Chp.12 Cont. – Examples to design Footings Example Design a square footing to support a 18 in. square column tied interior column reinforced with 8 #9 bars. The column carries an unfactored axial dead load of 245 k and an axial live load of 200 k. The base of the footing is 4 ft. below final grade and allowable soil pressure is 5 k/ft2 Use fc = 3 ksi and fy = 60 ksi Example 1 Assume a depth of footing. (2 ft or 24 in.) The weight of concrete and the soil are: Wc d 150 lb/ft * 24 in. * 3 1 ft. 300 lb/ft 2 12 in. 1 ft. 200 lb/ft 2 Ws s d s 100 lb/ft * 4 ft 24 in. * 12 in. 3 Example 1 The effective soil pressure is given as: qeff qs Wc Ws 5000 lb/ft 2 300 lb/ft 2 200 lb/ft 2 4500 lb/ft 2 4.5 k/ft 2 Example 1 Calculate the size of the footing: Actual Loads DL LL 245 k 200 k 445 k Area of footing 445 k 98.9 ft 2 4.5 k/ft 2 Side of footing 9.94 ft Use 10 ft Example 1 Calculate net upward pressure: Actual Loads 1.4 DL 1.7 LL 1.4245 k 1.7200 k 683 k Net upward pressure qn 683 k 100 ft 2 6.83 k / ft 2 Example 1 Calculate the depth of the reinforcement use # 8 bars with a crisscrossing layering. d h cover 1.5d b d 24 in. 3 in 1.51.0 in 19.5 in. Example 1 Calculate perimeter for two-way shear or punch out shear. The column is 18 in. square. bo 4c d 418 in. 19.5 in. 150 in. 1 ft 3.125 ft c d 18 in. 19.5 in. 12 in Example 1 Calculate the shear Vu Vu Pu qn c d 2 683 k 6.83 k/ft 2 3.125 ft 616 k 2 The shape parameter 10 ft 10 ft 1 Example 1 Calculate d value from the shear capacity according to chose the largest value of d 4 Vc 2 f c b0 d c d Vc s 2 f c b0 d bo Vc 4 f c b0 d s is 40 for interior, 30 for edge and 20 for corner column Example 1 The depth of the footing can be calculated by using two way shear d Vu 4 f c b0 1000 lb 616 k 1k 0.85 4 4000 150 in 19.1 in. Example 1 The second equation bo is dependent on d so use the assumed values and you will find that d is smaller and = 40 d Vu Actual (d =14.02324 in.) 40d 2 f c b0 b o bo=128.93 in 1000 lb 616 k 1k 10.6 in. 4019.5 in 0.85 2 4000 150 in 150 in Example 1 The depth of the footing can be calculated by using one-way shear 1 ft 18 in L c 10 ft 1 ft 12 in d 19.5 in 2 2 2 2 12 in 2.625 ft L c Vu qn l2 d 2 2 6.83 k/ft 2 10 ft 2.625 ft 179.3 k Example 1 The depth of the footing can be calculated by using one-way shear 1000 lb 179.3 k Vu 1k d 13.9 in. 2 fc b 12 in 0.85 2 4000 10 ft 1 ft The footing is 19.5 in. > 13.9 in. so it will work. Example 1 Calculate the bending moment of the footing at the edge of the column 1 ft 18 in L c 10 ft 12 in 4.25 ft 2 2 2 2 L c L c 2 2 4.25 ft 10 ft 616.8 k - ft M u qn b 6.83 k/ft 4.25 ft 2 2 2 2 Example 1 Calculate Ru for the footing to find r of the footing. 12 in. 616.8 k - ft * Mu 1 ft 0.1622 ksi Ru 120 in * 19.5 in 2 bd 2 Example 1 From Ru for the footing the r value can be found. Ru f c 1 0.59 1.7 2 1.7 Ru f c 0 . 1622 ksi 1.7 1.7 41.7 0.94 ksi 0 2 0.04632 2 r fy fc 0.04632 r 0.046324 ksi 60 ksi 0.0031 Example 1 Compute the area of steel needed 12 in. 19.5 in. 7.23 in 2 As r bd 0.0030910 ft 1 ft The minimum amount of steel for shrinkage is As 0.0018 bh 0.0018120 in. 24 in. 5.18 in 2 The minimum amount of steel for flexure is 200 200 120 in. 19.5 in. 7.8 in 2 As bd fy 60000 Use Example 1 Use a #7 bar (0.60 in2) Compute the number of bars need As 7.8 in 2 n 13 Use 13 bars Ab 0.60 in 2 Determine the spacing between bars s L 2 * cover n 1 120 in - 23 in 12 9.5 in Example 1 Check the bearing stress. The bearing strength N1, at the base of the column, 18 in x 18 in., 0.7 N1 0.85 f c A1 0.7 0.854 ksi 18 in 771 k 2 The bearing strength, N2, at the top of the footing is N 2 N1 A2 A1 2 N1 Example 1 A2 10 ft 100 ft 2 2 2 1 ft 2.25 ft 2 A1 18 in 12 in. The bearing strength, N2, at the top of the footing is A2 A1 100 ft 2 2.25 ft 2 6.67 2 N 2 2 N1 2771 k 1542 k Example 1 Pu =683 k < N1, bearing stress is adequate. The minimum area of dowels is required. 