HCA 428

California State University, Long Beach
Health Care Administration Department
HCA 428-02 Population Health Management for Health Care Administrators
Spring 2016
Instructor: Nancy K. Hays, MPH, CHC
E-mail: nancy.hays@csulb.edu
Class Number:
Class Meets: Thursday, 4 – 6:45 p.m.
HHS1, Room 200
Office Hours: TBD
Additional Contact Information:
HCA Dept. Administrative Coordinator:
Deby McGill, dmcgill@csulb.edu
Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886
Phone: 310-995-4297
Catalog Description
Prerequisites: HCA 300, (SOC 250 or PSY 210 or STAT 108), upper division standing, or
instructor consent. A systematic approach to managing and improving specific populations and
nations health status, with emphasis on the distribution of health within a population, the
determinants that influence the distribution, and the policies and interventions that impact the
determinants. Letter grade only (A-F).
Learning Objectives, Domain and Competency Table
The Health Care Administration Department has adopted a competency-based curriculum, based
on the American College of Health Care Executives (ACHE) Competency Assessment Tool and
Healthcare Leadership Alliance (HLA) Competency Directory (Version 2.0, October 2010). This
course is designed to develop competencies in the domains of Business Skills and Knowledge
(BSK) and Leadership. This course also enhances students’ writing and presentation skills that
address the domain Communication and Relationship Management (CRM).
Learning Objective
Domain Competency
Define the framework and basic
concepts used in managing health
of a population
Identify measures of population
health indicators
Estimate population health care
Distinguish the determinants
affecting health of a population
Knowledge of concept and
population health
Knowledge of population
health measures
Conduct needs analysis
Identification of roots of
the problems
Activity (A1),
Assignment (A2) or
Assessment (A3)
Case Study
In-Class Exercises
Case Study
Case Study
HCA 428-02 Population Health Management
Interpret policies and
interventions that impact the
Articulate the benefits and
challenges of policies and
interventions in promoting
population health
Recognize the ethical
dimensions of population health
Analyze use of population
health measures for health care
Identification of policies
and interventions
Analysis of policies and
In-Class Exercises
Leadership Contribute to the
community and the health
administration profession
Leadership Demonstrate critical
thinking and analysis
Case Study
In-Class Exercises
Case Study
Text(s) and other course materials
Required: Nash, D.B., Fabius, R.J., Skoufalos, A., Clarke, J.L., and Horowitz, M.R. (2016).
Population Health: Creating a Culture of Wellness (2nd ed). Burlington, Mass: Jones and Bartlett
Recommended: http://uwphi.pophealth.wisc.edu/publications/other/blog-collection-final-201404-05.pdf
Additional readings or links will be posted on class BeachBoard site as needed.
Other Requirements: BeachBoard will be the main method of communication in between
classes. Please check the site often for updates.
Assignments and Grading
1. Exams: There will be one midterm and one final exam. Questions will be based on the
textbook and lectures, as well as any information from guest lectures (if any), class
discussions and in-class exercises. The mid-term will cover the first seven (7) weeks of class;
the final will cover topics from post-midterm sessions. All exams will be open book and
taken within the assigned time period.
Students absent for scheduled presentations, the midterm exam or the final exam must
provide written third-party documentation (e.g., a physician’s note) of unforeseen and
unavoidable circumstances to be eligible to take a make-up exam. Students who qualify for
alternative testing arrangements need to advise the instructor well in advance of the exams.
2. Case Study Discussions: Students will be given case studies to be discussed in small groups
and with the entire class. Preparation and active participation (i.e., reading the case before
class and asking/answering questions) are necessary for success in this class.
HCA 428-02 Population Health Management
3. Project – Population Health Management Challenge: Students will be divided into small
groups (number of members will depend on the number of people in the class). Each group
will identify a project topic, produce a detailed outline (to include selected topic, outline,
abstract and five to 10 references), produce a written report and present the report to the class
during finals week. Students will submit a peer feedback form on individual contributions
within the group. All students in the group will receive the same grade for the project’s
deliverables, the peer feedback points will be taken into account. No one in the group will get
any peer feedback points unless all members of the group submit the feedback.
