anatomy 8 (meninges) p830-847 [4-20

Chapter 8, pages 830-847
Meninges Learning Objectives
Where does the falx cerebri attach anteriorly?
 The falx cerebri attaches to the crista galli (of the ethmoid) and frontal crest (frontal bone)
What nerve innervates the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli?
 The opthalmic division of V1 goes to the tentoria and falces
What nerves go to the posterior fossa? Middle fossa?
C1, C2, [C3,] and X
Middle: meningeal branch of V2, recurrent branch of V3
What gives rise to the anterior meningeal artery? Where does the middle meningeal come
from? What arteries branch to form posterior meningeal arteries?
 The anterior meningeal artery is sourced from the ethmoidal artery
 The middle meningeal a. branches from the maxillary a. (foramen spinosum)
 The ascending pharyngeal a. (jugular foramen), occipital a. (jugular foramen), and vertebral a.
(magnum) branch to form posterior meningeal arteries
What are the regions of the brain, superior to inferior?
 Telencephalon
 Diencephalon (internal)
 Mesencephalon
 Metencephalon
 Myelencephalon
Today Dangerous Men Met My Spine
6. Refresher: Malfunction in which vessel causes subdural hemorrhage?
 Bridging veins
7. List the branches from the vertebral arteries as they ascend:
 Meningeal branch
 Spinal arteries
 [join with contralateral vertebral artery to form basilar a.]
[↑Maybe Some People Aren’t Stupid? ]
 [diverge]
 Posterior cerebral
 [join with carotid artery]
 Middle cerebral
 Anterior cerebral
8. List the successive steps of drainage from the great cerebral vein:
 Great cerebral vein => straight sinus => confluence of sinuses => transverse sinus => sigmoid
sinus => internal jugular vein
9. Where do opthalmic veins drain?
 Their blood heads on over to the cavernous sinus
10. List the successive steps of drainage from the intercavernous sinus:
 Intercavernous sinus => cavernous sinus => superior petrosal sinus => transverse sinus =>
sigmoid sinus => internal jugular vein
[alternative: inferior petrosal sinus => jugular]
11. Which structures pass through the cavernous sinus?
 The internal carotid artery and cranial nerve VI pass through each cavernous sinus
12. Which structures run through the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus?
 CNs: III, IV, V1, and V2
13. Refresher: what is most likely to cause subarachnoid hemorrhage?
 Ruptured aneurysms in the cerebrum are most likely to cause subarachnoid hemorrhage