3. Motion Study & Work Design

3. Motion Study & Work
TI 2111 Work System Design and Ergonomics
Operation Analysis Approach-1
Method analysis
Design analysis
Eliminate, simplify, or combine operations
Reduce the number of parts
Design for manufacturability and assembly
Manufacture sequence
Rearranging operations
Mechanizing manual operation
TI 2111 Work System Design and Ergonomics
Operation Analysis Approach-2
Set-up and Tools
Material Handling
Reduce set-up time: SMED
Handling equipment
Ergonomic principles
TI 2111 Work System Design and Ergonomics
TI 2111 Work System Design and Ergonomics
The Four Principles of Motion
1. Reduce the Number of Motions
Eliminate or reduce the number of motions
2. Perform Motions Simultaneously
Design improvements in the methods and tools
which allow both hands to be used at the same
TI 2111 Work System Design and Ergonomics
The Four Principles (cont’d)
3. Shorten Motion Distances
Reduce - walking, reaching, stretching, squatting
and turning, etc.
4. Make Motion Easier
Work should be smooth and rhythmical, reduce
fatigue and promote safety
TI 2111 Work System Design and Ergonomics
Use of the Human Body
Both hands should start and finish the
operation at the same time.
Reduce idle time for either or both hands
Arm motions should be symmetrical
Employ curved movements during the
Employ rhythmical standard operation
Ensure a similar focal point for tools,
materials, etc.
TI 2111 Work System Design and Ergonomics
Arrangement of the Work Place
Use fixed positions for tooling and parts to allow habits
to form easily
Use gravity feeding to ensure a common pickup point
Position parts, materials and tools to enable sequential
Use ejector systems or drop deliveries, so the operator
has minimal effort to pass on parts to the next
Benches and chairs should be at the correct working
height to avoid interrupted motions
All equipment should be within the maximum work
TI 2111 Work System Design and Ergonomics
Design of Tools and Equipment
Eliminate the need to use one hand purely to hold a
Use combination tools
Use counterbalances on heavy tooling
Ensure handles on tools are designed to use
maximum hand contact
Place tooling in the most convenient positions
Separate part supplies should be used for two
Tools should be placed to enable immediate use
Provide chutes for access of parts, and components
in/out of the workplace
TI 2111 Work System Design and Ergonomics
Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke
Sort, Clean, Set in order, Standardize,
5R : Ringkas, Rapih, Resik, Rawat, Rajin
TI 2111 Work System Design and Ergonomics
Poka Yoke
“Mistake proofing”
A manufacturing technique of preventing
errors by designing the manufacturing
process, equipment, and tools so that an
operation literally cannot performed
TI 2111 Work System Design and Ergonomics
I like the way I am doing it now.
It's too radical a change.
I tried it once and didn't like it.
It sounds like a production line.
It won't work in our office.
I think we should look into it further before we
It won't pay for itself.
I know a fellow who tried it.
We've always done it this way.
TI 2111 Work System Design and Ergonomics