0.005 A1 0.005 * 18 in 1.62 in 2 2 Use minimum number of bars is 4, so use 4 # 8 bars placed at the four corners of the column. Example 1 The development length of the dowels in compression from ACI Code 12.3.2 for compression. ld 0.02d b f y fc 0.021 in 60000 psi 18.97 in Use 19 in 4000 psi The minimum ld , which has to be greater than 8 in., is ld 0.0003d b f y 0.00031 in 60000 psi 18 in 8 in Example 1 Therefore, use 4#8 dowels in the corners of the column extending 19 in. into the column and the footing. Note that ld is less than the given d = 19.5 in., which is sufficient development length. Example 1 The development length, ld for the #7 bars for the reinforcement of the footing. fy f ydb ld 60000 psi 0.875 in ld 41.5 in d b 20 f c 20 f c 20 4000 psi There is adequate development length provided. ld L 2 cover c 2 120 in 2 3 in 18 in 2 48 in Example 1 - Final Design Example 2 Design a footing to support a 18 in. square column tied interior column reinforced with 8 #9 bars. The column carries an unfactored axial dead load of 245 k and an axial live load of 200 k. The base of the footing is 4 ft. below final grade and allowable soil pressure is 5 k/ft2 Use fc = 3 ksi and fy = 60 ksi. Limit one side of the footing to 8.5 ft. Example 2 Assume a depth of footing. (2 ft or 24 in.) The weight of concrete and the soil are: Wc d 150 lb/ft * 24 in. * 3 1 ft. 300 lb/ft 2 12 in. 1 ft. 200 lb/ft 2 Ws s d s 100 lb/ft * 4 ft 24 in. * 12 in. 3 Example 2 The effective soil pressure is given as: qeff qs Wc Ws 5000 lb/ft 2 300 lb/ft 2 200 lb/ft 2 4500 lb/ft 2 4.5 k/ft 2 Example 2 Calculate the size of the footing: Actual Loads DL LL 245 k 200 k 445 k Area of footing 445 k 98.9 ft 2 4.5 k/ft 2 Side of footing 98.9 ft 2 8.5 ft 11.64 ft Use 12 ft Example 2 Calculate net upward pressure: Actual Loads 1.4 DL 1.7 LL 1.4245 k 1.7200 k 683 k Net upward pressure qn 683 k 8.5 ft 12 ft 6.70 k / ft 2 Example 2 Calculate the depth of the reinforcement use # 8 bars with a crisscrossing layering. d h cover 1.5d b d 24 in. 3 in 1.51.0 in 19.5 in. Example 2 The depth of the footing can be calculated by using the one-way shear (long direction) 1 ft 18 in L c 12 ft 1 ft 12 in d 19.5 in 2 2 2 2 12 in 3.625 ft L c Vu qn l2 d 2 2 Vu =150.7 k in short direction 6.7 k/ft 2 8.5 ft 3.625 ft 206.4 k Example 2 The depth of the footing can be calculated by using one-way shear design 1000 lb 206.4 k Vu 1k d 18.8 in. 2 fc b 12 in 0.85 2 4000 8.5 ft 1 ft The footing is 19.5 in. > 18.8 in. so it will work. Example 2 Calculate perimeter for two-way shear or punch out shear. The column is 18 in. square. bo 4c d 418 in. 19.5 in. 150 in. 1 ft 3.125 ft c d 18 in. 19.5 in. 12 in Example 2 Calculate the shear Vu Vu Pu qn c d 2 683 k 6.7 k/ft 2 3.125 ft 617.6 k 2 The shape parameter 12 ft 8.5 ft 1.41 Example 2 Calculate d from the shear capacity according to chose the largest value of d. 4 Vc 2 f c b0 d c d Vc s 2 f c b0 d bo Vc 4 f c b0 d s is 40 for interior, 30 for edge and 20 for corner column Example 2 The depth of the footing can be calculated for the two way shear 1000 lb 617.6 k Vu 1k d 15.8 in. 4 4 4000 150 in 2 f c b0 0.85 2 1 . 41 Example 2 The third equation bo is dependent on d so use the assumed values and you will find that d is smaller and = 40 d Vu Actual (d =14.032 in.) 40d 2 f c b0 b o bo=128.173 in 1000 lb 617.6 k 1 k 10.64 in. 4019.5 in 0.85 2 4000 150 in 150 in Example 2 The depth of the footing can be calculated by using the two way shear d Vu 4 f c b0 1000 lb 617.6 k 1k 0.85 4 4000 150 in 19.14 in. Example 2 Calculate the bending moment of the footing at the edge of the column (long direction) 1 ft 18 in L c 12 ft 12 in 5.25 ft 2 2 2 2 L c L c 2 2 5.25 ft 8.5 ft 784.8 k - ft M u qn b 6.7 k/ft 5.25 ft 2 2 2 2 Example 2 Calculate Ru for the footing to find r of the footing. 