Equality And Diversity Operational Action Plan

Equality And Diversity Operational Action Plan
OUTCOME: Every Child Hooked on Sport for Life.
‘A thriving sporting community, where all individuals feel safe, welcome and free
from discrimination’
Under representative groups
Equality is embedded into Sport Wales planning and challenged internally and externally with partners.
Sport in Wales is accessible to, accessed by, and organised by a higher proportion of females, where the drop off rate of participations aged between 15 and 24 is significantly reduced, and the
number of females undertaking 3 occasions of sport each week is increased
Sport in Wales is accessible to, accessed by and organised by a higher proportion of disabled people
Children, Young People and adults from BME communities feel safe, confident and comfortable taking part in sport
Poverty is no longer a barrier to having an opportunity to participate in community sport
Objectives (Strategic Equality Plan)
Embrace Diversity and Inclusiveness within Sport Wales and through our policies
Appropriately engage, consult, inform and challenge ourselves and our partners.
Increase female participation in all aspects of sport
Increase Participation amongst Disabled People in all aspects of sport
Increase Participation in all Aspects of Sport amongst our Ethnic Minority Communities
Increase participation among children from deprived communities
How well are we doing-Story behind the baseline?
Priority groups for positive impact
Women and Girls
Additional groups’ action will
impact: LGBT
Key performance Indicators
School Sports Survey
Active Adults Survey
Sport Wales profile data
Best Companies Survey
Supplementary Survey
360® Feedback
Young Ambassadors
Street games
BME Network
LGBT Network
Lucy Faulkner Consultancy
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Sport Wales Diversity & Inclusiveness Strategy Group Action Plan 2013/2014
(What are you going to do?)
(what will success look like and how
will it be measured)
Set baseline target for 28 Governing
Bodies of Sport (NGBs) to establish
appropriate representation on Boards
(e.g. improved gender balance) to enable
decision making to better reflect the
development of the sport (UK Governance
NGB application forms to identify baseline for
2014. Identify plan for the 10 focus sports initially
Compile list of female leaders.
The Equality Standard for Sport will support
partners to improve gender balance on boards.
28 NGBs have considered what
appropriate representation on their
Board should be and have improved
the gender balance of Board members.
Board diversity was a feature of the
October Governance conference. Work
continues to increase the diversity and
gender balance on Board. Strategic lead
will come with Board approval of the
Governance Strategy in Sept 2014.
12/13 baseline: 33% of board members
female in the 10 focus sports. 17% of
board members female in the 28 NGBs.
Deliver a women and girls
communications campaign to highlight
issues and influence participation levels
Campaign with have three phases,
focussing on:
Demystifying sport for 18+
School experience
First phase to launch in quarter 2, second
phase in quarter 3 and final phase in
quarter 4.
Each phase of the campaign will have
individual success measures, captured
in the Project Initiation Documents.
Starting July 2013
through to March
The first phase of ‘What Moves You?’
saw the launch of a communications
campaign aimed at encouraging more
women in Wales to get back into sport,
or to take up a new sport for the first
Phase 2 proposals developed to focus on
ideal sporting community for women and
girls, focussing in on school sport
experience, using data from School Sport
Survey. Purpose being to share best
practice with partners and encourage
new approaches. Proposal to be
consulted on with staff.
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3. Work with key partners to increase
opportunities for women and girls
participation opportunities in 2014/15
Take key partners through the Self-Assessment
process where ‘equality is firmly evidenced in all
aspects of planning and delivery’
Equality actions proactively included in
49 partners plans. All Sport Wales staff
are competent in advising on equality
March 2014
Increase investment in W & G specific projects
through Community Chest & Development Grants
Establish a Sport Wales Women & Girls Board with
terms of reference agreed by Q2
Invest in StreetGames to set up US Girls scheme
across Wales
Proactive additional investment in specific partners
to ‘test’ new approaches work with
Via Sporting Snapshots
4. Promote W & G work internally and
30-35 baseline self-assessments
completed and dates confirmed for all
others. Revised online tool to support
self-assessment launched. Board to
approve partner investment.