4. In-Class Exercises, Class Participation and Attendance: Students are expected to come to
class prepared (that is, being up to date on readings, etc.). Many sessions will have an inclass individual or group exercise. Most will be based on the weekly readings or current
events related to population health.
If a student knows he or she will be unable to attend a class and will miss an ICE, he or she
can earn points by submitting a short written assignment given by the instructor by 8 a.m. the
day of the missed class. If the absence is unplanned and meets University criteria for an
excused unplanned absence, a similar assignment will be provided to earn points. Class
attendance policy conforms to University policy:
Students requiring special accommodation
Students requiring special accommodations for class participation and/or exams for a disability
that has been verified by Disabled Student Services: It is your responsibility to advise the
instructor at the start of the course and make arrangements for accommodations to meet your
Grade Weights and Policies
All assignments are to be submitted via BeachBoard Drop Box. Late assignments are subject to
10% point deductions each week they are late. No assignment will be accepted after the last day
of class (before finals week).
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Case Study Discussions (5 @ 20 points)
Project Report Outline*
Project Report*
Project Presentation*
Peer Feedback
In-Class Exercises
Points (% of grade)
60 (15%)
60 (15%)
100 (25%)
20 (5%)
60 (15%)
40 (10%)
10 (2.5%)
50 (12.5%)
400 (100%)
*Students in each group will receive the same points for the project deliverables.
HCA 428-02 Population Health Management
A = 90 – 100%
B = 80 – 89%
C = 70 – 79%
D = 60 – 69%
F = Below 60%
Include at least 3, preferably 4 or more demonstrations of competence. No single assignment
can count for more than 1/3 of final course grade. At least one assignment by midpoint of
course term. Explain basis of grading for each assignment. Clearly indicate weekly sequence of
topics, assignments and due dates; specify any penalties for late submissions. Specify how to
submit assignments (hard copy, email, etc.) Note: If you use BeachBoard, you need to use a
point system rather than a percentage system for grades.
Withdrawal policy
Withdrawal after 2nd week and before final 3 weeks is, per University policy, “permissible for
serious and compelling reasons.” The instructor will evaluate the reason for withdrawal as listed
on the withdrawal request form.
Cheating and plagiarism
Cheating and plagiarism are serious allegations. Most documents submitted in the BeachBoard
Drop Box will go through the TurnItIn software system to alert the instructor to possible
plagiarism. This course follows the University policy on this important topic:
Note: if you want to write a paper on the same topic for two different courses, you must submit
two different papers and disclose this to the instructor before proceeding with the topic. If it is
discovered that you have submitted the same paper with minimal changes for another course,
you will receive an F for that paper in this course.
Minimum 10 references for BS courses, 15 for MS courses, published within past 3 years unless
classic material. Include books, articles, websites as appropriate.
Additional information resources
For more information on the university syllabus policy please go to the Faculty Center for
Professional Development website at: http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/personnel/fcpd/.
The faculty handbook can also be found online at the following link:
HCA 428-02 Population Health Management
Subject to change depending on class size & guest speaker availability
Readings, Activities & Assignments
(Note: Additional articles might be
assigned during the course session.)
1/Jan 21
Course Overview: Building
Cultures of Health and Wellness
Reading: Syllabus
Small Group Selection
2/Jan 28
3/Feb 4
4/Feb 11
5/Feb 18
6/Feb 25
7/Mar 3
The Population Health Promise:
What is population health?
