Student Senate Meeting November 19, 2014 4:00 PM Call to Order

Student Senate Meeting
November 19, 2014
4:00 PM
1.0 Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM.
2.0 Flag Salute
The flag salute was led by Senator Silva.
3.0 Roll Call
[X] = Present
] = Absent
[T] = Tardy
[E] = Left Early
* = See Notes
*This is when Senator Townsend arrived
Senator Silva moves to approve the agenda. Senator Leighty seconds. Agenda is approved 14-0.
Senator Leighty moves to approve the minutes. Senator Contreras seconds. Minutes are approved 14-0.
7.0 Reports
7.1 Standing Committee Reports
VPF Farnesi Informed the Senate on behalf of the Finance Committee, they have 4 application to review, and
went over the policy changes that are not yet in affect, but will lead to any application over $1000 to have to
come to the Senate.
7.2 Executive Reports
President Menchaca informed the Senate he was the mc for the Veterans Memorial Ceremony, and go check it
out. If any Senators are interested in helping with Toys 4 Tots inform him. The IRA committee is done
meeting on applications and thanked the Senators who sat on the committee. He attended the Academic Senate
with Senator Sims for all the CSU, students success is very important for the next few years. President
Menchaca’s Chief of Staff is stepping down and instead of hiring a new COS they are working on finding a
President’s Assistant. The CSSA President Daniel Clark has resigned for personal reasons, and the chair is
absorbing responsibilities. He informed the Senate of the discussing on the importance of the GE requirements.
The Craig School of Business has got the MI section of GE waived, causing a lot of issues and questions. If
there are any questions or problem contact him. Lastly, the University is hosting a Technology seminar and
having speaker Nev Schulman from MTV Catfish come and discuss how to positively portray yourself online
through social media. ASI is sponsoring this event and he asked for Senators to get campus involved and to get
students to come.
EVP Hudson informed the Senate that Winter Retreat will most likely be on January 30 th and 31st a Friday and
Saturday, at the McDermott Fieldhouse. If there are any requests for food, or you want to change anything, let
her know. Incentives will be passed out after the meeting for September and October. Make sure to schedule 1on-1 meetings. Also, EVP Hudson informed the Senate she will be sending out personal emails with each
person’s absences. Lastly, she asked for each committee chair to talk to her.
VPF Farnesi informed the Senate that 2/5 of the money has been allocated. ASI will be advertised as sponsor
for Nev Schulman. Lastly, finance assistant interviews are underway; Maci will be leaving next semester.
VPEXT Dhanjan informed the Senate that John Patterson has been reelected, and there has been a mention of a
fee increase. The UC Board has agreed to raise fees 5% each year, and the same may move down to the CSU
system, this is a good thing to lobby on. If there are any questions let her know.
7.3 Senator Reports
Senator Brown informed the Senate he is working on opening parking by the library with Ariel.
Senator Contreras informed the Senate he is on the search committee for a new athletic director. He also
encouraged the Senate to voice their opinions when on committees.
Senator Gill informed the Senate she is working on a resolution to add previous syllabus to My Fresno State.
Senator Landon informed the Senate he purposed creating a leadership council like what JCAST has for Social
Sciences and is in discussion with his Dean and Senator Silva. Also, he is on the GE committee and they are
dealing with the MI requirement wavier for business, so if there are any questions let him know.
Senator Leighty informed the Senate she is working on a lighting project for Greek Mall. Also, she is working
on creating an IFC scholarship and a Panhellenic scholarship. In planning for a safe sex event in the spring,
involving the campus climate survey.
Senator Ramirez working on advising services for students, she is working on sample survey right now. She
may need to omit things, and trying to work on incentives for students to fill out survey.
Senator Rodriguez currently there is a 130 unit requirement in the curriculum and chancellor wants 120 units.
Working on a referendum to start a college wide specific fee to see what students think. Senator Sims asked
what the fee is for. The fee is intended to increase revenue to maintain and update also increase student success
service and advising services.