Community Chest - 176 in 2012/13
Community Chest - 165 in 2013/14
Development Grants - 5 in 2012/13 &
Board set up and making
recommendations to February Board
There will be a clear organisation-wide
approach - recommendations will be
made to SMT/Board that develop and
shape policy and drive future Sport
Wales business plans
Seven x ‘US Girls’ schemes running
March 2014
March 2014
8 US Girls projects with 560 participants
Significant shift in participation and
lessons learned from new approaches
to increasing women & girls
Conwy – only girls allowed – specific
programme of activity for 14-18 year
olds, part of 4 year business plan.
Denbighshire – LA partner for ‘What
moves you’ campaign.
March 2014
Bridgend have set up a Girl Power
programme led by YA – targeted
investment made at Brynteg
12 Women and Girls specific case
Conwy have progressed the Only Girls
Allowed programme – targeted activity in
jogging, netball and cycling. Expected
increase in leisure centre membership
currently unknown.
March 2014
Denbighshire “What Moves You”
campaign delivered in Summer 2013.
Outcomes include 54 new gym members
and 5 new teams funded through
Community Chest applications.
10 identified and shared in Qtr 2
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Via the revised Women in Leadership Programme,
recruit potential women leaders of the future,
interview them and selection will be put on a
specific programme. Commission an organisation
to deliver the programme.
14 Women recruited to the
Suitable organisation commissioned to
deliver the programme.
Establish a Regional BME Network Group (initially
covering South Wales)
Engage different members of the BME community
and a variety of BME groups and organisations.
The group will then own and drive this scorecard.
A group made up of a variety of
representatives, establishing an action
plan which reflects this scorecard
delivering against the targets and
March 2014
10 women on the programme, 2 inspiring
women events held with 50 attendees
for both events. Positive feedback being
Increase the amount of support given to
BME specific clubs, organisations, groups
and sessions
School Sport Survey will capture data on Ethnic
groups in 2013
Data Development – gather baseline data
for club membership, hooked on sport
(regular participation for 11-16 year olds)
and coaching and volunteering (to include
YA programme)
Engage with top 10 NGB’s to gather information on
membership of clubs by BME community.
Engage organisations such as StreetGames and
Sports Leaders to gather information on
volunteering and leadership.
Increase the amount of coaches and
volunteers from a BME background
Meeting – April
2013 Quarterly
meetings to follow
BME Taskforce has been set up with
support (financial and officer) from SW –
Identified 4 key priorities around
engaging BME communities through
sport – Nathan Blake, Ashok Ahir and
Cecillia Love (Cllr) high profile members
SSS Data –
September 13
Baseline data for participation, club
membership and coaching and
Start Engagement –
April 13
Start Engagement April 13
SSS has provided BME data at a national
To be collected by
June 2013
Engage with YA lead for SW to help gather
appropriate data on Young Ambassadors
Engage NGB’s to establish specific leadership and
coaching courses aimed at young people and
adults from the BME community, where there are
appropriate demand and deployment
XX amount of the top 10 priority sports
with BME specific leadership
programmes. XX amount of lower level
sports with BME specific leadership
Show progress by
June 2013
Recruited by June
Discussion with the workforce group
require on the collection of data of
coaches from a BME background
Equality Champions delivering equality
work at a local level i.e SRTRC
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Work with YA Lead to increase representation of
BME YA’s across Wales by recruiting ‘Young
Ambassador Equality Champions’ who will drive
this agenda.
4 YA Equality champions with the remit
of promoting BME leadership within YA
Work with StreetGames to raise the profile of BME
volunteers through media campaigns and create
some local BME role models.
2 Local BME role models identified with
the remit of promoting sport for BME
people within the local community.
workshops. Action plans being developed
for 2014/15
Identified by June
Role models identified – need to be clear
as to how these are best utilised (Ali Abdi
& Rajma Begum)
Increase the amount of children from a
BME background who are members of a
sports club
Specifically target Community Chest resources to
support BME community sport by;
- raising the profile of CC to BME groups.
