Higgs Physics at the Tevatron Aidan Robson University of Glasgow Warwick, 9 December 2010 Motivation Standard Model Basis and indirect searches Higgs searches: Low mass / high mass channels Tevatron Combination Limit-setting Analysis techniques Analysis stability Improving sensitivity Outlook and LHC Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 2 QED ψ: electron field A: photon field Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 3 Electroweak (B and W mix to give physical W±,Z,photon fields) Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 4 Electroweak (B and W mix to give physical W±,Z,photon fields) Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 5 Electroweak Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 6 WW scattering W+ W+ Z/g W– W– W+ H W+ W+ W+ W+ W– W– W– W+ required to cancel highenergy behaviour Z/g W– W+ W+ H W– W– W– Higgs Physics at the Tevatron W– 7 p g H p g Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 8 Tevatron h = 0.6 h = 1.0 h = 2.0 muon chambers D0 CDF pre-radiator 2 shower max hadronic cal had cal EM cal solenoid 1 0 tracker 0 silicon 1 h=1 E M cal 2 had cal h=2 h=3 3 m Fibre tracker to |h|<1.8 Calorimeter to |h|<4 Muon system to |h|<2 Drift chamber to |h|<1 Further tracking from Si Calorimeter to |h|<3 Muon system to |h|<1.5 Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 9 Susy Higgs dibosons top quark W/Z Dms=17.77 ± 0.10 ± 0.07 bottom quark Jets Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 10 mW UK! mW: CDF: mW = 80413 ± 48 MeV/c2 D0: mW = 80402 ± 43 MeV/c2 Tev: mW = 80420 ± 31 MeV/c2 (includes Run 1) LEP: mW = 80376 ± 33 MeV/c2 Heading to CDF 25MeV/c2 measurement CDF DmZ (stat) published (200/pb) 43 MeV expected (2.3/fb) 13 MeV Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 11 mt xobs: px py pz px py pz lep1 Matrix element-based top mass measurement Lepton+jets with 4.8fb-1 NN for background discrimination Likelihood fit over variables sensitive to top mass Simultaneous constraint of jet energy scale using W in lepton+jets More precise than CDF 2009! Expect 1GeV precision achievable Higgs Physics at the Tevatron E x , Ey etc. jet1 (true values y) ET model lepton energy resn mt =172.8 ± 1.3total GeV (0.7stat 0.6JES 0.8sys) 12 Indirect constraints e+ e– Z Z H mH>114GeV b b mH<154GeV estimated final precision Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 13 Single top d u l l W W b t g W Single top observed 2009. b b b t n W d s-channel b t-channel cross section [pb] t-channel n u s-channel cross sectionHiggs [pb]Physics at the Tevatron 14 Dibosons W/Z q W/Z/g q’ W/Z/g events Wg Zg WW tt WZ t ZZ g Z h3, ZZg g non-SM Z SM photon ET (GeV) g Z H→ WW Higgs Physics non-SM at the Tevatron |h3| < 0.037, |h4| < 0.0017 @95%CL (L=1.2TeV) h3, Zgg 15 Dibosons q W q UK! Z W q’ Z/g q’ Z ZZ seen in 4 lepton at 5.7σ All now observed! Wg Zg WW tt WZ t ZZ σ(pp → WZ) = (4.1 ± 0.7) pb Higgs Physics at the Tevatron H→ WW σ(pp → ZZ ) = (1.7 +1.2-0.7 (stat) ± 0.2 (syst)) pb 16 SM Higgs searches t,b g Br H g q W/Z fb W/Z ggH s/ H q’ qqWH q qqqqH qqZH q’ mH/GeV Higgs Physics at the Tevatron W/Z W/Z H 17 ZH → nnbb UK! n q cut at 0.6 removes 95% of the QCD background, 65% of the non-QCD background, and keeps 70% of signal Z q’ Z H n b b most difficult final state among most sensitive channels Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 18 ZH → nnbb UK! EWK and jets control regions Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 19 Limit setting Higgs signal x 10 H1=SM+Higgs (of mass mH) H0=SM only X X = some observable Construct test statistic Q = P(data|H1)/P(data|H0) –2lnQ = c2(data|H1) – c2(data|H0) , marginalized over nuisance params except s H 0 Find 95th percentile of resulting s H distribution – this is 95% CL upper limit. Repeat for pseudoexperiments drawn from expected distributions to build up expected outcomes Median of expected outcomes is “expected limit” 95% rescale 1 2 sH (pb) 0 2 sH/sSM Median = expected limit Expected outcomes When computed with collider data this is the “observed limit” 95% PDF signal separation Background events background suppression 95% CL Limit/SM Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 20 Limit setting (2) mH=160 95% CL Limit / SM median Repeat for different values of mH build up exclusion plot Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 1s 2s illustrative mH / GeV 21 What have we found? 