Senator Silva announced that WTF day, Where’s the Food Without the Farmer, as Thursday, November 19 th,
and Monday is a farewell to the Dean.
Senator Sims is working in a Greenovation grant for CSSA sustainability project for Fresno State, which is due
Friday. She is meeting with the Dean monthly, also working on MI requirement. President Menchaca said it
will be a good thing if we receive this grant.
Senator Smith informed the Senate she will be meeting with a constituent, Senator Sims, and working on a to
go plate for the dining hall.
Senator Takahashi announced they are ahead schedule to find dean.
Senator Townsend informed the Senate he has been meeting with the Dean and with students on campus, and
also is working on the sustainability project. He also is currently working on a survey for how satisfied
students are with their advising, and also KFSR is not receiving enough funding, and possibly starting a class
for it. President Menchaca asked if they have an interim dean, and when they are expecting to get a new Dean.
Senator Townsend responded yes they have an interim Dean and they don’t know when he will be replaced.
Senator Troupe informed the Senate she has been attending the Liberal Studies Review committee here the
biggest problem is students in Liberal Studies for multi subject are straddling to pass the CSET, and they can’t
get any data on where students are struggling. She is looking into finding advising to help students take their
classes in order for preparing for the CSET or starting a CSET prep course. President Menchaca informed the
Senate President Castro is looking into ways to offer study processes for exams like this.
Senator Wilson informed the Senate the interim Dean Search committee struggling to find someone wanting to
stay and be committed to position; the applications are online now for people within Fresno State.
7.4 Staff Reports
Programs Coordinator Powers-Mead informed the Senate Maci will be leaving in the end of January and they
are in the process of offering the position to someone. Business operations; Tim has been organizing meeting
around campus with various groups to get support for the survey. Within finance they office has been sending
out online statements to club and organizations to let them know what is going on and show the new system
we are offering. In Programs; there is a second bus going to Reno, with signups. President Menchaca
announced signups are first come first serve outside the North Gym. Our communications team is a small
selected group of student who are very talented at what they do. We have the radio station through KFSR and
the Bulldog blog. Clay Crocket the Bulldog Blog editor now spoke to the Senate on changes made to the Blog.
Clay went over the website and showed the new features, also showed a new calendar system with all
departments involved. Tried to make it a one stop shop for students to get everything they need. Coordinator
Powers-Mead asked the Senate to follow the Bulldog Blog.
9.1 INFORMATION ITEM: Orgsync (Edrington)
EVP Hudson informed the Senate that he was unable to attend and will be attending the next Senate meeting.
9.2 INFORMATION ITEM: Helping Hams (Silva)
Senator Silva thanked members of the Senate for attending the helping Hams Kickoff, within the first 2 hours
made $750, and the goal is $5,250. If a Senator signed up to help collect funds there were packets distributed
with their packets. Anyone wanting to help can still pick up a packet. Packets are due Thursday, December 11 th
to Carissa, the Senate Recorder. People can also donate at the Farm Market. Anyone donating over $50 is
eligible to receive a pig magnet made by the Boys and Girls Club. The Farm Market is only accepting $5
donations and more but people with packet can accept any donations from students. One the clipboard
December 19th is a Friday and the Distribution, they will need lots of help. Also there is an incentive for the
Senator who raises the most money. President Menchaca asked if Executives were included in the competition.
Senator Silva said yes, everyone except for herself is included. Senator Wilson asked if there was a digital
copy of the flyer for posting on social media or sending out. Senator Silva responded that is a great idea and
she can send a copy out to the Senate, also the buttons are missing. Everyone was supposed to receive a button,
but they are missing. If they find them everyone will receive a button.
10.0 Closed Session:
11.0 Adjournment:
Senator Sims moves to adjourn. Senator Landon second. Meeting adjourns at 4:45 pm.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Carissa MacFarland
Senate Recorder
Associated Students, Inc.
California State University, Fresno
Abigail Hudson
Executive Vice President
Associated Students, Inc.
California State University, Fresno