- Louisiana Department of Education

Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call
January 6, 2014
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Louisiana Believes
Objective: These contact calls bring together LEA coordinators for the purpose of planning
for and implementing statewide assessment programs within local education agencies.
Who: District Test Coordinators, District Technology Coordinators, and Accountability
1. Assessment
2. Accountability
3. Technology
Archives: http://www.louisianabelieves.com/resources/library/assessment
Louisiana Believes
14-15 Scope and Sequence
Projected Call Dates
Projected Call Topics
January 6, 2015
Assessment Monthly Checklist
PARCC Updates
ELDA and LAA 1
Face-to-Face Meetings
Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)
Special Education Graduation Waivers
Data Certification: Graduation Rate
Legitimate Leaver Exit Code Review
Accountability Resources
February 3, 2015
Placement Test Materials Return
March 3, 2015
ACT Match/No Match Distribution
April 21, 2015
Exceptions to the High-Stakes Testing Policy
May 5, 2015
Spring Administration Results Release
Accountability Clean-Up
End-of-Year Survey
June 2, 2015
Data Certification
July 7, 2015
SY 14-15 Planning
Planning Meeting
Louisiana Believes
• Assessment Monthly Checklist
• PARCC Updates
• ELDA and LAA 1
• Face-to-Face Meetings
• Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)
• Special Education Graduation Waivers
• Data Certification: Graduation Rate
• Legitimate Leaver Exit Code Review
• Accountability Resources
Louisiana Believes
Assessment Monthly Checklist
To assist district and school leaders with preparations for upcoming state assessments,
particularly PARCC, the Department created an Assessment Readiness Checklist.
Available in the assessment library on December 17, the Month-to-Month Checklist will:
• Outline all monthly action steps to prepare to administer PARCC, as well as other
statewide assessments
• Link all supporting resources for each step
• Recommend resources to share with principals and teachers
Louisiana Believes
January Assessment Content
 Use assessment guides to ensure every teacher understands content and
structure of the assessments (alternate assessment guides available here)
 Share PARCC practice tests and support materials
 Utilize updated EAGLE questions in classroom instruction and assessment
 Review SLTs to (a) ensure PARCC ELA or Math are not the identified
assessment as data will not be available until Fall 2015 and (b) ensure goals
are appropriate based on teacher assignment and student enrollment
January Accessibility and Accommodations
 Jan 16-Feb 1: Utilize new forms in SER to apply new LAA 1 criteria to IEPs prior to LAA 1
assessment window
 Ensure all test coordinators, special education, 504, and LEP coordinators read and
understand the PARCC Accessibility and Accommodations Manual and the Quick Guide
to Accessibility and Accommodations
 Identify total number of IEP, IAP, PNP, and LEP documents requiring either creation or
amendments and track progress toward completion by Feb 13 for PARCC
Louisiana Believes
January Communication
 Jan 6: Monthly assessment and accountability call for district test coordinators and
accountability contacts
 Jan 14-18: Hands-on assessment and accountability systems trainings for new DTCs and
accountability contacts
 Jan 21-29: Face-to-face assessment meetings for district test coordinators and
accountability contacts
 Jan 26-29: Ensure teacher leaders participate in January regional training sessions and
redeliver training in their schools.
 Jan 29: ACT test administration Q&A session
 Share regularly the PARCC FAQ (regularly updated with questions and answers from
 Ensure teachers, principals, and district leaders participate in PARCC Office Hours each
Thursday at 11 and 3
Louisiana Believes
January Assessment Administration
 Jan 6-13: Window for school test coordinators to confirm orders of ACT and WorkKeys
(PBT) test materials online
 Jan 12-Feb 9: Completion of Teacher/Student Data Link (TSDL) to be used for spring 2015
assessments and Compass CVR roster verification
 Jan 19-Feb 9: STS submissions include diploma pathways. Designation of “career diploma”
is necessary for state funding of WorkKeys assessment for juniors
 Jan 27: Deadline to order additional materials for LAA 1 and ELDA (see Test Coordinator
Manual) *Extension for LAA 1 materials until Feb 2
 Jan 26-Mar 6: NAEP testing window
 Ensure the appropriate number (and type) of calculators are available for each grade level.