95% CL Limit / SM Deficit Excess illustrative expected limit observed limit mH / GeV Higgs Physics at the Tevatron illustrative expected limit observed limit mH / GeV 22 ZH → nnbb Exp 4.6xSM Obs 3.7xSM UK! Observe VZ with Z→bb? PRL 104 071801 (2010) Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 23 WH → l nbb Key issue: estimating W+bb background Shape from MC with normalization from data control regions Matrix element analysis q W q’ W H l n b b Results at mH = 115GeV: 95%CL Limits/SM Higgs Exp. Obs. Events Limit Limit 19.7 3.5 3.6 World’s most sensitive low-mass Higgs search Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 24 ZH → ll bb q Z q’ Z H l l b b Results at mH = 115GeV: 95%CL Limits/SM Higgs Physics at the Tevatron Higgs Exp. Obs. Events Limit Limit 3 5.48 5.99 25 H → tt lepton opposite hadronic tau charge (1&3prong) 2 jets tlepthad: Br 45% 3 ANN: sig vs: Ztt, tt, QCD combined for fit 0 100 MT(lep,ET) / GeV/c2 Alpgen Z+jets Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 26 H → gg g W W H g W Results at mH = 115GeV: 95%CL Limits/SM Exp. Obs. Limit Limit 20.8 24.6 Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 27/54 WHlnbb(NN) ZHllbb(NN) METbb(NN) WH(l)nbb: ZHnnbb WHlnbb(ME) Tag Lepton Jet Tag Leptons Tag SecStx+SecVtx Tight 2 SecStx+SecVtx High S/B SecVtx+JP Tight 2 SecVtx+JP High S/B Tag SecVtx+JP SecVtx+Nntagger Tight 2 SecVtx Single High S/B SecStx+SecVtx SecVtx Single SecVtx Single Tight 2 SecStx+SecVtx Low S/B SecStx+SecVtx IsoTrk 2 SecVtx+JP Low S/B SecVtx+JP IsoTrk 2 SecVtx Single Low S/B SecVtx+Nntagger IsoTrk 2 SecVtx Single IsoTrk 2 SecStx+SecVtx Forward 2 LooseSecVtx+JP Forward 2 SecVtx+Nntagger Forward 2 SecVtx Single Forward 3 SecStx+SecVtx Tight 3 LooseSecVtx+JP Tight 3 SecVtx Single Tight 3 SecStx+SecVtx Extend- 3 LooseSecVtx+JP Extend- 3 SecVtx Single Extend- 3 SecStx+SecVtx SecVtx+JP SecVtx Single SecStx+SecVtx SecVtx+JP SecVtx Single Many contributions W/ZHjjbb(NN) Tag SecStx+SecVtx Htt Hgg Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 28 Low mass Higgs searches Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 29 Low mass Higgs searches Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 30 H→WW l g W t,b H g variables describing event topology kinematics of two leptons DY 102 e DY 102 ETHiggs Physics at the Tevatron W n l n Wj Wg tt WZ ZZ DY WW HWWx10 Data ee ET 31 H→WW 4.8fb–1 0 jet WW 4.8fb–1 S:13 4.8fb–1 UK! 1 jet >1 jet S:8 Hx10 S:6 tt Jet multiplicity: different background contributions Higgs Physics at the Tevatron Wj Wg tt WZ ZZ DY WW HWWx10 Data 32 No channel too small! q W+ W+ UK! S:1.0 (1A+1B) S:2.2 q’ l+ n H W+ W– same-sign dilepton trilepton S:0.5 ZH Higgs Physics at the NNTevatron Output l+ n l– q’ n q trilepton S:0.7 WH NN Output 33 Stability Assessing NN stability rogue variables – had checked data-simulation agreement in as many regions as possible Drell Yan-rich WW-rich Met – applicability? Met successful training training epoch Higgs Physics at the Tevatron unsuccessful training training estimator convergence training estimator control regions… training epoch 34 Complementarity exploit different sensitivities of matrix element / neural net – ME is leading order - remove variables that use jet information from neural net for comparison verify matrix element method: cycle signal Redefine discriminant for WW hypothesis: R’ = PWW PWW + SkbiPbi i Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 35 H→WW D0: Expect 35 Signal Events CDF: Expect 32 Signal Events Bkg uncertainty does not wash out signal Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 36 High mass Higgs combination UK! PRL 104 061804 (2010) PRL 104 061803 (2010) Winter SM Higgs excluded: Exp 0.87xSM Obs 0.93xSM Higgs061802 Physics at(2010) the PRL 104 Tevatron 163<mH<166 GeV 37 New CDF HWW UK! Wj Wg tt WZ ZZ DY WW HWWx10 Data 4.8→5.9 fb-1: 11% better from statistics Optimized e- selection Added Trileptons, Low Mll , VH, VBF for 0 Jet Added t modes All together: 17% better! Results at mH = 165GeV: 95%CL Limits/SM Exp events Exp. Obs. Publication 32 1.20 1.29 New 1.00 1.08 Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 39 38 Individual combinations Higgs Physics at the Tevatron UK! 39 ICHEP Tevatron combination UK! SM Higgs excluded: 158<mH<175 GeV Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 40 Tevatron projection Integrated luminosity (pb–1) End : Sep 2011? On tape: ~ 8 fb-1 per experiment Results shown today : 3-6 fb-1 2002 Higgs Physics at the Tevatron yesterday 41 Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 42 146-183 136-190 Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 43 LHC