

Particles, Colliders, and the Higgs


Tim Wiser

Splash P2506

3 Nov 2012


• Standard Model of Particle Physics

– Particles, interactions, and the Higgs field

• Drawing Feynman diagrams

– These simple pictures are actually calculational tools for physicists!

• Particle colliders

– How they tell us what stuff is made of

• What’s left?

– Incompleteness of the Standard Model

• Q&A

What is matter made of?

• Atoms (~100 elements)

• Protons (p), neutrons (n), and electrons (e-)

• p, n made of quarks (up & down type)

• All the matter around us is made of u, d, e-

• But there’s more!

• 6 quarks and 6 leptons, plus antiparticles

What holds it together?

• Four fundamental forces:

– Gravity

– Electromagnetism

– Strong force

– Weak force

• Gravity is by far the weakest, and it’s different than all of the others. So we will ignore it today!

Forces in Particle Physics

• In the Standard Model, all forces work the same way: by exchanging particles.

– E&M: photon

– Strong force: gluon

– Weak force: W, Z bosons

• Two electrons can “toss” a photon back and forth between them, and repel each other as a result.

e-/e- repulsion

What about attractive forces…?

• You might think that exchanging particles can only result in repulsive forces.

• But the exchanged particles are not “real”…

• Virtual particles can move left but carry rightward momentum!

• Kind of like throwing a boomerang…

Feynman Diagrams

• There are three rules in particle physics:

– Conserve energy

– Conserve momentum

– Conserve charges (electric, and more…)

• As long as those rules are satisfied, everything that is allowed WILL happen with some probability!

• Feynman diagrams automatically obey the 3 rd rule.

“Calculating” the diagram tells us the probability.

• There are usually lots of diagrams for the same process, so we will need to add them all together.

QED (Quantum Electrodynamics)

• QED is the simplest part of the Standard

Model. There is only one possible Feynman vertex:

Electron Scattering

• Let’s say we want to see how two electrons

“scatter” off of each other. We need to draw all Feynman diagrams with two electrons in and two electrons out.

• We already saw one:

How can we possibly deal with an infinite number of

Feynman diagrams??

Order of importance

• Fortunately for us, the more complicated the diagram, the smaller its value!

• Each vertex multiplies the probability by a small number (in QED, 1/137)

• Every loop divides the probability by about


• So, we only need to think about the simplest possible diagrams.

“Bending” diagrams

• It’s not against the rules to have electron lines go “backwards in time”

• Such electrons would act exactly like oppositely-charged particles moving forward in time—antimatter!

• (This doesn’t make time travel possible.


Pair production

• If a photon has enough energy (rule #1!) it can produce an electron and its antiparticle, the positron.

• (It turns out that this can only happen if the photon hits something first, due to rule #2.)


• If we read the diagram the other way, we see that an electron and positron can “annihilate” and produce a photon.

• (Well, actually two photons—we need to conserve momentum!)

Evidence for QED

• Besides the fact that we have detected electrons, positrons, and photons and they work just like QED says…

• QED predicts the “g-factor” of an electron to be almost, but not quite, 2.

– Prediction: 2.0023228 (1 loop)

– Measured: 2.0023193

• If you add in the 2-loop correction, they agree to 10 decimal places!

Protons & Neutrons

• For a while, scientists thought that these were elementary particles like the electron and photon.

• If that were true, g p

=2 and g n


• But…

• Experimentally, g p

=5.6 and g n


• This can only happen if the proton and neutron are made of smaller particles!

So, what’s inside?

• We only have one good way of finding out what’s inside of particles…

• Smash them together!

A plenitude of particles

• When we started smashing protons and neutrons together, we started discovering all sorts of new particles:

– 8 mesons: 3 pions, 4 kaons, and the eta

– 8 baryons: p, n, 3 sigmas, 2 xis, and the lambda

• But as we built bigger, better colliders we found even more: there are now hundreds of mesons and baryons known.


• We wanted to find what protons and neutrons were made of…

• But we found a bunch of composite particles like them instead!

• We can explain the structure of hadrons (mesons and baryons) if we guess that there are three

“quarks”—up, down, and strange.

• But we’ve never seen quarks by themselves, so the force that holds them together must be really strong!

• Mesons:

Hadron Structure

• Baryons:

Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)

• In fact, there is a way for this all to work…

• Three quarks: up, down, and strange

• In addition to electric charge, “color charge”

– Call them red, green, and blue

• Force carrier particle: gluon

QCD Feynman Diagrams


• Because gluons themselves have color charge, the force between two quarks doesn’t get weaker as they get further apart!

• If you pull hard enough, you will just create new particles until everything is color neutral.

• This explains why we see mesons (quarkantiquark pairs) and baryons (three quarks or three antiquarks) but never quarks or gluons by themselves.


• If we never see quarks or gluons in nature, why are they useful?

• It turns out that QCD gets weaker at high energies!

• So we can describe collider physics with quarks and gluons…

• which “hadronize” as they leave the collision point.

• The resulting bunches of hadrons are called jets.

Weak Interactions

• In nature, we observe “flavor-changing” interactions

• Nuclear beta decay (n->p+e+?)