Order additional, if necessary, using state contracts
 District test coordinators redeliver test administration and security training for school test
coordinators and test administrators prior to assessment
 District test coordinators ensure that test administrators, proctors, and monitors are
appropriately assigned to testing groups
Louisiana Believes
• Assessment Monthly Checklist
• PARCC Updates
• ELDA and LAA 1
• Face-to-Face Meetings
• Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)
• Special Education Graduation Waivers
• Data Certification: Graduation Rate
• Legitimate Leaver Exit Code Review
• Accountability Resources
Louisiana Believes
Preparing for PARCC: Resources
In spring 2015, Louisiana will administer the PARCC assessments for English language
arts and mathematics in grades 3 to 8. Resources listed below are available to assist
educators. The Department has introduced two new tools-a Parent Engagement tool
for use with district staff and a Month-to-Month checklist-to go alongside existing
resources designed to support districts with upcoming assessment efforts.
District Support for Parent Engagement
The Department released the "District Support for Parent Engagement" document
that includes:
• Examples of how districts around Louisiana have successfully engaged parents
• Resources and tools to help districts implement parent engagement strategies
such as Parent Universities, parent websites, FAQ documents, and homework
hotlines for parents
Please share this resource with principals and staff involved with parent engagement.
Preparing for PARCC: Resources
Key Resources Available
• Assessment Guides
• 2014-15 Louisiana Assessment Calendar
• PARCC Accessibility and Accommodations Manual
• Quick Guide to Accessibility and Accommodations
• Frequently Asked Questions Document
• Limited English Proficient (LEP) Checklist
• Personal Needs Profile Form
• Assessment Month-by-Month Checklist *New
• Parental Supports *New
Resources Available Soon:
Test Coordinator and Administrator Manuals (January)
Preparing for PARCC: Communication
PARCC Read Aloud Decision Making (*NEW!)
Background: Support for IEP and IAP teams in determining eligibility for ELA read aloud on
PARCC assessments
When: 9:00 a.m., January 7
Access: Join the webinar here.
PARCC Personal Needs Profile (PNP) Decision Making (*NEW!)
Background: Support for PNP teams in determining accessibility features for students on the
PARCC assessments
When: 1:00 p.m., January 7
Access: Join the webinar here.
Weekly PARCC Office Hours
Background: Dedicated time to answer educator questions related to the PARCC
When: Every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.*
Access: Join the PARCC Office Hours here.
• Assessment Monthly Checklist
• PARCC Updates
• ELDA and LAA 1
• Face-to-Face Meetings
• Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)
• Special Education Graduation Waivers
• Data Certification: Graduation Rate
• Legitimate Leaver Exit Code Review
• Accountability Resources
Louisiana Believes
ELDA and LAA 1 Administration
ELDA and LAA 1 Test Materials Delivery
ELDA and LAA 1 test materials will be delivered on Tuesday, January 20. Complete and email or fax the Delivery Verification form to Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) to
confirm receipt of all boxes of test materials.
See page i of the ELDA and LAA 1 Test Coordinators Manuals for Key Dates regarding the
Test Administrator System, requesting additional materials, testing schedules, and the
return of test materials to DRC.
All manuals, and administrative forms, including the Key Dates, are found on the DRC
eDIRECT website, https://la.drcedirect.com.
Contact DRC Louisiana Customer Service with any questions at 1-888-718-4836 or e-mail
at LACS@DataRecognitionCorp.com.
LAA 1 Determination
On January 14, 2015 the SER system will be updated to reflect changes to the LAA 1
eligibility criteria and a new Act 833 page. The Department will be hosting a webinar for
special education staff to learn about these changes on January 12, 2015 from 11-12.
Webinar Login Information: (*No pre-registration required)
Meeting Name: SER Changes- LAA 1 Eligibility Criteria
Click here to join the meeting or go to
Enter meeting room as a guest and provide your name
Audio access: (800) 832-0736 / room number: 8651822
The deadline for IEP changes based on the new LAA 1 eligibility criteria has been
extended to February 2nd.
Order forms for receiving additional materials for LAA 1 testing are available through
eDIRECT website, https://la.drcedirect.com.
LAA1 Updates
Criterion 1 – Evidence of a Significant Cognitive Disability
BESE has approved revision to the LAA 1 eligibility criteria to include students falling
between 2.0 and 2.9 standard deviations below the testing mean.
