INITIAL NOTIFICATION INCIDENT (INI) OPERATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INCIDENTS Notification To: Notification Date: To be submitted to the Regulation & Supervision Bureau (as per the Incident Reporting Regulations) 1. Reporting Entity Information: Incident No. (for official use by RSB) Name of Licensee: Address of Licensee: Authorized Contact Person: Email Address: Telephone Number: Mobile Number: 2. Yes Reporting on behalf of Contractor No Name of Principle Contractor: Type of Business: Address: Name of Sub-Contractor: Type of Business: Address: 3. Incident Information Date of Incident (dd/mm/year): Type of Incident: Time (24 hr): __:__ __ /__ /____ ☐ Operational ☐ Electricity ☐ Water ☐ Wastewater ☐ Other: ☐ Water Incident Summary: (full incident description to be completed in Section 9) ☐ Environmental (In case of any environmental impact) ☐ Air ☐ ☐ Land Sea Incident Location on Site: GPS Coordinates: N: E: ☐ Emergency Services Department ☐ Other (Specify): ☐ Yes Incident Workplace Address: Applicable Reports: Attached: ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No Page 1 of 5 INITIAL NOTIFICATION INCIDENT (INI) OPERATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INCIDENTS 4. More information Electricity (event or chain of unplanned events that results in one or more of the following) Generation ☐ 1. The loss of generation output of more than 200 MW ☐ 2. ☐ 3. ☐ 4. ☐ 5. ☐ 6. ☐ 7. Any generation tripping that causes under frequency load-shedding Repeat failure of a particular type of equipment or component thereof Evidence of trespass on operational land or premises ☐ 8. Any environmental discharge which exceeds the permissible levels as shown under Appendix N of the Power and Water Agreements Simultaneous tripping/loss of multiple transmission circuits Loss of generation outside of the limit of the Normal Infeed Loss Risk as per the Electricity Transmission System Security Standards Any transmission system Incident causing interruption to any User (where the term User is as defined in the Electricity Transmission Code) ☐ 2. ☐ 4. Frequency deviation outside of the limits 49.8 Hz to 50.2 Hz Voltage deviation outside of the limits required by the Electricity Transmission Security System Standard or Electricity Transmission Code ☐ 6. Any fault on the transmission system that causes an outage of any generation unit or results in a restriction of output from any production Licensee An inability to comply fully with the Electricity Transmission System Security Standard, Electricity Transmission Code, Emirates National Grid Code and GCCIA Interconnector Transmission Code ☐ 8. ☐ 10. An overhead line conductor being at less than its design height Simultaneous tripping/forced outage of any two machines even if the second machine trip/forced outage is a consequence to the first More than two forced outages for a specific machine/unit within 48 hours Fire, explosion or implosion Transmission ☐ 1. ☐ 3. ☐ 5. ☐ 7. ☐ 9. Any transmission system Incident or unplanned circumstance where load is at risk to a single credible contingency (sites with an agreed derogation from the Bureau will be excluded from reporting) Loss of output at 220kV, 132kV, 22kV and 11kV from any transformer in any grid station Distribution ☐ 1. An interruption of demand of above 10 MW for a period of 3 minutes or longer ☐ 2. An interruption of demand of above 5 MW for a period of 1 hour of longer ☐ 3. Loss of output at 33kV, 22kV, 11kV or 6.6kV from any transformer at any grid station or primary substation ☐ 4. An outage on any 33kV, 22kV, 11kV busbar section at any grid station or primary substation ☐ 5. Any incident where there is evidence of loss of demand of above 10 MW resulting from voltage disturbance ☐ 6. An interruption where the supply to any user (where the term User is as defined in the Electricity Distribution Code) is not restored within 12 hours ☐ 7. Manual load curtailment for a load of 1MW or more for more than six hours during any 24 hours ☐ 8. An overhead line conductor being at less than its design height Page 2 of 5 INITIAL NOTIFICATION INCIDENT (INI) OPERATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INCIDENTS Water (event or chain of unplanned events that results in one or more of the following) Desalination ☐ 1. ☐ 3. The simultaneous outage of any two distillers or reverse osmosis units More than two unplanned outages for a specific distiller within 48 hours ☐ 2. ☐ 4. ☐ 2. ☐ 4. ☐ 2. The interruption of supply to one or more customers of 1MGD (4,540 m3/day) or more for a period of 12 hours or longer ☐ 4. The interruption of supply to 1 or more customers for a period of 24 hours or longer ☐ 6. A significant and unexpected or unusual deterioration in the quality of the water