L5 - Settlement characteristics

Type of Settlement; Transport hub
Human requirements; Good infrastructure links
(communications and transport links), along major
transport routes (major roads, railways, airports, ports)
Physical requirements; Flat land, maybe close to
Typical resident; All ages, skilled and unskilled workers
Transport; bus links, train stations, seaport
Local jobs; low-mid paying jobs servicing transport and
providing provisions for travellers/workers
Accommodation; houses due to plenty of space
Amenities; food, drink, camping equipment
Lifestyle; outside, plenty of bars/restaurants to keep
people happy, few sports clubs and leisure centres, lots
of parks and outside entertainment.
Type of Settlement; Service
Human requirements: Lots of highly skilled workers, good
educational facilities (colleges and universities), alongside major
transport routes
Physical requirements; near to other towns/cities, flat land for
building, near to river and/or coast.
Typical resident; everyone from minimum wage earning to
Transport; all types
Local jobs; secondary (manufacturing and making products in
factories) and tertiary (providing services for people)
Accommodation; smaller houses and flats due to high price of land
Amenities; everything including 24 hour shops and multiple mall
shopping centres, plenty of sports clubs for each suburb.
Lifestyle; frantic and varied – lots of socialising after work and at
weekends in the town/city. During weekends people may travel to
countryside areas to relax away from the town/city (urban) area.
Type of Settlement; Resource collection
Human requirements; sparsely populated area, both skilled and
unskilled labour including a few specialist graduates. Good
transport links to export raw materials. Normally located away
from other centres of population.
Physical requirements; located near to raw materials (like coal,
iron ore, gold or oil)
Typical resident; People who are keen to work outside in harsh
environments (dry and dusty). People who do not many
amenities nearby, resilient.
Transport: Major roads, railways and seaports near by to export
Local jobs; mining and farming – willing to work outside mainly in
manual labour roles.
Accommodation; large houses with large gardens, mainly
bungalows as land is cheap.
Amenities; few and far between, general stores and small
supermarkets, petrol stations and a few rural pubs to provide
Lifestyle; relaxed and outdoorsy. The families in these
communities are very close as they know each other well.
Type of Settlement; Agriculture (farming)
Human requirements; near to major road or rail links.
Physical requirements; close to river to provide quality irrigation for
crops, lots of flat and fertile land with plenty of nutrients in the soil,
area with plenty of rain to irrigate crops and replenish rivers.
Typical resident; outdoorsy, keen to work outside and enjoy the
peacefulness of the role, well connected with nature.
Transport; close to roads and/or railway to export large quantities of
Local jobs; farming and providing farm supplies to the regions farms
Accommodation; large houses with gardens or attached to farms
Amenities; few and far between, there are not many shops in these
areas. Entertainment is provided by the local pubs, social clubs and
sports clubs.
Lifestyle; Based around the outdoor life, plenty of sports and
socialising in the social and/or sports clubs. Relaxed and quiet
evening, early mornings.