Abbe R. Clark PHONE (587) 576-0628 EMAIL WEBSITE Education Harvard University (2012-present) Ph.D. Candidate in Biological and Biomedical Sciences Member, Leder Human Biology and Translational Medical Program The University of Scranton, Scranton, PA (2008-2012) B.S., Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology Summa Cum Laude Member, The Honors Program Teaching Experience Emmanuel College Adjunct faculty: BIOL1105 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology (Fall 2014, Fall 2015) Led laboratory sections of freshman undergraduate students Gave short lectures of background information for the specific laboratory to students Assessed student performance weekly Received student feedback Harvard University Teaching Fellow: Cellular Metabolism of Human Disease (Spring 2014) Taught advanced undergraduates enrolled in the graduate-level course Gave review lectures of course material to undergraduates Led weekly group discussion sections Assessed student performance weekly Received student and instructor feedback Teaching Fellow: Molecular Biology of the Cell (Fall 2013) Taught first-year graduate students Led weekly group discussion sections Assessed student performance weekly Received student and instructor feedback Tutor: Cell Biology (Fall 2013) Tutored two graduate students Developed individualized teaching plan Successfully improved grades throughout the semester University of Scranton Teaching Assistant: Biochemistry I Lab (Spring 2012) Led a laboratory section of undergraduate biochemistry students Worked with students on preparing laboratory reports Private Tutor: AP Chemistry (Fall 2011-Spring 2012) Tutored one high school student Developed individualized tutoring plan Successfully improved grades throughout the semester Mentor: Laboratory of Dr. Timothy Foley (Fall 2010- Spring 2012) Introduced novice researchers to fundamental principles of research in a biochemistry lab Tutor: General Biology, Molecular Biology, General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry (Fall 2009- Spring 2012) Hired by the Center for Teaching Excellence Taught undergraduate students in both individual and group settings Research Experience Harvard University (2012 – present) Graduate Student; Advisor: Dr. Alex Toker The University of Scranton (June 2009 – May 2012) Honors Thesis Research; Advisor: Dr. Timothy Foley Further Characterization of Disulfide-Bond Formation in Triose Phosphate Isomerase: Interaction with Glutathione Rockefeller University (Summer 2011) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow; Advisor: Hironori Funabiki Characterization of the Role and Mechanism of the Novel Chromosome-Binding Protein Vespera Mt. Sinai School of Medicine (Summer 2010) Summer Undergraduate Research Program Fellow; Advisor: Cathie Pfleger Identifying Growth Relevant Targets of the Hippo Pathway in Drosophila Publications Research papers Clark, A.R. and Toker, A. 2014. Signaling Specificity in the Akt Pathway in Breast Cancer. Biochemical Society Transactions, 42:1349-55. Foley, T.D., Clark, A.R., Stredny, E.S., Wierbowski, B.M. 2012. SNAP-25 Contains Non-Acylated Thiol Pairs that can Form Intrachain Disulfide Bonds: Possible Sites for Redox Modulation of Neurotransmission. Cell and Molecular Neurobiology, 32: 201-208. Abstracts Clark, A.R., Xue, J. and Funabiki, H. 2011. Characterization of the Role and Mechanism of the Novel ChromosomeBinding Protein Vespera. Abstract for poster presentation, Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow Program Poster Session, Rockefeller University, NY, NY. Foley, T.D., Healey, A.E., Lucas, E.J., Clark, A.R., Benfante, N.E., Wagner, J.A., Salmon, T.L., Gubbiotti, M.A. 2011. Probing Disulfide Bonding in vivo Using Immobilized PAO-affinity Chromatography. Abstract for poster presentation, Annual Meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Washington, D.C. Clark, A.R. and Pfleger, C. 2010. Identifying Growth Relevant Targets of the Hippo Pathway in Drosophila. Abstract for poster presentation, Summer Undergraduate Research Program Fellows’ Research Day, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, NY. Awards Excellence in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, The University of Scranton (2012) MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology International Scholarship Finalist, University of Cambridge (2012) Marshall Scholarship National Finalist (2011) Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship (2011-2012) Dean’s Scholarship, The University of Scranton (2008-2012) Ellen Miller Casey Award for research in Honors Program, The University of Scranton (2011-2012) Member, Alpha Lambda Delta, Alpha Sigma Nu, Beta Beta Beta, Phi Lambda Upsilon Letters of Recommendation Available upon request