- via the network group explore why there are so
few CC applications
- ensure the CC grant is easily available to BME
An increase from 7 community chest
application to 20 in 2013/14
Analyse CC
Promote BME work internally and externally
Via Sporting Snapshots
12 BME specific case studies
March 2014
Qtr 1 - Qtr 3 Highlights
Com Chest 11 in 2012/13
Com Chest 40 in 2013/14
DGs 5 in 2012/13
DGs 8 in 2013/14
Profile of BME sport is being raised through
the network and through targeted work with
Swansea, Cardiff and Newport.
To date there is 1 BME snapshot around
Cymru Fefugee Football
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Raise Awareness of LGBT at a Grass Roots
Establish information and guidance on
Establish information and guidance on LGB for
Network Members
Develop session on engaging with clubs and
role models on LGBT inclusiveness
Organise RFL to talk to group about their work
on LGBT and diversity
Raise Awareness with LGBT Individuals Sport is for Them
Raise the Profile of the Sport Network &
LGBT Agenda for Sport in Wales
Explore what can be done to maximise the
opportunity at Mardi Gras
Provide FAW with contact for Cardiff Dragons
Contact the Urdd regarding participation
Contact Swansea, Wrexham and Merthyr
Supporters Trusts regarding participation
Raise awareness of LGBT and sport
participation and the Sport Network with the
Sport Minister
understanding of Transgender and
LGB communities
NGB’s have confidence in raising
awareness with clubs and asking
role models to show their support
NGBs have a strategy and work
plan for tackling homophobia in
their sport
Sport network have a strategy and
work plan for tackling homophobia
in sport
March 2014
Raised awareness amongst LGBT
individuals of sporting
Demonstrated commitment to
operating an inclusive
environment for LGBT individuals
to participate in sport
Increase in contact with sports
Improved collaborations between
Clubs, organisations and NGB’s on
LGB matters
March 2014
As above
Increased membership of grass
root clubs, supporters trusts and
educational bodies from 6 to 10
(exclusive of National Governing
homophobia in sport
Summer 2013
As above
Network is set up and starting to
work on defined actions like
establishing themselves in the
public, branding and having a twitter
The next meeting on 5th February
has Sarah Williams from the RFL
attending to help facilitate the
shape of the group and determine
the direction the group wishes take.
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Identify barriers to participation facing
children and young people in deprived
Plans with local authority and priority sport
governing bodies to contain reference to
how they will be providing opportunities
for participate and volunteer for those
living in our most deprived communities
Work with Community First to develop
delivery of sport in these areas
Research commissioned into barriers published
and disseminated internally and externally.
New Active Adult Survey and School Sport Survey
data to be packaged in relation to what we know
about poverty and participation/volunteering
Via self assessment process (equality question) and
in final plans
Funding for StreetGames to deliver doorstep sport
in every Community First area, in conjunction with
funding from Welsh Government
Learning from research applied to
Sport Wales and partner approaches to
increasing participation
September 2013
Partners have information on how they
are impacting on those living in poverty
All plans to have identifiable action
indicating how partners will deliver
more participants and volunteers from
deprived communities
As per StreetGames agreement
March 2014
SAT piloted and being rolled out
across all 22 LAs by end of 2013/14
March 2014
QTR 2 Update - 25 ‘live young people
volunteer programmes
86 delegates engaged in the Training
98 of the top 200 LSOAs have
doorstep sports sessions supported
by StreetGames
1 US Girl project
10 Doorstep Sports Clubs identified
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Pan Equality Strand
Sport Wales Workforce
Establish a workplace diversity
Implement legally compliant and fit for
purpose structures and systems for
managing diversity
Assess the requirements for training and
development against roles
Commission an organisation to deliver the
Review the policies and procedures in place
associated with diversity and check that these
are legally compliant and fit for purpose
Enhance policies and procedures in line with
review above
Communicate policies and procedures to
workforce once approved
All staff have undertaken the
Embedment of behaviours into
Staff are confident and
knowledgeable on their role and
responsibilities relating to diversity
and inclusiveness
(Measure: 1-1s; 360® Appraisal)
 Staff utilise the policies to raise
concerns and seek advice
 Staff find the support mechanism
 The policies and procedures add
value to Sport Wales
March 2014
September 2014
Awaiting confirmation of dates from
Eleisha training to launch in
February/March 2014
(Measure: Best Companies Survey)
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Put support mechanisms in place for staff
to confide and seek guidance on diversity
and wellbeing related matters
Assess role of former Contact Advisors and
the effectiveness of this
Recruit advisors to take on this role
Train advisors on role
Develop process for raising concerns and
contacting advisors
Launch process and advisors
Staff utilise the advisors to raise
concerns and seek advice
Staff find the support mechanism
September 2014
Speaking with former Contact
Advisors to seek their interest in
recommencing this role
(Measure: Best Companies Survey)
Equality Standard for Sport
Equality Fund
Young Ambassador Equality
Steering Group Action
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Action point
Produce 6 month
Create YA Toolkit
By when
Produce a video showcasing what Equality Champions have been
Include action points for the future
Incorporate an equality group legacy statement
Gather PowerPoint presentations used in workshops and
presentations delivered by Equality Champions
Integrate into a 'YA friendly' presentation which can be
downloaded and used for assemblies or YA training etc
Include guidance on general equality and more specific
information about protected characteristics provided by Sport
‘Things to think about’ when organising an event guidence
Share the work of the equality group
Appeal to YA's for anything they are doing linked to equality (YA's
might not realise some of the work they are doing is promoting
YA newsletter takeover
Who is responsible
All Equality Champions to
gather pictures and videos of
everything they are doing
Dylan to put everything
together in the form of a Prezi
All Equality Champions
All EC's
Emma Roberts
End of year
January February
Provide Sport Wales with Snapshots
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Explore ways to capture
diversity of YA
Explore the need to
Diversify YA Steering
Link with IPC Athletic
Advocate Grants
Link with other
organisations and
Develop a form asking YA’s for their age, gender and any
Think of the best way to get new and old YA’s to fill out form
Discuss the need to have a Steering Group representative of all
young people in Wales. For example young people from the BME
community and young people with a disability
Ensure recruitment of YA’s in each local authority is inclusive
Encourage applications for YA Steering Group from all
Link with DSW and Special Schools
Promote role models – Rhys Jones
Link with an international sporting event taking place in Wales
Promote community projects which champion equality
Projects which have received funding e.g. Community Chest
Create contacts with NGB's, charities and other organisations e.g.
SRtRC, Street Games, DSW, WFT, Stonewall
Equality Champions
Sport Wales
All Equality Champions
YA Steering Group
Local Authority YA
Molly to see if there will be
any opportunities for Equality
All Equality Champions
All Equality Champions
Next YA Steering
Group election
18th – 24th August
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Attend and promote events, advocating equality e.g., Gay Pride,
Fortnight of Action
Disability based work
LGBT based work
Set up an LGB support group in school where I will discuss various
issues with young LGB people and encourage participation in
sport, also look at barriers, and how to overcome these barriers.
Hold workshops with all children in years 7 – 9 in school,
educating them about the impact of the use of homophobic
language both in school and in sport.
Staff training.
Women and Girls based
Racism and BME based
Equality workshop at
next YA Conference
Link with local primary and secondary schools to deliver
A workshop focusing on the importance of equality and examples
of good practice
Provide newly recruited YA's the knowledge and confidence to
promote equality in their local authorities
18th April 2014
October 2014
All Equality Champions
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Young Ambassador
Equality Conference
Make Equality fun
Conference showcasing good work of YA's
Providing skills and confidence to combat issues surrounding
Link with other organisations
National or regional conferences
Encourage discussions on issues concerning equality
Remove perceived barriers to discussion
Summer 2015
All Equality Champions
All Equality Champions
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