projections Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 44 Low mass projections equivalent luminosity gain charm discrimination 30% improved b-tagging 20% improved dijet mass resolution 15% extra final states 5–10% improved lepton id 5–10% total : 1.4x in the limit (~ 2x in effective luminosity) Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 45 Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 46 mH (GeV) Implications Altarelli PLB 337 141 mt=174 GeV log(Λ/GeV) Planck scale 1019 GeV Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 47 4th generation g g t,X H Low-mass scenario: masses close to experimental limits ml4=100GeV mn4=80GeV mu4=256GeV md4=128GeV Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 48 Cross section x Br 95%CL (pb) MSSM H→tt UK! tan Key issue: understanding t ID efficiency Large calibration samples: W for ID optimization Z for efficiency confirmation Benchmark scenario No Evidence for SUSY Higgs tt sensitive at high tan in future will include bbtt, bbbb UK! Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 49 Ones to watch? s b jets.Br is factor 2 too large Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 50 Outlook ♦ Strong physics programs with UK people at the centre. ♦ Many of the primary Tevatron goals have been achieved – and now we are focused on Higgs physics ♦ Themes: complex analyses, eg taus; combinations ♦ Higgs within reach! – remarkable times. Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 51 Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 52 Low mass projections equivalent luminosity gain charm discrimination 30% improved b-tagging 20% improved dijet mass resolution 15% extra final states 5–10% improved lepton id 5–10% Probability of 3s evidence Probability of 95% CL Exclusion total : 1.4x in the limit (~ 2x in effective luminosity) Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 53 And so many other results: ♦ SUSY limits ♦ limits on new heavy bosons ♦ observations of new baryons ♦ new jet measurements ♦ measurements of as ♦ diffraction … Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 54 GW change to mW UK! mW: CDF: mW = 80413 ± 48 MeV/c2 D0: mW = 80402 ± 43 MeV/c2 Tev: mW = 80420 ± 31 MeV/c2 (includes Run 1) LEP: mW = 80376 ± 33 MeV/c2 Heading to CDF 25MeV/c2 measurement Tev error improves from 62 to 49 MeV Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 55 HWW Isolation mll > 16 Dilepton sample composition l+ W+ H0 90% W– q’ q q W+ W– q’ H0 n W+ W– B Z and top suppression l– n Z Z tt WW H tt WW H signal separation l+ n l– n 10% WW H WW H ee, e, ; ET Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 56/54 PDFs p g H p g spp→H = sgg→H fg/p(x1,Q=MH) fg/p(x2,Q=MH) + … Tevatron y= 2 0 2 LHC Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 57 Low mass Higgs searches Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 58 Matrix element method Use LO matrix element (MCFM) to compute event probability xobs: LO |M|2 : px px py py lep1 pz pz Ex , E y lep2 (with true values y) HWWlnln WWlnln ZZllnn W+partonln+jet Wgln+g parton lepton fake rate g conversion rate ET model lepton energy resn Compute likelihood ratio discriminator R= Ps Ps + SkbiPbi kb is relative fraction of expected background contrib. Ps computed for each mH i Fit templates (separately for high S/B and low S/B dilepton types) Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 59/54 Neural network method Various versions. Current: Apply preselection (eg ET to remove Drell-Yan) Train on {all backgrounds / WW} against Higgs mH=110,120…160…200 { possibly separate ee,e, } score var1 ET SET mll Elep1 Elep2 ETsig ETjet1 DRleptons Dleptons D ET lep or jet ETjet2 Njets Most recent CDF “combined ME/NN” analysis also uses ME LRs as NN input variables NN var2 var n x10 0 1 Background Higgs Pass signal/all backgrounds through net Form templates Data HWW WW DY Wg WZ ZZ tt fakes NN 0 1 Pass templates and data to fitter Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 60/54 b-tagging Secondary vertex-finding algorithm Attempt to fit tracks to decay vertex Jet probability Compares track impact parameters to measured resolution functions Neural network filters ntracks in secondary vertex pT fraction carried by those tracks goodness of vertex fit vertex mass transverse decay length & significance … Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 61/54 Integrated luminosity (fb–1) Tevatron projection End : Sep 2011? On tape: ~ 6 fb-1 per experiment Results shown today : 3-5 fb-1 Higgs Physics at the Tevatron 62