Cover work for Year 9 German LESSON 5

Cover work for Year 9 German LESSON 5 Wednesday
For Monday’s lesson I set the following work:
Using the Echo 3 textbooks (at the front of the room on the big desk) students should do the
following tasks:
Objective = Saying what is and isn't important to you
Page 60 - Ex 1 - Copy out the phrases a-h, and use p76 to write the English next to them
- Students should then write the phrases out again, in order of importance to them. Most
important at the top.
- Using the back of the text books or dictionaries, students should create 5 more sentences saying
what is important to them. (It doesn't have to be true!)
Page 60 - Ex 2 - Unjumble the words to make correct sentences
Page 61 - Ex 5 - Read and copy out the blue box
Page 61 - Ex 5 - read the yellow box and put the pictures a-e in the correct order, as they appear in
the text.
- Students should then use what they have learnt to write a similar paragraph. They can adapt the
structures in the yellow box.
Extra: To anyone who completes that, they can create a topic page in their exercise books. Using
pp76-77, fill a page with as many of the sentences as possible, in colour and in any direction, plus
For today’s lesson students should work their way through the list of tasks (including the “extra”),
and then work on the following tasks:
Students should divide a new page in their books into 6 equal boxes.
Label each of the 6 boxes with one of these headings:
1. Eskimo child
2. I’m a Celebrity contestant
3. 2nd World War soldier
4. President of America
5. Child living in poverty in India
6. An Oliver Twist orphan
Using dictionaries, find 5 things in German that are important to each person and put them
into 5 sentences. Example: Eskimo child – Warme Jacken sind mir wichtig (warm coats
are important to me). (5 sentences for each person). Use your imaginations, and avoid
repeating words
Draw a picture in each box afterwards to summarise what you have written. Stickmen and
the 5 items is fine!
EXTRA: To anyone that finishes all of this, they can create their own ‘person’ (similar to the
6 above) and do the same process.
Books in at the end please
Thanks for covering.