Fakebook Assignment Instructions

Name of person in bold 20 point font.
1. Photo of
Update Status
What are you doing right now?
7. Two important events from your
person's early life.
View Photos of Me (1)
8. More detailed information about
the picture in #5, at least 3
Edit My Profile
2. Quote
Family & Friends:
Relationship Status:
3. Fill in this
Current City:
Event from Early in Life:
9. Early Life Section: family,
friends, and events from
early in life.
Event from Early in Life:
4.Pictures/Names of Friends
10.Someone else
"tags" your person in
an unusual photo.
Status Update:
Photo Album - Important Event
11. Status update on an accomplishment of
your person.
Quote from
5.Picture of an
event and
12.Person from #4 who said
something about your person.
Important Event:
Quote from
6. At least 2
13. Important event that
happened in your person's
adult life, be specific, describe
event and what happened.
14. Another person from #4
who said something about
your person.
Biography Title:
15. Sneak peak of a photo for
biography cover.
16. Title for your
Fakebook Assignment Instructions
1. Insert a color photo of your person as an adult here.
2. Type a quote from your person here. This quote should be memorable and one you found in your
research. Be sure to place the quote in quotation marks.
3. Fill-in information about your person’s relationship status first. Single? Married? Next give the birthdate,
give a date as close as you can if you can’t find the exact date. For the current city, type the city, state and
country your person lives or lived in most of his/her life.
4. Insert photos of six “friends” of this person. Include a name label below each picture. These should be
people you found in your research such as family members, friends, co-workers, important people in the
life of your person.
5. Include a picture of an important event and a caption underneath. You can also include a date when the
picture was taken if you can find it. This event should be an event you found in your research and one
which you has something to do with the most significant accomplishment in your person’s life.
6. List at least 2 significant accomplishments of this person.
7. List 2 important events from this person’s “early life” that you found in your research.
8. Include more information here about the picture from #5. This should be at least a 3-sentence paragraph
describing the accomplishment.
9. Early Life Section: There are 3 lines here. In line 1, list the names of family members and friends. In line 2,
describe one event from the early life of this person. And in line 3, describe another event from the early
life of this person.
10. Someone else “tags” your person in an unusual photo here. It should be something unexpected. Insert
that photo in the large pink area. Include a short piece of information about the picture in the white box
to the right of the picture, and in the small pink square on the left, insert a photo of the person who
tagged the picture.
11. Think about an accomplishment of your person. Imagine they were going to “update their status”. What
would they say to describe how they were feeling about their accomplishment?
12. Pick a “friend” from #4. Write something that friend said about your person. Insert a photo of the
“friend” into the small box and include their name at the end of the quote.
13. List and describe in detail at least 2 important events from the adult years of your person’s life. Be
specific and include dates the events occurred.
14. Pick a different person from #4. Write something that friend said about your person. Insert a photo of
the “friend” into the small box and include their name at the end of the quote.
15. Sneak Peak - Insert a photo of a picture that you would use for the cover of a biography about your
person. Only the top ½ of the photo will fit within the print lines.
16. Create a title for a biography about your person. Make sure to use capital letters where appropriate.