12 in. 784.8 k - ft * Mu 1 ft 0.2428 ksi Ru 12 in bd 2 * 19.5 in 2 8.5 ft 1 ft Example 2 Use the Ru for the footing to find r. Ru f c 1 0.59 1.7 2 1.7 Ru f c 0 . 2428 ksi 1.7 1.7 41.7 0.94 ksi 0 2 0.07036 2 r fy fc 0.07036 r 0.070364 ksi 60 ksi 0.00469 Example 2 Compute the amount of steel needed 12 in. 19.5 in. 9.33 in 2 As r bd 0.00469 8.5 ft 1 ft The minimum amount of steel for shrinkage is As 0.0018 bh 0.0018102 in. 24 in. 4.41 in 2 The minimum amount of steel for flexure is 200 200 102 in. 19.5 in. 6.63 in 2 As bd fy 60000 Example 2 Use As =8.36 in2 with #8 bars (0.79 in2). Compute the number of bars need As 9.33 in 2 n 11.8 Use 12 bars Ab 0.79 in 2 Determine the spacing between bars s L 2 * cover n 1 102 in - 23 in 11 8.73 in Example 2 Calculate the bending moment of the footing at the edge of the column for short length 1 ft 18 in L c 8.5 ft 12 in 3.5 ft 2 2 2 2 L c L c 2 2 3.5 ft 12 ft 492.5 k - ft M u qn b 6.7 k/ft 3.5 ft 2 2 2 2 Example 2 Calculate Ru for the footing to find r of the footing. 12 in. 492.5 k - ft * Mu 1 ft 0.1079 ksi Ru 12 in bd 2 * 19.5 in 2 12 ft 1 ft Example 2 Use Ru for the footing to find r. Ru f c 1 0.59 1.7 2 1.7 Ru f c 0 . 1079 ksi 1.7 1.7 41.7 0.94 ksi 0 2 0.0305 2 r fy fc 0.0305 r 0.03054 ksi 60 ksi 0.00203 Example 2 Compute the amount of steel needed 12 in. 19.5 in. 5.72 in 2 As r bd 0.0020312 ft 1 ft The minimum amount of steel for shrinkage is As 0.0018 bh 0.0018144 in. 24 in. 6.22 in 2 The minimum amount of steel for flexure is 200 200 144 in. 19.5 in. 9.36 in 2 As bd fy 60000 Example 2 Use As =9.36 in2 with #6 bar (0.44 in2) Compute the number of bars need As 9.36 in 2 n 21.3 Use 22 bars Ab 0.44 in 2 Calculate the reinforcement bandwidth Reinforcem ent in bandwidth Total reinforcem ent 2 2 0.83 1 1.41 1 Example 2 The number of bars in the 8.5 ft band is 0.83(22)=19 bars . outside # bar Total # bars - band bars 2 22 19 1.5 Use 2 bars 2 So place 19 bars in 8.5 ft section and 2 bars in each in (12ft -8.5ft)/2 =1.75 ft of the band. Example 2 Determine the spacing between bars for the band of 8.5 ft s L n 1 102 in 5.67 in 18 Determine the spacing between bars outside the band s L cover n 21 in - 3in 2 9 in Example 2 Check the bearing stress. The bearing strength N1, at the base of the column, 18 in x 18 in., 0.7 N1 0.85 f c A1 0.7 0.854 ksi 18 in 771 k 2 The bearing strength, N2, at the top of the footing is N 2 N1 A2 A1 2 N1 Example 2 A2 10 ft 100 ft 2 2 2 1 ft 2.25 ft 2 A1 18 in 12 in. The bearing strength, N2, at the top of the footing is A2 A1 100 ft 2 2.25 ft 2 6.67 2 N 2 2 N1 2771 k 1542 k Example 2 Pu =683 k < N1, bearing stress is adequate. The minimum area of dowels is required. 0.005 A1 0.005 * 18 in 1.62 in 2 2 Use minimum number of bars is 4, so use 4 # 8 bars placed at the four corners of the column. Example 2 The development length of the dowels in compression from ACI Code 12.3.2 for compression. ld 0.02d b f y fc 0.021 in 60000 psi 18.97 in Use 19 in 4000 psi The minimum ld , which has to be greater than 8 in., is ld 0.0003d b f y 0.00031 in 60000 psi 18 in 8 in Example 2 Therefore, use 4#8 dowels in the corners of the column extending 19 in. into the column and the footing. Note that ld is less than the given d = 19.5 in., which is sufficient development length. Example 2 The development length, ld for the #8 bars ld db fy f ydb ld 20 f c 60000 psi 1.0 in 47.4 in 20 f c 20 4000 psi There is adequate development length provided. ld L 2 cover c 2 144 in 2 3 in 18 in 2 60 in Example 2 The development length, ld for the #6 bars ld db fy f ydb ld 25 f c 60000 psi 0.75 in 28.5 in 25 f c 25 4000 psi There is adequate development length provided. ld L 2 cover c 2 102 in 2 3 in 18 in 2 39 in Example 2 - Final design 23 #6 12 #8