New descriptors on the LAA1 Participation Form needed:
• 1a – 3 or more standard deviations below the mean, any grade level
• 1b – 2.3-2.9 standard deviations below the mean after completing 5th grade
• 1c – 2.0-2.29 standard deviations below the mean after completing 5th grade
(additional documentation required)
The LAA1 Participation Form will be digital and added to the IEP if selected.
Louisiana Believes
LAA1 Updates
Criterion 1 selections:
• If 1a or 1b is selected, a digital version of the LAA1 Participation Form is added to
the IEP
• If 1c is selected, digital versions of 2 forms are added to the IEP
• Form 1 – LAA1 Participation Form
• Form 2 – Additional documentation required for 1c
• If LAA1 is not selected, no additional forms are added to the IEP
Louisiana Believes
• Assessment Monthly Checklist
• PARCC Updates
• ELDA and LAA 1
• Face-to-Face Meetings
• Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)
• Special Education Graduation Waivers
• Data Certification: Graduation Rate
• Legitimate Leaver Exit Code Review
• Accountability Resources
Louisiana Believes
Face-to-Face Meetings
Hands on training for online systems including LEAPweb, LEAPdata, EOC, and the data
certification system available for new DTC's and accountability contacts will be available on
the following dates:
• January 12 at 9:00 a.m. in Ruston, LA
• January 15 at 9:00 a.m. in Alexandria, LA
• January 16 at 9:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. in Harvey, LA
Registration is available in Coursewhere. Topics will include test history searches, merge
capabilities, EOC administration, and data certification.
January Face-to-Face Meetings for all District Test Coordinators will be occurring regionally
as noted below:
• January 22 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in Baton Rouge, LA
• January 23 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in Natchitoches, LA
• January 26 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in New Orleans, LA
Registration is available in Coursewhere. Topics will include test security and administration
for spring 2015 assessments.
• Assessment Monthly Checklist
• PARCC Updates
• ELDA and LAA 1
• Face-to-Face Meetings
• Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)
• Special Education Graduation Waivers
• Data Certification: Graduation Rate
• Legitimate Leaver Exit Code Review
• Accountability Resources
Louisiana Believes
Teacher-Student Data Link (TSDL)
TSDL Final Collection for 2014-15 SY
• System will open January 12th, 2015 and close February 9th, 2015
• TSDL User Guide is available on the INSIGHT Coordinator Portal
• LDE has worked to improve TSDL system performance
Future Uses of TSDL Data
Data Collection Timeline
Spring 2015 End of Course Test Pre-gridding
January 2015
CVR Teacher Roster Verification
January 2015
For assistance contact Crystal.Wilkinson@la.gov
Louisiana Believes
• Assessment Monthly Checklist
• PARCC Updates
• ELDA and LAA 1
• Face-to-Face Meetings
• Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)
• Special Education Graduation Waivers
• Data Certification: Graduation Rate
• Legitimate Leaver Exit Code Review
• Accountability Resources
Louisiana Believes
Special Education Graduation Waivers
EOC, LAA2, or GEE 2014-2015 Graduation Waiver Application Timelines are indicated below.
Requested Periods
Submission Deadlines
Spring 2015
January 21, 2015
Summer 2015
June 3, 2015
The following can be found in the Assessment Library:
• Graduation Waiver Overview
• 2015 Appeal Waiver Request Form
• Graduation Waiver Assessment Comparison Chart (seen on the next slide)
Special Education Graduation Waivers
Passing Scores
End of Course
Graduation Exit
Assessment 2
(LAA 2)
Approaching Basic
Must pass at least one in each
• Algebra I or Geometry
• English II or English III
• Biology or US History
Must pass:
• Math
• English
• Either Science or Social Studies
Must pass:
• Algebra I or Geometry
• English II or English III
3rd component may be waived
Must pass:
• Math or ELA
3rd component may be waived
The Graduation Waiver Assessment Comparison Chart can be found in the Assessment Library.
• Assessment Monthly Checklist
• PARCC Updates
• ELDA and LAA 1
• Face-to-Face Meetings
• Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)
• Special Education Graduation Waivers
• Data Certification: Graduation Rate
• Legitimate Leaver Exit Code Review
• Accountability Resources
Louisiana Believes
Cohort Graduation Rate
Data Certification
The cohort graduation rate data certification provides the opportunity for LEAs to
verify data for graduation rate used in high school SPS.
