Optimization in Federated Clouds, IBM
Haifa Labs technical report H-0299, 2011
J. Tordsson, R.S. Montero, R.M. Vozmediano, and I.M.
Llorente. Cloud brokering mechanisms for optimized
placement of virtual machines across multiple providers.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2011, accepted.
B. Rochwerger, J. Tordsson, C. Ragusa, D. Breitgand, S.
Clayman, A. Epstein, D. Hadas, E. Levy, I. Loy, A.
Maraschini, P. Massonet, H. Munoz, K. Nagin, G. Toffetti,
and M. Villari. Reservoir - when one cloud is not enough,
IEEE Computer 2011, accepted.
W. Li, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. Modelling for Dynamic
Cloud Scheduling via Migration of Virtual Machines
(tentative), in preparation, 2011
P-O Östberg, Virtual Infrastructures for Computational
Science, PhD thesis, 2011
J. Tordsson. Portable Tools for Interoperable Grids, PhD
thesis, 2009