Frameworks for innovation: Triple
AIM, Health People 2020, ACA
The political landscape in relation
to health and wealth of nations
The Spectrum of Care: “New”
Policy Direction: From Volume to
Behavior Change
Behavioral Economics: The
Business Value of Better Health
Information Technology &
Decision Support
MIDTERM EXAM on materials
through week 6
Reading: Nash et al., Chapters 1 & 5
Kindig, Understanding population health
terminology, The Millbank Quarterly
Nash Chapters 2 & 3
Chapter 6
Case Study 1
Chapter 8
Chapters 12 & 13
Exam will be posted by 8 a.m. Feb. 29 on
8/Mar 10
Patient Engagement
9/Mar 17
Chronic Care: A New Healthcare
Paradigm for the Practice of
Health Care Quality & Safety
Across the Continuum
No Class/Spring Break
10/Mar 24
11/week of
Mar 28
12/Apr 7
13/Apr 14
Health System Navigation
The Business Value of Healthy
Chapter 7
Project Outline Due by 5 p.m.
Chapter 10
Case Study 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 9
Chapter 16
HCA 428-02 Population Health Management
14/Apr 21
16/May 5
FINAL EXAM posted by 8 a.m.
April 18, covering weeks 8 - 13
The Future of Population Health
Student Presentations
Student Presentations, if they
cannot be completed in week 16
15/Apr 28
Case Study 4
Project Report Due by 5 p.m.
ICE 10
Case Study 5
Will flow into scheduled Final Exam time
if needed
McAlearney, A.S. (2003). Population Health Management: Strategies to Improve Outcomes (1st
ed.). Health Administration Press.
National Research Council (2013). Toward Quality Measures for Population Health and the
Leading Health Indicators. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
National Research Council (2012). Primary Care and Public Health: Exploring Integration to
Improve Population Health. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.
Professional Journals and Periodicals
American Journal of Public Health
Frontiers of Health Services Management
Health Affairs
Healthcare Benchmarks and Quality Improvement
Healthcare Executive
Health Care Financial Management
Health Economics, Policy and Law
Health Policy and Planning
Health Services Management Research
Health Services Research
Hospital Case Management
Human Resources for Health
International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics
International Journal of Health Planning and Management
Internet Journal of Law, Healthcare and Ethics
HCA 428-02 Population Health Management
Journal of the American Medical Association
Journal of Health Administration Education
Journal of Healthcare Management
Journal of Health Economics
Journal of Health Organization and Management
Journal of Health Policy, Politics and Law
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy
Journal of Primary Care and Community Health
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
Journal of Public Health Policy
Managed Healthcare Executive
Medical Care
Medical Care Research and Review
Modern Healthcare
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
New England Journal of Medicine
Population Health Management
Public Health Reports
Quality & Safety in Health Care
Quality Management in Health Care
Qualitative Health Research
Research in Healthcare Financial Management
Social Science and Medicine
Asch, D.A. & Werner, R.M. (2010) Paying for performance in population health: lessons from
health care settings. Preventing Chronic Disease 7(5):A98.
Bilheimer L.T. (2010) Evaluating metrics to improve population health. Preventing Chronic
Disease, 7(4):A69.
Cutler, D. & Landrum, M. (2012) Dimensions of health in the elderly population. Investigations
in the Economics of Aging (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report),
179-201. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. http://www.nber.org/papers/w17148
Devore, S. & Champion R.W. (2011). Driving population health through accountable care
organizations. Health Affairs, 30(1): 41-50.
Etches, V., Frank, J., Ruggiero, E., & Manuel, D. (2006) Measuring population health: A review
of indicators. Annual Review of Public Health 27, 29-55. (no link)
Friedman, D.J. & Parrish II, R.G. (2010) The population health record: Concepts, definition,
design and implementation. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 17,
359-366. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2995645/pdf/amiajnl1578.pdf
HCA 428-02 Population Health Management
Gourevitch, M.N., Cannell, T. Boufford, J.I., Summers, C. (2012). The challenge of attribution:
Responsibility for population health in the context of accountable care. American Journal of
Public Health 102 (Suppl 3), S322-S324.
Hacker, K. & Walker, D.K. (2013) Achieving population health in accountable care
organizations. American Journal of Public Health 103:7, 1163-1167.
Hardcastle, L.E., Record, K.L., Jacobson, P.D. & Gostin, L.O. (2011). Improving the
population’s health: The Affordable Care Act and the importance of integration. Journal of
Law, Medicine, & Ethics, 39(3), 317-327.