The hands on trainings available for new coordinators and contacts in early January
will cover use of the online certification system.
A webinar training on using the data certification system will be available on January
14 at 1:00 pm. The webinar will include directions for utilizing the features of the
system in complete the certification process. To join the webinar click here.
The data certification system will be available from January 19th through January 30th.
• Assessment Monthly Checklist
• PARCC Updates
• ELDA and LAA 1
• Face-to-Face Meetings
• Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)
• Special Education Graduation Waivers
• Data Certification: Graduation Rate
• Legitimate Leaver Exit Code Review
• Accountability Resources
Louisiana Believes
Legitimate Leaver Exit Code Review
Exit Code Reviews
Because legitimate leaver exit codes remove a student from the graduation cohort
calculation, the LDE reviews these exit codes and required documentation. Doing these
reviews helps ensure districts are maintaining the required documentation for when
students exit and that the graduation rate, across the state, is accurate.
Last Year
Last year, for the 2012-13 graduation cohort, the LDE reviewed a random sample of
legitimate leaver exit codes (10, 14, and 16), the first such review since 2008. In total, over
400 records were reviewed for these three legitimate leaver exit codes.
In cases where proper documentation was not maintained, as determined by the review,
such students were included as non-graduates in the 2012-13 cohort graduation rate.
Legitimate Leaver Exit Code Review
2013-14 Graduation Cohort Exit Code Reviews
For the 2013-14 graduation cohort, a random sample of all LEAs application of legitimate
leaver exit codes will be reviewed, as part of data certification.
Districts, in January, will receive a list of students who were randomly sampled for this
review. Documentation for these students will be submitted as part of data certification for
these students.
Next Steps
Districts should ensure that all required documentation is in place for all students with not
only legitimate leaver exit codes, but all other exit codes.
Legitimate Leaver Exit Codes:
Required Documentation
Specific documentation is required for students to be considered legitimate leavers (as
outlined in Bulletin 111, Section 611) .
Exit Code Documentation
Exit Code Description
Required Documentation
Death (of student) or permanent
Obituary, death certificate, or similar form.
Out-of-state: request for records from the
receiving school.
Out-of-country: request for records or a
Transfer out-of-state/country
statement signed by the parent. If the student
is in a foreign exchange program,
documentation proving the student was a
foreign exchange student.
Transfer to Private School (not
including scholarship students) Request for records from the receiving school.
Transfer to Home Study
An LDE approval letter.
• Assessment Monthly Checklist
• PARCC Updates
• ELDA and LAA 1
• Face-to-Face Meetings
• Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)
• Special Education Graduation Waivers
• Data Certification: Graduation Rate
• Legitimate Leaver Exit Code Review
• Accountability Resources
Louisiana Believes
2014-15 Accountability Resources
Now available in the Accountability Library are 2014-15 accountability resources for
district and school leaders to use in understanding and sharing information related to
accountability. Districts should ensure leaders are aware of and are using these tools.
The newly available resources include:
• 2014-15 Accountability Overview
• K-8 Progress Points Fact Sheet
• Jump Start Fact Sheet
In January, districts can also expect the following resources:
Value-added Model Fact Sheet
Next Steps
Key Dates
Window for school test coordinators to confirm orders of ACT and WorkKeys (PBT) test
materials online
Jan 6-13
Completion of Teacher/Student Data Link (TSDL)
Jan 12-Feb 9
Hands-on assessment and accountability systems trainings for new DTCs and
accountability contacts
Jan 14-18
Utilize new forms in SER to apply new LAA 1 criteria to IEPs prior to LAA 1 assessment
Jan 16-Feb 1
Cohort graduation rate review and data certification
Jan 19-Jan 30
STS submissions include diploma pathways. Designation of “career diploma” is
necessary for state funding of WorkKeys assessment for juniors
Jan 19-Feb 9
Special education graduation waiver deadline
Jan 21
Face-to-face meetings for district test coordinators and accountability contacts
Jan 21-29
NAEP testing window
Jan 26-Mar 6
Deadline to order additional materials for LAA 1 and ELDA
Jan 27
test administration Q&A session
For more information, contact assessment@la.gov. Next call: February 3, 2015
Jan 29
Louisiana Believes