at any point within the distribution system which by reason of its effect or likely effect gives rise or is likely to give rise to a significant risk to the health of consumers. The loss of plant with a production capacity of more than 15 MGD (68,100 m3/day) A significant and unexpected deterioration in the quality of a raw water source, which effects, or may affect the water production from quantity or quality perspective Transmission ☐ 1. ☐ 3. ☐ ☐ ☐ A total tripping to any transmission pumping station component that results in failing to deliver 50% or more of the agreed Water targets according to the daily dispatch schedule A failure in the transmission system that causes a shutdown to either 50% of the Desalination capacity or production loss of more than 25 MGD (113,500 m3/day) Distribution 1. The interruption of supply to one or more customers of 2.5 MGD (11,350 m3/day) or more for a period of six hours or longer 3. the interruption of supply to 100 customers or more for a period of 12 hours or longer 5. The interruption of supply to 1000 or more customers for a period of 24 hours or longer Damage to a trunk main that causes total pipeline shutdown for more than 24 hours or if it results in failing to deliver 50% or more of the agreed water targets according to the daily dispatch schedule A significant and unexpected or unusual deterioration in the quality of the water entering the supply which by reason of its effect or likely effect gives rise or is likely to give rise to a significant risk to the health of consumers Page 3 of 5 INITIAL NOTIFICATION INCIDENT (INI) OPERATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INCIDENTS Wastewater (event or chain of unplanned events that results in one or more of the following) ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Collection 1. The release into the collection system of a trade effluent without a consent or in breach of a condition of a Consent 3. The issuance of an improvement notice or termination notice to a trade effluent consent holder under Regulations 6.4 or 6.5 of the Trade Effluent Control Regulations 2010 5. Pump station power or mechanical failure which cannot be resolved within 8 hours 7. Partial or complete failure to one or more of the main pumping station pumps or discharge lines Treatment ☐ 1. ☐ Disposal 1. A discharge of Recycled Water to the ☐ 3. ☐ 5. The occurrence of a trend of breaches of any recycled water or biosolids quality standard for a parameter in Schedule A or B of the Recycled Water & Biosolids Regulations. environment under the site contingency plan as defined by Regulation 5.3.1 (e) of the RW&B Regulations 2010 A failure of a disposal system that prevents the delivery of recycled water or biosolids supply to a customer for more than 24hrs or by more than 50% of the agreed volume or mass. Pump station power or mechanical failure which cannot be resolved within 8 hours Power loss in multiple Pump Stations ☐ 2. The release into the collection system of a prohibited waste ☐ 4. Detection of any cross connection, backflow or other fault with potential to contaminate any other third party water network (potable, recycled or stormwater etc.) ☐ 6. Power loss in multiple Pump Stations ☐ 2. Detection of any cross connection, backflow or other fault with potential to contaminate any other third party water network (potable, recycled, stormwater etc.) ☐ 2. Any discharge of Biosolids to landfill under the site contingency plan as defined by Regulation 5.3.1 (e) of the Recycled Water & Biosolids Regulations. ☐ 4. Detection of any cross connection, backflow or other fault with potential to contaminate any other third party water network (potable, stormwater etc.) ☐ 6. Partial or complete permanent failure to one or/more of the main pumping station pumps or discharge lines. Page 4 of 5 INITIAL NOTIFICATION INCIDENT (INI) OPERATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INCIDENTS 5. Incident Description: 1. Sequence of Events: (Clearly describe the sequence of events that lead to the Incident and describe the tasks being performed at the time of the Incident.) 2. Consequences: (Clearly describe the consequences of the Incident and describe impact on operations, people, equipment and the environment.) 3. Most Likely Causes: (If possible identify the immediate causes of the Incident, nature of defect, failures, etc.) 4. Remedial Action: (Clearly describe the actions taken to prevent further recurrence of the Incident and actions taken to rectify the situation.) 5. Other information: (Provide any other information that may be of relevance, i.e. police presence, media interest, public involvement.) 6. Bureau Contact Details: Telephone Office Reception (02) 6543 666 HSE Manager (02) 6543 527 Email: Page 5 of 5