Haveman, R.H. (2010) Principles to guide the development of population health incentives.
Preventing Chronic Disease 7(5), A94.
Hostetter, M., & Klein, S. (2013). In Focus: Using Behavioral Economics to Advance Population
Health and Improve the Quality of Health Care Services. The Commonwealth Fund.
Kindig, D.A. (2007). Understanding population health terminology. Milbank Quarterly 85(1):
139–161. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0009.2007.00479.x
Kindig, D.A., Asada, Y. & Booske, B. (2008). A population health framework for setting
national and state health goals. Journal of the American Medical Association 299(17), 20812083. doi:10.1001/jama.299.17.2081. (no link)
Kindig, D.A., & Stoddart, G. (2003). What is population health? American Journal of Public
Health 93(3),380–383. http://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/pdf/10.2105/AJPH.93.3.380
Kottke, T.E., & Isham, G.J. (2010, July). Measuring health care access and quality to improve
health in populations. Preventing Chronic Disease 7(4), A73.
Lantz, P.M., & Pritchard, A. (2010). Socioeconomic indicators that matter for population health.
Preventing Chronic Disease, 7(4), A74.
Lewis, S. (2010). Creating incentives to improve population health. Preventing Chronic Disease
7(5), A93. http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2010/sep/10_0175.htm.
McCarthy, D. & Klein, S. (2010). The triple aim journey: Improving population health and
patients' experience of care, while reducing costs. The Commonwealth Fund. Retrieved from
Michaud, P-C., Goldman, D., Lakdawalla, D., Zheng, Y. & Gailey, A. (2009). Understanding the
economic consequences of shifting trends in population health. National Bureau of Economic
Research Working Paper Series No. 15231 http://www.nber.org/papers/w15231.pdf
Mokdad, A.H., & Remington, P.L. (2010). Measuring health behaviors in populations.
Preventing Chronic Disease, 7(4), A75.
HCA 428-02 Population Health Management
Mullahy, J. (2010). Understanding the production of population health and the role of paying for
population health. Preventing Chronic Disease 7(5):A95. Retrieved from
Oliver, T.R. (2010). Population health rankings as policy indicators and performance measures.
Preventing Chronic Disease 7(5), A101.
Parrish, R.G. (2010). Measuring population health outcomes. Preventing Chronic Disease, 7(4),
A71. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2010/jul/10_0005.htm.
Remington, P.L., Catlin, B.B., & Kindig, D.A. (2013). Monitoring progress in population health:
Trends in premature death rates. Preventing Chronic Disease 10: E214. doi:
10.5888/pcd10.130210 http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2013/pdf/13_0210.pdf
Rothschild, M. (2010). Using social marketing to manage population health erformance.
Preventing Chronic Disease 7(5), A96.
Salomon, J.A., Nordhagen, S., Oza, S., & Murray, C.J. (2009). Are Americans feeling less
healthy? The puzzle of trends in self-rated health. American Journal of Epidemiology 170(3),
343-351. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwp144. 9
Smith, P.C., & Busse, R. (2010, September). Learning from the European experience of using
targets to improve population health. Preventing Chronic Disease 7(5):A102. Retrieved from
Stewart S.T., Woodward R.M., Rosen A.B., & Cutler D.M. (2005). A proposed method for
monitoring U.S. population health: linking symptoms, impairments, and health ratings.
National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series 11358:1-56. Cambridge, MA:
National Bureau of Economic Research. http://www.nber.org/papers/w11358.pdf
Warnecke, R.B., Oh, A., Breen, N., Gehlert, S., Paskett, E., Tucker, K.L.,…Hiatt, R.A. (2008,
September). Approaching health disparities from a population perspective: The National
Institutes of Health centers for population health and health disparities. American Journal of
Public Health, 98(9), 1608–1615. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2006.102525.
Woulfe, J., Siemering, K.Q., & Zahner, S.J. (2010). Multisector partnerships in population health
improvement. Preventing Chronic Disease 7(6), A119.