– d quark -> u quark

• How can we explain this? QED and QCD are



• It looks like beta decay doesn’t conserve momentum!

• That’s ridiculous, there must just be an invisible particle as well.

• Call it a “neutrino” (quasi-Italian for little

neutral particle)

Changing Flavors

• To change from a d quark to a u quark, we must emit a charge -1 particle

• That particle must then emit an electron and an anti-neutrino.

• W boson (there is also a W + boson, of course.)

• To explain the “weakness” of the weak force, the W bosons must be heavy. (This will be important later!)

Constructing the Standard Model

• A series of surprises, predictions, and experiments.

• Prediction: pion as nuclear force mediator

• Surprise: muon (a heavier electron!)

• Experiment: quarks are real

• Prediction: charm quark (confirmed!)

• Prediction: W and Z bosons (confirmed!)

• Surprise: 3 rd generation of matter

Practice with Feynman Diagrams

• Beta decay

• e + e -> μ + μ -

• π + -> μ + ν


• K


-> K

0 bar

Testing the Standard Model

• High-energy tests

– Particle colliders

– Cosmic rays

• Precision tests

– g-2 experiments

– Rare particle decays


• 2 things come in, n things go out

• Higher energy means we can make heavier particles in the collision

• Two main types: linear (like SLC) and circular

(like LHC)

Electron Colliders

• The easiest particles to accelerate

• Since they’re elementary particles, easy to calculate and to measure the results

• Hard to make circular colliders (LEP was one)

• Lots of linear colliders, including one at SLAC!

• Link

A few discoveries made by e+ecolliders

• Countless hadrons

• Charm quark (in the form of the J/ψ meson)

• Tau lepton

• Precision measurements of W and Z bosons

Hadron Colliders

• Protons and/or antiprotons

• Tevatron (p-pbar) and LHC (p-p) are the major


• Pros: high energy, can be circular (cheaper), strong interactions

• Cons: hadrons are composite, strong interactions

Discoveries at Hadron Colliders

• Bottom and top quarks (Tevatron)

• W and Z bosons (SPS)

• Countless MORE hadrons

Collider Physics I: Acceleration

• Powerful electric fields speed up charged particles

• In practice, “RF cavities” are used

– Kind of like a tuned microwave oven…

• In a linear collider, we get one shot to accelerate

• In a circular collider, we can accelerate it over and over again

Collider Physics II: Bending and


• Electric fields speed up the particles, but we use magnetic fields to focus and aim the beam

• Magnets have to be kept very cold so that the wires superconduct and produce very strong magnetic fields

Collider Physics III: Collision

• Finally, two beams of particles will collide with each other

• How do we see what is produced?

• Massive detectors around the collision point can track the paths of particles and measure their energies


• Large Hadron Collider

• At CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland

• 17 mile circumference, >150 ft underground

– Passes under both Switzerland and France

• 2 primary detectors, ATLAS and CMS

• 2 special-purpose detectors, LHCb and ALICE

• Several minor detectors



The Higgs Boson

• The Standard Model as we have talked about so far makes a prediction:

• All elementary particles are massless!

– (Composite particles like hadrons can still have mass, though.)

• This is obviously not true…but the Standard

Model works so well, we have to try and save it.


• The SM has a property called “gauge symmetry” which describes the properties of the three forces

• Mass is incompatible with gauge symmetry!

• But removing gauge symmetry gets rid of all of the predictive power.

Broken Symmetry

• In quantum field theory, particles are actually ripples of fields

• Most fields have the value of 0 in the lowestenergy state.

• If a field’s lowest energy state is not zero, then it is said to “break” a symmetry.

– The symmetry still exists, but it is ‘hidden’ at low energies.

Higgs Field

• Peter Higgs* discovered the Higgs mechanism, where a field breaks a gauge symmetry. Then, the gauge boson (force-carrying particle) will become massive.

• This could be how the W and Z bosons get mass!

• *(It should really be called the Anderson-Higgs-Brout-Englert-Guralnik-

Hagen-Kibble mechanism.)


• Higgs realized that the presence of this field meant there would be a new boson that interacts with all massive particles.

• If we find the Higgs boson, we will finally complete the

Standard Model!

• But it won’t be easy: the Higgs interacts proportionally with mass of particles, so electrons, ups, and downs barely interact with it at all.

• Then, the Higgs will decay long before it reaches one of our detectors. We will only be able to see it indirectly.

Higgs at the LHC

• Production

– Gluon fusion

– Vector boson fusion

• Decay

– WW, ZZ

– bb

– 2 photons?


Announced July 4, 2012

What’s Next?

• There are a few ways the SM is incomplete:

– Gravity

– Dark Matter & Dark Energy

– Lots of free parameters (unsatisfying)

– Fine-tuned (maybe not a problem?)

• So, we keep looking for new physics:

– Supersymmetry

– Extra dimensions

– Or something unexpected…


Learn More

• The Particle Adventure


• Popular Science Books:

– Brian Greene (quantum physics, string theory)

– Lisa Randall (beyond SM physics)

– Sean Carroll (search for the Higgs, coming out soon)

• Take a physics class!

• Particle physics blogs

– Partial list at

More questions?

• Contact me:

