Personal and Professional Development

Module code:
Module title:
FHEQ Level:
Module Leader:
Other contributors:
Number of credits:
Number of ECTS credits:
Module availability:
Overall student workload:
Date of production / revision of the
Personal and Professional
Assessment pattern
Units of assessment
Alternative assessment:
Qualifying condition(s)
A weighted aggregate mark of 40% is required to pass the module.
Mark (%)
Students must have secured an approved Professional Training placement.
Module overview
This module supports the student’s development of personal and professional attitudes
and abilities appropriate to a Professional Training placement and future graduate
employment. Skills development, learning and assessment may occur before and during
the placement.
During the professional training year and any preparation activities, the student will
develop and enhance their development skills, transferable skills, course-specific or
technical skills and experiential learning skills.
Module aims
The aims of pre-placement activities are to:
 assist students in their search for a placement that supports their career aims
 provide opportunities for students to interact with placement providers and
professionals and develop their understanding of recruitment processes and
 ensure students have a clear understanding of the responsibilities of all parties
involved in the placement year and their rights and responsibilities in relation to
relevant laws, codes of practice, and guidance governing the
 prepare students so that they can maximise your learning opportunities and gain
full benefit from all their working experiences whilst on professional placement.
The aims of the work placement and tutor visits are to:
 enable students to acquire and develop knowledge as it occurs in professional
 provide opportunities for students to gain confidence in handling new situations,
solving problems and making decisions
 provide opportunities for students to apply academic theory to the study of work
activities and processes.
 provide experience of working in a professional environment.
 enable students to mature through personal and professional development and
the evaluation of their placement experiences.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
Generic PTY learning outcomes
 demonstrate job-seeking and job-acquiring skills relevant to chosen sector
 identify personal strengths and weaknesses in relation to placement providers’
 identify key personal and professional development objectives in relation to PTY
 apply academic knowledge to professional practice situations where appropriate
 execute operational decisions appropriately
 handle new situations and interact with people appropriately
 understand and demonstrate acquired transferable skills
Additional Departmental/School-specific learning outcomes
Key: C-Cognitive/Analytical; K-Subject Knowledge; T-Transferable Skills; P- Professional/
Practical skills
Module content
Indicative content includes:
Provide a summary of the content of the module i.e the topics covered
Methods of teaching/learning
The learning and teaching strategy is designed to:
Describe what the module learning and teaching strategy is designed to achieve and
how it relates to the programme learning and teaching strategy
The learning and teaching methods include:
e.g lectures/seminars/class discussion/electronic voting
Define number of hours of each method e.g 1 hour lecture per week x 11 weeks
Assessment strategy
The assessment strategy is designed to provide students with the opportunity to
Describe how the assessment has been designed to assess module learning outcomes
Thus, the summative assessment for this module consists of:
Provide further detail on the summative assessment. Ensure that exam and coursework
lengths are listed. Indicate assessment deadlines
Formative assessment and feedback
Describe how students will receive feedback on their performance during the module
such as verbal feedback in tutorials or a small assignment which informs the final
summative assessment.
Reading list
Required purchase
Essential reading
Recommended reading
Background reading
Please list texts and journals under each heading. Put N/A if not applicable. Ensure
latest editions are listed. Provide rationale for inclusion of pre-2000 texts